Organizing Committee - Universidad Anáhuac Mayab

The Anahuac Mayab University and the Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
through the Organizing Committee, welcome you to Geosynthetics & Coasts
2015, the Third International Workshop on Geosynthetics and Modern Materials
in Coastal Protection and Related Applications, to be held in Mérida, Yucatán,
México. Supported by the International Association of Hydro-Environment
Engineering and Research (IAHR), this series of biennial meetings aims at
providing a platform for experts and other stakeholders to exchange cuttingedge knowledge on the use of geosynthetics and related materials to protect
shorelines, coastal infrastructure and natural systems, as well as to carry out
engineering projects in the challenging conditions posed by coastal environments.
Originally held in Chennai, India, in 2010 and 2013, this is the first time the
workshop is carried out in the Americas, specifically in Mérida, Yucatán, México.
Geosynthetics & Coasts
2015 will convene experts
from academic institutions,
government, industry,
professional associations and,
most importantly, students,
from Latin America, North
America, Asia and Europe. The
workshop will thus provide a
key venue to divulge and discuss
the leading trends in the fields
of coastal engineering and
protection as they relate to the
use of geosynthetics and similar
We look forward to welcoming
you to Mérida, Yucatán, México
in 2015.
Dr. Narciso Acuña González
Academic Vice-Chancellor
Anáhuac Mayab University
Organizing Institutions
Anáhuac Mayab University
Located in Mérida, the state capital of Yucatán, México, The Anáhuac Mayab University (AMU) is one of the
leading universities in the Mexican southeast since 1984. AMU offers 24 undergraduate programs, 17 Master’s
degrees, 4 PhD’s and a variety of training courses. The institution has more than 3,500 students in its modern
campus. The Anáhuac Mayab University maintains exchange programs with institutions in Canada, the United
States, Chile, Argentina, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Taiwan and
Korea among others.
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
The Indian Institute of Technology Madras is one among the foremost
institutes of national importance in higher technological education, basic
and applied research. IIT Madras is a residential institute with nearly
550 faculty, 8000 students and 1250 administrative & supporting staff
and is a self-contained campus located in a beautiful wooded land of
about 250 hectares. It has established itself as a premier centre for
teaching, research and industrial consultancy in the country. The campus
is located in the city of Chennai, previously known as Madras. Chennai is
the state capital of Tamil Nadu, a southern state in India.
International Association for Hydroenvironment Engineering and Research
IAHR, founded in 1935, is a worldwide independent
member-based organisation of engineers and water
specialists working in fields related to the hydroenvironmental sciences and their practical application.
Activities range from river and maritime hydraulics
to water resources development and eco-hydraulics,
through to ice engineering, hydroinformatics, and
hydraulic machinery
Supporting Organizations
Ingeniería en estabilización de Suelos
Workshop Themes
• Case studies for coastal protection and other nearshore structure applications
• Geosynthetics for sustainable coastal infrastructure
• Geosynthetic applications for multi-functional artificial structures and beach restoration
• Role of geosynthetics in engineering measures for natural disasters
• Fundamental principles, properties of geosynthetics and international testing standards
• Durability, with particular reference to UV resistance and performance
• Filtration, drainage and erosion control and design approaches
• Bio-shields: vegetation for stability and green fencing
• Construction techniques
• Environmental impact assessment of geosynthetics based structures for coastal protection
Who should attend?
The Third Geosynthetic & Coasts 2015 will be of interest to any person with a professional link to the
field of geosynthetics materials and their use in coastal environments.
We are expecting 200 delegates from Latin America, North America, Asia and Europe to attend the
workshop and engage, discuss and debate the latest developments and trends in this important area.
Main Conference Room, Anáhuac Mayab University
Km 15.5 Carr. Mérida - Progreso , Cordemex, C.P. 97310
Telephone +52 999 942 48 00
Mérida, Yucatán, México
Host City
Merida is the capital and largest city in the State of Yucatan and the cultural and financial capital of the region. It
is a modern cosmopolitan city, with museums, art galleries, restaurants, shops and boutiques. A major center of
commerce, Merida Yucatan is considered the crossroads of the region and one of the most important places to
experience the Mayan heritage.
