arc Hancock Park Elementary April 7 - May 29 AFTER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT CLASSES ENROLLMENT DEADLINE: FRIDAY BEFORE CLASSES BEGIN SCHEDULE Monday Basketball K-5 SPRING CLASSES Basketball: Students will improve their motor skills while learning technical skill of the game through fun group activities, drills and friendly scrimmages. Photo (Beginner): Samy’s Camera Photo Camp is a fun, hands-on after school photography class that teaches fundamental concepts (like composition, color & perspective) while covering different fields of photography (e.g. Fashion, Food, Sports, Photojournalism). Students borrow a camera each class and receive their images at the end. The final class is a graduation ceremony complete with diplomas, a slideshow, and a gallery show of the students’ framed photographs! Photo (Advanced): For alumni, this session’s Advanced Class of Samy’s Camera Photo Camp focuses on Nature & Portrait Photography. Master cool new techniques like panoramic stitching, selfportraits, color gels, and black & white landscapes. The final class is a graduation ceremony complete with diplomas, a slideshow, and a gallery show of the students’ framed photographs. - Prerequisite: Student must have taken the Beginner’s Class. - There are 3 different advanced classes. Nutrition Chefs: This class teaches healthy eating habits and introduces the children to different cultures. Through hands on recipes, children learn cooking can be fun and nutritious. The class encourages children to try new foods, learn about the food pyramid and practice counting and measuring, all while having fun in the kitchen. IMPORTANT DATES 2:45-3:45pm Jazz: Jazz is a fun, upbeat dance class for both boys and girls. Students will grow in the areas of coordination, rhythm, and self-confidence. Jazz technique and choreography is a great way to get your little one moving. Students will present a dance at the conclusion of the term. Art: Children will be immersed into the wonderful world of art and will learn about artists. Each week, students will explore visual art concepts such as line, shape, color, pattern, texture, balance, and form. They will create a final art project. Soccer: Does your child love soccer? In this class, participants will improve their athletic capacity by engaging in fun games, technical skill development, group activities, and friendly competition. Medieval Robotics: In this unique course, kids enter the fascinating world of medieval times by reviving old-style machinery using cutting-edge technology. Building machinery from scratch introduces students to robotics fundamentals. Using infra-red remote controls, transmission gears and other electronic tools, they will develop thinking strategies, motor skills and dedication. They will also get to experiment in gaming strategies, and develop their critical thinking. Join us in an amusing and engaging journey into the past and the future! Science Adventures: Children explore and experiment in this hands-on science class. From making “Goop” to erupting volcanoes, your child will practice their observation skills, measuring, sorting, and learn basic chemical reactions – curiosity welcomed! $120 Jazz K-5 Tuesday 1:45-2:45pm $120 *Photo (Beginner) K-5 $175 *Photo (Advanced) K-5 $175 Nutrition Chefs K-5 $160 Wednesday 2:45-3:45pm Beginner’s Art K-5 **Advanced Art 2-5 $160 $180 Soccer K-5 $120 *Thursday 2:45-3:45pm Medieval Robotics K-5 Friday $230 2:45-3:45pm Theater (Continued from Winter) 2-5 Science Adventures K-5 $175 * Photo classes will be held 3-4pm ** Advanced Art is held 3-4pm. Students must have taken Beginner’s Art. CONTACT US 4 / 7 4 / 13 5 / 25 5 / 29 Classes Begin Monday Classes Begin No Class - Memorial Day Classes End Yadira Quezada arc After School Site Coordinator (310) 384-3679 □M □F Day Total: Cost CV Code ___________ SIGNATURE __________________________________________________ DATE _____________________ My signature indicates that I have read this entire document and understand it completely and agree to be bound by its terms. City ______________________________________________ Zip _________________ Address of Card Holder __________________________________________________ Name on Card ____________________________________ Card Number _____________________________________ Exp. Date ___________ □ MC □ VISA □ AMEX □ Check #________ (Checks must be payable to “arc”) Discounts: ________________________________________ Total: _______________ PAYMENT INFORMATION Class REGISTRATION INFORMATION MEDICAL NOTES: _________________________________________________________ ALLERGIES: ______________________________________________________________ REFUNDS: Refund requests are subject to a $45 processing fee. There will be NO refunds given after the 1st week. BEHAVIOR: arc reserves the right to dismiss participants whose behavior proves disruptive to other participants. In such cases a consultation will be held with all relevant parties before any action is taken. No refunds will be offered in such cases. FILM & PHOTOGRAPHY: All photos or film taken in connection with the arc program are the sole and exclusive property of arc and may be used in any promotional materials. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: I understand that this is the entire Agreement between myself and arc, its agents or employees, and that it cannot be modified or changed in any way by the representatives or statements of any employees of arc or by me. RELEASE: In consideration of the services and/or property provided, I, for myself and any minor children for which I am the parent, legal guardian, or otherwise responsible, any heirs, personal representatives, or assigns, do hereby release arc, its principals, directors, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers from any and all liability and waive any cause of action or complaint for any damage whatsoever arising from any cause whatsoever (except that which is gross negligence). I further agree to reimburse arc for all attorney’s fees and costs should I bring legal action against arc and lose. ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF RISK: I understand and acknowledge that the activities which I am about to voluntarily engage bear certain known risks and unanticipated risks which could result in injury, death, illness or disease, physical or mental, or damage to myself, to my property, or to spectators or other thirdparties. I accept and assume all responsibility and risk for injury, death, illness, or disease, or damage to myself or to my property. My participation in this activity is purely voluntary; no one is forcing me to participate, and I elect to participate in spite of all known and unknown risks. DUTY OF PARTICIPANTS: Some activities conducted by Good Sports Plus Ltd. doing business as arc (hereinafter, “arc”) may be hazardous to participants. All participants have a duty to act as a reasonably prudent person when engaging in the activities offered by arc. RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK EMERGENCY CONTACT: ___________________________________________ PHONE: ___________________________ ALT. PHONE: ___________________________ EMAIL: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________ CITY: ____________________________ ZIP CODE: _________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN: ______________________________________________ PHONE: ___________________________ ALT. PHONE: ___________________________ STUDENT NAME: _________________________________________________ ROOM: __________ GRADE: __________ DOB: _____________ GENDER: arc ENRICHMENT ENROLLMENT FORM: HANCOCK PARK, SPRING 2015
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