Welcome Welcome to our second public exhibition for the proposed redevelopment of Apex House on Seven Sisters Road, Tottenham. On display you will be able to see our latest proposals for the site and how these have evolved since our initial consultation stage earlier this year. The feedback received from that first exhibition has been extremely helpful as our designs have progressed and we would like to thank all those who have commented on our proposals to date. In July of last year, Grainger agreed the purchase of Apex House from the London Borough of Haringey. Following this agreement, Grainger appointed world-renowned architects John McAslan + Partners to develop some early ideas for the site to provide a high quality new development for Tottenham. We are now presenting our updated proposals to show you what the main comments received were and how these have been incorporated into our new designs. This exhibition forms part of a full engagement programme with residents and local community groups that includes meetings, a public Development Management Forum run by the London Borough of Haringey, and an initial public exhibition held earlier this year. We hope to submit a planning application to the London Borough of Haringey in the summer. We are encouraging further comments on these proposals from the public. You can leave your comments on the designs on display today through a number of channels: • Fill in a comment card and either leave them with a project team member or send them back at a later date to FREEPOST RTRH – ELLC –ERBL Apex House Development Berkshire House 168-173 High Holborn London WC1V 7AA • Send an email to: apexhouse@londoncommunications.co.uk • Telephone our dedicated consultation line on 0800 014 2446 We hope you find this exhibition informative. If you have any questions please do speak to one of the project team who are on hand to talk you through our proposals. apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Context and the site Apex House is located on the corner of Tottenham High Road, a major north-south route that links Tottenham with the City to the south, and Seven Sisters Road that leads to Finsbury Park, Camden Town and the West End. The building has been owned by Haringey Council since 1984. Grainger agreed to purchase the site in July last year in order to bring forward a suitable redevelopment of Apex House that will provide much-needed new homes for the borough as well as new retail and public space. Apex House forms part of a complex of buildings including Apex House, Wards Corner and Seven Sisters Underground Station. It has long been recognised as a key site for the regeneration of Tottenham by the London Borough of Haringey who state the site should be “developed in a consistent and uniform manner in order to maximise the potential for a high-quality regeneration of this area.” It is our intention to bring forward a landmark development for Tottenham that will deliver on Haringey’s vision for the area and that provides substantial benefits to residents and visitors of this important part of the borough. Tottenham Green Tottenham High Road Apex House Apex House Site Tottenham Green Key Points: • Apex House is located on the corner of Tottenham High Road and Seven Sisters Road. • the site has long been recognised by the London Borough of Haringey as a key for the regeneration of Tottenham • our intention is to bring forward a landmark development for Tottenham that provides substantial benefits to residents and visitors Apex House apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Tottenham High Road Our vision for the area The new development should also reinforce the southern end of the “High Street” between Apex Corner and Tottenham Green. Apex House will be delivered as Phase 1 of the Seven Sisters Regeneration Project, which includes the consented Wards Corner development at Seven Sisters Underground station. Haringey Urban Character Study This document was produced to analyse the existing conditions and areas for opportunity within Tottenham to improve the design of major buildings within the Seven Sisters area. TOWARDS TOTTENHAM GREEN W N EE GR AD RO SEVEN SISTERS UNDERGROUND STATION TOWARDS MANOR HOUSE SEVEN S SIST ERS R OAD SEVEN SISTERS REGENERATION PROJECT D OA BR NE LA AD GH RO HI TOWARDS SOUTH TOTTENHAM Apex House Site Analysis Diagram Key responses: • defining landmark needed to address the long views from the Green, and salient position of this triangular site. • the intensive activity node needs a significant urban ‘marker’. • the mature trees and landscaping support a taller structure. • the considerable width of the High Road supports a bold townscape response. apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Haringey Council set out a