CURRICULUM VITAE OWEN GOTTLIEB Assistant Professor School of Interactive Games and Media B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences Rochester Institute of Technology 152 Lomb Memorial Drive Bldg. 70-2145 Rochester, NY 14623 public AT RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS Games for learning and social impact; game design and development, religion and culture, educational technology; digital media, international film, television, and radio; Jewish civilization and education; history, education, and games; mobile augmented reality gaming; civic and democratic education; design-based research ACADEMIC POSITION Assistant Professor (tenure track), Interactive Games and Media, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York (August 2014-present). •Founder and Lead Research Faculty, RCP@MAGIC: Religion, Culture and Policy Initiative at MAGIC. •Affiliate faculty, RIT Center for Media, Arts, Games, Interaction, and Creativity (MAGIC). •Awarded $5000 Seed Funding, Office of the Vice President for Research, RIT, April, 2015 •Awarded $10,000 Seed Grant from GCCIS for student support on research project on design of game for religious education, December, 2014. EDUCATION 2010-2015 Ph.D., Program in Education and Jewish Studies, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development New York University Dissertation topic: Digital Mobile Augmented Reality Gaming for Learning Modern Jewish History Degree conferred May, 2015 Advisors: Robert Chazan (Chair), Christopher Hoadley, Faye Ginsburg, GPA: 3.96/4.0 •HASTAC Scholar 2012 •GLS Doctoral Consortium, Games Learning Society, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013 •Emerging Scholar Award, NRJE, 2013 ($1000) •Most Innovative Game Nominee 2013: Gottlieb th 10 annual Games for Change Festival 2005-2010 M. A., Hebrew Letters and Rabbinic ordination Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, NY 1995-1997 M.A., Cinema-Television University of Southern California, School of Cinematic Arts Coursework included cyberculture and avant-garde media, screenwriting, film and television production, theory, history Teaching Assistant for CNTV 466: Theatrical Film Symposium 1991-1995 A.B. (Bachelors), Department of Film and Media Studies, Dartmouth College Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Presidential Scholar Minor in Psychology Director, Dartmouth Film Society ACADEMIC SERVICE National Service National Endowment for the Humanties (NEH), Panel Reviewer, Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants. Washington, D.C., December, 2014. Departmental Service •Graduate Admissions committee, Fall, 2014-present •Table-top Game Demo – Initiated weekly extra-curricular teaching demonstrations for graduate students on table-top game mechanics, 2014 GAME DEVELOPMENT AND LITERACY 2010present Founder and Director, ConverJent: Jewish Games for Learning. Resident Organization at Clal: The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership (501c3 fiscal sponsor). Game-based design, development, pedagogies, and workshops for Jewish literacy. Jewish Time Jump: New York was nominated for Most Innovative Game 2013, 10th annual Games for Change Festival and has been featured in publications including The Atlantic, The Village Voice, Boing Boing, story on WNYC public radio. See articles at Grants: January, 2014: Awarded $33,000 grant over a year from The Covenant Foundation to train educators on the mobile GPS game Jewish Time Jump: New York, and to develop a curriculum that can be integrated into its play. January, 2012: Awarded $65,000 grant over two years from The Covenant Foundation for design and development of GPS locative augmented reality situated documentary to teach modern Jewish history on location in New York City. 2 Gottlieb PUBLICATIONS 2015a Occupy Judaism: Religion, Digital Media, and the Public Sphere. Coauthor with Ayala Fader (Fordham). Anthropological Quarterly. Scheduled for publication Summer, 2015. 2015b Jewish Games for Learning: Renewing Heritage Traditions in the Digital Age. Book chapter in Digital Judaism: Jewish Negotiations with Digital Medi and Culture. (pp 91-109). Edited by Heidi Campbell, Routledge. 2015c Mobile History Games: Challenges, Frameworks, and Design Principles. Proceedings GLS 10 Games + Learning + Society Conference, Madison, WI. ETC, 14-16. Convener and presenter on Panel with Jim Mathews, Karen Schrier, and Jennifer Sly. 2015d Nurturing Play-Makers and Active Investigative Agents: Schwartz Tag, Good Video Games, and Futures of Jewish Learning. Book Chapter in book on Informal Jewish Education, edited by David Bryfman Torah Aura. (January, 2015). Pages 197-204. 