Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan ArchGM News Chancery Office 10301 102 Street Grande Prairie, Alberta T8V 2W2 Phone: (780) 532-9766 Fax: (780) 532-9706 Archbishop Greets March for Life Upcoming Events June 24 Ordination of Dcn Michael McLennan, AB June 26 - 28 Cursillo Family Campout Kleskun Hills, AB August 9-14 Summer Camp, gr 7-12 Grimshaw, AB August 15 Pilgrimage Girouxville, AB Archbishop Gerard Pettipas addressed the crowd at the 8th Annual Alberta March for Life in Edmonton on May 14, 2015. Nearly 3000 people flocked to downtown Edmonton to pray and to defend the sanctity of human life. Ultreya August 17-20 Summer Camp, gr 4-6 Grimshaw, AB August 28-30 3rd Annual Faith Rally Grouard, AB When: Friday, June 5, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Where: St. John the Baptist Cathedral, McLennan, AB There will be an Ultreya in McLennan on the first Friday of each month. These Fridays will begin with the regular French Mass at 9:00 am, followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from the close of Mass until the Ultreya Mass at 7:00 pm. This is followed by the Group Re-union program and fellowship in the parish hall. An Ultreya is a time of fellowship on our spiritual journey. Join us! ArchGM News 5-19 May 20, 2015 Keep up with all the Archdiocesan news at Send your event details to Page 1 of 7 Archbishop’s Calendar for May-June 2015 Wednesday Thursday Sunday to Wednesday Thursday Thursday Saturday Sunday Thursday Friday Sunday Wednesday Monday Acronyms: ACSTA APC AWCB CCCB CCEPIRSS CÉFFA CFS CMIC CSNO ECLS GPCSD HFCSD K of C PPC TRC WCL ArchGM News 5-19 27 May Council of Priests Meeting, Peace River 28 May Presbyterium Meeting, Peace River 31 May – 3 June TRC Closing Event, Ottawa 4 June Meeting of CEFFA Partners, Edmonton 4 June Roots of Change Gala, Edmonton 6 June Sisters of Providence Jubilarians’ Celebration, Edmonton 14 June Sacrament of Confirmation, McLennan 18 June Curia Meeting, Grande Prairie 19 June CCEPIRSS Teleconference 21 June Sacrament of Confirmation, Slave Lake 24 June Priestly Ordination, Michael Uso-Ereyi, McLennan 29 June Curia Meeting, Grande Prairie Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association Archdiocesan Pastoral Council Assembly of Western Catholic Bishops Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Corporation of Catholic Entities Party to the Indian Residential School Settlement Conseil de l’éducation de la foi catholique chez les Francophones de l’Alberta Catholic Family Services Catholic Missions in Canada Conseil scolaire du Nord-Ouest No 1 Episcopal Commission on the Liturgy & the Sacraments (English Sector) Grande Prairie Catholic School Division Holy Family Catholic School Division Knights of Columbus Parish Pastoral Council Truth and Reconciliation Commission Western Conference on Liturgy May 20, 2015 Page 2 of 7 Priestly Ordination What: Ordination of Deacon Michael Uso-Ereyi to the Order of Presbyter Where: St. John the Baptist Cathedral, McLennan, AB When: June 24, 2015 at 7:30 pm Annual Cursillo Family Campout Where: Kleskun Hill Campground (20-minute drive NE of Grande Prairie) When: June 26-28, 2015 More info and to register: contact Janine Gummesen at 780-882-9070 or Archdiocesan Summer Camps When: August 9 – 14 (Grades 7 to 12) $175 August 17 – 20 (Grades 4 to 6) $125 Where: Lac Cardinal, Grimshaw, AB Stay tuned for more details. Annual Pilgrimage When: August 15, 2015 Where: Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Girouxville, AB Stay overnight for Sunday Mass (August 16). More details to follow. ArchGM News 5-19 May 20, 2015 Page 3 of 7 Archdiocesan Faith Rally August 28, 29, 30, 2015 St. Bernard’s Church and Northern Lakes College, Grouard, AB Focus - The Family Guest Speaker - Michael Chaisson World Youth Day 2016 JULY 19 - AUGUST 1, 2016 Krakow, Poland AGE 18 - 35 Years old Looking for the faith experience of a lifetime? Join other youth from our archdiocese on a pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2016 in Poland. With just over a year left to plan, it is vital that interested youth