Hibiscus Newsletter - Apollo Beach Woman`s Club

Apollo Beach Woman’s Club
Spring 2015
Hibiscus Newsletter
President’s Message Spring 2015
Dear Ladies,
read "The Kitchen House" in February
and "Sycamore Row" in March. Thanks
We have actively pursued
to Evelyn Gammon and Sandra
our objective--to provide
Dillmuth for hosting our book chats.
scholarships for students.
Seel Lundy will be gathering ideas for
Sharon Vasquez
Our latest fundraiser, the
next year's reading list! Bring ideas to
ABWC Spaghetti Dinner held on March the April book club meeting! The Bridge
14 raised over $1,000 for our ScholarClub met in February and March. In
ship Fund. Thanks to Deanna Anest for March the husbands were invited to
heading up this event and all the ladies play and a brunch was planned for the
who donated money, gifts, and time to
March bridge game. Sharron Brunk almake this event fun and successful. We ways welcomes new members.
will be awarding and renewing scholarships for worthy students from East Bay ABWC ladies were invited to the Comand Lennard High School at our May
munity Foundation luncheon on
membership meeting. You will not want Thursday, March 5. After a wonderful
to miss this luncheon--such a rewarding lunch, attendees were asked to vote for
time to see the results of our fund rais- the recipient of $25,000. Mary and Maring efforts!
tha House, a place that reaches women
and their dependent children who are
recently homeless due to domestic violence and/or financial crisis, received
“The clubs within the
this well deserved donation. The Firehouse Cultural Center and the WimauABWC have been busy
ma food bank ministry received $12,500
preparing exciting and
each. We are excited to have a small
part in seeing that these nonprofit orentertaining events.“
ganizations receive funds so that they
can have an impact on the Southshore
In February The Culture Club arranged
a trip to tour the BUCS Stadium, home
of two Super Bowls! In March a wonderful lunch cruise was planned on the
Yacht StarShip. The food was wonderful and the weather was perfect. Thanks
to Sara O'Neal and Mary Anne Dunham. The Garden Club visited the Hydro Harvest Farms in March. The farms
demonstrated vertical methods of growing fruits and vegetables. Thanks to
Tanya Alderman and Mary Jo Patterson
for hosting this event. The Book Club
Committee News
Service ............................ 3
Scholarship ....................... 4
Sunshine ............................ 4
Club Calendar
Book Club .......................... 5
............................. 5
Garden Club....................... 6
Culture Club ....................... 7
Membership ....................... 9
Thank you so much for supporting me
while I have been president of the Apollo Beach Woman's Club. Your continued support in our endeavor to raise
money for scholarships is so appreciated. I thank you also for your loyalty,
compassion, and generosity to our community. I have been proud to be president of this fine group of ladies. Thank
you for all you have done these past
two years. I look forward to serving in
another capacity in the fuSharon
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Spring 2015
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ABWC Board
President: ................Sharon Vasquez 641-7856
1st V.P. Programs:................... Beverly
Brooks 677-5226
2nd V.P. Membership: ................. Marlene
3rd V.P. Member Mtgs: ............. Deanna
April 8
Hall 645-6985
Anest 938-3641
Secretary: .................................. Stephanie
Treasurer: ..................................... Nancy
Beverley Brooks
Betz 633-7013
Vance 645-4295
Clerk of the Circuit Court, Pat Frank, will give a brief presentation on The State of
the Clerk’s Office.
Committee Chairs
Ads Newsletter .................. Evelyn
Bake Sale ........................ Mary
Gammon 641-2734
May 13
Ann Dunham 399-2251
Kristoff 399-2251
Book Club: ........................................ Seel
Lundy 645-2313
Bridge:......................................... Sharon
Brunk 672-3553
..................................Terry Antiporda 922-6420
Budget: ....................................... ABWC
Board Members
Chaplain: ............................................. Judy
Community Foundation:........... Louise
Community Service: ............Beverly
Peck 746-1072
Smith. 641-8202
Fletchall 938-3215
........................................ Marcia Ward 677-9993
Culture Club:.................................. Sara
................................... Mary
O’Neal 649-1229
March Meeting
Ann Dunham 399-2251
Garden Club: ....................... Sylvia
Gordon 641-8793
.......................................... Kate Winch 645-1576
Hospitality:.......................................... Jo
Ma 641-8349
........................................ Kate Winch 645-1576
............................. Linda Benz 645-3873
Parliamentarian: ....................Phyllis
Elsberry 641-8936
...................... Jeanette Doyle 310-8738
Publicity: ............................. Eileen
Sengstock 260-3929
Raffles (50/50) .............................. Marcia
Scholarship: ...............................Jeanette
Sunshine: ................................Sonja
Ward 677-9993
Doyle 645-1637
Davidson 690-3179
Ways/Means: ................................................... ABWC
Webmaster: ..................... Evelyn
Gammon 645-5648
Bob Conigliaro, V. P. Community Relations,
Caspers Company McDonald’s Restaurants
was the featured speaker.
