ՄԱՆԿԱԿԱՆ ԲԺԻՇԿՆԵՐԻ ՀԱՅԿԱԿԱՆ ԱՍՈՑԻԱՑԻԱ АРМЯНСКАЯ АССОЦИАЦИЯ ДЕТСКИХ ВРАЧЕЙ ARMENIAN PEDIATRIC ASSOCIATION FACT SHEET Non-governmental organization “Armenian Pediatric Association” was established in 2007. It has embraced different pediatric professionals from the field of child health care. The members of the Association’s Council are leading pediatricians, pediatric surgeons and other pediatric specialists from the clinics of Yerevan and regions, public health specialists and the Ministry of Health authorities, faculty members and representatives of the relevant international NGOs. The Association’s activities are targeted to tackling the problems in the field of child and adolescent health and development, and include: - support to organization and providing effective pediatric care - developing clinical guidelines and other educational materials - support to continuing medical education of pediatric staff from different levels - support and advocacy for developing the national policies and improving quality of the medical services, - support to research, reviews, surveys in the field of pediatrics - international cooperation. Activities: National Pediatric Conferences The large-scale conferences with international participation were held in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 under support of the Ministry of Health, Yerevan State Medical University after M.Heratsi. More than 400 pediatricians, family doctors, pediatric surgeons and other specialists participated to each of them. Besides our leading local professors, among speakers of the conferences were well-known specialists from UK, Switzerland, Denmark, Russia, Georgia and other countries. National “Pediatric Schools” Each year the “Pediatric School” is being organized under the auspices of the MoH aimed to present the newest achievements of medical practice and science to hundreds of doctors. The number of participants was as follows: 2008 - 45; 2009 – 65; 2010 - 43; 2011- 172; 2012 – 175; 2013 -244, 2014-180. Developing guidelines and other educational materials There have been developed and confirmed by MoH the guidelines on management of urinary tract infections and cystic fibrosis in children, guides on management of pneumonia and tonsillitis in children. Pediatric bulletin, which highlights the recent developments in pediatric knowledge and practice, is being issued. Outreach seminars Each year Association organizes about 8-10 visits to different regions of Armenia to provide up-to-date information to the health staff of the primary and secondary levels. Nearly 30-40 doctors attend the outreach seminars. Outreach care to children The teams of pediatric specialists visit regions and provide care and consultancy to children; so far about 3000 children were among beneficiaries. Support to research The Association plays an important role in research work in the field of pediatrics and child health through participation in discussions around the current and planned scientific theses. Support to policy developing and advocacy In 2011 in collaboration with World Vision Armenia within the frames of the “Child Health Now” campaign the ARABKIR MC-ICAH and the Association prepared the analytical report on current situation and issues of pediatric health care, professional resources in Armenia and organized round table discussions with participation of the MoH, YSMU, representatives of the clinics and professionals from international organizations. The current issues of pediatrics as well as the need to increase a role of Pediatric Association in child health policy, programming and development of clinical standards were discussed. In 2012 collaboration with World Vision Armenia within the frames of the “Child Health Now” campaign the Association implemented regional level project, which aims to raise the problems of health care quality and accessibility provided to the newborns and children relying on the strength and active involvement of the Association’s regional representatives, services providers and NGO-s. Meetings were held in Lori and Shirak; results were summed up on the national level. In 2013 in collaboration with World Vision Armenia within the frames of the “Increasing a role of health professionals in improving quality of pediatric care in Armenia” program the ARABKIR MC-ICAH and the Association prepared report on issues of pediatric health care and organized 3 round table discussions with participation of the MoH, YSMU, regional health authorities, representatives of the clinics and interested professionals from international organizations. The current issues of pediatrics as well as a need to increase a role of Pediatric Association in child health policy, supportive supervision, programming and development of clinical standards were discussed. Association is an active member of the Aliance of the NGO-s working in the field of Mother and Child Health. International cooperation Since 2007 Association is an acting member of the European Pediatric Association – Union of European Pediatric Societies (EPA – UNEPSA) as well as the International Pediatric Association. Association regularly transfer its dues to EPA, participates in the General Assemblies and other events held by international organizations. In 2009 and 2012 Association organized conferences and check-ups of more than 300 children in the Republic of Nagorno-Karabagh. In 2010 by invitation of the Georgian Respiratory Association there were held joint conference and check-ups for 100 children of Javakhety region of Georgia. In cooperation with ARABKIR MC-ICAH and University Children’s Hospital of Zurich different thematic conferences and seminars in Pediatrics are held on a regular basis. In 2013 in collaboration with Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide and Armenian Cystic Fibrosis Center the symposium on CF problems in Armenian children was conducted. In 2014 a symposium on mental health of children and adolescents was held in collaboration with ARABKIR MC-ICAH, Psychoanalysis association and faculty staff of Geneva University; more than 180 specialists participated in the event. Contacts: President: Professor Ara Babloyan, MD, PhD Director: Assoc. Prof. Vadim Tevosyan, MD, PhD Secretary: Eva Movsesyan, MD Address: Mamikonyants 30, Yerevan, 0014 Armenia Теl.: +374 10 236030; +374 91 887944; Fax: +374 10 284170 E-mail: armpa@yandex.com
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