: Permanent Secretary for Education
: EDB(SA)/ADM/55/5/10/04(4)
: 30 April 2015
To : Supervisors/Heads/Teachers
of all subsidized schools and
subsidized schools not yet
fully converted into Direct
Subsidized Scheme (DSS)
Election of Teacher Representatives to Serve on
the Board of Control of Subsidized Schools Provident Fund
for the Term 2015 to 2017
This circular memorandum invites heads and teachers of subsidized schools
to make nominations for election of teacher representatives to serve on the Board of
Control of Subsidized Schools Provident Fund (the Board) for the term 2015 to 2017.
Schools are requested to bring the contents of this circular memorandum to the
attention of all contributors of their schools including those on leave, seconded
teachers, teachers attending in-service training courses, etc.
According to Rule 5 of the Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Rules, the
Subsidized Schools Provident Fund (the Fund) is managed by the Board. There are
20 members in the Board. Besides two ex-officio members, half of the other 18
members shall be elected from teacher representatives, including four from subsidized
primary schools, four from subsidized secondary schools and one from subsidized
special schools.
Since the current term of office of the elected board members will expire on
31 August 2015, contributors of the Fund must elect teacher representatives to the
Board for the coming term to participate in the management of the Fund. The term
of office lasts for two years from 1 September 2015 to 31 August 2017 inclusive.
Being the representatives of all contributors, elected members shall attend
Fund-related meetings, inter alia, annual general meetings and other meetings.
The procedures and guidelines for this election have been uploaded onto the
l). Please refer to the Guidelines and arrange for the election of your school’s
representative in accordance with procedures stipulated therein. A schedule of the
major events for this election exercise and related forms are provided in the Appendix.
Schools are requested to remind their returning officers to fax and then despatch the
completed Form III or Form IV on the results of the election to the respective Senior
School Development Officers on or before Wednesday, 27 May 2015.
For enquiries in connection with the above election, please contact the
respective Senior School Development Officer of your district.
Ms Teresa CHAN
for Permanent Secretary for Education
c.c. The Treasury
Heads of Sections – for information
Members of the Board of Control, Subsidized Schools Provident Fund
Schedule of Major Events for Election of Teacher Representatives for
the Board of Control, Subsidized Schools Provident Fund
Date and Time
On or before
Contributors of the Fund of each school (including subsidized special
27 May 2015
schools) shall elect among themselves 2 returning officers responsible
for all aspects of the election.
Contributors who are interested in taking part in the election shall file
their applications to the returning officers by completing Form I on or
before 14 May 2015.
representative by using Form II on or before 22 May 2015.
Returning officers shall fax the completed Form III or IV and
despatch them to the respective Senior School Development Officer
on or before 27 May 2015.
3:30 p.m.
All teacher representatives from schools in various districts and
5 June 2015
special school categories will vote for the respective representatives of
primary, secondary and special schools at the specified polling
3:30 p.m.
The venues will be announced in due course.
All district and special school category representatives will vote at the
17 June 2015
specified polling station to elect members for the Board.
The venue will be announced in due course.
A meeting will be held by the newly-elected Board of Control of the
September 2015
The exact date and venue will be announced in due course.
Form I
Board of Control, Subsidized Schools Provident Fund
Application for Standing in the Election of
Teacher Representatives for the Term 2015 to 2017
: subsidized primary schools / subsidized secondary schools / subsidized special schools*
Name of School :
School Address :
Particulars of Candidate
I am a contributor of Subsidized Schools Provident Fund.
In accordance with the
stipulated electoral provisions, I now apply for standing in the election of teacher
representatives to the Board of Control, Subsidized Schools Provident Fund for the term 2015
to 2017.
Signature of Candidate:
The personal data collected in this form will be used by the school and Education Bureau only for the election of
Teacher Representatives of the Board of Control, Subsidized Schools Provident Fund for the term 2015 to 2017.
* Delete as appropriate.
