6B BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY PLACEMENT: PUBLIC HEARINGS PRESET: TITLE: ORINOCO DEVELOPMENTS, LLC – REQUEST FOR REZONING AGENDA ITEM DATES: MEETING DATE: 3/24/2015 COMPLETED DATE: 3/12/2015 COUNTY ATTORNEY: 3/2/2015 ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR: 3/9/2015 REQUESTED BY: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: Name: Terence P. McCarthy, Esq., McCarthy, Summers, et al Growth Management Catherine Riiska, MS, PWS Name: Orinoco Developments, LLC Senior Planner Procedures: Quasi-Judicial Procedures EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This is a request for a zoning district change from the current R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District, to the COR-1, Commercial Office/Residential District, or the most appropriate zoning district. The subject property consists of approximately 1.75 acres located on the east side of US-1 approximately 800 feet south of Cove Road. APPROVAL: LEG ACA CA 8068b62a 1 of 88 BACKGROUND/RELATED STRATEGIC GOAL: The subject property consists of approximately 1.75 acres located on the east side of US-1 approximately 800 feet south of Cove Road. The site is vacant and undeveloped, contains a portion of upland preserve established as a buffer to an adjacent off-site wetland and is located within the Primary Urban Services District. The subject property is zoned R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District, and is designated Commercial Office/Residential (COR) on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the County’s Comprehensive Growth Management Plan (CGMP). The R-3A district was incorporated as a Category C district in the current Article 3 zoning code. The subject of this application is a request for a zoning change to the COR-1, Commercial Office/Residential 1 District. This request for a zoning change is classified as a mandatory rezoning. The COR future land use designation restricts the use of the land to those uses that are provided for in the CGMP and the implementation zoning district(s) contained in the Article 3 zoning regulations. It allows for residential/commercial uses restricted to professional and business offices, limited service establishments, financial institutions, live-work units, residential development or any combination of these uses. The applicant intends to use the property for purposes pursuant to the allowances provided for by the Commercial Office/Residential land use policies. Pursuant to Section 10.18.D. of the Martin County Land Development Regulations, the subject of this application was reviewed by the Local Planning Agency in a public hearing on March 5, 2015. There are three (3) “straight” zoning districts that are available to properly implement the COR land use policies of the CGMP. They are the CO Commercial Office, the COR-1 Commercial Office/Residential 1 and the COR-2 Commercial Office/Residential 2 districts. In addition to these districts, the applicant has the PUD, Planned Unit Development district option which provides more flexibility to the applicant in exchange for more control by the County including a commitment to a specific use and site plan for the property. The choice of the most appropriate district for the subject property is a policy decision the Local Planning Agency (LPA) and the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) are asked to consider based on the “standards for amendments to the zoning atlas” provided in Section 3.2 E.2., Land Development Regulations (LDR), Martin County Code (MCC). In the review of a proposed amendment to the Zoning Atlas, the Board of County Commissioners shall consider the following: a. Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with all applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; and, b. Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with all applicable provisions of the LDR; and, c. Whether the proposed district amendment is compatible with the character of the existing land uses in the adjacent and surrounding area and the peculiar suitability of the property for the proposed zoning use; and, d. Whether and to what extent there are documented changed conditions in the area; and 8068b62a 2 of 88 e. Whether and to what extent the proposed amendment would result in demands on public facilities; and f. Whether and to what extent the proposed amendment would result in a logical, timely and orderly development pattern which conserves the value of existing development and is an appropriate use of the County's resources; and g. Consideration of the facts presented at the public hearings. The staff report provides an analysis of the standards. The Local Planning Agency considered the rezoning request at a public hearing on March 5, 2015. By a vote of 3-0, the LPA recommended approval of the zoning change from R-3A to COR-1. ISSUES: There are no unresolved issues associated with this rezoning. COUNTY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE LEGAL ANALYSIS Because this request involves the application of a policy to a specific rezoning application and site, it is a quasi-judicial decision. Quasi-judicial proceedings must be conducted with more formality than a legislative proceeding. In quasi-judicial proceedings, parties are entitled — as a matter of due process — to cross-examine witnesses, present evidence, demand that witnesses testify under oath, and demand a decision that is based on a correct application of the law and competent substantial evidence in the record. Suggested procedures to follow during consideration of this matter: Cautionary Note: It is advisable that Commissioners refrain from commenting on any of the presentation, items, evidence, witness testimony, or otherwise, until the Chair concludes the quasi-judicial components of the meeting and the Board begins its deliberations. The Commission may and should ask questions of any witnesses. 1. Chair announces this matter from the Agenda for the record. 2. Chair will inquire of the Commissioners regarding ex parte communications related to this matter and any disclosures that have not been previously filed with the Clerk. 3. Chair will ask that all staff witnesses, applicant witnesses and members of the public that intend to offer relevant and material evidence in this matter identify themselves. All witnesses should be asked to approach the “well” and be sworn in by the Clerk of Court or the Clerk’s designee. 4. Martin County staff should provide a brief introduction of the matter, to include substantive staff findings and relevant procedural history. Although Commissioners may 8068b62a 3 of 88 ask questions of staff at this time, Commissioners may want to refrain until the applicant has completed the applicant’s presentation. 5. Upon conclusion of staff’s brief introduction, the applicant may make a presentation and discuss any information in the application that the applicant deems appropriate. For this matter it is anticipated that the applicant should be provided no more than 45 minutes to present. However, depending upon questions from the Commissioners, examination of evidence, and cross examination of witnesses, it may be appropriate to extend the time to the extent necessary to ensure that due process has been provided. 6. Upon conclusion of the applicant’s presentation, the Commissioners may proffer questions for the applicant and staff regarding the matter. Questions should be designed to elicit relevant and material evidence concerning the matter. Comments concerning the credibility, the authenticity of the evidence, the weight of the evidence, or otherwise should not be made at this time. Such comments may be made during the Commission’s deliberations. 7. Upon conclusion of Commissioners’ questions, the Chair shall allow public comment regarding this matter. 8. Upon conclusion of public comment, the applicant should be offered an opportunity for rebuttal and/or final comments (maximum of 20 minutes). 9. Upon conclusion of the applicant’s rebuttal, staff should be offered an opportunity for any final comments. 10. After the conclusion of the quasi-judicial components set forth in paragraphs 1 through 9 above, the Chair shall close the public portion of the meeting and announce that no other evidence will be entertained or considered. Once the public portion of the meeting is closed, the Chair may entertain motions to approve, approve with modifications or deny the request for the alteration of the previously approved preserve area, and the Board should deliberate accordingly. Legal principles to be considered: Consideration of the legal principles that an appellate court would consider in the review of a quasi-judicial decision by a local government can provide guidance as the Board conducts this quasi-judicial proceeding. Quasi-judicial decisions are subject to a certiorari standard of review on appeal. The standard of review before the circuit court is as follows: 1) whether procedural due process was afforded, 2) whether the local tribunal observed the essential requirements of law, and 3) whether the local government’s decision was based on competent substantial evidence. One of the requirements of procedural due process is met when the parties have received notice of the meeting and are given an opportunity to be heard. Following the procedures outlined above will help support a finding that procedural due process was afforded. Another component of procedural due process is whether the applicant was given an opportunity to be heard by a neutral and impartial 8068b62a 4 of 88 decision-maker. There must be evidence in the record to support or deny a request. Therefore, a decision to approve or deny a request before the presentation of the evidence and testimony is concluded would not be appropriate. The essential requirements of law are met when the correct provisions of applicable law are applied in making the decision and the decision-maker does not abuse its legal authority in the process. A determination that a decision was based on competent substantial evidence requires that there must be testimony and evidence provided that is relevant and material to the determination. The evidence relied upon to sustain the ultimate findings should be sufficiently relevant and material to the matter so that a reasonable mind would accept it as adequate to support the conclusion reached. Testimony must have a factual basis. Generalized statements in support of or in opposition to a proposal should be disregarded even those from an expert. Relevant fact-based statements, whether expert or not should be considered. Citizen testimony is permissible and may constitute competent substantial evidence if it is fact-based. The facts upon which the testimony rests may be derived from relevant portions of the record or from other factual information provided in the application. The submittal of materials into the record such as maps, site plans, and traffic studies along with testimony based on professional experience and personal observations may form the basis for upholding a conclusion reached by a decision-maker. RECOMMENDED ACTION: RECOMMENDATION Move that the Board approve the Orinoco Developments, LLC, request to rezone from the R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District, to the COR-1, Commercial Office/Residential District for the subject property. ALTERNATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS A. Move that the Board continue the Orinoco Developments, LLC, Rezoning to a date certain. B. Move that the Board deny the Orinoco Developments, LLC, Rezoning and adopt the resolution of denial, setting forth the reasons for the denial. FISCAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION The applicant has paid the rezoning application fee. ALTERNATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS N/A DOCUMENT(S) REQUIRING ACTION: Budget Transfer / Amendment Chair Letter Grant / Application Ordinance 8068b62a Notice Contract / Agreement 1 Resolution 5 of 88 Other: ROUTING: _ ADM _ GSD X CA 8068b62a _ BLD _ ITS X ACA _ CDD _ LIB X LEG _ COM _ MCA _ ENG _ MPO _ FRD _ PRD _ GMD _ USD 6 of 88 QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEDURES 1. Ex parte disclosures by County Commissioners. NOTE: Chairman asks: "Do any commissioners have ex parte disclosures that have not been previously filed with the Clerk?" NOTE: Commissioners use written disclosure forms to disclose communications they had prior to this public meeting with persons interested in this matter. Copies of the disclosure are forms available from the Clerk. 