May Newsletter 2015 - Archbishop Chapelle High School

 May 2015 Dear Parents:
The month of May is full of programs and activities that have kept us extremely busy. It seems like only
yesterday that we were starting the year. To our seniors and their parents, we wish you God’s joy and
peace, and I want you to know that you will never be forgotten. Your spirit and leadership have been as
good or better as that of any other senior class with which I have ever been associated.
We are also extremely excited about experiencing the senior class venue trifecta—Ring Mass at the St.
Louis Cathedral, prom at the Alexander Room, and graduation at the Saenger Theatre. This magnificent
senior class was worthy of these wonderful facilities. The commencement exercise is scheduled for
Friday, May 22, at 8:00pm.
Please allow us to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all of you for supporting our teachers,
attending our games, coming to our band and choral concerts, helping at Open House, contributing to
our Annual Giving Drive, and the many other functions that make Chapelle so special. The results of
your efforts and support is the fact that Archbishop Chapelle High School has taken a major step in
becoming the most progressive secondary institution in the Greater New Orleans area. I am already
looking forward to the 2015-2016 school year. We hope you and your families have a great summer!
Loyal to green and white,
John A. Serio
Campus Ministry Notes
Prayer for the Grace of Love:
O Mary, my dear Mother, how much I love thee! And yet in reality how
little! Thou dost teach me what I ought to know, for thou teachest me
what Jesus is to me and what I ought to be for Jesus. Dearly beloved
Mother, how close to God thou art, and how utterly filled with Him! In
the measure that we know God, we remind ourselves of thee. Mother of
God, obtain for me the grace of loving my Jesus; obtain for me the grace
of loving thee!
Chapelle hosted St.
By Cardinal Merry del Val
Edward’s Eighth Grade
retreat on Friday,
March 27th. The
retreat was led by
seniors Kaelyn
The Archdiocesan Chrism Mass was celebrated
Johnson, Kelly Juneau,
on Tuesday, March 31 at 10:00am at the
Nicolette Koll, Lindsey
Cathedral-Basilica of Saint Louis King of
Powell, Sarah Vicknair,
France. Juniors Kelly French, Rebecca Heirsch,
and Carly Waldweiler
Emily Kennedy, Ameila Ledet, Amber Linss,
along with Rummel
Hannah Lovrovich, Samantha Mracich,
Gabrielle Ovella, Natalie St. Martin, and
Annelise Tortorich represented Chapelle. Bus Service Changes
Friday, May 15th – Thursday, May 21st – There will be no bus services after exams due to early dismissal.
There will be regular bus service in the mornings.
Friday, May 22nd – There will be no morning or afternoon bus service due to graduation.
Scholarship Wins
On Tuesday, April 14th Senior Quanyi (Beth) Qu was awarded the Metairie
Woman's Club college scholarship for the 2015-2016 school year. The
scholarship criteria includes a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above, a
composite ACT of 20 or above, and both school activity and community
involvement. Congratulations to Beth on her achievement!
LSU State Literary and Vocal Rallies
On Saturday, April 25th Chapelle students competed with other students
from around the state in literary and vocal rallies. The rally is a prestigious
opportunity for students to develop their talents and earn statewide recognition. Four Chapelle
Chorale students each performed a vocal solo: Lauren Accardo '15 earned Superior ratings,
Kathryn Bancroft '15 earned Superior, Courtney Giardina '15 earned Excellent, and Jenna Hunts
'16 earned Superior ratings. Great job, girls!
Latin Honors
French Immersion through Art
Over 153,000 students from all fifty states and
twenty foreign countries from Australia to
Zimbabwe took the 2015 National Latin Exam.
Congratulations to Chapelle students Kaitlyn
Ranatza (Level II, Maxima Cum Laude), Bailey
Springler (Level I, Cum Laude), Rebecca Willis
(I, Cum Laude), Sarah Melton (I, Cum Laude),
Gianelli Mejia (I, Cum Laude), Natalie Shepherd
(I, Magna Cum Laude), Brenda Hebert (I,
Magna Cum Laude).
Ms. Whitecotton’s French class designed creative
art projects in their final semester using French
verbs to illustrate various action scenes.
Ms. Westholtz’s Science class
recently enjoyed an outdoor lesson
on liquid nitrogen with help from
visiting LSU chemistry students.
