THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE ANGLE OF RELEASE AND THE VELOCITY OF RELEASE IN THE SHOT-PUT, AND THE APPLICATION OF A THEORETICAL MODEL TO ESTIMATE THE OPTIMUM ANGLE OF RELEASE By Andreas V. Maheras B.A., University of Athens, 1986 M.A., Western Michigan University, 1990 Submitted to the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation and the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Kansas in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Dissertation Committee: Carole J. Zebas_____________ Chairperson James D. LaPoint____________ Matthew Adeyanju____________ Thomas E. Mulinazzi_________ D. B. Tracy__________________ Dissertation defended: June 13, 1995 ABSTRACT Given the relative importance of the angle of release in the shot-put event, the estimation of the optimum angle of release in a way that the distance thrown is maximized, is sought. Theory has shown that the optimum angle of release fluctuates between 41 and 43 degrees. Biomechanical analyses have indicated that shot-putters release their shots at angles between 32 and 38 degrees, with few cases reported in the above 40 degree category. As a result, a discrepancy between theory and practice has been observed. The purpose of the study was to examine whether a thrower specific dependency of the angle of release on the velocity of release exists in the shot-put event. Such dependency would probably make the theoretical model inapplicable to real life shot-putting. The agreement between the real life models and the theoretical model was also investigated. Five male, collegiate, shot-putters from four universities in the state of Kansas were employed. Each shot-putter threw under five different angles of release, from a very low to a very high. Each thrower attempted 10 throws in each of these five angles for a total of 50 throws. High speed videography was used to record the throwers’ attempts. A Peak Performance system analysis along with a FORTRAN computer program were used to obtain ii the velocity, the angle, and the height of release for each of the 250 throws filmed. Correlational analyses were used to obtain the relationship between the obtained parameters. Multiple regression techniques were used to estimate the real life angle of release. For all five subjects there was a significant relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release thus, showing dependency of the angle of release on the velocity of release. For all five subjects there was no agreement between the real life angles and those estimated by the theoretical model. It was concluded that at present, the theoretical model is not applicable in the shot-put event. The optimum release conditions other than velocity depend crucially on how the maximum achievable release velocity is functionally related to the other release conditions. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my advisor Dr. Carole Zebas for her help and encouragement in doing this project, and also for her leadership and guidance during the course of my studies. Thanks to my committee members Dr. Matthew Adeyanju and Dr. James LaPoint, of the H.P.E.R department, Dr. Dick Tracy of the E.P.R department, and Dr. Tom Mulinazzi of the Engineering department, for their leadership. Special thanks go to Dr. Jesus Dapena of Indiana University, and Dr. Elvin Eltze of Fort Hays State University, for sharing their valuable insights pertaining to the present study. I also thank Dr. Raymond McCoy of the college of William and Mary, Dr. Francis Mirabelle of the United States Air Force Ballistics department and, Dr. Charles Votaw of Fort Hays State University, for their cooperation with this study. To coaches Jim Krob of Fort Hays State University, Laurie Trapp of the University of Kansas, Will Wabaunsee of Emporia State University, and Tom Hays of Wichita State University, thanks for their cooperation. I would like to thank my brothers Panagiotis and Manthos Maheras for sharing their knowledge with me over the years. I would also like to acknowledge Mr. Petros Papageorgiou, coach, professor and mentor who first introduced me to the “secrets” of the human movement. iv I must also acknowledge the authorities of the Ministry of Culture of Greece for the opportunity they gave me to study abroad. Last, but not least, a big thanks goes to those who participated in the study and made it possible. Andreas Vassilios Maheras v DEDICATION I would like, here, to especially acknowledge Mrs. Donna Fleischacker/Maheras, and also my parents Zoe and Vassilios Maheras, for the abundance of support they have provided me over the years. This study is dedicated to them. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................ ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................... iv DEDICATION .............................. vi LIST OF TABLES .......................... xi LIST OF FIGURES ....................... xiii Chapter 1. THE PROBLEM .............................. 1 Introduction ........................... 1 The Relationship Between the Angle of Release and Velocity of Release and the Application of the Model ......... 3 The Theoretical Model .................. 6 Statement of the Purpose .............. 10 Scope of the Study .................... 11 Assumptions ........................... 14 Significance of the Study ............. 15 Hypotheses ............................ 19 Definition of Terms ................... 19 Chapter 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............ Introduction .......................... Review of Literature Related to the Shot-Put event with Emphasis on the Basic Mechanics and also the Angle, Velocity and Height of Release ..... Basic Mechanical and Other Principles ....................... Methods of Estimating the Optimum Angle of Release ................. The Geometrical Method ........... The Range and Height Equation .... The General Range Equation ....... The Release Angle in Shot-Putting .. Height of Release .................. Velocity of the Shot During the Final Effort and at Release ...... Review of Literature Related to Projectile Motion .................. Projectiles in General ................ Gravitational Force and Air Resistance ...................... 22 22 22 22 29 29 31 32 33 39 40 46 46 46 Table of Contents--Continued The Shot as Projectile ............. 47 Velocities and Resultant ........... 48 vii Complementary Angles ............... 49 Path of a Projectile Released from Ground Level .................... 51 Velocities and Resultant ........ 52 Peak Height ..................... 54 Total Time ...................... 54 Range ........................... 54 Path of a Projectile Released from a Height (h) ............... 55 Total Time ...................... 56 Range ........................... 56 Forces Affecting Projectiles .......... 56 Gravity ............................ 57 Aerodynamical Forces ............... 59 Drag Coefficient ................... 60 Frontal Sectional Area ............. 61 Fluid Density ...................... 61 Velocity ........................... 62 Relative Acceleration .............. 62 Drag Effect on Different Masses .... 63 Vector Representation in Projectile Motion ............................. 65 Resultant Vector ................... 65 Vector Components .................. 66 Factors Affecting a Projectile’s Maximum Horizontal Displacement .... 68 Point of Release at Ground Level ... 69 Point of Release at a Height (h) Above the Ground ................. 69 Velocity of Release .............. 72 Angle of Release ................. 72 Height of Release ............... 73 Optimum Angle of Release when Projectile is Released from a Height (h) .... 73 Summary ................................ 75 Chapter 3. METHODOLOGY ............................. 77 Research Design ....................... 77 Table of Contents--Continued The Relationship Between the Angle, Velocity, and the Height of Release .......................... Preliminary Investigation ............. Subjects .............................. Instrumentation ....................... viii 79 79 81 83 Collection of Data .................... 84 Filming Procedures .................. 84 Testing Procedures .................. 86 Analysis of Data ...................... 89 Film Analysis ....................... 89 Statistical Analysis ................ 92 The Theoretical Model ................. 94 Gravity ............................ 94 Velocity and Position Vectors ...... 95 The Range of a Projectile Released from a Height (h) .............. 100 The Model for the Optimum Angle of Release ........................ 102 Validation of the Model .............. 111 Comparison with the Range and Height Equation .................. 112 Result for the 45 Degree Angle ..... 114 Chapter 4. RESULTS ................................ Introduction ......................... Findings ............................. Relationships and Correlation Coefficients ..................... Scattergrams ....................... The Real Life Regression Models and the Significance of the Regression Equations ............. The Assumptions of the Regression Models ......................... Validity and Numerical Solution of the Model ..................... The Real Life vs. The Theoretical Angles of Release .............. Obtained Ranges .................... 116 116 119 120 121 124 125 131 137 147 Table of Contents--Continued Chapter 5. DISCUSSION ............................. 153 The Relationship Between the Angle and the Velocity of Release ........... 153 Possible Causes for the Observed Discrepancy and Suggested Remedies .......................... 156 The Issue of Collinearity with the Regression Models ................. 158 The Optimum Angle Model .............. 161 The Assumptions of the Theoretical ix Model .......................... 161 Force due to Air Resistance ....... 162 The Projectile is a Point Mass .... 163 The Earth is Non-rotating ......... 163 The Gravitational Force is Constant and Acts Perpendicularly to the Earth’s Surface ............... 164 Motion Occurs in a Plane .......... 164 The Construction of the Model ........ 164 The Importance of the Angle of Release ........................ 165 Chapter 6. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................ Summary .............................. Conclusions .......................... Recommendations ...................... 171 171 176 178 References ............................. Appendix A ............................. Appendix B ............................. Appendix C ............................. Appendix D ............................. 179 188 197 199 201 x LIST OF TABLES 1. Correlation coefficients between the obtained parameters for each of the subjects ............ 120 2. The obtained regression equations for each of the subjects ....................................... 124 3. Real and theoretical obtained angles for the first subject ........................................ 138 4. Real and theoretical obtained angles for the second subject ................................. 139 5. Real and theoretical obtained angles for the third subject ........................................ 140 6. Real and theoretical obtained angles for the fourth subject ................................. 141 7. Real and theoretical obtained angles for the fifth subject ........................................ 142 8. Tests of significance of the regression coefficient (b) and the constant (a) ........... 143 9. Ranges obtained using the analysis data and the actual measured ranges for the first subject ... 148 10. Ranges obtained using the analysis data and the actual measured ranges for the second subject .. 149 11. Ranges obtained using the analysis data and the actual measured ranges for the third subject ... 150 12. Ranges obtained using the analysis data and the actual measured ranges for the fourth subject .. 151 xi 13. Ranges obtained using the analysis data and the actual measured ranges for the fifth subject ... 152 14. Collinearity diagnostics for the regression equation for each of the subjects .............. 160 15. Velocities, angles, and heights of release for the first subject ....................... appendix A 16. Velocities, angles, and heights of release for the second subject ...................... appendix A 17. Velocities, angles, and heights of release for the third subject ....................... appendix A 18. Velocities, angles, and heights of release for the fourth subject ...................... appendix A 19. Velocities, angles, and heights of release for the fifth subject ....................... appendix A xii LIST OF FIGURES 1. A typical trajectory of a projectile released from ground level ................................ 7 2. The right angle vector system in projectile motion .......................................... 14 3. The optimum angle of release in shot-put ........ 31 4. The frontal area and center of gravity of the shot ............................................ 48 5. The resultant force and its components .......... 50 6. Path of a projectile in the absence of air resistance ...................................... 52 7. Path of a projectile when released from a height (h) above the ground ............................ 56 8. The effects of gravity upon the trajectory of a projectile ...................................... 58 9. Velocity components and resultant during shot-put release ......................................... 65 10. Analysis of vector components from the resultant ....................................... 68 11. The relationship between release and landing angles in projectile motion when the point of release is higher than that of landing .......... 74 12. The proposed experimental arrangement of the equipment for collection of the data ............ 85 13. The release parameters to be calculated ......... 89 14. The right angle vector system in projectile xiii motion .......................................... 97 15. The maximum value of (x) and the tangent of the angle (a) at peak .......................... 103 16. Scattergram of the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release for the first subject .................................. 121 17. Scattergram of the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release for the second subject ................................. 122 18. Scattergram of the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release for the third subject .................................. 122 19. Scattergram of the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release for the fourth subject ................................. 123 20. Scattergram of the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release for the fifth subject .................................. 123 21. Normal probability plot for the data of the first subject ........................................ 126 22. Normal probability plot for the data of the second subject ........................................ 127 23. Normal probability plot for the data of the third subject ........................................ 127 24. Normal probability plot for the data of the fourth subject ........................................ 128 xiv 25. Normal probability plot for the data of the fifth subject ........................................ 128 26. Randomly distributed residuals for the data of the first subject .................................. 129 27. Randomly distributed residuals for the data of the second subject ................................. 129 28. Randomly distributed residuals for the data of the third subject .................................. 130 29. Randomly distributed residuals for the data of the fourth subject ................................. 130 30. Randomly distributed residuals for the data of the fifth subject .................................. 131 31. Variation of the theoretical optimum angle of release with changing height and velocity of release in the shot-put ........................ 133 32. Variation of projectile range with changing angle and height of release when the velocity is 12 m/sec. ...................................... 135 33. Variation of projectile range with changing angle and height of release when the velocity is 13 m/sec. ...................................... 136 34. Variation of projectile range with changing angle and height of release when the velocity is 14.5 m/sec. .................................... 137 35. Variation of the real versus the theoretical angle of release for the first subject ............... 144 36. Variation of the real versus the theoretical angle xv of release for the second subject .............. 145 37. Variation of the real versus the theoretical angle of release for the third subject ............... 145 38. Variation of the real versus the theoretical angle of release for the fourth subject .............. 146 39. Variation of the real versus the theoretical angle of release for the fifth subject ............... 146 40. The extra distance gained by the thrower over the circle boundaries .............................. 147 xvi CHAPTER 1 The Problem Introduction Descriptive analysis, presently and in the recent past, constitutes the major contribution of biomechanics to the understanding and improvement of sports skill execution. A review of research in biomechanics, as related to sport in general and to track and field events in particular, clearly indicates that by far the majority of studies are centered on descriptive mechanical evaluation of a specific performance. These research endeavors to apply a “scientific” approach to the understanding of human movement have led to improved associations between the researcher and the practitioner. Indeed, new techniques have emerged as the result of scientific analysis (Hay, 1993). Moreover, there is an ongoing process of attempting to improve performance by developing new techniques in most sports. Having established the nature of the technique that should be used in a given sport, coaches face the task of both detecting and correcting potential errors during an athlete’s execution of a particular sport skill. Biomechanical analysis here, again, can help a coach in finding the cause of the error and finally correcting it. In biomechanics research, Newtonian mechanics and basic or advanced mathematics are often used to allow 1 the researcher to arrive at sound and meaningful results. For example, velocity, acceleration, force, power, work, energy and other important elements of a biomechanical analysis of a sport skill are obtained through the use of simple mathematical formulas/equations. In analyzing the throwing events of the track and field athletics, for example, researchers often apply principles from the kinematics part of mechanics, and in particular those principles dealing with projectile motion. In the shot-put event a spherical iron ball is the object projected into the air and is called the projectile. The shot-putter releases the shot using his own arm and hand mainly by pushing the shot through a series of skillful movements. In this case, the projectile is released at a certain initial velocity, at a certain angle, from a certain height, all depending upon the ability, skill, stature, technique and other characteristics of the thrower. For the coach and the thrower him or herself, an understanding of the factors that govern the behavior of projectiles is of critical importance (Hay, 1993). The objective of the shot-put action is to throw a 7.257 kilograms ball as far as possible while following the rules that govern the event. The distance the shot is thrown is determined by its conditions at release namely, the velocity, height, and angle of release. Changes in the velocity of release will affect the 2 distance thrown more than equal changes in either the angle or height of release (Gregor, McCoy, & Whitting, 1990). Although not as critical as the velocity of release, the angle of release is important (Gregor et al., 1990). The theoretical optimum angle of release for the shot-put event should be between 41 and 43 degrees (Hay, 1993). Presently, however, analyses of shot-put athletes have shown release angles between 34 and 42 degrees (McCoy, 1989). A marginal to significant discrepancy is then observed between the theoretical optimum angles and the angles achieved in practice by the athletes. Researchers and coaches have empirically attempted to give an explanation for this phenomenon, which nevertheless has not been studied. The Relationship Between the Angle and the Velocity of Release, and the Application of the Theoretical Model Given the empirical information that the velocity of release might be dependent on the angle of release, the examination of the relationship between these two components is sought. Moreover, the height of release and its relationship with the angle and the velocity of release should be examined. In addition, given the potential development of a theoretical model to estimate the optimum angle of release, a question logically arises whether the model will be readily applicable and useful for the shot- 3 putter. A similar well known phenomenon occurs in the long jump event where, given the average velocities and the average height of take off the jumpers achieve, the optimum angle of take off should be in the vicinity of 43 degrees (Hay, 1985). In practice, however, it has been shown that the athletes use angles between 15 and 22 degrees, at least 20 degrees below the theoretical optimum (Hay, 1985). It is evident that the athletes cannot maintain their individual high velocities at take off that they achieve under 20 degrees, if a 40 degree angle is used. The result is that the long jumpers prefer to use narrower angles of take off in order to be able to maintain a higher velocity at take off. As will be seen later, the velocity of release or take off, is the single most important factor affecting a projectile’s range. In the shot-put event, the phenomenon mentioned above is not as evident. The estimated optimum angle of release may very well fall within the abilities of the shot-putter while maintaining a high velocity. At the present time, however, it is not known whether this is the case. Hay (1985) wrote pertaining to this issue: When considering projectile motion as applied to the throwing events, it should be understood that it may not be possible for the thrower to achieve the same release velocity over a wide range of release angles. In the case of a shot-putter for 4 example, if he/she concentrates all his/her strength in a horizontal direction, gravity will not have a tendency to reduce the release velocity of the shot. If, however, the shot-putter attempts to exert some force vertically, gravity will oppose that attempt. While the shot-putter pushes the shot in an upward direction, gravity tends to pull the shot downward at the same time. The result of this opposition of the gravitational force is a decrease in the velocity of release that the shot-putter can impart to the shot. So it may happen that while a shot-putter, having found what is the optimum angle of release for his/her abilities, is trying to increase the angle with which he/she releases the shot, the advantage to be gained from this action may be lost or more than lost by the effect that gravity has upon the shot, which is mainly a reduction in the velocity of release the thrower is able to produce. (p. 43-44). Hay (1985) also postulated that “presently there is little information in the literature on the aspect of projectile motion in sports and until relevant experimental evidence becomes available there is little that can be done beyond being aware of the problem” (p.44). The Theoretical Model 5 In attempting to mechanically and mathematically describe projectile motion, specific mathematical formulas have been derived and presented in the biomechanics literature (Dyson, 1977; Ecker, 1985; Hay, 1993; Kreighbaum & Barthels, 1990). Usually, formulas that describe the principles of vertical motion of the projectiles, the horizontal motion of the projectiles as well as formulas that describe the range of a projectile are presented. Projectile motion has been traditionally studied in various courses with the assumption that the point of release of the projectile is at the same level with the point of landing (see figure 1). Under this condition, the optimum angle of release (a), should always be 45 degrees for maximum horizontal range (Bueche, 1972). This horizontal range (x) is given by the equation, X = v2 sin2a / g (Hay, 1993) where, v = the velocity of release, a = the angle of release, and g = the gravitational acceleration. trajectory A B point of release Figure 1. point of landing A typical (parabolic) trajectory of a 6 projectile when the level of release is the same as that of landing. During many events, and during the throwing events in particular, however, the point of projection is at a different, in fact higher, level than that of landing. This is of course due to the nature of the throwing events which do not allow for a release from a ground level. Under these circumstances, the horizontal range for a particular projection/throw is given by, X = [v2 sina cosa + vcosa Ö(v sina)2 + 2gh] /g (Hay,1993) where, h = the height of release. The optimum angle of release, however, depends upon both the height of release and the velocity of release. A theoretical model to estimate the optimum angle of release from velocity and angle of release data is then sought, to allow for a comparison between this model and a model derived from real life data. Hay (1993), wrote characteristically that, “regrettably the optimum angle of projection cannot be found as readily as in the case in which release and landing are at the same level” (p. 38). In addition, Hay (1985, 1993) presented a table with the optimum angles of release for the shot-put event when the height of release and the speed are known. This table, however, is general and gives a solution of optimum angles that correspond to some combinations of height and velocity of release and not to any specific 7 combination. In short, if one wants to know the optimum angle of release using values other than those presented in the table, he/she might not be able to use it. Other authors (Dyson, 1977; Ecker, 1985) have presented similar tables having the same limitation. In various literature sources (Bowerman & Freeman, 1991; Ecker, 1985; Hay, 1993), the optimum angle of release for the shot-put event has been determined to be between 41 and 43 degrees, the exact figure depending upon the height and velocity of release. Nevertheless, a theoretical model could help one obtain a solution for the optimum angle that corresponds to any specific combination of height and velocity of release. The mathematical modeling which has been used to describe projectile motion involves consideration and knowledge of basic Newtonian mechanics as well as application of mathematical procedures in order to arrive at a satisfactory answer. According to Berry, Burghes, Huntley, James, & Moscardini (1986), there are usually five steps for the development of a theoretical model. Step 1, involves identifying a physical system of interest where the object is the estimation of motion. Steps 2, 3 and 4 require the construction of a mathematical model for the physical system, the formulation and solution of appropriate differential and other equations, followed by an interpretation of the results in terms of the original problem. 