The Noble Quilter Spring 2014 Shop Newsletter

The Noble Quilter
Spring 2014 Shop Newsletter
“She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands” Prov.31:13
19570 Holt Street NW
Elk River MN 55330
Spring 2014 Shop Newsletter
Are you ready for Spring or possibly looking for some
additional Spring inspiration? Think about joining one of the
many fun spring classes or clubs we are offering at TNQ!
Maybe you’ve already noticed; we’ve freshened-up the look of
our Newsletter’s class descriptions and schedule. We hope you
find it more convenient and easier to use!
***NEW*** Tonga Mulberry Stars
Join this block of the month and you’ll make a stunning queen-size Tonga Batik quilt! The pattern is designed
by A Wing and a Prayer and this BOM starts on Saturday, April 5th and runs from 10am to 11am.
This program will continue for 12 months and meets on the 1st Saturday of each month again from 10am to
11am. Space is limited, sign-up today!
***NEW*** Jo Morton “Banner Day” Club
Calling all Jo Morton fans—here’s a fun club starting Tuesday, April 15th and will continue to meet the 3rd
Tuesday of each month at 10am to 3pm. Join Doris Hareland as she teaches the class three new mini-quilts
from Jo Morton’s Banner Day book, one quilt per month. Bring your Featherweight or favorite machine and
enjoy meeting some new friends!
***NEW*** Garden Baskets by Primitive Gatherings—Wool Block of the Month
Join Jessica Bretz for this darling wool block of the month wall hanging. Learn her tips and techniques for
wool appliqué, along with the embroidery stitches that give it life. This class is a great introduction to wool
applique! Starting Saturday, April 19th from 10am to noon, this program will continue for 6-months on the
3rd Saturday of each month from 10am to 11am.
***NEW*** A Gardener’s Alphabet by Crabapple Hill Studio-Embroidery Block of the Month
Nothing says “spring-time” better than this gorgeous embroidery quilt by Crabapple Hill. Join Connie
Chapman as she teaches you beautiful, advanced embroidery stitches while making this quilt. Connie will also
show you the coloring technique used along with the fascinating crazy stitches that seam the embroidery
blocks together. Starting Wednesday, May 21st, from 10am to 2pm, this class continue to meet for 12 months.
The first class is four hours of instruction; subsequent classes will meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month for
an hour, from 1pm to 2pm.
Needleturn Appliqué, 2-Day Class - Cedar Creek by Jan Patek
Are you interested in learning needleturn appliqué, techniques? Come join Margie McNichols for this fun,
2-day class using this darling pattern with an “up North” feel. The class starts on Saturday, April 26 and
concludes on Saturday, May 10 and runs from noon to 3pm both days. During the first class you will learn
the basics of applique for rectangles, stars and points. The second day class will focus on the basics for leaves,
stems, circles and inner and outer curves. Be prepared to amaze yourself!
Happy Quilting and we hope to see you soon!
Angie and the TNQ Staff
The Noble Quilter
Spring 2014 Shop Newsletter
APRIL 2014
MAY 2014
*** Refer to the following pages for Block of the Month, Monthly Clubs and Class descriptions. +++
*** Refer to the following pages for Block of the Month, Monthly Clubs and Class descriptions. +++
The Noble Quilter
Spring 2014 Shop Newsletter
JUNE 2014
*** Refer to the following pages for Block of the Month, Monthly Clubs and Class descriptions. +++
The Noble Quilter
Spring 2014 Shop Newsletter
*** Block of the Month Descriptions ***
*** Block of the Month Descriptions ***
+++New Block of the Month+++
Mulberry Stars by A Wing and a Prayer—Block of the Month
Join our block of the month and make this stunning queen-size Tonga
Batik quilt, designed by A Wing and a Prayer. Starting Saturday, April
5th from 10am to 11am, this program will continue for 12 months on the
1st Saturday of each month at the above mentioned time.
Space is limited, sign-up today!
Cost: $190 includes top, binding and pattern
+++New Block of the Month+++
Garden Baskets by Primitive Gatherings—Block of the Month
with Jessica Bretz
Join Jessica for this darling wool block of the month wall hanging. Learn
the tips and techniques for wool appliqué, along with the embroidery
stitches that give it life. This is a great introduction to wool appliqué!
Starting Saturday, April 19th from 10am to noon, this program will continue (6 months), on the 3rd Saturday of each month from
10am to 11am.
Cost: $80 includes wool kit, pattern and instruction.