vision for the site within opportunity for a landmark slim tower of circa 20 their Wards Corner / Seven Sisters Underground storeys. Development Brief in 2004, to: We believe our proposals have the potential to “Create a landmark development that acts as a realise this vision and improve a prominent high quality gateway to Seven Sisters, providing location within the borough, whilst delivering mixed uses with improved facilities and safer a number of significant benefits for Tottenham underground station access.” including new homes, high-quality flexible commercial space, and a new public realm that The draft Haringey Urban Character Study will mean better connectivity through from Seven also identified Apex House as a site suitable Sisters Underground. for a mixed-use development which offers the Economic Benefits The creation of 154 new homes offers the opportunity to stimulate economic growth, help reduce the impact on local authority budget cuts and assist in meeting London Borough of Haringey’s objectively assessed housing need. 154 New Homes including 52 Affordable Homes 01 02 CONSTRUCTION BENEFITS EXPENDITURE BENEFITS £770,000 220 Jobs Direct Employment [estimated to create 445 person-years of temporary construction employment over the 2 year period of the build] First Occupation Expenditure on goods and services to make a house ‘feel like home’ a proportion of which would be captured locally 335 Jobs £40m Indirect/Induced Employment [335 ‘spin-off’ jobs could be supported in the supply chain per year of construction] £1.3m Estimated Net Additional Resident Expenditure within local Construction Value [estimated total cost of construction] shops and services [per annum] 10 Jobs Economic Output [expected additional GVA p.a. from direct and indirect jobs] New Operational Jobs supported £9.6m GVA 03 by increased resident expenditure in the local area OPERATIONAL BENEFITS 110 04 Total Jobs 35 [110 additional jobs directly supported E\WKHQHZÁH[LEOHFRPPHUFLDO ÁRRUVSDFH@ Indirect/Induced Employment [35 FTE jobs supported in the supply chain] £8.8m Economic Output (GVA per annum) [additional expected] LOCAL AUTHORITY REVENUE BENEFITS £ £ £ £22 £1.4m New Homes Bonus Payments [total payments over a set 6 year period] apexhousedevelopment.co.uk 4,20 Additional Council Tax Revenues [per annum in perpetuity] 0 £ ££££ £197,800 Additional Business Rate Revenue [per annum in perpetuity] Estimated Planning Contributions First Stage feedback Earlier this year we carried out a series of consultation meetings and exhibitions attended by over 150 local residents, to show members of the public our vision for the Apex House site and hear comments. Since February 2014 we have held a number of meetings that have included: • the Deputy Leader of London Borough of Haringey • Three meetings with local community groups • Two meetings with Seven Sisters Market • A two day public exhibition at the N17 Design Studio We are now in the process of carrying out our second stage consultation with the Council and the public which includes: • the Deputy Leader and other local Ward councillors • Further meetings with local community groups • A council-organised Development Management Forum attended by around 50 members of the public • A second two day public exhibition in June • A further meeting with local Market Traders We have also had regular meetings with Council Planning Officers to show how our designs have evolved. YOU SAID: Key WE DID: Residents Entrance Public Entrance apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Retail Frontage Old Ground Floor N VE SE D OA SR R E ST SI HIGH ROAD HIGH ROAD SEACOLE COURT • a study into the building’s height and massing • the relocation of entrances of the affordable homes to the courtyard, mirroring those of the private rented homes • we have tested extensively to show that the overshadowing effect to neighbouring homes is minimal • a significant increase in the size of the courtyard, without reducing commercial space • removal of internal street between the courtyard and Tottenham High Road to create a more controlled wider, more open space • the courtyard will be open to the public during the day and accessible to residents by key fob at night • a dedicated and partially covered service yard has been created • building materials have evolved to ensure it is in keeping with the surrounding architecture • all mature trees along Tottenham High Road will be maintained COURTYARD • support of the proposed development and the promise to invest in the area • objections to the proposed height and massing of the building • concerns around the proposed separate entrances for affordable units • concerns around a loss of light to neighbouring homes • concerns around an increase in rent for Seven Sisters