8 In step 5, the results are compared to direct observations of the physical system. The complexity of a theoretical model of a physical system and the difficulties associated with its solution increases with the influence of external forces. In the projectile motion, however, the influence of external forces are relatively limited, at least as far as the projection of the shot is concerned (Greenwood, 1983). The gravitational force is the major factor, while the force due to air resistance (drag) could also be considered but in practice is often ignored in projectile motion analysis (Timoshenko & Young, 1956). Statement of the Purpose The purpose of this study was, a) to examine the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release and also the relationship between the angle of release and the height of release in the shotput event, b) based upon the above relationships, to obtain a real life equation which would estimate the angle of release from velocity and height of release data, and c) develop and validate a theoretical model to estimate the optimum angle of release from velocity of release and height of release data. This is for the purpose of comparing the results from this model with those obtained from real life throwing. The agreement between theory and practice was thus, assessed. Specifically, it was an attempt, 9 1. To examine the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release, and also the angle of release and the height of release in shot put, so as to determine, primarily, whether any dependence of the velocity of release on the release angle exists. Based on the above relationships, equations predicting the angle of release from the velocity and the height of release were obtained. 2. To mathematically model the motion of the shot as a projectile with respect to its optimum angle of release, taking into consideration the mechanical conditions that are prevalent during the event. 3. To examine the validity of the model by comparing it to other models/methods relative to projectile motion. 4. To examine the potential application of the model to real life situations by experimentally testing it and applying it to a number of shot-putters. Scope of the Study The main concern of the study was the examination of the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release in the shot-put event, and also between the angle of release and the height of release. The study was delimited to 5 subjects, 10 throws for each athlete for each of the 5 different kinds of angles of release that were studied. The 5 subjects were college age shot-putters using the rotational technique 10 of throwing the shot, and were selected from 4 universities in the State of Kansas. All subjects were given equal opportunity to achieve maximum performance as they executed their puts. All the throws were made in a non competitive environment. Subsequently, equations to estimate the angle of release from velocity of release and height of release data obtained from real life shot-put throwing, were derived for each subject. Another concern was the development of a theoretical model to estimate the optimum angle of release from velocity of release and height of release data and its subsequent application in real life situations. The creation of such a model helped in comparing the obtained real life angle of release with the theoretical optimum angle of release. The application of the theoretical model took place by experimentally measuring various parameters of a shot-putter’s throwing action, such as velocity of release, height of release and angle of release. Subsequently, data from the real life throwing situations were compared to the data obtained from a theoretical model developed for this purpose. Data from the shot-putters were obtained with the use of high speed videography. Theoretical data were obtained with the use of the theoretical model. The main concern for the development of the model was to mathematically examine the various mechanical 11 components present during the release and flight of the implement, and how they relate to the optimum angle of release in order to achieve maximum horizontal displacement/distance. A system of two axes, a vertical (y) and a horizontal (x) was assumed (see figure 2). In this system, (a) is the angle of release, (0) the point of release, (j) the vertical vector component, (i) the horizontal vector component, (v0) the initial velocity, or velocity of release and, (mg) the weight of the implement, or gravitational force. The gravitational force was assumed to be the only force acting on the implement after it was released. y u0 m g j a 0 Figure 2. i x The right angle vector system in projectile motion. The primary mathematical simulation of the x, y system, a first and a second order derivative of the gravitational force, was derived through Newtonian mechanics. Trigonometry principles were also considered throughout the construction of the model. 12 Finally, mathematical integrations and differentiations were employed along with equation solving procedures to arrive at the desired model. The model was validated through simple comparisons where the model was tested in two conditions at which the result for the optimum angle of release is known as, for example, is the case when the level of release of a projectile is the same as the level of landing. Assumptions The following assumptions and idealizations were made to simplify the equations of motion: 1. The gravitational force is the only force acting on the shot after it has been released and it is in flight trajectory. 2. The projectile is a body possessing finite volume and a definite surface configuration. The concern would then be with the motion of the mass center. 3. The earth is non rotating. 4. The gravitational field is constant and acts perpendicular to the surface of a flat earth. 5. The air offers no resistance to motion. Consequently, motion occurs as it would in a vacuum. 6. Motion occurs in a plane. Significance of the Study Many studies have already been conducted in the area of track and field and, more specifically, in shotputting. Up to the present, investigators have been 13 concerned with the kinematic or kinetic parameters of the throwing action in general, with no attempt to specifically study the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release in a way that adequate information would be presented to facilitate one in assessing the application of a theoretical model on the shot-put event. McCoy et al., (1989) wrote that apparently no studies have ever been conducted to investigate the effect of the release velocity on the release angle. Morris (1971) postulated that the term technique defines the most rational and economical utilization of kinematic and dynamic possibilities and relationships. It then follows that a detailed description of the kinematic parameters involved in the release action of shot-putting is necessary, and if basic understanding of the technique of the activity is to be achieved, special emphasis must be placed on securing detailed information on such action. The study revealed important information pertaining to the proper delivery of the shot-put. More specifically, the study examined and attempted to determine the relationship between the velocity of release and the angle of release in real life shotputting. If velocity at release can be maintained at a variety of angles of release, then the proposed 14 theoretical model to estimate the optimum angle of release can be used and applied to real life situations, particularly for the improvement of a shot-putter’s performance. Unlike the long jump event, the theoretical model can be applicable in practice in the shot-put event, and this theoretical model then, can indeed form the foundation of a direct link between the researcher, coach, and athlete with the object of increased understanding of human movement and improved sports skill performance as it relates to the shot-put event. On the other hand, a disagreement between the theoretical model and what really happens in practice, will show that although the mechanical laws prescribe a certain set of rules to be followed for optimum performance, the application of such laws to the athlete will not bring the desired improvement. As it often happens in practice, the limitations of the human body will not have allowed for a direct application of theory to practice and the model might be what it originally was, just theory. Moreover, a discrepancy between the theoretical model and what happens in real life, showing inability of the athletes to throw according to the mechanical laws, will potentially cause researchers, coaches, and athletes, to begin examining and investigating new ways of training with the purpose of overcoming the observed handicap. 15 In addition, the theoretical model presented in this study will lead to an improved general understanding of the projectile motion, and will provide information about the exact fluctuation of the optimum angle of release in the shot-put event. To this extent, the application of this model appears to be unbounded since it can include all potential combinations of height and velocity of release. Furthermore, it can be included in the compendium of a series of formulas/equations that have been presented in the literature and describe projectile motion. J. Hay (personal communication, February 1995) addressed the fact that the question involving the application of a theoretical model to estimate the optimum angle of release in real life shot-putting in particular, and to the whole host of sports and physical activities in general, is an old one, but still one that has not been addressed in any thorough fashion. The theoretical model for the optimum angle of release then, if applicable, could form the foundation of a direct link between the researcher, coach, and athlete with the object of increased understanding of human movement and improved sports skill performance as it relates to the shot-put event in particular, and potentially to other throwing activities, in general. Hypotheses The following hypotheses were formulated based on 16 the review of the literature and the results anticipated from the study. 1. The higher (steeper) the angle of release, the lower the velocity of release. 2. The higher (steeper) the angle of release, the higher the height of release. 3. The theoretical model will not be applicable to the shot-put event. Definition of Terms Terminology employed in the text of this study is consistent with common usage in mathematics and physics. The following are terms defined for this study. Acceleration. Time rate of change in velocity. Angle of release. Is the angle formed between the velocity vector of a projectile after its release and a horizontal reference. A theoretical model refers to a mathematical description through equations, of the relationship between the angle of release and a) the velocity of release, b) the height of release, and c) the gravitational acceleration. Center of gravity. Point in the body through which resultant force of gravity acts. Derivative. For a function (f) whose domain contains an open interval about x 0, m0 is the derivative of (f) at x0 providing that, 1. for every m < m0, the function 17 f(x) - [f (x0)+ m(x-x0)] changes sign from negative to positive at x0. 2. for every m > 0, the function f(x) - [f (x0)+ m(x-x0)] changes sign from positive to negative at x 0. Differentiation. The process of finding the derivative of a function. Displacement. Dynamics. Distance and direction of movement. Study of motions of bodies and forces acting to produce the motions. Gravity. The attraction that earth has for all other bodies. Height of release. The vertical distance between the point of release of a projectile and a horizontal reference through the level of landing. Kinematics. Study of the relation between displacement, velocity, and acceleration. Mass. Resistance of change in linear velocity. The amount of matter equals weight divided by acceleration of gravity (m = W / g). Mechanics. Study of the action of forces on bodies. Parallelogram law. Resultant of two concurrent forces is the diagonal of a parallelogram whose sides are the original forces. Resultant. Simplest equivalent force system that will replace any given system. Vector quantity. Quantity having both magnitude and 18 direction. Velocity of release. The velocity a projectile possesses exactly at the instant it is released. 19 CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature Introduction This study encompasses both theoretical and research aspects of sports biomechanics. Literature specifically relevant to the present investigation was reviewed and is presented in this chapter in two main sections: a) review of literature related to the shot-put event and more specifically, to the angle, velocity, and height of release and, b) review of literature related to projectile motion. Review of Literature Related to the Shot-Put Event, with Emphasis on the Basic Mechanics and Principles and Also the Angle, Velocity and Height of Release In this section, literature relevant to the angle of release in the shot-put event along with information about the height of release and the velocity of release will be presented. Literature pertaining to the basic biomechanics and principles that apply to the shot-put event will also be presented here. Basic Mechanical and Other Principles Black (1987) postulated that to achieve maximum range in the shot-put event, the athlete must, a) release the shot with maximum velocity, b) release it from an optimum angle and, c) release it from an optimum height. The thrower should possess two important characteristics to achieve maximum distance. 20 These characteristics are, a) technical and, b) speed and strength characteristics. Because technique is affected by the physical characteristics of the performer, importance should be placed in the training of the thrower. Dunn (1987), postulated that the emphasis during training should be in proportion with those areas of the body that are responsible for producing maximum performance. According to Dunn (1987), 50% of the training regimen should be devoted to the muscles of the legs, 30% to the trunk area and 20% to the arms. The strength exercises needed for high level shot-putting are the inclined press, the squat, the clean and jerk and the push press exercises (Ward, 1976). O’Shea (1986), stated that: A good thrower must be trained to quickly exert forces in multiple directions utilizing several body joints simultaneously. Thus, throwers need to concentrate on developing explosive reactive ballistic movement through a full range of movement and less on absolute strength and muscle mass. The greatest transfer of muscular power developed through weight training to the throws will result from the execution of explosive torso-rotational lifting movements, such as full range total body lifts that require the thrower to concentrate and think in terms of both strength and speed. Athletic type lifts meeting this criteria are power snatches, 21 power cleans, high pulls, squats, and the push press. (p. 28). Brown (1985) hinted that the key to success in shot putting is leg power. He suggested that energy flows from the legs up to the trunk and shoulders. This indicates that the use of lifts such as the jerk should be beneficial in the training of the shot-putter. Hakkinen, Kauhanen, & Komi (1986), indicated that an overemphasis on the development of absolute strength may hinder rather than help performance. This is because training using high intensity and slow contraction speed may cause the neuromuscular system to adapt to a slower development of force production. Absolute strength is necessary for high shot-put performance but only providing that it contributes to explosive strength. Hakkinen & Komi (1985), demonstrated that improvements in explosive force production require specific training with high contraction velocities. It was further indicated that, the Olympic style of weight training is more appropriate for shot-putters than power lifting style of training. Moreover, plyometric exercises can improve shot-putting performance. Pagani (1981), summarized some basic mechanical principles applicable to the shot-put event. He addressed that the primary factors affecting the distance of a throw are the velocity, the angle and, the height of release, the most important being the velocity of 22 release. The acceleration of the shot should be gradual, in a straight line with a direction toward the impact area (Vigars, 1979). The force application should cover as much distance as possible in the least time possible. The length of the path is largely decided by the difference of the height of the shot at the start and at the end of the delivery phase (O’Shea & Elam, 1984). McDermott (1986), suggested that improved throwing performance will result from a decrease in the time required to complete an eccentric/concentric coupling (from a forced stretching of the muscle to a voluntary contraction) during the execution of the throw. According to Pagani (1981), in order to achieve proper summation of the forces applied to the shot, the larger and slower muscle groups should be employed initially followed by the smaller, weaker muscles. Although the various muscle contractions may start at different times during the throwing action, they should nevertheless, end together. O’Shea & Elam (1984) postulated that maximum throwing power is generated through the multi-linked muscle-skeletal system beginning with the body’s power zone which includes the large muscle groups of the legs, hips, gluteals, lower back and abdominals. The resulting power from these muscles is transferred to the upper back, the shoulders and finally to the throwing arm and 23 the shot. Moreover, the application of force over a full range of multiple joint movement requires timed coordination of acceleration and deceleration of all the body segments and also a proper sequence of activation in order to produce maximum velocity of the throwing hand (O’Shea & Elam, 1984). Ariel (1972) addressed that the relationship between maximum velocities and accelerations is important during the throwing action. For the best throws Ariel (1972) analyzed during an Olympic training camp, he reported that the velocity of the last segment should be at its maximum close to the release, not at the release, even though the deceleration of the segment begins prior to release. The rapid deceleration of the arms, for example, just prior to the moment of release will result in an increase of the force applied to the shot. To achieve this, the various joints of the body should be stabilized for the instance of release. For a good throw the action of the link system should be coordinated thus, creating the basis for properly timed and coordinated accelerations and decelerations of all body segments. The sequence of the action should be from the left foot to the right throwing hand. Ariel (1973a) analyzed the top 6 finalists during the 1972 Olympic games. He postulated that the better throwers utilize their body segments to produce maximum velocity in their throws. They do that by properly 24 timing the deceleration of the lower body segments. Excessive “follow through” action, used by the American throwers in their effort to increase the acceleration of the shot, may be detrimental to the throw since it does not allow for summation of the forces towards the direction of the throw. The achievement of the summation of the forces towards the direction of the throw requires properly timed stopping or deceleration of the front leg, trunk, free arm and shoulders. This action is critical in achieving the maximum resultant force in the direction of the throw. The most important muscle groups involved in generating maximum power in shot-putting are, a) the quadriceps and the calf muscles, b) the hip flexors and extensors, gluteals, abdominals, spinal erectors, obliques and, c) the upper back, shoulders, arms and chest muscles (O’Shea & Elam, 1984). The deceleration of the thighs the trunk and the shoulders is important for a successful throw. As these segments decelerate, there is a transfer of momentum to the shot (Pagani, 1981). Theoretically, a double contact with the ground, during the final phase of release, produces a better release and is more efficient. In practice, however, film analyses of world class shot-putters reveal that they break contact with the ground at least with their rear foot at the moment of release (Dyson, 1977; Pagani, 1981). Hay (1993), stated that to date there appear to 25 be no objective basis for an answer to these questions. It seems that practice shows that if the athlete were to reduce the vertical forces he/she can exert, by maintaining contact with both feet on the ground, the resulting loss in the release velocity of the shot is probably greater than that due to being in the air during the phase of delivery. The velocity of the glide should not be too great. Even highly skilled shot-putters are unable to utilize more than 30-40% of their glide velocity. The glide velocity of world class throwers ranges from 2.49 m/sec., to 2.99 m/sec. On the other hand, the release velocity using the glide can reach 13.10 to 13.41 m/sec., and 12.99 m/sec., when throwing from a standing position (Pagani, 1981). Because momentum equals mass times velocity, an increase in functional mass, the muscle mass, is an effective way of increasing momentum (Pagani, 1981). The optimum angle of release when the point of release is at the same level as that of landing is 45 degrees (Hay, 1993). The optimum angle of release when the point of release is at a higher level than that of landing depends on both the height and the velocity of release (Hay, 1993; McCoy, Gregor & Whiting, 1989). Generally, as the height of release increases, the release angle decreases and becomes smaller than 45 degrees. As the velocity increases, the release angle 26 increases reaching the value of 45 degrees (Hay, 1993). Methods of Estimating the Optimum Angle of Release The geometrical method. To estimate the optimum angle of release from range and height data, Dyson (1977) in a paper devoid of mathematics noted that the optimum angle using this method can be found by bisecting the angle between a vertical line drawn through the thrower’s hand at the instant of release, and a straight line connecting this point and the point of landing (see figure 3). This method requires that the distance thrown is known beforehand along with the height of release. For this reason this method of estimating the exact optimum angle of release cannot be used when only the height of release and the velocity of release is known. Although Dyson (1977) did not offer any proof, this rule of thumb seems to be exactly true. Given the above method to estimate the theoretical optimum angle of release, one could allege that the optimum angle that a shot-putter should use can be estimated. If it is known that an athlete is, for example, a 50 feet thrower then, by knowing the height from which he/she releases the shot, one can estimate the optimum angle of release that corresponds to a 50 feet throw, using the geometrical method. Pertaining to this issue, F. Mirabelle (personal communication, January 1995) postulated that the knowledge of the optimum angle 27 of release in this case is of little use for the athlete. It is obvious that the athlete can already throw 50 feet; that is why the 50 feet distance was chosen in the first place. Consequently, he/she cares less what the optimum angle for a distance that he/she can already achieve is. The athlete’s primary goal is to always achieve maximum distance. The geometrical method of estimating the optimum angle of release can be useful for the military, where projectiles are to be projected towards a predetermined, fixed distance. Of course, the accuracy of this method will also depend upon the ability of the person to accurately draw the lines and measure the angles. optimum angle of release Figure 3. The optimum angle of release in shot-put. The Range and Height Equation. Zatsiorsky (1981) presented an equation to mathematically estimate the optimum angle of release based on range and height data. According to Zatsiorsky (1981), x = h tan2a 28 and hence, tan2a = x / h where, a = the optimum angle, x = the distance achieved, h = the height of release. Obviously, this method of estimating the optimum angle of release is more efficient and accurate than the geometrical method when range and height data are known. The general range equation. Given the following equation for range when the point of release is higher than that of landing, X= [v02 sina cosa +v0 cosa Ö(v0 cosa)2 + 2gh] /g(Hay, 1993) a specific height (h) and a specific velocity (v) can be assumed, and the optimum angle can be estimated through repeated solution of the above equation. Using this method, one can use various values for angles with their respective sines and cosines to repeatedly solve the equation for range. Finally, the angle is chosen as the optimum the one which will give the longest/maximum range. Obviously, this could be a laborious way to estimate the optimum angle of release. This method of the estimation of the optimum angle of release is used by the United States military in order to determine the optimum angle of release of the various military projectiles (F. Mirabelle, personal communication, January 1995). In the literature (e.g., Ecker, 1985; Hay, 1993), 29 there have been tables that present the exact optimum angle of release. However, these tables are restricted to a number of specific combinations of velocities and heights of release. The values for the optimum angle presented in these tables have probably been estimated using one of the three methods described above. In a paper by Poole & Bangerter (1981) a similar table was presented. More specifically, they attempted to offer a table with the optimum angle of release for selected velocities from a height of release of 2.13 meters. According to estimations, the figures presented in this table were only a good approximation of the real theoretical figures. The Release Angle in Shot-Putting Although not as important as the velocity of release, the angle of release is also important and should be considered in all analyses (Gregor et al., 1990). Pertaining to the angle of release Pagani (1981) postulated that the optimum angle of release should be approximately 40 to 41 degrees whereas Vigars (1979), was more liberal suggesting an approximate 45 degree angle of release. Bashian, Gavoor, & Clark (1982), suggested that for the range of typical heights and velocities the optimum angle turns out to be close to 41 degrees in all cases. Zatsiorsky (1981), presented the results from the 30 analysis of 8 competitive shot-putters where it is shown that the angles of release fluctuated from 39 to 42 degrees. Similar results were presented by Bashian, Gaur, & Clarck (1982), Cureton (1939), and Koutiev (1966). Zatsiorsky (1990), postulated that modern research has shown that in real conditions during the shot-put event, the release angle of elite athletes was about 3637 degrees, much lower than it was initially thought. Dessureault (1976), analyzed 13 shot-putters of various abilities. He reported angles of release fluctuating between 27.3 and 41 degrees. Obviously, greater variation was observed in Dessureault’s study. McCoy, Gregor, Whiting, Rich, & Ward (1984) found average release angles of 37 degrees for 37 elite male throwers, and 36 degrees for 14 elite female throwers. McCoy (1990), reported angles of release between 35.1 and 40.6 degrees with an average of 37.4 degrees for a total of 15 throws executed by 6 American top male shotputters. McCoy (1990) reported a correlation of 0.40 between the angle of release and the distance thrown for the 6 throwers analyzed. McCoy (1990), also analyzed 7 elite female shot-putters. Their angles of release fluctuated between 29.2 and 42.4 degrees with an average of 34.6 degrees. The correlation between the angle of release and the distance thrown was -0.17. Susanka and Stepanek (1987) in a rare 3 dimensional 31 analysis of the 8 finalists in the men’s shot-put event during the 2nd world track and field championships in Rome, Italy, reported angles of release between 34.1 and 41 degrees with an average of 37.2 degrees. In the same analysis, the 8 finalists in the women’s shot-put event exhibited angles of release between 34.1 and 42.6 degrees with an average of 38.2 degrees. Groh, Kubeth, & Baumam (1966) found similar results. McCoy in a personal communication (February, 1995) postulated that he had observed angles of release as low as 32 degrees. McCoy et al. (1984), indicated that a possible reason for these lower angles (as compared to the theoretical optimum angles) is that shot-putters train predominantly for strength and power using the bench press movement, which may make the throwers stronger in a body position that produces lower release angles. They further suggested that if this is true then, perhaps the athletes should train with the arm in a position that produces the optimum release angle nearer to the vicinity of 42 degrees. A similar explanation was given by Gregor et al., (1990). They postulated that the reason for the lower observed angles of release can be discussed in light of the performance of the shoulder and muscles surrounding the shoulder in order to maximize output of this system and minimize injury. 