The Nova Scotia PSYCHOLOGIST A Journal Published by The Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia Inside... Winter 2015 President’s Report 1 Call for Nominations 3 Psychology Month 2015 4 Psychology Month - CPA 5 CE Workshops 6 NSBEP Notes Changes to NSBEP Continuing Competency 7 CAP-I Upcoming 8 “Look Who’s Talking” 8 Acknowledgements 9 Announcements 11 Advertisements 12 Committees & Reps 16 Vol. 27• No 1 Winter 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSGE P sychology Month, which sometimes goes by the alias “February”, is just about here, or maybe it is here, by the time you are Victor Day, Ph.D., APNS President reading this. APNS will be sponsoring a couple of pages in the Chronicle Herald, along with the NSBEP and supportive private practice groups, which will include some articles and an explanation of who we are and what we do. I know that sounds like just the same as previous years, and of course we could try to create a viral video to really catch the public’s attention. However the problem is educational videos about the profession of psychology never go viral, and videos that do go viral usually do not fit with the professional image we wish to convey. But if you have demonstrated the power of the principles of psychology by training your cat to play the piano, let me know. We are trying a few additional things. One is to get some local celebrities to wear a “Mind Your Mental Health” t-shirt and tweet about it. Look for it on Twitter. We also will be offering to do interviews on Psychology Month and psychological topics on the local media. Check the “Psychology Month” section of our website for more information. Indeed one thing we can all do to generate more public interest is to agree to provide interviews for the public media on topical issues, or agree to speak to public groups as the opportunities arise. The former usually does not take much time, although may involve fitting it in to your schedule on short notice. Although some psychologists have apprehensions about speaking in the public media, those of us who have done it occasionally have found it generally is a positive experience. What the public typically takes away is that you are a knowledgeable person, some sort of expert, which is good for you and good for the profession. I believe that many APNS members can make useful contributions to the public consideration of many current issues. We are continuing our efforts to advocate for the profession, including recently meeting with officials in the NS Dept. of Health about a variety of issues, including hiring more psychologists, the delays in reconstituting our previous arrangement for postcontinued on page 2 Reports PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (continued from page 1) disaster services, and health employees’ insurance coverage for private psychological services. I have nothing to report yet as accomplished; all of these issues are still “works in progress”. On the topic of advocacy, our Advocacy Committee chaired by Dr. Kiran Pure could use some additional members. Remember that nowadays people can “Skype” into committee meetings from outside of Halifax. Contact if you are interested in participating on this committee. Among other activities, the Advocacy Committee is considering what may be done during the campaigning for the national election in October. This can be a good time to access candidates and MPs on topics of interest to us. Although many educational and health issues Page 2 are more provincial in nature, some, such as taxes, are also federal in nature. The application of the GST to some psychological services is an on-going issue; and our idea about a tax deduction when psychologists provide pro bono services is both provincial and federal. Do you have ideas about other issues that are mainly federal responsibilities, which we should be advocating for during the upcoming election? Let me know. Vic Day The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Reports APNS CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Executive Committee and NSBEP T his is the time of year when we ask your help in finding nominations for members of the APNS Executive Committee. This year we are asking the membership for nominations for the following positions on the APNS Executive: (Deadline for nominations is March 6th.) President Elect Executive Secretary Member-at-Large (Treasurer) Member-at-Large Student Representative Also the Board Nominations Subcommittee of the Elections Committee of APNS is calling for nominations for appointment to the Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology (NSBEP). (Deadline for nominations is February 