\19- North Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited Proceeding of Review Meeting of Supaul, Madhepura, Saharsa, Khagaria&Begusarai Districts under Chairmanship of MD, NBPDCL. Date:07-05‐ 2015&08‐ 05‐ 2015 Place : Supaul, Madhepura, Saharsa, Khagaria & Begusarai Supaul Observation/ Direction SIo No. Inspection of 33/11 KV PSS Kishanpur (R&M under BRGF Phase-I- M/s Sri Gopikrishna Inspection Book is not maintained by AEE Sri Vishal Kumar. This has been taken very seriously. All JEEs, AEEs & EEEs should maintain 1 つ‘ ^ 5 4 5 Responsible Officer JEE(PY AEE(P)/EEE(P) Replacement of defective battery/Battery Charger. EEE(S) should ensure to veriff the same in all EEE(S) Reading of 33 KV feeder meter is not maintained in register instead of proper working of feeder meter. All engineers of supply wing should ensure that meter reading of all 33 KV & 1 1 KV feeders is recorded with JEE(SYAEE(SY EEE(S) Certificate has not been sent for Relay of 1 I KV feeder manufactured by M/s Stelmec is not working. As it is in under warranty, it should be replaced immediately. EEE(S) should ensure replacement of all electrical equipment which are defective either in warranty or not. EEE(MRT) should visit all PSS under his jurisdiction & should submit a detail report regarding functionalities of electrical equipments in the power sub-station EEE(S) in proper co-ordination with ESE should replace these Condition of silica gel in Power Transformer is not as per standard. The instruction for proper maintenance of Silica Gel has already been circulatcd carlicr This should bc followed EEE (S)/EEE(MRTY ESE(S) JEE(SyAEE(Sy EEE(S) 6 Gravel filling in switchyard is not as per standard. Agency involved in the work should be strictly adhere the technical specifications. EEE(P) 7 Many of service wires of consumers crosses road on Bans-Balla between Kishanpur and Supaul. It should be rectified as per flexibility of EEE(Sy(rFr(O&M) cithcr RAPDRP Part― B clsc (II) 1 Inspection of New Divisional Control Room, Supaul Approach road for DCR is not constructed. It should be constructed as per provision. CE(Civil) should re examine all such cases which requires construction of approach road & take necessary action. う乙 DCR has been inspected and found that the work is in completion phase. It should be monitored on daily basis both lrom field level as well as from hqr. so that it could be completed before 07/06/2015. AE(Civil)/CE(Civil) w (rr) lnspection of PSS in Supaul town (R&M under RAPDRP Part-B, Agency- M/s Godrej) Gravel filling in switchyard is not compleled. Agency involved in the work should be strictly adhere the technical specifications. EEE(P) should ensure completion for this. 1 EEE(P) it. JEE(S)/AEE(S) should PSS under them. EEE(S) PSS is not clean and grasses were found inside ′ι ^ of Control Room extension is required in PSS but proposal for its extension has not been submitted. Control room building is also in damaged condition. Immediately proposal for repairing/ new work has to be submitted to headquarter. CE(Project-l) should ensure that still there are certain PSS in which extension/new work for civil his required. It should be monitored & action need to be taken. 3 JEE(S)/AEE(SY EEE(S) EEE(P)/CE(Project-l) Boundary wall is to be constructed instead of lencing for PSS. All such locations where fencing will not meet the requirement, boundary wall has to be constructed in those PSS. 4 (I` be directly responsible for cleanliness should keep a check on this. /) 1 Meeting at CollectorateHall regarding Projects, Revenue & O&M Work Only 20 nos of manpower are involved for replacement of bumt/ defective D! Agency lWs ShirdiSai Electrical is directed to increase the manpower and complete replacement of 320 Nos. DT by end of May' 15. ′ι ^ ^ j 4 EEE(P) EEE(P) Agency IWs ShirdiSai Electrical is directed to complete the survey of all villages by 15/05115 under RGGVY- XIIth Plan A target given to M/s ShirdiSai Electrical to complete electrification Nos. UE villages in May and remaining 3 Nos. UE villages in June. of6 VCB installed under scheme of BRGF(Phase-l) by IWs Sri Gopikrishna are not functional due to Battery and Battery Charger. Agency has committed to installed battery and Battery charger before 21105115. ごD lv{/s Gopikrishna infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad engaged skilled labor and improve the quality of work . is directed to EEB(P) of may 6 I\,I/s Lumino is committed to complete the survey before end under BRGF (Phase-II) scheme. 