32 Hay (1993) offered a theoretical reasoning for a possible deviation of the real angle of release from the estimated optimum. He postulated that, When considering projectile motion as applied to the throwing events, it should be understood that it may not be possible for the thrower to achieve the same release velocity over a wide range of release angles. In the case of a shot-putter for example, if he/she concentrates all his/her strength in a horizontal direction, gravity will not have a tendency to reduce the release velocity of the shot. If, however, the shot-putter attempts to exert some force vertically, gravity will oppose that attempt. While the shot-putter pushes the shot in an upward direction, gravity tends to pull the shot downward at the same time. The result of this opposition of the gravitational force is a decrease in the velocity of release that the shot-putter can impart to the shot. So it may happen that while a shot-putter, having found what is the optimum angle of release for his/her abilities, is trying to increase the angle with which he/she releases the shot, the advantage to be gained from this action may be lost or more than lost by the effect that gravity has upon the shot, which is mainly a reduction in the velocity of release the thrower is able to produce. 33 (p. 43-44). Zatsiorsky (1990), gave a similar explanation. He stated that, The angle and velocity are correlated and the putter can achieve greater velocity only when angles are less. The cause of this seems to be at least partly in the following: the force an athlete applies to the shot is spent as to accelerating the shot rather than to compensate for its weight. The force the athlete spends to accelerate the shot is always less than the force applied to the shot. The greater the angle of release is, the greater part of force is spent to compensate its weight and the less to accelerate it. That is why it is easier to accelerate the shot when the angle of release is less, than when it is greater. (p.120). McWatt (1982) found that maximum force can be exerted to the shot in the 10 to 20 degree angle instead of the generally accepted optimum angle of 40 degrees. Some limitations, however, in this study were, a) that the subjects were basically untrained, and b) the movement used for the testing of the experiment was isometric in nature as opposed to a dynamic one occurring in shot-putting. Dyson (1977) stated that forces exerted during the throwing action in shot-put give a greater release velocity when they are directed nearer to the horizontal. 34 It seems that factors responsible for the velocity conflict with those that give an optimum angle of delivery. The differences between the theoretical angle and the angle observed in practice may be due to the dependence of the release velocity on the release angle (McCoy et al., 1984). Height of Release The height of the object at release is determined by the size of the athlete and by his/her body position. A large thrower with a low trunk and arm position may have a lower release height than a smaller thrower who is fully extended and off the ground at release. To optimize the distance of the throw, the height of release should be as high as possible (McCoy et al., 1989). Nevertheless, it seems that the height of release is the least important factor affecting the range of the shot (Gregor et al., 1990). McCoy et al. (1984) analyzed the then ten top shotputters in the United States, and found a mean height of release of 2.29 meters. These high release heights were attributed to the stature of the athletes who had a mean height of 1.92 meters. Moreover, all the throwers were off the ground at the time of release. McCoy (1990), reported heights of release between 1.89 and 2.41 meters with an average of 2.18 for 6 elite male American shot-putters. For 7 elite female shot- putters the height of release fluctuated between 1.71 and 35 1.99 meters with an average of 1.83 meters. The correlation between the height of release and the distance thrown was 0.08 for the male, and -0.42 for the female shot-putters. Susanka & Stepanek (1987), found that the height of release fluctuated between 2.13 and 2.29 meters with an average of 2.22 meters for the 8 finalists of the men’s shot-put event during the 2nd world track and field championships. During the same championships the 8 finalists in the women’s shot-put event exhibited heights of release between 1.94 and 2.24 meters with an average of 2.07 meters. Dessureault (1976), reported heights of release in the range of 1.83 to 2.20 meters. Francis (1948), reported similar values for the height of release as well as Koutiev (1966), and Zatsiorsky et al. (1981), in a classical two dimensional study of the kinematics of the shot-put event. Velocity of the Shot During the Final Effort and at Release The most important release parameter is the velocity of release (Atwater, 1979; Hay, 1993). Small changes in the release velocity produce more change in the distance achieved than do similar changes in the height or angle of release. McCoy (1990), found a high correlation for the resultant velocity of release and distance thrown (r = 0.75). McCoy (1990), also indicated that increases 36 in the resultant velocity were brought about through increases in the horizontal, and not the vertical components of the release velocity. At the start of the throwing action, the implement’s velocity increases. The velocity then decreases as the body moves into the power position to begin the delivery phase. When this phase starts, at the power position, the velocity is approximately 10% of its release velocity. The implement’s velocity increases tenfold during its delivery (McCoy et al., 1984). The velocity of release fluctuates between 13 and 14 meters per second for high caliber throws (Hay, 1993). Ariel (1979), studied 13 American and 6 European shot-putters the latter all finalists during the 1976 Olympic games. The resultant velocity of the shot at release for the Olympic competitors was between 13.56 and 14.1 m/sec., while for the American shot-putters the resultant linear velocity fluctuated between 11.58 and 13.33 m/sec. Ariel (1979) concluded that the most important factor in shot-putting is the velocity of the shot at release. He also postulated that for maximum velocity at release, there must be a summation of forces from the various phases of the throw and the various body segments. McCoy (1990), reported the velocities of release for 6 elite male American shot-putters. The values for the velocity of release fluctuated between 12.05 and 13.72 37 m/sec., with an average of 12.8 m/sec. Seven elite American female shot-putters in the same study exhibited velocities of release between 9.92 and 11.29 m/sec., with an average of 10.8 m/sec. The correlations between the horizontal velocity, the vertical velocity, the resultant velocity (velocity of release) and the distance thrown were 0.52, 0.63, and 0.67 respectively for the male throwers, and 0.18, -0.15, and 0.06 respectively for the female throwers. Groh et al., (1966) used cinematography to study the velocity and the acceleration of the shot during the final effort. The maximum velocity was reported to be 11.99 meters per second whereas the maximum acceleration was 219.9 meters per second 2. Marhold (1974), reported that technically perfect athletes were superior to others in demonstrating a better ability to increase the velocity of the shot immediately before the beginning of the push-off phase. Marhold (1974) further added that another feature of a perfect throw is a relatively high level of velocity at the beginning of the push-off phase while at the same time a maximum final acceleration is reached. For throws over 21 meters values between 3.5 and 3.7 ms -1 have been obtained. Moreover, analyses of top German shot-put throwers showed that they tend to perform better with increasingly greater accelerative paths during the pushoff phase. To achieve this, the German athletes tend to 38 reduce shot-paths during the transitional phase while they shorten the time during the same period (Marhold, 1974). Dyson (1977) showed that the shot’s acceleration dropped off at the arm thrust, whereas it further increased again when the athlete added a final wristsnapping action as the shot was loosing contact with the fingers. Koslov (1969), examined the utilization of force during the final effort in order to achieve maximum speed. He used 12 skilled athletes and a simulation of the movement at an angle of 40 degrees with a weight corresponding to that of the shot. Koslov (1969) determined three phases: (1) the beginning of the final effort would be very fast, (2) the end of the final effort would be very fast, (3) the combination of the two previous phases. He concluded that the velocity achieved by the shot is greater when the shot-putters exerted their maximum power at the end of the final effort. Consequently, maximum power should be applied at the end of the throwing action. Herman (1962), classified 6 male shot-putters as good, average, and poor in terms of performance. He found that the most effective way to achieve the highest velocity at release, is by gradually increasing the acceleration during the movements across the circle, with an even larger increase during the final shoulder and arm action. 39 Marhold (1964), studied the role of the feet contact with the ground upon the release velocity. He postulated that it is impossible to put the shot with only the inner forces of the body once both feet are off the ground. There should be a decrease in the final velocity of release. His estimation of that loss was in the nature of 0.3048 meters/second. On the other hand, the height of release increased from 0.10 to 0.15 meters. This gain might have offset the loss in the final velocity. Ariel (1973b), used one male subject, who was a former world record holder, to study the significance of the displacement of the center of gravity as it relates to the contact with the ground. For the less successful throw this particular subject exhibited no vertical displacement of the center of gravity whereas at the same time he lost contact with the ground while the shot was still in his hand. For the best throw the same athlete maintained contact with the ground throughout the release of the shot. The difference in distance between the two throws studied was 5 feet. Ariel (1973) concluded that contact with the ground is a critical factor in the shotput technique. Anderson (1972), examined the kinematic parameters involved in shot-putting. subjects. For this purpose he used 4 The main results of his study were, a) that the best performer exhibited his highest rate of linear acceleration at the instant of release. 40 The rest of the subjects exhibited decreasing rates of acceleration at the instant of release, b) The higher the velocity of release the longest the throw achieved by each of the subjects, c) given the height of release, the angle of release, and the velocity of release, it seems that the linear and vertical velocities at release are the most critical in achieving the longest throw. In the same study Anderson (1972) showed that the athlete who exhibited the longest throw, also exhibited the highest height of release, the steepest launch angle, and moreover, the fastest linear, horizontal and vertical velocities at the time of release. The opposite was true for the thrower who exhibited the worst performance. Review of Literature Related to Projectile Motion In this section, literature specifically relevant to projectile motion was reviewed and is presented here in five parts: (1) projectiles in general, (2) forces affecting projectiles, (3) vector representation in projectile motion, (4) factors affecting a projectile’s maximum horizontal displacement, and (5) optimum angle of release. Projectiles in General The term projectile describes any body that is impelled by some force and then continues to move through the air by its own inertia (Glashow, 1981). A thrown ball, an airborne long jumper, and a released shot or discus are some examples of projectiles. 41 Gravitational Force and Air Resistance The common element shared by all projectiles is the gravitational force that constantly acts on them, and is identical for all cases. The gravitational force acting on a projectile causes it to follow a parabolic trajectory given that the projection is not exactly vertical (Glashow, 1981). Air resistance may alter the parabolic course of the projectile. The degree to which air will affect the parabolic course depends upon the projectile’s size, weight, shape, nature of its surface, and most important its speed (Ivey & Hume, 1974). Traditionally, the effects of air resistance have been ignored in the various attempts to solve and explain projectile problems. Timoshenko and Young (1956) postulated that consideration of the effects of air resistance greatly complicates the solution of various projectile problems. They further added that air resistance in some cases can have a significant effect particularly when the velocity of the projectile is high. The Shot as a Projectile The study of projectiles encompasses the application of principles related to both linear motion and free falling bodies. The consideration of the shot as a projectile is a justified one as far as non consideration of forces due to air resistance are concerned (Otto, 1987). This is due to the fact that its shape enables it to maintain a constant center of gravity and constant 42 frontal area in contact with the air (see figure 4). More details will be presented later in this chapter. When the effects of air resistance are ignored, the effects of the gravitational force can then be studied more accurately. The gravitational force that acts on a projectile is entirely independent of the projectile’s horizontal speed (The M.I.T physics series, 1971). When a projectile is released at some angle relative to the horizontal, the angle of release, there are generally two velocity components which operate independently and act perpendicularly to each other. frontal area center of gravity Figure 4. The frontal area and center of gravity of the shot. Velocities and Resultant The vertical velocity (v y) is affected by gravity, and as a result, its value will vary from maximum at the instant of release of the projectile, to zero at the peak of the projectile’s flight. The vertical velocity is the factor determining how high a projectile will rise (Michels, Correll, & Patterson, 1968). This peak height is called the vertex of the trajectory. An interesting note here is that the time needed for the projectile to 43 reach its vertex equals the time it takes to reach the level of landing from the vertex (Michels et al., 1968). The horizontal velocity (vx) is constant in its value which is in accordance with Newton’s first law of motion which states that “every body continues in its state of rest or motion in a straight line unless compelled to change that state by external forces exerted upon it” (Hay, 1993). Indeed, since the forces due to air resistance that act on the projectile are not considered, once a projectile’s horizontal velocity is known, it can be assumed that it will remain the same throughout its flight (Michels et al., 1968). The resultant of a plotting of the v x and vy vectors represents the projectile’s actual velocity (v0) in the direction of projection as caused by an unbalanced force applied upon the projectile up to the instant of release. It is unbalanced in the sense that it does not have a purely horizontal or purely vertical direction. This resultant can be determined trigonometrically or graphically. Figure 5, shows a graphical representation of the resultant force. Complementary Angles When projected at each of two complementary angles at the same velocity, a projectile’s horizontal displacement will be the same if air resistance is ignored (Jones, 1979). Complementary angles are those whose sum equals 90 degrees. 44 For example, a projectile projected at 20 degrees will travel the same distance as one released at 70 degrees. The same is the case with projectiles released at 30 and 60 or 40 and 50 degrees. vertical force Figure 5. resultant horizontal force The resultant force and its components. In the first case of these examples, the horizontal velocity is high but the time in the air is short. In the latter case, there is considerably more time in the air, but the horizontal velocity is less. The phenomenon of the complementary angles holds true only when the level of release and landing are the same (Jones, 1979). In the majority of sports it is only necessary for an athlete to place emphasis on accuracy as is the case in the sports of basketball or baseball to mention a few. Only in some sports is it necessary for the athlete to achieve maximum distance, height, or velocity. This is exactly the case in all the throwing events and of course for the shot put event. Here, due to the fact that the point of release is at a higher level than that of landing, the principle of the complementary angles mentioned above is not valid. The angle that is smaller than 45 degrees, when two 45 complementary angles are compared, will always be more appropriate for maximum distance. For example, the same projectile when released under the same velocity and height, will travel further when the angle of release is 42 degrees than if it is 48 degrees, or the projectile will travel further when the angle is 40 than if it is 50 degrees and so on (Courant & Hilbert, 1953). The optimum angle of release in situations where the point of release is at a higher level than that of landing, as it happens during the shot-put event, depends upon the height and the velocity of release (Dyson, 1977). The exact figure of the optimum angle of release is currently given in the literature (Bowerman & Freeman, 1991; Ecker, 1985; Hay, 1993), as a particular range of angles for the shot-put event. Path of a Projectile When the Point of Release and the Point of Landing are in The Same Level Figure 6, shows a typical path of a projectile in the absence of air resistance. Traditionally, all projectile problems seek to find one or more of the following parameters: v0 : the velocity of release vy : the vertical velocity component vx : the horizontal velocity component a : the angle of release t : time to reach the vertex (peak) of the trajectory 46 T : total flight time X : horizontal range s : peak height reached (vertex) peak height trajectory angle of release range of projectile Figure 6. Path of a projectile in the absence of air resistance. Following, basic mathematical formulas will be presented briefly to illustrate the nature of ways used to solve projectile problems. Velocities and resultant. Because the component velocities vx and xy always act at right angles to each other, trigonometry is often used to solve projectile problems. The side adjacent to angle (a) is represented by vx, whereas vy represents the opposite side. Finally, v0 represents the hypotenuse of the right triangle. Again, using trigonometry principles, v x is estimated by multiplying the velocity at release by the cosine of the angle formed between the velocity vector and the horizontal. Consequently, vx = v0 cosa The cosine is equal to the adjacent side divided by the hypotenuse (Wenworth, 1951). 47 Consequently, vy = v0 sina The initial velocity (v 0) can be determined in two ways. Using the first way, if the value of either side and the angle (a) is known then, v0 will be, v0 = vy / sina if the vy is known or, v0 = vx / cosa if the vx is known. Using the second way, and if both v y and vx are known, the Pythagorean theorem can be used as follows, v0 2 = v x 2 + v y 2 Peak height. Peak height reached at the top of a parabola, is a function of the vertical velocity component and is not influenced by the projectile’s horizontal velocity. If the vertical velocity is known then, the peak height (s) is, s = vy2 / 2g (Barford, 1973) where g = 9.81 m/sec2, or the gravitational acceleration. If the time is known then peak height (s) is, s = 1/2 g t2 (t) here represents time taken either to rise or to fall. Total time. The time to rise or to fall is found using the formula, t = vy / g if the vertical velocity is known, or by using the formula, 48 t2 = 2s / g if the height is known. The total time is found by doubling (t) or by using the formula, T = 2vy / g Range. (Barford, 1973) The range (X) or horizontal displacement of a projectile can be determined by any of the following procedures which yield the same results: If the total time in the air and the horizontal velocity is known then, X = vx T also, because vx = v0 cosa then, X = v0 cosa T If the two component velocities are known then, X = 2vx vy / g which in essence is the same as the previous equation if one substitutes for (T) from its equivalent from the total time formula above. Subsequently, substituting for vx and vy we have that, X = [2 (v0 cosa) (v0 sina)]/g which becomes, X = v02 sin2a / g (Barford, 1973) and gives the horizontal displacement when only the projecting velocity and angle of release are known. It should be noted here, that the above equations and the procedures followed to derive them, set the stage for the derivation of the equations describing projectile motion 49 when the point of release is at a higher level than that of landing. Path of a Projectile When the Point of Release is Higher than the Point of Landing Figure 7, shows the path of a projectile when the point of release is at a higher level than that of landing. Following, some formulas pertaining to these conditions will be presented. Total time. The total time of flight when the point of release is higher than that of landing is given by, T = [v0 sina + Ö(v0 sina)2 + 2 g h] / g (Hay, 1993) Range. The range of the projectile can be obtained by using the formula, X= [v02 sina cosa +v0 cosa Ö(v0 cosa)2 + 2gh] /g(Hay, 1993) Interpretation of this formula and how it affects the potential range of the projectile is given later in this chapter. velocity of release (u0) angle of release (a) height of release (h) point of release Figure 7. point of landing Path of a projectile when the point of release is higher than that of landing. 50 Forces Affecting Projectiles From the moment a projectile is released and is in flight, mainly, only two forces can influence its motion until it lands (Cohen, 1985). These two forces are, a) the gravitational force, and b) the force due to air resistance (drag). Gravity Gravity is the force exerted by the earth on other masses and is always directed toward the center of the earth. The magnitude of the gravitational force depends upon the magnitude of the masses as well as the distance of their centers of gravity from each other (Misner, Thorne, & Wheeler, 1973). If gravity were the only external force acting on a projectile, the path the projectile would take would be in the shape of a parabola. The term parabola and parabolic course describes a type of curve resembling a hill (see also figure 6), the steepness of which can vary with the greater the angle of release, the steeper the parabola (Misner et al., 1973). The acceleration (g) of a projectile due to the gravitational force is approximately 9.81 m/sec 2. That means that the velocity of the center of gravity of a projectile will be altered in the vertical direction by 9.81 meters per second for every second that it is nonsupported. This acceleration which is due to the force of gravity is constant on any projectile, regardless of 51 the projectile’s weight. Figure 8, graphically shows the change that gravity causes in the magnitude and direction of the projectile as it hovers along its trajectory course. The magnitude of velocity is indicated by the length of the vector and the shape of the trajectory represents only the effect of the gravitational force on its vertical motion after its release. In figure 8, the vertical component decreases during ascent and then increases during descent thus, showing gravity’s decelerating and accelerating effects upon the projectile. As discussed earlier, the horizontal component remains the same throughout the trajectory path because the gravitational force can only affect vertical motion, and the assumption here is that no other forces act upon the projectile. Figure 8. The effects of gravity on the trajectory of a projectile. Aerodynamical Forces As mentioned previously, gravity is not the only external force acting on a projectile. 