100 Years 100 Boats – ANZAC Ceremony Management /Operational Plan 24 March 2015 ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 1 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 1.0 Contents 2.0 Document History ..................................................................................................................... 6 3.0 Event Administration Contact ................................................................................................... 7 4.0 Document Purpose ................................................................................................................... 8 5.0 Event Insurance......................................................................................................................... 9 5.1 Australian SLSA Members – Insurance Details ...................................................................... 9 5.2 International and Non-Proficient Members – Insurance Details ........................................... 9 5.3 Indemnity Forms ................................................................................................................... 9 5.4 Reporting Process ................................................................................................................. 9 6.0 Overview of Event ................................................................................................................... 10 6.1 7.0 Aerial View of Event ............................................................................................................ 11 Public Notices and Advertising for Ceremony ......................................................................... 12 7.1 Public Notices ...................................................................................................................... 12 7.1.1 Ceremony Area ........................................................................................................... 12 7.1.2 Fisherman’s Beach ...................................................................................................... 12 7.2 Advertising .......................................................................................................................... 12 7.2.1 8.0 Media Advertising ....................................................................................................... 12 Staging Area – Fisherman’s Beach .......................................................................................... 13 8.1 Surf Boat Trailer Parking ..................................................................................................... 13 8.2 Aerial View Fisherman’s Beach Staging Area ...................................................................... 14 8.3 Trailer Parking and Barricades............................................................................................. 16 8.4 Security Night of Friday 24th April ....................................................................................... 16 8.5 Sweep and Crew Briefings ................................................................................................... 16 8.6 Staging Area facilities .......................................................................................................... 17 8.6.1 BBQ Breakfast ............................................................................................................. 17 8.6.2 Toilets .......................................................................................................................... 17 8.6.3 Shade Shelters ............................................................................................................. 17 8.6.4 Gear Storage ............................................................................................................... 17 8.7 Uniform Collection .............................................................................................................. 17 8.8 IRB and Water Safety .......................................................................................................... 17 8.9 Boat Ramp & Launching Areas ............................................................................................ 17 8.10 Surf Boats - Number Allocation for the Landing .................................................................. 18 8.10.1 Example of Numbering for Wave 1 Boats ................................................................... 18 ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 2 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 8.11 Surf Boats – Launching Sequence ....................................................................................... 19 8.12 Route to Row to Collaroy .................................................................................................... 20 8.13 Surf Boats – Number of Waves Based on Conditions .......................................................... 20 9.0 Ceremony / Surf Boat Landing Area’s - Setup ......................................................................... 22 9.1 Aerial View of Ceremony Area / Surf Boat Landing Area - SETUP ....................................... 22 9.2 Ceremony Area Setup ......................................................................................................... 22 9.2.1 Stage and VIP Area ...................................................................................................... 23 9.2.2 Disabled Access for Ceremony .................................................................................... 24 9.2.3 Wreath and Lone Pine Sapling – presentation and storage ........................................ 24 9.2.4 Spectator Area ............................................................................................................ 24 9.2.5 Toilets and Rubbish ..................................................................................................... 24 9.2.6 P.A and Screens ........................................................................................................... 24 9.2.7 Spectator Management .............................................................................................. 24 9.2.8 VIP / Navy / Emergency Services Parking .................................................................... 25 9.3 Surf Boat Landing Area -Setup ............................................................................................ 26 9.3.1 Aerial View of Surf Boat Landing Area ......................................................................... 26 9.3.2 Marker Buoys and Landing Flags / Cones .................................................................... 27 9.3.3 Spectator Management – Surf Boat Landing Area ...................................................... 27 10.0 Ceremony ................................................................................................................................ 28 10.1 Surf Boats – Wave 1 Landing (Southern area shown, repeats to the north) ....................... 28 10.1.1 Surf Boat Landing Sequence ........................................................................................ 29 10.2 Surf Boats – Waves 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ........................................................................................... 30 10.3 Raising of Flags .................................................................................................................... 30 10.4 Participants Positioning During Ceremony .......................................................................... 31 10.4.1 VIP’s ............................................................................................................................ 