A Gardener’s Alphabet by Crabapple Hill Studio
with Connie Chapman
What could say “Springtime” better than this gorgeous embroidery quilt
by Crabapple Hill. Join Connie as she teaches you beautiful, advanced
embroidery stitches while making this quilt. She will also show you the
coloring technique used along with the fascinating crazy stitches that
seam the embroidery blocks together. Starting Wednesday, May 21st,
from 10am to 2pm, this class continues to meet for 12 months. The first
class is four hours of instruction; subsequent classes will meet the 3rd
Wednesday of each month for an hour, from 1pm to 2pm.
Cost: $40 per quarter. Background fabric and thread kits available.
A Gardner’s Alphabet, pattern required
Among The Pines by Beth Ritter– Block of the Month
(continued) with Angie Roberts
Join either session that works best for you! This BOM meets on the 1st
Thursday evening of the month from 6pm to 7pm OR on the 2nd Thursday of each month from noon to 1pm, your choice! This program
started in February and will continue for 12-months at the above mentioned times. Come to class and receive your printed blocks on background fabric, all ready to stitch! Make some new friends and enjoy
learning this portable project. This is Beth Ritter’s second pattern in the
“Northwood Memories” series. Join-in any time!
Cost: $10 per month (includes printed block on background fabric)
Among the Pines by Wellington House Designs, pattern required
Gingerbread Houses by Crabapple Hill– Block of the Month
(continued) with Angie Roberts
Join either session that works best for you! This BOM meets on the 1st
Thursday evening of the month from 6pm to 7pm OR on the 2nd Thursday of each month from noon to 1pm, your choice! This program
started in February and will continue for 9-months at the above mentioned times. Come to class and receive your printed blocks on background fabric, all ready to stitch! Make some new friends and enjoy
learning this portable project.
This is the newest darling pattern by Crabapple Hill.
Join-in any time!
Cost: $12 per month (includes printed block on background fabric)
Gingerbread Houses by Crabapple Hill, pattern required
The Noble Quilter Sampler– Block of the Month
with Margie McNichols
This BOM makes an absolutely gorgeous sampler quilt! The 12-month
program meets the 2nd Thursday of each month, from 10am to noon.
Enjoy learning to make the quilt’s unique blocks by using the different
tools from Deb Tucker. You’re welcome to bring your cutting mat and
sewing machine to cut and piece your blocks; you’re also welcome to
join this BOM anytime!
Cost: $45 per quarter for class instruction & pattern. Kit available.
Note: Refer to preceding calendars for actual Block of
the Month and Club dates and times
Hampton Ridge– Block of the Month
with Doris Hareland
Join Doris as she teaches you the technique to making this elegant
block of the month by Red Crinoline Quilts. This (12 month) program,
meets the 4th Thursday or Saturday of each month (your choice), from
10am to 12pm and consists of forty-one 7 1/2” finished blocks. Be sure
to stop by and enjoy it’s beauty first-hand, know that you are welcome
to join any time!
Cost: 3 payments of $93.00 (call shop for more info.), includes kit &
pattern (backing sold separately).
Hampton Ridge by Crinoline Quilts, pattern required
***Club Descriptions***
+++New Club+++
Prairie Women Sewing Club (Journey-Two)
with Doris Hareland
This club meets the 1st Sunday of the month. Come join this unique,
monthly club that will take you back on a journey in time. Gather
together as the prairie women did and hear anecdotal stories about
their quilt making days and daily life as they traveled by wagon on the
Oregon trail. The Journey-Two series has 6-monthly meetings and
includes a small reproduction quilt project.
This club is easily joined at any time.
Cost: $60.00 plus pattern
Prairie Women Sewing Circle, pattern required
+++New Club+++
Jo Morton Banner Day Club
with Doris Hareland
Calling all Jo Morton fans—here’s a fun club that meets the 3rd
Tuesday of each month at 10am to 3pm. Join Doris as she teaches
three, new mini-quilts from Jo Morton’s Banner Day book, one quilt per
month. Bring your Featherweight or your favorite machine and enjoy
meeting some new friends!
Cost: $60.00 per quarter, plus book
Banner Day, book required
Scrap Basket Beauties - Strip Stash Club
with Angie Roberts & Jackie Johnson
Join us as we kick off a new year and a new book, Scrap Basket
Beauties by Kim Brackett. The club continues for a total of 12-months
and meets the 1st Tuesday of each month from 10am to 3pm. Learn to
make these stunning quilts from simple strips. It’s a great way to use
your stash and enjoy a day of sewing, with dessert included! Join our
club at any time!
Cost: $40 per quarter, or $15 for individual class.
Scrap Basket Beauties, book required
Tuesday Evening—Open Hand Sewing
This club meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 6pm to 8pm.
Bring your laughter & hand work and join in on a night of fun and
Cost: $15 per quarter
The Noble Quilter “Sew-In” Evening
This takes place on the 3rd Saturday of the month, from 4pm to 10pm.
