Focal_Point_May_15th 2015 - Anthroposophy in Australia

May 15th 2015
South Australian Branch of the Anthroposophical Society
Editor’s Note
This weekend is the National Annual General Meeting, Saturday at Mount Barker, and Sunday at our
rooms on Halifax Street.
The representative of man is a sculptural group of Christ balancing the effects of Lucifer and Ahriman.
Remember our AGM is set to the 31st of May, after the Australian AGM. We would love for any reports on
Anthroposophical activities to be sent in for the AGM so that we may hear news of your endeavours.
We still have need of a Bookshop volunteer and a Librarian, any help would be appreciated. An exciting
Eurythmy performance will be coming up, with details below.
Warm regards,
Matthew and Barry Dale
Picture of ‘The Representative of Man’.
All correspondence should be sent to Barry Dale and Matthew Dale, email:
Disclaimer: Please note that this Newsletter is published by the Anthroposophical Society in South Australia, for its members and friends. Opinions
and views expressed in this newsletter are those held by the authors, and are not necessarily those of the Editorial team nor of the
Anthroposophical Society in South Australia, or the Anthroposophical Society in general. Responsibility for the content of each article rests with the
contributor. The Editors have the right to reject any article or other items, and will try to do this in consultation with the contributor. While every
effort is taken to ensure accuracy, no responsibility is taken for omissions, errors, inaccuracies or changes. However articles that deal with the
School of Spiritual Science may be referred to the representatives for verification of accuracy of content.
My “ I “
“ I look into the darkness:
In it arises light,
Living light.
Who is this light in the darkness?
It is I myself in my reality.
This reality of the light
This reality of the I
Does not enter into my earth existence.
I am only an image of it.
I shall however find it again,
When I,
With good will for the spirit
Shall have passed through the gate of death. ”
Rudolf Steiner
Meditation for acquisition of the “ I “.
Anthroposophic Book Centre
96 Halifax Street
Opening Hours
Wed to Fri: 12noon – 4pm
Saturday: 10am -1pm
(08) 8223 1841
Study Groups
7:30 pm - Seaford Group Barry Dale 83861235.
8 pm - Michael Group – 96 Halifax St. Adelaide
Renate Holland 8298 5864
Jeff Samuel 8263 3693.
7.20 pm for 7.30 pm start – Nairne 1st and 3rd Wednesday finishing at about 9.00 pm
David Skewes 8388 6594
7.30 pm Introduction to Anthroposophy Study Group ( Starting 21 st January, then every
two weeks after that}, at Society rooms 96 Halifax Street
Barry Dale 8386 1235
9.30 pm - Mount Barker School (library in term time)
Kerry Greening 8391 0411.
8 pm – Stirling
Lynette Doyle 8339 3928.
School of Spiritual Science
Lessons held for Class members at Mt. Barker 2nd Sunday of month @ 8.30am;
at Halifax St, 3rd Sunday of month @ 7pm
For more details if you wish to attend:
Jeff Samuel 8263 3693 (Adelaide group) or
Lynette Doyle 8339 3928 (for Mt. Barker group)
Dear Friends,
I would like to bring to your attention the upcoming events. Eurythmy is rarely performed by
organised groups and the following two events are of importance not just for those that
frequently attend but those that have yet to experience this art form.
The Adelaide Friends of Eurythmy have invited THE SYDNEY EURYTHMY COMPANY, to bring their
production "THE TRUTH OF IMAGINATION" to Adelaide.
Saturday 16th May
7.30 pm
The Living Arts Centre
$20 or $35 for a Family
Bookings on 0439864465
I would like to endorse this program showcasing Music and Speech Eurythmy by these
exceptional artists. Bookings are essential to ensure that this uplifting experience is not missed.
Limited seating available.
$34 or $28con
This event brings together three different Eurythmy Groups from around Australia. The WINGS
OF SOUND group from Melbourne, THE SYDNEY EURYTHMY COMPANY and a group from
Northern New South Wales. We have collaborated to bring together a varied classical program
of music by Chopin, and language from the Romantic Period which includes, Keats, Shelley and
After the interval we end our evening with a Russian tale, THE ANGEL OF WRATH. The Warrior of
the heavens, Saint Michael, at the field of Golgotha, with the nine hierarchies bearing witness to
the dramatic events of Christ's crucifixion. The heavenly and earthly worlds interplay with
dramatic consequences for humanity. Time, space and the world will never be the same, love
triumphs and the cosmic mysteries are revealed for all time.