31 10.4.2 Sweeps ........................................................................................................................ 31 10.4.3 Schools ........................................................................................................................ 31 10.4.4 Crews .......................................................................................................................... 32 10.4.5 Volunteers ................................................................................................................... 32 10.5 Spectator Management during Ceremony .......................................................................... 32 10.6 Proposed Order of Ceremony ............................................................................................. 32 10.7 Launching of Surf Boats – Return to Sea ............................................................................. 33 ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 3 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 10.8 Wreath Laying, Anthems ..................................................................................................... 33 10.9 End of Ceremony – Surf Boats............................................................................................. 33 10.10 11.0 End of Ceremony – Spectator Dispersal .......................................................................... 33 Post Ceremony Function ......................................................................................................... 34 11.1 Post Ceremony Function – Location .................................................................................... 34 12.0 Dusk Service – Collaroy Beach RSL Sub-Branch ....................................................................... 35 13.0 Bump Out ................................................................................................................................ 35 13.1 Surf Boat Staging Area ........................................................................................................ 35 13.2 Ceremony Area ................................................................................................................... 35 14.0 Volunteer Roles ....................................................................................................................... 36 14.1 Staging Area ........................................................................................................................ 36 14.1.1 Set Up crews ............................................................................................................... 36 14.1.2 Staging Admin ............................................................................................................. 36 14.1.3 Boat Ramp Parking assistants...................................................................................... 36 14.1.4 Griffith Park – Boat Trailer Parking Assistants ............................................................. 36 14.1.5 Uniform Distribution ................................................................................................... 37 14.1.6 Launching Assistants ................................................................................................... 37 14.1.7 Sweep and Crew Briefing ............................................................................................ 37 14.1.8 Staging Area - First Aid ................................................................................................ 37 14.1.9 IRB Crews .................................................................................................................... 37 14.1.10 Bump Out Teams ..................................................................................................... 37 14.1.11 Miscellaneous.......................................................................................................... 37 14.2 Ceremony Area ................................................................................................................... 38 14.2.1 Set up Crews................................................................................................................ 38 14.2.2 VIP Catering ................................................................................................................. 38 14.2.3 VIP Escorts ................................................................................................................... 38 14.2.4 School Escorts ............................................................................................................. 38 14.2.5 Wreath and Sapling Handlers ...................................................................................... 38 14.2.6 Navy Escorts ................................................................................................................ 39 14.2.7 Ceremony Ushers ........................................................................................................ 39 14.2.8 Ceremony Programme Distributors ............................................................................ 39 14.2.9 AV Assistants ............................................................................................................... 39 ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 4 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 15.0 14.2.10 Surf Boat Landing Assistants ................................................................................... 39 14.2.11 Surf Boat Launching Assistants ................................................................................ 39 14.2.12 Beach Barricade Assistants ...................................................................................... 40 14.2.13 Road Barricade Assistants ....................................................................................... 40 14.2.14 Ceremony Area - First Aid ....................................................................................... 40 14.2.15 Clean Up Crews ....................................................................................................... 40 14.2.16 Bump Out Crews ..................................................................................................... 40 Ceremony / Event Day Volunteer Matrix ................................................................................ 41 ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 5 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 2.0 Document History Filename / Version 28/02/21050 08/03/2015 12/3/2015 15/03/2015 18/03/2015 24/03/2014 Changes Initial Draft Document Addition of additional parking details in the staging area Update of Surf Boat launching sequence and route from Fisherman’s Beach to Collaroy Inclusion of Surf Boat numbering allocation info Minor updates, corrections to terminology Added stage layout Added volunteers roles Added insurance summary Minor date corrections ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Date Released to Team 28/02/2015 08/03/2015 12/03/2015 15/03/2015 18/03/2015 24/03/2015 Page 6 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 3.0 Event Administration Contact Should you require any further information relating to this event (or document), please contact the below: Janice Russell Event Admin, Organising Committee On behalf of South Curl Curl SLSC and beko Australia / New Zealand Email: 100years100boats@gmail.com Phone 0432849944 ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 7 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 4.0 Document Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide the various stakeholders