2. If applicable, verification by Applicant that return receipts for notices have been filed with the Clerk. 3. Request for identification of any Intervenors. (In order to be an Intervenor, a person must qualify to receive mailed notice of the subject application in accordance with Section 10.6.E, Land Development Regulations, Martin County Code (property owners within 300 feet of the project if it is inside the urban service boundary, and within 600 feet of the project if it is outside the urban service boundary). Any person who qualifies may choose to be an Intervenor. In addition, an Intervenor must file a form of intent with the County Administrator not less than 7 days prior to the Board meeting. No fee will be assessed on Intervenor. If the Intervenor is representing a group/association, he/she must file a letter on official letterhead signed by an authorized representative of the group/association, stating that he/she is authorized to speak for the group.) 4. *Administration of oath to all witnesses. 5. Staff introduction of application. 6. Questions for Staff from County Commissioners. 7. Applicant presentation. (Applicant is encouraged to keep presentation clear, concise and to the point, at a maximum of 45 minutes. Applicant’s questions for staff are to be asked during Applicant’s 45 minute presentation. Staff responses to questions will be at the conclusion of the Applicant’s presentation. All dvd, cd or video cassette tapes must be submitted for review by the County Administrator by the Friday prior to the meeting.) 8. Questions for Applicant from County Commissioners, Intervenor, and Staff. 9. Intervenor presentations. (Intervenors are encouraged to keep presentation clear, concise and to the point, at a maximum of 45 minutes for all Intervenors collectively. Intervenors’ questions for staff are to be asked during Intervenors’ collective 45 minute presentation. Staff responses to questions will be at the conclusion of Intervenors’ presentation(s). All dvd, cd or video cassette tapes must be submitted for review by the County Administrator by the Friday prior to the meeting.) 10. Questions for Intervenor(s) from Board of County Commissioners, Applicant, Staff. 11. Public Comments. 12. Intervenor(s) rebuttal and/or final comments (maximum 20 minutes collectively). 13. Applicant rebuttal and/or final comments (maximum 20 minutes). 14. Staff Final Comments. 15. County Commissioners’ final questions, deliberation and decision. 7 of 88 MARTIN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REQUEST TO INTERVENE Date:________________Proposal/Project Name: _______________________________________________ Agenda Date: ______________________ Agenda Item Number: __________________ An “intervenor” is a person who qualifies under the Land Development Regulations to receive mailed notice regarding the subject matter (property owners within 300 feet of the project if it is inside the urban service boundary, and within 600 feet of the project if it is outside the urban service boundary). Any person who qualifies may choose to be an Intervenor, or to just offer public comment. Someone who does not qualify to be an Intervenor, or could qualify, but chooses not to be one, will be allowed to speak briefly on his or her own behalf, either to present facts or to state opinions, during public comments on the application. It should be noted that being an Intervenor in a matter under consideration by the Board does not guarantee that the Intervenor can challenge or appeal the final decision in a judicial or administrative proceeding. Also, being an Intervenor here may not even be a prerequisite to filing a challenge or appeal of the final decision, depending upon what state laws or court rules require. Please complete the following information and return this form to the County Administrator at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing on the matter. No fee will be assessed. I f requesting to intervene as a group, provide on group’s letterhead, signed by an authorized representative of the group, stating the name of the group and the name of the individual who is authorized to speak for the group. Only one request needs to be submitted per each matter for which status as an Intervenor is sought, irrespective of the number of hearings to be held on the matter. All dvd, cd or video cassette tapes must be submitted for review by the County Administrator (or designee) by the Friday prior to the meeting. A Request to Intervene may be used only for the purpose of presenting evidence and testimony on a matter, and not merely to extend the time allowed to an individual to speak during public comments. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Name (individual or group representative):______________________________________________________________________ Group Name (if applicable):_______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ Zip Code: __________________ Telephone: ____________________________ Email: ____________________________ 1. Explain what interest(s) you, as an individual or group, believe will be impacted by the proposal. Examples of interests include health and safety, police and fire protection service systems, transportation facilities, and economic, environmental or natural resources. (Attach separate sheet, if more space is needed.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. State your position regarding the proposal. (Attach separate sheet, if more space is needed.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. State all facts you believe support your position. (Attach separate sheet, if more space is needed.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 of 88 MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW { STAFF REPORT A. Application Information ORINOCO DEVELOPMENTS, LLC Rezoning Request Applicant: Property Owner: Agent for the Applicant: County Project Coordinator: Growth Management Director: Project Number: Application Type and Number: Report Number: Application Received: Transmitted: Staff Report: LPA Hearing: BCC Hearing: Orinoco Developments, LLC Orinoco Developments LLC Terence P. McCarthy, Esquire, McCarthy Summers et al Catherine Riiska, MS, PWS, Senior Planner Nicki van Vonno, AICP E031-004 D003 201400289 2015_0211_E031-004_DRT_Staff_FINAL.docx 12/10/2014 12/12/2014 02/11/2015 03/05/2015 03/24/2015 B. Project description and analysis This is an application for a proposed amendment to the county Zoning Atlas for a Commercial Office/Residential (COR) district designation (Section 3.2.E, LDR). A Zoning District change from R3A to COR-1 is proposed for a 1.75-acre parcel of vacant land located on the east side of US-1 approximately 800 feet south of Cove Road. The site is vacant and undeveloped, contains a portion of upland preserve established as a buffer to an adjacent off-site wetland and is located within the Primary Urban Services District. The land use designation for the property on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the County’s Comprehensive Growth Management Plan (CGMP) is Commercial Office/Residential (COR). This land use classification allows for residential/commercial uses restricted to professional and business offices, limited service establishments, financial institutions, live-work units, residential development or any combination of these uses. The current zoning on the property is R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District. The R-3A zoning was created in 1967 as a part of the County’s original zoning regulations and was carried over to the current Article 3, Zoning Districts, Land Development Regulations (LDR), Martin County Code (MCC) as a Category C district, which are intended to be used until a rezoning to a Category A district is needed or required to accommodate proposed future uses of the property. The Category A districts were created to implement the land use policies of the CGMP. The current R-3A zoning of the subject property is not inconsistent with the Commercial Office/Residential land use policies of the CGMP with the following restrictions: 1. If the Future Land Use Designation is Commercial Office/Residential, freestanding retail sales and service uses shall be prohibited. 