Form II
Board of Control, Subsidized Schools Provident Fund
Ballot Paper for Election of School Representatives
for the Term 2015 to 2017
Instructions for Electors
Please mark only a ‘’ on this ballot paper, otherwise the vote will be considered void.
Fold the ballot paper and do not make your choice known.
Your vote should be kept
Drop the ballot paper into the ballot box.
After casting a vote, you can monitor the counting process at where the votes are
Candidates of School Representatives
Please choose one person from the following list of candidates to stand as your school
representative and put a ‘’ in the bracket next to his/her name.
Each elector may only vote
for one candidate, otherwise, the vote will be void.
Name of Candidate
Please put a ‘’ in the bracket
Form III
To: Senior School Development Officer (
Fax No.:
Election Result of School Representatives for the Term 2015 to 2017 for
the Board of Control, Subsidized Schools Provident Fund
All contributors of the Subsidized Schools Provident Fund of our school are
informed of the captioned election.
______________ 2015.
We conducted the election of school representative on
The result is as follows:
Name of the School (English)
HK ID No.:
Name of School:
District/Special School Category*:
School Address:
Telephone No.:
Returning Officers:(Votes shall be counted in the presence of the two returning officers and
both of them should sign on this form to confirm the election result.)
School Chop
Remarks: (1)
School representative wishing to give his/her election platform for Election of District/ Special
School Category Representatives and Election of Elected Members may complete Annex to
Form III and return by fax to the respective Senior School Development Officer on or before
27 May 2015.
(2) The personal data collected by means of this form will be used by the Education Bureau only
for the election of Teacher Representatives of the Board of Control, Subsidized Schools
Provident Fund for the term 2015 to 2017.
(3) Enquiries relating to the personal information collected in this form, including request for
access or correction should be addressed to School Administration 2 Section, Education
Bureau, 5/F., East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong
(Tel. No.: 3509 7483 or 3509 7481).
# Please write down the district of your school in the bracket, e.g. Tuen Mun, Yau Tsim & Mong Kok, etc.
The fax number of the respective School Development Section is available on the Education Bureau
* Delete as appropriate.
Annex to Form III
To: Senior School Development Officer (
Fax No.:
Election of Teacher Representatives for the Term 2015 to 2017 for
the Board of Control, Subsidized Schools Provident Fund
Election Platform of Teacher Representative
Name of the School (English)
Name of School:
Sector:subsidized primary schools/subsidized secondary schools/subsidized special schools*
District/Special School Category*:
Election Platform (Optional)
The election platform must be written WITHIN the box provided. Candidates may give their
election platforms on a voluntary basis. The election platforms of candidates would be
forwarded to candidates/ voters for ease of reference prior to the Election of District/Special
School Category Representatives and the Election of Elected Members to be held on 5 and 17
June 2015 respectively. Candidates should fax the completed form, if any, to their respective
Senior School Development Officer on or before 27 May 2015.
Relevant websites of Subsidized Schools Provident Fund (SSPF):
1) Information on SSPF on the Education Bureau Homepage:-
2) Information on SSPF Rules (Cap.279D) at the website of Department of Justice:-
Please write down the district of your school in the bracket, e.g. Tuen Mun, Yau Tsim & Mong Kok, etc.
The fax number of the respective School Development Section is available on the Education Bureau
Please delete as appropriate.
Form IV
To: Senior School Development Officer (
Fax No.:
Election of School Representatives for the Term 2015 to 2017 for
the Board of Control, Subsidized Schools Provident Fund
All the contributors of the Subsidized Schools Provident Fund of our school
(Name of School:
) are informed of the
election of teacher representatives for the Board of Control and have decided not to elect any
representative to participate in the election.
Returning Officers* : (Both returning officers should sign on this form to confirm the result.)
School Chop
Please write down the district of your school in the bracket, e.g. Tuen Mun, Yau Tsim & Mong Kok, etc.
The fax number of the respective School Development Section is available on the Education Bureau