28th.) If you know anyone who would be a good addition to the Executive or to the NSBEP Board please consider nominating them. The nomination forms with instructions can be downloaded here: Nomination Form - Executive files/ExecNom_2015.docx Nomination Form - NSBEP files/NSBEP_Nom_2015.docx We have also attached a nomination form for recommendations for an APNS Fellow. (Deadline for nominations is February 28th.) Nomination Form - Fellow files/Fellow_Nom_2015.docx Sent on behalf of Debra Garland Chair Elections Committee APNS Annual General Meeting Tentative date: Friday, May 8, 2015 12:00 to 1:15 p.m. We encourage all APNS members to join us for lunch while you attend the AGM. In addition to annual business matters the Student Awards will be presented. Watch for more information soon Page 3 The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Reports PSYCHOLOGY MONTH 2015 E very February during Psychology Month, we encourage Psychologists across the province to participate in activities to celebrate the profession of Psychology. Whether you are in private practice, hospitals, schools or other settings, there are some activities that can be done fairly easily. For example: Participating with the IWK, Capital Health, Dalhousie University, and St Mary’s University to present a psychology-related public film showing at a local Oxford Theatre. Watch for more information soon. Participating in the Mind Your Mental Health (MYMH) national CPA-sponsored campaign Resources for your use: There are a number of Fact Sheets, posters and link available to download on our website: Hold an Open House Set up an Information Table or Display Contact your local public, school or university library about setting up a display of Psychology -related books. Offer to give a presentation at your local library, school, or community organization on your work or specialty Let your local media – radio station or newspaper – know about Psychology Month. Participate in the national Mind You Mental Health campaign by visiting and sending an automated letter to your MLA about the importance of access to psychological services. Please let APNS know what you’re doing to mark Psychology Month. APNS will be involved in the following activities: Placing a 2-page display ad in the provincial Chronicle Herald (Saturday February 28th). The topic will be Access to Psychological Treatments, NSBEP will once again partner with us on this initiative. Psychologists in private practice may want to purchase an ad. If interested contact: Paul Henderson or phone 902-426-2811 X 2884. Page 4 The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Reports PSYCHOLOGY MONTH 2015: Message from CPA F ebruary is Psychology Month. The message of Psychology Month is simple: “Psychology is for everyone.” Psychology Month is a campaign encouraging everyone in the psychology community to make time during February to share with the public what it is they do and how it contributes to the overall well-being of the community. It’s that simple. Visit our Psychology Month page for information on how you can celebrate Psychology Month. Mind Your Mental Health – In honour of Psychology Month, the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), the Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia (APNS) and representatives from the other provincial and territorial associations of psychology have launched their second national Mind Your Mental Health (MYMH) Campaign to help highlight the need to enhance access to psychological services across Canada. The campaign encourages the public to e-mail their Provincial and Territorial governments to let them know that access to a Psychologist is important to them and their families. It also encourages Canadians to take a picture wearing the MYMH t-shirt and share it on social media to show their support. Page 5 “Access to a psychologist should be a right not a privilege. The statistics are staggering. One in five Canadians will experience a mental health problem in a given year, yet only one in three reportedly receives care. Canada needs to do a better job at making sure that help is available to those who need it,” says Dr. Kerry Mothersill, President of the CPA. “Psychological treatments work. Yet, these services are inaccessible to people with modest incomes or no private health insurance because they are not covered by provincial/territorial health insurance plans. Publically funded services, when available, are often in short supply and wait lists are long. Other countries have launched initiatives that include covering the services of psychologists through public health systems. These initiatives are proving both cost and clinically