MARCH 29, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. (Sunday Vigil Mass) SUNDAY 7:30, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 a.m. 12:45 and 5:00 p.m. HOLY DAY 8:00 p.m. (Evening before the Holy Day) 6:45, 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on the Feast Day WEEKDAY Church of the Annunciation Crestwood, N.Y. Rev. Robert F. Grippo, Pastor Rev. Ivan Lovric, Associate Rev. Salvatore Riccardi, C.P., Associate Rev. Joseph P. Tierney, Weekend Associate Rev. Joseph Lienhard, S.J., Weekend Associate Deacon Guy Pellegrini, Deacon Ralph Longo Sr. Catherine Burns, O.P., Pastoral Associate 6:45 and 9:00 a.m. (Saturday Morning 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.) NOCTURNAL ADORATION 1st Friday: 7:00 p.m. Exposition of Blessed Sacrament until 10:00 p.m. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Tuesdays after the 9:00 a.m. Mass SACRAMENTS RECTORY SCHOOL 470 Westchester Avenue • 779-7345 Office Manager • Jeanne Doran Bookkeeper • Mary Fuschetto Parish Secretary • Anna Caruso 465 Westchester Avenue • 337-8760 Mrs. Maureen Noonan, Principal Secretary: Adele Sinnott Saturday, 4:00-5:00 p.m. or any time upon request. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BAPTISM MUSIC Organist & Director of Choir Taffy Williams • 793-9186 PARISH COUNCIL Meetings are held five times per year. Chairperson • Laura Sinatra • 725-0639 Education • Mrs. Maureen Noonan 337-8760 BULLETIN All articles for Sunday Bulletin must be received at the Rectory no later than 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, for the following Sunday’s Bulletin. Mr. Tony MacDonnell Ms. Patricia Kavanagh 779-2374 All classes are held in School on Wednesdays Grades 1-7 • 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Special Ed. • Arranged PARISH MEMBERSHIP Register in Rectory, Monday through Friday 9:00-4:00 p.m. or speak to one of the priests any time. The parents of a child seeking entrance into our school must be officially registered in Annunciation Parish. CONFESSION Baptisms are held on Sunday afternoon. All parents must attend a Jordan Conference prior to the Baptism. Please arrange for Baptism and Jordan Conference by calling the Rectory as soon as possible. MARRIAGE Arrangements should be made ASAP and at least six months before the wedding. VISITATION OF THE SICK Please call Sr. Cathy Burns, O.P. (779-7345) to arrange for Communion in your home. March 29, 2015 Page Two PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Especially Pina Lopopolo, and Eugenia Filipowski, Sunday, March 29 (Palm Sunday) 7:30 Alan Harrington 9:00 Mary Dolan 10:15 Damiano & Palmira Testa 11:30 Anthony Vacca 12:45 Ann Grealy 5:00 Donald Ryan Monday, March 30 6:45 Helen O’Brien 9:00 Marietta and Carmine Pagano Tuesday, March 31 6:45 Andy Salvatore Cifelli 9:00 Eileen and Martin Golden Wednesday, April 1 6:45 Rosemary LaSalle 9:00 Mary Corrigan Thursday, April 2 (Holy Thursday) 9:00 Frank Sinatra III 6:00PM Deceased members of the Cahill Family (The Lord’s Supper) Friday, April 3 (Good Friday) 3:00 Solemn Liturgy of the Passion 7:30PM Stations of the Cross Saturday, April 4 (Holy Saturday) 7:30PM Parishioners of Annunciation Parish (Vigil) Sunday, April 5 (Easter) 7:30 Joan Keating 9:00 Serafina and Antonio Notaro 10:15U William J. Hill and Odierno & Hill Families 10:15L Terrence O’Neill 11:30 George F. Gilligan, Jr. 12:45 Lawrence Linehan 5:00 - no mass- We'd like to connect with you! Annunciation Parish and its various ministries and groups uses Flocknote to send important communications via email and/or text. Don't miss important information. Go to to sign up today. PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Especially John P. Murphy, Helen O’Brien, Lucille O’Rourke, and for all our deceased Service Men and Women. Next week’s 2nd Collection is for Our Annual Easter Collection. Thank you for your support. BAPTISMS We joyfully welcome these newly Baptized Babies into our Annunciation Family: Scarlett Buono Katelyn Mary Lavelle Michael Frank Pogrebitskiy Our beautiful Easter Spiritual Bouquet Cards are available in the back of the Church. They make a wonderful gift for someone special or someone you want to remember at Easter. Annual Palm Sunday Bake Sale Please join us for the Annual Palm Sunday Bake Sale this weekend at the Annunciation School Gym. The bake sale begins after the 5:00pm mass on Saturday, March 28th and continues on Sunday, March 29th after the 7:30, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 and 12:45 masses. There will be delicious dinner items and a variety of baked goods, as well as flowers and palm crosses. Sunday morning following all the Masses, there will also be coffee and bagels for sale. We hope to see everyone! Last week’s collection was $10,781.25. 