52 Forces generated by the flow of air relative to the moving projectile can play a decisive role in determining how a projectile will travel during its flight, particularly if the object is not massive (Courant & Hilbert, 1953). In some cases, air forces are so small and their effect so insignificant that they can be ignored. For example, one can overlook air forces when studying the putting of the shot. This implement is heavy enough (7.26 kilograms or 16 pounds) not to be greatly influenced by air resistance (Sokolnikoff & Redheffer, 1966). Moreover, its shape, which is described as non aerodynamic, does not allow the air currents to further affect its flight since it (the shape), stays the same under all circumstances. Projectiles of aerodynamic nature like the discus or the javelin can be greatly affected by air direction and magnitude since their position in relation to the air flow can change thus, affecting their flight ability. In these events air resistance should always be considered (Hay, 1993). Air resistance depends upon a) the frontal or cross sectional area exposed to the air flow, b) the velocity of the projectile relative to that of the air currents, and c) a coefficient of the air force. The air force can have two components/forces, a) the drag and b) the lift. While the drag force acts on all projectiles, the lift force acts only on the so called aerodynamical projectiles (Wong, 1991). Since the shot is not a 53 predominantly aerodynamical projectile, only the drag force will be considered here. Drag Coefficient The drag coefficient (C D) is found experimentally using wind tunnels. A projectile’s (CD) gives information about how streamlined it is, which depends on how the shape of the projectile relates to the air flow. Ganslen (1964) found that the C D for a discus changes depending upon the tilt of the discus relative to the air flow. An 11 degree inclination gives a CD of 0.10 and a 35 degree inclination gives C D of 0.68. Similar changes were found for the javelin. Generally, a blunt, non streamlined object will have a large value for the drag coefficient (e.g., a box), while long streamlined projectiles will have smaller values for the drag coefficient (e.g., a discus or a javelin). Finally, depending upon the nature of movement and the event, fluid forces can be important and must be given more than mere mention if the motion of a particular projectile is to be fully understood (Armstrong & King, 1970). Frontal Sectional Area The drag coefficient which represents the degree of streamlining of a projectile’s shape, is different than the area of the projectile facing the flow. If the area facing the flow, for example, increases because of a change to an unstreamlined position, the air force will 54 increase due to the greater area, irrelevantly how streamlined the projectile is. A double increase in the area will bring about a double increase in the drag force acting upon the projectile’s surface as it hovers through the air and it is in flight trajectory (Armstrong & King, 1970). Fluid Density The density of a fluid (r) is the fluid’s mass divided by a specific volume of it such as a liter. It is a representation of how closely the fluid’s atoms and molecules are arranged to form the fluid under consideration. To this respect, water is close to one thousand times denser than air. Consequently, movement through air will be much easier as compared to that through water. Although water density does not change, air density does change depending upon atmospheric pressure, air temperature, humidity, or altitude. Air density, for example, at 35 degrees Celsius is 12% less than at zero degrees Celsius (Armstrong & King, 1970). Velocity The drag coefficient and the frontal area (A) become more important at faster flow velocities because they are multiplied by the velocity in the second power. In the drag equation, Drag = 1/2 CD A r v2 the increase in drag force is proportional to the square 55 of the velocity. If at a velocity of 10 m/sec., there is drag of 30 Newtons, a double increase in velocity to 20 m/sec., will bring about a four time increase in the drag force from 30 Newtons to 120 Newtons. Relative Acceleration In those cases where the projectile could travel for very long distances, the relative acceleration, also called the Coriolis acceleration, should be taken into account. Generally, a projectile can travel further if projected towards the east rather than towards the west (F. Mirabelle, personal communication, January 1995). Drag Effect on Different Masses Due to their nature, some projectiles cannot be streamlined. The shot is such a projectile. This projectile is spherical in shape and ball-like looking and generally allows for a great air resistance in the form of drag (Kibble, 1973). The mass, however, of a spherical projectile which moves through the air is important in determining the amount of deceleration which is caused by a particular force applied on the projectile. An increase or a decrease in the mass of the projectile does not alter the magnitude of the drag force acting against it. However, the mass of the projectile determines to some extend how the projectile’s motion will be influenced by the drag force (Kibble, 1973). For example, if one were to drop a tennis ball and an iron ball of the same size from a high elevation, they 56 would notice that the iron ball will reach the ground sooner than the tennis ball. In this case, although the size of the balls is the same, the mass is significantly greater in the case of the iron ball. Obviously, the tennis ball is affected more by the drag force than the iron ball. It seems then that the same amount of drag force affects the tennis ball more than the iron ball. This is because the drag force easier matches the weight of the tennis ball whereas, there is a need for more time if the drag force were to match the weight of the iron ball (Kibble, 1970). An explanation for this can be found by applying Newton’s second law of motion. If force equals mass times acceleration, F = m * a, and, a = F / m then, the acceleration (or deceleration) is inversely proportional to that object’s mass. Consequently, the smaller the mass the more the effect of the same drag force. When motion in a horizontal plane is considered, where acceleration due to gravity does not affect the deceleration of the object, the deceleration of the object will be equal to the resistive force divided by the mass of the object (Kibble, 1973). This means that the retarding effect is directly proportional to the drag force on the object which depends upon the area facing the air flow, and also that this retarding effect is 57 inversely proportional to the mass of the object. In this fashion, a tennis ball can travel faster than a ping-pong ball. The difference in the area facing the wind currents partially explains why a skier prefers to descent the mountain slopes in a crouched position (reduced frontal area) than in a standing position. Vector Representation in Projectile Motion Resultant Vector When a shot-putter imparts velocity to the shot in the direction of the throw (see figure 9), the thrower essentially imparts both a vertical force represented by vector AB, and a horizontal force represented by vector AC. The net effect or the resultant of these two velocities vectors can be obtained by completing the parallelogram of which AC and AB are adjacent sides and then construct the diagonal through the point A. diagonal represents in magnitude and direction the This resultant velocity of the shot (Hay, 1993). D B resultant A C 58 Figure 9. Velocity components and resultant during shot- put releasing. Consequently, the combination of the effects of the vertical and horizontal forces causes the shot to move in the direction indicated by the diagonal AD and with a velocity represented by the length of that diagonal. This type of parallelogram is called the parallelogram of vectors. To find the resultant force when the angle between the two vectors AB and AC is a right angle and, the magnitude of the vertical and horizontal velocities is known, the theorem of Pythagoras may be used to find the magnitude of the resultant AD as follows, AD = ÖAB2 + AC2 The direction of the resultant can be obtained by, tana = AB / AC where (a) is the angle formed between the vector AC and the resultant (Wenworth & Smith, 1951). When the angle formed between the two vectors AB and AC is not a right angle, the process of finding the magnitude and direction of their resultant is more complicated and beyond the scope of this review. Vector Components In some situations information about the vectors AB and AC is desired rather than about the resultant. this case, and providing that only the magnitude and In 59 direction of the resultant is known, the resultant must be broken down into two components thus, obtaining horizontal and vertical components, which may represent velocity, acceleration, displacement, and so on. These components can be determined using two ways: a) they can be determined graphically by following a procedure that reverses the construction of a parallelogram of vectors and, b) they can be determined through the use of trigonometry (Basic systems Inc., 1962). Using the first way, it is assumed that the angle between the resultant and the horizontal is 40 degrees, and also that the length of the resultant is 10 cm., representing 10 m/sec., velocity. For this example then (see figure 10), a line is drawn from the top of the resultant force directly vertically until this line crosses the horizontal line. A horizontal line is then drawn again from the top of the resultant. The parallelogram that is formed includes the horizontal and the vertical components of the resultant. A measurement of the two vector components will give a measure of their relative magnitude. The parallelogram that is formed includes the horizontal and the vertical components of the resultant. A measurement of the two vector components will give a measure of their relative magnitude. Using trigonometry to find the two component vectors, it is known that, 60 cosa = AC / resultant The horizontal component is then, AC = resultant cosa Similarly, AB = resultant sina The trigonometric method is faster and more important more accurate than the graphic method. B 10 m/sec. AB=10x0.642= =6.42 m/sec. 40 degrees A C AC=10x0.766 = 7.66 m/sec. Figure 10. Analysis of vector components from the resultant. Factors Affecting a Projectile’s Horizontal Displacement Earlier in this chapter, the forces that affect a projectile during its flight were examined. The conditions, however, under which a projectile is released play a paramount role in determining the maximum range achieved. Point of Release is at Ground Level A review of the equation for the range of a projectile when the point of release is at the same level as that of landing, 61 X = v2 sin 2a / g reveals that the range is directly proportional to the square of the velocity of release and the angle of release, and inversely proportional to the gravitational force. It is obvious from that equation that the velocity of release is the single most important factor here, because it is squared thus, its weight in the equation is significantly higher than that of the angle of release. Due to the fact that this formula is not directly applicable to the shot-put event, a numerical solution of the equation will not be pursued here in order to validate what was stated above. Instead, a numerical solution will be sought for the more applicable to the throwing events equation next. Release Occurs at a Higher Level Than That of Landing The equation which gives the range of a projectile when it is released from a height above the ground is as follows: X = [v2 sina cosa + v cosa Ö(v sina)2 + 2gh] / g Again it can be seen that the value of the velocity is squared and this declares the paramount importance of the velocity of release in achieving maximum range, when the point of release is at a higher level than that of landing as it happens during the throwing events. A numerical example can help for a more clear explanation of the relative importance of the velocity of release, 62 the angle of release, and the height of release in the effort to achieve the higher possible range. Let us assume that a projectile is released at a velocity of 13 m/sec., at an angle of 38 degrees, from a height of 1.9 meters above the ground. Under these conditions and if the equation for range presented above is solved using these numbers, the final value for the range will be 18.87 meters. Now let us see how a 5% increase in each of these characteristics at the moment of release will affect the distance reached. It is important here to note that for comparison reasons, while an increase of 5% is taking place in one of the three components, the other two will remain as they were initially in this example. First, an increase of 5% in the velocity of release from 13 m/sec., to 13.65 m/sec., (the angle is 38 degrees and the height is 1.9 meters), will increase the range to 20.60 meters, a net increase of 1.73 meters as compared to the original range of 18.87 meters. Second, an increase of 5% in the angle of release from 39 to 39.9 degrees (the velocity is 13 m/sec., and the height is 1.9 meters) will increase the range to 18.98 meters, an increase of 0.11 meters. Third, an increase of 5% in the height of release from 1.9 meters to 1.995 meters (the velocity is 13 m/sec., and the angle is 39 degrees) will increase the range to 18.97 meters, an increase of 0.10 meters. 63 It is clear that an increase in the velocity of release brought about more dramatic results than similar increases in either the angle or the height of release. It should be emphasized here, however, that in practice it happens all too often that the difference between the winner and the loser is a mere 10 or 20 centimeters, a reality that declares the need for careful consideration of every aspect of the throw if a maximum range is to be achieved (Papageorgiou, 1986). The following then, can be summarized about the velocity of release, the angle of release and the height of release. Velocity of release. In projectile motion, speed of release is the most important factor. As shown above, a small percentage of increase in release speed will always bring about a greater percentage of increase in distance, if all the other factors remain constant. While the athlete must continually attempt to increase the implement’s speed at release, he/she must avoid increasing one velocity component (horizontal or vertical) without also increasing the other. Otherwise, the angle of release is likely to be too high or too low and the distance of the throw may be reduced, even though the release speed has been increased (Papageorgiou, 1986). Angle of release. No matter which kind of projectile is being considered, there is a particular optimum projecting angle for every attempt, no matter 64 what ability the individual thrower happens to possess (Bowerman & Freeman, 1991). However, it is not necessarily the same angle for each thrower in an event, or even the same angle for an individual athlete’s attempts in the same competition. The contribution of the angle of release to the overall achieved distance is not as important as that of the velocity, but nevertheless, it may make the difference between winning and losing in a competition. Height of release. The height of release of a projectile can also be of importance, and as is the case with the angle of release, it may make the difference between winning or losing. Generally, there is not an optimum height of release. Traditionally, athletes have been trying to release their implements from a height as high as possible while at the same time they try to adjust the angle (optimum) at which the implement should be released to achieve maximum distance (Dyson, 1977; Hay, 1985). Optimum Angle of Release When the Projectile is Released at a Level Higher Than That of Landing If a thrower is to obtain maximum distance, it will not be sufficient to give the missile maximum release velocity. It must also be thrown at an appropriate angle. When the point of release and landing are at the same level and the aerodynamic forces are ignored, the 65 optimum angle for the projection of a projectile should be 45 degrees regardless of its velocity of release. In this case, vertical and horizontal component velocities are equal and the missile also lands at a 45 degrees angle. However, in all four throwing events and of course in the shot-put event, the implement is released from a point above the ground and this affects the optimum release angle. Then, the optimum angle depends upon the height and the velocity of the projection (Dyson, 1977). In the shot-put event where aerodynamic factors are of no account (Dyson, 1977), the optimum angle will be less than 45 degrees. In the literature, the optimum angle of release has been reported to be in the range of 41-43 degrees, depending upon the height and the velocity of release. 49.400 40.200 2.1 meters 49.400 19.18 meters Figure 11. The relationship between release and landing angles in projectile motion when the point of release is higher than that of landing. In theory, a projectile thrown at 40 degrees and 20 66 minutes, will land at 49 degrees and 40 minutes (see figure 11) if released from 2.1 meters above the ground at a velocity of 13 m/sec., for a distance of 19.18 meters (Dyson, 1977). Summary The release parameter data confirm that the velocity of release is the single most important factor in obtaining maximum distance in shot-put. The angle of release should always be accounted for, if a successful throwing performance is to be achieved. A discrepancy has been shown to exist between the theoretical optimum angle of release in shot-put and the actually obtained angle of release, from real life data analyses. A number of viable explanations have been given to explain this phenomenon. Three main factors along with the gravitational force will affect the range a projectile can achieve when in fact it is released from a specific height (h) above the ground. First, the velocity of release (v0) of the projectile, second, the angle of release of the projectile (a) and third, the height of release of the projectile (h). Of the three factors, the velocity at the time of release is the most important one and more dramatically affects the range achieved, much more than the angle of release and the height of release can. However, both the angle of release and the height of release can contribute 67 to a perfect skillful projection/throw. In the throwing events the selection of the optimum angle of release can contribute to winning or losing in a competition, both in the beginning and in the advanced levels. Given the relative importance of the angle of release in achieving maximum range, a theoretical model is sought to estimate the exact optimum angle of release for the shot-put event. The theoretical model will assume that the shot as a projectile obeys the principles governing projectile motion when the point of release is at a higher level than that of landing. The theoretical model estimating the optimum angle should be a function of the velocity of release and the height of release while it will take into account the gravitational force. 68 CHAPTER 3 Methodology Research Design The purpose of this study was, a) to examine the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release and also the relationship between the angle of release and the height of release in the shotput event, b) based upon the above relationships, to obtain a real life equation to estimate the angle of release from velocity and height of release data, and c) to develop and validate a theoretical model to estimate the optimum angle of release from velocity of release and height of release data. This, for the purpose of comparing the results from this model with those obtained from real life throwing. The agreement between theory and practice was thus, assessed. Specifically, it was an attempt, 1. To examine the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release, and also the angle of release and the height of release in shot put, so as to determine, primarily, whether any dependence of the velocity of release on the release angle exists. Based on the above relationships, equations predicting the angle of release from the velocity and the height of release were obtained. 2. To mathematically model the motion of the shot as a projectile with respect to its optimum angle of 69 release taking into consideration the mechanical conditions that are prevalent during the event. 3. To examine the validity of the model by comparing it to other models/methods relative to projectile motion. 4. To examine the potential application of the model to real life situations by experimentally testing it and applying it to a number of shot-putters. To determine the relationships between the angle, the velocity, and the height of release, correlational techniques were used. To obtain a real life model, multiple regression techniques were used. The research design to obtain the proposed theoretical model fell into the realm of descriptive research. To achieve the development of the theoretical model, the process of mathematically deriving the model that estimates the exact optimum angle of release for a projectile when its point of release is at a higher point than that of landing will be explored and described in detail in this chapter. The elements and procedures that help construct the model were described here. Finally, the methods to be used to validate the model and the potential application of the model will be discussed. The Relationship Between the Angle, Velocity, and Height of Release To achieve the objective of the study to establish 70 the relationship between the angle, velocity and height of release, the following procedures were followed: a) preliminary investigation, b) selection of subjects, c) instrumentation, d) collection of data and, e) analysis of data. Preliminary Investigation A preliminary investigation was undertaken to (1) determine the type of instrumentation that would be needed to adequately investigate the kinematics of the release phase in shot-putting, (2) identify the major problems encountered in the filming of the movement, (3) familiarize the investigator with the experimental equipment, and (4) develop methods and procedures suitable for conducting this type of experiment. The preliminary investigation revealed that a frame rate of at least 120 frames per second would be adequate in capturing the movement of the shot after its release. It was found that a sufficient number of frames would be available for the accurate estimation of the velocity, height and angle of release of the shot at release. No blurring occurred. It was decided that the filming of the subjects would take place over a five day period to allow for rest between workouts. be used. Moreover, two assistants would have to One would help measure the actual distances thrown by the shot-putters, the other would record the identification for each subject and the progress of the 71 various trials. Correlational analysis of the preliminary investigation data showed that a significant correlation existed between the height of release and the angle of release. The correlations between the velocity of release and the angle of release and also the velocity of release and the height of release were not significant. There was no attempt to create a regression equation to predict the angle of release from velocity and height of release data. The non significant correlation between the velocity of release and the angle of release could be attributed to the fact that the subject used for the preliminary investigation was able to achieve angles of release between 17 and 35 degrees only thus, making it possible to achieve similar velocities of release throughout the angle range. It is expected that with steeper angles the velocity will decrease. As it was observed in this study this, indeed, was the case. Selection of Subjects Subjects were 5 healthy, male collegiate shotputters using the rotational technique, volunteers, ages 18-22, from the track and field teams of 4 different universities in the State of Kansas. The investigator approached each of the 5 subjects and solicited their participation. Selection of the subjects was made based upon their experience in the shot-put event. 72 An experienced shot-putter was someone who was able to demonstrate much above average technical skill in throwing the shot, as assessed by the investigator. The main technique elements the investigator attempted to evaluate were, 1. Slow/controlled preparatory movements in the back of the circle as the thrower was ready to enter the turn. 2. Slow/controlled transition from double support to single support over the left foot (right hand thrower) with lowering of the center of gravity and proper trunk position (no excessive bending). During the same phase a relaxed left arm, along with an active right leg which would lead the thrower towards the center of the circle. Moreover, the thrower was to use only his legs and hips to acquire momentum, during this phase, while the trunk and upper body were to be inactive. 3. After the athlete landed somewhere in the middle of the circle, a good separation between the shoulder and the hip axes with the right shoulder well back to his right. Exactly at the moment the athlete landed his right foot, all the body weight was to momentarily be over that foot. At the same moment, as the athlete completed the double support phase, his left foot was to be quickly placed near the stop-board. 