Scholarship Banquet
On Thursday, April 30th, Archbishop Chapelle High School held a special reception to honor our 20152016 scholarship recipients alongside their parents and grammar school principals. Congratulations to
Bailey Gossett, Sarah Grosse, Brenda Hebert, Breanna Macaluso, Lauren Nash, Evie Petit, Emily Sabido,
Molly Snakenberg, and Abigail Southworth on their tremendous achievement!
Parents’ Club News
Thanks for a great year! We are looking forward to seeing everyone at check-in day in early August
where you can become a member of the Parents' Club. Also, at Back to School night at the end of
August there will be an opportunity for you to learn all the new things the Parents' Club will be
involved in for the 2015-2016 school year. Have a fabulous summer!
Co-Presidents, Donna Silva & Lisa Ledet
Financial Notice
Tuition for the 2015-16 school year is due no later than Thursday, May 7th. Please make sure that
this payment is received in the school office by that deadline in order to avoid a late fee.
If you cannot make the payment directly to the school, please visit the First Bank & Trust website
at where you can make a 10 month bank loan. The loan must
be made by the May 7th deadline.
Final Exam Schedule
Friday, May 15 - Review/Exam Day - Students Released at 11:40
Elective classes and grade 8 reading classes will take exams during their regular periods. English,
math, science, social studies, foreign language, and religion classes will review for exams.
A Exam or Review
Report to B Period for Announcements & Break
B Exam or Review
C Exam or Review
D Exam or Review
Monday, May 18 - Review/Exam Day – Students Released at 10:40
Elective classes and grade 8 reading classes will take exams during their regular periods. English,
math, science, social studies, foreign language, and religion classes will review for exams.
E Exam or Review
Report to F Period for Announcements & Break
F Exam or Review
G Exam or Review
Faculty In-Service 12:30 to 3:30 (with Departments)
Tuesday, May 19 - Students Released at 10:40
English Exam
Announcements and Religion Exam
Faculty Meeting 11:00 to 12:00
Wednesday, May 20 - Students Released at 10:40
Foreign Language Exam
Announcements and Science Exam
Thursday, May 21 - Students Released at 11:00
Math Exam
Break (Students go to HR when the bell rings.)
Baccalaureate Mass
Friday, May 22 - Students Released at 8:35
Social Studies Exam
**ALL students are required to report and attend Baccalaureate Mass.**
Master Exam Class Schedule
A Master Exam Class/Proctor Schedule will be posted on Renweb the week prior to exams.
It will show each course name and meeting time (A, B, C, D, E, F, or G) listed with the room
number and proctor name.
Student Responsibilities
Students will report to the assigned classroom BEFORE the exam time as specified on the
Master Exam Schedule.
o A student who is less than five minutes late for a quarter exam will receive one
Saturday school.
o A student who is late five minutes or more for a quarter exam will receive two
Saturday schools.
Students who do not have an exam at the scheduled exam time on Tuesday, Wednesday, or
Friday are not required to attend. They must report to the library to study if they are on
campus. All students are required to come to school on Friday, Monday, and on
Thursday to attend Baccalaureate Mass.
Senior 4 Quarter Exam Schedule
Room assignments will be emailed to students on Thursday evening and posted at 6:30 AM on
Friday morning, May 8th.
Elective Exams – Friday, May 8th
All seniors who are required to take at least one elective exam MUST report to their
assigned room by 8:00 AM.
o 8:00 – 8:15 AM
Students Verify Exams Being Taken
o 8:20 – 9:15 AM
1st Elective Exam
Students who only have 1elective exam may leave at 9:15 AM.
o 9:15 – 9:25 AM
10 min. Break in Classroom
o 9:25 – 10:20 AM 2nd Elective Exam
Students who only have 2 elective exams may leave at 10:20 AM.
o 10:20 – 10:30 AM 10 min. Break in Classroom
o 10:30 – 11:25 AM 3rd Elective Exam
All Other Exams – Monday through Wednesday (May 11 – 13)
Monday, May 11th
7:30-8:55 AM English
8:55-9:25 AM Break
9:30-10:55 AM Math
Tuesday, May 12th
7:30-8:55 AM Religion
8:55-9:25 AM Break
9:30-10:55 AM Science
Wednesday, May 13th
7:30-8:55 AM Social Studies
8:55-9:25 AM Break
9:30-10:55 AM Foreign Lang.
Students may gather in the courtyard or cafeteria during exam breaks on
Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday.
Living Way of the Cross On Thursday, April 2nd, Archbishop Chapelle and Archbishop Rummel students performed the Living Way
of the Cross in front of the entire student body, faculty and staff, and visiting grammar school students.