2014 Case Study of Jewish Time Jump: New York in book Learning, Education and Games: Volume 1: Curricular and Design Considerations. Edited by Karen Schrier. ECT Press (October, 22 2014). 2013a Media Studies Orientations for Israel Education: Lessons from In Treatment, Homeland and Z-Cars. Journal of Jewish Education. (79:1) 2013. Pages 49-69. 2013b You Can’t Wrap Herring in an iPad: Digitization of Sacred Jewish Books, the Stripping of Embodied Ritual, and Implications for Jewish Education. CCAR Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly, Spring, 2013. Pages 130-141. 2013c Game Design Seedlings: ‘Multi-Dimensional’ Modeling Sh’ma: A Journal of Jewish Responsibility, February 2013/Adar 5773. Pages 13-14. 2012 An Agenda For Jewish Games For Learning. Contact: The Journal Of The Steinhardt Foundation For Jewish Life. Autumn 2012/Cheshvan 5773. Volume 15 Number 1, Page 9. 2011a Video Games, Game Design, and 21st-Century Jewish Education. Sh’ma: A Journal of Jewish Responsibility, 42/684. Page 24, 22 (cont’d). 2011b Moving Beyond the Limited Reach of Current “Social Media” Approaches: Why Jewish Digital Communities Require Rich and Remixable Narrative Content. CCAR Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly, Spring 2011. Pages 82-99. 2007a Co-Editor of book: The Gender Gap: A Congregational Guide for Beginning the Conversation about Men’s Involvement in Synagogue Life. 3 Gottlieb with Person, H. (senior editor), Bricklin, C., Stollman, M. Z. URJ Books and Music. 2007b Galloping Horseback, Zen Judaism, and Leaping for the Sky. Contributing author in, The Gender Gap: A Congregational Guide for Beginning the Conversation about Men’s Involvement in Synagogue Life. Edited by Holzman, M. URJ Books and Music. Pages 167-170. CONFERENCE, PANEL PRESENTATIONS, AND INVITED TALKS 2015a DBMK (Diversifying Barbie and Mortal Kombat) – An NSF Funded Workshop on Gender, Diversity, and Serious Games. Video game, Jewish Time Jump: New York featured. University of Pennsylvania. (April 23-24). 2015b Time Travel, Women’s Labor Organizing, and Ethnic Identity: Catalyzing the Null Curriculum in GPS Mobile Augmented Reality History Gaming. Paper Presentation; Challenge the Past/Diversify the Future: A Critical Approach to Multi-Sensory Representations of History and Culture. Gothenburg, Sweden, (March 19-21st, 2015). 2014a Mobile History Games: Challenges, Frameworks, and Design Principles. Developed panel; presented on panel. Games+Learning+Society 10.0 Conference. University of Wisconsin-Madison (June 09-13). 2014b Inquiry and Learning through Mobile Game Design. Presented on panel. Games+Learning+Society 10.0 Conference. University of Wisconsin-Madison (June 09-13,). 2014c Workshop: ARIS as a tool to support design based research (DBR). ARIS summit/Playful Learning Summit. Games+Learning+Society 10.0 PreConference. University of Wisconsin-Madison (June 10). ARIS summit. 2014d Surrogates, Suturing, and Supra-reveals: Developing Narrative Design Principles for Mobile Augmented Reality History Games. Invited talk. Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Interactive Games and Media. Rochester, New York (April 17). 2014e Encouraging Modern Jewish History Investigation with Mobile Geolocative Augmented Reality Gaming. Paper Presentation. AERA Annual Meeting, Paper Session: Media, Imagery, and History Education. SIG – Teaching History. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (April 6). 2014f Surrogates, Suturing, and, Supra-reveals: Developing Narrative Design Principles for Mobile Augmented Reality History Games. Invited talk. Emerson College, Department of Visual and Media Arts. Boston, Massachusetts (January 23). 2013a: Designing and Building Mobile, Locative Games with ARIS (mobile gaming platform). Presentation on using ARIS for teaching modern Jewish 4 Gottlieb history: Games+Learning+Society 9.0 Conference. University of WisconsinMadison (June 12-14). 2013b Design Rationale and Implications for Cultural Heritage Gaming: A Case Study of a Jewish Game for Learning. Paper presentation. Emerging Learning Design conference. Montclair State University, New Jersey. (June 7). 2013c Initiating Design-Based Research for Digital Games for Jewish Learning: A Case Study of Design Rationale. Paper presentation. Network for Research in Jewish Education Conference, Jewish Theological Seminary, New York (June 2-4). 