4. After the athlete had assumed the power position, a coordinated movement starting from the feet 73 legs and hips and finally up to the trunk, shoulders and throwing arm was sought. The action of legs and hips was to be given priority at the start of the final effort. The direction of the final effort was to be from back (over the right foot) to front (over the left foot) and from down, up. During this phase, the left (free) arm was to be very active, actually helping the trunk to swiftly rotate towards the left. At the instant the athlete released the shot, the free (left) arm was to bend in the elbow and its action was to block the tendency of the trunk to over-rotate to the left. 5. The overall flow of the throw was to show a well controlled speed of execution with a significantly faster final effort as compared to the turning phase of the throw. Subjects were required to read and sign a consent form as shown in appendix B, before participating in the study. An approval for the use of human subjects was also obtained from the advisory committee on human experimentation (A.C.H.E) of the University of Kansas and is shown in appendix C. Instrumentation A Pulinix high speed video camera mounted on a sturdy tripod was used. A Citizen 5.7 x 4.3 cm monitor was used to help the investigator see what was actually recorded. A Panasonic AG-1960 Proline SVHS video cassette recorder was used in conjunction with the camera 74 to record the performance of each of the subjects. The tapes used to record the throws were high quality SVHS videotapes. The digital clock used to assess the real speed of the camera was from Lafayette Instrument Co., model 54419-A. For the film analysis, a Panasonic AG-7350 SVHS video cassette recorder was used whereas the monitor for the analysis was a Sony Trinitron PVM-1341. The computer unit that was used to perform the analysis was a 486/33 from Advanced Logic Research. The computer monitor was a Panasonic Panasync C-1395. Collection of Data Filming Procedures Subjects were filmed both indoors and outdoors, some indoors some outdoors, depending upon the weather conditions and also the availability of an indoor facility. All subjects threw from a regular shot-put throwing circle. The camera was set at an angle of 90 degrees (perpendicular) to the subject’s right sagittal plane as he faces the direction of the throw (right hand thrower). The filming procedure was 2 dimensional (2D). The f-stop was set at 1.2 during filming indoors while it was set at 16 during filming outdoors. The shutter factor was 1/160 in most cases whereas it was set at 1/500 in some of the indoor filming. The speed of the film was set at 120 pictures per second. To determine the reproducibility of the camera 75 speed, a digital clock was filmed. By counting the number of frames in one second, the exact and actual number of frames per second was determined. It was found that the camera was running at the exact picture rate. To convert film distances to real life distances, a meter stick with a length of 4 feet (1.22 meters) was used and filmed perpendicularly to the camera exactly in the location where the throwing action was to take place. Knowing that the filmed stick represents real life distance, a scale factor was automatically derived by the computer and it was used for the analysis. It was also determined that the amount of light was always adequate and consequently, no artificial light was used. B D C A: B: C: D: E: F: F E Camera Plumb bob Clock Trial number Throwing circle Throwing sector 13.9 m Figure 12. A The experimental arrangement of the equipment for collecting the data. 76 The distance between the camera and the plane of action was 13.9 meters, whereas the distance between the camera lens and the ground was 1.18 meters in all cases. A plumb bob in the background was used during filming so that the investigator could determine exactly where the vertical direction was. Cards identifying the order of the attempts were also used. Testing Procedures For each attempt, the athlete tried to make the throw in one of five different ways as follows: 1. The athlete threw at his normal angle, 2. The athlete threw slightly higher than his normal angle, 3. The athlete threw slightly lower than his normal angle, 4. The athlete threw much higher than his normal angle and, 5. The athlete threw much lower than his normal angle. Based on the angle they usually throw, the athletes were instructed to make the proper adjustments to achieve the slightly higher and the slightly lower angles. The terms “slightly higher” and “slightly lower” above, implied the use of an angle that was approximately 5 degrees above or below the “normal” angle. However, for the “much lower” and the “much higher” angles the athletes were instructed to throw as low as possible and 77 as high as possible, respectively. The purpose of using the five kinds of throwing angles was not to achieve accuracy in the angle of release used rather, to achieve a wide variety of angles of release filmed. As Bashian, Gavoor, & Clark (1982) speculated, it would be credulous for anyone to claim that an athlete can purposely throw the shot at a specific angle of release. Each athlete attempted 10 trials, as suggested by Bates, Dufek & Davis (1992), in each of the above 5 kinds of throwing thus, resulting in the filming of a total of 50 throws for each thrower. The throws were “all-out” with the athlete trying to achieve his best potential each time as if he were in a real competitive environment. The athlete was told immediately before each throw, under which of the 5 kinds of angle of release he was supposed to throw. The order of the throws was randomly determined beforehand by the investigator. To achieve that, each kind of angle was written on a piece of paper and drawn at random. The throwers practiced the high and low throws in several workouts before the filming session. This took place in an effort to avoid an unfair advantage of throwing under the normal angle as opposed to throwing over the higher and lower angles. Since the athletes had to throw a total of 50 throws, to avoid fatigue from occurring, the athletes were tested on 5 different days thus, executing 10 throws 78 for each day. Based on the personal experience of the investigator as a shot-putter, and also on personal communications with a number of athletes and coaches, it was deemed appropriate to ease the daily workload. This was even more imperative considering that the attempts were to be “all-out” and energy would be quickly lost. Foul throws were not used. repeated. A foul throw had to be The athletes were encouraged to perform as in competition where, among others, foul throws do not count. Each throw was measured with a tape; this, in an effort to assess the accuracy of the obtained from the film velocity, angle and height of release data. Using the data obtained from the analysis and the equation for range, when a projectile is released from a height (h) above the ground, the range based on these data can be estimated. Results from the solution of the equation should approximately agree with those of the actually measured range. Finally, the implement used by the athletes was according to the International Amateur Athletic Federation (I.A.A.F) guidelines, weighing 7.257 kilograms with a maximum diameter of 13 centimeters. Analysis of Data Film Analysis To calculate the desired parameters, a video analysis system along with computer software from Peak Performance Corporation was used. 79 Figure 13 shows the release parameters that were calculated. velocity angle height Figure 13. The release parameters calculated. The Peak Performance computer analysis system uses a central processing unit, a computer monitor, and a video tape monitor in which the film is actually viewed. A menu of various options shown on the screen of the computer monitor aids the user in choosing the proper actions to be taken for the analysis. Moreover, a computer mouse is always used to locate the various points of interest on the image shown on the video monitor. To calculate the velocity and the angle of the shot at release, the horizontal and vertical location of the shot in the air in each frame of approximately the first 2 meters of its path after release was determined. Following, a straight line to the horizontal location versus time values was fitted. A parabola of second derivative equal to 9.81m/sec 2 to the vertical location versus time values was also fitted. To achieve the fit of the straight line and of the parabola, a FORTRAN computer program provided by Dr. Dapena was used (J. 80 Dapena, personal communication, January 1995). This computer program estimated the horizontal and vertical velocities at the time of release and is shown in appendix D. Based on the equations of the line and of the parabola, and also of the best estimate of when (i.e., the frame number) the shot was released, it was possible to get a very good estimate for the location, the horizontal and vertical velocities, and therefore for the angle of release and the magnitude of the velocity vector at release. Trigonometry principles were used to calculate the velocity vector from the horizontal and the vertical velocities. More specifically, using the Pythagorean theorem, v = Öa2 + b2 where, v = the velocity vector, a = the vertical velocity vector, b = the horizontal velocity vector. To calculate the angle of release, which is the angle formed between the velocity vector and the horizontal velocity vector again, trigonometry was used. We know that, tana = a / b where, a = the angle of release, a = the vertical velocity vector, b = the horizontal velocity vector. In both cases, a computer program was used to quickly and accurately obtain the results for the 81 velocity and the angle of release. The goal was to have at the end a release velocity versus release angle relationship/scattergram for each thrower. Taking this relationship into account and also the height of release parameter, a multiple regression equation was obtained for each thrower. Thus, the true optimum angle of release was calculated for each thrower and subsequently compared with the so-called theoretical optimum angle obtained from the theoretical model. The result from the theoretical model naturally assumes that the velocity is not dependent upon the release angle. Statistical Analysis To examine whether a linear relationship exists between the angle of release and the velocity of release, and also between the angle of release and the height of release, the Pearson product moment correlation was used. To estimate the angle from velocity and height data, an equation of the form, Y’ = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + e was obtained using multiple regression procedures, with the angle being the dependent and the velocity and the height being the independent variables. In the above equation, Y’ = the predicted angle of release, b1, b2 = the regression coefficients associated with the velocity and height of release variables (x 1, x2), a = the constant of the regression equation, and e = error or residual. Finally, in an effort to initially 82 detect the presence of collinearity, a Pearson product moment correlation was performed between the velocity and height of release variables. Other collinearity diagnostics were also used. To examine whether a significant difference exists between the results of the theoretical model and the real life model, simple regression techniques were used. Twenty random pairs of velocity and height of release data were assumed. To do this, all the possible values for velocity of release and height of release, achieved during throwing under the normal angle of release for each subject, were written on a piece of paper and then drawn at random one pair at a time. Based on these data, both the theoretical and the real life models were solved numerically and the resulting angles of release were obtained. Finally, the regression equation for the two models with the real model being the dependent and the theoretical model being the independent variable, was obtained. As a result of the analysis, the intercept/constant (a) and the regression coefficient (b) of the corresponding regression equation were also obtained. For a perfect agreement between the two models a correlation of one should be observed with the constant (a) being equal to zero, and the regression coefficient (b) being equal to one. Since it was impossible for the two models to agree perfectly, the regression coefficient (b) was tested against the hypothesis that it was 83 significantly different from one, and the constant (a) was tested against the hypothesis that it was significantly different from zero. To achieve this, the (t) values for both parameters were obtained and their significance was determined. The Theoretical Model The procedures followed to obtain the theoretical model are described in detail below: Gravity When a small body is projected near a much larger body, its trajectory is not straight but curves back toward the larger body. Newton’s law of gravitation specifies that, when both bodies are spherically symmetric and the small projectile is outside the larger body, the force acting by the larger mass (m 1) on the smaller mass (m2) is given by, F= - G m1 m 2 r2 ® r (1) where G is the gravitation constant, r is the vector from the center of mass of the larger body to the center of mass of the smaller body and r®, is the corresponding unit vector (Bergman, 1987). When the larger body is the Earth (m 1 = me) and the small projectile (m2 = m) is close enough to a point fixed on the earth’s surface, the Earth may be considered as having spherical symmetry with r » re which is the radius of the Earth. In this case, equation (1) can be 84 written as, F= ® G me m - j re2 where, j® is a unit vector in the upward vertical direction, which is considered to be constant in both direction and magnitude. The assumption that (F) is constant is called the “flat Earth” assumption (Bergman, 1987) and then, ® F= where g = G me / r2e. - m g j = m g Since G = 6.67 x 10-11, me = 5.98 x 1024 (kilograms) and re = 6.38 x 106 (meters) then, g = 9.81 m/sec2, and (g) is called the acceleration due to gravity. Its magnitude varies by less than 1% for projectiles within 30 kilometers of the Earth’s surface. The force, m g, is referred to as the weight of any body of mass (m). Velocity and Position Vectors The simplest approximation for a projectile’s motion is to consider that the only force acting on it, after it is released, is its weight. Then, for motion in free space Newton’s second law of motion pertaining to acceleration gives, m d2 r d t2 d2 r d t2 = 85 = m g ® - g j (2) This is simply the second derivative of (r) in respect to time and is called the acceleration vector. In this equation, (r) is the position vector with respect to a fixed origin on the Earth’s surface. Figure 14, which is a reproduction of figure 2, shows the coordinate and vector system. If initially, that means t = 0, the projectile is traveling at velocity u0 at an angle (a) to the horizontal, the initial velocity vector will be, ® v 0 = u0 cosa i ® + u0 sina j (3) (v) here, represents the velocity vector, while (u0) is the initial velocity, (i®) is a unit vector in the horizontal direction which forms a right angle with (j®) (see figure 14). If equation (2) is integrated with respect to time (t) we initially have, d2 r d t2 ® = - g j which is the acceleration vector as explained earlier, and is the same as, d d t d r d t = d u d t which is the first derivative, or the velocity vector which is the same as, d u d t = ® - g j 86 y u0 m g j a 0 Figure 14. i x The right angle vector system in projectile motion. This then is integrated and becomes (in respect to time), v (t) = ® - g j (t) + c where (c) is a constant used in this expression to potentially explain information not included in it. To continue, the expression above becomes, v (t) = ® - g t j + c (4) However, we have defined earlier that the value of t =0. So substituting for t we have, v (0) = ® - g (0) j + c Now, because v(0) = velocity when time is zero (0) it is the same as saying that the initial velocity u0 is the velocity v0. Consequently, v (t) = ® - g t j + v0 From this expression we can see that because the expression - g (0) = 0 the constant (c) will be equal to 87 v0 . So equation (4) finally becomes, ® v = v0 - g t j and substituting for v0 from equation (3) we finally have, ® v = v0 - g t j ® v = u0 cosa i ® + (u0 sina - g t) j (5) where, v = dr / dt which is the first derivative of the vector (r) in respect to time, or the velocity vector at any time (t). When equation (5) is integrated with respect to time, and the assumption r = 0 when t = 0 is made, we have, d r d t ® = v = v0 - g t j Keeping in mind that: d/dt(t 2/2) = 2t/2 = t, we have, t2 r (t) = v 0 t - g 2 ® j + c then, substituting for t = 0 we have, r (0) = v 0 (0) - g 02 2 ® j + c = 0 where c = a constant as explained previously. However, if the above expression should equal to zero (0) then the constant (c) should also be zero since the expression v0(0) - g 02 / 2 = 0. after eliminating (c) is, 88 The final equation g t2 2 r (t) = v 0 t - ® j Substituting from equation (3) for v0 above we have, ® ® (u0 cosa i ® 1 g t2 j = 2 + u0 sina j) t ® u0 cosa t i ® + u0 sina t j ® u0 cosa t i + ( u0 - sina t - ® 1 g t2 j 2 1 g t2 2 ) ® j = (6) If the projectile is at the point (x, y) then, r = x i® + y j® and the horizontal component of the projectile’s displacement will be, x = u0 t cosa (the first part of equation 6) and the vertical component will be, y = u0 sina t - 1/2 g t2 (the second part of equation 6). When (t) is eliminated from the two equations, after arrangements we have, x = u0 t cosa and t = x / u0 cosa y = u0 t sina - 1/2 g t2 Substituting for (t) in the equation above we obtain, 89 y = u0 u0 2 æ ö 1 x g ç ÷ 2 è u0 cosa ø x sina cosa The u0’s cancel each other out, and keeping in mind that, seca = 1 / cosa, and also, x sina cosa - sina / cosa = tana, 1 x2 g 2 2 u0 1 cos2a 1 x2 x tana g 2 sec2a 2 u0 y = x tana - g x2 2 u02 sec2a we have, = = (7) The Range of a Projectile Released From a Height (h) For the problem, the point of release is at a higher level from the landing point. It is assumed then, that the landing point is a vertical distance below the projection point which is also the origin of the projection. So it is assumed that h < 0. In the effort to estimate the optimum angle of release, some other aspects should be studied first. These factors are the determination of, a) the time of flight and, b) the horizontal range. To begin, we will consider (h) as the (y) component of the vector system. From equation (6) then, because, y = (u0 t sina - 1/2 g t2) we have that, h = u0 t sina - 1 g t2 2 This is a quadratic equation of the form, 90 ax2 + bx + c = 0 with solution, b2 - 4 a c 2 a - b ± x = Thus the expression, 1/2 g t2 - u0 t sina + h = 0 becomes, t = u20 sin2a - 2 g h u0 sina ± (8) g We have already seen that x = u0 cosa t. Substituting for (t) then in this equation we obtain, x = { u20 sin2a - 2 g h u0 cosa u0 sina ± } g (9) which gives us the horizontal range of the projectile released from a height (h), at an angle (a), and an initial velocity (u0). The Optimum Angle Model For a given initial velocity (u0), the maximum horizontal range is obtained by considering, dx / da = 0 This is the first derivative of the range (x) with respect to the angle (a). To explain how this happens, let us consider for a moment the following: 1. The derivative is assumed to explain the slope 91 of the tangent of the angle (a) (Marsden, & Weinstein, 1981). 2. In figure 15, we see how (x) is fluctuating depending upon the change in the angle (a). In this figure, when (x) has its maximum value, the tangent of the angle (a) has a zero (0) slope because it is exactly horizontal. So, for a maximum (x) in this case, the slope of the tangent is zero. Consequently, the derivative of the range (x) with respect to the angle (a) should be zero for a maximum range (x). That is, dx / da = 0 for maximum range (x). maximum x x slope = 0 a Figure 15. The maximum value of x, and the tangent of the angle (a) at peak. Considering now equation (7) and, as mentioned earlier, assuming that y = h, then, h = x tana - 92 g x2 2 u20 sec2a Differentiating the above equation with respect to (a), we first differentiate the first part of the equation which is the expression, x tana. d ( x tana) d a d = x tana + tana d a = x sec2a + tana d x d a Thus, d x d a = (10) Following, the second part of the equation (gx 2 / 2u0) sec2a, is differentiated while keeping in mind the following rules applying to differentiation: 1. d/dx [ f(x) g(x)] = f(x) d/dx g(x) = g(x) d/dx f(x). 2. d/dx [f(x)]2 = 2 f(x) df/dx. 3. d/dx (tanx) = sec2x and, d/dx (secx) = secx tanx. We then have for the second part, d d a g = g 2 u20 2 2 x = u20 æ g x2 ç è 2 u 20 d x2 sec2a + d a d x sec2a + d a g u20 x g 2 u20 d x sec2a + d a ö sec2a÷ ø g 2 u20 x2 = d sec2a = d a x2 2 seca seca tana = g u20 x2 sec2a tana (11) Incorporating now expressions (10) and (11) together 93 we obtain, 0 = x sec2a + tana ég d x - ê 2 x sec2a d a ë u0 - ù x2 sec2a tana ú û g + d x d a u20 As mentioned earlier, for a maximum (x), dx/da = 0. The above expression then becomes, g x2 2 0 = x sec a - u20 sec2a tana which reduces to, é 0 = x ê1 ë g x u20 ù tana ú û Considering again equation (7) we see that x = 0 does not satisfy that equation. maximize (x) not to be zero. We simply want to That means that the maximum value of x satisfies (continue from above), 1 g x 1 = tana = 0 u20 tana = u20 x g x = u 20 g u20 g = x tana 1 tana (12) Keeping in mind that, 1 / tana = cota we obtain, x = u20 cota g 94 (13) Equations (7) and (13) can be solved simultaneously to obtain the maximum value for (x), again considering that y = h. The two equations are, g x2 h = x tana - 2 sec2a u20 and, x = u20 cota g Keeping in mind that, cota = 1 / tana, we have from equation 12, tana = Now, sec2a = 1 + tan2a. h = x u 2 - x g h = h = u02 g = g x2 2 (1 u02 g x2 2 u02 é ê1 + ë g x2 2 u02 é x2 g2 + u04 ù ê ú = x2 g2 êë úû g x2 2 u02 x2 g2 + u04 x 2 g 2 95 + tan2a ) = 2 é æ u02 ö ù ê1 + ç ÷ ú = ê è x gø ú ë û g x2 2 u02 - - u20 x g Equation (7) then becomes, 0 x u02 x g 1 cota = u04 ù ú = x2 g2 û u02 g u02 g - h = - h g g = 2 x 2 g + u04 u02 = 2 x2 g2 = 2 u02 ( u02 é u02 - h g ù g ê ú = g ë û ) - h g - u04 g = x2 g2 = 2 u04 - 2 h g u02 - u04 = x2 g2 = u04 - h g 2 u02 = 2 x x = = u04 - h g 2 u02 g2 u04 - 2 h g u02 g2 x = u0 = u02 ( u02 - 2 h g) = g2 u02 - 2 h g g = (14) Equation (14), presents the solution for maximum (x). In essence, it gives the maximum range that a projectile can achieve, when it is released with an initial velocity (u0), from a height (h) above the ground. As mentioned earlier, tan a = u20 x g Substituting in this equation for (x) from equation (14) we obtain, 96 tana = u20 u20 u20 - 2 h g g tana = = g u0 u20 - 2 h g (15) Equation (15) gives the optimum angle of projection when a projectile is released with an initial velocity (u0), from a height (h), and is proposed by this study as a theoretical model to obtain the optimum angle of release when the point of release is at a higher level than that of landing. The above model can be rewritten to reflect a solution for the optimum angle of release as (already shown above), a opt ìï üï u0 ý = arctan í ïî u20 - 2 h g ïþ (16) It is obvious, that the solution of the model will produce the tangent of the optimum angle which can be subsequently found. However, because the above expression is a trigonometric function, there should be another model derived from the model above (15). More specifically, we know from trigonometry that, tana = opposite / adjacent Considering then the triangle ABC below, 97 B a A C tana = BC / AC but from (15) we have that, tana = u0 u20 - 2 h g then, BC = u0, and AC = Öu02 - 2 g h. Using the Pythagorean theorem the AB (hypotenuse) will be, AB2 = ( u20 - 2 g h AB = ) 2 + u20 = u20 - 2 g h + u20 = 2 u20 - 2 g h We also know from trigonometry that, sina = opposite hypotenuse Substituting then we have, sina = u0 2 u20 - 2 g h (17) which also gives the optimum angle of release when a projectile is released with a velocity (u0), from a height (h), and is also proposed as a theoretical model in this study to produce the optimum angle of release when the point of release is at a higher level than that of landing. To further explore the above model, we multiply 98 denominator and numerator by 1 / u0, and we get, u0 1 u0 = 2 - 1 2 h g 2 u20 = 1 u0 = - 2 g h (2 1 u20 1 æ 2 ç1 è g hö ÷ u20 ø é æ sina = ê2 ç1 êë è h gö ù ÷ú u20 ø úû u20 1 ) = - 2 gh 1 = - u20 é ê2 ë æ ç1 è 1 2 h g öù ÷ú u20 øû - 1 2 = (18) or, a opt é æ = arcsin ê2 ç1 ë è h g öù ÷ú u20 øû - 1 2 (19) which also gives the optimum angle of release when a projectile is released with a velocity (u0), from a height (h), and is also proposed as a theoretical model in this study to produce the optimum angle of release when the point of release is at a higher level than that of landing. It is important to note here, that in the equations (8), (9), (15), (16), (17), (18) and, (19) careful consideration to the positive and negative signs should be given in respect to height (h). Thus, in equation (8), the positive (+) sign should always be used after the expression u0 sina. 99 Under the square root, however, if a minus (-) sign is to be used as it is proposed after the expression u02 sin2a, then the value of (h) should be negative when trying to numerically solve the equation. For example, a height of release of 2 meters above the ground should be written as (-2). This is because the whole work to obtain the equations has assumed that (h) is smaller than zero (h < 0). It should also be noted that the same result can be obtained if a positive sign (+) is used after the expression u02 sin2a under the square root, and a positive (h) is assumed. The same holds true for equation (9). The same also is true for equations (15), (16) and, (17) for the sign under the square root in the denominator, and in equations (18) and (19), for the sign after the number 1. Again, a positive sign will go with a positive height (h), and a negative sign will go with a negative height (h). Validation of the Model After arriving at the formulation of the model to estimate the optimum angle of release (see equations 15, 17, 19), it was thought that a validation was necessary to see if the models are estimating what they are supposed to estimate. Comparison With the Range and Height Equation A method that can be used to validate the model is 100 with a comparison to the range and height equation. This method requires that the distance or range and the height of release for a particular projection be known. Using this method, the following equation should be solved, tan2a = x / h To solve then the equation, a randomly selected distance (x) of 17 meters and height (h) of 2.1 meters were considered. To achieve this, 10 commonly observed distances and heights of release were written on a piece of paper and a pair was drawn at random. For this information, the equation produces, tan 2a = 17 / 2.1 = 8.095 The angle with a tangent of 8.095 is that of 82.96 degrees. Dividing by 2, we obtain that the optimum angle for the presented range and height is 41.48 degrees. For the purpose of comparing the theoretical model with the range and height equation of estimating the optimum angle, the velocity of release should be known. To achieve this, equation 9 from chapter 3 is considered. Equation 9 can be solved for (u0) and thus, one can substitute for the velocity of release in equation 14. Solving for velocity, equation 9 becomes, u0 = x * g (2 g h cos2a) + (2 x g sina cosa) Substituting in the above equation the various 101 values as given earlier we obtain, u0 = 17 * 9.81 = 12.14 m /sec (2*9.81*2.1*0.56)+(2*17*9.81*0.66 *0.74) The theoretical model given the above velocity will estimate the optimum angle to be as follows: 12.14235 tana = 2 1214235 . - 2 * 9.81 * (-2.1) = 12.14235 13.7345 = tana = 0.8840766 The angle that has a tangent of 0.8840156 is that of 41.48 degrees, and this is the optimum angle proposed by the model. Using the other model we obtain, é æ sina = ê2 ç1 ë è 9.81 * (- 2.1)ö ù ÷ú øû 12.142352 - - 1 2 = 1 sina = (2.2794556) 2 = 0.6623452 The angle with a sine of 0.6623452 is that of 41.48 degrees. Result for the 45 Degrees Optimum Angle Another simple way to validate the model is to assume that (h) has the value of zero when trying to solve it. Since a height of zero essentially means that the projectile is released from the ground level, and consequently, the point of release is at the same level as the point of landing, we know that the optimum angle is 45 degrees. If the models then can answer this 102 problem correctly, then it can be assumed that they will be able to correctly estimate the optimum angle for any other potential value of (h). A random value for velocity was determined to be 13 m/sec, while the height remained zero. To achieve this, 10 commonly observed velocities of release were written on a piece of paper and one was drawn at random. Using the first model (see equation 14) we obtain, tana = 13 132 - 2 * 9.81 * 0 13 13 = = tana = 1 The angle with a tangent of 1, is that of 45 degrees. Using the second model we obtain, é æ sina = ê2 ç1 ë è - sina = (2) 1 2 9.81 * (- 0)ö ù ÷ú øû 132 - 1 2 = = 0.7071067 Again, a sine of 0.7071067 belongs to 45 degrees. 