The incredibly moving performance concluded with a mass by Father Charles.
Published in the Clarion Herald, Chapelle Senior Alexandra Walters reflects on her experience portraying
Mary alongside Rummel Senior Dylan Mire who portrayed Jesus:
“Recently, I have grown closer to Our Lady, especially Our Lady of Sorrows. The grief and pain that Mary
encountered while watching her Son be beaten and killed truly touched my heart. While practicing for The
Living Way of the Cross, I started asking Our Lady to come and allow me to enter more deeply into the
Passion of Christ.
In the Fourth Station, Mary meets Jesus. I was overcome by the sorrow Our Lady felt during the walk to
Calvary. As Dylan Mire, the actor who portrayed Jesus, was raised up on the cross, all I could think about
was Christ on the Cross and the pain Our Lady felt while watching her Son die. The words, "as Christ's
lifeless body was laid in His Mother's lap," made me realize the agony Mary must have felt holding her
Son's dead body. At that moment, I could not hold back the tears. I just sat there, crying, as I pictured
Christ in my arms.
Throughout the whole performance, I could truly feel both Christ and Mary's presence with Dylan and
myself. The portrayal Dylan gave of Christ in the Passion touched me, and I could easily see Christ
shinning through him. Christ I know was definitely with Dylan as Mary was for me. Mary sometimes goes
unseen by many, but the pain she felt was with me throughout the entirety of The Living Way of the Cross.”
Read the full article here:
2015 Archbishop Chapelle Athletics
Wed 5/13
Remaining Track & Field Schedule
Thurs 5/7-Sat 5/9
LHSAA State Outdoor Championships
Remaining Golf Schedule
Mon 5/4-Tues 5/5
State Championships
Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 9 to come out and
support the volleyball team. The car wash is from 11am-1pm
at Green Acres Auto Repair located at 4975 W Napoleon.
We hope to see you there!
Zephyrs Nights
14 – tennis & golf/board members
21 – soccer/Jennifer Grahn/board members
28 – ACHS faculty/board members
9 – OPEN – TUESDAY DAY GAME 11:00am (guarantee $1,000.00)
11 – basketball/board members
25 – swimming/board members
16 – softball/board member
23 – track and field/board members
30 – Boost-HER Club members & board
6 – tennis, basketball & volleyball/board members
13 – soccer, golf & swimming/board members
27 – track & field, softball & cross country/board members
Spring Sports Pep Rally
On Tuesday, April 7th, Archbishop Chapelle High School held its Spring Sports Pep Rally in the gymnasium
in front of the entire student body. Our softball players were welcomed with cheers before the Hi-Steppers,
Cheerleaders, and Chapellettes all performed rousing routines. Students from each grade competed for
team spirit by cheering on their classmates during a closing dance-off that animated the entire crowd.
Holocaust Remembrance Week
On Friday, April 17th, Holocaust survivor Anne Levy addressed students, faculty, and Jewish community leaders in a poignant closing to Chapelle’s Holocaust Remembrance Week. Ms. Levy described her experience in the Holocaust as a child in Poland and her family's eventual immigration to New Orleans. Ms. Levy drew parallels between her family’s difficult and courageous journey and the hurried and emotional upheaval of Hurricane Katrina that Louisiana students experienced in their own lives. We are incredibly honored to have had Ms. Levy share her story with the Chapelle family. Published in the Clarion Herald, Freshman Olivia Scallan commented on Holocaust Remembrance Week: “As the students of Chapelle learned, we should not only look back at it with remembrance but we also should look at that time and say, ‘Never again.’” Read the full article here:­‐holocaust-­‐
survivor-­‐makes-­‐atrocity-­‐real-­‐for-­‐chapelle-­‐students On Friday, March 27th Chapelle Seniors participated in
the Team Up Against Violence Rally at Notre Dame
Seminary. Speakers included Archbishop Aymond, who
spearheaded the New Orleans Archdiocese's "Thou Shalt
Not Kill" campaign.
Anti-Violence Rally
Team Up Against Violence serves to ignite a conversation
about violence in our communities and to encourage
student engagement in positive activities in schools and
Pictured with Archbishop Aymond are Chapelle Seniors
Megan Drewett, Jenna Duhe, Courtney Giardina, Kaelyn
Johnson, Nicolette Koll, Lindsey Powell, Sarah Vicknair,
and Carly Waldweiler.