effective,” added Dr. Karen Cohen, Chief Executive Officer of the CPA. Canadians can participate in the campaign by visiting and submitting a letter to their elected representative. You can also follow the campaign all month long by visiting and The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Reports CONTINUING EDUCATION WORKSHOPS interpret WJ IV scores. This workshop is aimed at professionals familiar with the Woodcock Johnson batteries. Day 1 – Overview of the three test batteries with a focus on new subtests and changes. Day 2 – Interpretation of test results of the WJ IV with a focus on the Tests of Cognitive Ability and new composite scores available within and across the batteries. This workshop is being co-hosted by APNS and Riverdale Psychological Services. I f you have suggestion or ideas for suitable webinar presentations and local speaker who would be a good fit for this presentation format please contact us by e-mailing 2015 Date: Tues. May 12th & Wed. May 13th Woodcock-Johnson IV – Overview and Interpretation Location: Old Orchard Inn – Greenwich, Nova Scotia in the Annapolis Valley Registration: contact to reserve space. Watch for more details soon. Join us for a specialized, two-day workshop on the new Woodcock-Johnson IV. The new WJ IV includes three, co-normed batteries – Tests of Cognitive Abilities, Tests of Achievement and Tests of Oral Language. The WJ IV emphasizes the identification of strengths and weaknesses by providing comparisons both within each battery and across batteries. This hands-on training will provide the background and technical properties of the WJ IV and the substantial changes that have been made. Best practices of administration, scoring, and interpretation of results will be discussed and demonstrated. Participants will gain the knowledge necessary to administer and Page 6 Coming Soon: May 2015: Workshop on working with lawyers and in the court system. Watch for more info soon. Fall 2015: Workshop on Private Practice Issues. Similar to the Omnibus workshop we did in 2013, this would be a day with 2-3 short workshops on various topics of interest to those of you in private practice. What would you like to see addressed? Please let us know Fall 2015: Workshop on dealing with sleep issues Tentative Date: October 17th 2015 APNS 50th Anniversary. We are planning a Gala celebration our 50th year. Watch for more information soon. The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Reports NSBEP NOTES ~ Allan R. Wilson, Ph.D., Registrar Changes to the NSBEP Continuing Competence Program: Effective January 1, 2015 The NSBEP Continuing Competence Program came into effect on January 1, 2012. At that time, The Board indicated that it would “elicit feedback from psychologists about the program” and “modify the program to reflect feedback and advancing knowledge with respect to the assessment of competencies”. The Board has carefully reviewed the feedback from registrants obtained from the Continuing Competence Program Survey. The Board has made the following decisions regarding the Continuing Competence Program. The audit of psychologists for compliance with the Program for 2013 and 2014 were placed on hold pending the results of the Continuing Competence Program survey of registrants. Given the proposed changes to the program, the Board has decided not to pursue the audits for the years 2013 and 2014. The following changes to the Continuing Competence Program will come into effect January 1, 2015. The next audit of psychologists for compliance with the program in 2015 will occur in early 2016. Continuing Competence Program Form 1 (SelfAssessment and Learning Objectives) will now be optional. Registrants may continue to use this form to help guide their plans for the year but psychologists will no longer be required to submit Form 1 as part of the Audit process. Psychologists will no longer be required to have another psychologist review and sign their Self-Assessment and Learning Objectives (Form 1). learning objectives for the Core Competencies for the coming year. Form 2 can then be used to list Continuing Competence Activities and claim credits, as these occur during the year. The revised Form 2 is available on the NSBEP website. There was some confusion about where webinars might best fit in terms of the Continuing Competence Activities. It was decided that webinars would be included under the workshop category. See revised Table of Continuing Competence Activities and Credit Values (now included in Form 2). In responding to the Continuing Competence Program Survey, some psychologists indicated that the list of Continuing Competence Activities did not adequately cover their