involved with an overall understanding of the event and how the organising committee intends to utilise the Reserve Booking and various assets to facilitate the surf boat landing and commemorative ceremony. Stakeholders include: Warringah Council – Staging and Ceremony area setup for Reserve Booking NSW Police – traffic control – spectator ingress and egress NSW Emergency Services –understanding of ceremony flow for planning Surf Boat Crews – to provide an understanding of where to go on arrival, launching of boats, parking of trailers, positioning in landing and ceremony, etc Volunteers – an overall understanding of the landing / ceremony and the requirements of the volunteers Schools – to provide an understanding of where to go on arrival, what to do with wreaths and their positioning during the ceremony. The organisers appreciate that the information provided in this document is to a VERY high level of detail. This is due to the requirement to land 100 surf boats on Collaroy Beach with no opportunity for a rehearsal. To maximise safety, and ensure our ability to have every participant working to the same objective, we have attempted to plan, and communicate, ALL requirements in advance through this document. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 8 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 5.0 Event Insurance There are two parts to the insurance being provided for this event. 5.1 Australian SLSA Members – Insurance Details For participants that are members of Surf Life Saving Australia, this event is covered under an SLSA ‘Special Event’ insurance policy. This provides the same level of insurance coverage as if you were participating in an SLSA approved event; with the same proficiency requirements (for boat rowers and IRB crews). All participants will be required to sign an indemnity form including volunteers. 5.2 International and Non-Proficient Members – Insurance Details For our international participants, non SLSA volunteers, and for Australian Rowers that are experienced rowers, but not currently proficient; the organisers have insurance policies in place which include coverage for personal accident, and public liability. 5.3 Indemnity Forms All participants will be required to sign an indemnity form. The staging area admin person will be collecting signed indemnity forms as part of the check-in process at Fisherman’s beach staging area from all participants (if not already supplied). Similar process will be in place for volunteers in the Ceremony area. 5.4 Reporting Process In the event of an accident, incident or injury, please seek First Aid assistance / treatment as soon as possible (if required). There will be First Aid stations in the ceremony area. Once the situation has stabilised those involved must report as soon as possible to the organisers so an incident report can be completed / submitted. It is the obligation of all participants to contribute to the safety and wellbeing of themselves, other participants, and the public in general. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 9 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 6.0 Overview of Event South Curl Curl SLSC, in conjunction with a number of significant stakeholders (beko Australia / New Zealand, Collaroy SLSC, Warringah Council, and NSW Government) will be landing 100 Surf Boats on to Collaroy Beach at or near the time to coincide with Dawn in Gallipoli on 25th April 2015. The ceremony includes the presentation of wreaths to each of the surf boats by a representative from each of 100 schools. These wreaths will be released into the ocean as part of the ceremony by the surf boats once returned to sea. Crews are urged to partner with their local school for this ceremony and have schools register through www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au. On Anzac Day schools may provide one or two students to participate in the ceremony. Parents and/or guardians do need to be in attendance on the day to take charge of the student(s) immediately following the conclusion of the ceremony. The ceremony will follow Australian Navy ceremonial protocols with the inclusion of some readings by VIP’s, school children, and the reading of the ‘Ataturk’ poem. From a schedule perspective: 24th April – Surf Boats will start being left at Fisherman Beach 25th April – Remaining Surf Boats arrive and left on Beach at Fisherman’s Beach area At or around 11am boats will start forming up in to a number of waves (number of waves dependent upon surf conditions 12:00 – First three boats land carrying Australian, Turkish, and New Zealand flags 12:15 – Remaining 97 boats land on the beach 12:30 – Ceremony starts through the raising of Australian, New Zealand and Turkish Flags 1:15 – Boats return to sea and deposit wreaths to the ocean. At this time the ‘Ode’, Last Post, minutes silence, Reveille, and the National Anthems of Turkey, New Zealand, and Australia will be observed. At completion boats return to Fisherman’s Beach. 2:30pm – Participant function at Collaroy Beach Hotel 5:00pm – Dusk Service with Collaroy Beach Sub-Branch in same ceremony area. Note that the exact timing of the ceremony will be released closer to 25 th April. The organisers are working with the Broadcaster of the Gallipoli Dawn Service with the intent to live stream the key elements of the Gallipoli Dawn Service on to the large screens at Collaroy. There may be a variance of 15 minutes in the above timings. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 10 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 6.1 Aerial View of Event Surf Boats launch at Fisherman’s Beach and row around for landing and Ceremony at Collaroy Beach ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 11 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 7.0 Public Notices and Advertising for Ceremony 7.1 Public Notices Public notices will be provided as follows: 7.1.1 Ceremony Area Approx 6 week’s prior - Collaroy Surf Life Saving Club – a 5 metre x 1 metre banner will be hung on the front of the club and will be visible from Pittwater Road and from the main parking area at the surf club. This is a preferred action by NSW Police and will include information such as catching public transport, bringing a picnic, and being a child friendly ceremony. Approx 3 week’s prior - Collaroy Surf Life Saving Club and surrounding parking areas – will have leaflets left on cars to ensure they are aware of the ceremony and the impact it will have on parking on the 25th April Approx 2 weeks prior – Warringah Mayor will include a summary of the ceremony in his Mayoral address within the Manly Daily 7.1.2 Fisherman’s Beach Approx 2 weeks prior – leaflets will be left on all cars in the boat ramp and surrounding car parks to provide advice of the limited parking on 25th April Approx 2 week’s prior – temporary signage will be erected around the boat ramp area advising boaties and boat ramp users of the limited and high use of boat ramp on 25 th April. Approx 2 week’s prior – temporary signage will be erected in the off-leash dog area advising that ‘some’ space in the area will be utilised for trailer parking on 25th April. 7.2 Advertising 7.2.1 Media Advertising A full double page ‘centrespread’ has been purchased in the special ANZAC Lift out of the Manly Daily in the week prior to the 25th April. Continued special interest stories will continue to be covered by Manly Daily and other papers in the lead up to 25th April. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 12 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 8.0 Staging Area – Fisherman’s Beach The staging area will be at Fisherman’s Beach as it is close to the ceremony area. As the beach is positioned behind a bluff, it is not visible to the public. Fisherman’s Beach has a public boat ramp and approx. 