Basic Roman Shade Pattern Flat Roman Shade in Seven Basic Steps A roman shade has a tailored appearance that creates gentle folds when pulled upward. A shade can be made from most any fabric, the choice of fabric effects the look of the finished product. Sturdy, firm fabrics work best for pleats holding their shape, lightweight fabric may be used for a softer appearance. Roman shades are usually lined this gives added body to the shade, prevents fabric fading and give windows, outside a more uniform appearance. To prevent cooling or heating lose use an insulated lining. Thermal suede works well in most applications. When cutting your fabric, I cannot stress enough the importance of squaring your fabric; especially if you are using a print or plaid that has an obvious design. The design may be printed off the straight grain of the fabric, cut the shade to match the design not the straight grain. What you will need: • • • • • • • • • • • • Decorator fabric for shade Lining fabric for lining, facing strip, and cover mount board. Mounting board: 1” x 2”, cut to size for inside or outside mounting. Screw eyes or pulleys, large enough to hold all the lift cords; Number should equal the number of vertical rows of rings. Shade cord, for each vertical row of rings, enough to go up the shade, across the top and down for pulling. Plastic rings, ½”, equal to number of vertical rows multiplied by the number of vertical rows. Or can use ring tape. Weight rod, one 3/8” brass or rustproof flat bar, cut ½” shorter than finished width of shade. White glue or liquid fray check Awning Cleat Staple gun or tacks Drapery pull Velcro (optional) All Rights reserved Page 1 Basic Roman Shade Pattern Step One: Cutting the Fabric • • • The cut width for decorator fabric is 3”wider than the finished width of shade. Lining width is cut the exact width of the finished measurement. The cut length is 3” longer than finished shade for decorator fabric and lining fabric Cut one piece from Decorator fabric 3” wider than finished width cut one piece from lining fabric the exact width of finished shade Step Two: Finishing side hems • • Place lining and face fabric wrong sides together. Fold raw edge of decorator fabric over lining, fold in again creating a hem along both sides of shade. 1-1/2” 1-1/2” All Rights reserved finished seam Page 2 Basic Roman Shade Pattern Step Three: Attaching bottom facing • • Cut one facing piece of lining fabric 5” x finished width plus 2”. Square the bottom of your shade before stitching facing piece to bottom of the shade 2’ plus finished width of shade Sew facing to shade, right sides together 5” Step Four: Weight rod pocket • • • • Fold in raw edges Turn facing up, press Stitch facing to shade Stitch pocket for weight rod Press seam downward Press extensions to back of shade so they do not show on front of shade, stitch or fuse in place All Rights reserved Turn under raw edges of facing 1-1/2”, turn under again 3”. Stitch along folded edge. Stitch again 1” from first stitching to form pocket for weight rod. Page 3 Basic Roman Shade Pattern Step Five: Measuring and marking vertical and horizontal rows for rings. • • • • • • Mark outside rows from edges. Rings hold side hems in place. Depending on the look you are wishing to achieve the vertical rows are normally spaced from 5” to 8” apart. 5” will give you a 2-1/2” fold; an 8” will give a 4” fold as the shade is pulled upward. Use a square edge to mark your side hems. All vertical rows will be measured and marked from these two measurements. The first measurement is both corners. Divide the distance between these two marking to determine how many vertical rows. Place a pin at these locations. Starting from the bottom lay a straight edge, (yard stick or meter) at the 5” or 8” mark. Pin as you travel up the shade. Sew your rings in place, either by machine or hand stitch. Secure well, tension will be on the rings as you pull the shade upward Square top of shade and finish off with zigzag or serge. If using Velcro, apply loop at this step. Using a long stitch helps the Velcro pucker factor. Leave about ½” on each side. Step Six: Mounting choices Several ways to mount your shade: • • A roller rod- this method it’s compliant with the voluntary standards for window blind cords, 2009, How to make a Safer Shade using a standard roller rod. Board mount- using a 1” x 2” mounting board, cut to size whether inside or outside mounts, covered with lining fabric. For instructions and benefits of using a roller rod Click Here All Rights reserved Page 4 Basic Roman Shade Pattern Step Seven: Attaching board and stringing shade • • • • 1 Cover board with lining fabric, staple Velcro hook to top of board. Attach shade to board. Screw in eye screws to match vertical rows. String shade, cut all cords as long as shade plus measurement across shade and measurement down side of shade. Tie one cord to one bottom ring, string through all rings in corresponding row across the top through Screw Eyes. 2 3 4 Rows Finish off the cord ends with a drapery pull. Inside mount windows will be attached directly to inside window with screws. I suggest a pilot hole and cutting a small hole in the fabric covered mount board, Prevents threads from rolling around screw. Outside mount either screw directly to wall flat, or use angle Iron, When using angle Iron you will have a bit of protrusion into the room, when using this method you may wish to use a short valance treatment. Install a cord cleat close to the drop cords, out to reach of small children. Wind cords neatly around cleat when shade is in its up position. All Rights reserved Page 5
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