learning activities. No examples were provided, however, and no suggestions were made regarding additional continuing competence activities. The Board has decided to retain the existing Continuing Competence Activities and credit values for 2015. Registrants are invited to submit suggestions for additional Continuing Competence Activities for the Board to consider. In responding to the Continuing Competence Program Survey, some psychologists indicated that they were uncertain about what documentation they should retain for the various Continuing Competence Activities. See revised Table of Continuing Competence Activities and Credit Values for documentation requirements (now included in Form 2). information-for-registrants/continuingcompetence/ There have been some changes made to the Continuing Competence Program Form 2. Certain parts of the form must be completed by January 1st each year. Registrants are asked to identify broad Page 7 The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Reports CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY INTEREST GROUP (CAP-I) Sat. March 28th. Dr. Melanie Vanier will present on selective mutism. Sat. April 11th. Postponed from January 31st. Time: 10:30‐12:30 Location: Room Seton 319, MSVU Topic: School Initiatives Presenters: 1) Tara Moore, MSW, SchoolsPlus Coordinator, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. 2) Barbara Casey, Manager Community Mental Health and Addictions Service For more information or to be added to the e‐mailing list, contact Penny Corkum, CAP‐I Chair : Penny Corkum, PhD (Registered Psychologist) Professor, Clinical Psychology Program, Depart‐ ment of Psychology & Neuroscience Scientific Staff, Department of Pediatrics, IWK Health Centre Director, Colchester East Hants ADHD Clinic, CEHHA Phone: 902‐494‐5177 E‐mail:<> Website: “Look Who’s Talking” If you are presenting to a community group or other organization, APNS would like to know about it. Each time you connect with the public it increases the profile of the profession of Psychology in Nova Scotia. We would be pleased to acknowledge your contribution. Just send an email to Chimene Jewer October 2014 ‐ Craig’s Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society ‐ Support Group Marie Josette Durup writes a monthly column for the Valley Now Community Newspaper. December: Don’t Let The Holidays Stress You (Page 5) January: Making and Keeping your New Year’s Resolutions (Page 3) Upcoming in February: Love with a Healthy Heart Upcoming in March: Sleep Awareness Page 8 The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Acknowledgements Obituary ~ Dennis Allaby (July 16, 1970 - August 19, 2014) Allaby, Dennis Troy of Dartmouth- age 44 years, passed away August 19, 2014 in the Halifax Infirmary. It is with heavy hearts that our family announces his tragic and unexpected passing. Loving husband to Michelle Rae Hilchie and thoughtful and devoted father to Brady, Maddox and Connor. He will be missed by his parents Roland and Lynda, sibling Darren and Pamela (Tim), nephews Tyler and Spencer; his Father and Mother-in-law Reginald and Eleanor (Cameron); sister-in-laws Kim (Robb), Jocelyn (Paul); brother-in-laws Darren (Teri), Duane (Marcia, Dwight (Melissa); nieces and nephews Erika (Frick), Karissa, Rex, Jake, Lauren, Kenzie, Annika, Beau, Mitch, Kloey, Courtney, Tyler, Adrienne, Abigail, Braeden, Kiana, Kelson, Parker, Callie, Olivia, Jaxon, Olivia, Bentley, Lincoln, Beckham. Dennis grew up in Hampton, New Brunswick. He was a proud Hamptonian. Although he moved away from his childhood home at the age of eighteen, the spirit of the town, it’s residents and his time there never left him. He was honoured that the town had a rich athletic heritage and reputation, and to be a huge part of carrying that reputation on. Beyond his family and his Faith, it was the greatest source of pride in his life. Dennis graduated from UNBSJ with a Bachelor of Arts, major in Psychology. He went on to complete his Masters in New York City at John Jay College of the City University of New York. He loved his time in New York! Dennis was employed as a clinical psychologist in the provinces of New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, and Nova Scotia. After moving to Nova Scotia in 2002, he was privileged to work at the IWK. More recently, he enjoyed helping his clients at PT Health. He was exemplary at his work and appreciated the opportunity to help others. Dennis was a man who loved music and the arts; a man who loved sports; who loved animals, loved people … loved academic life and especially psychology and the human mind. A man who made every personal interaction special, and who always put