When such an event takes place, invisible forces are at work drawing together people that
perhaps have met or need to meet. From these meetings, links arise to deepen of our
Anthroposophical endeavours and work. A spiritual accompanying takes place with the artists
and indeed the audience. In fact if you are unable to attend this performance it is hoped you
can accompany us in spirit in this work, as many of you have done in times past.
Please spread the word of this event verbally so people can make the arrangements to attend or
at least to know of it as an event of great goodwill taking place.
Warm Regards Brian J. Cusack for the Adelaide friends of Eurythmy.
Notice of the upcoming AGM on the 31st of May at 2pm in the Halifax street rooms is here given.
Please forward any reports to Lynette Due date for the reports will be
13th May.
Matthew and Barry Dale on behalf of the committee.
Librarian or Library Help wanted:
Our Library fulfils an important role in our SA branch.
We have quite an extensive library, built up & cared for over many years.
If you would like to assist our enthusiastic borrowers & new enquirers in this
way , we are in need of someone to take on the role of Librarian; or this could
be co – shared with another person. The task is interesting, with scope for
new ideas, & while responsible, is not demanding, requiring 2-4 hours per
fortnight , with flexible hours to suit your time schedule.
If you would like to help SA branch in this way please contact Jenny Robertson
for more information, 85364343 / 0439808778 , or call the Bookcentre on
Whitsun gathering Sunday May 24
‘ And so among our thoughts at Whitsun, let this too be included: that through Anthroposophy
we will seek the way to the Living Christ, realising that the first Whitsun Mystery can thereby be
renewed in every Anthroposophist, and that with knowledge of Christ Himself dawning in our
hearts, we will feel inwardly warmed and enlightened through the fiery tongues of a Christian
understanding of the world ’
Rudolf Steiner.
From lecture; World-Pentecost: the message of Anthroposophy. May 17th 1923.
What are implications of Whitsun for each of us in our lives today?
Let’s gather together to celebrate the Whitsun spirit and engage in some hearty discussion, and
may be followed by a painting activity and afternoon tea.
Time: 2.00pm
Place: South Australian Anthroposophical Society Rooms,
Halifax Street.
Date: Sunday 24th May
If you are interested in coming please let us know at:
And if possible please bring a plate for a shared afternoon tea.
Barry Dale
Bookshop Report
At our AGM on the 31st May we will be sitting in and enjoying our "new" lecture hall with
everything unsightly stored away and new paintings displayed. This transformation has been
financed by the bookshop to the tune of some $18,500.
For many years the shop has been kept open by volunteers: Sylvia Debski, Beverly Jeffries,
Christine Ayres, Jenny Robertson, Jeff Samuels, Kerri Greening, Fiona Jarrad, Jeremy Board and
Renate Holland.
However, due to the dwindling number of volunteers over time the opening hours had to be
reduced drastically, and with the advent of people ordering books on-line, things are very slow.
The money spent on the lecture hall was the profit from years ago when things were more
We feel that the shop, apart from the schools, is the only "open window" for people to meet
Anthroposophy in Adelaide; for people who come in wondering what "Anthroposophy" means,
for more regular customers and also for the users of the library.
We bookshop volunteers also handle the letting of the rooms - at present the study room and
the lecture hall are used by a Buddhist Meditation Group and by a Yoga Group on a weekly
basis. The incoming rent helps to pay for the upkeep of the building and there is much more
work to be done - quite a list, actually.
We have just been informed that one of the volunteers will not able to continue, so we are quite
desperate for someone else to help. At this stage it will be for 1 Saturday per month (10am - 1
pm), but we are also looking for someone who can come once a fortnight/month to relieve
helpers who have been coming on a weekly basis for many years.