140 parking bays, thus meets the staging and parking needs for the ceremony boating participants. The intent would be to have some boats arrive on the evening prior to Anzac (24th April), and to start putting boats on to Fisherman’s Beach early morning of the 25th April. As crews will be at Fisherman’s for several hours there is a need to provide shelter, toilets, food (breakfast) and drinks (water). 8.1 Surf Boat Trailer Parking Parking for 100 surf boat trailers and towing vehicles is addressed in the Warringah Council Reserve Booking by the following: Reserving approx. 120 parking spaces south of the Boat Ramp at Fisherman’s Beach Preserving a number of parking spaces for the general public on the northern side of the boat ramp Restricting access, but NOT closing the access road south of the boat ramp. There will be limited parking for the general public and cars will be allowed through to do drop-offs as required. Volunteers will man a barricade and manage the flow of Surf Boats using the ramp whilst maintaining safe access to the area south of the boat ramp by the public. Overflow parking for TRAILERS will be provided at Griffith Park in the dog off-leash area. This area does become boggy after rain so preference would be to man handle trailers in there unless the surface is dry enough to drop off with vehicles. This parking area will be fenced off from the off-leash area. In case of previous wet weather making the off-leash area unsuitable for trailer parking, proposal is to utilise the sealed parking area adjacent to the tennis courts (west of oval). ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 13 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 8.2 Aerial View Fisherman’s Beach Staging Area ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 14 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 15 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 8.3 Trailer Parking and Barricades The area around Long Reef is an extremely popular area for walkers, especially on weekends. Although access south of the boat ramp for non-participants cars will be limited, there does need to be full footpath access maintained for walkers. Based on this requirement, participants are requested to take note of the following photographs and make every effort to park their trailers and boats accordingly. Barricades will be in place from approx. 4pm on Friday 24 th. These barricades will be tall witch’s hats with barricade tape as per above photographs. 8.4 Security Night of Friday 24th April Paid security guards will be on site for the evening of the 24 th April. Where practical, crews are urged to deliver their boats and trailers on the Friday 24 th so that launching can commence first thing on following morning. 8.5 Sweep and Crew Briefings For crews that arrive on the 24th April there will be a high level briefing / question time on the evening of the 24th April at the Boat Ramp area. Detailed Sweep briefings will be provided on the morning of the 25th April at approx. 10:45am. Exact times for this briefing will be provided closer to the 25 th April. A crew briefing will be provided post Sweep briefing There is an expectation that all crews will have accessed this document and read it prior to the ceremony. The desire is for all participants to have a good working understanding of the entire event so that we can minimise any surprises on the day. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 16 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 8.6 Staging Area facilities 8.6.1 BBQ Breakfast Breakfast and morning tea will be provided from approx. 07:00 on morning of the 25th April at Fisherman’s beach. Adequate quantities of food will be provided to ensure all crews receive a hearty breakfast prior to the landing. Each crew will also be provided with water and food to take in the boat. 8.6.2 Toilets There is limited toilets available at Fisherman’s Beach, so additional ‘port-a-loos’ will be provided by the organisers. The location and number of toilets will be negotiated with Warringah Council staff. 8.6.3 Shade Shelters There will be tents available in the staging area at Fisherman’s Beach, though it is unlikely that we will have adequate coverage for all 500 boaties. A reminder to ‘slip, slop, and slap’ 8.6.4 Gear Storage There will be limited storage for personal belongings at the staging area at Fisherman’s Beach. We will also have paid security, however like any carnival or public gathering – please don’t bring valuables that you cannot afford to lose. We all have the best intentions to safeguard your property however we cannot guard against some opportunistic thieves! 8.7 Uniform Collection Uniforms for crews and volunteers will be available on the morning of the 25 th April at the staging area at Fisherman’s Beach. 8.8 IRB and Water Safety There will be IRB and limited PWC’s operating in the landing area both as water safety and also to assist the Sweeps in maintaining the formation as they row around to the ceremony area. These IRB’s will be landed at the Ceremony area so that IRB crews can participate in the ceremony. 8.9 Boat Ramp & Launching Areas There is adequate capability at Fisherman’s to make use of the public boat ramp plus an additional two launching areas either side of the ramp. We do need to be mindful that this is a public boat ramp, so there may be some recreational boaties to work around. We are urging all crews to arrive as early as is possible so that we have the 100 boats on the beach at Fisherman’s well in advance of the Sweeps briefing. As a guide, we are aiming to have all boats unloaded and on the beach by 11am at the absolute latest. Fisherman’s Beach has more than adequate space to cope with the 100 boats up on the beach prior launching for the landing. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 17 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 8.10 Surf Boats - Number Allocation for the Landing Upon arrival at the Fisherman’s Beach staging area, boats will be allocated a landing number between 1 and 100 which will determine which of the six waves they will be in, if they are in the North or South fleet, and what colour ‘Turning Buoy’ they are heading for. Sweeps will be provided with a laminated card such as the following: 8.10.1 Example of Numbering for Wave 1 Boats Note that there is a storm water pipe in the middle of the landing area. Odd numbered boats land to the SOUTH of the pipe. Even boats land to the NORTH of the pipe. Number allocations start at the pipe and increase north or south accordingly as per following: ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 18 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 8.11 Surf Boats – Launching Sequence Surf Boats will form up at Fisherman’s in to their six (6) waves. Each wave will row in formation over to the Collaroy Beach Ceremony area. The intent is for the boats to enter the water at Fisherman’s in the same position that they will land over at Collaroy. Basically each boat will row beside the same boats all the way from Fisherman’s Beach to Collaroy Beach in an ‘arc’. Standard SLSA Surf Boat ‘Turning Buoys’ will be set up in front of the Ceremony area with corresponding coloured flags on the beach to aim for. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 19 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 8.12 Route to Row to Collaroy The following diagram shows the route crews will row from Fisherman’s Beach to the Ceremony area at Collaroy Beach. Crews will know which colour ‘SLSA Turning Cans’ they are heading for by their allotted boat number. Once through the turning cans crews will continue to row in formation to a corresponding coloured flag (as turning can) on the beach. 