people around him at the greatest of ease. A man who loved his wife and a father who was affectionate, passionate, wild and crazy about his three young boys. Most importantly, a man who loved life and loved God. He excelled at sports, in fact, every sport he tried. He was a provincially recognized competitive hockey player in New Brunswick (in high school, midget, junior and senior levels). Dennis took great pride in having played on provincial championship teams with his childhood friends from Hampton in baseball, soccer, and of course, hockey. He also excelled individually in badminton. Dennis was an exceptional athlete graced with speed, strength and power, Dennis was loyal – Dennis never forgot a friend. He treated everyone with respect and valued them all. You see, to Dennis it mattered not your ethnic background, whether you were rich or poor, short or tall. Dennis saw things with an open mind and treated everyone with respect. He loved his family – his dad Roland, his mom Lynda, his sister Pamela and his brother – Darren. He loved his friendships – from childhood through to adult and work life. He truly valued friendship. Mostly though, he loved Michelle. He loved his boys with all his heart! They were his world!! He loved spending all his time with them, whether it be fishing, four wheeling or jumping on the trampoline (Kyle Shewfelt). Words cannot express how much they meant to him! He loved their energy and zest for life! He simply loved being with them! Although it is difficult to lose a man like Dennis – a wonderful Husband and Dad, a loyal friend, a caring human being….we know he is back in our Heavenly Father’s loving arms watching over us. Page 9 The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Acknowledgements Welcomes its Latest Members as of January 15, 2015 Jodie Baker, M.A.S.P. Brenda Chandler, M.A. Katharine Filbert, Ph.D. Amber Fougere, D.Clin. Psych. Elizabeth Fraser, B.Sc. Amber Johnston, Ph.D. Rachel Lathrop, M.A.S.P. Jane Lowe, M.A.S.P. Leslie MacIntyre, Ph.D. Adria Markovich, B.Sc. Elizabeth Quon, Ph.D. Aleasha Warner, M.A.S.P. Katherine Wilson, M.Sc. Susan Weber, Psy.D. We would like to thank the membership for supporting APNS in its efforts to promote the interests of Nova Scotia psychologists through advocacy, continuing education and the support of special interests in the field. Congratulations to the following who have recently become Registered Psychologists* Tammy Boyce Kontuk, M.Sc. Laura Connors, Ph.D. Andrea Donato, M. A. Amber Fougere, D.Clin.Psych. Ayala Gorodzinsky, Ph.D. Lindsay Leighton, M.A.S.P. Tatiana Nedecheva Carreira, Ph.D. Paula Luedemann, M.Ed. Catherine A. Stewart, Ph.D. Sara Beth MacDonald, M.A.S.P. Tamara Williams, Ph.D. Jean-Francois Martel, M.A.Ps. Susan Young, M.Ed. France McClure, M.A.S.P. Congratulations to the following who have recently become Candidates* Susan Battista, Ph.D. Aimee Coulombe, Ph.D. Andrea Ennis, M.Sc. Jillian H. Filliter, Ph.D. Michelle Kerr, M.A.S.P. Victoria Klimek, M.A.S.P. Rachel Lathrop, M.A.S.P. Jane Lowe, M.A.S.P. Erica Lundberg, M.A. Leslie MacIntyre, Ph.D. Amber McConnell, M.Sc. Ainslie McDougall, Ph.D. Brittany Morrison, M.A.S.P. Janine Olthuis, Ph.D. Marta Paszucka, M.Sc. Heather Patterson, M.Sc. Elizabeth Pienkos, Psy.D. Elizabeth Quon, Ph.D. Alena Talbot Ellis, M.A. Bally Thun, M.Ed. Aleasha Warner, M.A.S.P. Katherine Wilson, M.Sc. *This information provided by NSBEP as of Page 10 January 20, 2015 The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Announcements Craig’s Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society Craig’s Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society’s mission is to provide information and support to those with pancreatic cancer and their families; to create awareness and educate both the general public and health professionals about the disease, and to raise research funds leading to earlier detection, and better treatments and quality of life for patients. Craig’s Cause offers a monthly support group meetings for anyone touched by cancer, featuring guest speakers, a question and answer period, and an opportunity to socialize with others who understand. Although Craig’s Cause is an organization dedicated to pancreatic cancer, the organization would like to open the support group up to those affected by other, less well‐recognized forms of cancer. Support group meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm at the Canadian Cancer Society’s The Lodge that Gives Board Room 5826 South Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Check the website http:// for more up‐to‐date details. If you would like to participate as a guest speaker, or know of another psychologist