Mérida was founded in 1542 by the Spanish conquistador Francisco de Montejo The Young, and built
on the remains of the ancient Maya city of T’ho, which was once a major center of Mayan culture and
activity in the Northwest Yucatan region. Mérida was built as a walled city and several of the old
Spanish city gates remain. The city boasts the second-largest historic center in Mexico; only Mexico
City’s historic center is larger.
As a result of its unique geographic location, strong Spanish influence and isolation from
other parts of Mexico, Mérida (and the Yucatan Peninsula as a whole) developed a distinct
cultural and political identity. The unique culture and traditions in the region are evident in
the local dress, language, cuisine and the observance of holidays and celebrations. Not only
is Spanish spoken with a distinct accent in Yucatán, but Yucatec Maya is spoken by one
third of the population of the State of Yucatán. Yucatecan cuisine differs from traditional
Mexican cuisine, and derived from the local indigenous culture and the Caribbean, Mexican,
European and Middle Eastern influences in the region.
Yucatán is home to some of the most important archaeological sites in Mexico.
It is a great center of activities and is very well connected by road and air to many
destinations in the region and the country. Mérida is the natural starting point to visit
the World-renowned archaeological sites of Chichén Itzá (a UNESCO World Heritage
Site, also regarded as one of the “New Seven Wonders of the World”) and Uxmal,
among many other less known but equally important sites.
Key Dates
Abstract submission opensApril 15th
First review notification for full paper
Abstract submission deadline
Early registrationuntil july 31st
June 15th
Authors notified of submission outcome June 30th
August 25th
Deadline for revised full papers
and full paper submissionSeptember 30th
Registration opensApril 25th
Late registrationuntil November 15th
Program at a Glance
Technical Tours
Progreso Port and
Yucatán State Beach
Recovery Master Plan
(Secretariat for Urban Development
and Environment -SEDUMA)
SEDUMA is the state authority dealing with urban and
environmental issues in the Yucatán coastal zone. In response
to over 10 years of chronic beach erosion induced by manmade coastal structures, the Secretariat began work for beach
recovery at 4 different locations on the Yucatán coast (Chelem,
Progreso, Chicxulub and Uaymitun). With and investment
of 50 million pesos, the initial phase of the project involves
4 key coastal protection measures: removal and replacing of
structures built by property owners, coastal dune reforestation,
redesign and adaptation of groins and geotextile-based
submerged breakwaters.
SEDUMA officials will lead this technical tour to some of the
intervention sites.
Foto: Revista Constructiva CMIC Año 23, No. 249. CMIC
Located in the municipality of Progreso, the Port of Progreso
is considered a natural gateway connecting the Yucatán
Peninsula and the rest of the World by sea. The Port has a
total surface of 43,000 square meters divided among four
specialized terminals, hydrocarbons, bulk agricultural, tourism
and containers/refrigerated warehouse.
The Port was built in two phases starting in 1937 with the 1.8
km Viaduct and finished in 1989 with the construction of the
Remote Terminal (Cervera Island) that juts out 6.5 km (4.0 mi)
into the Gulf of México. The Viaduct of the Port of Progreso is a
great example of a concrete and stainless steel rebar structure
that has shown high performance against corrosion and
minimum maintenance since its construction.