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Spring 2015
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Community Service
Beverly Fletchall
Marcia Ward
The Apollo Beach Woman's Club's Community Service Committee helps families and students in need in the South Shore
Community. Beverly Fletchall, Community Service, recently presented Georgia Vahue, Executive Director of the Firehouse
Culture Center, with a check from the Apollo Beach Woman's Club for students who need financial assistance to attend
the Center's Summer Arts Program.
Students may call the Center (813-645-7651 for an application to attend the Summer Arts Program 2015.
Membership dues will be collected at the April Luncheon. Dues this year are $25.00. You must pay your
membership dues before June 30th to have your name
in our 2015-2016 Directory. Please see Marlene Hall.
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Spring 2015
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Committee Reports
Sunshine Committee
Sonja Davidson
A get well card was sent to Seel Lundy.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart for all the beautiful cards, food, and donations on the loss of my husband and sister,
Scholarship Committee
Jeanette Doyle
In March and the beginning of April, the ABWC Scholarship Committee is getting down to business at hand. They review
applications, interview high school applicants and decide on this year’s scholarship recipients. The amount of funds available is decided at the April board meeting. Each of the 2015-16 ABWC College Scholarship recipients will be recognized by
one of the scholarship committee members and presented an ABWC Scholarship Certificate at the May Membership
Luncheon. The scholarship recipient and high school college/career counselors will be guests of the ABWC.
Thank you to Beverly Fletchall and Marcia Ward for their dedicated service as long standing committee members. They
both stepped down this year because of other commitments. Their contributions were greatly appreciated.
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Spring 2015
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Club Activities
Book Club
Meets the 4th Thursday of the Month at 10:00 a.m.
Seel Lundy
Upcoming reads for the Book Club:
The April 23rd's Book Club meeting will be at Stephanie Betz's home, with Beverly Fletchall as co-hostess. The April read
is, "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt.
The last meeting of the year is May 28th at Barbara Lamneck's
home with Nancy Vance, as co-hostess. The May read is, "The
Dressmaker" by Kate Alcott.
February Book Club
Please bring your selections of books to be considered for next
year's, 2015-2016, Book Club Reading List to the March and
April meetings, or e-mail them to your Book Worm, Seel Lundy at
L-R standing: Katherine Cintron, Marcia Ward, Ginny Burrows, Deborah Hansen, Claudia Gassett, Sandra Dillmouth, Nancy Vance, Barbara Lamneck, Sharon
Vasquez, Sharon Bunk; L-R sitting: Dawn Woodard, Beverley Brooks, Norma
Woodard, Terry Antiporda, Hostess: Evelyn Gammon Not in photo: Shirley Eggleton & Jeanette Doyle
Bridge Club
Sharron Brunk
By press time we will have had our March 23 Breakfast Bridge Party with 4 tables of bridge players enjoying breakfast
at the Apollo Beach Golf Club Cafe. We opened the group to include bridge playing spouses of our regular club
members. At our March meeting we were joined by 4 husbands and we have a possible 2 more spouses who also
play bridge so tell your hubby he will have male company at the bridge table.
We are scheduled to play April 27th and will decide next week whether to play the Tuesday after Memorial Day or
June 1st.
Our group meets throughout the summer as we enjoy the hot days of summer inside the cool cafe playing bridge.
If you are a new member or would like to join us at the bridge table, please contact Sharron Brunk.
at 813-672-3553 or sharbrunk@aol.com.
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Spring 2015
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Garden Club
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the Month
Sylvia Gordon
Kate Winch
Jeanette Doyle
February’s Azaleas Event was hosted by Ross and Vicky Elsberry at their beautiful home built in the ‘70s along the
Little Manatee River. The Elsberry family is one of the farming pioneer families in south Hillsborough County. The garden
group was invited into their lovely home for a warm up with Ross giving a walking tour of their immense yard filled with
showpiece azaleas in full bloom and many other ornamental plants. It was a one of a kind tour and enjoyed by all.
The tour of the Hydro Harvest Farms. John and Terrie Lawson explained hydroponics as a scientifically vertical growing system requiring in a minimal amount of space with maximum yield. The Hydro Harvest is located 1101 Shell Point
Rd. E, Ruskin. http://hydroharvestfarms.com The members enjoyed lunch at Ybor Grill’s new location on 19th Ave. NE.