contact the e-mail below ASAP. Come join us! For more info: ArchGM News 5-19 May 20, 2015 Page 4 of 7 St. Paul University Summer Institutes St. Paul University in Ottawa offers Summer Institutes in Religious Education and Pastoral Liturgy. Please follow the links below for more information. Registration can now be done on-line. Deadline is June 5! St. Francis Xavier University Continuing & Distance Education Check out our online SPRING & SUMMER 2015 courses: Undergraduate Courses Graduate Studies in Education Post RN Bachelor of Science in Nursing Certificate in Continuing Care (Post RN) Certificate in Gerontological Nursing (Post RN) University Math Preparation Special Interest Courses For more information, please see ArchGM News 5-19 May 20, 2015 Page 5 of 7 19 May 2015 To All the Faithful of the Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan Re: TRC Final Event The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is coming to the end of its mandate of bringing about healing and reconciliation between our Native and non-Native peoples in the wake of the experience of Indian Residential Schools. As you all know, this issue has been close to my own heart and has been the focus of a great deal of my ministry since becoming your bishop. The “final event” of the TRC is taking place in Ottawa between Sunday 31 May and Wednesday 3 June, 2015. I will be there, taking part in the many events. One of these events is a Walk for Reconciliation, which will go from Gatineau (de l’Île High School/Robert-Guertin Arena) to Ottawa City Hall, beginning at 11:00 a.m. Given the travel distance involved, I may be one of few people from our Archdiocese in attendance. However, there are a few ways in which you and all of our parish communities can show our solidarity with this event. First is for all of us to take just a few minutes to view the videos that have been posted on the website of the Archdiocese of Ottawa. These can be accessed at . They are well done, and provide a balanced insight on this issue. (I commend the Archdiocese of Ottawa for all the attention they have given on their website to the issue of healing and reconciliation.) Secondly is to add one of the following intercessions in your Prayers of the Faithful at the Sunday Masses for the May 31st weekend. The following are some examples of petitions taken from the Archdiocese of Ottawa website: For the material and spiritual needs of our Aboriginal peoples. For the spiritual and emotional healing of the Aboriginal peoples who suffered in residential schools. For reconciliation between Aboriginal peoples and the Church, for the harm done by Indian Residential Schools. For health in mind, body and spirit, of First Nations peoples, Inuit and Métis. For the full participation of Aboriginal peoples in the Body of Christ. For new vocations among Aboriginal peoples. 10301-102 Street, Grande Prairie AB T8V 2W2 Phone 780 532 9766 Fax 780 532 9706 Email For the just treatment of Aboriginal peoples and the redress of wrongs. For the success of the Truth and Reconciliation process in healing the divide between Aboriginal peoples and the Church. Thirdly – all Christian churches are asked to ring their church bells across the country at the time of this walk, as an expression of solidarity. Twelve o’clock noon has been chosen as the time for this – noon in Ottawa is 10:00 a.m. in Alberta. So, I ask all of our churches that have bells to ring these at 10:00 am on Sunday 31 May for at least a solid minute. You should announce this in this weekend’s bulletin so that our people know the significance of this action. We should all know by now that a new relationship between our Native and non-Native peoples will take generations to achieve. The initiatives of all parties over the past decade have been significant. We must be prepared to keep up and increase our prayers and efforts. Yours in Christ the Redeemer, + Gerard Pettipas, C.Ss.R. Archbishop of Grouard-McLennan 10301-102 Street, Grande Prairie AB T8V 2W2 Phone 780 532 9766 Fax 780 532 9706 Email
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