Just another “Girl’s Night Out” !! Join us for fun, laughs, food and oh
yes … sewing !!
Cost: $10, includes supper and dessert
The Noble Quilter “Sew-In” Day
This group meets on the 4th Monday of the month, from 10am to 3pm.
Call it a “Girl’s Day Out” !! Join us for fun, laughs, food & sewing too!
Cost: $10.00, includes lunch
The Noble Quilter
Spring 2014 Shop Newsletter
Dawn’s Early Light by Doug Leko
with Jessica Bretz
Saturday, April 12 (10am to 3pm)
Join Jessica in making this very patriotic quilt, designed by Doug Leko
of Antler Quilts. TNQ has partnered with Island Batiks “Operation
Homefront” where a part of the fabric proceeds are given to our military
Cost: $30. Kit available, pattern is included in kit.
Dawn’s Early Light, pattern required
Paths of Faith by A Wing and a Prayer
with Jackie Johnson
Saturday, April 12 (10am to 3pm)
Looking for a beautiful confirmation, graduation or wedding gift? Join
Jackie as she teaches you the tips and techniques to making this quilt.
The pattern includes an additional wall hanging.
Cost: $30 plus pattern and panel. Kits available.
Paths of Faith, pattern required
Travel Essential by Annie
with Cathy Johnson
Saturday, May 3 (10am to 3pm)
Looking to travel in style? Then join Cathy as she teaches you how to
make this neat hanging travel organizer. It has deep zippered pockets,
a comfortable cushioned handle and a detachable carrying strap which
can be adjusted for over the shoulder carrying.
Cost: $30 plus pattern
Travel Essential, pattern required
Margie’s Seasonal Star Table Topper
with Margie McNichols
Saturday, May 3 (10am to 3pm)
Need a little spring in your life? Try this darling table topper! Join
Margie as she teaches you some fun techniques using several Studio
180 tools by Deb Tucker.
Cost: $30 plus pattern. Kit available.
Margie’s Seasonal Star Table Topper, pattern required
T-Shirt Quilts by Linda Cousee
with Cathy Johnson
Sunday, April 13 (Noon to 4pm)
Are you looking for the perfect graduation gift? If so then join Cathy as
she teaches you the techniques to make this fun and memory filled
quilt. There are seven recommended designs with alternate sizes in the
book and Cathy can help you choose the one that best fits your needs.
Cost: $30 plus book
T-Shirt Quilts, book required
Aruba Bag by Pink Sand Beach Designs
with June Hoffman
Saturday, April 26 (10am to 3pm)
This bag is darling using either 2-1/2” strips or fat quarters. With large
front pockets and eight inside pockets it has great functionality. Great
versatility with the handle allowing for a comfortable shoulder or
convenient cross-body experience—your choice!
Cost: $30 plus pattern
Aruba Bag, pattern required
Needleturn Appliqué, 2-Day Class - Cedar Creek by Jan Patek
with Margie McNichols
Two Saturdays, April 26 & May 10 (Noon to 3pm)
Are you interested in learning needleturn appliqué techniques? Then
join Margie for this fun, 2-day class using this darling pattern with an
“Up North” feel. During the first class you will learn the basics of
appliqué for rectangles, stars and points. The second class will focus on
the basics for leaves, stems, circles and inner and outer curves.
Cost: $30, plus pattern
Cedar Creek, pattern required.
Memory Quilt
with Julie Peterson
Sunday, April 27 (Noon to 5pm)
Join Julie and learn multiple skills involving the creation of a memory
quilt. Stop by the shop to view the class quilt description and to
determine how to create your project.
Cost: $30
Quilt Basics by Julie Peterson, Fields of Minnesota
with Julie Peterson
(7) Mondays, April 28 (6pm to 9pm)
Want to start a new hobby or sharpen your own quilting skills? Join
Julie as she teaches you the tips and techniques to making this
beautiful Fields of Minnesota quilt. The class is 7-sessions at 3-hours
each; that’s a total of 21-hours of instruction at an excellent value!
Cost: $75, plus pattern
Fields of Minnesota, pattern required.
Note: Refer to preceding calendars for actual Block of
the Month and Club dates and times
Hexie Garden by Atkinson Designs
with Jessica Bretz
Saturday, May 10 (10am to 3pm)
Stars and flowers fill the springtime garden here! This quilt may look
intimidating at first but join Jess and she’ll show you it’s merely a tilted
9-patch with no set-in seams!
Cost: $30 plus pattern
Hexie Garden, pattern required
Steamboat Springs by Nickel Quilts & Borders
with Doris Hareland
Saturday, May 17 (10am to 3pm)
What a fun way to use your charm packs, layer cakes or your stash cut
up into 5” squares! Make this fun and interesting quilt with Doris as she
teaches you the tips and techniques use by Pat Speth.
