Visit Carlson’s Choke Tubes On-Line at: CHOKE TUBE INTERCHANGE LIST Please Note: This list is to be used soley as a guide. There are always exceptions. If you have questions, please give us a call or e-mail us at Never force-thread a choke into a barrel. PATTERNING & IMPORTANT CHOKE TUBE INFORMATION Carlson’s Choke Tubes are made from the finest corrosion-resistant 17-4 PH stainless steel available. Most factory choke tubes are made of lessor stainless steel, which equates to a choke that won’t hold up to most steel shot loads or heavy buffered shotshells. Steel shot patterns tighter than lead shot. Generally speaking, you will want to use a more open choke when shooting steel shot than you would with lead. USE THE FOLLOWING RULE: Cylinder Choke with Lead Shot = Improved Cylinder Choke with Steel Improved Cylinder Choke with Lead Shot = Modified Choke with Steel Modified Choke with Lead Shot = Full Choke with Steel Steel shot, up to and including BB’s, may be shot through all of Carlson’s flush and extended chokes, up to “Full” constriction. Our Extended Steel Shot and Sporting Clays chokes pattern 10-15% better than standard choke tubes when using steel or lead shot. These improved patterns are attributed to a longer parallel section within the choke tube. Our Extended Choke Tubes are much easier to remove and insert, and each Choke Tube features an engraved head for easy identification. Never use BBB, T, or F shot through any flush mount choke tighter than modified. The best patterns with those shot sizes will be achieved with extended chokes, up to “Full” choke. DO NOT Shoot fast steel American Arms: Austin & Halleck Black Powder Shotgun: Baikal/European American Arms: Benelli: (Current production-square threads) Benelli Crio: Benelli Crio Plus: Benelli M-4: Beretta: (Current Production) Beretta: (Old style-no threads-uses muzzle cap) Beretta Optima: Beretta Optima Plus: Bernardelli: Black Diamond 12ga: Browning Invector: Browning Invector Plus: BSA: BSA 20ga Silver Eagle: Caeser Guerini: Century Arms/Kahn Centurion & Arthemis 12ga: Century Arms/Kahn Centurion & Arthemis 20ga: Charles Daly: Charles Daly: Charles Daly: Churchhill 12ga: CZ USA 12ga: CZ USA 20ga: DeHaans 12ga: DeHaans 20ga: Fabarm: 12ga F.A.I.R.: (I Rizzini) Franchi: Franchi: Franchi: H&R 1871/N.E.F. 12ga & 20ga: H&R Pardner Pump: H&R Excell Auto 5: Hastings Choke Tube 1: Hastings Choke Tube 2: Hatson: Huglu 12ga: Huglu 20ga: Ithaca: Ithaca Model 37: Ithaca: Lanber 12ga: Lanber Imported by American Arms: Laurona (O/U): 1 (1550 FPS and faster) shotshells through any flush-mounted choke tighter than “Modified” or Extended Choke tighter than “Improved Modified”. Hevi-Shot, Bismuth, Tungsten, High Density, and similar shot may be used through our tighter chokes as tight as “Extra Full”. For waterfowl hunting and long range shooting, we have found that Hevi-Shot shotshells perform best in tighter choke constrictions up to “Extra Full”. Carlson’s Turkey Choke Tubes have tighter constrictions and pattern better than standard choke tubes. NEVER shoot steel shot through an Extended Turkey Choke Tube. Hevi-Shot, Lead, Copper, Nickel, Bismuth, High Density, and Tungsten Polymer Shot can all be used through CARLSON’S EXTENDED TURKEY CHOKES. We have had best pattern performance with #4's, #5's, and #6's. Larger shot sizes may be used but their use generally results in more “flyers” in your pattern. Most importantly, pattern your shotgun with the shotshell and choke tube your are going to hunt with – BEFORE going into the field. You take the time to sight-in your favorite rifle and scope, do the same with your shotguns for a more successful hunt! If you have any questions on our products or questions concerning shotshells and loads to use in your choke tube please do not hesitate to call us at 785-626-3700 or visit us on the web at Interchanges with Carlson's American Arms Fausti/Traditions shotguns style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester, Moss. 500 threads Interchanges with Standard Carlson's Tru Choke style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Beretta/Benelli style threads Interchanges with Sport II and SuperSport and Cordoba Produced prior to 2006 Interchanges with Super Black Eagle 2, M-2, Ultra Light and current Sport II, Super Sport, Cordoba, & Montefeltro Interchanges with Carlson's Ber/Ben standard thread Interchanges with Carlson's Beretta style threads No known Interchange Interchanges with Optima threads (Models 391A Extrema & 12ga. 391 Teknys) Silver Pigeon II & III Interchanges with Carlson's Optima Plus threads (Models 391A Extrema and 12ga. 391 Teknys) No known interchange Interchanges with Carlson's Ber/Ben standard thread Interchanges with Carlson's Win, Moss. 500, Weatherby, Maverick 88, Smith & Wesson & Savage style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Browning Invector Plus, Winchester Super X2 and Winchester Supreme style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Beretta/Benelli threads Serial #201836 or higher is Ber/Ben if serial number is below, Huglu threads Interchanges with Fab Arms Interchanges with Carlson's Berretta/Benelli Interchange with Carlson's Huglu style threads Current Production Pumps, semi-autos, & Model 206 interchanges with Carlson's Remington Style threads Current Production O/U, interchanges with Carlson's Winchester style threads S/S Field II, Model 306, & Model 106 interchange with Carlson's Beretta/Benelli style threads Call Carlson’s Choke Tubes at 785-626-3700 for information Interchanges with standard Carlson's Beretta/Benelli threads Interchanges with Carlson's Huglu style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Ber/Ben standard thread Interchanges with Carlson's Huglu style threads Interchanges with Fabarm style threads Interchanges with Verona LX threads SxS Highlander & O/U SL & SxS Destino No known interchange (Current production-square thread) Interchanges with Carlson's Beretta/Benelli style threads (Old Style-v threads) Pre 1999 Models Interchanges with Carlson's Fran Choke style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester, Moss 500 etc. threads Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester, Moss 500 etc. threads Interchanges with Verona SX threads (Old Style) Interchanges with Carlson's Tru-Choke (Current Version) No known interchange Interchanges with Carlson's Beretta/Benelli threads Interchange with Carlson's Beretta/Benelli style threads Interchange with Carlson's Huglu (Old Style-Fine threads) Interchanges with Calson's Tru-Choke style threads (New Style 12ga.) Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester style threads (All New Style 20ga.) Interchanges with Carlson's Tru Choke style threads Interchanges with Lanber style threads Interchanges with Carlson's American Arms style threads Interchanges with Carlson's American Arms style threads NOTE: Lead, Copperplated, Nickel, Hevi-Shot™, Bismuth or Tungsten may be used in all of our Turkey Choke Tubes. Visit Carlson’s Choke Tubes On-Line at: Continued... CHOKE TUBE INTERCHANGE LIST Please Note: This list is to be used soley as a guide. There are always exceptions. If you have questions, please give us a call or e-mail us at Never force-thread a choke into a barrel. LC Smith 12ga (Marlin): LC Smith 20ga (Marlin): Legacy Sports Escort & Pointer 12ga: Legacy Sports Escort 20ga: Legacy Sports/Silma 12ga: Luger: Marrochi Golden Snip Field O/U: Maverick Model 88: Miroku: Mitchell Mauser: Mossberg 500, 535, & 930: Mossberg 835 and 935: Mossberg 9200: Mossberg Silver Reserve 12ga: Mossberg Silver Reserve 20ga: New England: Remington: Remington Pro Bore: Remington Spartan: Renato Gambo: Rizzini USA, (B) & (I): Rizzini (E): Ruger Older Models Pre 1992: Ruger SC Newer Models: Ruger (Side by Side) Gold Label: Sako/Tikka 12 ga: Savage: Savage 411: Savage 512: Savage Milano: SIG Arms: SIG Arms (Aurora): SIG Arms (SA3): SKB Short Style: SKB Competition: Smith and Wesson Old Version: Smith and Wesson Current version 2007: Stevens and Savage Model 411: Stoeger 2000 Semi Auto & P-350 Pump: Stoeger 2000 Condor (O/U): Stoeger STF 3000: Stoeger Luger (O/U): Stoeger Uplander (Side by Side): Traditions by Fausti: Traditions Semi-Auto AIS2100: Traditions Volo: Thompson Center: Tri-Star Phantom 411 and TR11: Tri-Star Phantom Field & Model 380D: Tri-Star Phantom HP: Tri-Star Silver Series: Tri-Star Current 3 1/2" Semi Auto: Tri Star Fab Arms: Valmet: Verona LX O/U: Verona 980 O/U: Verona SX Semi Auto Models: Weatherby: Winchester (1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, & Ranger): Winchester Select Energy: Winchester Super X2, X3, and Supreme: Zafer 12 ga: Zoli: Threads at top of tube are LC Smith Chokes, at bottom is American Arms Interchanges with Carlson's Fran Choke threads Interchanges with Carlson's Ber/Ben standard thread Interchanges with Carlson's Huglu style threads No known interchange No known interchange Interchanges with Carlson's Browning Invector Plus style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Mossberg 500, Winchester, and Browning Invector style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester style threads No known interchange Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester, Weatherby, Browning Invector Interchanges with Carlson's 835 Mossberg style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Mossberg 500 style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Ben/Ber threads Interchanges with Carlson's Huglu style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester, Weatherby, Browning Invector & Mossberg 500 style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Remington style threads Fits Model 105CTi, All Parker Models, New 1100 Competition, & Premier O/U Interchanges with Carlson's Tru-Choke threads No known interchange Interchanges with Verona LX Style threads No known interchange Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester style threads (Short chokes) Interchanges with Carlson's Ruger SC style threads (Long chokes) No known interchange Some Interchange with Carlson's Invector Plus and some with Valmet threads Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester and Mossberg 500 style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Tru Choke style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Ber/Ben standard thread Interchanges with Verona LX threads No known interchange Interchanges with Verona LX No known interchange Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester and Mossberg 500 style threads Interchanges with Carlson's SKB Competition style chokes Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester, Mossberg 500 and Browning Invector style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Ber/Ben standard thread Interchanges with Carlson's Tru-Choke or Baikal style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Beretta/Benelli threads Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Wiinchester, Mossberg 500 and Browning Invector style threads Interchanges with Carlson's American Arms style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester style threads Interchanges with Carlson American Arms style threads 12 gauge interchanges with Carlson's Beretta style threads/20gauge - No known interchange No known interchange Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester style threads Interchanges with Rizzini style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Beretta/Benelli style threads No known interchange Interchanges with Carlson's American Arms, Serial#4687037 or larger is Beretta/Benelli threads Interchanges with Carlson's Crio Plus system No known interchange Interchanges with Valmet threads Interchanges with Verona LX threads No known interchange Interchanges with Verona SX threads Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester, Mossberg 500 and Weatherby style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Winchester, Mossberg 500 Weatherby and Browning Invector style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Browning Invector Plus Interchanges with Carlson's Browning Invector Plus style threads Interchanges with Carlson's Ber/Ben standard thread No known interchange NOTE: Lead, Copperplated, Nickel, Hevi-Shot™, Bismuth or Tungsten may be used in all of our Turkey Choke Tubes. 2
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