Kia ora Koutou, It is a pleasure to acknowledge the great work of

Taku Mana
My Prestige
Taku Manawa
My Heart
Edition #3 2015
Important Term 1 2015 Dates:
Wed 1st April - School ends
1:30pm. Academic Interviews
commence 2:30pm
Thurs 2nd April:- Academic
Interviews continue.
Mon 20th April: - Term 2 begins
Community Meetings:
Tues 21st April - Pasifika Fono
6:00pm in the staffroom
Mon 4th May - Board Meeting
6:00pm In the Boardroom
Kia ora Koutou,
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the great work of student leaders and the way
they have represented the school this term.
The Head Students have represented us at Government House, and our
student leaders have met with the mayor and city councillors. These leaders
have hosted a meeting with other student leaders from other colleges in city.
House prefects helped organise a fantastic sports day and academic prefects
and head students have led a whole-school assembly.
Special mention must be made of the efforts of Ryan McBride and Liam Dalton
in organising the relay for life last weekend. We came 16th out of a field of 84,
one place behind the NZ Army team.
Curriculum and reporting to parents
It’s a powerful connection when the school partners with families to support the
learning of young people. Meeting together with students shows how important
their learning is to all of us.
Wed 13th May - Aotea College
Association - 7:00pm
in the Staffroom. All welcome
Excellence, Perseverance, Sauni, Manaakitanga.
The four school wide expectations are widely understood across the student
body and have explicit meanings in different places in the school. The four
expectations form the basis of the new format for the first report of the year.
Thurs 11th June - Manaaki Tauira
Academic Conferences held on Wednesday and Thursday this week will be an
o Aotea - 5:30pm in the staffroom.
important opportunity to discuss progress.
All welcome
Feedback from families last year led to this new opportunity to support our
students in their learning. Parents commented that the course conference day
allowed a better quality discussion than the customary ‘speed dating’ approach
of report evenings. We know the relationship between home and school is an
educationally powerful and reports are an important part of that connection. We
hope the Academic Conferences will provide:
Postal: PO Box 50 046
Porirua City 5240
Phone: +64 4 237 3166
Fax: +64 4 237 3170
Better quality conversations about academic learning, progress and next
Reports that are helpful in indicating a successful transition to a new level of
A clearer connection to all aspects of the New Zealand Curriculum,
especially the skills necessary for good learning.
I look forward to seeing you all at school over the next two days.
Kind regards
Kate Gainsford
Term 1 2015
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Regional Championships Athletics Results:
Courtney West Senior Girls High Jump - 5th Place
Joshua Hunn - Senior Boys 800m - 7th Place
Keanu Brightwell - Junior Boys Discus - 5th Place
Laura Bundy - Junior Girls Triple Jump - 5th Place
Western Zone Athletics Results:
Taylor-Rose Salanoa - Intermediate Girls Discus - 3rd Place
Josh Hunn - Senior Boys 800M - 3rd Place
Liam Mcgill Senior Boys Discus - 2nd Place
Jodeci Rere - Senior Girls Triple Jump - 3rd Place
Keanu Brightwell - Junior Boys Discus - 3rd Place
Courtney West - Senior Girls Long Jump - 3rd Place
Senior Girls High Jump - 2nd Place
Isaac Dowden - Intermediate Boys 3,000M - 3rd Place
The Aotea College cleaned up yesterday at
the golf champs. Daniel Hillier defended his title with a
stunning 66 and was presented with the Mark Brown
trophy. The team won best nett. We added another
trophy with Cameron Wardlaw winning individual best nett.
All of this to add to the team event title won a couple of
weeks back. That is four trophies for 2015, one better
than 2014.
First Foundation Scholarship Recipients - Congratulations:
The school is very proud to announce Sinead Wafer, Lala Kirifi, Jack McClean as recipients of
First Foundation Scholarships. The scholarships of $12,000.00 each were awarded through
SPARK Digital and SPARK Retail. Each student also has a mentor that supports them during
their study at university.
Traffic safety
There is increasing traffic in the area surrounding the school and at the beginning and end of each
day students and motorists need to be aware of road safety. Parents and caregivers dropping off
should stop at the bottom of the college hill.
We have a number of student drivers at our college and we would appreciate parents and
caregivers discussing the importance of safe driving with them. Students on a restricted licence
should not be carrying passengers.
In a school zone drivers need to be slower, below 50 km and aware of other students crossing the
road. Thanks for your support in this.
Term 1 2015
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Pasifika Fono Meeting
Talofa, Kia Orana, Talofa Lava, Bula, Taloha ni and warm Pacific greetings.
The next Pasifika Fono meeting for parents, caregivers and any family members of our Pasifika community
is at 6pm in the staff room on 21st April 2015. This is the first Tuesday in Term 2.
It would be great to have your attendance at this Fono to discuss many aspects of school life, as well as
discussions around our hosting of the 2015 Polyfest. We look forward to seeing you there.
Aotea College Association Meeting
The next meeting of the College Association will be on Wednesday 13 May at 7pm in the staffroom.
The AGM was held in March and we did not get many new members. The College Association is similar to
a Home and School Committee at primary school. It is an excellent way to become involved in the Aotea
Community. If you are interested please come along and see what we are about and who we are.
Manaaki Tauira o Aotea Meeting
Haere mai. Manaaki Tauira is a parent group that meets to support the learning of our Maori students. You
are welcome to come along on Thursday 11th June 2015 to discuss what we can do to support our
students and teachers. The meeting will be in the staffroom at 5.30pm.
Plimmerton School - Fundraising
An Evening with Graeme Lowe. Click on the link to read more.
Bigair Gym - End of Term 1 2015
Bookings open now. Click on the link to read more.
Computers in Homes - course 63 Registrations Open Now.
Click on the links to read more.
Ricki Herbert Football Academy:
The Ricki Herbert Football Academy is hosting a 2 day holiday course in Johnsonville. The Course dates
are the 16th and 17th of April. Further information and registration can be found
Parent To Parent Wellington
Parent to Parent Wellington supports families and whanau raising
children with disabilities and health impairments. They provide
one on one support by connecting parents with a trained
volunteer Support Parent who is raising a child with a similar
condition, providing a listening ear with lived experience and
practical advice. Parent to Parent also provides individualised
information packs on over 3,600 conditions, as well as a sibling
support programme and parent education programmes.
Term 1 2015
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Aotea College Expectations
Excellence at Aotea College in all settings is to strive, either
personally or as part of a team, to be the best you can
be. Whether it’s in academic, sporting or arts and cultural
pursuits, we aim to always be better than before.
The expectation of Perseverance is to encourage Aotea
College students to never give up. This is illustrated in the
school Haka, Kapa O Aotea:
Ka mate ururoa, Kei mate wheke, Ka whawhai marika, kia
puta ki te ao marama hi.
We will be resilient like the shark and not give up easily like
the octopus.
We will be resilient until we reach enlightenment.
Sauni is the Samoan word for ‘be ready’ and arose out of
consultation with staff, students and the community. At
Aotea College Sauni refers to being both physically and
mentally ready with the correct equipment and on
Manaakitanga is the Maori concept that encompasses
respect, kindness, welcoming and caring for others. Our
consultation with staff and whanau suggested that we
needed a concept that meant more than just respect, but
also embraced all aspects of how we interact with each
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