DUKE UNIVERSITY PEER TUTORING PROGRAM Academic Resource Center 201 Academic Advising Center Box 90694 684-5917 peertutoring@duke.edu Section I: Employment Application Applying for: 1-1 Tutor Walk-In Tutoring SAGE TA Office Date ____________________ Summer I Summer II Fall/Spring Name ______________________________ Class of ______ Year: Fresh, Soph, Junior, Senior, Grad Phone ______________________________ School Address/Box ____________________________ GPA in your major ____________________ Major/minor __________________________________ Duke Unique ID ______________________ E-mail Address _________________________________ Are you on Duke payroll? Yes If so, department & supervisor _____________________ Work-Study: Yes No No Ethnicity______________________________________ Date of Birth _______________________ I prefer to be called _____________________________ Tutoring Courses With a B+ Grade or Higher Bio: 199D (Intro to Bio), 201 (Molecular Bio), 202 (Genetics & Evolution) – SAGE TA position Chem: 101DL (Core), 110DL (Honors), 201DL (Organic), 202L (Organic) CompSci: 101 (Intro to Computers), 201 (Data Struc/Algori) Econ: 101 (Principles), 201D (Intermediate) EGR: 103L (Computation Methods), 201L (Mechanics of Solids) Physics: 141L (Intro to Mechanics), 142L (Intro to Electric), 151L (General), 152L (General) Math: 105L (Calculus Funcs I), 106L (Calculus Funcs II), 111L (Calculus I), 112L (Calculus II), 122L (One Variable Calculus), 202 (Multivariable Calculus for Econ), 212 (Multivariable Calculus), 216 (Linear Algebra/Diff Equation) Foreign Languages (Native Speakers Only): ______________________________ Subjects and Courses you are able to tutor (list in order of preference): Semester Taken Instructor Grade 1. _________________________ _______________ ________________ ______ 2. _________________________ ________________ ________________ ______ 3. _________________________ ________________ ________________ ______ 4. _________________________ ________________ ________________ ______ 5. _________________________ ________________ ________________ ______ 6. _________________________ ________________ ________________ ______ How did you hear about this position? (check all that applies) ____ Participant ___ Instructor ____ Friend ____ Posting Flier ____ DukeList ____Website ____ Recruited by Peer Tutoring Coordinator Other:__________________________ Can you commit to working four hours a week? ____ yes ____no If no, please explain: Share any previous experience (paid or volunteer) that qualifies you for this position: What interest, if any, do you have for extensive learning/teaching/education training? Please give examples: US Citizen: Yes No Permanent Home Address: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY Undergrad college _________________________________________ Major___________________ Marital Status: Single Married Separated Divorced Do you hold another campus position? Yes No If yes, are you: Paid monthly - on the 25th of the month Withholding exempt? - paid on the last day of month Bi-weekly – paid twice a month Signature I certify that all the information contained in this application is true, accurate, and complete. I understand that making false or fraudulent statements in this application may result in the termination of my employment. Signature___________________________________________ Date______________________ Section II: Walk-In Tutoring - Applicants (Fall & Spring only) Can you commit to a 3 hour work shift? ___ yes __ no If no, please explain: Indicated the days that times that you are available to work: COURSE Chemistry 101DL Chemistry 201DL Chemistry 202L Econ 101 tba DAY TIME I Can Work This Shift (check) LOCATION Sunday 2-5pm Physics 047 Tuesday 7-10pm Physics 047 Thursday 7-10pm Physics 047 Sunday 2-5pm Bio Sci 113 Tuesday 7-10pm Bio Sci 113 Thursday 7-10pm Bio Sci 113 Sunday 2-5pm Bio Sci 144 Tuesday 7-10pm Bio Sci 144 Thursday 7-10pm Bio Sci 144 Sunday 2-5pm Physics 205 Tuesday 7-10pm Physics 205 Thursday 7-10pm Physics 205 Sunday 2-5pm Carr 136 Tuesday 7-10pm Carr 136 Section III: PEER TUTORING PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR RECOMMENDATION Date ___________ Potential Tutor ____________________________ Course(s) ___________________ Portion Below Is To Be Completed By Instructor Name____________________________________ Title______________________________________ Department_______________________________ Address/Box_______________________________ Phone___________________________________ Email_____________________________________ 1) I recommend this student as a tutor for ____________________________________. without hesitation highly 2) This student has taken the following course(s) with me: 3) I consider him/her to be: a model student works well with others with reservations was not a good student I do not remember him/her. OR While the potential tutor has not done any course work with me, I know of his/her work (please state how or why) and endorsement to him/her as a tutor. Instructor Signature _____________________________________ Date ____________________ Return to: Monique Harris, Peer Tutoring Program Coordinator Academic Resource Center 211 Academic Advising Ctr. Bldg, Box 90694 Phone: 919-684-5917 Fax: 919-684-8934 Email: peertutoring@duke.edu
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