27TH May 2015 Dear Participant, INVITATION TO ARCHIBUILT 2015 Archibuilt Development Services Limited (ADSL) under the auspices of the Nigerian Institute of Architects invites your organization to, ARCHIBUILT 2015 EXPOSITION: SOLUTIONS FOR EVERYDAY LIVING (PART 2) Archibuilt 2015 Exposition is a forum that avail participants and organizers alike an extensive opportunity and value exchange among Architects, Consultants, Contractors, Developers and end-users in the built environment. VENUE: Ladi Kwail Hall of the Sheraton Hotel, Abuja. DATE: 17th – 21st August 2015 For more information, you can contact us: +234 803 330 0985 +234 809 498 9679 +234 803 426 8016 +234 811 000 0261 Arc Bose Idegbesor MNIA Director, Archibuilt Exposition +234 80 3357 8132 info@archibuilt.org PROGRAMMME OF EVENTS MONDAY 17TH AUGUST 2015 08.00 am 09.00 am 09.00 am 06.00 pm Arrival, Setup & Exhibition commences Registration of Exhibitors/Attendees Pre-Tour of Space allocation/Erection of stands in progress Exhibition Day closes TUESDAY 18TH AUGUST 2015 08.30 am 10.00 am 11.00 am 01.00 pm 06.00 pm Registration of Attendees continues Opening Ceremony Keynote Address Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Exhibition tour Product Presentation & Discussions Tea break Exhibition Day Closes WEDNESDAY 19TH AUGUST 2015 09.00 am 10.00 am 11.00 am 01.00 pm 06.00 pm Registration of Attendees opens Exhibition Opens Product Presentation & Discussions Tea break Exhibition Day Closes THURSDAY 20TH AUGUST 2015 09.00 am 10.00 am 11.00 am 01.00 pm 02.00 pm 07.00 pm Registration of Attendees opens Exhibition Opens Product Presentation & Discussions Tea break Exhibition Continues Exhibition Day Closes FRIDAY 21ST AUGUST 2015 09.00 am 09.30 am 10.00 am 11.45 pm 12.30 pm 07.00 pm Registration of Attendees opens Exhibition Opens Product Presentation & Discussions Raffle Draw Exhibition Concludes/Windup & Pack up Networking event and Anniversary Gala Night/Awards SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES PLATINUM PARTNERSHIP i. ii iii iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. 4 contiguous 9sq.m modular space (Prime Zone) at the exhibition venue. Full page color advertisements in event brochures. Full page color company editorial advert in event brochure. Special co-branding status in all Archibuilt 2015 print and electronic advertising materials. Co-branding on all relevant event venue and backdrop banners. Single roll-up banner advertising in strategic space during all Archibuilt 2015 events. Branding at the Archibuilt 2015 Networking event and Raffle draw event. Special plaque and award presentation during the Archibuilt 2015 Anniversary Gala Night. 25mins. Product Presentation during the exhibition and Anniversary Gala Night. GOLD PARTNERSHIP i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. N 2,000,000.00 1 9sq.m modular space at exhibition venue 1 Full Page color advertisement in the event brochures Co-branding status in selected Archibuilt 2015print and electronic advertising materials Co-branding on one special event venue and backdrop banner Special certificate award presentation during the Archibuilt 2015 Anniversary Gala Night 10mins. Products Presentation during exhibition events. BRONZE PARTNERSHIP i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. N 3,500,000.00 2 contiguous 9sq.m modular space at exhibition venue. Full Page color advertisements in event brochures. Special co-branding status in all Archibuilt 2015 print and electronic advertising materials. Co-branding on all relevant event venue and backdrop banners. Single roll-up banner advertising in strategic space during all Archibuilt 2015 events. Special plaque and award presentation during the Archibuilt 2015 Anniversary Gala Night. 15mins Products Presentation during exhibition event. SILVER PARTNERSHIP i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. N 5,000,000.00 N 1,500,000.00 1 9sq.m modular space at exhibition venue. 1 half- Page color advertisement in one of the event brochures. Co-branding status in selected Archibuilt 2015 print advertising materials. Co-branding on special event venue and backdrop banner. Certificate award presentation during the Archibuilt 2015 Poolside Anniversary Gala Night. 