N Z A S S O C I AT I O N O F O R T H O D O N T I S T S 2 0 1 5 C O N F E R E N C E
W W W. NZAO2015.CO. NZ
On behalf of the executive committee and conference
committee of the New Zealand Association of orthodontists,
we are pleased to inform you that our next biennial
conference will be held in Napier from Wednesday 15th to
Friday 17th April 2015.
The purpose of this message is to offer you the opportunity
to participate and promote your company and its products at
this meeting, and at the same time to join us at the excellent
social functions we are planning.
The conference venue will be the War Memorial Convention
Centre, which is situated close to the centre of the city
and is a landmark purpose-built facility. The conference,
entitled “Meeting of the Minds” will focus on interdisciplinary
management of various orthodontic challenges. As the
name suggests, there will be interaction with other dental
specialists. International keynote speakers have already been
engaged and we are expecting both national and international
attendance to this meeting.
Napier has a lot of character to offer which can mostly be
traced back to its strong Art Deco heritage shaping the towns
architecture. When visiting the town you’ll be sure to discover
it was completely rebuilt after a disastrous earthquake rocked
the area in 1930. The conference venue is strategically located
on the beautiful and busy waterfront and walking distance
from the shops and restaurants.
The New Zealand Association
of Orthodontists (NZAO) is the
professional association for
specialist orthodontists in New
Zealand. NZAO orthodontists have
completed a five year Bachelor
degree in dentistry and a further
2 – 3 full time postgraduate course
leading to a Masters degree or
a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry
degree in Orthodontics.
The NZAO has over 80 full
members: all registered as
specialists with the Dental Council
of New Zealand. Our members
With kind regards
extend to you all our warmest
greetings and look forward to the
Conference Committee of New Zealand
Association of Orthodontists
Peter Barwick , President, NZAO
Alan Isaac, Vice President, NZAO
Judith Hey, Honorary Secretary, NZAO
Mandy Train, Conference Innovators
pleasure of your company
in Napier.
Please note this programme is subject to change
W E D N E S D AY 1 5 A P R I L
Trade pack in
Welcome reception and
exhibition opening
T H U R S D AY 1 6 A P R I L
Welcome followed
by presentations
10.00am Morning tea
10.30am Presentations
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Presentations
2.30pm Afternoon tea
3.00pm Presentations
6.00pm Pre dinner drinks and meeting
place for conference dinner
Coach departs for Mission Estate
Conference dinner
F R I D AY 1 7 A P R I L
10.00am Morning tea
10.30am Presentations
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Presentations
2.30pm Afternoon tea
3.00pm Presentations (trade pack out)
Benefits to sponsors are commensurate with
the level of investment, with early bookings
allowing the benefits of exposure via the
website, registration brochure and conference
handbook. The earlier the sponsorship
commitment is made, the greater the exposure
through pre-conference publicity
and advertising.
All prices are in New Zealand dollars and
exclude Goods and Services Tax of 15%.
$12,500 + GST
Limited to one
• status associated with being the principal sponsor of the conference
• company logo and acknowledgement as the principal sponsor in
printed and electronic conference material, including registration
brochure and handbook and book of abstracts
• acknowledged with your company logo on conference
website with link to your company website
• two complimentary conference registrations
• two complimentary tickets to the welcome reception and
conference dinner
• two complimentary stands in a prime location of your
choice within the industry exhibition
• company logo on-screen in the plenary room prior to sessions
• a company representative to have the opportunity to speak
(up to 5 minutes) in the plenary venue
• full-page advertisement in the conference handbook
(finished artwork to be supplied by company)
• list of conference participants (excluding those who have
not given permission for name publication) provided to
you one week prior to conference
• the opportunity to include promotional material (supplied by sponsor)
in the conference satchels
$9,000 + GST
Limited to two
• status associated with being a gold sponsor of the conference
• company logo and acknowledgement as a gold sponsor in printed and
electronic conference material, including registration brochure and
handbook and book of abstracts
• acknowledged with your company logo on conference
website with link to your company website
• two complimentary conference registrations
• two complimentary tickets to the welcome reception and
conference dinner
• one complimentary stand in a prime location of your choice within the
industry exhibition
• half-page advertisement in the conference handbook (finished artwork
to be supplied by company)
• list of conference participants (excluding those who have not given
permission for name publication) provided to you one week
prior to conference
• the opportunity to include promotional material (supplied by sponsor)
in the conference satchels. Limit one piece (no larger than A4 size).
