ANV-MC_Volume1_Issue4_v1 - Army of Northern Virginia

The Virginia Bayonet
Newsletter of the Stonewall Jackson 1st Brigade
May 2015
Issue 4 Volume 1
Major’s Monthly Message
Our mission is to keep our
southern heritage alive and
to make sure our ancestors
legacy are remembered.
Deo vindice!! Sic semper
Greetings Compatriots,
As May is quickly approaching, I would like to take
a moment to thank all of the Men and Women of the
ANVMC for their continued support to the Cause in
which our Ancestors fought Died.
Now that the Sesquicentennial is over we must
continue to look Forward towards the 175th
Anniversary of the Death of the Tyrant Abraham
Upcoming Events Lincoln. We didn’t Surrender the Yankees just made
that up, just like the rest of the lies they teach our
children in public schools today.
Smith Run Marker
Edmund Ruffin
Fire Eaters Meeting
5/9/15 10:45 am
Confederate Memorial
Day Service, Oakwood
OCR Meeting
April was a very Busy month.
April 4th, The members of the ANVMC, OCR, ERFE and Virginia Flaggers
attended the Old South in Danville, Virginia. The event was a GREAT
Success *** Let’s all make an effort to attend next year’s ball, so start making
plans for next year’s event. *** Make sure to get your Uniform or Dress,
before next April.
The Virginia Flaggers had a cleanup work day on April 11th at the I-95
Chester Flag Site, I would like to thank all of the members and friends who
showed up with chainsaws, rakes, trash bags. Special thanks go out to Jim
supplied a wood chipper and a tractor with a bucket.
April 12th, Members took a day off to ride to Yorktown
Virginia. The ride was to celebrate Boogie’s Mother’s
(Martha) Birthday. We enjoyed lunch at the Yorktown
pub. It was a great ride. The one and only Judy Smith
was my co-pilot and photographer. See the amazing
photos, she took while riding down the road on the
back of my Harley, on our Facebook page.
April 17th and 18th, some members attended the SCV
State Convention in Colonial Heights, Virginia.
Newsletter submissions should
be sent to Judy Smith at:
April 18th, The Order of the Confederate Rose
held their State Convention at the Wells Plantation
in Carson Virginia. After the meeting adjourned,
most of the Roses & Thorns went to Kings Barbecue
Available Patches
in Petersburg, Virginia for a great lunch in the Confederate Room. To top
off the day, we traveled to the Boulevard in Richmond to flag the Virginia
Museum of Fine Arts with the Virginia Flaggers.
I must say it was a AWESOME turnout 35 Flaggers on the Boulevard at one
time. Sic Semper Tyrannis
***Mark your Calendars***
Calling all ANVMC Member’s! You don’t want to miss this one. May 9th
Confederate Memorial Day service at Oakwood Cemetery 10:30am
Deo Vindice,
Major Willie Wells
Now Available!
4” ANVMC patch and
rocker. $8.00 for the set
These are available from
Stuart Barlow or
Major Willie Wells.
PS. DON’T FORGET to get your Ancestors information for the new
patches, my patches should be here before the end of the April.
Ancestor Patches
These are just samples of the
ancestor patches that we are going
to be able to order.
Representing the ANVMC
Chaplain Report
A prayer for the sick and
distressed in the camp.
Almighty God, our Heavenly
Father, we adore Thy love and
providence, in the history of
our country, and especially
would we thank Thee for our
Confederate history.
We thank Thee for its pure
record of virtue, valor and
sacrifice: and for the inspiring
reflection that despite it’s bitter
disappointments and sorrows,
it proclaims for us, to all the
world, that we came through
it’s years of trial and struggle
with our battered shields pure,
our character as a patriotic and
courageous people untarnished
and nothing to regret in our
defense of the rights and the
honor of the Southland.
Give us grace, our Heavenly
Father, faithfully to accept
Thy will concerning us, and
make us all to glorify Thee in a
sincere obedience to Thy holy
commandments through the
merits and mediation of Thy son,
our only Saviour, Jesus Christ,
~Bishop Ellison Capers,
South Carolina
Members of the ANVMC in attendance at the Old South Ball in Danville, VA
OCR State Convention
April 18, 2015
Virginia Flaggers on the
Boulevard in front of
the VMFA. It was a great
afternoon for flagging.
Road Captain Report: Upcoming Rides/Outings
Major Wells served as the Road Captain for an ANVMC
ride on Sunday, April 13th to Yorktown, VA.