2013d Digital Judaism: Tablet to Tablet. How have digital technologies entered Jewish life, changing ideas of moral authority, community, gender, education and more? With Ayala Fader (Anthropology, Fordham); Owen Gottlieb (Steinhardt, NYU); Rachel Wagner (Religion, Ithaca College); and Jeffrey Shandler (Jewish Studies, Rutgers). With generous support from the Henry R. Luce Initiative on Religion & International Affairs. Part of the Digital Religion: Knowledge, Politics And Practice Series at The Center for Religion and Media and The Center for Media, Culture, and History, New York University, New York (April 25). 2012a Occupy Judaism: Bringing the Jews to Occupy Wall Street, Bringing Occupy Wall Street to the Jews. Paper presentation. Co-author with Ayala Fader. Part of panel: Changing Perspectives: The Evolving Relationship Between American Jews and Israel. Association for Jewish Studies Annual Conference, Chicago (December 18). 2012b Occupy Judaism: Bringing the Jews to Occupy Wall Street, Bringing Occupy Wall Street to the Jews. Paper presentation. Co-author with Ayala Fader. Part of panel, “Pre-Occupied by the Borders of Art, Religion and Activism.” Religion in the Digital Age: Media, Performance and “Spectacular Activism” Conference, New York University, New York (June 25). 2012c ARIS Mobile Platform: Stories from the Field. Co-presenter: Games + Learning + Society 8.0 Conference, University of Wisconsin-Madison (June 14). 2012d Making Jewish Meaning in the Digital Age: The Promise of Computer Supported Epistemic Games. Paper presentation. Network for Research in Jewish Education Conference. Hebrew College, Boston (June 10). 2011a Z Cars meets In Treatment: A Paradigm for Israel Education through Television and Film. Paper presentation. Network for Research in Jewish Education Conference. York University, Toronto, Canada (June 13). 2011b You Can’t Wrap Herring in an iPad: Digitization of Sacred Jewish Books, the Stripping of Embodied Ritual, and Implications for Jewish Education. Paper consultation. Network for Research in Jewish Education Conference. 5 Gottlieb York University, Toronto, Canada (June 13). TEACHING (Undergraduate, Graduate, Professional, and Adult Education) 2015 Assistant Professor. Game Design and Development I (GDD 1). Department of Interactive Games and Media. Rochester Institute of Technology. Undergraduate course which covers game history, prototyping, playtesting, ideation, team dynamics, and theory. Spring 2015. 2014a Assistant Professor. Game Design. Department of Interactive Games and Media. Rochester Institute of Technology. Graduate course in theory of game design. Course covers game design and play theory from a design-oriented perspective. Topics include game mechanics, narrative, gameplay, rules and formal elements, ideologies, culture. Course uses mini-games to connect theory and design. Student feedback placed instructor in top 12% of teachers in the Golisano college. Fall 2014. 2014b Invited Lecturer on Games for Learning. Winter Institute, Hebrew Union College Certificate Program in Jewish Education for Adolescents and Emerging Adults, January, 6, New York. 2013a Part Time Lecturer. Theories of Teaching and Learning. Eugene Lang College, New School University, New York. Sole teacher for undergraduate education seminar of twenty students. Course covers teaching and learning theories across fields of educational psychology, pedagogy, and anthropology. Includes perspectives in the learning sciences and educational technology. Fall 2013. 2013b Invited Guest Lecturer. “The Map,” Professor Mary Flanagan (Film & Media Studies, Digital Humanities, Studio Art) Studio Art 17: Special Topics. Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. Lecturing on maps and ideologies, workshopping on augmented reality GPS mapping. August 7 and 8. 2013c Guest Speaker to advanced (2+ year) doctoral students in Education and Jewish Studies. Seminar in Jewish Education: Advanced Writing Seminar. Professor Bethamie Horowitz. Steinhardt School, New York University, New York. 2013d Invited Lecturer on Digital Media and Augmented Reality Games for Learning. MARE (M.A. of Religious Education) Praxis Seminar. Professor Evie Rotstein. Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, New York. 2012a Invited Lecturer on Digital Media and Games for Learning. Hebrew Union College Certificate Program in Jewish Education for Adolescents and Emerging Adults. 2012b Guest Lecturer via teleseminar on Digital Media and Games for Learning. Graduate class in Education. Professor Isa Aron. Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles. 6 Gottlieb 2012c Workshop Instructor. Teacher teleseminar in Games for Jewish Learning. Jewish Education Center of Cleveland. 2012d Workshop Instructor. 21st Century Learning Webinar for member-Rabbis of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (Reform). 