1,068 adults attended Mass. Lent is a time for Almsgiving - - works of charity. The beginning of the Holy Triduum on Holy Thursday is a fitting time for Annunciation Parish to deepen our partnership and shared mission with Mercy Center in the South Bronx. Annunciation has strong ties to Mercy Center. It was founded by Sr. Mary Ann Dirr, RSM, a graduate of our School. Mercy Center receives no government funding. As part of our Lenten charity, Annunciation will take up a special collection on Holy Thursday to help Mercy Center continue to provide social services and support programs to more than 3,000 people. PALM SUNDAY Page Three Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week 2015. It starts with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem and ends with the tragic death on Calvary. In a sense, it is very strange that this week should be called “holy”. As we walk through it – and I hope we all will – unfolding before our eyes will be a scene of deception and dishonor, betrayal and denial, political expedience and religious corruption, all of which culminates in the greatest crime of all history – the death of God’s Son. Judged by the scenery, this could easily be called anything but holy. But the strength and courage of one man – Jesus – took those seven days of shame and transformed them into Holy Week. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed to be spared the shame and suffering of the cross, but He closed His prayer with the most meaningful sentence: “Not my will but yours be done”. All of His life Jesus had practiced and preached faith in God the Father. He believed that the same God who feeds the birds and dresses the flowers could be trusted for the daily necessities of life. He told the story about a father who met his wayward son with open arms and welcomed him back into the family. Jesus believed that God could be trusted to forgive and accept even the worst of sinners. Trust in God, the Father, had always been a part of Jesus’ life, as natural it seemed as breathing. But the real test came that night in the garden of Gethsemane. It is one thing to trust God amid the flowers of Galilee; it is another thing to trust God under the shadow of the cross. It is one thing to trust God in the good times; but it is another thing to trust Him in the bad times. In the Bible, we find many examples of these two kinds of faith – those who trust God when all was going well, and those who turned to Him and trusted Him – even when life seemed to have caved in on them. The first kind of faith doesn’t mean much unless it carries over into the second. Anyone can trust God in fair weather; the real test comes in the storm. In the Old Testament, the Book of Daniel tells a moving story of three young men who passed that test. The King of Babylon built a golden statue and ordered all the people of Israel to bow down and worship it. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, being three faithful young men, refused to obey that order. The King was furious and threatened to throw them into a fiery furnace. And here is what these three young men replied: “Our God is able to deliver us and will deliver us; but even if He does not, we will never bow down”. That is unconditional faith. A faith we all need and a faith we need to transmit to the young today. But the supreme example of faith in the midst of adversity is found in Jesus during Holy Week. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus faced the cross for our salvation and prayed “Father, if it be your will, take this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done”. His unwavering faith in God took those seven days of shame and transformed them into Holy Week. So our faith ought to tell us that God is indeed our loving Father and that He will never stop loving us no matter what we do or have done. He is always there for us and He is ever eager to accept, to forgive and to save. So keep on trusting in God. Keep on placing your unwavering trust in Him. You will never be disappointed. A Blessed Holy Week! HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Reconciliation Monday, March 30 Confessions 3:00PM – 5:00PM and 7:00PM – 8:00PM Wednesday, April 1 10:00AM – Prayer Service with Stations of the Cross for School Children (parishioners welcome) Holy Thursday, April 2 9:00AM