GLOBAL HAIR TREATMENT ACTIVE 4 1 in FUNCTIONAL BENEFITS 1 DISCIPLINING EFFECT: Promotes lightness, softness and shaping to dry & rebellious hairs. 2 PROMOTES A UNIFORM CUTICULAR SURFACE: Smoothes rough hair texture and promotes a reflective shine. 3 IMPROVES HAIR COHESION Preserves hair integrity after mechanical or chemical stress. 4 ANTI-OXIDANT PROTECTION: Anti-aging action for hair fiber E CAR HAIR DESCRIPTION: Through modern extraction techniques, we obtained actives concentrate with proven cosmetic properties and functional benefits. Tamariliz® is a concentrate of high molecular weight polysaccharides, organic acids (tartaric acid and oxalic acid) and antioxidant polyphenols obtained from tamarind (Tamarindus indica) pulp. Tamarind is also known as the Indian Date. Originally from the African savannah, although it is mainly grown in India. In Brazil, the fruit is widely consumed in the North and Northeast regions. ACTIVE SUBSTANCES: Tamariliz® is extracted from the Tamarindus indica fruit and concentrated on the following active substances: 01 02 03 01 High molecular weight polysaccharides Oxalic acid & tartaric acid Polyphenols HAIR COHESION Penetration gradient Hair exposed to external aggressions is vulnerable to d a m a g e. Ta m a r i l i z ® h a s a n e xce l l e n t penetration coefficient, with a proven increase in hair cohesion and improved resistance to thermal and mechanical stress. Tamariliz® 1% H2O EFFICIENCY TESTS 02 SHINE VIA REFLECTION MICROSCOPY Hair fiber efficiency tests 45-20 LIGHT Fonte: HBO 75 Microscópio Zeiss Axiovert 200 45-0 45 0 45-0 CUTICLE F1 0 0 ROOT REFL TIP H2O TAMARILIZ 1% HBO Objetiva 40Xim HAIR Scheme of the light reflection on the hair surface Tribol Lett (2010) 37:209-214 1,5 CBOC Aplicação: 10 Minutos TAMARILIZ BRILHO RELATIVO 1,4 1,3 1,2 1,1 1,0 MICROSCOPE PHYSIS 0,0 Intensity distribution of a light bean scattered by a rough surface 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 “MICROSCOPIO PHYSIS” POR TAMARLIZ (%) 3,0 TAMARILIZ 3% 03 ANTIOXIDANT ACTION, COLOR PROTECTION AND ANTI-AGING The singlet oxygen is one of the reactive species of molecular oxygen, which is highly oxidizing and attacks the natural hair pigment (melanin) and promotes keratin degradation. Tamariliz® suppresses singlet oxygen, protecting hair fiber color and structure. Visible Light S G T 02 M 1 02 M aa Mox Damage Medulla Cortes 04 4,0 3,0 Singlet Oxygen Life Time Generation and suppression of singlet oxygen in hair by photosensitization of melanin. Orlando Chiarelli-Neto, Christiane Pavani, Alan S. Ferreira, Adjaci F. Uchoa, Divinomar Severino, Maurício S. Baptista Suppression of singlet oxygen Fluorescence 2,0 1,0 0,0 0 1 2 3 4 Tamariliz® (%) Cuticle CUTICULAR SMOOTHING The high molecular weight polysaccharides form a film over the hair strand topographic relief, promoting an attenuation of its surface and restoring its softness to the touch, as well as improving uniformity and the restoration of damaged hair fiber. MEV: 8.000X H2O Tamariliz® 3% Topographic image H2O HAIR SENSORY ANALYSIS Sensory analysis show an improvement in all parameters when the tamarind extract is added to a commercial conditioner, under the conditions in which a bath would take place. Dry combing Wet combing Shine Softness Balance Frizz reduction 1% 3% Anti-residual shampoo Commercial conditioner Conditioner + Tamariliz 1% Conditioner + Tamariliz 3% 0 0 0 0 0 0 ++ + +++ + + ++ +++++ +++ +++++ ++++ ++++ +++ +++++ ++++ +++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ Results of the sensorial analysis of hair washed with shampoo and conditioner including added Tamariliz® at 1% and 3%. Photo of hair strands after a wash with antiresidual shampoo (A), with commercial conditioner only (B) and with commercial conditioner including added Tamariliz® at 1% and 3% mass (C and D). A B C D APPLICATION Haircare: Water soluble product | Recommended dosage: 1 - 3% in shampoos, conditioners, hair masks and leave-in products. GLOBAL HAIR TREATMENT ACTIVE FUNCTIONAL BENEFITS
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