Please visit
Organizing Committee
Technical Committee
Local Members
- Dr. Narciso Acuña González (Academic Vice-Rector)
- Eng. Antonio Anaya Sandoval (Director, Division of Engineering and Exact Sciences)
- Dr. Jaime Zalídìvar Rae (Research Coordinator)
- Ocean. Mariana González Leija, MSc. (Event Coordinator)
- Eng. Carlos Wabi Peniche (Director, Civil Engineering Program)
- Marisol Achach Solís, MBA (Coordinator of International Relations)
- Florángely Herrera Baas, MBA (Director of Institutional Communication)
- Mrs. Leonor Martínez (General Accounter)
- Eng. Julio A. Ontiveros (Coordinator of General Services)
- Dr. Narciso Acuña (AMU)
- Dr. Jaime Zaldìvar (AMU)
- Dr. Rodolfo Silva (UNAM)
- Dr. Ismael Mariño (CINVESTAV IPN)
- Dr. Rolando Ríos (CICY)
- Dr. Alec Torres (UNAM)
- Eng. Carlos Wabi Peniche (AMU)
- Eng. Antonio Anaya Sandoval (AMU)
International Members
- Dr. Vallam Sundar (IITM)
- Dr. Adam Bezuijen (Ghent University, DELTARES)
- Dr. Hitoshi Tanaka (Tohoku University, IAHR Asia Pacific)
- Dr. Gary Mocke (Hatch Ltd.)
- Dr. Zenón Medina Cetina (Texa A&M University)
- Dr. S.A. Sannasiraj (IITM)
- Dr. Christopher George (IAHR Executive Director)
- Dr. Rafael Murillo (IAHR LAD)
- Dr. Ioan Nistor (IAHR Coastal & Maritime Hydraulics Committee)
- Dr. Vallam Sundar (IITM)
- Dr. Adam Bezuijen (Ghent University/Deltares)
- Dr. Hitoshi Tanaka (Tohoku University)
- Dr. S.A. Sannasiraj (IITM)
- Dr. Juan Recio (AECOM Arab Emirates)
- Dr. Zenón Centina Medina (Texas A&M University)
- Dr. Gary Mocke (Hatch Ltd.)
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Dr. Vallam
Prof. Dr. Ir Adam
Dr. Rodolfo
Silva Casarín
Dept. of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Laboratory of Geothecnics
Ghent University, Deltares
Instituto de Ingeniería
Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México
Head of the Ocean Engineering
Department (IIT), Dr. Sundar
is an expert in wave-structure
interaction and coastal
protection. Dr. Sundar has
published over 100 papers in
International journals and has
about 300 papers in Conferences
and national journals. He served
as the Chairman of IAHRAPD from 2006 to 2010. His
field is coastal engineering,
harbor related problems and
tsunami mitigation measures
and has supervised 17 PhDs
As a specialist in physical
modelling in geotechnics,
tunnelling and geotextiles, Dr.
Adam Bezuijen has written and
edited 6 books and published
over 100 scientific publications
and many reports. He was
assigned to appealing research
projects in the Netherlands and
abroad (in the fields of coastal
engineering, dredging, physical
modelling and tunnelling).
Recently, Dr. Bezuijen is one
of the editors of the book
Geosystems. Design Rules and
Applications published on 2012.
Dr. Bezuijen is guest lecturer
at Delft University and Senior
lecturer and director of the
Laboratory of Geotechnics at
Ghent University.
Dr. Silva Casarín is professor at
the Hydraulic and Environmental
Department of the Instituto de
Ingeniería at the Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de
México. He is a specialist
in coastal protection and
maritime structures, coastal
morphodynamics, operational
oceanography, coastal zone
management and renewable
energy. Dr. Silva has published
more than 400 scientific
publications in national and
international journals and has
supervised more than 80 coastal
engineering MSc´s and PhD´s in
México, Netherlands and Spain.
Mr. Douglas A.
Gaffney, P.E.
Marine Regional Sales Manager
Tensar International
Mr. Doug Gaffney, P.E. is the
President of the Northeast
Chapter of the American
Shore and Beach Preservation
Association. He has over 30 years
experience in coastal engineering
having worked for the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, private
consulting and geosynthetic
manufacturing. Mr. Gaffney is
presently the Marine Regional
Sales Manager for Tensar's
Triton product line. Mr. Gaffney's
academic background from the
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
and University of Delaware has
been put to good use in designing
projects ranging from mangrove
restoration in South America
to major coastal protection
structures in the U.S. He is a
Diplomat of Coastal Engineering.