9 of 88 Development Review Staff Report 2. Where a multifamily project is proposed adjacent to an existing single-family subdivision a transition zone shall be established between the two use types. The transition zone shall comply with the requirements set forth in Section 4.5.A.2.b. and any other applicable policies of the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan. There are three (3) “straight” zoning districts that are available to implement the COR land use policies of the CGMP. In addition to the “straight” zoning districts the PUD (Planned Unit Development) District is also available as a fifth option. The PUD District offers more design flexibility to applicants for proposed projects. In exchange the district requires additional benefits to the County and more controls by the County. The three (3) “straight” zoning districts include the CO (Commercial Office), COR-1 (Commercial Office/Residential 1) and COR-2 (Commercial Office/Residential 2) Districts. The CO District is generally used as a transition zone between more intense commercial areas and residential areas where a determination has been made that residential uses within this district are not appropriate. The COR-1 District is generally used as a transition zone between more intense commercial areas and residential areas, particularly in areas that were originally developed as residential but where a gradual conversion to transitional, nonresidential and mixed uses is warranted. The COR-2 District is generally used as a transition zone between more intense commercial areas and residential areas. Residential development is not a permittable use within the CO District. Residential use within the COR-1 and COR-2 Districts is allowable to a maximum density of 5.00 and 10.00 units per acre, respectively. The CO, COR-1 and COR-2 Districts were created to implement the policies for the Commercial Office/Residential (COR) land use classification. The choice of the most appropriate district for the subject property is a policy decision that the Local Planning Agency (LPA) and the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) are asked to consider based on the “standards for amendments to the zoning atlas” provided in Section 3.2 E.1., Land Development Regulations (LDR), Martin County Code (MCC). The following tables indicate the differences in the uses that are permitted, followed by the size and dimension requirements for the CO, COR-1 and COR-2 districts and the zoning regulations for the R-3A Liberal Multifamily District. For clarity, non-residential uses that are permitted, or not permitted, equally among all three districts are omitted in the excerpted table 3.11.1. TABLE 3.11.1 (excerpted) PERMITTED USES IN THE CO, COR-1 and COR-2 DISTRICTS USE CATEGORY CO COR-1 COR-2 Multifamily dwellings P P Townhouse dwellings P P Single-family detached dwellings P P Duplex dwellings P P Modular Homes P P Zero lot line single-family dwellings P P Accessory dwelling units P P Residential Uses 10 of 88 Page 2 of 18 Development Review Staff Report Apartment homes P Public and Institutional Uses Neighborhood assisted residences with six (6) or fewer residents Public vehicle storage and maintenance P P P P P P P Residential care facilities Commercial and Business Uses Family day care TABLE 3.12.1 (excerpted) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS C Zoning A District T Min. Lot Area (sq. ft.) Min. Lot Width (ft) Max. Res. Density (upa) Max. Hotel Density (upa) Max. Building Coverage (%) Max. Height (ft)/(stories) Min. Open Space (%) Other Req. (footnote) A CO 10,000 80 — — 40 30 40 — A COR-1 10,000 80 5.00 10.00 40 30 40 — A COR-2 10,000 80 10.00 20.00 40 30 40 — TABLE 3.12.2 (excerpted) STRUCTURE SETBACKS Front/by story (ft.) Rear/by story (ft.) Side/by story (ft.) C Zoning A District T 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 A 25 35 35 35 20 30 30 30 10 20 30 30 A COR-1 25 25 25 25 20 20 30(h) 30(h) 10 10 30 30 A COR-2 25 35 35 35 20 30 30 30 10 20 30 30 CO (h)The minimum rear setback for single-family detached residences and duplex dwellings shall be 20 feet. R-3A, Liberal Multiple-Family District Regulations 3.407.A. Uses permitted. In this district, a building or structure or land shall be used for only the following purposes subject to any additional limitations pursuant to section 3.402 1. Any uses permitted in the R-3 Multiple-Family Residential District. 2. Restaurants and/or lunchrooms, not the drive-in type, with an enclosed seating capacity of ten persons or more. 11 of 88 Page 3 of 18 Development Review Staff Report 3. Beauty parlors and barbershops. 4. Dry cleaning and laundry pickup stations. 5. Fire stations. 6. Boat docks and dry and wet storage facilities under cover, and facilities for maintenance and repairs of boats or yachts, upon submission of plans for review and approval of the planning and zoning board. 7. Mobile home and travel trailer sales. 8. Gasoline or other motor fuel stations, provided all structures and buildings, except principal use signs, and including storage tanks shall be placed not less than 25 feet from any side or rear property lines. 9. Professional and business offices. 10. Retail stores. 3.407.B. Required lot area and width. Lots or building sites shall have an area of not less than 7,500 square feet, with a minimum width of 60 feet measured at the building line: 1. Single-family structures: The minimum lot size shall be the same as above. A minimum of 600 square feet of living area shall be required, exclusive of carports, breezeways or utility rooms. 2. Two-family structures: The minimum lot size shall be 7,500 square feet, with a minimum width of 75 feet a minimum of 800 square feet of living area per two-family structure shall be required, exclusive of carports, breezeways or utility rooms. 3. Apartment buildings: There shall be a minimum building site of 15,000 square feet with a minimum width of 100 feet measured at the building line for the first four apartment units. For each additional apartment unit, 2,600 square feet shall be added to the required minimum building site and an additional five feet shall be added to the required minimum width at the building line. A maximum density of 15 apartment units may be permitted per acre depending on available community services and capital improvements. There shall be a minimum of 325 square feet of living area in each apartment unit. 4. Triplex structures: The minimum lot size shall be 11,250 square feet, with a minimum width of 88 feet; a minimum of 1,200 square feet of living area per three-family structure shall be required, exclusive of carports, breezeways or utility rooms. 3.407.C. Minimum yards required. 1. Front: a. 1 story: 20 feet. b. 2 stories: 25 feet. 2. Sides and rear: 12 of 88 Page 4 of 18 Development Review Staff Report a. 1 story: 6 feet. b. 2 stories: 10 feet. 3. For structures in excess of two stories, five feet shall be added to the required yards per story. 4. No structure shall be built within 50 feet of the center line of any public platted right-of-way not a designated through-traffic highway. 5. No structure shall be built within 65 feet of the center line of a designated through-traffic highway. 6. No setback or yard shall be required adjacent to water frontage. 3.407.D. Building height regulations. 1. The maximum building height in this district shall be four stories or 40 feet. 3.407.E. Percentage of land coverage. 1. One- to four-story dwelling structures and accessory structures shall not occupy more than 30 percent of the building site required. Standards for Amendments to the Zoning Atlas The Comprehensive Growth Management Plan (CGMP) states in Chapter 4, Section 4.4: “Goal 4.4 To eliminate or reduce uses of land that are inconsistent with community character or desired future land uses.” And, in Objective 4.4A. “To eliminate inconsistencies between the FLUM and the zoning maps and regulations.” The Martin County Land Development Regulations (LDR), Article 3, Section 3.2 E. provides the following “Standards for amendments to the Zoning Atlas.” 1. The Future Land Use Map of the CGMP (Comprehensive Growth Management Plan) establishes the optimum overall distribution of land uses. The CGMP also establishes a series of land use categories, which provide, among other things, overall density and intensity limits. The Future Land Use Map shall not be construed to mean that every parcel is guaranteed the maximum density and intensity possible pursuant to the CGMP and these Land Development Regulations. All goals, objectives, and policies of the CGMP shall be considered when a proposed rezoning is considered. The County shall have the discretion to decide that the development allowed on any given parcel of land shall be more limited than the maximum allowable under the assigned Future Land Use Category; provided, however, that the County shall approve some development that is consistent with the CGMP, and the decision is fairly debatable or is supported by substantial, competent evidence depending on the fundamental nature of the proceeding. If upon reviewing a proposed rezoning request the County determines that the Future Land Use designation of the CGMP is inappropriate, the County may deny such rezoning request and initiate an appropriate amendment to the CGMP. 2. In the review of a proposed amendment to the Zoning Atlas, the Board of County Commissioners 13 of 88 Page 5 of 18 Development Review Staff Report shall consider the following: a. Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with all applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; and, The subject property is designated for Commercial Office/Residential (COR) land use on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan (CGMP). The zoning implementation policies and requirements are contained in Article 3, Zoning Regulations, Land Development Regulations, Martin County Code identify three (3) “straight” zoning districts, including CO, COR-1 and COR-2, that are available to implement the COR future land use classification, in addition to the PUD Zoning option. Policy 4.13A.8.(1) of Chapter 4, Future Land Use Element, of the CGMP addresses the COR land use designation: Commercial Office/Residential development (COR). Martin County shall establish policies and criteria to guide mixed-use development. Commercial Office/Residential development shall be allocated to accessible sites adjacent to major thoroughfares. It shall also serve as a transitional use separating more intensive commercial uses from residential development. Office and residential development may be allocated along the outer fringe of core commercial areas where such development may encourage reinvestment in declining residential areas adjacent to commercial core areas. The COR future land use designation shall also be allocated to areas appropriately suited for Traditional Neighborhood Development, described under Goal 4.3. The development provisions for the standard COR zoning districts and the PUD zoning district are expressed below: (a)Development in the Commercial Office/Residential future land use designation shall be restricted to professional and business offices, limited service establishments, financial institutions, live-work units, residential development or any combination of these uses. Freestanding retail sales and service establishments shall be excluded from these areas. However, restaurants, certain service commercial uses, and limited commercial uses, as identified in the Land Development Regulations, may occupy 25 percent of the commercial square footage in a building. Residential storage facilities may be approved in areas designated COR, and the Land Development Regulations shall include criteria for review of such uses. However, the building shall be restricted to structures with small modules adaptive exclusively to storage of personal items of residential clients. Commercial tenants shall be expressly prohibited. The facility shall be designed to blend harmoniously with residential structures. The intensity of lot use, defined as floor area ratio (FAR), shall be governed by the parking standards of the Land Development Regulations. The maximum building coverage shall be 40 percent, and the minimum net lot size permitted in COR districts shall be 10,000 square feet. The minimum open space shall be 40 percent and the maximum building height shall be 30 feet. Multiple-family residential uses are encouraged to develop in areas designated for office 14 of 88 Page 6 of 18 Development Review Staff Report development at densities compatible with criteria cited in Policy 4.13A.7.