or other health professional who might be interested in being a guest speaker, please contact Colleen Dafoe or Chimène Jewer If you have clients that you think might benefit from attending the support group, please do not hesitate to refer them to the group. Red Cross Call for Personnel to join the fight against Ebola As part of the coordinated response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the Canadian Red Cross is seeking qualified personnel to join the fight against Ebola. The Red Cross has established Ebola Treatment Centres in West Africa, but Human Resources remains a critical gap in responding to the crisis, and one we are striving to quickly close. We are approaching the Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia to request your support in the recruitment of health care professionals (e.g. physicians, nurses, psychosocial support professionals with international experience). Selected applicants who meet the health and professional standards established by the Canadian Red Cross will be deployed to a Red Cross Ebola Treatment Centre in West Africa between November 2014 and April 2015. Prior to deployment, the Red Cross will provide the qualified individuals with mission‐specific training including an extensive practical course on Ebola and related safety procedures. All deploying personnel who are new to the Red Cross will also receive Red Cross specific training. Each mission will initially be limited to four weeks due to the hardship of having to work under heavy personal protective equipment. Upon return to Canada, contracts will be extended for an additional three week rest period after deployment during which instructions will be provided on how to self monitor. During the rest period individuals are expected to not go back to their place of work. Anyone who deploys as part of this initiative will be placed under a Red Cross contract with pay and benefits. Visit‐we‐do/global‐health/west‐africa‐ebola‐virus/ebola‐response‐jobs to view the job posting and FAQs for deploying in support of the Ebola Response. Page 11 The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Advertisements The advertisements on this page are paid placements. APNS does not take responsibility for the content and does not necessarily subscribe to the opinions expressed in these advertisements. JOIN OUR GROWING TEAM Dr. Daniel Chorney & Associates is currently seekingaRegistered Psychologist to join our growing practice. We are five independent Ph.D. level psychologists who all share a strong cognitivebehavioral therapy training background and have experience working with children and adolescents. We are seeking a psychologist whose primary area of practice is within Clinical Psychology, and who demonstrates a strong background in the assessment and treatment of a variety of childhood disorders and concerns. Assessment and treatment experience with adults is desirable, but not required. Preference will also be given to candidates who have experience administering psychoeducational assessments, and who have extensive experience in the use of empirically supported and evidencebased assessment and treatment in their work. Practice hours can be flexible and self-determined, although we are currently seeking an applicant who is interested in working up to a full-time caseload. Daytime, evening, and/or weekend hours are possible. Interested psychologists should contact Dr. Chorney directly by email at Please include a brief cover letter (including the names and contact information of two references) and recent curriculum vitaewhen applying. For more information about our practice, please visit our website at Successful candidates will be contacted for an interview. Associate Position Available Growing private practice is seeking a Part-time Associate for one evening a week (with the potential for additional hours over time) Qualifications: • registered with the Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology with a minimum of two years experience • provide counselling services to adults, and potentially couples and/or children and adolescents • eclectic approach preferably, with emphasis on cognitive-behavioural therapy • administration and case management skills Please send CV to: Carla Seymour, M.Sc. Seymour Psychological Services Inc. Suite 2030 1658 Bedford Hwy Bedford, NS B4A 3X9 Fax: 832-4369 Or to: Page 12 The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Advertisements The advertisements on this page are paid placements. APNS does not take responsibility for the content and does not necessarily subscribe to the opinions expressed in these advertisements. Join Our Busy Practice on the Beautiful