103 104 CHAPTER 4 Results Introduction The purpose of this study was, a) to examine the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release and also the relationship between the angle of release and the height of release in the shotput event, b) based upon the above relationships, to obtain a real life equation which would estimate the angle of release from velocity and height of release data, and c) develop and validate a theoretical model to estimate the optimum angle of release from velocity of release and height of release data. This was for the purpose of comparing the results from this model with those obtained from real life throwing. The agreement between theory and practice was thus, assessed. Specifically, it was an attempt, 1. To examine the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release, and also the angle of release and the height of release in shot put, so as to determine, primarily, whether any dependence of the velocity of release on the release angle exists. Based on the above relationships, equations predicting the angle of release from the velocity and the height of release were obtained. 2. To mathematically model the motion of the shot as a projectile with respect to its optimum angle of 105 release taking into consideration the mechanical conditions that are prevalent during the event. 3. To examine the validity of the model by comparing it to other models/methods relative to projectile motion. 4. To examine the potential application of the model to real life situations by experimentally testing it and applying it to a number of shot-putters. The main concern of the study was the examination of the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release in the shot-put event, and also between the angle of release and the height of release. The study was delimited to 5 subjects, 10 throws for each athlete for each of the 5 different kinds of angles of release to be studied. The 5 subjects were college age shot-putters using the rotational technique of throwing the shot, and were selected from 4 universities in the state of Kansas. All subjects were given equal opportunity to achieve maximum performance as they executed their puts. All the throws were made in a non competitive environment. Subsequently, equations to estimate the angle of release from velocity of release and height of release data obtained from real life shot-put throwing, were derived for each subject. To achieve this, multiple regression techniques were used. Another concern was the development of a theoretical model to estimate the 106 optimum angle of release from velocity of release and height of release data and its subsequent application in real life situations. The creation of such a model helped in comparing the obtained real life angle of release with the theoretical optimum angle of release. The application of the theoretical model took place by experimentally measuring various parameters of a shot-putter’s throwing action such as velocity of release, height of release and angle of release. Subsequently, data from the real life throwing situation were compared to the data obtained from a theoretical model developed for this purpose. Data from the shot-putters were obtained with the use of high speed videography. Theoretical data were obtained with the use of the theoretical model. The main concern for the development of the model was to mathematically examine the various mechanical components present during the release and flight of the implement, and how they relate to the optimum angle of release in order to achieve maximum horizontal displacement/distance. A system of two axes, a vertical (y) and a horizontal (x) was assumed. The gravitational force was assumed to be the only force acting on the implement after it was released. The primary mathematical simulation of the x, y system, a first and a second order derivative of the gravitational force, was derived 107 through Newtonian mechanics. Trigonometry principles were also considered throughout the construction of the model. Mathematical integrations and differentiations were employed along with equation solving procedures to arrive at the desired model. Finally, the model was validated using two different methods and it was found to be valid. Findings The information presented below pertains to, a) the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release, b) the predicting the real life angle of release models and their significance and assumptions, c) the theoretical model and its application to the shot-put event and, d) the real life versus the theoretical model. Relationship and Correlation Coefficients Table 1 depicts the correlation coefficients between the parameters measured in this study based on the data obtained (tables 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 in appendix A show a detailed reference to these data). 108 Table 1 The Correlation Coefficients Between Velocity, Height and Angle of Release for Each of the Subjects _________________________________________________________ Subject ANGLE-VELOCITY ANGLE-HEIGHT VELOCITY-HEIGHT _________________________________________________________ 1. - .51*** .70*** - .37** 2. - .65*** .93*** - .54*** 3. - .76*** .91*** - .75*** 4. - .86*** .92*** - .79*** 5. - .89*** .84*** - .74*** _________________________________________________________ **p < .01. ***p < .001. All three release parameters were significantly correlated with each other for all the subjects of the experiment. Of particular interest for this study was the significance of the negative relationship between the velocity of release and the angle of release. This, possibly suggests a dependency of the angle of release on the velocity of release, with the higher the velocity of release the lower the angle of release. The observation of the raw data for the velocity of release as well as the angle and the height of release for the 50 throws of each of the subjects (see appendix A), showed that in all cases an increase in the angle of release brought about a decrease in the velocity of release. The throws are reported in the order in which they were thrown. 109 Scattergrams. Figures 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, depict scattergrams showing the negative relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release for each of the subjects. A best fit line is also shown. 12.0 11.5 V e l o c i t y m / s 11.0 10.5 10.0 9.5 9.0 20 30 40 50 Angle (degrees) Figure 16. Scattergram of the relationship between the angle and the velocity of release for the first subject. 110 13.0 12.5 V e l o c i t y m / s 12.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 10.0 9.5 9.0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Angle (degrees) Figure 17. Scattergram of the relationship between the angle and the velocity of release for the second subject. 13.0 12.5 V e l o c i t y m / s 12.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 10.0 9.5 10 20 30 40 50 Angle (degrees) Figure 18. Scattergram of the relationship between the angle and the velocity of release for the third subject. 111 12.5 12.0 11.5 V e l o c i t y m / s 11.0 10.5 10.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 10 20 30 40 50 Angle (degrees) Figure 19. Scattergram of the relationship between the angle and the velocity of release for the fourth subject. 13.5 13.0 V e l o c i t y m / s 12.5 12.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 10.0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Angle (degrees) Figure 20. Scattergram of the relationship between the angle and the velocity of release for the fifth subject. 112 The Real Life Regression Equation Models and The Significance of the Regression Equations Table 2, shows the obtained regression equations for each of the subjects. Table 2 The Obtained Regression Equations for Each of the Subjects _________________________________________________________ Subject Equation _________________________________________________________ 1. 3.55 + (-2.90 * velocity) + (29.82 * height) 2. -46.16 + (-2.65 * velocity) + (51.81 * height) 3. -53.84 + (-1.88 * velocity) + (50.95 * height) 4. -12.61 + (-3.06 * velocity) + (37.15 * height) 5. 57.13 + (-6.93 * velocity) + (28.19 * height) _________________________________________________________ For the first subject the velocity and the height of release accounted for 56% of the variance in the angle of release (R square = .56; F = 29.31, p<.0001). For the second subject the velocity and the height of release accounted for 90% of the variance in the angle of release (R square = .90; F = 203.66, p<.0001). For the third subject the velocity and the height of release accounted for 83% of the variance in the angle of release (R square = .83; F = 116.06, p<.0001). For the fourth subject the velocity and the height of release accounted for 89% of the variance in the angle of release (R square = .89; F = 113 200.21, p<.0001). For the fifth subject the velocity and the height of release accounted for 87% of the variance in the angle of release (R square = .87; F = 157.5, p<.0001). In all cases, the regression coefficients (b) were significantly different from zero. The Assumptions of the Regression Models To test the degree to which the assumption for normality of the obtained regression models was met, each observed value of the standardized residuals was paired with its expected value from the normal distribution. These plots are shown in figures 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 for the data of each of the subjects. From these figures, it seems that no violation of this assumption took place. Furthermore, the values for the K-S Lilliefors test for normality were, .0597, p>.20, .0598, p>.20, .0585, p>.20, .0566, p>.20, and .0694, p>.20 respectively, for each of the subjects. To test whether the assumption for linearity of the regression model was met, the standardized residuals were plotted against the standardized predicted scores. These plots are shown in figures 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30 for each of the subjects. Again, it seems that the linearity assumption was met in all cases since there is no particular systematic clustering of the points. 114 3 2 E x p e c t e d N o r m a l 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Observed Value Figure 21. A normal probability plot for the data of the first subject. 3 2 E x p e c t e d N o r m a l 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Observed Value Figure 22. A normal probability plot for the data of the second subject. 115 3 2 E x p e c t e d N o r m a l 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Observed Value Figure 23. A normal probability plot for the data of the third subject. 3 2 E x p e c t e d N o r m a l 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Observed Value Figure 24. A normal probability plot for the data of the fourth subject. 116 3 2 E x p e c t e d N o r m a l 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Observed Value Figure 25. A normal probability plot for the data of the fifth subject. 2 1 R e s i d u a l s 0 -1 -2 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Regression Standardized Predicted Value Figure 26. Randomly distributed residuals for the data of the first subject. 117 2 3 2 R e s i d u a l s 1 0 -1 -2 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Regression Standardized Predicted Value Figure 27. Randomly distributed residuals for the data of the second subject. 3 2 R e s i d u a l s 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -.5 0.0 .5 1.0 1.5 Regression Standardized Predicted Value Figure 28. Randomly distributed residuals for the data of the third subject. 118 2.0 2 1 R e s i d u a l s 0 -1 -2 -3 -1.5 -1.0 -.5 0.0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Regression Standardized Predicted Value Figure 29. Randomly distributed residuals for the data of the fourth subject. 2 1 R e s i d u a l s 0 -1 -2 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Regression Standardized Predicted Value Figure 30. Randomly distributed residuals for the data of the fifth subject. 119 3 Validity and Numerical Solution of the Theoretical Model In the methodology section of this study, the validity of the theoretical model presented here was examined. It was found that the theoretical model accurately estimated the optimum angle of release as compared to the criteria. The theoretical optimum angle of release as estimated by the present model was 41.48 degrees and it was in exact agreement with the criterion method of the range and height equation. Furthermore, when a height of zero was assumed, the theoretical model correctly estimated that the optimum angle should be 45 degrees. Given then that the model passed both tests for validity, we do not have any reason to reject it. It is by all means an accurate theoretical model estimating the optimum angle of release of a projectile when its velocity and height of release are known. The theoretical model was applied to the shot put event. A range of initial velocities similar to those achieved during competition, by beginners as well as advanced throwers, were chosen as well as a range of various heights of release. Subsequently, the model for the optimum angle of release was applied and solved for various combinations of velocity of release. A computer program was employed throughout this process for the calculations of the optimum angles of release and/or ranges achieved by the implement. 120 Figure 31, shows the variation of the optimum angle of release with changing height and velocity of release. Velocities from a low of 11 m/sec., to a high of 15 m/sec., were examined in combination with heights from 1.8 to 2.2 meters above the ground. From figure 31, the following conclusions were made: 1. The optimum angle of release is never 45 degrees and is always less than 45 degrees. 2. In the shot-put, the optimum angle of release will generally fluctuate between 40.4 degrees, for the lower velocities of release in combination with the higher heights of release, and 43 degrees, for the higher velocities of release in combination with the lower heights of release. 4. For a particular velocity of release, the higher the height of release, the smaller the optimum angle. 5. For a particular height of release, the higher the velocity of release, the more the optimum angle approaches the value of 45 degrees. 121 43 Angle of release (degrees) 42.5 11 m/sec 42 12 m/sec 41.5 13 m/sec 13.5 m/sec 41 14 m/sec 40.5 14.5 m/sec 15 m/sec 40 39.5 39 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Height of release (meters) Figure 31. Variation of the theoretical optimum angle of release with changing height and velocity of release in the shot-put. Theoretically speaking then for the shot-put event, a) the lower the velocity of release, the more the optimum angle of release should deviate (be smaller) from 45 degrees, and b) the higher the height of release, the more the optimum angle of release also deviates from 45 degrees. To examine the effect of the use of the proper angle of release in the shot-put event, a variety of combinations of angles of release and heights of release usually observed, were used. Three main release velocities in the range of which most athletes release their implement in the shot-put 122 event were used, along with a combination of usually observed angles and heights of release. were those of 12, 13, and 14.5 m/sec. were 1.9, 2.0, and 2.1 meters. These velocities The heights used Following, equation 9, which gives the range of a projectile when the point of release is higher than that of landing was repeatedly solved numerically using a computer program to achieve accuracy of the results each time. Results of the solutions of this equation are graphically shown in figures 32, 33, and 34. 16.65 16.6 16.55 Range (m) 16.5 1.9 m 16.45 2.0 m 16.4 2.1 m 16.35 16.3 16.25 16.2 38 38.5 39 39.5 optimum 43 Angle (degrees) Note: The Theoretical Optimum Angles of Release for the Heights are: h = 1.9 angle = 41.71, h = 2 angle = 41.56, and h = 2.1 angle = 41.40 Figure 32. Variation of projectile range with changing angle and height of release when the velocity of release is 12 m/sec. In all of these figures, where results were examined 123 with the velocity of release constant for each of them, it is seen that generally, as the angle increases, the range of the projectile also increases up to the optimum angle (as estimated by the model) while it drops as the angle further increases beyond the optimum angle. Obviously, the degree to which the range increases depends upon the proximity of the angle under examination to the optimum angle of release. The further away from the optimum angle the more dramatic the increase in the range and the opposite. 19.3 19.2 Range (m) 19.1 1.9 m 19 2.0 m 2.1 m 18.9 18.8 18.7 38 38.5 39 39.5 optimum 43 Angle (degrees) Note: The Theoretical Optimum Angles of Release for the Heights are: h = 1.9 angle = 42.15, h = 2 angle = 42.01, and h = 2.1 angle = 41.88 Figure 33. Variation of projectile range with changing angle and height of release when the velocity of release is 13 m/sec. 124 23.5 23.4 Range (m) 23.3 23.2 1.9 m 23.1 2.0 m 23 2.1 m 22.9 22.8 22.7 38 38.5 39 39.5 optimum 43 Angle (degrees) Note: The Theoretical Optimum Angles of Release for the Heights are: h = 1.9 angle = 42.66, h = 2 angle = 42.55, h = 2.1 angle = 42.44 Figure 34. Variation of projectile range with changing angle and height of release when the velocity of release is 14.5 m/sec. The Real Life Versus the Theoretical Angles of Release Tables 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, show the angles of release obtained via the regression models (real life angles) and the angles obtained via the theoretical model (theoretical optimum angles), for each of the subjects tested. It was found that for all the subjects the regression coefficients (b) were significantly different from one, and the constants (a) significantly different from zero (see table 8). Consequently, there was no agreement between the real life and the theoretical model. Table 3 Real and Theoretical Obtained Angles for the First 125 Subject _________________________________________________________ Real angle (degrees)* Theoretical angle (degrees) _________________________________________________________ 1. 39.17 1. 40.41 2. 31.05 2. 41.31 3. 38.00 3. 40.63 4. 27.95 4. 41.60 5. 32.69 5. 41.24 6. 33.20 6. 40.71 7. 38.17 7. 40.75 8. 35.14 8. 40.62 9. 33.97 9. 40.84 10. 37.30 10. 40.89 11. 38.43 11. 40.48 12. 33.00 12. 41.27 13. 33.10 13. 40.98 14. 34.17 14. 41.08 15. 32.22 15. 41.12 16. 35.07 16. 41.08 17. 32.41 17. 41.33 18. 35.51 18. 41.03 19. 32.49 19. 40.97 20. 28.98 20. 41.49 _______________________________________________________ * Note. Real life angles were obtained via the regression model for this subject. Table 4 Real and Theoretical Obtained Angles for the Second Subject _________________________________________________________ Real angle (degrees)* Theoretical angle (degrees) _________________________________________________________ 126 1. 29.02 1. 41.50 2. 25.52 2. 41.67 3. 33.42 3. 41.42 4. 40.32 4. 40.91 5. 38.53 5. 40.80 6. 39.01 6. 41.10 7. 38.36 7. 41.14 8. 25.53 8. 41.58 9. 35.12 9. 41.26 10. 32.43 10. 41.07 11. 36.30 11. 41.10 12. 32.21 12. 40.69 13. 29.18 13. 41.30 14. 28.42 14. 41.17 15. 29.85 15. 41.05 16. 33.72 16. 41.08 17. 29.40 17. 41.60 18. 26.18 18. 41.54 19. 24.74 19. 41.65 20. 32.82 20. 41.08 _______________________________________________________ * Note. Real life angles were obtained via the regression model for this subject. Table 5 Real and Theoretical Obtained Angles for the Third Subject _________________________________________________________ Real angle (degrees)* Theoretical angle (degrees) _________________________________________________________ 1. 32.59 1. 41.23 2. 39.35 2. 41.13 3. 31.22 3. 40.77 4. 28.46 4. 41.49 127 5. 39.44 5. 40.29 6. 39.76 6. 40.35 7. 38.05 7. 41.24 8. 29.98 8. 40.72 9. 26.20 9. 41.49 10. 38.67 10. 40.91 11. 31.90 11. 41.30 12. 33.76 12. 41.01 13. 35.18 13. 41.27 14. 36.86 14. 41.04 15. 26.75 15. 41.59 16. 31.44 16. 41.16 17. 37.08 17. 40.31 18. 36.65 18. 40.65 19. 31.08 19. 40.98 20. 28.21 20. 41.02 _______________________________________________________ * Note. Real life angles were obtained via the regression model for this subject. Table 6 Real and Theoretical Obtained Angles for the Fourth Subject _________________________________________________________ Real angle (degrees)* Theoretical angle (degrees) _________________________________________________________ 1. 35.57 1. 40.88 2. 34.28 2. 40.65 3. 35.83 3. 40.63 4. 32.25 4. 40.90 5. 31.16 5. 40.82 6. 31.18 6. 40.69 7. 35.44 7. 40.31 8. 27.24 8. 41.26 128 9. 29.54 9. 41.20 10. 27.92 10. 41.19 11. 31.26 11. 40.60 12. 36.38 12. 40.89 13. 31.59 13. 40.85 14. 31.20 14. 40.99 15. 27.53 15. 41.31 16. 33.25 16. 40.62 17. 29.25 17. 40.73 18. 37.14 18. 40.25 19. 36.27 19. 40.67 20. 27.64 20. 41.13 _____________________________________________________ * Note. Real life angles were obtained via the regression model for this subject. Table 7 Real and Theoretical Obtained Angles for the Fifth Subject _________________________________________________________ Real angle (degrees)* Theoretical angle (degrees) _________________________________________________________ 1. 37.24 1. 41.17 2. 34.51 2. 41.34 3. 31.95 3. 41.45 4. 33.91 4. 41.42 5. 39.41 5. 41.03 6. 30.63 6. 41.54 7. 38.78 7. 41.07 8. 33.26 8. 41.43 9. 39.26 9. 41.01 10. 35.44 10. 41.21 11. 30.70 11. 41.53 12. 36.79 12. 41.14 129 13. 34.04 13. 41.39 14. 34.54 14. 41.38 15. 38.89 15. 41.00 16. 35.07 16. 41.20 17. 39.71 17. 40.91 18. 39.19 18. 41.03 19. 38.95 19. 40.99 20. 34.90 20. 41.27 _______________________________________________________ * Note. Real life angles were obtained via the regression model for this subject. Table 8 Tests of Significance for the Regression Coefficients (b), and constants (a), in Determining the Agreement Between the Theoretical and the Real Life Models _________________________________________________________ Subject Regression coefficient (b) Constant (a) _________________________________________________________ 1. t = -8.29, p <.05 t = 8.14, p = .0001 2. t = -4.96, p <.05 t = 4.88, p = .0001 3. t = -3.65, p <.05 t = 3.56, p = .0022 4. t = -5.53, p <.05 t = 5.39, p = .0001 5. t = -20.71, p <.05 t = 20.53, p = .0001 _________________________________________________________ Figures 35, 36, 37, 38, and 39, show a graphical representation of the results obtained using the real life versus the theoretical model, for each of the subjects. The velocities and the heights used were those exhibited during normal throwing. 130 As expected, the real life angle trend is the exact opposite of that exhibited by the theoretical optimum angle. Higher velocities correspond to lower angles of release in real life shotputting, whereas the opposite is the case in theory where, for a given height, the higher the velocity the higher the optimum angle. Moreover, there is only a minor fluctuation of the theoretical optimum angle of release as opposed to the real life angle which presents greater variation. 45 43 Angle of release (degrees) 41 39 10.6 R 11 R 11.3 R 37 11.6 R 11.8 R 35 10.6 T 11 33 T 11.3 T 11.6 T 31 11.8 T 29 27 25 2 2.05 Note. Figure 35. 2.1 2.2 Height (meters) R = Real angle data, T = Theoretical angle data Variation of the real life versus the theoretical angle of release for the first subject. 131 44 42 Angle of release (degrees) 40 38 11.3 11.6 11.9 12.1 12.3 11.3 11.6 11.9 12.1 12.3 36 34 32 30 R R R R R T T T T T 28 26 24 22 2 2.05 Note. 2.1 2.15 Height of release (meters) R = Real angle data, T = Theoretical angle data Figure 36. Variation of the real life versus the theoretical angle of release for the second subject. 43 41 Angle of release (degrees) 39 10.6 R 11 R 35 11.4 11.8 12.1 R R R 33 10.6 11 T T 31 11.4 11.8 T T 12.1 T 37 29 27 25 2 2.05 Note. 2.1 2.2 Height of release (meters) R = Real angle data, T = Theoretical angle data Figure 37. Variation of the real life versus the theoretical angle of release for the third subject. 132 43 41 Angle of release (degrees) 39 37 35 10.4 R 10.8 R 11.1 11.3 R R 11.65 R 33 31 10.4 T 10.8 T 11.1 T 11.3 T 11.65 T 29 27 25 2 2.05 Note. 2.1 Height (meters) R = Real angle data, T = Theoretical angle data 2.15 Figure 38. Variation of the real life versus the theoretical angle of release for the fourth subject. 43 41 Angle of release (degrees) 39 11.4 R 37 11.7 R 35 11.9 12.1 R R 12.25 R 33 31 11.4 T 11.7 T 11.9 T 12.1 T 12.25 T 29 27 25 2 2.05 Note. 2.1 Height (meters) R = Real angle data, T = Theoretical angle data 2.2 Figure 39. Variation of the real life versus the theoretical angle of release for the fifth subject. 133 Obtained Ranges Tables 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, show the ranges obtained using the data from tables 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 in the equation for range (equation 9 in the methodology section) and also the ranges actually measured. The ten “normal” throws for each subject were considered for that purpose. It should be noted here that the equation for range does not account for the distance in front or, for that case, behind the stopboard (see figure 40). The equation will account for the distance between the point of release and the point of landing, whereas the actual measurement in the shot-put event takes place from the inside of the stop-board to the point of landing. As a result, a certain degree of discrepancy should be expected as the values of the two differently obtained ranges are evaluated. extra distance Figure 40. The extra distance gained by the thrower over the circle boundaries. It can then be seen that, as a rule, the ranges obtained using the data and the equation for range, are in approximation with the actually measured ranges. 