(5) for High Density Residential development. The Land Development Regulations shall require appropriate landscaping and screening, including a vegetative berm system where feasible. Plant material and a decorative fence or wall shall be used to assure compatibility between established residential uses and proposed office developments. A bed and breakfast or other facilities for transient lodging, catering to seasonal residents, shall be permitted. Kitchen facilities shall be permitted to accommodate occupants visiting for periods exceeding the general motel trip duration of one to four nights. Approved transient lodging facilities existing as of the effective date of the CGMP shall be considered permitted in such an area. Landscaping, screening, buffering and similar design techniques shall be used to assure a smooth transition between residential structure types and densities. Residential use shall be allowed in the COR future land use designation as part of a mixed-use project as allowed under Goal 4.3 in any of the seven CRAs designated in Policy 4.2B.4. Residential densities shall be as provided in Policy 4.3A.2.. This application requests a rezoning of the property to the COR-1 Zoning District, which is one of the Category A zoning districts created specifically to implement the CGMP policies for lands designated Commercial/Office Residential on the Future Land Use Map of the CGMP. Additionally, the subject parcel is located on US-1 and adjacent to a parcel zoned COR-1 separating the subject property from existing residential development by approximately 250 feet, which is consistent with the CGMP COR criteria of “…accessible sites adjacent to major thoroughfares. It shall also serve as a transitional use separating more intensive commercial uses from residential development.” b. Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with all applicable provisions of the LDR; and, The subject property has a lot area of approximately 76,200 square feet and a lot width, fronting US-1, of approximately 450 linear feet, consistent with the development standards governing the requested COR-1 Zoning District, as shown above in Table 13.12.1. No development of the property is proposed as part of this application requesting a rezoning. The granting of a zoning change by the County does not exempt the applicant from any of the County’s Land Development Regulations. The applicant must demonstrate full compliance with all regulations prior to any Development Order approval action taken by the County. c. Whether the proposed district amendment is compatible with the character of the existing land uses in the adjacent and surrounding area and the peculiar suitability of the property for the proposed zoning use; and, As shown in the figures contained in Section E below, the subject property is a vacant, undeveloped parcel surrounded by a vacant parcel and preserved wetland to the westnorthwest, existing residential storage facilities to the northeast and east-southeast, and bounded by the major arterial US-1 (a.k.a. Federal Highway) to the south and southwest. 15 of 88 Page 7 of 18 Development Review Staff Report Across US-1 there exists limited commercial development and a vacant parcel. The subject parcel is separated from the nearest residential use, located approximately 250 feet northeast and designated high density land use with PUD-R zoning, by the existing residential storage facility which is zoned COR-1. An existing shared access is located at the southeastern corner of the property providing ingress/egress access to future development on the subject parcel via US-1. The primary land use pattern that has been established and recognized on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the CGMP for the US-1 corridor in this area south of Cove Road l consists of a mix of commercial general, commercial limited, and commercial office/residential (COR) uses, with the COR areas concentrated adjacent to residential areas consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.13A.8.(1). d. Whether and to what extent there are documented changed conditions in the area; and, This project is located directly on the major arterial roadway of US-1 and the infrastructure needed to support development and to provide services at established services levels to existing development in this local area is present. The pattern of development which has focused on commercial office/residential uses in the locality of the subject parcel is well established with minimal changed conditions in the immediate area of the subject property, as is evidenced by the same COR-1 zoning assigned to the parcel located adjacent to the subject property, and between the subject property and the nearest residential use. e. Whether and to what extent the proposed amendment would result in demands on public facilities; and, The subject property is located within the Primary Urban Services District of the County. As such, the full range of urban services at service levels established by the CGMP is available or must be made available for any uses that are planned for the property. Water and wastewater services to the site will be provided by Martin County Utilities, the regional service provider for this area of the County. f. Whether and to what extent the proposed amendment would result in a logical, timely and orderly development pattern which conserves the value of existing development and is an appropriate use of the county's resources; and, The land use pattern that has been established and recognized on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the CGMP for development contains commercial office/residential uses surrounding the subject parcel as a transitional use between the existing residential areas and the major arterial corridor and more intense commercial uses. This development pattern is well established adjacent to, and within the vicinity of, the subject parcel and the extension of this pattern to the subject property is suitable, contemplated and supported by the CGMP. g. Consideration of the facts presented at the public hearings. The subject application requires a public hearing before the Local Planning Agency, who will make a recommendation on the request; and, before the Board of County Commissioners, who will take final action on the request. The two hearings will provide the public an opportunity to participate in the review and decision making process. 16 of 88 Page 8 of 18 Development Review Staff Report C. Staff recommendation The specific findings and conclusion of each review agency related to this request are identified in Sections F through T of this report. The current review status for each agency is as follows: Section F F G H H I J J K L M N N O O P P Q R R S T Division or Department Comprehensive Plan ARDP Development Review Urban Design Community Redevelopment Property Management Environmental Landscaping Transportation County Surveyor Engineering Addressing Electronic File Submission Water and Wastewater Wellfields Fire Prevention Emergency Management ADA Health Department School Board County Attorney Adequate Public Facilities Reviewer Catherine Riiska Samantha Lovelady Catherine Riiska Edward Erfurt Edward Erfurt Colleen Holmes Shawn Mccarthy Darryl DeLeeuw Lisa Wichser Michael O’Brien Aaron Stanton Emily Kohler Emily Kohler James Christ James Christ Doug Killane Debra McCaughey Bob Steiner Todd Reinhold Garret Grabowski Krista Storey Catherine Riiska Phone 288-5667 288-5664 288-5667 288-5908 288-5908 288-5793 288-5508 221-1317 288-5927 288-5418 288-5512 288-5692 288-5692 320-3034 320-3034 288-5633 219-4941 221-1396 221-4090 219-1200 288-5443 288-5667 Assessment Comply N/A Comply N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Review Pending Exempt Staff has reviewed this petition for a rezoning of property to the appropriate zoning district designation, has determined that the petition has been submitted and reviewed consistent with the procedural requirements of Article 10 and is in compliance with the substantive provisions of Article 3. Staff recommends approval of this rezoning petition. D. Review Board action This application is being considered in a public hearing before the Local Planning Agency on March 5, 2015, who will provide a recommendation to the final decision makers, the Board of County Commissioners. This application is being heard before the Board of County Commissioners on March 24, 2015, who will take final action on the request. The two hearings provide the public an opportunity to participate in the review and decision making process. 17 of 88 Page 9 of 18 Development Review Staff Report E. Location and site information Parcel number(s) and address: 36-38-41-017-000-0002.0-00000 Existing Zoning: Existing Zoning: Future land use: Nearest major road: Census tract: Commission district: Community redevelopment area: Municipal service taxing unit: Planning area: Storm surge zone: Taxing district: Traffic analysis zone: Gross area of site: 6251 SE Federal Hwy COR-1, Commercial Office / Residential R-3A, Liberal Multi-Family FLU-COR, Future Land Use Commercial Office-Res On US-1, south of Cove Road 001401 Tract 4 Not Applicable District 4 South County Not Available District E 56 1.75 acres Figure 1: Subject Site Location 18 of 88 Page 10 of 18 Development Review Staff Report Figure 2: 2014 Aerial 19 of 88 Page 11 of 18 Development Review Staff Report Adjacent existing or proposed development: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: Vacant Residential Self Storage Residential Self Storage Limited Commercial and Vacant (Across US-1) Figure 3: Surrounding Existing Development 20 of 88 Page 12 of 18 Development Review Staff Report Zoning district designations of abutting properties: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District COR-1, Commercial Office/Residential District R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District (Across US-1) Figure 4: Zoning Map 21 of 88 Page 13 of 18 Development Review Staff Report Future land use designations of abutting properties: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: Commercial Office/Residential Commercial Office/Residential Commercial Office/Residential Commercial Limited (Across US-1) Figure 5: Future Land Use Map F. Determination of compliance with Comprehensive Growth Management Plan requirements Growth Management Department Findings of Compliance: The Growth Management Department Development Review Division staff has reviewed the application and finds it in compliance with the applicable regulations. There are no unresolved Comprehensive Growth Management Plan requirements issues associated with this application. G. Determination of compliance with land use, site design standards, zoning, and procedural requirements - Growth Management Department Findings of Compliance: The Growth Management Department Development Review Division staff has reviewed the application and finds it in compliance with the applicable regulations. There are no unresolved land use, site design 22 of 88 Page 14 of 18 Development Review Staff Report standard, zoning or procedural requirement issues associated with this application. Additional Information: Information #1: Notice(s) of public hearings regarding development applications shall be published at least 14 days prior to the date of the public hearing (seven