Market Traders • overall support for a car-free development. • pleased to see investment in the area • a desire to keep the mature trees as part of any development • concerns that the proposals detract from the Ward Corner Community Plan for the adjacent site • a desire to see a larger public courtyard space • a desire for the courtyard to be a safe environment for residents at night N Our response Our current designs have responded to the feedback received during our ongoing consultation with local residents and council planning officers and over the past few months we have been working hard to update our proposals. This development would deliver: • the creation of two new street frontages along Seven Sisters Road and Tottenham High Road – to bring them in-line with neighbouring buildings • a new pedestrian link from Seven Sisters Road to Tottenham High Road • improved safety and security around the site. • the creation of new jobs for the borough throughout construction and operation As part of this proposed development, Grainger and McAslan have also provided an opportunity for the potential relocation of the Seven Sisters Market traders to this site. Grainger is currently in conversation with the traders to understand their desires and to work closely with them to design a workable space for a new market, should they wish to use the site. Key Residents Entrance Public Entrance Retail Frontage New Ground Floor SE N VE SI ST E RS RO AD SERVICE YARD N apexhousedevelopment.co.uk SEACOLE COURT HIGH ROAD COURTYARD Our updated proposals The proposals on display would deliver a high quality design development and provide multiple benefits for Tottenham that include a new landmark building for the borough as well as providing much needed new housing and amenity space that can be enjoyed by all. With these proposals, we aim to create a high quality residential-led development that would provide a new community for Tottenham. East Elevation East Elevation Artist’s Impression of Apex Corner Key development points: • a high-quality designed development for the borough • 154 new homes – 52 of which will be for affordable housing (39%), and all will comply with the space standards of the London Plan • private balcony space, a proportion of which will look over the courtyard, and private gardens for the terraced family homes • a new safe and active public realm that provides a well-designed communal space to enjoy • Flexible ground floor commercial space to service the new residents as well as the surrounding local community apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Internal Planning First Floor Plan Typical Upper Floor Plan (Levels 07-16) Key Private Studio Unit Total GIA: 16,950 m2 Retail Residential 887 m2 11, 576 m2 Private 1 Bed Unit N Private 2 Bed Unit Private 3 Bed Unit Private units studio 1-bed 6 44 102 units total: 154 units 2-bed 32 3-bed 20 96 80 Affordable units 1-bed 2-bed 11 29 52 units 3-bed 8 4-bed 4 40 24 Affordable 1 Bed Unit Affordable 2 Bed Unit 0 2 4 6 8 10 Affordable 3 Bed Unit Habitable rooms 6 88 270 hrs total: 443 hrs 22 173 hrs 60.9% by hrs 87 39.1% by hrs Affordable 4 Bed Townhouses Site Area Site Density Private Amenity Space Affordable 2 Bed Apartment Net Internal Area: Private Amenity Space: 76 m 5 m2 0.3883 ha 1,140.9 hr/ha 2 A typical 2-bed unit has a combined living room and kitchen, a double bedroom, a secondary double bedroom and a bathroom. apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Private Amenity Space Private 2 Bed Apartment Net Internal Area: Private Amenity Space: 72 m 7 m2 2 A typical 2-bed unit has a combined living room and kitchen, a double bedroom with an en-suite shower room, a secondary double bedroom and a bathroom. Public realm Key Retail Substation Resident’s Lounge Cycle Store Management Suite Refuse Store Roof Level SE VE N SI ST E RS RO AD SE VE N R SI ST F OO E RS RO AD ROOF 5 1 ROOF 4 ROOF 3 HIGH ROAD COURTYARD Key Points: • extend the character of Tottenham Green from further up the High Road • encourage activities and pedestrian movement, creating a safe connection through the site • provide high quality new seating and a practical and usable space for all • maintaining existing mature trees and additional planting to create an attractive environment for both residents and visitors • central courtyard provides a landscaped space off the retail units at ground level, also providing controlled access to residential entrances within the building • landscaped roof terraces provided for residents on various levels of the building allowing residents to enjoy sheltered, planted external space apexhousedevelopment.co.uk SEACOLE COURT SEACOLE COURT N ROOF 2 PODIUM N HIGH ROAD Ground Floor Buildings for Tottenham Local Materials SUFFIELD ROAD Yellow