2012e Workshop Instructor on Game Design for Jewish Learning. Elat Chayyim MIKVAH: The Spirit of Generosity, Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, Falls Village, CT. 2011a Resident Faculty Member and Guest Lecturer on Games for Jewish Learning. Rabbis Without Borders, Clal, The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, New York. 2011b Guest Lecturer on Digital Media and Games for Learning. Graduate class in Education. Professor Lisa Grant. Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, New York. 2011c Co-Presenter and Panelist with Daniel Sieradski. “Virtual Peoplehood, Virtual Community: How Technology and Media Will Enhance Jewish Community.” Judaism 2030: A Working Conference for a Vibrant Jewish Future and the Steps Necessary to Get Us There. Jewish Outreach Institute Conference, New York. 2010a Workshop Instructor. Game Design and Media “Play”shop. National Havurah Institute, Rindge, NH. 20072010b Rabbi/Teacher. Monthly adult Jewish education classes at Temple Beth Am, Monessen, PA. 1997 Teaching Assistant. CNTV 466: undergraduate Theatrical Film Symposium Responsible for class administration and grading staff for class of over 100 students. 1995 Guest Lecturer. Filmmaking II. Lecturer Jim Brown. Dartmouth College. TEACHING (Teens, Junior High, and Elementary School Children) 2011a Teacher, 5th grade, supplementary school. Torah Through Game Design. East End Temple, New York. 2011b Workshops Leader/Rabbi. Dramatic Story Development and Rabbinic Literature through Game Design. URJ Kutz Camp (teen leaders), NY. 20062010 Teacher 2nd, 5th, 7th grade, supplementary school. Central Synagogue, New York. Includes teaching 7th grade modern Hebrew using Israeli teen soap-operas. AWARDS, MEDIA SCREENINGS, GALLERY EXHIBITIONS 7 Gottlieb 2013 Emerging Scholar Award from Network for Research in Jewish Education (NRJE), $1000. 2010a Jim Joseph Fellowship to Ph.D. Program at Steinhardt/NYU, including up to five years covering all tuition, fees, insurance, and stipend. 20082010b At HUC-JIR, NY The Martin Berman Memorial Prize for proficiency in Philosophy The Burton Lehman Prize in Jewish Leadership Rabbi Stephen S. Pearce Prize in Human Relations Rabbi Richard J. Jacobs Prize for creative leadership in worship 2005 World Union of Jewish Students award for contributions to the Arad, Israel community through teaching at the MATNAS Arad (community center). 2005 Beit Omanut Gallery, Tel Aviv. Co-Choreographer/Dancer. Screened original dance “Spirit of the Living Creatures...” on video, Spring 2004. Co-Choreographer/Dancer: Hananel Dixon. Curator: Iris Kozlovich. 2004 Marks and Brown Fellow, awarded towards year-long study in Israel at Arad Arts Project and WUJS ulpan, Jewish Federation of Los Angeles. 1997 Cutters, directed, produced, and edited short documentary screened at Slamdance ’97 and 27th Sinking Creek Film/Video Festival (now, Nashville Film Festival). 1993 U.S.A. Today Collegiate Scholar for scholarship at Dartmouth College, activism, and documentary video: A Moment of Sobriety. 19911995 At Dartmouth College Ray W. Smith Award, for increasing the status of the college Peter D. Smith Initiative Award, for talent and accomplishments in the arts Rufus Choate Scholar Churchill Award Stern Film Award Levitas Scholarship for personal and academic achievement Documentary internships with Ken Burns, Paul Barnes, and Barbara Kopple INTERNET SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT 1998-2000 Project Manager and Manager Business Strategy, US Interactive, Los Angeles. Clients included Royal Caribbean, Disney, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Universal Studios. 1997-1998 Project Coordinator and Partner Liaison, PeopleLink, an IdeaLab Legacy Company. Santa Monica, CA 8 Gottlieb SCREEN AND TELEVISION WRITING, FILM ARTS EXPERIENCE 2001-2003 Screenwriter, Zora, Universal Pictures. Los Angeles. Featured in Variety, August 12, 2001 2000-2001 Staff Writer, Seven Days, Paramount Pictures Television. Los Angeles. 1993-2006 Telluride Film Festival, Hanover, NH and Telluride, CO. Directors’ Liaison, Filmmakers of Tomorrow (Summers ’94-’06) Festival Distribution Manager. Curatorial for feature-films (Summer, ’94) PROFESSIONAL AND SCHOLARLY ASSOCIATIONS Network for Research in Jewish Education (NRJE) American Academy of Religion (AAR) International Game Developers Association (IGDA) Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) Writers Guild of America, West (WGA) VOLUNTEER COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP 2011- 2013 Co-Founder and Steering Committee Member, Shir HaMaalot, volunteer-led egalitarian havurah (Jewish community) in Brooklyn, NY. 9
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