It was a beautiful day for a ride. We departed for
Yorktown via the Benjamin Harrison Bridge, stopping
at Sherwood Forest, home of President John Tyler
before proceeding to the Colonial Parkway. Arriving
in Yorktown we enjoyed lunch at the Pub before
heading back for home.
Our ride back took us across the Jamestown
Ferry and up route 10 to our original
departure point. A great time was
had by all.
Facebook Report:
Our public page on
Facebook currently has
419 likes. An increase of
43 likes since last month.
Current Membership
of the ANV-MC:
46 Members
3 Honorary Members
& Several Pending
All photographs used by
permission of the photographers.
May 13, 2015
ANVMC group photo
taken at the Surry
County Courthouse
The Virginia Flagger Report:
Name & 1st Brigade Patches
When ordering please remember:
No Offensive Nicknames as we are
Southern Gentlemen & Ladies.
1. Choose your patch
2. Choose background
3. Choose border color=GOLD
4. Choose text font=MISQUITE
5. Choose text color= RED
6. Add to cart
7. At the checkout screen fill out
you info, for “company” I used
8. Also at the checkout screen,
there is a “note” section. Type
what you want your patch(es)
to say. I put first patch=Stuart;
second patch=1st Brigade. (We
WILL be using “1st Brigade”
9. Where it says “coupon code”,
put TAKEOFF15.
10. Then checkout.
NOTE: Be sure to:
• Double check the patch size.
Some of them DON’T have
the size until you open them
up. I ordered the 4x1.
• Double check your spelling.
Thank you to all who helped make Confederate History and Heritage Month in Virginia a
HUGE success. It seemed like we had something going on EVERY weekend and we
appreciate your support! One of the
biggest events for us was the mass
flagging of the VMFA held on April
18th. Thanks to participation from the
Virginia OCR and the Army of
Northern Virginia, Mechanized
Cavalry, we had over 30 FLAGGERS on
the sidewalk. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL
to each of you who came out and stood
for the honor and memory of your Confederate ancestors, and the Veterans who lived and
died at the Old Soldiers Home.
Coming up in May, there will be many more opportunities to forward the colors, and
celebrate Confederate Memorial Day. We will be flagging the VMFA on Thursday, April
30th, from 3:00 pm – DUSK, and Saturday, May 2nd from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm. PLEASE join
us as we continue our efforts there.
On Saturday May 2nd, we have been invited to join the Matthew Fonatine Maury Camp
#1722 and the Virginia Division 5th Brigade, SCV for the dedication of a historic marker in
remembrance of “The Heights at Smith Run”. A short reenactment and walking tour at 9:00
am Dedication Service at 10:00 am. The program speaker will be Chris Ezelle, and period
music will be performed by Evergreen Shade. The marker does not have a physical address,
the nearest physical address is 2700 Cowan Blvd. Fredericksburg, VA. The marker is at the
intersection of Cowan Boulevard and the Smith Run Walking Trail on Cowan Boulevard. The
city is going to close the lane next to the Smith Run memorial for parking. This lane will be
closed at the beginning of the Evergreens entrance nearest the gorge and extend all the way to
the pine trees at the 95 overpass. Parking will be first come first serve. Please contact GREG
RANDALL if you can help with color or honor guard for this event.
The following Saturday, May 9th, will be the Va Flaggers’ SECOND annual Confederate
Day Memorial Service. 10:45 a.m. Oakwood Memorial Cemetery, Richmond, VA. Last
I ordered three patches and it
year, the Virginia Flaggers revived a grand tradition of holding a Confederate Memorial
came to $12 and some change,
and free shipping. If you have any Day Service at Oakwood Cemetery in Richmond. This year, we are once again holding
problems there is a “contact us”
a ceremony, and invite all to attend. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Wayne Jones as Gen. J.E.B.
button. The guy will respond.
Stuart, David Chaltas as General Robert E. Lee, Danny Buckner as Gen. Stonewall Jackson,
and Dan Carr as Gen. L. L. Lomax will present a living history/Southern Heritage program
for the keynote address. Attendees in period attire wishing to participate in the processional
through the cemetery, please arrive by 10:30 am. FREE to the public, free parking, all are
welcome. Email to bring greetings from your organization and/or lay
a wreath.
We are continuing to work on lighting and site work at our existing flag sites, while exploring
options for new locations. Please watch for ways you can assist with these projects.