Brick Earlsmead Primary School Broad Lane WESTERFIELD ROAD Old Sorting Office 679-685 Seven Sisters Road EARLSMEAD ROAD 196-200 Page Green Terrace Brown Brick AD S ER RO ST N VE SI SE 778-818 Seven Sisters Road 24-40 Stonebridge Road 23-27 Broad Lane Red Brick AD GE D RI B NE O ST N 247 - 249 Tottenham High Road HIGH ROAD PEMBROKE ROAD 220 - 224 Tottenham High Road Old Church Hall 206 - 212 Page Green Terrace The materials being proposed for the Apex House development responds to the mix of brick shades in the immediate surrounding area. To break the massing of the building two contrasting tones of brick are being proposed with a lighter shade of buff brick on the taller building towards to West. The lower elements of the scheme will be clad in a darker red brick that reflects the existing red brick civic buildings that surround the site. Local Materials Local buildings are predominantly brick. The colour and detailing characterise particular periods and types of building. • Yellow brick: London stock brick was common for residential buildings from the late 18th century, as seen on Page Green terrace, to the early 20th century • Brown brick: primarily used in neighbouring terrace houses particularly in the late 20th century • Red brick: mainly seen in Edwardian civic buildings in the early 20th century apexhousedevelopment.co.uk RO COLLESS ROAD Key views VIEW 16 VIEW 15 VIEW 8 VIEW 7 VIEW 1 VIEW 14 VIEW 2 VIEW 13 VIEW 3 VIEW 6 VIEW 5 Apex House Site VIEW 10 VIEW 4 VIEW 12 VIEW 9 VIEW 11 • VIEW 1 South along Tottenham High Road • VIEW 2 South along Tottenham High Road (from the intersection with Broad Lane) • VIEW 3 Northeast along Seven Sisters Road (from Seven Sisters train station exit) • VIEW 4 North along Tottenham High Road • VIEW 5 South from Broad Lane looking over residential terraces • VIEW 6 North east from the intersection of Seven Sisters Road and St Anns Road • VIEW 7 Tottenham Green • VIEW 8 Tottenham Green • VIEW 9 North from the intersection of Tottenham High Road and St Anns Road • VIEW 10 St Ann’s Hospital • VIEW 11 Stamford Hill Station • VIEW 12 Harringay Station • VIEW 13 St Ann’s Road • VIEW 14 West Green Road at West Green • VIEW 15 Downhills Park • VIEW 16 Alexandra Palace apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Environment 22 STOREYS 74 meters 20 STOREYS 68 meters 18 STOREYS 61 meters 16 STOREYS 55 meters 6 STOREYS 24 meters 4 STOREYS 18 meters Artist’s impression of view from Tottenham High Road Key Points: • building height steps back from the street, breaking up the building with the highest tower located at the northern corner of the site • the articulated facade and canopy of existing large mature trees planted along the High Road reduce the impact of the wind at street level surrounding the building • south facing landscaped roof levels provide sunny and sheltered shared amenity space for all residents apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Social Sustainability The scheme will, in accordance with planning policy, be subject to a s106 agreement. The content of which will be agreed with London Borough of Haringey based on the Council’s identified requirements; however, it is likely to include contributions towards affordable housing (on site), employment and training provision and highways and public realm works associated with the development. Environmental Sustainability In addition to energy consumption, the “wider” sustainability strategy will consider: • • • • • • • water management pollution materials waste management biodiversity health & wellbeing sustainability targets The development will be designed to achieve the following standards: • Residential (New Build) – Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 • Retail – BREEAM Excellent Impact Adjacent Residential Accommodation 21 The location of the tower on Tottenham High Road means that there is little additional overshadowing of adjacent properties. This is due to the large width of the road. The buildings are lower on the narrower Seven Sisters Road so do not cause significant overshadowing. G+18 m G+22 61 m To existing buildings opposite Whilst the shadows cast by the tower are inevitably more extensive than those from lower buildings, the orientation of the building is such that they pass very quickly over the surrounding area with the result that there will not be any prolonged overshadowing from the proposed development. Notably, there are no public amenity spaces within the vicinity of the site with the potential to be affected by the proposed development. 