calendar days if the application is being expedited pursuant to section 10.12) in the legal advertisement section of a newspaper of general circulation in Martin County. The applicant shall reimburse the County for the cost(s) of the newspaper ad(s) as a post approval requirement for the application. [Section 10.6.D., LDR, MCC] Information #2: This application is being scheduled to be heard before the Land Planning Agency (LPA) at a public hearing on March 5, 2015. Information #3: This application is being scheduled to be heard before the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at a public hearing on March 24, 2015. H. Determination of compliance with the urban design and community redevelopment requirements – Community Development Department N/A I. Determination of compliance with the property management requirements – Engineering Department N/A J. Determination of compliance with environmental and landscaping requirements - Growth Management Department N/A K. Determination of compliance with transportation requirements - Engineering Department N/A L. Determination of compliance with county surveyor - Engineering Department N/A M. Determination of compliance with engineering, storm water and flood management requirements - Engineering Department N/A 23 of 88 Page 15 of 18 Development Review Staff Report N. Determination of compliance with addressing and electronic file submittal requirements – Growth Management and Information Technology Departments N/A O. Determination of compliance with utilities requirements - Utilities Department N/A P. Determination of compliance with fire prevention and emergency management requirements – Fire Rescue Department N/A Q. Determination of compliance with Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements - General Services Department N/A R. Determination of compliance with Martin County Health Department and Martin County School Board N/A S. Determination of compliance with legal requirements - County Attorney's Office Review Pending T. Determination of compliance with the adequate public facilities requirements - responsible departments The review for compliance with the standards for a Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities Exemption for development demonstrates that no additional impacts on public facilities were created in accordance with Section 5.32.B., LDR. Exempted development will be treated as committed development for which the County assures concurrency. Examples of developments that do not create additional impact on public facilities include: A. Additions to nonresidential uses that do not create additional impact on public facilities; B. Changes in use of property when the new use does not increase the impact on public facilities over the pre-existing use, except that no change in use will be considered exempt when the preexisting use has been discontinued for two years or more; C. Zoning district changes to the district of lowest density or intensity necessary to achieve consistency with the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan; D. Boundary plats which permit no site development. 24 of 88 Page 16 of 18 Development Review Staff Report U. Post-approval requirements Approval of the development order is conditioned upon the applicant’s submittal of all required documents, executed where appropriate, to the Growth Management Department (GMD), including unpaid fees, within sixty (60) days of the final action granting approval. Item #1: Post Approval Fees: The applicant is required to pay all remaining fees when submitting the post approval packet. If an extension is granted, the fees must be paid within 60 days from the date of the development order. Checks should be made payable to Martin County Board of County Commissioners. Item #2: Recording Costs: The applicant is responsible for all recording costs. The Growth Management Department will calculate the recording costs and contact the applicant with the payment amount required. Checks should be made payable to the Martin County Clerk of Court. V. Local, State, and Federal Permits No Local, State or Federal Permits are associated with the requested rezoning. W. Fees Public advertising fees for the development order will be determined and billed subsequent to the public hearing. Fees for this application are calculated as follows: Fee type: Fee amount: Fee payment: Balance: Application review fees: $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 Advertising fees*: TBD Recording fees**: TBD Mandatory impact fees: TBD Non-mandatory impact fees: TBD * Advertising fees will be determined once the ads have been placed and billed to the County. ** Recording fees will be identified on the post approval checklist. X. General application information Applicant: Orinoco Developments, LLC Juan E. Savelli 900 SE Ocean Blvd, Suite 216b Stuart, FL 34997 Agent: Terrence P. McCarthy, Esquire McCarthy, Summers et al 2400 S.E. Federal Hwy., 4th Fl. Stuart, FL 34994 772-286-1700 25 of 88 Page 17 of 18 Development Review Staff Report Y. Acronyms ADA ............. Americans with Disability Act AHJ .............. Authority Having Jurisdiction ARDP ........... Active Residential Development Preference BCC.............. Board of County Commissioners CGMP .......... Comprehensive Growth Management Plan CIE ............... Capital Improvements Element CIP ............... Capital Improvements Plan FACBC ........ Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction FDEP ............ Florida Department of Environmental Protection FDOT ........... Florida Department of Transportation LDR.............. Land Development Regulations LPA .............. Local Planning Agency MCC............. Martin County Code MCHD.......... Martin County Health Department NFPA ........... National Fire Protection Association SFWMD ....... South Florida Water Management District W/WWSA .... Water/Waste Water Service Agreement Z. Attachments 26 of 88 Page 18 of 18 Prepared By: Martin County Growth Management Department 2401 S.E. Monterey Road Stuart, FL 34996 ___________________________________________________________________________ [space above line provided for recording data] BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NUMBER 15-___ [REGARDING CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM R-3A, LIBERAL MULTIFAMILY DISTRICT, TO COR-1, COMMERCIAL OFFICE/ RESIDENTIAL 1 DISTRICT, FOR ORINOCO DEVELOPMENTS, LLC, WITH A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC FACILITIES EXEMPTION] WHEREAS, this Board has made the following determinations of fact: 1. Orinoco Developments, LLC, submitted an application for a zoning district change from the current R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District, to the COR-1, Commercial Office/Residential 1 District, for the property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto. 2. The Local Planning Agency heard the application at a public hearing on March 5, 2015. The LPA’s recommendations were forwarded to the Board of County Commisioners for consideration. 3. This Board has considered such recommendations. 4. Upon proper notice of hearing this Board held a public hearing on the application on March 24, 2015. 5. At the public hearing, all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: A. The zoning district classification of the property described in Exhibit A is hereby changed from the R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District, to the COR-1, Commercial Office/Residential 1 District. B. Pursuant to Section 5.32.B.3.f., Land Development Regulations, Martin County Code, this rezoning action is hereby determined to meet the requirements for a Certificate of Public Facilities Exemption. C. Pursuant to Section 14.1C.5.(2), Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, Martin County Code, regarding preliminary development approvals, the property described in Exhibit A is subject to a determination of level of service capacity at final site plan approval and no rights to obtain final development orders, nor any other rights to develop the subject property have been granted or implied by this Board. D. This resolution shall be recorded in the public records of Martin County. A copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the applicant(s) by the Growth Management Department subsequent to recording. 27 of 88 DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24TH DAY OF MARCH, 2015. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:_________________________ CAROLYN TIMMANN CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AND COMPTROLLER BY:__________________________ ED FIELDING, CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: BY:____________________________ KRISTA A. STOREY SENIOR ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY 28 of 88 EXHIBIT A 29 of 88 Prepared By: Martin County Growth Management Department 2401 S.E. Monterey Road Stuart, FL 34996 ___________________________________________________________________________ [space above line provided for recording data] BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NUMBER 15-___ [REGARDING DENIAL OF CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM R-3A, LIBERAL MULTIFAMILY DISTRICT, TO COR-1, COMMERCIAL OFFICE/RESIDENTIAL 1 DISTRICT, FOR ORINOCO DEVELOPMENTS, LLC] WHEREAS, this Board has made the following determinations of fact: 1. Orinoco Developments, LLC, submitted an application for a zoning district change from the current R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District, to the COR-1, Commercial Office/Residential 1 District, for the property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto. 2. The Local Planning Agency heard the application at a public hearing on March 5, 2015. The LPA’s recommendations were forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration. 3. This Board has considered such recommendations. 4. Upon proper notice of hearing this Board held a public hearing on the application on March 24, 2015. 5. At the public hearing, all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: A. The request for a zoning district change from the R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District, to the COR-1, Commercial Office/Residential 1 District, for Orinoco Developments, LLC, is hereby denied because XXXX. B. This resolution shall be recorded in the public records of Martin County. A copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the applicant(s) by the Growth Management Department subsequent to recording. 30 of 88 DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24TH DAY OF MARCH, 2015. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:_________________________ CAROLYN TIMMANN CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AND COMPTROLLER BY:__________________________ ED FIELDING, CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: BY:____________________________ KRISTA A. STOREY SENIOR ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY 31 of 88 EXHIBIT A 32 of 88 33 of 88 34 of 88 35 of 88 36 of 88 37 of 88 38 of 88 39 of 88 40 of 88 41 of 88 42 of 88 43 of 88 44 of 88 45 of 88 46 of 88 47 of 88 48 of 88 49 of 88 50 of 88 51 of 88 52 of 88 53 of 88 54 of 88 55 of 88 56 of 88 57 of 88 58 of 88 59 of 88 60 of 88 61 of 88 62 of 88 63 of 88 64 of 88 65 of 88 66 of 88 67 of 88 68 of 88 69 of 88 70 of 88 71 of 88 72 of 88 73 of 88 74 of 88 75 of 88 76 of 88 77 of 88 78 of 88 79 of 88 80 of 88 81 of 88 82 of 88 83 of 88 84 of 88 85 of 88 SAMPLE LETTER TO SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS (month) (day), (2015) (addressee from the certified property owners list) (address) Subject and Location: Request for a zoning change by Orinoco Developments, LLC, from the current R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District, to the COR-1, Commercial Office/Residential District, or the most appropriate zoning district for an approximately 1.75-acre parcel located on the east side of US-1 approximately 800 feet south of Cove Road. Dear (property owner): As a landowner within 300 feet of the property identified in the legal description and shown on the map attached to this letter, please be advised that consideration of a request for a zoning change as noted above will occur at two public hearings. The dates, times and place of the scheduled hearings are as follows: Public Hearing: Date: Time: LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY Thursday, March 5, 2015 7:00 P.M., or as soon after as the matter may be heard Public Hearing: Date: Time: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Tuesday, March 24, 2015 9:00 A.M., or as soon after as the matter may be heard Place: Martin County Administrative Center 2401 S.E. Monterey Road Stuart, Florida All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard. Persons with disabilities who need an accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding are entitled, at no cost, to the provision of certain assistance. This does not include transportation to and from the meeting. Please contact the Office of the County Administrator at (772) 221-2360, or in writing to 2401 S.E. Monterey Road, Stuart, FL 34996, no later than three days before the hearing date. Persons using a TDD device, please call 711 Florida Relay Services. When attending a public hearing, a member of the public may speak during the public comment portion of the public hearing. A person may also participate in the public meeting as an Intervenor. An Intervenor may ask questions of the staff, applicant and give testimony on the subject of the public hearing. In order to be an Intervenor, a person must qualify to receive mailed notice of the subject application in accordance with Section 10.6.E., Land Development Regulations, Martin County Code. In addition, an Intervenor must file a form of intent with the 1 86 of 88 County Administrator not less than 7 days prior to the meeting. No fee will be assessed on Intervenor. If the Intervenor is representing a group/association, he/she must file a letter on official letterhead signed by an authorized representative of the group/association, stating that he/she is authorized to speak for the group. Forms are available on the Martin County website www.martin.fl.us. If any person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at the meetings or hearings of any board, committee, agency, council or advisory group, that person will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record should include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. For further information, please call the Growth Management Department at 772-288-5495. All written comments should be sent to Nicki van Vonno, Growth Management Director, (email: nikkiv@martin.fl.us) or 2401 SE Monterey Road, Stuart, FL 34996. Copies of the item will be available from the Growth Management Department. Sincerely, (applicant's name) Attachment: Location Map Legal Description 2 87 of 88 TC BEFORE THE LOCAL PLA Description: N/A Color Type: E-7-All Section-Page-Zone(s): 2 Col x 120 ag Size: Thursday, February 19, 2015 N/A Agency: Insertion Number: N/A Ad Number: 2677565 Advertiser: Martin County Commissioners NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION TICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733 .702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE O F D E A T H I S BARRED. The date of the first publication of this Notice is February 19, 2015. Personal Representative: Inge E. Gabler c/o John Joseph McHugh, Jr. P.O. Box 2807 Vero Beach, Florida 32961 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION art, Florida 34994. whose date of death The names and ad- w a s D e c e m b e r 2 6 , dresses of the per- 2014, is pending in sonal representative the Circuit Court for a n d t h e p e r s o n a l Martin County, Florirepresentative’s at- da, Probate Division, torney are set forth the address of which below. is P.O. Box 9016, All creditors of the Stuart, Florida 34995. decedent and other The names and adp e r s o n s h a v i n g dresses of the perclaims or demands sonal representative against decedent’s a n d t h e p e r s o n a l estate, including un- representative’s atmatured, contingent torney are set forth o r u n l i q u i d a t e d below. claims, on whom a All creditors of the copy of this notice is decedent and other served must file their p e r s o n s h a v i n g claims with this court claims or demands WITHIN THE LATER against decedent’s O F T H R E E ( 3 ) estate, on whom a M O N T H S A F T E R copy of this notice is THE DATE OF THE r e q u i r e d t o b e FIRST PUBLICATION served must file their OF THIS NOTICE OR c l a i m s w i t h t h i s 30 DAYS AFTER THE Court WITHIN THE DATE OF SERVICE L A T E R O F 3 OF A COPY OF THIS M O N T H S A F T E R NOTICE ON THEM. THE TIME OF THE All other creditors of FIRST PUBLICATION t h e d e c e d e n t a n d OF THIS NOTICE OR other persons having 30 DAYS AFTER THE claims or demands D A T E O F S E R V I C E against decedent’s OF A COPY OF THIS estate, including un- NOTICE ON THEM. matured, contingent All other creditors of o r u n l i q u i d a t e d the decedent and claims, must file p e r s o n s h a v i n g their claims with this claims or demands court WITHIN THREE a g a i n s t t h e d e c e (3) MONTHS AFTER dent’s estate must THE DATE OF THE file their claims with FIRST PUBLICATION this Court WITHIN 3 OF THIS NOTICE. MONTHS AFTER ALL CLAIMS NOT SO THE DATE OF THE FILED WILL BE FOR- FIRST PUBLICATION Attorney for Personal EVER BARRED. OF THIS NOTICE. Representative: The date of first publi- A L L C L A I M S N O T John Joseph McHugh cation of this Notice FILED WITHIN THE Jr., Esquire is February 19, 2015 TIME PERIODS SET Email: john@ FORTH IN SECTION jjmchughlaw.com SHARON HAMILTON 7 3 3 . 7 0 2 O F T H E FL Bar No. 444626 Personal FLORIDA PROBATE P.O. Box 2807 Representative CODE WILL BE FORVero Beach, FL 32961 EVER BARRED. Phone: 772-778-1100 THE GUFFORD LAW NOTWITHSTANDING Pub: February 19, 26, FIRM, P.A. THE TIME PERIODS 2015 101 SE Ocean Blvd, SET FORTH ABOVE, TCN2677432 Suite 201 ANY CLAIM FILED Stuart, Florida 34994 TWO (2) YEARS OR Telephone: MORE AFTER THE 772-221-1922 DECEDENT’S DATE NOTICE OF Facsimile: O F D E A T H I S 772-221-1990 BARRED. ADMINISTRATION Eservice only: eserviThe date of the first IN THE CIRCUIT ce@treasurecoastlaw publication of this COURT FOR MARTIN firm.com Notice is February COUNTY, FLORIDA 19, 2015. PROBATE DIVISION afriedrich@treasureco astlawfirm.com Personal File Number: Representative: 15-80CP By: ASHLEY P. FRIEDRICH, ESQ. Charlene Castagnero Fla Bar No.: 0106361 611 S.W. Pine Tree IN RE: ESTATE OF Pub: Feb. 19, 26, 2015 Lane WILLIAM LAWRENCE TCN2677407 Palm City, FL 34990 GEORGE, a/k/a W. IN THE CIRCUIT L A W R E N C E COURT FOR MARTIN Attorney for Personal GEORGE, COUNTY, FLORIDA Representative: Deceased. PROBATE DIVISION Lewis Rinder, File No.: 2015-38-CP Attorney NOTICE Florida Bar No. TO CREDITORS 188873 The administration of IN RE: ESTATE OF 700 Colorado Avenue t h e e s t a t e o f DANIEL CHAPLIN Stuart, Florida 34994 W I L L I A M L A W - BENNETT A/K/A R E N C E G E O R G E , DANIEL C. BENNETT, Telephone: (772) 283-2221 a/k/a W. LAWRENCE Deceased. E-mail: GEORGE, deceased, lewrin@gmail.com NOTICE whose date of death Pub: February 19, 26, TO CREDITORS was December 28, 2015 2014, is pending in The administration of TCN2677414 the Circuit Court for the estate of DANIEL Martin County, Flori- CHAPLIN BENNETT Advertise in Treasure da, Probate Division, a/k/a DANIEL C. BENCoast Classified the address of which N E T T , d e c e a s e d , is 100 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994. The names and addresses of the personal representa- NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE OF MEETING tive and the personal BEFORE THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY representative’s atAND BOARD OF COUNTY torney are set forth COMMISSIONERS MARTIN COUNTY, below. FLORIDA All creditors of the decedent and other NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS persons having claims or demands against decedent’s Subject: Hufnagel Rezoning, (H140-002) e s t a t e o n w h o m a Request for a zoning change by Gary Hufcopy of this notice is nagel from the current R-3A, Liberal Multir e q u i r e d t o b e family District, to the RM-10, High Density served must file their Residential District, or the most appropriclaims with this court ate zoning district for an approximately ON OR BEFORE THE 0.78-acre parcel located on the southwest L A T E R O F 3 corner of the intersection of US-1 and M O N T H S A F T E R Morningside Drive. THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION Time and Date: LOCAL PLANNING AGENOF THIS NOTICE OR CY 7:00 P.M., or as soon after as the mat30 DAYS AFTER THE ter may be heard, on Thursday, March 5, D A T E O F S E R V I C E 2015 OF A COPY OF THIS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of 9:00 A.M., or as soon after as the matter t h e d e c e d e n t a n d may be heard, on Tuesday, March 24, other persons having 2015 claims or demands against decedent’s Place: Martin County Administrative Cenestate must file their ter 2401 S.E. Monterey Road Stuart, claims with this court Florida WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF All interested persons are invited to attend THE FIRST PUBLICA- and be heard. Persons with disabilities TION OF THIS NO- who need an accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding are entitled, TICE. A L L C L A I M S N O T at no cost, to the provision of certain asFILED WITHIN THE sistance. This does not include transportaTIME PERIODS SET tion to and from the meeting. Please conFORTH IN SECTION tact the Office of the County Administrator 7 3 3 . 