MAY 21 (Thursday) Room 1 Session 1.1 : Materials and Structures/Satellites Chair : Shenyan Chen (Beihang university, China) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Demonstration of the Micro-vibration Isolation Performance of the X-band Antenna by Low Rotational Stiffness Isolator 1 10:30~10:50 140012 1.1.1 1 1 1 2 Su-Hyeon Jeon , Sung-Cheol Kwon , Myeong-Jae Lee , Hyun-Ung Oh , Sae-Han-Sol Jeong 1 Chosun University, Republic of Korea, 2 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea Smart Adaptive Passive Vibration Isolation System for Launch and On-orbit Vibration Isolation Seong-Cheol Kwon, 10:50~11:10 140015 1.1.2 Seong-Cheol Kwon, Su-Hyeon Jeon, Hyun-Ung Oh Chosun University, Republic of Korea Dynamic Modeling on Micron-size Orbital Debris Environment 11:10~11:30 140032 1.1.3 Masahiro Furumoto, Koki Fujita, Toshiya Hanada Kyushu University, Japan Natural Frequency Improvement for Small Satellites with Modular Structures 11:30~11:50 140071 1.1.4 Yaser Saffar Talori, Shenyan Chen Beihang university, China MAY 21 (Thursday) Room 1 Session 1.2 : Materials and Structures/Vibration Chair : Masakatsu Chiba (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Disturbance Simulator for Control Moment Gyro 14:50~15:10 140210 1.2.1 Ji-Chul Kim1, Dong-Ik Cheon2, Sang-Eun Beck1, Hwa-Suk Oh1 1 Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea 2 DA system, Korea, Democratic People`s Republic of Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) Fabricated with Electroless Deposition of Silver on Copper 15:10~15:30 140172 1.2.2 Jun Cai, Tong Wu, Yonggang Jiang, Deyuan Zhang Beihang Univeristy, China Dynamic Stability of Liquid in a Spherical Tank Covered with Membrane under Vertical Harmonic Excitation 15:30~15:50 140251 1.2.3 Masakatsu Chiba1, Ryo Murase1, Yohsuke Nambu1, Keiji Komatsu2 1 Osaka Prefecture University, Japan 2 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan Dynamical analysis and Design of Bearingless Rotor Flexbeam 15:50~16:10 140254 1.2.4 Wei Xing Shi, Ji Dong Wang Beihang University, China An Experimental Application of the Improved Hilbert-Huang Transform to the Detection of Air-gap Eccentricity in 16:10~16:30 140016 1.2.5 Induction Motors Jihyoung Cha, Sangho Ko Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea MAY 21 (Thursday) Room 1 Session 1.3 : Materials and Structures/Manufacturing Technology Chair : Byung-Kyu Kim(Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Constitutive modeling of Ti-2Al-1.5Mn during tensile deformation at elevated temperature 16:40~17:00 140053 1.3.1 Gui-Qiang Guo, Dong-Sheng Li, Xiao-Qiang Li, Tong-Sheng Deng Beihang University, China (Case Study) Weathering and Manufacturing Effects on Chemical Stability of Wrought Al Alloy 2024 17:00~17:20 140029 1.3.2 Yooin Jeong1, ChongHo Yoon1, SangShik Kim2, SangJun Shin1, YoungHwan Jang1 1 Korea Aerospace Industires, Republic of Korea 2 Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea An Approximate Method of a Skew Flat Plate's Buckling Analysis using the Ritz method 17:20~17:40 140051 1.3.3 Yongha Kim, Hyunduk Kim, Jungsun Park Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea Static Analysis of Functionally Graded Plate using Non-Polynomial Shear Deformation Theory 17:40~18:00 140054 1.3.4 Kamlesh Vasudeo Kulkarni, Bhrigu Nath Singh, Dipak Kumar Maiti Indian Institue of Technology Kharagpur, India Convergence and University-Industry-Research Cooperation in Aerospace Technology 18:00~18:20 140034 1.3.5 Jong Bum Kim Korea Aerospce Research Institute, Republic of Korea MAY 22 (Friday) Room 1 Session 1.4 : Materials and Structures Chair : Jaewook Lee (Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea), Kanjuro Makihara (Tohoku University, Japan) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Impact Response Measurement of a Cantilevered Beam Using Piezoelectric Paint Sensor 1 10:30~10:50 140024 1.4.1 1 1 2 2 Seung-Bok Park , Dae-Hyun Han , Lae-Hyong Kang , Jordan Thayer , Charles Farrar 1 Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea 2 Engineering Institute, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA Introduction of Conventional Stress Analysis Method based on Kowalski’s Formula at Internal Thread Undercut 10:50~11:10 140114 1.4.2 Jaehuy Yoon, Youngsu Kang, Inchul Lee, Sangjoon Park Hanwha Corporation, Republic of Korea Isogeometric analysis for aerospace structures 11:10~11:30 140149 1.4.3 Dongjin Kim, Jaewook Lee Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea Transient Analysis of Self-Powered Energy-Harvesting using Bond-Graph for Aerospace Applications 11:30~11:50 140227 1.4.4 Kanjuro Makihara, Daisuke Shigeta, Yoshiyuki Fuijta, Yuta Yamamoto Tohoku University, Japan MAY 21 (Friday) Room 1 Session 1.5 : Materials and Structures Chair : Jin-Ho Roh (Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Buckling and Post buckling Analysis of Composite Plates with Internal Flaws 13:00~13:20 140083 1.5.1 V M SREEHARI, D K MAITI Indian Institue of Technology Kharagpur, India Progressive Failure of Small Glass-fabric/Epoxy Wind Blade Under Stroke-control Testing 13:20~13:40 140199 1.5.2 Chien Yang Huang, Tai Yan Kam National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Viscoelasticity Analysis of Shape Memory Polymer Composite Structures 13:40~14:00 140207 1.5.3 O-Hyun Kwon, Soo-Yong Lee, Jin-Ho Roh Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea Study on Low Cost Manufacturing Process for Carbon Composite Structures by Microwave Curing 14:00~14:20 140263 1.5.4 Henry Shin2, Jounghwan Lee1, R. Scaife1, R. Grainger1 1 The AMRC with Boeing, United Kingdom 2 Korea Institute of Carbon Convergence Technology, Republic of Korea Investigation on fracture surface and failure mechanism for 3D braided KD-I-SiC-fiber-reinforced polymer-derived SiC14:20~14:40 140177 1.5.5 matrix composites at 1100oC and 1300oC for coated and uncoated specimens Xin Jing, Duoqi Shi, Xiaoguang Yang Beihang University, China Shape and Sizing Optimization of Composite Cylinder with Stiffeners 14:40~15:00 140224 1.5.6 Shenyan Chen1, Yijie Hu1, Jianhongyu Li1, Weipeng Li1, Haiquan Ma2, Feng Gao2, Cong Sheng2, Qiang Yang2 1 Beihang University, China 2 Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, China MAY 21 (Friday) Room 1 Session 1.6 : Aerospace System Design Chair : Lae-Hyong Kang (Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Design of PIDDD Controller with Tracking Filter in Automatic Carrier Landing System 15:10~15:30 140161 1.6.1 Wang Kai, Liu Gang, Hong Guanxin Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China Morphing of a 3D Wing with Adaptive Washout Using SMA Smart Actuators 15:30~15:50 140075 1.6.2 Palaniswamy Shanmugam1, P.S. Narasimhan2, K.M. Parammasivam2, S. Raja1 1 CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, India 2 Anna University, Chennai, India Systema: a multi-disciplinary engineering tool suite for space system design 15:50~16:10 140136 1.6.3 Christophe Theroude, Rose Nerrière, Timothée Soriano, Guilhem Chanteperdrix Airbus Defence and Space, France Design of Compound Smart Material Pump for Aircraft Brake System 1 16:10~16:30 140129 1.6.4 1 1 1 2 1 Jong Hoon Lee , Jung Bin Cho , Jai Hyuk Hwang , Cho Hwi Joo , Jun Young Kwon , Jae Sung Bae 1 Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea 2 Agency for Defense Development, Republic of Korea Piezoelectric Property Comparison of Paint Sensors Made by Various Piezoceramic Powders for Impact Monitoring of Aerospace Structures 16:30~16:50 140023 1.6.5 Dae-Hyun Han1, Seung-Bok Park1, Cassidy Fisher2, Charles Farrar2, Lae-Hyong Kang1 1 Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea 2 Engineering Institute, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Study of Technological Catch-up in CoPS -Case Study of Satellite made by SaTReC-i in Korea 16:50~17:10 140267 1.6.6 Jae Pil Song University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea MAY 21 (Thursday) Room 2 Session 2.1 : Control, Navigation, and Guidance Chair : Hyun-Ung Oh (Chosun University, Republic of Korea) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Development and Achievement of the T-50 flight control's Consolidated OFP 10:30~10:50 140074 2.1.1 Soon Ryong Jang, In Je Cho, Byung Moon Hwang Korea Aerospace Ind, LTD, Republic of Korea Design of the Active Optical Compensation Movements using the Focal Plane Control Method for Image Stabilization 10:50~11:10 140057 2.1.2 Jung Bin Cho, Jean Ho Park, Jai Hyuk Hwang, Jeong Bin Jo, Myoung Soo Kang, Jae Sung Bae Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea Applying BIM and GIS to Railway maintenance works in Taiwan 11:10~11:30 140152 2.1.3 Li-Shih Liu, Jin-Fang Shr, Xuan-Chao Huang Chung Hua University, Taiwan Absolute Navigation Information Estimation for Planetary Rovers 11:30~11:50 140231 2.1.4 Muhammad Ilyas1, Kuk Cho2, Seung-Ho Baeg2, Sangdeok Park2 1 University of Science and Technology(UST), Republic of Korea 2 Korea Institute of Industrial Technology(KITECH), Republic of Korea MAY 21 (Thursday) Room 2 Session 2.2: Propulsion and Power Chair : Hyunbum Park (Howon University, Republic of Korea) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Multidisciplinary Design Exploration of Sounding Rocket Using Hybrid Rocket in View of Ballistic Performance Kazuhisa Chiba1, Kanazaki Masahiro2, Atthaphon Ariyairt2, Hideyuki Yoda2, Kazuma Ito2, Koki Kitagawa3, Toru Shimada3 14:50~15:10 140033 2.2.1 1 Hokkaido University of Science, Japan 2 Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan 3 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan Experimental Research on Metal/N2O Powder Rocket Engine 15:10~15:30 140089 2.2.2 Deng Zhe1, Hu Chun-bo1, Hu Song-qi1, Xu Yi-hua2 1 Northwestern Polytechnical University, China 2 Nanchang Hangkong University, China Nozzle Admittance and Damping Estimation 15:30~15:50 140108 2.2.3 Wang Muxin, Liu Peijin Northwestern Polytechnical University, China Nonlinear Combustion Instability Analysis of Solid Rocket Motor Based on Experimental Data 15:50~16:10 140126 2.2.4 Shaojuan Wei, Peijin Liu, Bingning Jin, Shangrong Yang Northwestern Polytechnical University China An Experimental Study on Regression Rate Enhancement of Hybrid Rocket using Non-Combustible Diaphragm 16:10~16:30 140204 2.2.5 Keunhwan Moon, Hakchul Kim, Soojong Kim, Heejang Moon, Jinkon Kim Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea MAY 21 (Thursday) Room 2 Session 2.3 : Satellite Communication and Control /Other topics related to the area of aerospace Chair : Yeh-sun Hong (Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea) Han-Dol Kim (Korea Aerospace Research Institue, Republic of Korea) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Study on the hydraulic circuits for a duplex electro-hydrostatic actuator with an asymmetrical cylinder 16:40~17:00 140006 2.3.1 Seong-Ryeol Lee, Jong-Hyeok Kim, Yeh-sun Hong Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea Experimental Study on Solar Energy Collection System Using Commercial PMMA Lens for Cube Satellite Applications 17:00~17:20 140019 2.3.2 Tae-Yong Park, Bong-Geon Chae, Hyun-Ung Oh Chosun University, Republic of Korea Application of BIM on Drawing Verification of Firefighting 17:20~17:40 140151 2.3.3 Ya-Chun Chang, Jin-Fang Shr, Huang Xuan-Chao Chung Hua University, Taiwan Fabrication and Verification of MEMS Solid Thruster for Ignition in Vacuum 1 17:40~18:00 140021 2.3.4 1 2 1 Sung-Hyeon Han , Taegyu Kim , Jong-Kwang Lee , Hyung-Ung Oh 1 Chosun University, Republic of Korea 2 HanBat National University, Republic of Korea State of INR and its Projected Future 18:00~18:20 140014 2.3.5 Han-Dol Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Republic of Korea MAY 22 (Friday) Room 2 Session 2.4 : Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Chair : Wei fang Chen (Zhejiang University, China) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Computational