Cost: $30 plus book
Nickel Quilts & Borders, book required
A Gardener’s Alphabet by Crabapple Hill Studio
with Connie Chapman
Wednesday, May 21 (10am to 2pm)
What says “springtime” better than this gorgeous embroidery quilt by
Crabapple Hill. Join Connie Chapman as she teaches you beautiful
advanced embroidery stitches while making the quilt. She will also show
you the coloring technique used along with the fascinating crazy
stitches that seam the embroidery blocks together. This class continues
to meet for 12 months. The first class is four hours of instruction;
subsequent classes will meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month for an
hour, from 1pm to 2pm.
Cost: $40 per quarter. Background fabric and thread kits available.
A Gardner’s Alphabet, pattern required
Liberty Eagle by Jo Morton Banner Day
with Cathy Johnson
Saturday, May 31 (10am to 3pm)
Join Cathy as she teaches you her machine quilting tips and techniques
while making this beautiful patriotic wall hanging. A great display for the
Fourth of July celebration.
Cost: $30 plus pattern. Kit available.
Banner Day, book required.
Don’t miss our new “TNQ Blog”
Want to keep current with TNQ happenings? Then don’t miss
our Blog, it’s full of great information and is updated weekly.
We feature fun projects, new lines of fabric, designers and
much more! Be in-the-know!
Just go to our website and click on the icon “Blog”.
The Noble Quilter
Spring 2014 Shop Newsletter
*** Up Coming Events ***
Bargello Bed Runner by More Twist and Turn Bargello Quilts
with Doris Hareland
Saturday, June 21 (10am to 3pm)
Intimidated by the Bargello design? Join Doris as she teaches you
an efficient and enjoyable quilt-by-number technique that takes all
the work out of the construction of this beautiful bed runner. This
pattern is for the confident beginner to the advanced quilter!
Cost: $30 plus book
More Twist-and-Turn Bargello Quilts, book required
The Minnesota Quilter’s
36th Annual Quilt Show & Conference
When: June 12th - 14th, 2014
River’s Edge Convention Center
10 Fourth Avenue South
St. Cloud, MN 56301
Show times: Thursday & Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Kids Summer Quilt Camp
with Jessica Bretz and Margie McNichols
Monday-Wednesday, June 23-25 (10am to 2pm)
Searching for a Kids Summer-quilt Camp? If yes, then have your
child (ages 10 and up) join Jess and Margie for tons of fun and
learning! During this class your child will be taught beginning quilt
skills and techniques while making the quilt pattern, “Due Date” by
Bean Counter Quilts. Imperative each child bring their own sewing
machine in good working order.
Cost: $60, plus pattern. Kits available.
Due Date, pattern required
Be sure to stop by our booth and say “hi,”
we love seeing our familiar friends!
The Noble Quilter’s
5th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, July 19th, 2014
10am to 4pm
Picnic Party on the Patio & Open House
with TNQ Staff
Friday & Saturday, June 27& 28 (10am to 2pm)
Join us as we kick-off summer with some fun quick projects that will
help you enjoy your outdoor parties even more! There will be fun
demos, tips and techniques along with fun kits available. Come for
the demos and then join us for lunch (weather permitting) at noon.
We will be serving hot dogs & chips on the patio! Don’t miss out on
the fun! :)
Don’t miss out on the fun, food and in-store specials!!
We’ve come a long way baby!!!
8th Annual Minnesota State Shop Hop 2014
Note: Please pre-register for classes
Registration is important as class sizes are limited. You can sign up in
person or over the phone using a credit card. (We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover). Payment is due at the time of registration and
guarantees your class spot.
If a class does not fill or you cancel at least one week in advance, you
will receive a credit towards another class. Sorry but no credits can
be given after one week before class and the credit must be used
within the current calendar year.
Attendance at the class is the responsibility of the student. If you cannot
attend, you are welcome to send someone in your place. Classes may
be subject to cancellation if a minimum number of four students do not
enroll in class.
Note: Refer to preceding calendars for actual Block of
the Month and Club dates and times
When: August 1st - 17th, 2014
We are part of the
(LMMN) Lower Mid Minnesota Section
which includes 7 great shops!
The Noble Quilter, Elk River
Cottage Quilts and Fabrics, Elk River
Dawn’s Quilt Shop, Alexandria
Family Fabric Shop, Sauk Centre
Gruber’s Quilt Shop, St. Cloud
Quilted Treasures, Rogers
Quilter’s Cottage, Fergus Falls
For additional information, check out the website:
In observance of these holidays,
The Noble Quilter
will be closed:
Sunday, April 20th - Easter
Monday, May 26th - Memorial Day