7 0 2 O F T H E at (772) 221-2360, or in writing to 2401 S.E. FLORIDA PROBATE Monterey Road, Stuart, FL 34996, no later CODE WILL BE FOR- than three days before the hearing date. Persons using a TDD device, please call EVER BARRED. The date of the first 711 Florida Relay Services. publication of this Notice is February For further information, please call the Growth Management Department at 77212, 2015. L. CLIFFORD GEORGE 288-5495. All written comments should be sent to Nicki van Vonno, Growth ManagePersonal Representative m e n t D i r e c t o r , ( e - m a i l : Post Office Box 305 nikkiv@martin.fl.us) or 2401 SE Monterey South Freeport. Road, Stuart, FL 34996. Copies of the item Maine 04078 will be available from the Growth Management Department. Kathryn C. Bass, Esquire When attending a public hearing, a memAttorney for Personal ber of the public may speak during the Representative public comment portion of the public hearFlorida Bar No.: ing. A person may also participate in the 349763 public meeting as an Intervenor. An InterMcCarthy, Summers, venor may ask questions of the staff, appliBobko, Wood, cant and give testimony on the subject of Norman, Bass & the public hearing. In order to be an InterMelby, P.A. venor, a person must qualify to receive 2400 S.E. Federal mailed notice of the subject application in Hwy, 4th Floor accordance with Section 10.6.E, Land DeStuart, Florida 34994 velopment Regulations, Martin County Tel: (772) 286-1700 Code. In addition, an Intervenor must file a Primary Email: form of intent with the County Administrakcb@.mccarthy tor not less than 7 days prior to the LPA or summers.com BCC meeting. No fee will be assessed on Secondary Email: Intervenor. If the Intervenor is representing tlc@mccarthysum a group/association, he/she must file a letmers. com Pub: February 12, 19, ter on official letterhead signed by an authorized representative of the group/ass2015 TCN2676066 ociation, stating that he/she is authorized to speak for the group. Forms are available IN THE CIRCUIT on the Martin County website www.maCOURT OF THE rtin.fl.us. NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT If any person decides to appeal any deciIN AND FOR MARTIN sion made with respect to any matter conCOUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: sidered at the meetings or hearings of any 2015-CP-97 board, committee, agency, council or advisory group, that person will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, IN RE: ESTATE OF may need to insure that a verbatim record EMMA K. GIBSON, of the proceedings is made, which record Deceased. should include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Written comments may be sent to: The administration of Director of Growth Management the estate of EMMA Martin County Growth Management DeK. GIBSON, department ceased, Case Num2401 S. E. Monterey Road ber: 2015-CP-97, is Stuart, Florida 34996 pending in the CirTHIS NOTICE DATED THIS 13TH DAY OF cuit Court for Martin FEBRUARY 2015. County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad- Publish: Stuart News dress of which is 100 Publish Date: February 19, 2015 E. Ocean Blvd, Stu- TCN2677571 REQUEST FOR BID LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT PUBLICATION DATES: Thursday, February 19, 2015 CITY OF VERO BEACH RFP NO. 080-15/JO "REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS STORMWATER UTILITY STUDY" BID OPENING DATE & LOCATION: Thursday, April 2, 2015 @ 2:30 p.m. T & D Building / Purchasing Office First Floor Conference Room 3455 Airport West Drive Vero Beach, FL 32960 LOCATION TO SECURE BID PACKAGE: www.DemandStar. com Telephone: 1-800-711-1712 TCN2677556 NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: CHARLIE’S TOWING gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 03/07/2015, 09:00 am at 556 1st St, Vero Beach, FL 329623624, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. Charlie’s Towing reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1B7HF13Y71J502458 2001 DODGE 1FMZU73E41ZA03150 2001 FORD 1G1AK55F067861633 2006 CHEVROLET 1G8ZK5277YZ205681 2000 SATURN 1HGEJ6127TL026363 1996 HONDA 1N4EB31F7RC881608 1994 NISSAN 2S87A9N195246 1979 PONTIAC 4A3AK34Y3TE412935 1996 MITSUBISHI 9214104008 1961 CHRYSLER DJF37Z2BNA37805 1981 FORD LE8TGBPC061100132 2007 GUNG Pub: February 19, 2015 TCN2677599 NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE A 1997 TOYOTA V I N # 4 T A NL42N8VZ277846 in t h e n a m e o f GERARD JILLES will be sold on 03/02/15 NOTICE OF SALE by Larry Keller’s Towing located at 1217 S. Federal Hwy., Stuart, FL 34994 Tel: (772) 334-5848 at 9:00 AM. I claim a lien of this vehicle for storage fees since 01/23/15. The cash sum of storage is $ 975.00. The cash sum in total of $1156.00 will be sufficient to redeem this vehicle from the lien claimed by me, Keith Darley. Publication Date: 02/19/15 TCN2677594 Notice of Sale Notice is hereby given that on March 14, 2015 at 10:00 AM at Indiantown In & Out Storage Inc., 15501 S.W. Famel Ave., Indiantown, FL the undersigned, Indiantown In & Out Storage, Inc. will sell at Public Sale by competitive bidding, the goods, personal property, or merchandise heretofore stored with the undersigned by: David Anderson, Jr. Space #B1 Sally Lane, Unit #266 Nate Lane, Unit #247 Nate Lane, Space #C5 John Oliver, Unit #250 Brad Bennett, Unit #173 Rigoberto Zelayla Unit #227 Hassan A. Mowatt Unit #111 Arelis Cabrera, Unit #212 Julie Ford, Unit #228 Pub: Feb. 19, 2015 TCN2677424 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SAINT LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION Case #: 2012-CA-002740 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, a national banking association, as Trustee of the ABFC 2004-HE1 Trust Plaintiff, -vs.Elizabeth B. West; Alvin R. West; Unknown Parties in Possession #1, If living, and all Unknown Parties claiming by, through, under and against the above named Defendant(s) who are not known to be dead or alive, whether said Unknown Parties may claim an interest as NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE OF MEETING BEFORE THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AND BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Subject: Orinoco Developments, LLC, (E031-004) Request for a zoning change by Orinoco Developments, LLC, from the current R-3A, Liberal Multifamily District, to the COR-1, Commercial Office/Residential District, or the most appropriate zoning district for an approximately 1.75-acre parcel located on the east side of US-1 approximately 800 feet south of Cove Road. Time and Date: LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY 7:00 P.M., or as soon after as the matter may be heard, on Thursday, March 5, 2015 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 9:00 A.M., or as soon after as the matter may be heard, on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Place: Martin County Administrative Center 2401 S.E. Monterey Road Stuart, Florida All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard. Persons with disabilities who need an accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding are entitled, at no cost, to the provision of certain assistance. This does not include transportation to and from the meeting. Please contact the Office of the County Administrator at (772) 221-2360, or in writing to 2401 S.E. Monterey Road, Stuart, FL 34996, no later than three days before the hearing date. Persons using a TDD device, please call 711 Florida Relay Services. For further information, please call the Growth Management Department at 772288-5495. All written comments should be sent to Nicki van Vonno, Growth Managem e n t D i r e c t o r , ( e - m a i l : nikkiv@martin.fl.us) or 2401 SE Monterey Road, Stuart, FL 34996. Copies of the item will be available from the Growth Management Department. When attending a public hearing, a member of the public may speak during the public comment portion of the public hearing. A person may also participate in the public meeting as an Intervenor. An Intervenor may ask questions of the staff, applicant and give testimony on the subject of the public hearing. In order to be an Intervenor, a person must qualify to receive mailed notice of the subject application in accordance with Section 10.6.E, Land Development Regulations, Martin County Code. In addition, an Intervenor must file a form of intent with the County Administrator not less than 7 days prior to the LPA or BCC meeting. No fee will be assessed on Intervenor. If the Intervenor is representing a group/association, he/she must file a letter on official letterhead signed by an authorized representative of the group/association, stating that he/she is authorized to speak for the group. Forms are available on the Martin County website www.martin.fl.us. If any person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at the meetings or hearings of any board, committee, agency, council or advisory group, that person will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record should include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Written comments may be sent to: Director of Growth Management Martin County Growth Management Department 2401 S. E. Monterey Road Stuart, Florida 34996 THIS NOTICE DATED THIS 12TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2015. Publish: Stuart News Publish Date: February 19, 2015 TCN2677565 « SCRIPPS TREASURE COAST NEWSPAPERS NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to order rescheduling foreclosure sale or Final Judgment, entered in Civil Case No. 2012-CA-002740 of the Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit in and for Saint Lucie County, Florida, wherein Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, a national banking association, as Trustee of the ABFC 2004-HE1 Trust, Plaintiff and Elizabeth B. West are defendant(s), the Clerk of Court, Joseph E. Smith, will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash BY ELECTRONIC SALE AT WWW.STLUCIE.CLERKAUCTION.C OM BEGINNING AT 8:00 A.M., BIDS MAY BE PLACED BEGINNING AT 8:00 A.M. ON THE DAY OF SALE on March 3, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, towit: LOT 2, BLOCK 606, PORT ST. LUCIE SECTION THIRTEEN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGE 4, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PORT ST. LUCIE COUNTY, A N Y P E R S O N CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. Dated this 3 day of February, 2015 SHAPIRO, FISHMAN & GACH, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 2424 North Federal Highway, Ste 360 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Telephone: (561) 998-6700 Fax: (561) 998-6707 For Email Service Only: SFGBocaService@logs.com For all other inquiries: kdulay@logs.com Lara Diskin FL BAR No. 43811 for By: Kate Dulay, Esq. FL Bar # 22506 Pursuant to Fla. R. J u d . A d m i n . 2.516(b)(1)(A), Plaintiff’s counsel hereby designates its primary email address for the purposes of email service as: SFGBocaService@logs.com Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, you are advised that this office may be deemed a debt collector and any information obtained may be used for that purpose. 