16th March 2015 DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PANEL Case No: 1401398FUL (FULL PLANNING APPLICATION) Proposal: INSTALLATION OF BOILER SYSTEM Location: ROSE COTTAGE SCHOOL ROAD BROUGHTON PE28 3AT Applicant: EVOGREEN PLC Grid Ref: 527982 278013 A CONTAINERISED BIOMASS Date of Registration: 20.08.2014 Parish: BROUGHTON RECOMMENDATION - APPROVE This application is before the Development Management Panel as the Parish Council is recommended refusal contrary to the planning officer’s recommendation of approval. 1. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND APPLICATION 1.1 This application relates to a site that comprises a residential home for the elderly. The single storey building is located in a residential area and is accessed from School Lane. The site is located in the designated Conservation Area with a grade II listed building adjacent to the site. Visitor and staff parking are provided on a hardstanding area to the front the building. There are a number of established trees located on the boundaries of the site. 1.2 The application relates to the erection of a bio-mass boiler to be contained inside a housing unit. The bio-mass boiler is proposed to be located on a concrete base that has already been constructed in the north eastern corner of the site to the front of the residential home, and close to the existing parking area. 1.3 This application follows a previous application that was withdrawn due to issues raised about the operation of the bio mass boiler. This application has been amended during the planning process. The application now proposes a bio-mass boiler with a reduced height. The highest part of the boiler is now proposed to be 3.84 metres, with the flue being approx. 7.7 metres high. Further details have also been submitted with examples of how the boiler can be housed, and the materials used on the external surfaces of the housing. 1.4 A noise assessment biomass test report and a design and access statement have been submitted with the application. 2. NATIONAL GUIDANCE 2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) sets out the three dimensions to sustainable development - an economic role, a social role and an environmental role - and outlines the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Under the heading of Delivering Sustainable Development, the Framework sets out the Government's planning policies for : building a strong, competitive economy; ensuring the vitality of town centres; supporting a prosperous rural economy; promoting sustainable transport; supporting high quality communications infrastructure; delivering a wide choice of high quality homes; requiring good design; promoting healthy communities; protecting Green Belt land; meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change; conserving and enhancing the natural environment; conserving and enhancing the historic environment; and facilitating the sustainable use of minerals. 2.2 Planning Practice Guide For full details visit the government website https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-communitiesand-local-government 3. PLANNING POLICIES 3.1 Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan (1995) • • • • • • • 3.2 Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alterations (2002) • 3.3 None relevant Adopted Huntingdonshire Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2009) • 3.4 En5: "Conservation Area Character" En6: "Design standards in Conservation Areas" En9: "Conservation Areas" En25: "General Design Criteria" H34: “Extensions to Dwellings” H37: “Environmental Pollution” H38: “Noise Pollution” CS1: “Sustainable development in Huntingdonshire” Draft Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Stage 3 (2013) • • • • Policy LP 5 ‘Renewable and Low Carbon Energy’ Policy LP 13: ‘Quality of Design’ Policy LP 15 ‘Ensuring a High Standard of Amenity’ Policy LP 31 'Heritage Assets and their Settings' Local policies are viewable at https://www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk 4. PLANNING HISTORY 1201820FUL – proposed siting of Bio-Mass pod and installation of services underground – application refused on the 23.10.13 1400374FUL – application withdrawn, due to concern raised from the environmental team with regard to the operation of the bio-mass boiler 5. CONSULTATIONS 5.1 Broughton Parish Council recommends the application is refused (COPY ATTACHED), in further consultation with the amended plans showing the reduced height of the boiler, the Parish Council have maintained their objection. 6. REPRESENTATIONS 6.1 There have been four letters received in objection to the original scheme. Two of the original objectors have raised further objections to the amended scheme. The concerns raised about the application inc: Overbearing height Level of land Impacts on grade II listed building 7. ASSESSMENT 7.1 The main issues to be considered are: • the impact the proposed new bio-mass boiler and flue upon the character and appearance of the conservation area • the impact the proposed new bio-mass boiler on the adjacent grade II listed building • Impact on neighbour amenity 7.2 Energy conservation and renewable energy generation is encouraged under Planning Policy LP5 of the new Local Plan – 2036, this reflects the core principles in found in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).Under para 17 the transition for a low carbon future is supported, and the reuse of existing resources, and the use of renewable resources is encouraged. Policy LP5 of the Local Plan – 2036 supports this advice, directed at a more local level. Whilst the NPPF support sustainable development and renewal energy proposals, it also recognises the importance of enhancing and protecting historic assets, which includes conservation areas. The Local Plan – 2036 reflects this advice with regard to historic assets under planning policy LP31, and states developments should not significantly harm the setting of listed buildings or the wider conservation areas. 7.3 The adjacent grade II listed building (Thatched Roofs) is set to the south east of the Rose Cottage site, sharing the common boundary to the site. The common boundary here is defined by relatively high established planting. There is an existing outbuilding in the north eastern corner of the site hosting the listing building, and the host building is located some 18 metres away from the boundary, close to where the proposed bio-mass boiler is located. The site is located at the edge of the conservation area, where under policy En9 of the Local plan 1995, views of in and out the area should be protected. 