8.13 Surf Boats – Number of Waves Based on Conditions The number of landing waves will be dependent upon the surf conditions of the day. Collaroy Beach was chosen as it is reasonably sheltered. Being April we are also fortunate that typically we are past the northern cyclonic swells, and this time of year is prior to the winter southerly weather patterns. It is most likely that we will be landing the 100 boats over six (6) waves. This leaves a separation of 16 metres between boats in the southern landing area. Northern area can spread out more as it does not have the physical constraints as the Southern end. A decision on the number of waves will be made on the morning of the 25 th April and will be based on the following: Small to medium surf 6 waves of boats per landing, 16 meter separation between boats Experienced sweeps only per boat Request to all crews to row together as a crew for minimum 4 weeks prior to landing to gain experience as a crew IRB and radio control over landing to ensure landing delayed between set waves IRB and Jet ski’s operating in landing area Ensure sweeps briefing identifies that this is a landing and not a race Experience helpers around landing zone to clear boats up beach First aid immediately available near landing zone ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 20 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au Medium Surf 7 waves of boats per landing, 20 meter separation between boats Experienced sweeps only per boat Experienced crews only IRB and radio control over landing to ensure landing delayed between set waves IRB and Jet ski’s operating in landing area Ensure sweeps briefing identifies that this is a landing and not a race Experience helpers around landing zone to clear boats up beach First aid immediately available near landing zone Large Surf Surf Boats do not undertake the landing. Surf boats form up out to sea IRB’s take wreaths out and distribute wreaths to each boat Ceremony continues with boats formed up out to sea Wreaths are presented to ocean and boats return to the sheltered Fisherman’s Beach area. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 21 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 9.0 Ceremony / Surf Boat Landing Area’s - Setup 9.1 Aerial View of Ceremony Area / Surf Boat Landing Area - SETUP The blue lines in following diagram show the location(s) of the barricades to be installed to separate the public from both the boat landing area, and also provide separation with traffic on Pittwater Road (as recommended by NSW Police). 9.2 Ceremony Area Setup The ceremony area is slightly to the south of the Stormwater pipe located in front of the Collaroy Beach Club. The beach at Collaroy benefits from additional sand in autumn as the sand from the northern end of the beach travels to the southern end due to the prevailing North Eastern winds. The location of the (back of) stage is to be approximately 23 metres from the sandstone wall though this may vary with the amount of sand available on the day. The further back the stage is located, the more public can fit on beach behind VIP seating. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 22 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 9.2.1 Stage and VIP Area The stage will be flanked by three flag posts with seating for approx. 120 VIP’s and the elderly to the west (of stage). ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 23 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 9.2.2 Disabled Access for Ceremony A dedicated area will be made available to the rear of the VIP area (on boardwalk / pathway) for wheelchairs. 9.2.3 Wreath and Lone Pine Sapling – presentation and storage Wreaths are being made for presentation by schools during the ceremony. Upon arrival the wreaths may be dropped at the Collaroy Beach SLSC. These wreaths will be available during the ceremony to the immediate north of the stage area. Lone Pine Saplings that are genetic ancestors from the original pine trees of Gallipoli will be available for the Sweeps to collect and present during the ceremony. The pine saplings will be available during the ceremony to the immediate south of the stage area. These saplings were germinated from a pine cone returned to Australia by an Australian soldier who lived through the Battle of Lone Pine – August 6th 1915. School children will enter the ceremony area from the north; sweeps will enter from the south. They will swap wreath for sapling and then leave the ceremony. Sweeps will return to their positions near the stage, school children will return to their parents or guardians in the public area. 9.2.4 Spectator Area There will be a number of public areas for the landing and ceremony to be viewed. The area between the Collaroy Beach SLSC and the Collaroy Beach Club will be immediately in front of the ceremony area. There will also be public space along approximately the first 8 – 10 metres from the boardwalk east on to the beach area. 9.2.5 Toilets and Rubbish Portable toilets will be strategically located in the public area adjacent to the public toilet at Collaroy Beach SLSC. Location of toilets will be negotiated with Warringah Council Staff Rubbish will be managed in conjunction with the recommendations of Warringah Council. 9.2.6 P.A and Screens The P.A system will provide audio to the public for the entire length of the landing area, from the Collaroy Ocean Pool up to the northern end of the landing area. This will allow for significant public attendance for the landing and ceremony. Large screen TV’s will be provided in strategic locations (likely on the beach) which will provide all attendees the ability to see the live streamed service from Gallipoli. The local Collaroy ceremony will also be live streamed so it will be visible by the public anywhere between the Collaroy Ocean Pool through to the northern end of the landing area. 9.2.7 Spectator Management The use of barriers is to ensure spectator safety as much as possible. Barriers will be erected in locations to separate the public from the surf boat landing area. Barriers will separate spectators from Pittwater Road and ‘guide’ pedestrians towards traffic lights to cross Pittwater Road if required, with safety. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 24 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 9.2.8 VIP / Navy / Emergency Services Parking ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 25 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 9.3 Surf Boat Landing Area -Setup 9.3.1 Aerial View of Surf Boat Landing Area ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 26 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 9.3.2 Marker Buoys and Landing Flags / Cones Safety / guidance buoys will be utilised as follows: As a guide for the starting point for each wave, and As a means to identify a ‘no go’ area around the storm water pipe. Landing Area beach Flags (cones) will be located in suitable positions to enable incoming surf boats to identify their landing locations. Buoys and flags will follow standard Surf Life Saving ‘Turning Cans’ colour scheme, specifically: No. 1 red and yellow No. 2 black No. 3 green with a white horizontal stripe No. 4 red No. 5 blue with a horizontal white stripe No. 6 yellow No. 7 white with a black horizontal stripe No. 8 Likely to be Orange PINK cans will be located either side of the storm water pipe with some other warning device or warning flag on the end of the pipe to aid in making it visible. 