11-238757 FC01 WNI If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Corrie Johnson, ADA Coordinator, 250 NW Country Club Drive, Suite 217, Port St. Spouse, Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, or Other Claimants; Unknown Parties in Possession #2, If living, and all Unknown Parties claiming by, through, under and against the above named Defendant(s) who are not known to be dead or alive, whether said Unknown Parties may claim an interest as Spouse, Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, or Other Claimants Defendant(s). FLORIDA. « THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2015 NOTICE OF SALE Lucie, FL 34986, (772) 807-4370 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the s c h e d u l e d appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Pub: Feb. 12, 19, 2015 TCN2676154 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SAINT LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION Case #: 2013-CA-003030 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Plaintiff, -vs.Rose Mary McInerney and Deborah McInerney; Unknown Spouse of Rose Mary McInerney; Unknown Spouse of Deborah McInerney; Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, Assignees, Creditors, Lienors, and Trustees of Burton T McInerney, Deceased and All Other Persons Claiming by and Through, Under or Against the Named Defendant(s); Lakewood Park Property Owners’ Association, Inc.; Unknown Parties in Possession #1; Unknown Parties in Possession #2 Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to order rescheduling foreclosure sale or Final Judgment, entered in Civil Case No. 2013-CA-003030 of the Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit in and for Saint Lucie County, Florida, wherein JPMorgan Chase NOTICE OF NOTICE OF Bank, National Association, Plaintiff and FORECLOSURE FORECLOSURE Rose Mary McInerney and Deborah IN THE CIRCUIT McInerney are defenCOURT OF THE dant(s), the Clerk of NINETEENTH Court, Joseph E. JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Smith, will sell to the IN AND FOR INDIAN highest and best bidRIVER COUNTY, der for cash BY FLORIDA ELECTRONIC SALE CIVIL ACTION CASE NO.: A T W W W . S T L U C I 31-2014-CA-000697 E.CLERKAUCTION.C DIVISION: WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, Plaintiff, vs. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS,DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH,UNDER, OR AGAINST JEREMIAH O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH J. O’CONNOR DECEASED , et al, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Reforeclosure dated January 16, 2015, and entered in Case No. 31-2014-CA-000697 of the Circuit Court of the NINETEENTH Judicial Circuit in and for INDIAN RIVER County, Florida wherein WELLS FARGO BANK, NA is the Plaintiff and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR AGAINST, JEREMIAH J. O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH J. O’CONNOR A/K/A JERAMIAH J. O’CONNOR, SR., DECEASED; THERESA O’CONNOR A/K/A THERESA D. O’CONNOR A/KA/ ALMA THERESA O’CONNOR, AS AN HEIR OF THE ESTATE OF JEREMIAH J. O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH J. O’CONNOR A/K/A JERAMIAH J. O’CONNOR, SR., DECEASED; JEREMIAH J. O’CONNOR, JR. A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH O’CONNOR, JR. A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH O’CONNOR, AS AN HEIR OF THE ESTATE OF JEREMIAH J. O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH J. O’CONNOR A/K/A JERAMIAH J. O’CONNOR, SR., DECEASED; MICHAEL ANDREW O’CONNOR A/K/A MICHAEL A. O’CONNOR, AS AN HEIR OF THE ESTATE OF JEREMIAH J. O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH J. O’CONNOR A/K/A JERAMIAH J. O’CONNOR, SR., DECEASED; DANIEL JEREMIAH O’CONNOR A/K/A DANIEL J. O’CONNOR, AS AN HEIR OF THE ESTATE OF JEREMIAH J. O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH J. O’CONNOR A/K/A JERAMIAH J. O’CONNOR, SR., DECEASED; ANN O’CONNOR NIPPER A/K/A ANN O. NIPPER, AS AN HEIR OF THE ESTATE OF JEREMIAH J. O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH O’CONNOR A/K/A JEREMIAH JOSEPH J. O’CONNOR A/K/A JERAMIAH J. O’CONNOR, SR., DECEASED; ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, AND AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; are the Defendants, The Clerk of the Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at www.indian-river.realforeclose.com at 10:00AM, on 3/2/2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment: LOT 40, BROOKFIELD AT TRILLIUM PHASE A, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 18, PAGES 55, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA A/K/A 3186 ASHFORD SQUARE, VERO BEACH, FL 32966 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within sixty (60) days after the sale. Ronald R Wolfe & Associates, P.L. P.O. Box 25018 Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 (813) 251-4766 By: Joseph R. Rushing Florida Bar No. 0028365 G13012088 NOS Requests for Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration, 250 NW Country Club Drive, Suite 217, Port St. Lucie, FL, 34986, 772-807-4370 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Pub: February 12, 19, 2015 TCN2676149 NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE OM BEGINNING AT 8:00 A.M., BIDS MAY BE PLACED BEGINNING AT 8:00 A.M. ON THE DAY OF SALE on March 3, 2015, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, towit: LOT 12, BLOCK 108, LAKEWOOD PARK, UNIT 9, ACCORDING T O T H E P L A T THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGES 27 AND 27A-D, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. A N Y P E R S O N CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. Dated this 3 day of February, 2015 SHAPIRO, FISHMAN & GACH, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 2424 North Federal Highway, Ste 360 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Telephone: (561) 998-6700 Fax: (561) 998-6707 For Email Service Only: SFGBocaService@logs.com For all other inquiries: kdulay@logs.com Lara Diskin FL BAR No. 43811 for By: Kate Dulay, Esq. FL Bar # 22506 Pursuant to Fla. R. J u d . A d m i n . 2.516(b)(1)(A), Plaintiff’s counsel hereby designates its primary email address for the purposes of email service as: SFGBocaService@logs.com Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, you are advised that this office may be deemed a debt collector and any information obtained may be used for that purpose. 13-264169 FC03 W50 If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision NOTICE « 7E NOTICE OF SALE of certain assistance. Please contact Corrie Johnson, ADA Coordinator, 250 NW Country Club Drive, Suite 217, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986, (772) 807-4370 at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the s c h e d u l e d appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Pub: Feb. 12, 19, 2015 TCN2676158 Treasure Coast Classifieds MAKE YOUR ADVERTISER DOLLARS WORK FOR YOU tcpalm.com classified Your ultimate source for jobs, homes, wheels & stuff. Treasure Coast Classifieds NOTICE RFDQ # 2015-154 CITY OF STUART, FLORIDA REQUEST FOR DEVELOPER QUALIFICATIONS (RFDQ) SALE OR LEASE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE 1.4 ACRE, CITYOWNED "TRIANGLE PROPERTY" In furtherance of its redevelopment objectives, the City of Stuart, Florida is seeking statements of qualifications from highly experienced developers interested in negotiating the potential purchase or lease and development of a 1.4 acre city-owned parcel in downtown Stuart. Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 163.380, Disposal of property in community redevelopment area, the City of Stuart, Florida hereby gives public notice of its interest in selling or leasing a 1.4 acre parcel of city-owned land known as the "Triangle Property". (See map below): Proposals to buy or lease the subject property shall submit one (1) original and eight (8) copies containing all of the required information no later than 2:30 PM on May 6, 2015, and shall be made in the form of a response to "Request for Developer Qualifications" (RFDQ), which must conform to all submittal instructions contained in RFDQ Package #2015-154: "Triangle Property", a copy of which may be obtained at no charge by contacting the City of Stuart Procurement and Contracting Services Division at City Hall 121 SW Flagler Avenue, Stuart, Florida, by email at tiverson@ci.stuart.fl.us (preferred) or by telephone at (772) 288-5320. Submittals received after that date and time will not be accepted or considered and will be retained in the Procurement Office unopened. All pertinent information regarding the site is contained in RFDQ Package #2015-154. All responses shall be submitted in a sealed envelope or box and marked: RFDQ # 2015-154: "Triangle Property. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 287, Florida Statutes, all proposers are subject to those provisions pertaining to Public Entity Crimes and the Convicted Vendor List. There will be a NON-MANDITORY pre-proposal conference in the City Hall Commission Chambers, 121 SW Flagler Avenue, Stuart, Florida on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 2:00 PM. All prospective developers are encouraged to attend. Attendance is highly recommended, but not mandatory. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 287, Florida Statutes, all proposers are subject to those provisions pertaining to Public Entity Crimes and the Convicted Vendor List. It is the responsibility of the proposer to assure that responses are received either by mail or by hand in the City of Stuart Procurement and Contracting Services Division no later than the specified time and date. Submittals received after this date and time will not be accepted or considered and will be retained in the Procurement office unopened. No telegraphed, facsimile or electronic (email) submittals will be considered. The City of Stuart assumes no responsibility for the content of any RFDQ package received through any 3rd party service or any source other than City of Stuart Procurement Division or DemandStar by Onvia. It is the sole responsibility of the vendor to ensure the completeness of the documents received from any source other than the City of Stuart or DemandStar. The Stuart City Commission reserves the right to reject any or all responses with or without cause when such rejection is in the best interests of the City, in the City’s sole determination. The City also reserves the right to reject the response of a company, corporation or individual who has previously failed to perform in a similar solicitation, or whom investigation shows is not in a position to perform. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone desiring to attend this submittal opening who needs a special accommodation should contact the City’s ADA coordinator at 772288-5306 or TDD at 772-288-5302 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting, excluding Saturday and Sunday. Responses will be publicly opened and read aloud on the appointed time and date of the qualifications opening, or as soon as practicable thereafter at Stuart City Hall, 121 SW Flagler Avenue Stuart, Florida. Responses will be available for public inspection 30 days after the appointed time and date. The City of Stuart reserves the right to waive any informalities or technicalities and to reject or accept any responses that, in the judgment of the City of Stuart, in its sole discretion, are in the best interest of the City. Any questions concerning this solicitation may be addressed in writing to the City of Stuart Procurement and Contracting Services Division at tiverson@ci,stuart.fl.us (preferred) or by fax at (772) 600-1200. Publish Date: February 19, 2015 TCN2677379 CITY COMMISSION CITY OF STUART, FLORIDA 88 of 88
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