Analysis of Aerothermodynamic Environment for a Mars Entry Vehicle 10:30~10:50 140081 2.4.1 Chenchao Xia, Weifang Chen Zhejiang University, China Mechano-thermal Analysis of Spindle Unit 10:50~11:10 140198 2.4.2 Chung Hung Jiang, Jen Chung Hsiao, Tai Yan Kam National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Thermal Analysis Modeling and On-orbit Temperature Prediction for Micro/Nano Satellites with Multilayer Insulation 11:10~11:30 140230 2.4.3 Hai Huang, Haibo Ma, Yongchao Dai, Bo Li Beihang University, China Thermal Design for Electrophoresis Actuating MEMS-based Variable Emissivity Radiator 11:30~11:50 140013 2.4.4 Heon-Woo Ha, Soo-Jin Kang, Sung-Hyeon Han, Tae-Gyu Kim, Hyun-Ung Oh Chosun University, Republic of Korea MAY 22 (Friday) Room 2 Session 2.5 : Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics / Propulsion and Power Chair : Hua Meng (Zhejiang University, China) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Robustness Improvement and Assessment of EARSM k-ω Model for Complex Turbulent Flows 13:00~13:20 140064 2.5.1 Zhang Qiang, Li Dian, Xia Zhen Feng, Yang Yong Northwestern Polytechnical University, China Numerical Solution of the Generalized Kinetic Equation for One-Dimensional Heat Transfer Problems 13:20~13:40 140148 2.5.2 Taeho Yang, Oh Joon Kwon Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , Republic of Korea Numerical Study of Fluid Flows, Fuel Pyrolysis and Heat Transfer of Aviation Kerosene RP-3 at Supercritical Pressures 13:40~14:00 140179 2.5.3 Keke Xu, Hua Meng Zhejiang University, China Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of a Single Stage High-Pressure Turbine 14:00~14:20 140222 2.5.4 Doyoung Seo1, Sunwoo Hwang1, Youngbin Joo1, Changmin Son1, Kuisoon Kim1, Dong-Ho Rhee2, Bongjun Cha2 1 Pusan National University, Republic of Korea 2 Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Republic of Korea Optimization of Film Cooling Hole Array on Pressure Side of HPT Nozzle for Enhanced Cooling Performance Sanga Lee4, Dong-Ho Rhee1, Young-Seok Kang1, Do-young Seo2, Jinuk Kim3, Kwanjung Yee4 14:20~14:40 140219 2.5.5 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Republic of Korea 2 Pusan National University, Republic of Korea 3 Hanyang University, Republic of Korea 4 Seoul National University, Republic of Korea A Study on Design and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Bioreator in Microgravity 14:40~15:00 140120 2.5.6 Lee Jong Won, Youn Kyu Kim, Joo Hee Lee, Gi Hyuk Choi, Ik Hyun Choi Korea Aerospace Reserch Institute, Republic of Korea MAY 22 (Friday) Room 2 Session 2.6 : Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics /Propulsion and Power Chair : Ping Zhou(Beihang University, China) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Numerical Study of the Rotating Detonation Engine with a Hollow Combustor 15:10~15:30 140248 2.6.1 Songbai Yao, Xinmeng Tang, Jian-Ping Wang Peking University, China A study of 3-D analysis of solid propellant combustion configuration 15:30~15:50 140059 2.6.2 Seok-hwan Oh, Jin-sung Jang, Ji-hyun Sohn, Tae-seong Roh Inha University, Republic of Korea Effect of AP Particle Sizes Distribution on the Pressure-Coupled Response of AP/HTPB Composite Propellant 15:50~16:10 140098 2.6.3 Peijin LIU, Bingning JIN, Xin LIU, Yu Guan, Di Sun Northwestern Polytechnical University, China An Experimental Research of the Flame Dynamic Characteristics in the Confined Combustor 16:10~16:30 140121 2.6.4 Chanyeong Jeong, Taesung Kim, Jaeik Shin, Youngbin Yoon Seoul National University, Republic of Korea Experimental Research of the Aluminum Combustion in the Composite Propellent under Different Pressures 16:30~16:50 140124 2.6.5 Xin Liu, Peijin Liu, Bingning Jin, Yu Guan ,Tianhao Yang Northwestern Polytechnical University, China Experimental Installation of Pressure Oscillation based on Pulse-driving Technique 16:50~17:10 140125 2.6.6 Tianhao Yang, Peijin Liu, Bingning Jin