5mins. Products Presentation during exhibition events. REGISTER & WIN AN IPAD AT ARCHIBUILT 2015 ARCHIBUILT 2015 will be giving away an iPad on ST Friday 21 August, as part of the Registration & Visitation Competition. Entering is easy. Architects and Attendees will receive an Attendance Card upon registration at ARCHIBUILT 2015, which will need to get stamped by 15 different exhibiting companies. ST Booth by 3.30pm on Friday 21 with the chance of winning. Return stamped entry card to the Registration August, complete with personal information on the reverse, to be in The random draw will be held at 11.45 am, Friday 21 ST August. The Draw is open to full registered delegates only. You may only enter once, and please ensure you are present to claim your prize. For full official rules and regulations please visit www.archibuilt.org. In Partnership with SPONSORED PARTNER EXHIBITOR LISTINGS To ensure that full information and contact details are available for attendee and for the Archibuilt 2015 Brochure and Exhibitor Listing, we request that Exhibitors and Partners fill their data shown below. We intend that the information will be subsequently compiled into a printed compendium and available on our website. Name of Company Company Logo Address Telephone(s) Email(s) Website Summary of Company Description SAMPLE Name of Company ARCHIBUILT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LTD Address Plot 215, B19 Katampe Extension, Katampe P. O. Box 10015, Garki, Abuja Nigeria Telephone(s) 2348033047217 08033578132 Email(s) info@archibuilt.org Website www.archibuilt.org Company Logo BOOTH 01 Summary of Company Description Archibuilt Development service Limited aims to deliver a positive impact in the built environment, Enhance professional & the general public sensitizing them towards solution to everyday living. We aim To establish a think tank in addressing the issue of the built environment and delivery value of ADSL and the Participant. ARCHIBUILT 2015 ADVERT PLACEMENT & SPACE BOOKING OPPORTUNITIES ADVERT PLACEMENT LOCATION RATES Exhibition Information Brochure Front Inner Cover Back Inner Cover Back Cover Full Page Advert Limited Space half Page Limited Space Quarter Page On-line Advert N 300,000.00 N 300,000.00 N 350,000.00 N 100,000.00 N 50,000.00 N 25,000.00 N 25,000.00 Special Day Branding Product Presentation(10mins) Branding on Exhibition Souvenirs & Bags Branding/Naming right of Raffle Draw (Win an Ipad competition) Branding on Nametags/Registration of Attendees Advertising at Products Presentation Venues per roll-up banner N500, 000.00 N500, 000.00 N500, 000.00 N500, 000.00 N500, 000.00 N100, 000.00 Space booking Exhibition Stand with Outside Back Cover Exhibition Stand with Back Inner Cover Exhibition Stand with Front Back Cover Exhibition Stand (3m x 3m modular space)with full Page Advert N650, 000.00 N500, 000.00 N550, 000.00 N425, 000.00 PLEASE INDICATE PAYMENT DETAILS Amount enclosed.......................................................................................................... Payment type: Cheque/Draft.......................................................................................... Total Amount Enclosed in words................................................................................... ALL CHEQUES AND DRAFTS ARE MADE PAYABLE TO: The Nigerian Institute of Architects (ADSL) Bank Name: Diamond Bank PLC Acct No: 0033283750 The Nigerian Institute of Architects (ADSL) Bank Name: Zenith Bank PLC Acct No: 1013432484 The Nigerian Institute of Architects (ADSL) Bank Name: Zenith Bank PLC Account Number: 5070382801 Swift Code : ZEIBNGLA. (For International Exhibitors Only). Please contact the following for more information: Arc. Bose Idegbesor - 08033578132 Arc. Oyeyemi Sola-Adebiyi - 08033300985 EXHIBITION FLOOR LAYOUT SPONSORS & PARTNERS PLATINUM PRIME: H 09 - H12 PLATINUM: H 05 - H08 GOLD: H 13 & H16 - H14 & H15 SILVER: H 04 & H03 - H17 & H18 BRONZE: H 01 & H02 - H19 & H20
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