9.3.3 Spectator Management – Surf Boat Landing Area Barricades will be erected on the beach approximately 8 – 10 metres from the main boardwalk. There will be volunteers stationed along this barricade to assist in keeping the public out of the landing area. Should there be any members of the public in the landing area…..the landing will be suspended until it is safe to continue. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 27 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 10.0 Ceremony 10.1 Surf Boats – Wave 1 Landing (Southern area shown, repeats to the north) ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 28 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 10.1.1 Surf Boat Landing Sequence ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 29 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au There will be two parts to the Wave 1 landing. The first three boats to land will be an Australian, New Zealand, and Turkish Boats. These three boats will be carried up to the stage area as they form part of the ceremony setting. Once these three boats are clear, the remaining Wave 1 boats will land. For Wave 1 crews there will be experienced volunteers waiting to assist to land the boat and to move it up the beach. Once landed one person from each crew will remain in the landing area to assist the next wave, whilst the remainder of each crew will assemble in their positions around the stage in ceremony area. Wave 1 boats once landed will be moved up the beach with the bow of the boat butting up to the barricades (ie with bow facing inland). Waves 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 will be spun around and carried up the beach with their bows facing the ocean so that they can be re-launched more efficiently. 10.2 Surf Boats – Waves 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Waves 2 through to the final wave will come to shore in sequence. As each boat lands the volunteers along with one member of the crew just landed will assist in moving the boat up the beach (with bow facing sea) until all boats are landed. All crews will then proceed to their positions in the ceremony area. 10.3 Raising of Flags A member of each of the first three boats landed (a Turk, an Australian, and a New Zealander) will have been standing at attention whilst flying their Nations flag on the stage for the duration of the landing. Once all boats have landed these three crew persons will assist in raising the three flags. This signifies to commencement of the official ceremony. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 30 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 10.4 Participants Positioning During Ceremony 10.4.1 VIP’s Upon arrival, VIP’s will be asked to meet at the Collaroy Swim Club rooms in the upstairs area on the southern end of the Collaroy Surf Life Saving Club where refreshments will be provided. These rooms provide suitable viewing of the boats as they round the bluff which will allow suitable time for the VIP’s to take their seats in the ceremony area. It is expected that VIP’s will be seated in ceremony area by 12:10pm at latest. 10.4.2 Sweeps The previous diagram shows the ceremony area. One hundred sweeps will be positioned to the immediate south of the stage. During the ceremony the sweeps will be called upon to present a Lone Pine sapling to one of the school children in attendance. The sweeps will in single file walk to the front of the stage, exchange their sapling for a wreath, and then walk towards the public area between the VIP seating before returning to their boats. 10.4.3 Schools Upon arrival, the school children will be asked to assemble within the Collaroy Surf Life Saving Clubs hall (located upstairs). Just prior to the ceremony the school children will be escorted to the rear of the VIP seating until all four boats are in place around the stage area. When safe, they will be escorted to the north of the stage in the ceremony area. During the ceremony the school children will form a single file, meet the sweeps in front of the stage, exchange their wreath for a Lone Pine sapling, then return to the holding area at the rear of ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 31 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au the VIP seating where they will remain until the end of the ceremony at which time their parent / teacher / guardian will collect them. 10.4.4 Crews Crews (400) will be located along side of the four surf boats located adjacent to the stage. These boats go on an approx. 30 degree angle from the stage back towards the sandstone promenade wall. Each crew will be asked to bring 1 oar with them and stand with that oar in an upright position for the duration of the ceremony. There will be no crew or participants behind the stage so that three national flags will remain as focal points. 10.4.5 Volunteers There will be numerous volunteer positions required in the ceremony area: Boat Landing area – volunteers to assist with the landing of the Surf Boats. These will be people experienced in working around surf boats. VIP escorts – located in the VIP area. School escorts – to assist with wreaths and assist school representatives during the ceremony Sweep escorts – to assist with Lone Pine saplings and assist during the ceremony Landing Area Barricade assistants – located along the length of the barricades on the beach area. These volunteers will look to keep members of the public out of the landing area. Catafalque assistants – work with the Navy Catafalque party First Aid attendants – to assist with any first aid issues/incidents that may arise Spectator assistants – to assist with spectator management and distribution of programmes Refer to the volunteer objectives later in this document for role specific descriptions. 10.5 Spectator Management during Ceremony Barricades for the ceremony area have been discussed. Further volunteers will be strategically located around the ceremony area to provide assistance as required. NSW Police will also be in attendance. Key objective is to manage the attending public to make it a safe, enjoyable ceremony for ‘all’ involved. 10.6 Proposed Order of Ceremony Actual times for the ceremony will be confirmed closer to the 25 th April. As we are live streaming the Dawn Service from Gallipoli we need the run-sheet from the Broadcaster to ensure our timings align. The following is an indicative schedule: 11:45 - Surf Boats start forming up and head to Collaroy Beach 12:00 - First three Surf Boats land 12:15 - Remaining Surf Boats land in total of six waves (or as conditions allow) 12:30 – Flags raised to commence the formal ceremony ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 32 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 12:50 - Representatives from 100 schools present wreaths to member of each Surf Boat / They in turn are presented with a Lone Pine sapling that is a direct descendent from the pine trees of Gallipoli. 13:05 - Speeches complete 13:05 - Boats return to sea, raise oars and present wreaths to the ocean. Ode, last post, minute’s silence, Reveille and the three National Anthems sung or observed. 13:30 - Initial ceremony complete. 10.7 Launching of Surf Boats – Return to Sea At a time in the ceremony the crews for wave 6 will return to their boats and with the assistance of the volunteers will launch and proceed out to sea. This will be followed by waves 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. The final boats to leave the beach will be the Australian, Turkish and New Zealand boats. All boats will proceed out to sea and form up in their waves to continue with the waterborne part of the ceremony. 