Northwestern Polytechnical University, China MAY 21 (Thursday) Room 3 Session 3.1 : Propulsion and Power Chair : Kazuhiko Toshimitsu (Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Experimental study of propulsion performance by single pulse rotating detonation with gaseous fuels-oxygen mixtures Kazuhiko Toshimitsu1, Kosei Hara2, Shuuto Mikajiri2, Naoki Takiguchi2, Ryo Takahashi3, Wakaba Uno4, Shouhei Kawano5 10:30~10:50 140026 3.1.1 1 Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan 2 Oita National College of Technology, Japan 3 Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan 4 Hitachi Construction Machinery, Japan 5 Toray Industries Inc., Japan Combustion Characteristics of an Oxidizer-Rich Single Injector Preburner 10:50~11:10 140118 3.1.2 Sung-Uk Kim1, Il-Yoon Moon2, In-Sang Moon2, Seong-Up Ha2 1 University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea 2 Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Republic of Korea In situ measurement for N2O in ADN based thruster with a 4.56 μm quantum cascade laser 11:10~11:30 140176 3.1.3 Hui Zeng, Fei Li, Shao Hua Zhang, Xilong Yu Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Numerical Study of Unsteady Properties of Ethylene/Air Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flame with Detached Eddy Simulation 11:30~11:50 140184 3.1.4 Fengquan Zhong, Sugang Ma, Xinyu Zhang Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China MAY 21 (Thursday) Room 3 Session 3.2 : Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Chair : Dongho Lee (Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Republic of Korea) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Implicit virtual boundary method for moving boundary problems 14:50~15:10 140077 3.2.1 Guo-Sian Cyue, Ke-Wun Chen, Shong-Leih Lee National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan A hybrid particle scheme for mixed rarefied-continuum flow simulation 15:10~15:30 140093 3.2.2 Tingting Jiang, Chenchao Xia, Weifang Chen Zhejiang University, China Numerical Study of Couette Flow Using DSMC and IP Method 15:30~15:50 140141 3.2.3 Young Jae Choi, Oh Joon Kwon Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea Safety Evaluation of Store Separation Based on Uncertainty Method 1 15:50~16:10 140189 3.2.4 2 1 1 1 Xin Jin , Hu Ruifeng , Zhang Lizhen , Lihong Wen , Yingying Li 1 Chengdu Aircraft Design & Research Institute, China 2 School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, China Hypersonic aero-heating ground-test simulation technique 16:10~16:30 140165 3.2.5 Ruiqu Li, Dapeng Yao, Xinguo Sha, Jian Gong China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics, China MAY 21 (Thursday) Room 3 Session 3.3 : Flight Dynamics / Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Chair : Jae-Woo Lee (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title DYNAMICS PARAMETER’ GRAPHS OF PASSENGER PLANES 16:40~17:00 140045 3.3.1 Ahmet AKSOZ, Mahir DURSUN, Ali SAYGIN Gazi University Faculty of Technology, Turkey The Study on Performance Characteristics of Hydraulic Fuse with Various Rib Shapes 17:00~17:20 140258 3.3.2 Taewoo Joo, Sunhyung Lee, Kilyoung Kim Hanwha, Republic of Korea Study on Safe Set and Maneuverability Envelope Protection during Arresting Landing 17:20~17:40 140242 3.3.3 Liu Zidong, Zhan Hao, Wang Shuang Northwestern Polytechnical University, China Improved Missile Control Effectiveness Prediction Method using High Fidelity Analysis Tool 17:40~18:00 140105 3.3.4 Maxim Tyan1, Nhu Van Nguyen1, Jae-Woo Lee1, Joon Chung2 1 Konkuk University, Republic of Korea 2 Ryerson University, Canada MAY 22 (Friday) Room 3 Session 3.4 : Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Chair : Chang Hyun Sohn (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title The tailored condition in free piston shock tunnels 10:30~10:50 140164 3.4.1 Hao Zhu, Haiyan Li, Xing Chen China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics, China