What do I need to send?

Associate Concertmaster
Application Deadline: 6 July 2015
Recommended material for your application
Interested violinists are invited to send the following:
1) A selection of recorded material. This should be selected to provide the best
representation of your playing and should include some solo material as well as
orchestral excerpts.
2) Up-to-date and detailed Curriculum Vitae with particular reference to leadership
3) A minimum of two recent reference letters including contact details for people
supplying references.
4) Completed application form (If you are applying via muv.ac please include a
cover letter with full contact details for you and your referees in lieu of an
application form.)
What repertoire should I send?
Applications should ideally include:
 At least three orchestral excerpts, one of which should demonstrate spiccato (eg.
Schumann 2, Mendelssohn Scherzo)
 At least two standard concertmaster excerpts
 At least two of the following:
o Romantic concerto, 1st movement exposition (with piano or orchestra)
o Mozart concerto, 1st movement exposition (with piano or orchestra)
o Solo Bach, one or two movements
The APO reserves the right to ask any applicant for further material to aid its decision
making process.
How should I send my application?
Detailed information on how to send your application is available in our ‘Sending your
Application’ document, which can be found online (www.apo.co.nz) or you can email:
The “Fine Print”
Audio-visual and audio-only recordings are both accepted. Excerpts from recent
orchestra concert recordings where the applicant is featured as soloist or
Concertmaster, material recorded specifically for this expressions of interest process,
and/or existing recorded material applicants may have to hand are all acceptable. If live
recordings are sent please supply the name of the orchestra, conductor, and the date of
the recording. Ideally at least some of the material should be in video format.
Recordings should be accompanied by a signed statement from one of the people
providing a reference or by a qualified sound engineer endorsing the recorded material
as a true and honest representation of the applicant’s current level of performance.
If you have any questions please see www.apo.co.nz or contact: auditions@apo.co.nz