10.8 Wreath Laying, Anthems Should we be able to align with the Dawn Service in Turkey, the 100 surf boats will raise their oars whilst the Ode, Reveille, and the three National Anthems are played / sung. Should for any reason we not align with the Dawn Service from Turkey, a local bugler will play Reveille. 10.9 End of Ceremony – Surf Boats Once the ceremony is complete, 85 of the 100 boats will return directly to Fisherman’s Beach, and trailer their boats. The remaining 15 boats will return to shore at Collaroy Beach in an effort to stagger the dispersal of the public. After approx. 20 – 30 minutes these 15 boats will return to Fisherman’s Beach. 10.10 End of Ceremony – Spectator Dispersal NSW Police have requested that we make efforts to have a staggered end to the Ceremony so that we do not have the entire public attempting to leave at once. The organisers are working with Warringah Council to have the beach re-opened for swimming immediately after the conclusion of the ceremony and other means to stagger the departure of the public. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 33 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 11.0 Post Ceremony Function 11.1 Post Ceremony Function – Location Between approximately 2:30pm and 5:00pm there will be a post ceremony function in the car park on the northern end of the Collaroy Beach Hotel. Surf Boat Crews, volunteers, VIP’s, current and exservicemen, and medal wearers will be invited to enjoy a few ‘quiet drinks’. This is a time for sombre conversation, and to appreciate being involved in a significant ceremony on a very significant day. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 34 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 12.0 Dusk Service – Collaroy Beach RSL Sub-Branch At 5:00pm Surf Boat Crews and volunteers are invited to remain and attend the 50th Dusk Service being run by the Collaroy Beach RSL Sub-Branch. This ceremony will round out the day’s proceedings by approximately 5:30pm. 13.0 Bump Out 13.1 Surf Boat Staging Area Bump out at the staging area will commence at the end of the ceremony – approx. 2:00pm 13.2 Ceremony Area Bump out of the ceremony area will commence immediately at the conclusion of the ceremony. Beach barricades will be removed immediately to allow public access to the beach following the departure of the last surf boat. Once public has dispersed the barriers along Pittwater Road will be removed. All barriers will be returned to an area immediately on the roadside of the Collaroy Beach Surf Life Saving Club. Suppliers will use this parking area to recover their equipment. Once all equipment has been recovered this parking area adjacent to the Collaroy SLSC will be returned to public use. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 35 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 14.0 Volunteer Roles The following section provides an overview of the volunteer requirements to setup, run and ‘bump out’ all of the equipment required to run the 100 Years 100 Boats Anzac Beach Memorial Ceremony. Role descriptions below identify the overall objectives of each of the volunteer roles. Team leads will determine the manner in which their teams will best deliver against these objectives. 14.1 Staging Area 14.1.1 Set Up crews Closer to Anzac Day a final plan will be available with complete ‘build’ plans for the staging area. The set-up crew’s objective will be to build the staging area against this final plan. Key to the success of the setup crews will be barricading adequate parking spaces as allowed in the Reserve Booking to provide the up to 120 parking spaces required for the boat trailers and towing vehicles. 14.1.2 Staging Admin Upon arrival, boat crews will ‘check-in’ with the Staging area admin person. This person will provide any operational updates and allocate the crews ‘Boat Number’ for the landing. This number dictates which wave the crew is in, what colour ‘Turning Buoys’ they are heading for, etc. As part of checking in, the staging area admin person will be collecting signed indemnity forms from all participants. 14.1.3 Boat Ramp Parking assistants The objective of the boat ramp parking assistants will be to maximise the safe work environment for participants and public alike. Whilst we are not looking to close the road south of the boat ramp, we are looking to control traffic and allow drop-offs by the public in the upper parking area whilst maintaining the regular launching of surf boats. With 100 boats being launched via two ramp areas, traffic control is a critical role. Additionally these volunteers will assist with the parking of boat trailers and towing vehicles. 14.1.4 Griffith Park – Boat Trailer Parking Assistants There is an overflow area at the Griffith Park off-leash (dog) area where participants can park boat trailers. As part of the setup there will be an area marked out with barricade tape for trailers. Volunteers will be required to assist in parking trailers in this space and recovering trailers post ceremony. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 36 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 14.1.5 Uniform Distribution All participants and volunteers will receive a number of commemorative clothing items. Volunteers will be required to distribute and track the allocation of clothing. 14.1.6 Launching Assistants Volunteers with boat experience will be required to provide assistance to the crews in launching boats at the two launch areas. Once boats are off loaded from trailers there will be a requirement to move the boats to pre-determined locations on Fisherman’s Beach so that they can be readily formed up in to waves. These launch assistants will ensure that boats are launched in the correct sequence as required. 14.1.7 Sweep and Crew Briefing One of the organisers will provide Sweep and Crew briefings so that all participants are on the same page and know what they need to do, where they need to do it, and when. These briefings will also include a ‘safety briefing’. 14.1.8 Staging Area - First Aid There will be a requirement to have a manned First Aid post at the staging area 14.1.9 IRB Crews IRB crews will be required to provide assistance from a safety perspective, and to also assist in ensuring that boats stay in formation, head towards the correct buoy’s, etc. The IRB crews will communicate with organisers to release each wave for the landing and have overall control (under radio instruction) of the fleets whilst at sea. Following the completion of the ceremony, IRB crews will be tasked with collecting wreaths from the ocean and returning them to the staging area at Fisherman’s beach. 14.1.10 Bump Out Teams As all volunteers will be present at the ceremony (should they want), bump out of the staging area will commence at approx. 2pm (post ceremony). The bump out objectives will be to return the Fisherman’s Beach area back to public use, with all equipment either returned to suppliers or packed up and ready to be collected. 14.1.11 Miscellaneous Volunteers to assist with BBQ and general duties ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 37 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 14.2 Ceremony Area 14.2.1 Set up Crews A detailed plan will be available prior to Anzac Day. The setup crew will be responsible for the building / setting up the following: Stage / Ceremony area, Beach Barricades, Road Barricades, AV Tent and assisting in running cabling for screens and P.A, Blocking off parking spaces as per plan, and Working with suppliers to locate port-a-loos, etc. 14.2.2 VIP Catering VIP’s will be located in the Swim Club rooms located in the southern end of the Collaroy SLS building. Tea coffee, and light refreshments will be made available by volunteers. 