Alumnae Inductions
On Friday, May 1st Archbishop Chapelle’s Alumnae Induction ceremony was held at the Airport Hilton to
celebrate our graduating seniors becoming proud Chipmunk alumnae. Seniors received awards for their
spiritual, academic, and social leadership. Wherever you go, Chapelle will always be home!
Locks of Love
Senior Janet Nelson was featured in the L’Observateur this past
month as Queen of Hope XI in the Queen of Hope pageant.
The pageant consists of several divisions for girls of all ages and
the proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. In addition to
participating in the pageant, Janet donated 19 inches off her hair
to Locks of Love to help cancer patients.
Community service comes in many forms. This Chipmunk’s
commitment to her faith and community is truly inspiring.
Congratulations, Janet!
Matthew 25 Breakfast
Archbishop Chapelle students and their families enjoyed coffee and donuts in an awards ceremony to honor
our Chipmunks for their service. In addition to the plethora of awards given, the new “Matthew 25 Century
Plus Award” was presented to Seniors Janet Nelson and Alyssa Rieder for earning 100+ hours of service
each year during their five years at Chapelle. Congratulations to all of our girls who dedicated their time and
energy to helping others!
Altar Server Award
Freshman Madisson Brayton was honored at the Altar Server
Award Ceremony hosted by the Archdiocese. All church
parishes selected one student for the award, and Chapelle’s
own Maddi won for Divine Mercy parish. The awards
ceremony was held at St. Rita’s Church with a mass and
dinner for students and their families. Archbishop Aymond
presented award certificates and metals. As the keynote
speaker, Father Kurt stressed the importance of continuing
to serve the altar throughout high school.
Madisson Brayton is in her sixth year of altar serving, having
started in the 4th grade. She has served Sunday masses, holy
days of obligation, Stations of the Cross, and funerals.
Maddi also helped new servers at mass and cleaned palms
for Palm Sundays. Her service is truly inspiring!
Founder’s Day 2015
On Friday, April 24th Archbishop Chapelle High School celebrated its founding with a morning liturgy and
awards ceremony followed by a reception honoring this year’s Outstanding Catholic Students, Alumna of
the Year, and teachers for their years of service. Congratulations to our students, faculty, staff, and
alumnae on their incredible achievements!
NHS at Second Harvest
Chapelle National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society members volunteered at the Second
Harvest Food Bank on April 8. The girls worked to sort through donations and separate items into their
specified category. This NHS/NJHS trip follows the canned food drive that brought in 10,000 items,
making it one of the largest donations in Second Harvest’s history. Great work, girls!
NHS/NJHS members:
Michelle Altamirano, Kayla Solomon, Jordan Herbert,
Kaylee Madron, Linsey St. Pierre, Gia Veau-Neely,
Rana Hachem, Ava Burns, Madisson Brayton, Allison
Southworth, Maryam Abdulrazzak, Kaitlyn Barber,
Brooke Bagley, Kaitlyn Ranatza, Lauren Timphony,
Jennifer Hart, Maritza Martinez, Brooklyne Smith,
Heather Rayneri, Riley Killian, Emily Delord, Lynsey
Giardina, Mallory Panzavecchia, Janet Nelson, Haley
Verbois, Emily Kennedy, Rebecca Willis.
Outstanding Catholic Students
Chapelle commends the 2015 Outstanding Catholic Students for their spiritual, academic, and social
leadership and exemplary commitment to Catholic ideals. The Outstanding Catholic Student Award is
presented annually to a student from each class level that exemplifies her faith and gives witness to her
Catholic identity on the campus of Archbishop Chapelle High School and in the community. The Senior
Outstanding Catholic Student Award will be presented at the Baccalaureate Mass on May 21st.
Brenda Hebert
Eighth Grade
Lynsey Giardina
Rummel-Chapelle band
Quiz Bowl team
Robotics club
Altar server, Divine Mercy
Gifted and Talented
Pro-Life club
Women of Christ
Volunteer at Habitat for
Humanity, Second
Harvest & EJGH
Sydnie Campbell
Kelly French
Pro-Life club
Louisiana Right to Life
Swimming team
Cross country team
Tennis team
Pre-K 3 class volunteer
CYO and altar server,
St. Matthew the Apostle
Rummel-Chapelle band
Photography club
March for Life
Altar server
President of CYO, St. Ann
Archdiocese Outstanding Youth
On Sunday, April 26th four Chapelle Students received the
outstanding parish youth award from their parishes at the annual
Archdiocesan Youth Ministry Leadership Celebration.