Workshop Fees
Your registration and payment is required to participate in Geosynthetics & Coasts 2015.
Type of participation
Early Late
(April 25th to July 31st, 2015)
(August 1st to November 15th, 2015)
(those attending the
Workshop, but not
presenting work)
(professionals attending
the workshop and
presenting work)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Acompayning personUS$150US$200
*IAHR members may be eligible for a $ 50 USD discount.
**Students must provide written proof of their status and affiliation to an educational program
The hosting institution cannot accept payment in US dollars or other foreign currency. Thus, international participants
must make a bank deposit or fund transfer of the equivalent in Mexican Pesos (MXN) of the stated fees in US dollars.
Due to changes in currency exchange rates, figures in Mexican pesos will be adjusted on a monthly basis. PLEASE VISIT
MAKE YOUR DEPOSIT OF TRANSFER FOR REGISTRATION (Website Geosynthetics&Coasts2015 <http://geosandcoasts.> )
Accommodation & Transportation
For reservations and special rates, please visit
Here, you will find details on Geosynthetics & Coasts 2015 official hotels and reservation procedures.
El Español Hotel
For Reservations
Group Name for Special Rates: Tercer Taller sobre sintéticos y materiales modernos en la
Protección de costas y Aplicaciones relacionadas
Mail to:
Telephone /Teléfono: (999) 923 0880 Ext. 706 with: Lic. Benjamín Tovar
Holiday Inn Express Hotel
For Reservations
Group Name for Special Rates: Third International Workshop on Geosynthetics and Modern
Materials in Coastal Protection and Related.
Code: GEO
Mail to:;
Telephone: +52 01 800 000 04 04, +52 01 999 9642200
City Express Hotel
For Reservations
Group Name for Special Rates: 3er Workshop Internacional de Geosinteticos y Materiales
Code: ALT
Mail to;; cemid.
Telephone: +52 01 800 000 04 04, +52 01 999 9642200
Misión Express Altabrisa Hotel
For Reservations
Group Name for Special Rates: Evento de Geosinteticos
Mail to: Eduardo Góngora C. Gerente de Ventas
Telephone +52 999 942 3607, Cellphone +52 01 999 277 3192 o a la :(01-800) 900-3800
Fiesta Inn Hotel
For Reservations
Group Name for Special Rates: Third International Workshop on Geosynthetics
Mail to:
Telephone +52 01 800 50 450 00 toll free, +52 01 999 942 3607, Cellphone +52 01 999 277 3192,
+52 01 800 900 3800
Holiday Inn Hotel
For Reservations
Group Name for Special Rates Evento de Geosinteticos
Mail to Eduardo Góngora C., Sales Manager
Telephone: +52 01 999 942 88 06 Miss Narda Moguel and Miss Claudia Dávila
During the workshop, the organizing committee will provide shuttle buses for delegates
and participants who stay at official hotels. Schedules for Geosynthetics & Coasts 2015
shuttle buses will be notified after hotel reservations close.
The Anáhuac Mayab University is located within a 20 min drive from most official hotels.
We invite support in terms of sponsorship participation from companies and
organizations aligned with the technology, application, science and research that
underpins growth and development in geosynthetics.
This is an opportunity to demonstrate your support for this discipline and to
further create the experience exchanges that this international event is set to
Who can sponsor?
o Civil and coastal engineering associations
o Consulting companies
o Waste management companies
o Product and instrumentation manufacturers and suppliers
Why should you sponsor?
This workshop has a variety of opportunities for sponsorship that will give you
the chance to raise your profile within geosynthetics sectors. This is also a unique
chance to promote your experiences and products in this growing market. Even
for non-specialists this will be an opportunity to learn about alternative materials
as geosynthetics and the leading companies related with this field. Next you can
review and select the sponsorship opportunities we offer
Sponsorship at a Glance
Platinum Sponsor (unique opportunity)
Gold Sponsor (2 opportunities available)
Silver Sponsor (3 opportunities available)
Bronze Sponsor (5 opportunities available)
$ 40 000 USD
$ 20 000 USD
$ 13,500 USD
$ 8 000 USD
Please, refer to the table for details on what these levels entail in terms of your
investment and the benefits they confer.
