The Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists North Atlantic Component The Omni Nashville Hotel, Nashville, TN March 25-28 2015 Meeting BOARD MEMBERS PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER Dr. Harry Legan Dr. E. Dianne Rekow Dr. Michael E. Spoon Dr. Steven J. Lindauer PROGRAM CHAIR EDITOR PAST PRESIDENT DIRECTOR TO THE CENTRAL BODY Dr. Ronald Bellohusen Dr. T. Scott Jenkins Dr. Len Rothenberg Dr. R. Scott Conley The Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists North Atlantic Component Dedicates the 2015 Meeting to Two of Our Most Remarkable Legends J. Daniel Subtelny 1922-2014 Charles J. Burstone 1928-2015 W E D N E S D AY, M a r c h 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 Welcome Reception 6 to 8 Omni Nashville Hotel T H U R S D AY, M a r c h 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 Breakfast 7:00 8:00 Presidentʼs Welcome: Dr. Harry Legan — Franklin, Tennessee Session Chair: Dr. Timothy Wheeler — Gainesville, Florida PRESENTERS 8:15 REVIEWERS Dr. Bhavna Shroff Richmond, Virginia Dr. Scott Conley Ann Arbor, Michigan “Current Trends in the Angle Society” Member presentation 9.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Bing Fang Dr. Cynthia S. Beeman ________________________________________________________________________________________ Shanghai, China Lexington, Kentucky ____________________________________________________________________________ “Increased Alveolar Bone Remodeling during Rapid Tooth Movement in OVX Rats” Affiliate presentation for membership. Sponsors: Burstone/Luk ________________________________________________________________________________________ 10:15 Break ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 10:15 Break Break 10:45 Dr. Wellinton Rody, Jr. Gainesville, Florida Dr. Anthony Peluso Norfolk, Virginia “Immunoassay Analysis of Proteins in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) Collected from Root Resorption Sites” Affiliate presentation for membership. Sponsors: Wheeler/Dolce 12:00 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Lunch ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Session Chair: Dr. Calogero Dolce — Gainesville, Florida 1:30 Dr. Madhur Upadhyay Farmington, Connecticut Dr. Michael J. Margolis Wilbraham, Massachusetts m “Mechanics of a 2X4 Appliance with a “V” Bend: A Three Dimensional Analysis” Affiliate presentation for membership. Sponsors: Nanda/Uribe 2:45 3:00 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Break ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Un-bong Baik Dr. Robert Schindel ____________________________________________________________________________ Seoul, South Korea East Northport, New York “Eruption of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars after the Protraction of Mandibular Molars Using Miniscrews” Affiliate presentation for membership. Sponsors: Nanda/Uribe 4:15 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Joel F. Brodsky Dr. Robert Goldman ________________________________________________________________________________________ Lakewood, California Stamford, Connecticut ____________________________________________________________________________ “Cleft-Palate Treatment - Many Puzzles...Many Solutions” Member presentation 5:00 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Adjourn ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ F R I D AY, M a r c h 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 Breakfast 7:00 Session Chair: Dr. Thomas Butterfoss — Yorktown, Virginia 8:00 Dr. Gary L. Opin Milford, Connecticut Dr. Peter Bronsky Vestal, New York “The Benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy in an Orthodontic Office” Member presentation 8:45 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Eser Tufekci Dr. Hilton Wasilewsky Richmond, Virginia Sydney, Australia ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ “Headgear - Blast from the Past?” Member presentation 9:30 10:00 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Break ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Flavio A. Uribe Dr. Richard D. Faber ____________________________________________________________________________ Farmington, Connecticut Melville, New York “Seven Year Experience with the Surgery First Approach” Member presentation 10:45 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Alex Bottrel Dr. Robert A. Miller Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Culpeper, Virginia ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ”Esthetic Archwire Preference and Maintenance of Clinical Appearance after Repeated Brushing Cycles” Member presentation 11:30 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Business Meeting ________________________________________________________________________________________ 12:15 ____________________________________________________________________________ Adjourn 1:30 Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum 7:00 Dinner Banquet S AT U R D AY, M a r c h 2 8 , 2 0 1 5 Breakfast 7:00 Session Chair: Dr. Gary McKenna — Morristown, Tennessee 8:00 Dr. Sunil Wadhwa New York City, New York Dr. Antonino Russo Port Jefferson Station, New York “The Role of Estrogen in Mediating TMJ Disorders” Member presentation 8:45 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Aurélie Majourau-Bouriez Dr. Zackary Faber Boulogne, France Melville, New York ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ “Smile Rehabilitation for CLP Patients Orthodontics, Surgical, and Prosthetics Aspects - A 20 Year Experience” Member presentation 9:30 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Break 10:00 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Kazunori Yamaguchi Dr. Yukio Kitafusa Hiroshima, Japan Asahi City, Japan ____________________________________________________________________________ “Effects of Mouth Breathing on Masticatory Efficiency” Member presentation 10:45 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Michael G. Woods Dr. Bruce Haskell Malvern, Australia Louisville, Kentucky ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ “An Assessment of Surgical and 10 Year Follow-up Changes in Vertical Facial Pattern with Class II and Class III Orthognathic Surgery” Member presentation ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 11:30 Business Meeting 12:15 Adjourn 1:45 Franklin, Tennessee Excursion and Dinner As always! Most sincere appreciation to Darlene! A truly amazing person who continues to juggle a myriad of tasks and keeps us all on track. Our meetings could not be what they are without her!
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