Mass for School Children and Parishioners (for those parishioners unable to attend the celebration of the Lord’s Supper in the evening) 6:00PM - Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Procession 7:00PM - Midnight Adoration at Altar of Reposition (Lower Church) Good Friday, April 3 3:00PM - Solemn Liturgy of the Passion and Death of Our Lord 7:30PM - Stations of the Cross and Homily Confessions 8:15 - 9:00PM Holy Saturday, April 4 7:30PM - Solemn Easter Vigil Ceremony and Mass Confessions 11:00 - 12:00 and 4:00 - 5:00PM There is no 5:00PM Mass on Holy Saturday Easter Sunday, April 5 Masses are at 7:30, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30, and 12:45. There will be 2 Masses at 10:15AM: Upper Church: Children’s Choir Lower Church: Traditional Music The Easter Bunny will visit after the 10:15 Masses. There is no 5:00PM Mass on Easter Sunday. Page Four March 29, 2015 RECONCILIATION MONDAY Sunday, March 29 (Palm Sunday) 8:00AM – 1:00PM – Palm Sunday Bake Sale – Gym 12:00PM – 3:00PM – Mock Trial - Parish Room Monday, March 30 8:00AM - 1:00PM - Special - Parish Room 2:45PM – 4:00PM – After School Activities – Gym 2:45PM – 4:00PM – Scouting – Parish Room, CR 1, 2 4:00PM – 9:00PM – Athletics – Gym 4:00PM – 9:00PM – Cub Scouts – Convent Room 7:30PM - 9:00PM - AA – Parish Room Tuesday, March 31 2:45PM – 4:00PM – After School Activities – Gym 2:45PM – 4:00PM – Scouting – Parish Room, CR 1, 2 7:00PM – 11:30PM – Players/Men’s BB – Gym 5:00PM – 9:00PM – Cub Scouts – Convent Room Wednesday, April 1 9:30AM - 11:15AM - Scripture Sharing – Parish Room 10:00AM – School Prayer Service & Stations of the Cross 1:00PM – 4:00PM – Bridge – Parish Room 2:45PM – 7:30PM – Cub Scouts– Convent Room 1 2:45PM – 4:00PM – After School Activities – Gym 2:45PM – 4:00PM – Scouting – Parish Room, CR 1, 2 4:00PM – 9:00PM – Athletics – Gym Thursday, April 2 (Holy Thursday) SCHOOL - NOON DISMISSAL FOR EASTER RECESS 10:00AM – School Mass 6:00PM – The Lord’s Supper – Church Friday, April 3 (Good Friday) 3:00PM – Solemn Liturgy - Church 7:30PM – STATIONS OF THE CROSS – Church Cardinal Dolan has asked all parishes to offer the Sacrament of Confession on Monday, March 30th. We will hear confessions from 3:00PM to 5:00PM and 7:00PM – 8:00PM in the Lower Church. There is no time like the start of Holy Week to know the mercy of God in the Sacrament of Penance. SAVE THE DATES: The Annunciation Players Present Fri, April 24th and Sat, April 25th 8:00PM in the Gym ~ Details to Follow The Cardinal’s Appeal supports the ministries and services of our Catholic Community across New York. All funds raised through the Annual Appeal are used to support the important works of ministry in the Archdiocese. To date we have raised $71,500 with 180 families responding. Our parish goal is $130,000 with 375 families donating. We need the help of every parish family. You may use the donation card below and return to the Rectory or put in the collection basket. Thank you for your support! Donations can be made over a five-month period. Name:_______________________________________ Saturday, April 4 (Holy Saturday) 11:30AM - 12:30PM - AA - Convent Room 4:00PM - 5:00PM – Confessions 7:30PM – Vigil Mass – Church Address:_____________________________________ The Annunciation Parish Celebration for the 25 , 50th and 60th Wedding Anniversary Couples will be held Saturday, May 16th, at the 5:00PM Mass. There will be a reception following Mass. Please call the Rectory at 779-7345 no later than May 5th to make a reservation and # of family members attending. e-mail:_______________________________________ Choose your payment method: th 50th Wedding Mass Celebration Couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary any time during 2015 are invited to attend the Annual Golden Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at the Cathedral of St. Patrick on Sat, June 20th OR Sun, June 21st, at 2:00PM. Please call the Rectory at 779-7345 to register. City, State, Zip:_______________________________ __Personal Check (payable to the 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal Charge: __AmEx __VISA __MasterCard Card#_____________________________ Exp. Date:_________________________ Amount:___________________________ Please charge: __one time or $______each month for ______months ANNUNCIATION AND OUR LADY OF FATIMA We are developing an Outreach Program and would like your feedback! DO YOU LIVE ALONE? ARE YOU A WIDOW OR A WIDOWER? ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MORE SOCIAL INTERACTION OR SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT OR JUST SOME PRACTICAL HELP WITH THE LITTLE THINGS IN LIFE? IF YOU ARE OR KNOW SOMEONE WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED, PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING FORM AND RETURN TO THE RECTORY OR TO THE BOX AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH NAME___________________________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER__________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS__________________________________________ CHECK ONE: WIDOW__________ WIDOWER_________ OTHER__________ INTEREST: SOCIAL________SPIRITUAL_______PRACTICAL________ OTHER__________________________________________________ GRASSY SPRAIN PHARMACY ALL MEDICARE Open 7 Days - Free Delivery PLANS HONORED All Drug Plans Honored Real Estate Services 337-7888 133 Parkway Road, Bronxville, NY Family Plots & Individual Graves Available · Also Available ... 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Call for a FREE consultation to discuss how you may be entitled to have your real estate taxes reduced. 1250 Central Park Avenue (914) 423-2023 149A (EM) • Church of the Annunciation • Crestwood, NY Call me for all your real estate needs I promise you Honest and Remarkable service that will make your life easier. Steven Saljanin, Real Estate Broker mobile: 917-939-9725 over 15 years experience Crestwood Office, 914-337-5500 C. Commisso & Sons Contractors Specializing in Excavating for: • Water Lines & Sewer Lines Repairs & Replacement • Drainage Lines & Drywells • Grading & Paving • Pipe Locating Services • Sewer Line Inspection 914-776-2718 YONKERS, NY FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • Bon Venture Services, LLC • 34 Ironia Road • Flanders, NJ 07836 FULLY INSURED inside FRED H. McGRATH & SON INC. FUNERAL HOME Phone: 337-6770 Cedar at Kraft Avenue • Bronxville ThinKinG ABoUT BUYinG or SeLLinG? SINCE 1888 LiSA ViTieLLo Ann Marie Sullivan 282 White Plains Road Eastchester, NY 10709 35 Year Parishioner Crestwood’s Home Grown Realtor (914) 337-4810 Cell 914-803-2949 Located near Cornell's True Value in Eastchester. 4 VALLEY ROAD • BRONXVILLE, NY 10708 Please Continue To Pray For Call For A Free Market Analysis of Your home Jansen Hospice and Palliative Care A Special Way of Caring 670 White Plains Road • Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-787-6158 • Dawn’s Gold Realty 914-793-8800 Michael J. DiCostanzo, Sr. ~ Michael J. DiCostanzo, Jr., CPA World Peace Broker / Owner Midco Accounting Services, Inc. Saturday & Evening Appointments Available aBraHaM MatHeW e-mail: Website: Sacred Heart Gifts & Apparel Communion and Baptismal Clothing VESTMENTS · MEMORIALS · 14K RELIGIOUS JEWELRY Like Us on Facebook · 1075 CENTRAL PARK AVENUE • SUITE 205 • APPLE BANK PLAZA • SCARSDALE, NY 10583 · 914-723-8500 926 rte. 6 · Deraffele Plaza · Mahopac, nY · 845-621-7777 WESTCHESTER FUNERAL HOME, INC. Alan Benedict * Carrie Benedict Foley * Anthony Imperiale ~ PRE-PLANNING · RELIGIOUS ARTICLES AVAILABLE ~ · 190 MAIN STREET · EASTCHESTER, NY 10709 · 337-4585 S C“LetO T T Y E Licensed L EElectrical C TContractor RIC Us Beam You Up” Residential/Commercial • FREE ESTIMATES/FULLY INSURED 10% Discount All Types Wiring Bucket Truck Available Ed O’Donnell, Owner, Parishioner Let Me Drive U, LLC. When Life Takes You Places, Let Us Drive You There Professional, Personal Drivers Drive You in Your Car and Get You Where You Need to Go for Half the Price of a Car Service 844-538-6337 965-7013 GABRIEL BUNDSCHUH & ASSOCIATES, INC. All Forms of Insurance Since 1944 Broesler School of Irish Dance Opens Yonkers Studio! Tel # 914-723-2220 Fax # 914-723-1119 Contact Caitrin O’Meara, TCRG to register: 700 White Plains Road Suite #338 Scarsdale, NY 10583 The Kerry Hall 305 McLean Ave, Yonkers 914-843-1985 (914) 793-6110 • (914) 793-6111 Fax (914) 793-9239 1761 CENTRAL PARK AVE., YONKERS (HIGHRIDGE SHOPPING CENTER) Anne Chianese INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED 149A (EM) • Church of the Annunciation • Crestwood, NY Give your assets to your Family, not the Government! Elder Law and Estate Planning Liam J. McLaughlin Attorney at Law, CPA McLaughlin & Zerafa, LLP Wills & Trusts · Elder Law · Guardianships Estate Administration and Litigation Real Estate · Corporate Transactional Business Succession Planning Free Initial Consultation 914-358-6700 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • Bon Venture Services, LLC • 34 Ironia Road • Flanders, NJ 07836 outside
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