14.2.3 VIP Escorts Volunteers will be assigned to escort VIP’s from arrival, to holding room, and on to the ceremony area. 14.2.4 School Escorts School children taking part in the ceremony will first meet in the Collaroy SLSC Hall. Close to service commencement they will be escorted down to the ceremony area where they will wait behind VIP seating until the initial four (4) surf boats have landed and moved in to position either side of the stage. Once boats are in place escorts will move the children in to their position on the northern side of the stage. Volunteers will ensure that the children have their wreaths and are in order to give their wreath to their corresponding boat Sweep during the ceremony. 14.2.5 Wreath and Sapling Handlers Volunteers will be required to assist in managing wreaths and pine saplings. Saplings will need to be made available in the ceremony area and positioned so that sweeps can collect them in readiness to hand over to the school children. There will also be a requirement for a volunteer to collect some of the pine saplings from school children once that part of the ceremony is over. Due to the rareness of these Lone Pines, only guardians, teachers or mature age students will be permitted to take possession of the saplings (post ceremony) on behalf of their school. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 38 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 14.2.6 Navy Escorts There will be a requirement for volunteers to escort Navy Catafalque Party members from their arrival, through to their departure. 14.2.7 Ceremony Ushers There is an allowance for 120 seats in the VIP area. Front rows will be allocated by name to VIP’s. Life members of both SLS clubs will have seating reserved for them and their partners. Remaining seating will be made available to the elderly, medal wearers, current and returned servicemen/women, and to those with a genuine need. 14.2.8 Ceremony Programme Distributors Ceremony Programmes will be available for distribution to the general public. Volunteers will be required to hand these out. 14.2.9 AV Assistants There will be a requirement for a small number of technically aware volunteers to assist the AV team to set up and run the AV over the course of the day. 14.2.10 Surf Boat Landing Assistants Volunteers with experience around Surf Boats will be required to assist in the landing of the Surf Boats, and to assist the crews in moving the boats up the beach. These volunteers need to be safety aware. The initial three boats to land will be the Australian, New Zealand, and Turkish Boats. Landing assistants will be required to assist these crews to carry or drag these three boats up to the stage area. Boat number 1 from Wave 1 will also need to be dragged up to the stage area. All remaining boats in all waves will be carried / dragged up to a predefined area on the beach. 14.2.11 Surf Boat Launching Assistants Launching of surf boats will be a reverse of the landing sequence. Wave 6 will launch first, followed by wave 5, etc. Volunteers will assist in launching boats and also in ensuring that both Northern and Southern waves launch simultaneously. The final four boats to launch will be required to be carried / dragged down to water’s edge from the stage area. ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 39 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 14.2.12 Beach Barricade Assistants There will be a barricade between the public area of the beach, and the boat area. Volunteers will be located along the barricade to ensure that there is no member of the public in the boat area during the landing, or launching of the surf boats. Should a member of the public enter this space, the landing will be suspended for safety reasons until safe to continue. 14.2.13 Road Barricade Assistants NSW Police have identified a preference to have barricades along Pittwater Road to ensure that people utilise the two traffic light areas to cross Pittwater Road at the completion of the service. Volunteers will be spaced along the barricades to direct the public to the traffic light areas. These volunteers will need to be in position close to the end of the ceremony. 14.2.14 Ceremony Area - First Aid Volunteers will be required to man the First Aid tents at Ceremony area. 14.2.15 Clean Up Crews Although the organisers are not providing food or beverage to the general public, clean-up crews will be required to assist in cleaning up post ceremony. The objective is to leave the reserve in same condition as we received it. 14.2.16 Bump Out Crews Post ceremony, beach and ceremony area is to be returned to public use. Once safe to do so beach barricades will be removed asap. This will be in conjunction with Warringah Council Life Guards ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 Page 40 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au 15.0 Ceremony / Event Day Volunteer Matrix The following table is purely indicative. The actual number of volunteers required will be determined closer to the 25th April. As an approximation we will require a peak of approx. 90 volunteers immediately to, and during the ceremony. Activity 24/04 06:00 24/04 Set barricades for staging area 24/04 Tent / BBQ setup 24/04 Cool Room delivery, etc 24/04 Boat/Trailer Parking 24/04 Beach BBQ 24/04 Initial Sweep / Crew Briefing 24/04 Security?? Uniform Distribution Staging Area – Barricade deployment Staging - Barricade guides – staging area Boat launching / recover – staging area BBQ and refreshments prior Launch / Ceremony Sweep Briefing Crew Briefing IRB Crews Security of facilities during Ceremony Bump out Fisherman’s 4 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 CEREMONY 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 12:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 4 1 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 12 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 12 12 12 2 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 4 4 4 Page 41 of 43 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au Activity 24/04 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 CEREMONY 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 12:00 24/04 CEREMONY Barricades and signage in place Barricades between Surf club entry and traffic lights Stage setup Tear drops and other banners P.A and Screens Rubbish work parties?? Catering – work parties VIP Catering VIP Escorts Navy – escort Security – professional? Ceremony Guides – Public Ceremony Guides – Schools Boat Landing – assistants Boat Landing – public clearance Bugler Bugler Escort Bump out of beach barricades Bump out of road barricades Assist catering for Function 8 8 8 8 4 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 18:00 19:00 20:00 2 6 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 4 6 6 10 4 32 16 10 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 4 6 1 1 8 1 8 4 8 4 8 4 1 8 4 Page 42 of 43 4 100 Years 100 Boats – Anzac Beach Memorial www.anzacbeachmemorial.com.au Activity 24/04 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 CEREMONY 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 12:00 Bump out stage Bump out Screen Bump out P.A Bump out peripherals Total Manpower Requirement per hour 49 32 36 ANZAC 2015 Management / Operational Plan 24 March 2015 50 40 54 73 87 43 10 10 68 48 18 19 18:00 19:00 20:00 4 4 4 10 4 4 4 10 37 36 Page 43 of 43
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