LaHave River South Shore Psychological Services Inc. is seeking a Doctorate or Masters level Registered Psychologist to join our group of independent practitioners. The qualified individual will offer comprehensive assessment and treatment services to adults and couples. Our facility includes furnished office space, a private deck overlooking the river, a shared reception area and kitchenette. Located in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, South Shore Psychological Services is a thriving, well established private practice providing a wide range of psychological services to children, adolescents, adults and couples. Interested Psychologists may contact Dr. April D’Aloisio by phone, email or fax. 926 King Street, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia B4V 3E6 Phone: (902) 527-1058 Fax: (902) 527-2946 Roth Associates in Psychology has two openings for a Registered (or Candidate Register) Psychologist and Child Psychologist to join our dynamic team. We offer extensive collegial and administrative support along with a warm and positive work environment. Fully furnished, bright offices, appropriate referrals of new clients, flexibility in making your own hours and the freedom to grow from part-time to full-time if desired. We are conveniently located in Lacewood with plenty of free parking. Psychologist Qualifications: • Registered with the Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology • Provide counselling services to adult individuals and couples • Preference will be given but is not necessary for applying to candidates that have experience in working with individuals suffering from addictions and PTSD • Commitment to ongoing learning and professional development • Ability to work at least one evening per week Child Psychologist Qualifications: • Registered with the Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology • Provide counselling services to children, adolescents and parents • Experience in administering Psychoeducational and Learning Disabilities assessments • Commitment to ongoing learning and professional development • Ability to work at least one evening per week Please send resume with cover letter to or by fax to 902-454-8975 For more information about our practice, please visit our website at Successful candidates will be contacted for an interview Page 13 The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Advertisements The advertisements on this page are paid placements. APNS does not take responsibility for the content and does not necessarily subscribe to the opinions expressed in these advertisements. Announcing ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Clinical Hypnosis Society of Nova Scotia / Atlantic Division: Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis (CFCH) Is holding its Winter Workshops: Introduction to Clinical Hypnosis Feb 27 (5:30-9 pm), Feb 28, Mar 1 (both days 8:30am-5pm), 2015 Please note that Mar 6-8 are storm dates. You will be notified via email if we must postpone the workshops a week. ~ Intermediate Hypnosis Workshop Tba (last half of Apr 2015) Prerequisite is completion of an Introductory Workshop Board Room 11th Floor, Professional Building (South Elevator to 10th Fl to stairway to 11th) 5991 Spring Garden Rd., Halifax, Nova Scotia Registration Brochures available *Contact: Dr. Maureen Gorman at 902-466-0469 or email at to be added to Brochure email list, to request Program and Registration Brochure, and/or to reserve a space. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Page 14 The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Advertisements The advertisements on this page are paid placements. APNS does not take responsibility for the content and does not necessarily subscribe to the opinions expressed in these advertisements. Page 15 The Nova Scotia Psychologist Winter 2015 Committees & Representatives Please contact the chair or APNS office for further information or to communicate changes to the list of committees & representatives. EXECUTIVE President: Victor Day Past President: Marc Blumberg President Elect: Heather Power Secretary: Daniel Chorney Treasurer: Joanne Mills Member at Large: Robert McInerney Student Representative: Stephanie Allen EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Susan Marsh REPRESENTATIVES Council of Provincial Associations in Psychology/ Practice Directorate Rep: Kiran Pure Psychology in the Workplace Network: David Mensink/ Arla Day Public Education Campaign Coordinator: Jo Durup APA Council of Representatives: Patrick O’Neill Archivist: Maria Angelopoulos Advertising Rates COMMITTEES & INTEREST GROUPS Advocacy: Kiran Pure, Chair Stephanie Allen