So, we are appealing to the membership: if you can spare some time to support the bookshop,
please let us know (Sylvia 7329 4241 / Renate 8376 9009 / Bookshop 8223 1841)
Renate and Sylvia
A Call for Bookcentre volunteers ,
The Bookcentre is in need of some extra helpers , particularly for Saturday
morning ( one a month), or occasionally to fill an afternoon in the week when
regular volunteers are away.
Training & familiarisation will be given be given before beginning .
If you would like to do this interesting task, or to find out more information,
Please contact Sylvia in the Bookcentre 82231841, or 0411321732.
The bank balance at the end of 2014 was approx. $12,800. This was down $2,500 from 2013.
The reasons for this include paying about $12,000 towards the renovation costs of the lecture
hall (the majority of which were paid for by the Bookshop).
There was an increase in room rental payments of approx. $2,300 due to 2 new renters, the
Triratna Buddhist Group and Om Yoga. Triratna in particular contributed more than $5,300
towards the overall room rental takings of $12,600. Unfortunately later in the year we lost one
of our long term renters, Helen Printer, who did massage in the Study Room once or twice a
Other income included m’ship fees amounting to nearly $5,000 and income from lectures,
including Bodo von Plato’s visit, of about $1,600.
For the end of 2015 I anticipate we should have approx. $18,000 in the bank unless there is any
more major expenditure on renovations/repairs. We are particularly thankful for the rent paid
by the Triratna group. Unfortunately the Om Yoga group have found their own rooms which
means a loss of income for us of about $2,000. As already mentioned, Helen Printer has moved
away which means a loss of about $1,800 in rent. The Bookshop pays $2,400 per year in rent –
hopefully the slow sales in the Bookshop won’t affect that contribution. I also anticipate a loss
of a few hundred dollars in m’ship fees as a few members have resigned ( reasons vary but
one is an elderly member with dementia and another is a member who lives on the west coast
and is unable to attend activities here). We currently have 58 financial members with an
additional 6 or 7 whose m’ship is in clarification. If those 6 or 7 members resibn it will have no
effect on our income as they have been non-financial members for several years.
Sylvia Debski (Treasurer)
The Counselor
Dear friends:
Here is a flyer from SteinerBooks about the new book The Counselor…As If Soul and Spirit
Matter, plus table of contents so you get an idea of what’s cooking. The text describes some of
our activities to date in the USA. William Bento is coming to Australia in September.
The attached announces a book one week old, not even on Amazon yet. It was premiered at the
spring equinox meeting of the SteinerBooks symposium in NYC. The attached gives you the
cover and the table of contents. This book can be had through SteinerBooks (on the attached
announcement) as well as from (See introductory workshops
mentioned below.)
Here is the approach of this book:
The art of counseling is practiced in many settings. An uncle counsels a troubled niece. A
“licensed professional clinical counselor” (LPCC) works in a treatment center for drug addicts. A
counselor can be everything in between. If you add in everyone who mentors another—from
life-coaches to policemen to wedding planners to lawyers to intimate friends—counseling
includes everybody.
While mainstream counseling psychology has been moving toward more cognitive and
pharmacological approaches, this book brings us back to a psychology where soul and spirit
matter. Through the guidance of anthroposophy—Anthropos, the becoming human being, and
Sophia, divine wisdom—counselors will rediscover here an approach to human beings that has
the heart of soul, and the light of spirit.
Introductory workshops:
Here are some dates - hold the dates! - as we don’t have the brochures ready yet. You can find
these at in a week or so.
May 22-23: Introduction to Anthroposophic Psychology (Anthropos - Sophia - Psyche - Logos)
Boulder, CO, StarHouse, May 22 evening, all day May 23. (The next day is a full training for
Keepers of the StarHouse, as well as a tour of the Sacred Sites!)
July 10-12: A New Psychology for Body, Soul, and Spirit, Maryvale Retreat, Valley City, North
Dakota (near Fargo). More at, where you can see the flyer and
registration information.
Certificate Program in Anthroposophic Psychology: This comprises nine seminars over three
years (three per year).
One series has begun in Fair Oaks, California, going into its 4th of 9. Closed.
One series has begun in Hudson, New York, going into its 2nd of 9 - open until the 2nd (in
August) for new people to join.