In kind and smaller financial contributions are also welcome.
Please contact us for special donations.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
(unique opportunity)
Platinum sponsorship is reserved for one leading
industry organization. It comprises the most
prestigious promotional elements (written and
digital) of Geosynthetics & Coasts 2015 and will
receive the highest level of visibility, service and
support from the meeting management team.
As a Platinum Sponsor you will have the
distinction of showcasing your logo on the
meeting bag, which is distributed to all attendees
at registration.
Your company will receive unsurpassed
recognition by our attendees as a Platinum level
sponsor, with continuous brand in our website
(including your company promotional video), and
during the week of the meeting and beyond.
*video production is the responsibility of the
sponsoring company.
(2 opportunities available)
As Gold Sponsor you will share the distinction of
showcasing your logo on promotional elements
of Geosynthetics & Coasts 2015, and will receive
the second highest level of visibility as a leading
industry organization.
• Exclusive visibility as the workshop’s ONLY geosynthetics
related leading company of your kind sponsoring the event.
• Recognition and acknowledgements as the most prominent
Workshop sponsor.
• Your company name and logo will be prominently attached to
all publicity for the event.
• Your Company logo on our website including hyperlink to
your website, 300 word company profile and your company
promotional video.
• Company logo on PowerPoint holding slide on screens prior to
• Company logo on registration material.
• Company logo on delegate portfolio/bag.
• Promotional literature in each delegate portfolio.
• One full page color company profile in published e-proceedings
• Verbal acknowledgement of sponsorship by workshop chair
during congress opening.
• Opportunity for a high level representative of your company to
deliver a keynote presentation to all delegates.
• 3 complimentary full workshop registrations.
• 2.5 x 5 m exhibition booth to promote your company projects
and products.
$ 40,000
• Your company name and logo will be prominently attached to
all publicity for the event.
• Your Company logo on our website including hyperlink to your
website and 200 word company profile
• Company logo on PowerPoint holding slide on screens prior to
• Company logo on registration material
• Company logo on delegate portfolio/bag
• 2 pieces of promotional literature in each delegate portfolio
• Half page color company profile in published e-proceedings.
• Verbal acknowledgement of sponsorship by workshop chair
during congress opening.
• Opportunity for a high level representative of your company
to deliver a presentation to all delegates.
• 2 complimentary full workshop registrations.
• 2.5 x 2.5 m exhibition booth to promote your company
projects and products.
(3 opportunities available)
As Silver Sponsor you will share the distinction
of showcasing your logo with supporting
organizations on promotional elements of the
Geosynthetics & Coasts 2015, and will receive
the third highest level of visibility as an industry
(5 opportunities available)
As Bronze Sponsor you will share the distinction
of showcasing your logo with supporting
organizations on promotional elements of the
Geosynthetics & Coasts 2015.
• Your company name and logo will be attached to all publicity
for the event.
• Your Company logo on our website including hyperlink to your
website and 100 word company profile
• Company logo on PowerPoint holding slide on screens prior to
• One quarter page color company profile in published
• Verbal acknowledgement of sponsorship by workshop chair
during congress opening.
• 1 complimentary full workshop registration.
• Your company name and logo will be attached to publicity for
the event
• Your Company logo on our website as supporting organization
• Company logo on PowerPoint holding slide on screens prior to
• Your company’s promotional brochure and meterials placed in
strategic area of attendees to take.
Please email the completed SPONSORSHIP FORM (visit website
for download) as an attachment to organizing committee:,
ore details, please contact:
Mariana B. Gonzalez Leija, MSc.
Main Contact Geosynthetics & Coasts 2015
Division of Engineering and Exact Sciences
Km 15.5 Carr. Mérida - Progreso
Mérida, Yucatán, México
C.P. 97310
Telephone +52 (999) 9 42 48 00 ext. 524