PROGRESSIVE LIST OF FOREST INVASIVE SPECIES PRESENT IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA Robert Kiapranis & Roy Banka PNG Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 314, Lae, PNG Scientific Name 1 Common Name Origin Introduction Method Yea r ? ? Likely pathways of spread Animal excretion, feralpigs Vectors Distribution Patterns Animals (Pigi birds) Enga Province border with WHP Rate of Change Major Change Threat Level ? ? Highlan d areas ? ? Nationa l Nationa l Passiflora mollissima P.tripartite P.mirta Rubus spp. South America ? ? ? animals birds 3 Rubus moluccanus ? ? ? Birds dispersed fruits Lowlands to 1000m asl ? ? 4 Chromolaena odorata Eupatorium odoratum Leucaena leucocephala L.glauca Mimosa invisa M.diplotricha Himalaya through Malaysia, Australia, Solom ons, Fiji Tropical America ? ? Wind dispersed seeds wind Common in lowlands up to 1000m ? ? Nationa l Rodents, birds dispersed seeds Birds seeds carried by animals or on clothing Ornamental nurseries birds Country wide ? ? Nationa l widely distributed, especially abundant in lowlands ? ? Nationa l ? ? ? Lowlands of PNG ? ? Potentia l national threat Potentia l lowland threat national ly 2 5 6 Lamantro Laindrol Tropical America ? ? Nil Grazil Brazil ? ? 7 Clerodendro quadriloculare Philippine s ? ? 8 Timonius timon Timer, Moluccas, N.Australi a, New Guinea, Solomons ? ? ? Commerc ial nurseries, trades Fruit bats, birds 9 Spathodea campanulata Stik Masis West Africa ?` ? Ornamentally planted Wind dispersed seeds Lowlands of PNG, recently seen in Simbu (highlands) Lowlands to highlands ? ? Real National threat 10 Paraserianthes falcataria Albizia falcataria Adenanthera falacataria Opisa Marmar Moluccas New Guinea ? ? Seeds dispersed by birds 11 Tecoma stans Tropical America ? ? 12 Tithonia diversifolia ? ? 13 Merremia diversifolia Mexico and Centeral America Indo-pacific Forestry Plantings Reforestation projects, Coffe Shade trees Wind dispersed seeds ? ? ? National ? ? ? National seeds ? ? ? National ? ? ? ? ? ? National ? Seeds and rhizomes ? Lowlands up to lower parts of the highlands of PNG ? 14 Imperata cylindrical Kunai gras Old world ? ? ? National 15 16 Clitoria ternate Cebia petandra Kapok Tropical America ? ? Seeds germinate quickly Fruit bats ? ? National Tropical America ? ? seed Commonly planted for shade ? ? Tibouchina herbacea South America ? ? Seed Ornamental plantings Widespread in PNG, especially in lowlands Common in lowlands of PNG Common in PNG highlands 17 Samanea saman Pithecellobium saman Marmar ? ? Africa ? ? ? ? ? ? ? National 21 Cenchrus echinatus ` ? ? seeds PNG highlands Widespread in PNG Widespread in PNG ? Central America Wind dispersed seeds Bird dispersed wind 20 Melinis minutiflora Panicum minutiflora Lantana camara Invasive in PNG lowlands Potentially invasive in PNG Highlands National 18 19 ? ? National Frugivorous birds Deeds attach to animals/clothings very easily 22 Paspalum conjugatum Tropical America ? ? Seeds 23 Pennisetum polystachyon Misin Grass 24 Pennisteum purpureum Bidens pilosa Bidens alba Elephant Grass Tropical Africa to India Tropical Africa Tropical America ? ? Seeds ? ? seeds ? ? seeds Wedelia trilobata Sphagneticola trilobata Senecia mikanoides Delairea odorata Allemanda cathartica Central America ? ? Seeds/vegetatively ? South Africa ? ? seeds Wind dispersed seeds Tropical America ? ? Cuttings/seeds 29 Thevetia peruvina Central America ? ? seeds 30 Mikania micrantha brugmansia candida Datura candida South America South America ? ? Seeds/vegetative ? ? Vegetative/seeds Ornamental commercial nurseries Ornamental nurseries/garden and yard planting is common Seed dispersed by wind Vegetative 25 26 27 28 31 Seeds cling on to clothes/animal fursetc Wind dispersed seeds Widespread in PNG ? ? National Widespread in PNG ? ? National Wind dispersed seeds Animal dispersed Widespread in PNG Common in PNG, in the highlands up to over 2000m asl Widespread throught PNG ? ? National ? ? National ? ? National Present in PNG Highlands ? ? Regional Throught PNG ? ? National Throught PNG ? ? National Widespread in PNG Widespread in PNG ? ? National ? ? Natioanl 32 Passiflora foetida South America ? ? seeds 33 Crotaria spp. Pantropical? Asian ? ? seeds 34 Sida rhombifolia Pantropical ? ? seeds wind dispersed seeds 35 Thunbergia alata Tropical Africa ? ? seeds Wind dispersed 36 Stachytarpheta urticaefolia Tropical America ? ? ? ? 37 Solanum torvum Piper aduncum Pantropical ? ? seeds Tropical America ? ? seeds Bird dispersed fruits Bird dispersed seeds Tropical America ? ? seeds 38 39 Hyptis pectinata Wel daka diwai Edible fruits dispersed by animals/humans Animal/wind dispersed seeds Wind dispersed seeds Common in PNG lowlands A few species which are Quite widespread in PNG Widespread in PNg, different species in lowlands and highlands Commonin low altitudes Common in low altitudes to about 2000 asl Sea level to 2000m asl Widespread at low altitudes, but now moving up to the highlands past 1000m asl Common in lowlands of PNG, now also found in highland areas past 1000m asl ? ? Regional ? ? National ? ? National ? ? Regional ? ? National ? ? National ? ? National ? ? Regional
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