134 Consequently, there was no reason to seriously doubt the accuracy of the data obtained from the analysis. Table 9 Ranges Obtained Using the Data From the Analysis and the Equation for Range, and also Ranges Actually Measured During Throwing, for the 10 Normal Throws of the First Subject _________________________________________________________ Throw Actually measured range (meters) Estimated range (meters) _________________________________________________________ 1. 13.86 13.38 2. 13.91 13.61 3. 13.77 13.26 4. 14.70 14.49 5. 15.11 14.62 6. 15.01 15.03 7. 14.63 14.62 8. 15.66 15.64 9. 14.87 14.91 10. 14.68 15.29 _______________________________________________________ Table 10 Ranges Obtained Using the Data From the Analysis and the Equation for Range, and also Ranges Actually Measured During Throwing, for the 10 Normal Throws of the Second Subject _________________________________________________________ 135 Throw Actually measured range (meters) Estimated range (meters) _________________________________________________________ 1. 16.17 15.69 2. 16.34 16.30 3. 16.28 16.37 4. 15.62 14.93 5. 15.39 14.89 6. 15.46 15.45 7. 15.57 15.31 8. 15.90 15.71 9. 14.29 14.23 10. 15.41 14.62 _________________________________________________________ Table 11 Ranges Obtained Using the Data From the Analysis and the Equation for Range, and also Ranges Actually Measured During Throwing, for the 10 Normal Throws of the Third Subject _________________________________________________________ Throw Actually measured range (meters) Estimated range (meters) _________________________________________________________ 136 1. 15.29 14.83 2. 14.93 15.57 3. 14.50 14.64 4. 15.26 14.70 5. 15.39 15.89 6. 15.72 16.15 7. 16.16 16.61 8. 15.88 16.15 9. 14.93 15.69 10. 13.28 12.81 _________________________________________________________ Table 12 Ranges Obtained Using the Data From the Analysis and the Equation for Range, and also Ranges Actually Measured During Throwing, for the 10 Normal Throws of the Fourth Subject _________________________________________________________ Throw Actually measured range (meters) Estimated range (meters) _________________________________________________________ 1. 13.74 13.47 2. 13.33 12.67 3. 14.22 14.21 137 4. 13.89 14.60 5. 13.97 14.19 6. 13.71 13.79 7. 14.47 14.94 8. 13.58 13.19 9. 13.48 13.83 10. 13.73 14.22 _________________________________________________________ Table 13 Ranges Obtained Using the Data From the Analysis and the Equation for Range, and also Ranges Actually Measured During Throwing, for the 10 Normal Throws of the Fifth Subject _________________________________________________________ Throw Actually measured range (meters) Estimated range (meters) _________________________________________________________ 1. 15.23 14.96 2. 16.54 17.00 3. 16.40 16.55 4. 14.78 15.14 5. 16.94 16.51 6. 16.02 16.14 138 7. 14.67 15.15 8. 15.85 16.30 9. 15.63 15.97 10. 16.82 16.65 _________________________________________________________ 139 CHAPTER 5 Discussion The investigation was performed utilizing five experienced shot-putters. The distances they put varied between 13.30 and 16.65 meters depending upon the angle of release under investigation. Fifty throws for each subject were filmed. This resulted in the analysis of a total of 250 throws. In this chapter, the findings of the study and also other issues relevant to the present investigation will be discussed. The Relationship Between the Angle and the Velocity of Release A significant relationship was observed between the velocity of release and the angle of release for all the shot-putters tested in this study thus, showing a dependency of the angle of release on the velocity of release. As hypothesized by Zatsiorsky (1990) and also by Hay (1985, 1993) there should be a correlation between the angle of release and the velocity of release. Consequently, the hypothesis that the angle of release is dependent on the velocity of release is accepted. Initially it was thought that the shot-putters would be able to project the shot with the appropriate velocity in spite of the release angle. The theoretical optimum angle of release then, would potentially allow the shotputters to achieve maximum range. In the last few years, however, biomechanical analyses have demonstrated that 140 athletes in real life competition prefer to throw using angles lower or much lower than the theoretical optimum (McCoy, 1990; Susanka & Stepanek, 1987; Zatsiorsky, 1990) It is evident then from the results of this study that apparently shot-putters intuitively choose as the angle of release that which will result in the least loss of velocity of release possible while at the same time they maintain the angle of release within “reasonable” levels. It should be repeated here that since release velocity is the release parameter most dramatically affecting the range of a projectile, it seems wise and logical to “sacrifice” another release parameter, like the angle of release, instead of the most valuable one of velocity. From a mechanical point of view it should also be evident that as the angle of release increases and becomes steeper, the athlete works more and more against the gravitational force, a fact that apparently results in the loss of velocity at the moment of projection. Moreover, less appreciated is the assumption made during the derivation of the theoretical model and its implications. The theoretical model presented in this study holds true only when the velocity of release (u0) is assumed to be an independent variable and not a function of the angle of release (a) which would be the case had the thrower been able to achieve the same 141 release velocity independent of the release angle. On the other hand, if the thrower can throw faster at lower angles, which is probably the case as shown in this study, then the optimum release angle may be found using optimization techniques. In this case the optimum angle of release will be somewhat or considerably smaller than that predicted by the theoretical model. The degree to which the angle will be smaller should be thrower specific. Given the above, the hypothesis that the theoretical model is not applicable to the shot-put event, is accepted. Vigars (1977) discussed that during the delivery of the shot the throwing arm is forcefully extended with the shot projected at approximately a 45 degree angle. Although there was no discussion as to the nature of the approximation, presently, figures in the order of 45, 42 or even 40 degrees should be too great to be suggested as real optimum angles of release. Certainly, for the purpose of this study, all the shot-putters were able to project the shot at angles greater than 45 degrees, the highest being 54.14 degrees. Again, for the purpose of the experiment the lowest angle recorded was 15.97 degrees. Possible Causes for the Observed Differences Between Real and Theoretical Angles and Suggested Remedies Mc Watt (1982) discussed that the observed differences should, at least in part, be attributed to 142 the anatomical and physiological character of the shotputter. He discussed two ways that might help the shot- putter achieve higher angles of release. the first as the shoulder roll. He described According to this method, the athlete does not push the shot from a purely vertical position, because naturally the trunk bends backwards slightly during the release of the shot, a movement that allows the shoulders to roll into a position that increases the angle of release without changing too much the ability of the arm to deliver maximum power. The second way is described as the leg thrust. It is possible that further elevation can occur from a well coordinated forceful upward extension of the legs at the moment of release exactly at the time the arm extends to push the shot. This might add a vertical component to the horizontal component of the arm thrust thus, resulting in the production of a resultant force closer to the theoretical optimum. Judge (1994) speculated that the shot-putter he analyzed exhibited a lower release angle because there was a difference in bench press strength as opposed to overhead strength. He postulated that more incline bench presses and overhead movements would develop the muscles necessary for a projection close to the theoretical optimum. The same speculation was made by McCoy, Gregor and Whitting (1989). 143 Most certainly, all these speculations pertaining to the various actions to be taken to enable the shot-putter to throw according to his/her theoretical optimum, deserve attention and are worth researching in the near future. Still, some world class shot-putters have been reported (Dessureault, 1976; Zatsiorsky, 1981) to have achieved angles of release very close to the theoretical optimum. This fact leads to further speculation whether highly trained shot-putters are able to throw at angles of release similar to those estimated by the theoretical model. Given the observations mentioned above and also the results obtained from this study, it should be evident that in real life shot-putting the velocity of release depends crucially on the angle of release. This phenomenon might be generalized and may lead us to the concept that the optimum release conditions other than the velocity of release depend dramatically on how the highest obtainable release velocity is functionally related to the other release conditions. As expected, there were significant correlations between the angle of release and the height of release. Obviously, as the athlete tries to increase or decrease the angle of release he/she can most conveniently do that by projecting the shot from a higher or lower point, respectively. Consequently, the hypothesis that the angle of release is dependent on the height of release is 144 accepted. The Issue of Collinearity During the Construction of the Regression Models The phenomenon of collinearity was considered in the present investigation. As a rule, this phenomenon occurs when two or more predictor variables correlate highly with each other. Since, in this study, two predictor variables (the velocity and the height of release) were used to estimate another variable (the angle of release), it was deemed appropriate to examine whether the two variables were highly collinear. Pedhazur (1982) discussed three main elements to aid in the detection of the presence of collinearity. First, a decrease in the overall R square, showing a redundancy between the variables that interrelate. Second, a reduction in the magnitude of the betas (b) for the variables that interrelate and third, an increase in the standard error of the betas (b) for the same variables. Stevens (1992) addressed that the presence of multicollinearity severely limits the size of the multiple R, because the predictors are going after the same variable. The addition of the other collinear variable will not increase (R) over and above the magnitude of the simple correlation between one of the collinear variables and the dependent variable. Stevens (1992) added that highly correlated variables do not 145 always indicate the extend of multicollinearity. Another indicator of the presence of collinearity is the examination of the variance inflation factor (VIF). It is believed that a value of the VIF that exceeds 10 should cause concern. Norusis (1992) added that the tolerance of a variable is closely related to the variance inflation factor. A low tolerance level would indicate the presence of collinearity. Table 14 shows the values of the various parameters that might indicate the presence of collinearity. These values were observed before and after the height variable was entered into the equation as the second predictor. Table 14 Collinearity Diagnostics for the Regression Equation of Each of the Subjects _________________________________________________________ Subject Mult.R b S.E.b VIF Tolerance _________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before: .50 -.50 1.25 1.00 1.00 After: .74 -.28 1.05 1.16 .86 Before: .64 -.64 1.45 1.00 1.00 After: .94 -.20 .73 1.41 .70 Before: .75 -.75 1.04 1.00 1.00 After: .91 -.17 1.00 2.31 .43 Before: .85 -.85 .63 1.00 1.00 After: .94 -.35 .63 2.60 .38 Before: .89 -.89 .75 1.00 1.00 146 After: .93 -.59 .91 2.21 .45 _________________________________________________________ From table 14 it can be seen that the multiple R’s present significant increases, the standard error of the coefficients (b) does not increase, the variance inflation factors present rather minor increases, and the tolerance levels remain generally high. Given these observations and also the observation that the two predictor variables (velocity and height) correlate higher with the criterion (angle) than with each other (see table 1), it was decided that both predictor variables were to be retained for the regression analysis. The Theoretical Optimum Angle Model A theoretical model to estimate the exact theoretical optimum angle of release in the shot-put has been presented. This model was created mainly for the purpose of comparing the data from real life to the theoretical data obtained with the aid of this model. It was found that the appropriate solution of the resulting equation can accurately estimate the theoretical optimum angle of release. The Assumptions of the Theoretical Model The main assumption that dominated the process of constructing the theoretical model was that gravity was the only force acting on the projectiles after their release. Consequently, some other factors that could 147 affect projectile motion were not considered. Following, some reasons as to why these factors were not considered are given. Discussion pertaining to all the assumptions made during the construction of the model is made here. Force due to air resistance. These forces were ignored during the process of model construction. There were mainly four reasons for this decision (Kibble, 1973). First, and probably most important, the effect of the drag force on the mass of the shot is minimal. This is because the drag force is rather small, small enough to minimally affect the much larger mass of the shot weighing 7,26 kilograms or 16 pounds. As mentioned earlier, the mass of the implement determines how motion will be affected by the drag force. Second, the velocity achieved in the shot-put event is not high. The maximum velocity that has been achieved in the shot-put event is in the vicinity of 14.5 m/sec. These velocities are small enough as compared to the velocities achieved by other projectiles such as military projectiles which can achieve velocities up to 1000 m/sec. The low velocities of release coupled with a low drag force result in minimal effects of the drag force upon the implements. Third, the air density is low, almost one thousand times lower than that of water. Because density determines how compact a fluid is, movement through a low 148 density fluid is much easier than through a high density fluid. Finally, the area facing the air flow of the shot is constant due to its spherical shape. Although this implement is not considered aerodynamical, its shape allows it to maintain the drag force acting on it also constant. The projectile is a point mass or particle. In an accurate analysis, it is considered that the projectile possesses finite volume and a definite surface configuration. The concern would then be with the motion of the mass center. The shape of the shot, indeed, allows one to conveniently examine the motion of the mass center since it remains unchanged throughout its flight (Wallace & Fenster, 1969). The earth is non-rotating. If greater accuracy is required, the accelerated or non-inertial motion (Coriolis acceleration) of the earth beneath the projectile must be taken into account. In the construction of the model, the earth is used as a reference for which Newton’s laws are assumed valid. This is a very good approximation for short ranges. The gravitational field is constant and acts perpendicularly to the surface of a flat earth. For distances small in comparison with the earth’s radius, the flat earth assumption will yield good results. Motion occurs in a plane. 149 This is, indeed, the case during the projection of the shot. Finally, it should be noted that it is possible to account for the effects of all the aforementioned factors upon the shot during its projection. F. Mirabelle (personal communication, January 1995), postulated that all things considered, the change in the optimum angle of release in shot-put is a mere 0.1 of a degree less than what a vacuum model would estimate. The Construction of the Model Gravity then, as the only force acting on the projectile was first considered toward constructing the model and the Newton’s second law of motion was explored in relation to the x, y right angle system depicting the projectile’s range. During these first steps, the point of release and the point of landing were assumed to be at the same level with an (h) of zero. Following a series of procedures it was possible to obtain a solution which gave the vertical component (y) and how it functions with the other elements of the vector system, particularly with the angle of release. Following, the implementation of the (y) component to the whole projectile problem (given that the projectile is released from a height (h) above the ground as it happens in a real life projection of the shot), was considered. It was thus assumed for this purpose that y = h and using a series of mathematical functions the theoretical model which described how the optimum angle 150 of release functions in respect to the height of release (h), the velocity of release (u0), and the gravitational force was obtained. The intention in the process of constructing this model was to always manipulate the various equations and find ways to see how the angle of release can be thought as a function of the height (h) and the velocity of release (u0). The Importance of the Angle of Release Although it has been concluded that it should be futile to attempt to apply the theoretical/mechanical principles in estimating the optimum angle of release in the shot-put event, still, a discussion of the implications of the theoretical model can be useful in assessing the importance of the proper angle of release. Theoretically, as shown in the results section of this study, the relative importance of the angle of release in the shot-put event can be extremely significant always depending upon how close to the optimum angle of release the achieved angle is, and also assuming that all the other factors that affect the projectile’s range are constant for comparison purposes only. In the shot-put, an increase of one degree in the angle of release from 38 to 39 degrees will bring an increase of a minimum of 5 centimeters up to a maximum of 151 10 centimeters depending upon the velocity of release, the higher the velocity, the higher the increase. A further increase in the angle from 39 degrees to the optimum angle will bring an increase of a minimum of 6, up to a maximum of 16.5 centimeters again depending upon the velocity of release. A total increase between 10 and 26.5 centimeters resulted when the angle of release increased from 38 degrees to the optimum angle of release. Once again the higher the velocity of release, the greater the effect of increasing the angle of release toward the optimum. It should be repeated here that the importance of the angle of release achieved depends upon its proximity to the optimum angle of release. Thus, if the optimum angle is, say, 42 degrees, a change from 40 to 42 degrees will bring about greater changes in the range than a change from 41.5 to 42 degrees. The magnitude of these changes will be in the order presented above for minimum or maximum increases, or even smaller if the change in the angle is minimal. It is expected then, that minor increases in the angle of release toward the optimum angle, will also bring minor increases in the range. More important, it can be of interest how much, in practice, the increase in the range is. A difference/increase of, say, 5 centimeters might not sound significant, however, it could be significant in real life where 5 centimeters 152 might make the difference between winning or losing. For example, during the 1980 Olympic games the three first winners in the shot-put event were within 5 centimeters of a meter from each other. Other examples like this, are numerous during shot-put competition. Therefore, the results should be evaluated only quantitatively. One can argue here, that the differences in the projectile range are not necessarily due to differences in the angle of release. Of course, one may never know what exactly causes these differences unless a detailed analysis is performed and thus, the differences between throwers can be located. The point here, however, is again, that even minor differences in distance achieved between throwers can mean the difference between winning or losing and that the angle of release can contribute more or less towards a thrower’s goal in achieving the perfect throw. In today’s highly competitive environment of sports, more and more athletes strive for perfection. In the literature, the theoretical optimum angle of release for the shot-put event has been reported to be in the range of 41 to 43 degrees. In this study, absolutely speaking, the results for the theoretical optimum angle of release fluctuated between 40.4 degrees for low velocities of release (11 m/sec.) to 43 degrees for high velocities of release (14.5 m/sec.). It was estimated that to achieve throwing distances 153 of 19.12 meters up to 20.5 meters, the theoretical angle of release should in most cases, where the height of release does not exceed 2 meters, exceed the value of 42 degrees. For distances between 20.5 meters up to 21.88 meters, the theoretical optimum angle should always be greater than 42 degrees, fluctuating between 42 and 42.6 degrees, depending upon the height of release, with the lower the height the higher the angle. For distances of 21.88 meters and above, the optimum angle of release is also always greater than 42 degrees, fluctuating between 42.2 and 43 degrees if distances more than 23 meters are to be achieved. Optimum angles of release below 40.4 degrees correspond to distances achieved in a low level of competition and reach values of 39.9 degrees for velocities of release of about 9 m/sec., which correspond to approximately 10 meters distance in shot put throwing. It is also known that the gravitational acceleration is not constant throughout the world. differences do exist. Some minor For example, at the equator, the acceleration due to gravity is 9.78 m/sec 2., whereas in the poles is 9.832 m/sec2. These changes have been found to have insignificant effects in the optimum angle of release. In the shot-put for example, the optimum angle of release for a shot released at 13 m/sec., from a height of 1.9 meters above the ground, under normal 154 gravitational acceleration conditions (9.81 m/sec 2) is 42.15 degrees. Under a gravitational acceleration of 9.832 m/sec2., this angle would minimally decrease to 42.14 degrees, whereas under a gravitational acceleration of 9.78 m/sec2., this angle would minimally increase to 42.155 degrees. Consequently, the effects of gravity on the optimum angle of release can be considered non-existent in determining the theoretical optimum angle of release. 155 CHAPTER 6 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations Summary The purpose of this study was, a) to examine the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release and also the relationship between the angle of release and the height of release in the shotput event, b) based upon the above relationships, to obtain a real life equation which would estimate the angle of release from velocity and height of release data, and c) develop and validate a theoretical model to estimate the optimum angle of release from velocity of release and height of release data. This was for the purpose of comparing the results from this model with those obtained from real life throwing. The agreement between theory and practice was thus, assessed. Specifically, it was an attempt, 1. To examine the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release, and also the angle of release and the height of release in shot put, so as to determine, primarily, whether any dependence of the velocity of release on the release angle exists. Based on the above relationships, equations predicting the angle of release from the velocity and the height of release were obtained. 2. To mathematically model the motion of the shot as a projectile with respect to its optimum angle of 156 release taking into consideration the mechanical conditions that are prevalent during the event. 3. To examine the validity of the model by comparing it to other models/methods relative to projectile motion. 