7 M/s Godrej has committed to complete new I I KV line and R&M of i 1 KV line by end of May. 8 EEE(Supply) could not provide data of CMLAD, Camp Connection etc' Utilization certificate of approx. 10322 nos. of single phase meter is not provided to MRT. Show cause has to be issued to EEE (Suppty) for the above issue. GM(HR) It is to be ensured to add consumer in billing cycle after installation of 9 10 meter. Revenue Officer is responsible for getting all consumers in billing cycle for new connections/replacement of burnVdefective meters. Revenue collection is not as per target. It is directed to improve percentage of meter reading, Number of paying consumer etc. EEE(S)/Revenue Offrcer ハr ヽ 、 ヽ ジ ^ _ Madhepura (I) Inspection of 33/11 KV PSS Singheshwar ( BRGF Phase-I, Agencylnfrastructure Pvt, Ltd.. Hvdrabad) Gravel filling in switchyard is not as per standard. Agency involved in the work should be strictly adhere the technical specifications. M/s Gopikrishna l 2 3 EEE(P) should ensure this. Signage of NBPDCL is not available in PSS. Agency involved in the work has to make proper signage in PSS. Outgoing and incoming 33 KV meter (Genus meter) is not working. It has to be rectified urgently. EEE(P) CE(0&M)/EEE(S) 4 (II) Meeting at Collectriate Hall regarding Projects, Revenue & O&M work 1 Around 6000 nos. consumers are unmetered./ defective meters under Madhepura(R) section. It should be replaced in Phase manner. proper EEE(S) planning for replacement should be done by JEE/AEE/EEE(supply). 2 3 As per pending new service connection camp application, It is directed to allocate 5000 meters to Madhepura from Central store Madhepura. CE(S&P) should divert meter to all such locations were pending connectior/defective meter are large number in proper co-ordination with revenue wing. Roster for Replacement of Bumt and Defective DT under State plan should also be maintained same as CMLAD/ MPLAD so that there should be transparency in the scheme. 4 GM(Re.)圧 SE (Saharsa)/ CE(S&P)/EEE(S) CE(Praect― H) EEE(P) Bumt/ defective DT under State Plan. 5 Agency M/s Technofab Engineering Ltd. (working in RGGVy- XIIth Plan in Madhepura) is directed to submit Material position, Manpower and work plan detail by 09/05/15 (Saturday). Progress is very poor. It is directed to call owner of the company Sri Arjun Gupta in project meeting on l5105/2015. CE(Praect― I) EEE(P) 6 Ltd.. Hydrabad Control Room Extension is required in Murliganj, Udakishanganj and new control room required in Alamnagar. Boundary Wall is required in 7 8 Agency Sri Gopikrishna Infrastructure Pvf. Ltd., Hyderabad is directed to start the work of Control Room extension and Boundarv Wall. CE (Project-I) is directed to personally examine the issue & give approval as reouired. Officers are directcd to provide list of all unmetered and defective meters of town to M/s Godrej (under RAPDRP-B Scheme). All unmetered and defective meters in RAPDRP town need to be replaced by lWs Godrei as orovision. Rcvcnue ofrlccrs are dirccted to co hchde h Ы‖hg cyde. CE(ProieCt― I) EEE(P) Udaki shanganj and Alamnagar. list of all installcd meters and CE(ProieCt-1)/ EEE(S)/EEE(P) EEE(S)/ RO じ ^ 33 KV line for Ghailar PSS has beer Pvt l.td,Kolkata under State Plan.: 9 to poor ercction quality CE(PraCct II)iS dircctcd not to m2 CE(Praect― II) EEE(P) without rectinc・ ation 10 11 M/s Shyama powcr committed tO col 15/05/2015. EEE(ProiCCt)ShOuld makc av“ labk Kumarkhand PSS in urgent. DPl 14adhepura lssues り4 ^ 5 :圏tn総 轟認 艦 lifl。 鶴肥え 濫:観 s脚 :B・ Saharsa 1 │ Director(P) DM, Madhepura has requested to change the nodal officer of Madhepura district Sri R. K. P. Chaudhary GEE, O&M, Headquarter, patna) due to lon performancein his previous tenure. │ Inspection of 33/ll KV Naya Bazar PSS (RAPDRP-B, Agency- M/s Godrej) ntai..,d in r;gister. F All engineers of supply *,ing should ensure that meter rcading ol all -l -l EEE(S) 3 f'eeders is rsoorded proper wirh rechnical standard. 5y M!y Fencing of PSS is in damaged condition. It should be rectifi within 2 days. Painting of fencing is also required. All such locations where EEE(P) fencing will not meet the requirement, boundary wall has to be I I 2 constructed in those PSS. 3 of [B should be repaired. PCC road and garden is also suggested in campus of IB. Offrcer from civil department should visit and do CE(civil) ESE(S) AE(C市 il) needful. 