Gust Response and Active Suppress based on Reduced Order Models 10:50~11:10 140173 3.4.2 Guowei Yang, Xueyuan Nie, Guannan Zheng Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Investigate of the 3D Air Core Phenomenon in Cylindrical Tank during Draining 11:10~11:30 140205 3.4.3 Chang Hyun Sohn Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea Similarity Criterion of Pulsed Blowing Control Technology 11:30~11:50 140209 3.4.4 Yankui Wang, Ping Zhou, Dejian Zhao, Jiaji Yang Beihang University, China MAY 22 (Friday) Room 3 Session 3.5 : Flight Dynamics / Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Chair : Yangwei LIU (Beihang University, China) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title Cone Angle Characteristics of Pintle Injector spray at Atmospheric Condition 13:00~13:20 140028 3.5.1 Min Son, Kijeong Yu, Bongchul Shin, Jaye Koo Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea Aero-optical transmitting effect in the compressible mixing layer 13:20~13:40 140156 3.5.2 Han-Dong Ma, Caijun Gan, Lang Li China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics, China Experimental investigation of plasma synthetic jet injected into a Supersonic Crossflow 13:40~14:00 140249 3.5.3 Wang Lin, Xia Zhi Xun, Luo Zhen Bing, Wang De Quan National University of Defense Technology, China Characteristics of Compressible Cylindrical Cavity Flows 2 14:00~14:20 1 1 Kung-Ming Chung , Kuan-Huang Lee , and Keh-Chin Chang 140197 3.5.4 1 Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 2 Aerospace Science and Technology Research Centre, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Turbulence Models Assessment for Tip Leakage Flow in a Linear Compressor Cascade 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 Yangwei Liu , Jiexuan Hou , Luyang Zhong , Yanfei Gao , Lipeng Lu 14:20~14:40 1,2 1 140174 3.5.5 National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero-Engine Aero-Thermodynamics, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University, China 2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Aero-Engine, China MAY 22 (Friday) Room 3 Session 3.6 : Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics / Propulsion and Power Chair : Wong Kok Hoe (University of Malaya, Malaysia) Time Paper ID Paper No. Title A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF NUMERICAL METHODS ON AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A COMPRESSOR ROTOR 15:10~15:30 AT NEAR-STALL CONDITION 140009 3.6.1 Donghyun Kim, Changmin Son, Kuisoon Kim Pusan Nation University, Republic of Korea Performance Study of the Effect of Guide Vanes Number on the Omni-Directional-Guide-Vane System for Vertical Axis 15:30~15:50 Wind Turbine 140109 3.6.2 Wen Tong Chong, Kok Hoe Wong, Wan Khairul Muzammil, S.Julai, Sin Chew Poh University of Malaya, Malaysia Modification of SA model with consideration of turbulence anisotropy for Tip Leakage Flow in an Axial Compressor Rotor 15:50~16:10 Yangwei LIU1,2, Luyang ZHONG1,2, Yanfei GAO1,2, Jiexuan HOU1,2, Lipeng LU1,2 140180 3.6.3 1 Beihang University, China 2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Aero-Engine, China A numerical study on the effect of guide vane in manifold on the performance of a tubular heat exchanger 16:10~16:30 140073 3.6.4 Sangjo Kim, Byoung-ik Choi, Kuisoon Kim, Changmin Son Pusan National University, Republic of Korea Study of the k-ε Model for Tip Leakage Flows in an Axial Compressor Rotor 16:30~16:50 Yangwei LIU1,2, Yanfei GAO1,2, Luyang ZHONG1,2, Jiexuan HOU1,2, Lipeng LU1,2 140191 3.6.5 1 Beihang University, China 2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Aero-Engine, China The Impact of Rotor Blade Sweep on Tip Leakage Flows in Small Supersonic Impulse Turbine 16:50~17:10 140135 3.6.6 Sooin Jeong, Byoung-ik Choi, Kuisoon Kim Pusan National University, Republic of Korea MAY 21 (Thursday) Room 4 Session 4.1 : Aircraft Design and Optimization Chair : Seoksoon Lee (Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea) Time Paper No. Title Optimization of CFRP Reflector Surface for the Deployable Space Antenna 10:30~10:50 140211 4.1.1 Sang-Hee Kim, Yong-Woo Jun, Jin-Ho Roh, Soo-Yong Lee Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea Airfoil Design for Martin Airplane Considering Using Global Optimization Methodology 10:50~11:10 Masahiro Kanazaki1, Motohiro Utsuki1, Takaya Sato1, Kisa Matsushima2 140050 4.1.2 1 Tokyo Metropolitan University Japan 2 University of Toyama, Japan Optimal Condition for Induction Hardening on the Axle Shaft 11:10~11:30 140060 4.1.3 Jingyu Choi, Minhyeok Park, Kwangsik Nam, Jeaki Kim, Seoksoon Lee Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea Damage assessment of composite structures using Particle Swarm Optimization 11:30~11:50 140082 4.1.4 Jebieshia T. R, Dipak K. Maiti, Damodar Maity Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India MAY 22 (Friday) Room 4 Session 4.5 : Aerospace Design Concepts and Methods / Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Chair : Cheolhee Han(Korea National University of Transportation, Republic of Korea) Time Paper No. Title Full Scale Multi-fidelity Aerodynamics Database Construction Method from Wind Tunnel Data 13:00~13:20 140103 4.5.1 Nhu Van Nguyen, Hyunggeun Chun, Jae-Woo Lee, Sangho Kim Konkuk University, Republic of Korea Lift Enhancement and Drag Reduction on an Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number using Blowing and Distributed Suction 13:20~13:40 140067 4.5.2 Chao Song, Xudong Yang North-western Polytechnical University, China An Experimental Study of Terrain Effects on Surface Wind Characteristics and Wind Turbine Wakes 1,2 13:40~14:00 140157 4.5.3 1 1 Wei Tian , Ahmet Ozbay , Hui Hu 1 Iowa State University, USA 2 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Evaluation of the Aerodynamic Performance of A Hybrid Mesh Based Finite Volume Code 14:00~14:20 140168 4.5.4 H.W. Zheng Chinese Academy of Science, China Identification of Aerodynamic Model CFD-Based for Gust Response Analysis 14:20~14:40 140175 4.5.5 Xueyuan Nie, Guowei Yang Chinese Academy of Sciences, China The comparative analysis of aerodynamics for the conventional, canard and tailless fighter configuration 14:40~15:00 140193 4.5.6 Wei Zhong-cheng, Zhang Ji-gao, Wang Jin-jun, Yuan Bing, Wen Li-hong, Chen Ke Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China MAY 22 (Friday) Room 4 Session 4.6 : Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics / Propulsion and Power Chair : Nobuhiko Yamasaki(Kyushu University, Japan) Time Paper No. Title Numerical analysis on the starting processes of the unsteady flow field in the Ludwieg tube with a quiet nozzle 15:10~15:30 140166 4.6.1 Junmou Shen, Jian Lin , Jian Gong, Ruiqu Li China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics, China Effect of rotational vaneless diffuser on the performance of a voluteless fan 15:30~15:50 140167 4.6.2 Hua-Shu Dou1, Lin Wu1, Yi-Kun Wei1, Yong-Ning Chen2, Wen-Bin Cao2, Cun-Lie Ying2 1 Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China 2 Zhejiang Yilida Ventilator CO., Ltd, China A Study on the Breakup and Spatial Distribution of Spray Ejected from 4.5 N-class Hydrazine Thruster Injector 15:50~16:10 140201 4.6.3 Hun Jung, Jae Woo Koo, Jeong Soo Kim, Dae Seok Bae Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea Aerodynamic Loss Characteristics of a High Pressure Turbine Nozzle 16:10~16:30 140217 4.6.4 Jinuk Kim1, Youngseok Kang2, Jinsoo Cho1 1 Hanyang University, Republic of Korea 2 Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Republic of Korea Study on Impedance of Active Acoustic Liners 16:30~16:50 140247 4.6.5 Yuki Tanaka1, Nobuhiko Yamasaki1, Yuzo Inokuchi1, Tatsuya Ishii2 1 Kyushu University, Japan 2 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan MAY 21 (Thursday) Room 5 Session 5.1 : Unmanned Arial Vehicle Chair : Dongjin Lee (Hanseo University, Republic of Korea) Donghun