David Pilon Jo Durup Kate Rancourt Reg Landry Continuing Education: Carol Shirley (Interim Chair) Eileen Donahoe Giselle Ellefsen Heather Power Post Trauma Services: Charles Hayes Janice Howes (Disaster Response Co-ordinator) Dean Perry (APA DRN Rep) Mail-Outs “Nova Scotia Psychologist:” Mass Stand-alone E-Mail $300.00 Monthly Member E-mail $25 Other Professionals: (physicians, lawyers, etc.) Full Page $400.00 3/4 Page $300.00 1/2 Page $250.00 1/4 Page $150.00 Consecutive Editions: 1st ad - regular rate, 2nd & more - 10% discount per issue; i.e.. $400, $360, $320, $290, to a minimum rate of $250 for a full page ad) Businesses & Professionals Event / Workshop $100.00 Job Postings $75.00 Inserts $175.00 plus additional mailing costs Regional Reps: Eileen Donahoe, Kentville Julie MacDonald, Sydney Contact the APNS Office for more info on how to contact your regional rep. Testing Interest Group various Reg Landry Alana Matwychuk Trinda Power Sid Sodhi Sarah Williams The acceptability of an ad for publication in APNS publications is based on legal, social, professional, and ethical considerations. Also, an ad must be in keeping with the generally scholarly and professional nature of the publication. All content submitted is subject to APNS approval, and may be withheld with refund for any reason. Non-Member Print Advertising Rates Businesses Full Page $500.00 3/4 Page $400.00 1/2 Page $300.00 1/4 Page $250.00 Business Card $200.00 Consecutive Editions: 1st ad - regular rate, 2nd & more - 10% discount per issue; ie. $500, $450, $400, $360, to a minimum rate of $300 for a full page ad) Early Career Psychologist Group Julia Somody, Co-Chair Chimène Jewer, Co.Chair Various others Elections: Debra Garland (Chair) David Mensink Lynne Robinson Marc Blumberg Private Practice Committee Heather Power, Chair Lindsay Bates Elaine Boyd-Wilcox Dion Goodland Shelley Goodwin Karin Kramer Child & Adolescent Psychology Interest Group (CAP-I) is comprised of psychologists who work with children and adolescents and their families. Meetings are bi-monthly during the academic year to share information on topics of interest and to provide an opportunity to get to know our colleagues who work in a range of settings (schools, hospitals, universities, private practices, forensic settings, etc). Chair: Penny Corkum $175.00 plus mailing costs by weight x # of members “Nova Scotia Psychologist” Not-for-profit (incl. schools / hospitals) Full Page $125.00 3/4 Page $100.00 1/2 Page $ 75.00 1/4 Page $ 50.00 Business card $ 35.00 $ 50.00 plus additional mailing Inserts costs by weight (if applicable - no additional cost for single sheet . $150.00 plus mailing costs by weight x # of members Mail-Outs Mass Stand-alone E-Mail $200.00 Monthly Member E-mail $15 Full Page 3/4 Page 1/2 Page 1/4 Page Business Card Event / Workshop Job Postings $90.00 $75.00 $50.00 $30.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Inserts $25.00 for single sheet paper, additional costs as per weight as relates to postage cost Mail-Outs $100.00 plus mailing costs by weight x # of members Non-Member Website Ad Rates Businesses & Professionals Event / Workshop $100.00 Job Postings $75.00 APNS Member Print Ad Rates per 45 days per 30 days Not-for-profit (incl. schools / hospitals) Event / Workshop $50.00 per 45 days Job Postings $50.00 per 30 days Mass E-Mail $150.00 Monthly Member E-mail free APNS Member Website Ad Rates Event / Workshop Job Postings $25.00 $25.00 per 30 days per 60 days by weight (if applicable - no additional cost for single sheet. Publication Information The Nova Scotia Psychologist is published three times each year by the Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia. Its purpose is to foster communication within the psychology community. Submission of articles is encouraged, as well as letters to the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to select and edit manuscripts and letters submitted for publication. Publication does not necessarily imply endorsement by APNS or by the Editorial Board of The Nova Scotia Psychologist. Subscriptions are free to all members and Affiliates of the Association. Others may subscribe for $25 per year. The Nova Scotia Psychologist accepts advertising of direct interest to the psychology community. Advertisers should write to the address below. Non-profit organizations may be permitted free announcements, subject to space availability. Production and Graphic Design: Susan Marsh The Nova Scotia Psychologist 5991 Spring Garden Road, Suite 435 Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada B3H 1Y6 E-mail: Tel: 902.422.9183 Fax: 902.462.9801 Website:
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