This award is given to those teens who are leaders in their parishes
through service and involvement. The celebration was presided by
Archbishop Gregory Aymond and held at St. Louis Cathedral.
Congratulations to:
Senior Alexandra Walters
Junior Annelise Tortorich
Sophomore Sarah Lambert
Freshman Victoria Solares
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
On Thursday, April 30th nineteen Chapelle juniors
attended Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
training in order to serve during their senior year. Mr.
John Smestad facilitated the training.
Cristina Alvarenga, Shelby Burkholder, Sandini
Fernando, Kelly French, Rebecca Heirsch, Emily
Kennedy, Amelia Ledet, Amber Linss, Hannah
Lovrovich, Maritza Martinez, Samantha Mracich,
Gabrielle Ovella, Mackenzie Silva, Taylor Sparacello,
Natalie St. Martin, Linsey St.Pierre, Taylor Tom,
Annelise Tortorich, and Alexandra Workman participated.
Bookstore Summer Closing
Due to renovations to our main building, the last day the bookstore will be open is
Friday, May 8. The bookstore will reopen in early August. If you are in need of any items for the
summer, please make sure to stop by during school hours (6:45am-2:45pm) before May 8.
Alice in Wonderland
Chapelle’s Thalians put on a successful production of Alice in Wonderland this April 16-19 with all sold out
performances. Congratulations to our talented young thespians on a great show!
Important Dates 5.4.2015-5.13.2015
AP Exams
Tuition Due
Senior Exams
Car Show, 9am-2pm
Volleyball Car Wash, Green Acres, 9-2
Band/Chapellette Award Ceremony, Gym,
Athletic Awards, Gym, 7-8pm
Senior Mass & Countdown, Library, 9am
8th-11th Final Exams
Middle School Sock Hop, Gym, 6:30-10pm
Senior Awards Night
Baccalaureate Mass, Gym, 9am
Graduation, Saenger Theatre, 8pm
Make-Up Exams
Driver’s Ed, 7am-2pm
8th Grade Closing Ceremony, 7pm
Report Card Pickup/Exam Review
Athletic Awards Night
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 @ 7:00pm in the Chapelle Gymnasium
Boost-HER Club
On Saturday, May 9th, the Booster-Her Club will host the Chipmunk Classic Car
Show on the Chapelle campus from 9am to 2pm. The show will feature custom
classics, hot rods, classic and custom motorcycles, 2015 vehicles, food, drinks
and awards. The show is open to the general public. To register a vehicle, email
Uniforms Discount
Attention: Remember to order your school uniforms by MONDAY, JUNE 1 to take advantage of
this extended discount at Schumacher’s. Orders placed after June 1 will be full price.
Download the form here:
Schumacher’s Shoes & Uniforms
since 1852
Please send form to Schumacher's
w/appropriate deposit by
June 1st. All monograms must be
paid in advance. Min. deposit $30
3601 Hessmer Ave.
Metairie, LA. 70002
(504) 454-0427
Chapelle High School
2015-2016 School Year
To receive Discount Prices, please send order forms directly to Schumacher’s by June 1, 2015!
Grade In Fall:
Stu. Name:
Parent’s Name:
Phone #
ITEMS Skirt must touch the knee!
SKIRTS: Plaid Kilt
6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 Teen
8 ½, 10 ½, 12 ½, 14 ½, 16 ½, 18 ½, 20 ½ Teen Half
BLOUSES: White pointed collar w logo .
4 - 16
Add $2 for long sleeves. AXS,AS,AM,AL,XL,2X,3X
Blouses will have the student’s full first and last name embroidered above pocket and logo on left collar.
SWEATERS: Green V-Neck Pull Over
- Includes school mono and
student’s name.
2X, 3X
*Green Cardigan (Letters Only)
- Includes school mono and
student’s name.
2X, 3X
Sweaters have the student’s full first and last name embroidered on right chest.
Cardigan sweaters are only for students that have a school “LETTER”.
5 ½ - 11, 12 M / W
$ 75.99
$ 68.39
Dr. Marten
$ 5.99
$ 5.99
$ 7.99
A $30.00 minimum deposit required on each student’s order.
Only students with a “LETTER” may have a cardigan sweater.
Items must be taken out of Lay-Away by the end of September.
Deposits remaining after October 31 will be forfeited.
Monogrammed items must be paid in advance.
Archbishop Chapelle High School