5.5 m G+16 G+4 G+20 G+4 G+6 G+6 12 G m 13 m 2 G+ 24 52 m 3m m 9m Key N Amenity Windowless Flank Wall Spring Equinox [21st March] Autumn Equinox [21st September] Winter Solstice [21st December] Summer Solstice [21st June] 09:00 GE RID RID 192-200 206-212 192-200 7-12 AD 1-6 GE 1-6 RO RID B B NE HIGH ROAD HIGH ROAD 13-18 6 79 877 7-12 RO RID NE O ST O ST S S 206-212 206-212 HIGH ROAD RID N TO N TO S GE RO SIS VE SE 13-18 AD 1-6 RS TE N 6 79 877 7-12 RO EB EB N TO S GE AD 7 70 768 RO SIS VE SE 13-18 AD 1-6 RS TE N 6 79 877 7-12 RO RID EB EB N TO 206-212 13-18 AD 1-6 RO RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R AD 7 70 768 RO SIS VE SE 192-200 192-200 GE RS TE N 6 79 877 7-12 AD 1-6 RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R AD 7 70 768 RO SIS SE 13-18 6 79 877 7-12 RS TE N VE HIGH ROAD HIGH ROAD 13-18 AD RO AD 7 70 768 RO SIS VE SE 192-200 RS TE N 6 79 877 206-212 AD 7 70 768 RO SIS RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R HIGH ROAD RS TE N VE SE RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R 192-200 AD 7 70 768 GE RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R 206-212 RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R 12:00 GE 206-212 192-200 7-12 1-6 RO RID EB EB ST HIGH ROAD HIGH ROAD GE RID ON ON ST 206-212 206-212 HIGH ROAD EB EB EB ON ST 13-18 AD 1-6 RO RO SIS 6 79 877 7-12 AD GE RS TE N VE SE 13-18 1-6 AD 7 70 768 RO SIS 6 79 877 7-12 RO RID RID RID RID EB ON ST GE RS TE N VE SE 13-18 AD 1-6 RO AD 7 70 768 6 79 877 7-12 AD 1-6 RO SIS RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R 192-200 13-18 6 79 877 7-12 RO RS TE N VE SE 192-200 192-200 GE RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R AD 7 70 768 RO SIS VE SE 13-18 AD 1-6 206-212 206-212 N 6 79 877 7-12 AD RO RS TE SIS HIGH ROAD HIGH ROAD 13-18 6 79 877 RO TE N VE SE 192-200 RS AD 7 70 768 AD 7 70 768 RO SIS RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R HIGH ROAD RS TE N VE SE RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R 192-200 AD 7 70 768 GE RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R 206-212 RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R ON ON ST ST 15:00 Proposed The distances to adjacent properties are: • approximately 61m across Tottenham High Road • approximately 21m across Seven Sisters Road • between the High Road block and houses on Stonebridge Road is approximately 24m • approximately 9m to the back of Seacole Court, and this is a windowless flank wall • across the site any adjacencies below 12m are managed through windowless flank walls to avoid overlooking The wide road mitigates the impact of the tower on adjacent properties. Existing GE HIGH ROAD 13-18 6 79 877 7-12 D 1-6 GE A RO 1-6 RID RID EB EB ON ON ST Existing Sun Path Diagram: London Winter Solstice [22nd December] Equinox [22nd March / September] Summer Solstice [22nd June] Proposed 192-200 192-200 SE 7-12 ST Proposed RO SIS VE HIGH ROAD 13-18 A RO 206-212 206-212 206-212 HIGH ROAD 192-200 192-200 192-200 GE RS TE N D RID ON ST AD 7 70 768 RO SIS 6 79 877 1-6 EB EB ON ST Key Points apexhousedevelopment.co.uk 206-212 206-212 GE A RO RS TE N VE SE 7-12 D RID EB ON ST Existing HIGH ROAD HIGH ROAD GE RID RID EB ON ST 13-18 6 79 877 1-6 RS TE ION SIS AT N ER N VE E SE EG R AD 7 70 768 RO SIS VE SE 7-12 D A RO RS TE N 13-18 6 79 877 1-6 RS TE ION SIS AT N ER N VE E SE EG R AD 7 70 768 RO SIS VE SE 7-12 D A RO RS TE N 13-18 6 79 877 1-6 RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R AD 7 70 768 RO SIS VE SE 7-12 D A RO RS TE N 13-18 6 79 877 AD 7 70 768 RO SIS HIGH ROAD RS TE N VE SE RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R 192-200 AD 7 70 768 GE RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R 206-212 RS TE ION SIS AT N ER VE EN SE EG R Feedback and next steps Thank you for visiting our latest exhibition showing • Fill in a comment card and put it in the box our current proposals for the Apex House site. provided or post Freepost to: Members of the development and design team are FREEPOST RTRH – ELLC –ERBL Apex House Development on hand to answer any questions you might have, and we welcome your comments on the scheme. Berkshire House 168-173 High Holborn It is our intention to submit a planning application London WC1V 7AA for this development to the London Borough of Haringey in the summer and will be collating all the feedback received on these plans so that • Send an email to: apexhouse@londoncommunications.co.uk they can be fed into Council as part of their own consultation process. • Telephone our dedicated consultation line on 0800 014 2446 You can leave your comments using the methods below and a member of the project team will get back to you on any questions you have about the The content of these boards is also available to view online via our consultation website: proposals. www.apexhousedevelopment.co.uk. Thank you. Artist’s impression of view from Tottenham High Road apexhousedevelopment.co.uk
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