across from Mc Ds. Event organizers: Tanya Alderman and Mary Jo Patterson. (continued on next page)
February Azalea Event
Hydro Harvest Farms
L-R Katherine Cinton, Joanna Ma, Nancy Andis, Emma Doyle, Kay
Westerman, Lynn Swinscoe, Marcia Morris, Ginny Burrow, Sylvia
Gordon – Garden Chair, Tanya Alderman, Nancy Grubb, Marion
Loverde, Donna Livingston, Sandra Dillmouth, Marie Wiegmann,
Kate Winch; Sitting: Cindy Gallenbeck, Ross and Vicky Elsberry –
Hosts, Seel Lundy – Event Organizer. Absent from photo: Phyllis
Standing L-R Mary Jo Paterson, Connie Brewer, Tanya Alderman Event Organizer, Jo Ma, John Lawson - Hydro Farms co-owner with
Terry, Emma Doyle, Marion Loverde and Sylvia Gordon – Garden
Club Chair. Sitting L-R Betty Fay, Kate Winch, Kay Westerman and
Peggy Palmeri. Not in photo: Jeanette Doyle
Apollo Beach Woman’s Club
Monthly Meeting
Sunset Grill at Little Harbor
2nd Wednesday of the Month
11:30 a.m. with lunch served at 12:00 noon
April lunch
May lunch
Hot rolls and butter
Hot rolls and butter
Quiche Lorraine with spin- Hawaiian chicken salad ,
pineapple, mandarin
ach, bacon, onion, tomaoranges with mango
Garnish salad
Mixed berry parfait
Carrot cake
Money due to
Deana Anest (369-8860)
817 Golf Island Drive
by the Friday before the luncheon
Lunch $17/person
(make checks payable to ABWC)
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Culture Club
Mary Anne Dunham
Sara O’Neal
On Saturday, April 18, we will attend the Festival of Chocolate arriving at 10:00 a.m. at MOSI in Tampa. Our cost is
$17.00, with lunch on your own in their cafe-Fresh Market.
There will be cooking classes, i.e. making truffles, brownie bingo, fashion show made of candy wrappers....much more.
Coin tokens can be purchased and then candy samples bought from vendors...Fun fun...
Monday, May 4, will be the last event this year for the Culture Club. This will be a “Kodak moment” as we tour the operations, growth, capabilities and opportunities of one of Florida’s fastest growing seaports, the Port of Manatee. This is the
closest U.S. deep water seaport to the Panama Canal. Our tram ride should enlighten us on the maritime industry in our
backyard where the view of Tampa Bay is incredible.
The cost will be $1.00/person. Full names must be given in advance for a security checkn at the April meeting. We will
carpool fromWinn-Dixie at 8:45 a.m. leaving at 9:00 a.m.
Lunch will be at Popi's Place, Port Manatee about 2-3 miles south on the opposite side of the road, 11:30 a.m.
(Garden Club continued)
Events to come:
Wednesday, April 15th 10:30 a.m. Our garden group will take a personal tour at Sydney Park Brown’s residence (11050
De Soto Rd. It is off Providence, north of Riverview Dr. Riverview). Sydney is a 3rd generation Floridian with a UF horticulture degree and has co-authored two books: Your Florida Guide to Shrubs and Your Florida Guide to Perennials. Refreshments will be served. Some members will meet at Winn Dixie (AB Blvd) at 9:30 a.m. to car pool. Event organizers are Marcia Morris, marshmellow@tampabay.rr.com or 985-7873, or Sylvia Gordon.
Wednesday, May 20th 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Our yearly planning session for next year’s garden club calendar which
is to be placed in the 2015-16 ABWC Membership Directory. Please bring your ideas and volunteer to plan/host a monthly
event. A signup sheet will be at the next meeting. Sylvia Gordon will host at her new home in Kings Point - 713 Masterpiece Dr. in Sun City Center. Her contact: wgordon6@tampabay.rr.com 812-7002
A Garden is the Belief in Tomorrow
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Spring 2015
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ABWC members and friends enjoyed a great adventure together aboard the Yacht StarShip Cruiseline on Tues.,
March 10th. After being greeted by our host, Andre, we boarded Starship, had drinks, menus, and details about the
cruise. Lunch served quickly and was so delightful with really good waitstaff. Everyone seemed pleased with our selections of Crab/corn Bisque, Main Course-excellent, desserts to "pine" for..
Our weather was perfect 80's, slight breezes, wonderful disc jockey had many of us up dancing our feet off-especially to the
Electric Slide. The Upper Deck allowed us to have comfy sofa seating while we cruised around this beautiful Tampa Bay
Biggest comment of the Day....We can't wait to come on this trip again! Thanks, Rachel, Brooklyn, and Andre for making
our day so happy!
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Spring 2015
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Happy Birthday!
Ann Allen
Jeanne Burkeson
Cyd Charrow
Norma Daub
Shirley Eggleton
Catherine Goodrich
Yolie McBrayer
Marie Notarfrancesco
Betty Prager
Joan Ranes
Jackie Sylvia
Nancy Vance
Franseca Walker
Marie Wiegmann
Lori Wightman
Judith Brogden
Frances Conner
Michele Davis
Joanne Gadek
Denise Geisel
Kathy Hicks
Disa Hjaltason
Lois Kelley
Norma Kuehler
Donna Livingston
Lynn Lucido
Betty Michelfelder
Luella Mikulski
Sara O'Neal
Vicky Rankin
Check out our Website
Many thanks to our Webmaster!
Evelyn Gammon 645-5648
All photos by Jeanette Doyle, Sharon
Vasquez, and Eileen Sengstock
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Spring 2015
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April 2015
1 Board Meeting
Bridge Club
Garden Club
Book Club
May 2015
20 Garden Club
28 Book Club
Bridge Club
Board Meeting
Dedicated to the Support of Our Community, Our Families, and Our Sisterhood
Apollo Beach, FL 33572
5532 Sunset Falls Drive
c/o Linda Benz
Apollo Beach Woman’s Club