APANA is contemplating another seminar series in Boulder, Colorado, or in the Midwest,
or both. The introductory workshops in May and July serve to give a taste of the certificate
This is a worthy initiative, and well worth your finding out about it.
Saturday 16th May at Mount Barker Waldorf School 27 Sims Road, Mount Barker, Adelaide
Sunday 17th May at the Anthroposophical Rooms 96 Halifax Street Adelaide
Saturday 16th May
Joanne Sarre
Jan Baker-Finch
Rose Nekvapil “Moral Technologies”
11.10 am
Morning Tea
11.30 am
Discussion on the theme
Lunch (Lunch will be catered and bookings must be made- see below)
1.30 pm
7.00 pm
Eurythmy performance with Brian Cusack and other eurythmists.
Sunday 17th May
9am Jan Baker-Finch
Cameos of Destiny Encounters with Rudolf Steiner (10 mins each max 5 people
from around Australia)
Morning tea
Works in Progress – Short reports from Individuals
12.00 pm
Any further questions and conclusion
12.30 pm
Verse – Joanne Sarre
12.40 pm
Saturday lunch $10, dinner $15, these must be booked by Thursday 14th May (email Lynette
Accommodation… $20 billet per night (if one can be found) or $10 for class room camping
at the school on a gym mat. Local caravan park or Hahndorf through private arrangement.
Please ring Laurie Toogood on (08) 8398 2245 for accommodation requests .
Faust 1 Unabridged
24th — 26th July 2015
Goetheanum stage group
Friday 24th July
Cutting Edge Research in the Soul Realm – Faust in the Quest for Knowledge and Love
opening lecture by Wolf-Ulrich Klünker
18.30 Uhr Supper
20 Uhr Faust 1
From the Dedication to the Prologue in Heaven
Saturday 25th July
Saturday 25th July
Faust‘s Search for his own Identity
Lecture and discussion with Michaela Glöckler
Hidden Numbers, Magic and Inner Liberation – Esoteric Aspects in Faust
Lecture and discussion with Maria Franca Frola
12:30 Lunch break
Faust I
From the Easter night to the Second Study Scene
17:30 Plenum
18:30 Uhr Supper
20: 00 Faust 1
From the Auerbach Cellar to the Forest and Caves
Sunday 26th July
What is it that holds the World Together?
Lecture by Michaela Glöckler
11:00 Faust 1
From Gretchen‘s Room to the Dungeon
The performance and lectures will be simultaneously translated
into English and Italian
Anthroposophical Society South Australian Branch
Introduction to Anthroposophy Study Group.
An introductory Study Group is being offered by The Committee of the Society to be held in the
venue of The Anthroposophical Society’s rooms 96 Halifax Street Adelaide, for anyone interested ,
meeting every two weeks , that is: 13th and 27th May, 10th June.
Commencing at 7.30pm finishing about 9.00pm. This group study does not pre-suppose any
previous knowledge of the subject.
Barry Dale will be organising the study group, starting with the study of the following book which
is generally considered to be one of the basic written works of Rudolf Steiner:
The Philosophy of Freedom (now titled “Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path”)
published 1894 (written age 33)
Through precise examination of the nature of knowledge, including a survey of various philosophical
world views, Rudolf Steiner shows that through awakening to the inner activity of thinking we
overcome the duality of the outer perceptual world and the inner conceptual world and arrive at the
possibility of truly free action.
Anthroposophical Bookshop: 96 Halifax Street, Adelaide.
Ph: 82231841: Office hours: Wednesday to Friday 12.00noon - 4.00pm
: Saturday 10am - 4.00pm
Barry Dale. Ph: 8386 1235
Committee members and tasks.
Chris Charles
Barry Dale
Lynette Doyle
Heinz Huxholl
Renate Holland
Basil Lazaros
Matthew Dale
Jeffrey Samuel
Society constitution
Focal Point
State representative, monthly lectures
Building Maintenance
Co-Bookshop Manager
Committee member
Focal Point
Public Officer Building maintenance
8362 5405
8386 1235
8339 3928
8556 7287
8376 9009
8391 0921
8386 1248
8263 3693
Sylvia Debski
Treasurer, Co-Bookshop Manager
8323 9516
Jenny Robertson
Library and New Members
8536 4343