4. To examine the potential application of the model to real life situations by experimentally testing it and applying it to a number of shot-putters. The release parameter data available confirm that the velocity of release is the single most important factor in obtaining maximum distance in shot-put. The angle of release should always be accounted for, if a successful throwing performance is to be achieved. A discrepancy has been shown to exist between the theoretical optimum angle of release in shot-put and the actually obtained angle of release, from real life data analyses. A number of viable explanations have been given to explain this phenomenon. Three main factors along with the gravitational force will affect the range a projectile can achieve when in fact it is released from a specific height (h) above the ground. First, the velocity of release (v 0) of the projectile, second, the angle of release of the projectile (a) and third, the height of release of the projectile (h). Of the three factors, the velocity at the time of release is the most important one and more dramatically 157 affects the range achieved, much more than the angle of release and the height of release can. However, both the angle of release and the height of release can contribute to a perfect skillful projection/throw. In the throwing events the selection of the optimum angle of release can contribute to winning or losing in a competition, both in the beginning and in the advanced levels. Given the relative importance of the angle of release in achieving maximum range, a theoretical model is sought to estimate the exact optimum angle of release for the shot-put event. The theoretical model assumed that the shot as a projectile obeys the principles governing projectile motion when the point of release is at a higher level than that of landing. The theoretical model estimating the optimum angle was a function of the velocity of release and the height of release while it took into account the gravitational force. The main concern of the study was the examination of the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release in the shot-put event, and also between the angle of release and the height of release. The study was delimited to 5 subjects, 10 throws for each athlete for each of the 5 different kinds of angles of release to be studied. The 5 subjects were college age shot-putters using the rotational technique of throwing the shot, and were selected from 4 universities in the State of Kansas. All subjects were given equal 158 opportunity to achieve maximum performance as they executed their puts. All the throws were made in a non competitive environment. Subsequently, equations to estimate the angle of release from velocity of release and height of release data obtained from real life shot-put throwing were derived for each subject. Another concern was the development of a theoretical model to estimate the optimum angle of release from velocity of release and height of release data and its subsequent application in real life situations. The creation of such a model helped in comparing the obtained real life angle of release with the theoretical optimum angle of release. The application of the theoretical model took place by experimentally measuring various parameters of a shot-putter’s throwing action such as velocity of release, height of release and angle of release. Subsequently, data from the real life throwing situation were compared to the data obtained from a theoretical model developed for this purpose. Data from the shot-putters were obtained with the use of high speed videography. Theoretical data were obtained with the use of the theoretical model. The main concern for the development of the model was to mathematically examine the various mechanical components present during the release and flight of the implement, and how they relate to the optimum angle of 159 release in order to achieve maximum horizontal displacement/distance. A system of two axes, a vertical (y) and a horizontal (x) was assumed. The primary mathematical simulation of the x, y system, a first and a second order derivative of the gravitational force, was derived through Newtonian mechanics. Trigonometry principles were also considered throughout the construction of the model. Finally, mathematical integrations and differentiations were employed along with equation solving procedures to arrive at the desired model. The model was validated through simple comparisons where the model was tested in two conditions at which the result for the optimum angle of release is known as, for example, is the case when the level of release is the same as the level of landing. For all five subjects there was a significant relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release thus, showing dependency of the angle of release on the velocity of release. For all five subjects there was no agreement between the real life angles and those estimated by the theoretical model. It was found that at present, the theoretical model is not applicable in the shot-put event. The optimum release conditions other than velocity depend crucially on how the maximum achievable release velocity is functionally related to the other release conditions. 160 Conclusions Based on the results of the present investigation, a significant relationship exists between the angle of release and the velocity of release in real life shotputting. This phenomenon suggests that there is a dependency of the velocity of release on the angle of release. Shot-putters do experience a decrease in the maximum achievable velocity of release as the angle of release increases. From the data of the present investigation it seems that the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release follows a linear trend. The observed dependency of the velocity of release on the angle of release, shows a disagreement between the theoretical optimum angle of release and the real life optimum angle of release. This is because, contrary to the real life model, the theoretical model assumes that the velocity of release is an independent function of the angle of release. Indeed, it was observed that there was no agreement between the results obtained based on the real life and the theoretical models. The findings of the present study verify the untested hypothesis that the velocity of release depends on the angle of release. Coaches should encourage (or continue to encourage) their shot-put throwers to practice the release of the shot under a variety of angles. In the effort to maximize the distance thrown, 161 the optimum angle of release should be thrower specific. Obviously, more capable throwers will be able to achieve higher angles of release, perhaps angles according to the theoretical model for the optimum angle of release. As it has been speculated by some authorities, the development of new ways of training may help bridge the gap between theory and practice at least for the shot-put event. The issue of proper training could be worthwhile researching in the future. Recommendations Experimentation with world-class shot-putters might be useful to detect any change in the relationship between the velocity and angle of release, as compared to those observed in the present study and exhibited by the collegiate shot-putters. Perhaps an even greater number of throws, although laborious, might again reveal additional information pertaining to the nature of the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release. Other than regression mathematical models might also be useful in estimating the real life, thrower specific, optimum angle of release. These models will probably be constrained optimization models. 162 References Anderson, J. (1972). 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Köln, Federal Republic of Germany. 170 Appendix A The Obtained Data for Each of the Subjects Table 15 Horizontal and Vertical Velocities, Resultant Velocity (Velocity of Release), Angle of Release and Height of Release for the First Subject _________________________________________________________ 171 Velocity _______________________________ Horizontal Vertical Resultant Angle Height (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (deg) (m) _________________________________________________________ 8.63 5.55 10.26 32.77 2.16 8.97 6.35 10.99 35.29 2.18 8.36 6.61 10.66 38.34 2.33 7.99 6.45 10.27 38.88 2.24 8.57 5.72 10.30 33.73 2.25 7.93 6.44 10.22 39.10 2.26 8.53 6.19 10.54 35.97 2.20 8.04 7.00 10.66 41.05 2.32 8.69 6.33 10.75 36.07 2.23 9.05 6.47 11.12 35.58 2.18 8.55 6.30 10.62 36.38 2.15 8.34 6.65 10.67 38.55 2.21 8.07 6.79 10.55 40.08 2.09 8.82 6.72 11.09 37.30 2.22 9.23 6.47 11.27 35.01 2.07 8.80 7.06 11.27 38.73 2.27 8.97 6.74 11.22 36.93 2.06 9.90 6.47 11.83 33.17 2.01 9.29 6.55 11.36 35.20 2.13 9.80 6.34 11.67 32.90 2.06 8.58 6.63 10.84 37.70 2.03 8.71 5.82 10.47 33.78 1.95 9.26 5.54 10.79 30.88 2.09 8.18 5.74 9.99 35.07 2.16 8.89 6.41 10.96 35.77 1.99 9.13 5.69 10.76 31.94 2.13 8.06 6.10 10.11 37.11 2.10 8.04 8.85 9.95 36.05 2.00 8.97 5.52 10.53 31.60 2.01 7.90 6.46 10.21 39.26 2.00 7.14 6.47 9.64 42.19 2.31 6.70 7.10 9.76 46.68 2.30 6.56 6.94 9.54 46.61 2.25 6.14 7.11 9.40 49.21 2.27 6.83 7.24 9.95 46.65 2.25 6.64 7.16 9.76 47.16 2.22 6.80 7.62 10.22 48.27 2.33 7.08 7.26 10.14 45.69 2.27 6.58 7.21 9.77 47.63 2.35 7.06 7.03 9.97 44.86 2.27 10.26 4.49 11.20 23.63 2.08 8.35 5.58 10.04 33.74 2.06 8.38 6.02 10.32 35.68 2.10 172 8.67 5.49 10.26 32.35 2.05 8.39 6.07 10.35 35.89 2.14 8.66 5.44 10.23 32.13 2.10 8.70 5.87 10.49 34.02 2.08 9.14 4.76 10.30 27.52 2.05 9.23 5.14 10.56 29.11 2.08 _________________________________________________________ Note. The throws are reported in the order in which they were thrown. Table 16 Horizontal and Vertical Velocities, Resultant Velocity (Velocity of Release), Angle of Release and Height of Release for the Second Subject _________________________________________________________ Velocity _______________________________ Horizontal Vertical Resultant Angle Height (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (deg) (m) _________________________________________________________ 10.33 6.35 12.12 31.57 2.08 9.78 6.49 11.74 33.57 2.15 10.09 6.09 11.78 31.13 2.21 10.84 6.46 12.62 30.80 2.13 9.95 6.60 11.94 33.53 2.15 10.45 6.49 12.30 31.85 2.08 10.47 6.72 12.43 32.72 2.17 10.07 6.65 12.07 33.46 2.11 9.88 6.36 11.75 32.76 2.10 9.76 6.16 11.54 32.28 2.21 11.37 3.84 12.00 18.67 1.91 11.16 4.29 11.96 21.04 1.91 11.52 3.30 11.98 15.98 1.84 11.17 3.15 11.60 15.77 1.87 11.15 4.03 11.86 19.87 1.91 10.07 4.77 11.14 25.35 1.90 9.82 3.81 10.53 21.20 1.80 10.61 3.35 11.13 17.50 1.91 10.31 4.64 11.30 24.22 1.95 10.31 4.64 11.30 24.22 1.95 6.72 7.98 10.43 49.93 2.35 6.27 7.45 9.74 49.95 2.41 5.68 7.26 9.21 51.97 2.46 7.20 7.55 10.43 46.34 2.28 6.86 7.63 10.26 48.03 2.29 7.17 7.87 10.64 47.65 2.32 6.71 7.87 10.34 49.58 2.29 6.93 7.74 10.39 48.17 2.38 173 7.12 7.27 10.18 45.60 2.32 6.12 7.76 9.89 51.75 2.25 10.32 6.06 11.97 30.41 2.13 10.73 6.08 12.33 29.55 2.08 10.16 6.62 12.12 33.08 2.08 9.98 6.09 11.52 31.89 2.14 9.66 6.24 11.50 32.87 2.04 9.75 6.52 11.73 33.80 1.99 10.12 6.04 11.78 30.86 2.09 10.71 5.79 12.18 28.41 2.06 9.82 5.74 11.38 30.28 1.99 10.22 5.60 11.65 28.72 2.03 10.73 3.91 11.42 20.00 1.93 10.10 4.86 11.21 25.68 2.04 10.70 4.51 11.61 22.85 2.04 11.00 4.97 12.07 24.32 1.95 10.47 5.21 11.70 26.48 1.91 10.04 5.86 11.62 30.30 2.04 10.51 4.78 11.55 24.47 1.98 9.95 4.64 10.98 24.99 1.96 10.11 4.97 11.27 26.18 2.03 9.72 5.17 11.00 28.01 2.00 _________________________________________________________ Note. The throws are reported in the order in which they were thrown. Table 17 Horizontal and Vertical Velocities, Resultant Velocity (Velocity of Release), Angle of Release and Height of Release for the Third Subject _________________________________________________________ Velocity _______________________________ Horizontal Vertical Resultant Angle Height (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (deg) (m) _________________________________________________________ 9.13 6.98 11.49 37.41 2.13 10.28 6.91 12.38 33.90 2.17 10.02 5.71 11.53 29.69 2.09 9.86 6.08 11.58 31.64 2.23 9.99 5.98 11.64 30.89 2.04 10.33 5.65 11.77 28.70 2.02 11.47 5.04 12.53 23.73 2.09 10.32 5.55 11.72 28.26 2.04 10.93 5.13 12.08 25.15 2.01 10.08 5.34 11.41 27.92 2.03 174 8.05 5.93 10.00 36.41 2.31 7.90 6.29 10.10 38.52 2.24 7.23 6.54 9.75 42.14 2.26 7.77 6.24 9.97 38.80 2.28 7.60 6.76 10.17 41.67 2.22 7.44 5.98 9.55 38.79 2.27 7.27 7.51 10.45 45.95 2.25 6.74 7.88 10.37 49.46 2.28 7.10 7.36 10.23 46.04 2.27 7.15 7.27 10.19 45.48 2.31 9.26 6.48 11.30 34.99 2.20 9.30 6.90 11.58 36.58 2.21 8.53 7.16 11.13 40.00 2.18 9.21 6.43 11.23 34.93 2.24 9.90 6.48 11.83 33.20 2.20 9.97 6.66 11.99 33.76 2.09 9.98 6.89 12.13 34.60 2.13 9.42 7.17 11.84 37.28 2.13 9.85 6.51 11.81 33.48 2.07 9.13 5.35 10.58 30.39 2.16 7.89 7.65 10.99 44.12 2.33 7.66 7.40 10.65 44.03 2.39 6.89 7.98 10.54 49.17 2.25 6.73 7.83 10.32 49.32 2.37 6.88 7.24 9.99 46.44 2.25 7.18 7.72 10.54 47.10 2.32 6.76 7.65 10.21 48.51 2.40 6.91 7.57 10.25 47.60 2.34 6.94 7.34 10.11 46.62 2.35 7.45 7.89 10.85 46.66 2.32 10.54 4.73 11.55 24.17 1.97 10.74 5.00 11.85 24.97 1.93 10.30 4.87 11.39 25.33 2.03 10.58 5.40 11.88 27.04 1.99 10.26 5.28 11.54 27.22 1.97 10.78 4.54 11.69 22.85 1.98 11.04 4.77 12.02 23.36 2.00 11.05 5.02 12.14 24.41 2.03 11.02 4.36 11.85 21.60 2.03 10.99 3.94 11.68 19.74 1.91 _________________________________________________________ Note. The throws are reported in the order in which they were thrown. Table 18 Horizontal and Vertical Velocities, Resultant Velocity (Velocity of Release), Angle of Release and Height of Release for the Fourth Subject 175 _________________________________________________________ Velocity _______________________________ Horizontal Vertical Resultant Angle Height (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (deg) (m) _________________________________________________________ 10.24 5.84 11.79 29.69 2.02 9.42 6.11 11.23 32.99 2.07 10.99 5.17 12.15 25.19 1.98 10.17 5.69 11.65 29.21 2.12 10.06 5.73 11.58 29.67 2.01 10.07 5.87 11.66 30.24 2.11 10.51 5.65 11.93 28.28 2.09 10.82 5.11 11.96 25.28 2.08 9.85 5.95 11.51 31.13 2.10 10.09 5.35 11.42 27.92 2.05 6.01 6.90 9.15 48.95 2.35 7.05 6.78 9.78 43.87 2.31 6.04 6.68 9.01 47.84 2.40 6.39 6.66 9.23 46.18 2.36 6.18 6.85 9.23 47.97 2.42 5.88 6.78 8.98 49.06 2.29 6.58 6.74 9.41 45.69 2.28 6.47 6.83 9.41 46.58 2.38 5.88 6.72 8.93 48.83 2.29 6.29 6.76 9.23 47.07 2.33 8.35 6.05 10.31 35.93 2.26 9.32 5.24 10.69 29.36 2.17 8.30 5.42 9.91 33.15 2.13 7.28 5.40 9.06 36.56 2.14 7.84 6.47 10.17 39.51 2.11 8.55 6.12 10.51 35.58 2.21 8.71 5.56 10.33 32.56 2.09 9.19 5.64 10.78 31.57 2.07 8.46 5.77 10.24 34.30 2.07 8.30 6.33 10.44 37.32 2.15 8.81 6.12 10.73 34.80 2.11 8.77 5.60 10.40 32.56 2.15 9.86 5.62 11.35 29.69 2.10 9.74 5.96 11.42 31.44 2.09 9.41 5.98 11.15 32.47 2.14 9.26 5.86 10.96 32.33 2.15 10.02 5.97 11.66 30.81 2.01 9.11 5.67 10.73 31.91 2.07 9.40 5.82 11.05 31.77 2.07 10.12 5.46 11.50 28.34 2.02 10.15 4.75 11.21 25.09 1.93 9.17 4.47 10.20 25.99 1.98 176 10.12 4.30 11.00 23.03 2.03 9.67 4.72 10.76 26.04 2.06 10.31 5.10 11.50 26.32 1.90 10.14 4.61 11.14 24.47 1.92 10.16 4.98 11.32 26.09 1.95 10.08 4.75 11.14 25.22 1.92 10.58 3.93 11.29 20.36 1.91 10.56 4.66 11.54 23.82 1.95 _________________________________________________________ Note. The throws are reported in the order in which they were thrown. Table 19 Horizontal and Vertical Velocities, Resultant Velocity (Velocity of Release), Angle of Release and Height of Release for the Fifth Subject _________________________________________________________ Velocity _______________________________ Horizontal Vertical Resultant Angle Height (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (deg) (m) _________________________________________________________ 9.50 6.37 11.44 33.86 2.13 9.97 7.13 12.26 35.57 2.11 9.91 6.94 12.10 35.03 2.09 9.61 6.43 11.56 33.79 2.04 9.86 6.98 12.08 35.31 2.07 10.35 6.33 12.13 31.47 2.06 9.51 6.47 11.50 34.22 2.16 10.35 6.38 12.16 31.67 2.12 9.64 6.84 11.82 35.36 2.15 9.91 6.94 12.10 35.03 2.19 10.89 5.99 12.42 28.84 2.24 11.28 6.58 13.06 30.27 2.18 10.47 6.10 12.11 30.22 2.22 10.63 6.29 12.36 30.62 2.25 11.14 6.00 12.66 28.31 2.23 10.49 7.03 12.63 33.81 2.07 10.48 6.78 12.48 32.89 2.02 9.48 7.80 12.27 39.44 2.14 10.18 6.64 12.15 33.12 2.13 10.28 6.76 12.31 33.34 2.12 9.97 7.37 12.40 36.48 2.30 10.21 7.11 12.45 34.86 2.33 10.30 6.84 12.36 33.59 2.31 9.86 7.36 12.31 36.74 2.26 10.18 7.46 12.62 36.24 2.23 177 9.64 7.56 12.25 38.12 2.23 9.91 7.37 12.35 36.64 2.24 9.42 7.76 12.20 39.50 2.18 9.71 7.44 12.23 37.48 2.28 9.50 7.68 12.21 38.96 2.20 6.40 8.14 10.36 51.83 2.36 6.25 8.56 10.60 53.88 2.34 6.52 8.58 10.78 52.76 2.33 7.35 7.75 10.68 46.53 2.34 6.76 8.01 10.48 49.83 2.44 6.56 8.05 10.38 50.86 2.34 6.36 8.18 10.36 52.12 2.35 6.88 7.96 10.52 49.16 2.38 6.05 8.36 10.32 54.14 2.41 7.21 8.10 10.84 48.32 2.38 11.92 4.62 12.78 21.20 1.99 11.65 4.99 12.67 23.19 2.03 12.17 4.09 12.84 18.58 2.00 12.16 4.06 12.82 18.48 1.95 11.79 5.39 12.96 24.56 2.04 12.08 4.90 13.04 22.08 1.90 12.28 3.58 12.79 16.26 2.01 11.19 6.42 12.89 29.84 2.05 12.36 4.39 13.11 19.56 1.88 12.03 5.15 13.08 23.19 1.99 _________________________________________________________ Note. The throws are reported in the order in which they were thrown. 178 Appendix B The Consent Statement CONSENT STATEMENT 179 The department of physical education at the University of Kansas supports the practice of protection for human subjects participating in research. The following information is provided for you to decide whether you wish to participate in the present study. You should be aware that even if you agree to participate, you are free to withdraw at any time without penalty. We are interested in investigating the relationship between the velocity and the angle of release in the shot-put event, and also the potential application of a theoretical model to estimate the optimum angle of release. In essence, we are trying to establish whether the theoretical optimum angle of release is really the optimum angle of release athletes should use to improve their performance. You will be participating in a total of approximately 5 sessions. You will have to throw the shot as you would in a competition. However, for the purpose of the experiment, you will have to throw with angles of release approximating those of 20, 35, 45, and 60 degrees, as well as the angle of release you usually use in practice and competition. You will have to throw 10 times for each of these five angles for a total of 50 throws. In order to prevent unfair advantage of your normal angle over the other angles you will be asked to practice for about a week the throwing of the “other” angles. All your throws will be measured as in competition. Foul throws, however, will not count, will not be measured and, they will have to be repeated. Your participation will be extremely active during this experiment. It is estimated that each session will take no more than one hour of your time. You will not feel any serious discomfort during your participation. All your throws will be filmed so data from them can later be analyzed. By the completion of the study, all the tapes used to record your throwing attempts will be erased. Although participation will not directly benefit you, we believe that the information will be useful in determining the relationship between the angle of release and the velocity of release in the shot-put event as well as the potential application of a theoretical model to estimate the optimum angle of release. Your participation is solicited although strictly voluntary. We assure you that all data will be confidential and that your name will not be associated in any way with the research findings. The information will be identified only by a code number. You may also request that your protocol be destroyed along with the data. If you would like additional information concerning this study before or after it is complete, please feel free to contact me by phone or mail. Sincerely, Andreas Maheras Principal Investigator 305 East 20th Hays, KS 67601 (785) 628 8456 ____________________________________ Signature of subject agreeing to participate. By signing, the subject certifies that he is at least 18 years of age. Has received a copy of this consent form. 180 Appendix C The A.C.H.E Form 181 182 Appendix D The FORTRAN Computer Program Used in the Analysis SUBROUTINE SLFIT(T,XLOC,NFIT,S0,V) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C THIS SUBROUTINE FITS A STRAIGHT LINE TO A SERIES OF C NFIT PAIRS OF C VALUES OF TIME (T, IN SEC) AND HORIZONTAL DISPLACEMENT C (XLOC, IN C METERS), AND CALCULATES THE HORIZONTAL DISPLACEMENT AT C TIME ZERO C (S0) AND THE HORIZONTAL VELOCITY (V). C C THIS SUBROUTINE WAS DEVELOPED BY JESUS DAPENA. C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DIMENSION T(30),XLOC(30),A(30,2),B(30),X(2),WK(2),IWK(2) 183 DO 1 I=1,NFIT A(I,1)=1. A(I,2)=T(I) B(I)=XLOC(I) 1 CONTINUE TOL=-1.0 KBASIS=2 CALL LLSQF(A,30,NFIT,2,B,TOL,KBASIS,X,WK,IWK,IER) S0=X(1) V=X(2) RETURN END SUBROUTINE PBFIT(T,ZLOC,NFIT,S0,V0) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C THIS SUBROUTINE FITS A PARABOLA OF SECOND DERIVATIVE C C =-9.81 M/SEC2 TO A SERIES OF NFIT PAIRS OF VALUES OF C TIME (T, IN SEC) AND VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT C (ZLOC, IN METERS), AND CALCULATES THE VERTICAL C DISPLACEMENT(S0)AND VERTICAL VELOCITY (V0) AT TIME C ZERO. C C THIS SUBROUTINE WAS DEVELOPED BY JESUS DAPENA. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DIMENSION T(30),ZLOC(30),A(30,2),B(30),X(2),WK(2),IWK(2) DO 1 I=1,NFIT A(I,1)=1. A(I,2)=T(I) 1 B(I)=ZLOC(I)+4.905*(T(I)**2) CONTINUE TOL=-1.0 KBASIS=2 CALL LLSQF(A,30,NFIT,2,B,TOL,KBASIS,X,WK,IWK,IER) S0=X(1) V0=X(2) RETURN END SUBROUTINE LLSQF (A,IQ,NEQS,NUNK,B,TOL,KBASIS,X,WX,IWK,IER) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C THIS SUBROUTINE SOLVES A SYSTEM OF LINEAR EQUATIONS. C IT CALLS SUBROUTINES "QR" AND "OVER" OF THE NAPACK C PACKAGE (THEY ARE CONTAINED IN GRAFBM). THIS C LLSQF SUBROUTINE MIMICS THE ACTIONS OF SUBROUTINE C LLSQF FROM THE IMSL PACKAGE. C 184 C THIS SUBROUTINE WAS DEVELOPED BY JESUS DAPENA. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC REAL A(IQ,NUNK),B(IQ),X(NUNK),WX(NUNK) DIMENSION IWK(NUNK) DOUBLE PRECISION DA(2043),DB(200),DX(200) ICOUNT=0 DO 24 I=1,NEQS DB(I)=B(I) 24 CONTINUE DO 22 J=1,NUNK DO 23 I=1,NEQS ICOUNT=ICOUNT+1 DA(ICOUNT)=A(I,J) 23 CONTINUE 22 CONTINUE LA=NEQS M=NEQS N=NUNK CALL QR(DA,LA,M,N) CALL OVER(DX,DA,DB) DO 25 J=1,NUNK X(J)=DX(J) 25 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE QR(A,LA,M,N) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C THIS SUBROUTINE BELONGS TO THE NAPACK PACKAGE. IT WAS C OBTAINED FROM NETLIB@ORNL.GOV THROUGH ELECTRONIC MAIL. C MADE D.P. BY J. DAPENA. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ________________________________________________________ C QR FACTOR A GENERAL MATRIX WITH COLUMN PIVOTING C INPUT: C A --ARRAY CONTAINING MATRIX C (LENGTH AT LEAST 3+N+MN + MIN(M,N)) C LA --LEADING (ROW) DIMENSION OF ARRAY A C M --NUMBER OF ROWS IN COEFFICIENT MATRIX C N --NUMBER OF COLUMNS IN COEFF. MATRIX C OUTPUT: A --FACTORED MATRIX C BUILTIN FUNCTIONS: DABS,DSQRT C PACKAGE SUBROUTINES: RPACK ________________________________________________________| C DOUBLE PRECISION A(1),R,S,T,U,V,W INTEGER B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,LA,M,N,O,P,Q,Z IF ( LA .GT. M ) CALL RPACK(A,LA,M,N) U = 1. 185 10 C C C 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 U = .5*U T = 1 + U IF ( T .GT. 1. ) GOTO 10 U = DSQRT(40.*U) O = M + 1 I = 2 + N*O F = I IF ( M .LT. N ) F = 2 + M*O D = I - M J = 2 + N H = I + 1 C = H L = H + N G = H V = 0. --------------------------------------|*** COMPUTE 2-NORM OF EACH COLUMN ***| --------------------------------------S = 0. R = S K = I - M T = A(I-J) A(I) = T I = I - 1 IF ( T .NE. 0. ) GOTO 40 IF ( I .GT. K ) GOTO 30 GOTO 70 S = DABS(T) R = 1. IF ( I .EQ. K ) GOTO 70 T = A(I-J) A(I) = T I = I - 1 IF ( DABS(T) .GT. S ) GOTO 60 R = R + (T/S)**2 IF ( I .GT. K ) GOTO 50 GOTO 70 R = 1 + R*(S/T)**2 S = DABS(T) IF ( I .GT. K ) GOTO 50 W = S*DSQRT(R) A(G) = W A(L) = U*W IF ( W .LT. V ) GOTO 80 V = W P = G L = L - 1 G = I 186 C C C 90 C C C 100 110 C C C 120 I = I - 1 J = J - 1 K = I - M IF ( K .GT. 2 ) GOTO 20 A(1) = 3230 A(2) = M A(3) = N K = 4 G = M ----------------------------|*** START FACTORIZATION ***| ----------------------------E = K + G L = P - M J = P - E H = H + 1 A(H+J/O) = A(H) A(H) = (P-3)/O ----------------------------|*** INTERCHANGE COLUMNS ***| ----------------------------DO 100 I = L,P T = A(I) Q = I - J A(I) = A(Q) A(Q) = T S = 0. T = A(E) IF ( T .EQ. 0. ) GOTO 240 IF ( K .EQ. F ) RETURN E = E - 1 DO 110 I = K,E S = S + (A(I)/T)**2 IF ( S .EQ. 0. ) GOTO 240 S = T*DSQRT(S) T = A(K) A(K) = S IF ( T .GE. 0. ) A(K) = -S R = 1./DSQRT(S*(S+DABS(T))) I = E ---------------------------------|*** STORE HOUSEHOLDER MATRIX ***| ---------------------------------A(I+1) = R*A(I) I = I - 1 IF ( I .GT. K ) GOTO 120 IF ( T .LT. 0. ) S = -S 187 130 140 C C 150 160 170 C C C 180 190 200 210 A(K+1) = R*(T+S) IF ( K .GT. D ) RETURN J = K E = -1 Z = H G = G - 1 V = 0. IF ( J .GT. D ) GOTO 230 J = J + O E = E + O L = J + G Z = Z + 1 B = L + 1 S = A(B) T = 0. IF ( S .EQ. 0. ) GOTO 160 DO 140 I = J,L T = T + A(I)*A(I-E) -----------------------------|*** UPDATE FACTORIZATION ***| -----------------------------DO 150 I = J,L A(I) = A(I) - T*A(I-E) T = S*DSQRT(DABS(1.-(A(J)/S)**2)) A(B) = T IF ( T .LT. A(Z) ) GOTO 170 IF ( T .LT. V ) GOTO 130 V = T P = B GOTO 130 I = J + 1 ------------------------------|*** COMPUTE COLUMN 2-NORM ***| ------------------------------S = 0. R = S DO 180 Q = I,L IF ( A(Q) .NE. 0. ) GOTO 190 GOTO 220 S = DABS(A(Q)) DO 210 I = Q,L T = DABS(A(I)) IF ( T .GT. S ) GOTO 200 R = R + (T/S)**2 GOTO 210 R = 1 + R*(S/T)**2 S = T CONTINUE 188 220 230 240 T = S*DSQRT(R) A(B) = T A(Z) = U*T IF ( T .LT. V ) GOTO 130 V = T P = B GOTO 130 K = K + O + 1 IF ( K .LT. F ) GOTO 90 IF ( M .GE. N ) GOTO 90 RETURN A(H) = 0. A(1) = -3230 RETURN END SUBROUTINE RPACK(A,LA,M,N) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C THIS SUBROUTINE BELONGS TO THE NAPACK PACKAGE. IT WAS C OBTAINED FROM C NETLIB@ORNL.GOV THROUGH ELECTRONIC MAIL. MADE D.P. BY C J. DAPENA. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ________________________________________________________ C REARRANGE THE ELEMENTS OF A REAL ARRAY SO THAT THE C ELEMENTS OF A RECTANGULAR MATRIX ARE STORED C SEQUENTIALLY C INPUT: C A --REAL ARRAY CONTAINING MATRIX C LA --LEADING (ROW) DIMENSION OF ARRAY A C M --ROW DIMENSION OF MATRIX STORED IN A C N --COLUMN DIMENSION OF MATRIX STORED IN A C OUTPUT: A --MATRIX PACKED AT START OF ARRAY _______________________________________________________ C DOUBLE PRECISION A(1) INTEGER H,I,J,K,L,LA,M,N,O H = LA - M IF ( H .EQ. 0 ) RETURN IF ( H .GT. 0 ) GOTO 10 WRITE(6,*) 'ERROR: LA ARGUMENT IN RPACK MUST BE .GE. M ARGUMENT' STOP 10 I = 0 K = 1 L = M O = M*N 20 IF ( L .EQ. O ) RETURN I = I + H 189 30 K = K + M L = L + M DO 30 J = K,L A(J) = A(I+J) GOTO 20 END SUBROUTINE OVER(X,A,B) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C THIS SUBROUTINE BELONGS TO THE NAPACK PACKAGE. IT WAS C OBTAINED FROM C NETLIB@ORNL.GOV THROUGH ELECTRONIC MAIL. MADE D.P. BY C J. DAPENA. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ________________________________________________________ C SOLVE A GENERAL OVERDETERMINED LINEAR SYSTEM OF M C EQS. C INPUT: C A --QR'S OUTPUT C B --RIGHT SIDE C OUTPUT:X --SOLUTION (AT LEAST M ELEMENTS, CAN BE C IDENTIFIED WITH B BUT RIGHT SIDE DESTROYED) C BUILTIN FUNCTIONS: DABS ________________________________________________________ DOUBLE PRECISION A(1),B(1),X(1),T INTEGER H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O T = A(1) IF ( DABS(T) .EQ. 3230 ) GOTO 10 WRITE(6,*) 'ERROR: MUST QR FACTOR COEFFICIENT MATRIX' WRITE(6,*) 'BEFORE SOLVING SYSTEM' STOP 10 IF ( T .GT. 0. ) GOTO 20 WRITE(6,*) 'SINGULAR SYSTEM - COMPUTE REGULARIZED SOLUTION' WRITE(6,*) '(SEE SECTION 6-11)' STOP 20 M = A(2) N = A(3) IF ( M .GE. N ) GOTO 30 WRITE(6,*) 'ERROR: THE NUMBER OF EQUATIONS IS LESS THAN' WRITE(6,*) 'THE NUMBER OF UNKNOWNS. FOR AN OVERDETERMINED' WRITE(6,*) 'SYSTEM, THERE MUST BE MORE EQUATIONS THAN UNKNOWNS' STOP 30 IF ( M .GT. 1 ) GOTO 40 190 40 50 C C C 60 70 80 C C C 90 100 110 C C C 120 X(1) = B(1)/A(4) RETURN DO 50 I = 1,M X(I) = B(I) O = M + 1 L = N IF ( M .EQ. N ) L = N - 1 K = 4 ----------------------------------------|*** APPLY ORTHOGONAL TRANSFORMATION ***| ----------------------------------------DO 80 J = 1,L T = 0. DO 60 I = J,M T = T + X(I)*A(I+K) DO 70 I = J,M X(I) = X(I) - T*A(I+K) K = K + O J = N K = 3 + O*N H = K --------------------------------|*** SOLVE TRIANGULAR SYSTEM ***| --------------------------------K = K - O T = X(J)/A(J+K) X(J) = T IF ( J .EQ. 1 ) GOTO 110 J = J - 1 DO 100 I = 1,J X(I) = X(I) - T*A(I+K) GOTO 90 IF ( N .EQ. 1 ) RETURN ---------------------------------|*** PERFORM PIVOT OPERATIONS ***| ---------------------------------J = A(L+H) T = X(J) X(J) = X(L) X(L) = T L = L - 1 IF ( L .GT. 0 ) GOTO 120 RETURN END 191
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