Park(Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Republic of Korea) Time 10:30~10:50 Paper No. 140007 5.1.1 Title Switching Vision Algorithm Technique for Precise UAV Autonomous Landing Youeyun Jung1, Hyochoong Bang1, Dongjin Lee2 1 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea 2 Hanseo University, Republic of Korea Key Technology Analysis in the Application of Fixed-wing Carrier-based UAVs in Complex Environments 10:50~11:10 140178 5.1.2 Mengqing Hou, Gang Liu, Guanxin Hong, Chengxi Li Beihang University, China Design, and Performance Analysis of Propeller for Electrically-Powered HALE UAV 11:10~11:30 140131 5.1.3 Donghun Park, Yunggyo Lee, Cheolwan Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Republic of Korea The Aspects, Reasons and Outcomes of an Unmanned Air Vehicle Crash Caused By Engine Failure 11:30~11:50 140200 5.1.4 Ismet Çuhadar, Mahir Dursun Gazi University, Turkey MAY 22 (Friday) Room 5 Session 5.5 : Aircraft Design and Optimization / Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Chair : Hyunbum Park (Howon University, Republic of Korea) Juanmian Lei (Beijing Institute of Technology, China) Time Paper No. Title Research on Practical Technology of Ship Air-wake Model 13:00~13:20 140188 5.5.1 Yue Liuming, Liu Gang, Hong Guanxin Beihang University, China Multidisciplinary Design, Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) for Combat Aircraft Wing Configuration 13:20~13:40 140216 5.5.2 Cheol Lee, Ji Hong Kim, Il Woo Lee KOREA AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES, LTD., Republic of Korea Aerodynamic Design of a Novel Low-Reynolds-Number Airfoil for Near Space Propellers 13:40~14:00 140133 5.5.3 Zhang Shunlei, Yang Xudong, Song Bifeng, Song Wenping Northwestern Polytechnical University, China Numerical Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Square Cross-Section Body with Forward-Swept Wing at Subsonic 14:00~14:20 140183 5.5.4 Speeds Juanmian Lei, Jianping Niu, Shaofeng Zheng, Suozhu Wang Beijing Institute of Technology, China Experimental study of flapping wings aerodynamics at low Reynolds numbers 14:20~14:40 140253 5.5.5 Jian Qiang Hu, Zhen Rong, Y. Zheng Zhejiang University, China Stability study and numerical simulation of flow over an airfoil by energy gradient theory 14:40~15:00 140190 5.5.6 Jade Junqua, Hua-Shu Dou Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China MAY 22 (Friday) Room 5 Session 5.6 : Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Chair : Chun Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Time Paper No. Title One-Dimensional Shock Wave Structure Analysis Using a New Set of Simplified Burnett Equations 15:10~15:30 140055 5.6.1 Chun Shao, Wenwen Zhao, Weifang Chen Zhejiang University, China Analytical Approach to the Problem of Three-dimensional Steady Planar Shock Wave Interactions 15:30~15:50 140158 5.6.2 Chun Wang1, Yang Yang2, Gaoxiang Xiang1, Zonglin Jiang1 1 Institute of Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 2 Research & Development (R&D) Center of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, China A Stability Analysis of Shock-capturing Schemes for Hypersonic Heating Problem 15:50~16:10 140142 5.6.3 Wenjia Xie National University of Defense Technology, China Aero-Optical Diagnostic Technique for the Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition on a Flat Plate 16:10~16:30 140144 5.6.4 Ruiqu Li, Jian Gong, Zhixian Bi, Handong Ma China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics, China Aero-optical effects in hypersonic flow fields 16:30~16:50 140145 5.6.5 Shi Ketian, Miao Wenbo, Li Pengfei, Chen Xiaoli China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics, China Unsteady Interaction on Flat Plate/Isolated Roughness Element in Hypersonic Flow 16:50~17:10 140241 5.6.6 Pan Hong Lu, Pu Jun Hui, Ma Han-dong China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics, China
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