Thank you again for your continued support!
Susan Hathaway, Va Flaggers
• Flagging at the VMFA with the Virginia Flaggers. To get further
updates on the flagging schedule please contact the VA Flaggers at
• May 10, 2015 - The Virginia Flaggers are hosting the Confederate
Memorial Day Service in the Confederate Section of Oakwood
Cemetery, Richmond, VA. The processional begins at 10:45.
The Black Flag Report: Campaigns, Projects & Plans
• Raffle Tickets for the Capt Sally L Tompkins Chapters OCR to raise
funds for the tombstone fund, Drawing to be held on May 11th.
Order of Confederate Rose Report
There is still time to get your
tickets!!! The drawing fsor the
Mosby portrait on May 11th at
our OCR meeting.
Donations are $10 a ticket, you do not
need to be present to win. Make sure we
have your full name, address and phone
number so we can get in touch with you
if you are the lucky winner!!!
Donations can been sent by check made
out to OCR Sally L. Tompkins #2, please
indicate “tombstone project” in the
memo section. Checks can be sent c/o:
Teresa Wells
19844 Templeton Rd
Carson, VA 23830
Thank you in advance, please help us
make this happen for our littlest Confederate Angels in Hollywood!!!
Virginia State OCR Meeting
The Order of the Confederate Rose held their State Convention at the Wells
Plantation in Carson Virginia. After the meeting adjourned, most of the Roses &
Thorns went to Kings Barbecue in Petersburg, Virginia for a great lunch in the
Confederate Room.
To top off the day, we traveled to the Boulevard in Richmond to flag the Virginia
Museum of Fine Arts with the Virginia Flaggers.
Heritage and History Day
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Heritage ceremony presented by:
The Sons of Confederate Veterans and
United Daughters of the Confederacy.
History program presented by:
Chesterfield Historical Society
of Virginia Military History Committee
10:00 AM – 10:20 AM
Opening Ceremonies.
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
‘Bermuda Hundred Campaign Battle
Major Robert J. Forman (USA, Ret.)
10:20 AM– 11:00 AM
‘Why Confederate History is Still Relevant
Ms. Teresa Roane.
Archivist, United Daughters of the
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Wreath Laying and Closing Ceremonies.
11:30 AM -1:00 AM
Lunch, exhibits, museums and music.
Followed by a battlefield tour conducted by
Bryan Truzzie, Chesterfield County
Department of Parks and Recreation.
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
‘Historical Preservation in Chesterfield
George Fickett Jr., Civil War Historian.
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
‘Lee’s Retreat in Chesterfield County’
Food available for purchase. Tables provided. Scott Williams, Chair, CHSV Military History
Free admission to museum and historic jail.
Free admission to all historical lectures.
Music by Virginia Folk Music Association.
Tour cost is $8.00, seating is limited.
Heritage Ceremony location:
Historic 1917 Courthouse
10011 Iron Bridge Road
Chesterfield, VA 23832.
Presentations and Tour start at:
Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia
Historic Trinity Church
10111 Iron Bridge Road
Chesterfield, VA 23832.
Phone: 804-796-7131
Heritage and History Day
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Event parking is located in the rear of the County complex along Mimms Loop.
Please reserve front parking lot for food trucks and vendor loading and unloading.
Parking at Historic Trinity Church is not available.
When walking between Historic 1917 Courthouse and Historic Trinity Church please follow path marked on
this map.
Event Parking
Food Truck Parking
From points south of Chesterfield County From Interstate 95 north, take Exit 62 onto Route 288 north.
Take the Iron Bridge Road (Route 10) exit toward Chesterfield. Continue on Route 10 for approximately 1.5
miles. At the third stoplight, turn left onto Lori Road. Turn right onto Mimms Drive and into parking area.
From points north of Chesterfield County From Interstate 95 south, take Exit 62 onto Route 288 north.
Take the Iron Bridge Road (Route 10) exit toward Chesterfield. Continue on Route 10 for approximately 1.5
miles. At the third stoplight, turn left onto Lori Road. Turn right onto Mimms Drive and into parking area.
From points east of Richmond Take Interstate 64 west to Interstate 95 south, then follow directions above.
From points west of Richmond From Interstate 64 east, take exit 175 onto Route 288 south. Continue on
288 for approximately 26 miles. Take the Iron Bridge Road (Route 10) exit towards Chesterfield. Follow
directions above.