33/lt KV Old PSS( RAPDRp- B, Agency- M/s Godrej) Silica gel of power Transformer is not in good conditionJilica gel breather Cover of one power Transformer is rusted and old. It should Inspection of l 2 3 4 1 2 lgplace9 urgently. Plinth for one of power transformer is in damage conditionJt should r_epaired urgently. Control Room is found damaged due to earthquake. It should be rectified by IWs Godre.i. Display Control Unit is not installed by agency under RApDRp part-A infrastructure work is not completed and agency stopped the work. ESE(RAPDRP Part-A) should examine the issue & get the matter resolved. lnspection of District Control Room, Saharsa Quality of casting roof, ladder, beam and linter is poor. It is direrctecl to demolish the part of poor construction. It is also directed to issue show cause to Sri Manoj Kumar, (AE Civil, Saharasa) for above matter. MRT should bc shincd in ground noor of District COntrol room Bdming and htema shhg arrangcmc面 shOdd be rccxalllhed 膨 EEE(S) EEE(P) ESE(RAPDRP Part― A)/EEE(S) │ CE(Civil) GM(HR) CE(Civil) レ ͡ (IV) Inspection of Divisional Office, Saharsa ll-"'" I* ii"" "r-,litjti,-rl application lorm and sign board should be providcd fbr lr is re+,rred r" ;Jrt-'n dedrcated c"r,,x." ,-r connection new connoction oulside the window. l ′ (ヽ ) l 2 (VI) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (Vll) l 2 3 4 EEE(S) Inspection of Central Store Room at Saharsa Crane Vehicle has been kept in store without making its use. It is directed to utilize vehicle. CE(S&P) should list out all such vehicles which can be made functional with minor maintenance so that these vehicles get qtililgq &. "t9."/9491ry94!. AB Switch, Weasel Conductor, Separator, Single Phase meter etc. are found in store. It is directed to allocate 5000 Nos. single phase meter to Madheoura and also it should done for other materials where required. CE(S&P)/ESE(S) Meeting at collcctriate Hall regarding Projects, Revenue & O&M work Paying consumers in the district is very less. EEE(S) raised the issue regarding traceless consumer. Revenue team from hqr. along with EEE(S) should chalk out a plan for addressing this issue. GM(Rev) should ensure that if the meter reading ol effecting consumers is not done and bills are issued on MMC then how the bills are getting distributed as per figure available if the consumers are traceless. New PSS has to be proposed in Bhelai (Kalankot Block). CE(Project) to look into the issue. Sri Santosh Kumar, AEE(BRGF) is nodal officer for Saharsa District. He should visit along with project team & agency for resolving the issue which has been raised by IWs Lumino regarding electrification of villages under KOSI belt. He should submit a detail report to MD, NBPDCL. Earthing of LA, Body and neutral of distribution transformer at some places are connected to one point before earthed. lt should be rectified. Representative of M/s Gopikrishna Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. (BRGF Phase-I) was not present in the meeting. EEE (Project) must be assured to complete all conductoring work of town under RAPDRP- B. Progress of TRW work is very slow and poor. Shed in TRW is not constructed by agency. It is directed to blacklist the agency. Sri Awdhesh Kumar (JEE, Kahara) is absconding since last month. It is directed to suspend him and start departmental proceeding. Inspection in Bhagwanpur Village (Filectrification under RCGVYLumino industries Ltd.) Engraving of scheme name is not found on pitched pole on the way of GM(Rcv)/EEE(S)/ RO CE(PrdeCt-1&H)/ EEE(P) SA Santosh Kumar, AEE(BRGF) EEE(P) CE(Project- I ) EEE(P) CE(Civil) AE(Civil) GM(IIR) XIIth Plan by Saharsa to Bhaewanpur villaee. Installation of Junction box for BPL consumers are in scope of agency. It is also required to provide Junction box for APL for providing new Connection. The sagging of t t is required to pitch a pole between them. _ LT line is found in very low height beside road in Khajuri Village (On the way of Saharsa to Begusarai). It should be rectified immediately. t[ 皐 レ EEE(P) EEE(S) EEE(S) M/s b ͡ ξつ Existing infrastructure may also have becn utilized for AB cabling work instead of erection of new poles. But it was found that three Alignment of line along road in Hanuman Nagar Chakla village (Near Saur Bazar). It should be verified and further action need to be EEE(P) taken. Khagaria Meeting at collectriatc Hall regarding Projects, Revenue & O&M work Beldaur PSS constructed ullder RGGVY llm Plan(PhaSe_I)must be 1 15/05/2015 in an rcspect つ‘ 3 4 どD 6 7 8 Bachauta PSS constructed under BRGF (Phase-I) must be completed … before 30/05/2015. EEE(Supply)shOuld ensurc to instali natne plate on all DTs under CNILAD/Ⅳ PLAD I I KV VCB is not working properly in Mansi LEE(P) EEE(S) (R&M under BRGF-I, by Sri Gopikrishna Infra. Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad). It is directed to agency PSS for rectification in urgent. Joint & Connectors have been used in place of PG Clamp inMansi PSS (R&M under BRGF-I, by Sri Gopikrishna Infra. Pr,t. Ltd., Hyderabad). It is directed immediately to rectify the delects. Jharna is not used in 33 KV line in Pansalwa feeder(work under CE(ProieCt-1) EEE(P) RGGVY XI,Phase― Iby M/s Jyoti Electrical)It iS dirccted tO nOt make pり mCnttO agcncと 翌 ■hOut rcciication. Owner of M/s Technofab Sri Arjun Gupta is directed to meet with MD, NBPDCL on 13/05/15 and visit site on l4105/15. DT has been augmented at Registry Morgogri by M/s Godrej under RAPDRP. Following discrepancies found in it. 1. L.A. not used 2. Neutral not connected 3. Belting Angle not provided. I;EE(P) New DT has been installed at SC/sT Thana by M/s Godra under 9 RAPDRP where HT jumpers not properly cOnnectcd through bi― metallic connecto■ Agency ls dire⊆ ed tO rectiヶ 10 うι ヽ 5 14 it Concemed officers are directed to provide list of all defective meters and unmetered connections to IWs Godrej within 2 days. PSS at Kama is being constructed by IWs AKS under State Plan. Work is awarded to agency in feb'15. Progress is very slow. Owner of M/s AKS is directed to meet with MD, NBPDCL. CE(Projegt-II) is directed to follow the progress ofPSS at Karna. Revcnuc Offlccr should cnsure inclusiOn of all nc、 v cOnnCCtion intO Billing Cyclc _ Paying consumers in the district is very less. EEE(S) raised the issue regarding traceless consumer. Revenue team from hqr. along with EEE(S) should chalk out a plan for addressing this issue. GM(Rev) should ensure that if the meter reading of effecting consumers is not done and bills are issued on MMC then how the bills are getting distributed as per figure available if the consumers are traceless. Revenue collcction is not as pcr target lt is directcd to imprOvc percentttof meter rcading,Number of plyhg consumer etc │ EEE(S) EEE(P) GM(Rev) /EEE(S)/RO EEE(S) 隣 ^ Begusarai Meeting at collectorate Hall regarding Projects, Rcvenuc & O&M work EEE (project) assured that PSS at Samo (constructed under RGGVY- XI, Phase-1)will be charged beforc l1/05/2015 M/s Capital Power stopped the work under NABARD (Phase- XI). CE(Project-Il) is directed to blacklist the agency. It is also directed to issue show cause to CE (Project-Il) for not taking action against M/s Caoital Power. Approx 5000 consumers are not included in billing cycle whose meters were installed under ADB Scheme. It is direct to include these consumer in billing cycle in urgent. It is also directed to fix responsibility for the persons responsible for not EEE(P) CE(ProieCt― II) GM(HR) CE(Proj ect-ll) Following direction has been given to AEE (Revenue), Begusarai: 1 Number of paying consumer must be improved. 2. Meter reading percentage must be improved. 3. Disconnect the line of defaulter consumers. . EEE(S) D / イゝ n MD,NBPDCL Memo No. ..... J.!ts:.......... Date.¨ ¨ L‖ ρ島 ,ダ .¨ Copy:Director(Pl● ect)/CE(ProieCt-1)/CE(Commercial)/CE(ProieCt-2)/GM(Rcvenuc) 「 /DGM(Revenuc)/StManageく Revcnue)/CE(0` CPM(TS)/Director(Operation)North Bihar P . make this cOpy available tO all concem agcncic ⅣD,NBPDCL Memo No.… …..131颯 .… … Date.¨ ¨ l"I)、二.ド .… … copy :All Electric Superintending Engineer, Electric Supply circle/All Electric Executive Engineer, Electric Supply Division/All Electric Engineer(project), Norrh Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd. information and necessary action. fglectric Executive Engineer (IT) is directed to upload the MoM on the website. t I\ ,"",,[kn{sil( MD, NBPDCL Memo No. .........|j)t-...... Copy fonvarded to OSD to CMD,Bih′ Date.… ■H■ 9'.ぼ .… information MD,NBPDCl′ .
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