$7,500 + GST
Limited to one
• name association with the conference dinner, i.e. Kindly sponsored by
(Company name)
• company logo and acknowledgement in printed and electronic
conference material, including registration brochure and handbook
and book of abstracts
• acknowledged with your company logo on conference website
with link to your company website
• acknowledgement as the conference dinner sponsor
on the dinner ticket and menu
• 3 minute speaking opportunity at the conference dinner
• four tickets to the conference dinner
• an opportunity to supply a company banner to be in place for the
duration of the dinner
• list of conference participants (excluding those who have not given
permission for name publication) provided to you one week
prior to conference
• the opportunity to include promotional material (supplied by sponsor)
in the conference satchels
$5,000 + GST
Limited to one
• company logo and acknowledgement in printed and electronic
conference material, including registration brochure and handbook
and book of abstracts
• your company logo on the back cover of the conference handbook
• full page advertisement (inside front or back cover) in the handbook
(artwork to be supplied by the sponsor)
• acknowledged with your company logo on conference website with link
to your company website
• list of conference participants (excluding those who have not given
permission for name publication) provided to you one week prior
to conference
• the opportunity to include promotional material (supplied by sponsor)
in the conference satchels
$5,000 + GST
Limited to one
• company logo and acknowledgement in printed and electronic conference material,
including registration brochure and handbook and book of abstracts
• acknowledged with your company logo on conference website with link to your
company website
• company logo printed on each delegate satchel, in conjunction with the conference logo
• list of conference participants (excluding those who have not given permission for name
publication) provided to you one week prior to conference
• the opportunity to include promotional material (supplied by sponsor) in the
conference satchels
• company logo and acknowledgement in printed and electronic conference material,
including registration brochure and handbook and book of abstracts
• acknowledged with your company logo on conference website with link to your
company website
• company logo printed on lanyard (one colour print)
• company logo printed on name badge
• list of conference participants (excluding those who have not given permission for name
publication) provided to you one week prior to conference
• the opportunity to include promotional material (supplied by sponsor) in the
conference satchels
$1,500 + GST
Limited to one
$1,500 + GST
Limited to one
• company logo and acknowledgement as a sponsor in printed and electronic
conference material, including registration brochure and handbook and book
of abstracts
• acknowledged with your company logo on conference website with link to your
company website
• sponsor may provide branded coffee cups
• list of conference participants (excluding those who have not given permission
for name publication) provided to you one week prior to conference
• the opportunity to include promotional material (supplied by sponsor) in the
conference satchels further.
Should your company wish to tailor make their own sponsorship support
for this combined meeting please contact Mandy Train at Conference Innovators
(E: to discuss your suggestions and any
additional requirements
Exhibiting at the conference will give your
• list of conference participants (excluding
company the opportunity to promote your
those who have not given permission for
products and services and talk to your clients
name publication) provided to you one week
and key target audience in an informal setting.
prior to conference
The exhibition and catering will be held in the
• the opportunity to include promotional
Exhibition Hall and Gallery of the Napier War
material (supplied by sponsor) in the
Memorial Conference Centre.
conference satchels
Application for exhibition stands will be accepted
via the enclosed form.
If you would like your stand custom built,
rather than utilising the prefabricated black
panels above, please do not hesitate to contact
Exhibition stands are booked on a first-in, first-
Displayworks to discuss exclusive design options.
served basis following confirmation of the
Please note: Only paid exhibitors may carry out
sponsors’ sites.
any promotional activity within the exhibition area.
$3,500 + GST per stand
Stand inclusions
Area 3m wide x 1.8m deep, 2.3m height
(black velcro receptive panels)
Power 10amp 4 way switchable multi-box
If notification of cancellation of space is received
prior to 1 March 2015, you will be refunded less
an administration charge of $200. After that date
no refunds will be made.
Lights 2 x 150 spotlights per stand
The organising committee reserves the right to
Signage Your company name included on fascia
cancel the exhibition in case of circumstances
at your stand (maximum of
beyond their control. In such a case all monies
30 characters, logo additional cost)
paid to date will be refunded in full. The liability
• conference registration for one company
representative including a ticket to the
welcome reception
• a maximum of two additional exhibitors can
be registered to assist on the stand at a cost
of $400 per person, this includes one ticket to
the welcome reception and daily catering
• conference dinner tickets are available to
purchase at the time of registration
• listing in the conference handbook
of the organisers will be limited to that amount.
Stand design and accessory hire
The company contracted to install the shell scheme
is also available to assist with stand design and has
a wide range of accessories and furniture for hire:
Nicola Ransome
T +64 3 338 4193 / 0800 242 439
F +64 3 338 4196
including a 50 word profile of company
and contact details
Company name:
Principal $12,500 + GST
Contact person:
Gold $9,000 + GST
Postal address:
NZAO conference dinner $7,500 + GST
Conference handbook $5,000 + GST
Conference satchel $5,000 + GST
Name badges $1,500 + GST
Coffee cart $1,500 + GST
Industry exhibition
Exhibition stand quantity
$3,500 + GST
Visit the website for the updated exhibition floor plan.
1st choice(s)
2nd choice(s)
Allocation of stands will be on a first-in basis with
priority given to sponsors. Upon acceptance of your
application you will receive a sponsor and/or exhibitor’s
agreement and invoice.
All prices are in New Zealand dollars and exclude Goods and Services Tax of 15%.
Invoices are payable within 14 days of the invoice date.
All payments must be made prior to conference.
Please send an invoice, purchase number
Please charge my credit card: (circle one)
Card number:
Card name:
We apply for sponsorship and/or exhibition space in
accordance to the terms and conditions set out in the
sponsorship and exhibition prospectus.
Disclaimer: Sponsorship and exhibitor applications will be
considered on a strictly confidential basis; however NZAO
reserves the right to amend the terms of the invitation
at any time and has the sole discretion to determine the
successful applicants. All applications to sponsor will be
considered on a strictly confidential basis. Opportunities
are limited and will be released on a first-in, first-served
basis, however companies with pre-existing connections
to sponsorship packages will have first right of refusal.
For further information, or to arrange sponsorship or exhibition at the
NZAO conference 2015, please return the enclosed application form
to the conference manager:
Mandy Train, Conference Innovators, PO Box 7191, Christchurch 8240
T +64 3 379 0390 / 021 918 525, F +64 3 379 0460, E