7.4 When viewing the site from the School Road view point and in the conservation area, the extensive planting will assist in screening the main part of the boiler, despite the higher level change of the site. The flue will be evident from when viewing the site from the conservation area; however, the conditions can be imposed to ensure the colour of the flue is controlled to reduce any impacts. The planting on the common boundary of the site with grade II listed building, will also offer a screen of the boiler to ensure the setting of the listed building is preserved. These mitigating factors ensure that any harm to the setting of the listed building would be modest and certainly less than substantial. Within the conservation area the boiler is clearly associated with the residential home which is comprised of an extensive collection of modern structures set within hard landscaping of an institutional character. 7.5 The application is considered to comply with policies En2, En5 and En9 of the Local Plan 1995, and policies LP13 and LP31 of the Local Plan – 2036, and the NPPF, which encourages renewable energy forms of development whilst protecting the historic environment. Greater weight should be applied to Policies En2, En5, En9, as these are adopted policies, less weight should be given to Policies LP5, LP13 and LP31 as the Local Plan – 2036 is still in the consultation stage, although it is consistent with the policies set out in the NPPF para 131 – 138. Neighbour amenity: 7.6 The NPPF paragraph 17 requires (amongst other) that planning should always seek to secure high quality design and a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings. Policy H30 of the Local Plan 1995 states that ‘planning permission will not normally be granted for the introduction of, or extension to, commercial uses or activities within existing residential areas where this would be likely to have a detrimental effect on amenities. Policy LP15 of the Local Plan – 2036 follows this theme. 7.7 The environmental health officers have made comment on the noise report and other information submitted in support of the application in terms of the operation of the bio-mass boiler, having regard to noise and air quality. No objection has been raised from the officer to the positon of the bio-mass boiler in this respect. 7.8 The two local residents have raised concern about the setting of the listed building, and the boiler becoming over bearing in nature. The issues raised with regard to the setting of the listed building have been addressed in the appropriate heading above. 7.9 The application site has been viewed from the neighbouring property, Agapanthas. It is acknowledged there is a level change between this property and the Rose Cottage site; however it is also evident from viewing the site from this garden a large outbuilding exists within its curtilage, and adjacent to the common boundary, close to the proposed position of the boiler. The existing outbuilding within the site boundary of Agapanthas will offer some relief from views of the boiler. There is no objection to the flue in this respect. There is existing established planting on this boundary, which will continue to offer some screening. The applicant has expressed planting can be achieved within the site to further assist in screening the boiler. The details received with the application confirm the housing will be clad to give an appearance of an outbuilding, as opposed to an industrial type building. The materials proposed will be controlled by condition. 7.10 The comments received with regard to the boiler becoming over bearing have been fully considered, however, it is considered that a refusal of planning permission would not be justified at an appeal bearing in mind the existing boundary treatments, and the offer of further landscaping. 7.11 The application is considered to comply with Policy H30 of the Local Plan 1995, the details found with the NPPF with regard to good standards of neighbour amenity being maintained for existing and future occupiers. Conclusion 7.12 The proposed development is considered to be compliant with the relevant national and local policy as it: * Would not have a harmful impact upon the designated heritage assets; * Would not have a significantly detrimental impact upon the amenity of neighbours; 7.13 Taking national and local planning policies into account, and having regard for all relevant material considerations, it is recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. 8. RECOMMENDATION conditions to include the following • • • • APPROVAL subject to Time Limit In accordance with approved plans Materials Landscaping scheme If you would like a translation of this document, a large text version or an audio version, please contact us on 01480 388388 and we will try to accommodate your needs. CONTACT OFFICER: Enquiries about this report to Linda Walker Development Management Officer 01480 388411 11 February2015 Gillan,SchoolRoad Broughton,Huntingdon Cambs,PEZB3AT Ms LindaWalker MrAndy Moffat PlanningDepartment HuntingdonshireDistrict Council Pathfinder House,St Maq/s Street Huntingdon,PE293TN By Emailand Post Reference Planning Application 1401398FUL Dear Ms Walker and Mr Moffat, At its Extraordinary meeting held 9 February 2015, the Broughton parish Council reviewed the further information made available with referenceto this planningapplication. The Parish Council concludedthat this proposed small amendment does not alter its view on the planningapplication. As we wrote to you on 23 September2014,and againon 9 November2014,the Parish Council strongly recommends that Huntingdonshire District Council refuseplanningpermissionfor this application. The Parish Councilalso noted Mr. Rushden'scommentin his email of 5 fanuary 2015 that the "plinth and pipework are all ready in place." we note that this work hasbeendone in advanceof planningpermissionbeinggranted,and we do not believethat it is a relevant factor in consideringthe merits of the application. If this application is referred to the Planning Committee, a member of the Broughton Parish Council would like to attend and make a representation. Would you please contact me at the above address or telephone the Parish CouncilChairman,Mr. fohn Ray,at aMBT-Bzz-34L,to inform us of the time and date of the meeting? Yours sincerely, W CatherineMoultrin Clerkto the BroughtonParishCouncil Development Management Panel Scale =1:2,500 Date Created: 03/03/2015 Legend The Site Conservation Area Application Ref: 1401398FUL Location: Broughton © Crown copyright and database rights 2015 Ordnance Survey HDC 100022322
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