362 SAMT VOL 76 7 OKT 1989 3. Schoub BD, Smith AN, Lyons SF er al. Epidemiological considerations of the present Starus and future growth of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome epidemic in South Mrica. S Afr Med] 1988; 74: 153-157. 4. Sherr L. Evaluation of the UK Health Educarion Campaign. Psychol Healch 1987; 1: 61-72. 5. Sherr L. Evaluation of the National AIDS Counselling Training Workshops. Paper presented at the Global Impact of AIDS Conference, Barbican, London, 8-10 March 1988. 6. Miller D. The worried well. In: Miller D, Weber J, Green J, eds. The Managemenc of AIDS Paciencs. London: Macmillan, 1986: 169-173. . 7. Fineberg HV. Education to prevent AIDS: prospects and obstacles. Saence 1988; 239: 592-596. 8. Morlet A, Guinan J, Diefenthalec I, Gold J. The impacr of the 'Grim Reaper' national AIDS educational campaign on the A1bion Street (AIDS) Centre and the AIDS horline. Med] Ausc 1988; 148: 282-285. 9. Lehmann P, Hausser D, Somaini B, GutzWiller J. Campaign against AIDS in Switzerland: evaluation of a nationwide educational programme. Br Med] 1987; 295: 1118-1120. . 10. Ginzberg HM, Fleming PL, Miller KD. Selected public health observations derived from the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. ] AcqulTed Immune Deficiency Syndrome 1988; 1: 2-7. . . 11. Miller D. Clinic anendance as the result of pubhc health education campaigns on AIDS. Paper presented at the HIrd International Conference on AIDS, Washington, DC, 1-5 June 1987. 12. Miller D. Worried well. Paper presented at the IVth International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden, 12-16 June 1988. 13. Metz J. Guest Editorial. The Leech 1987; 256: 2, 1-2. A parasitological, cytogenetic and biochemical study of Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) from the People's Republic of Congo RICHARD H. HUNT, MAUREEN COETZEE Summary A sample of 41 live adult members of the Anopheles gambiae complex were obtained from Yaka Yaka, near Brazzaville, People's Republic of Congo. They were collected resting in human habitations. Thirty-seven specimens were identified as A. gambiae s.s. using cytogenetic and electrophoretic criteria. Of the identified sample, one specimen was heterozygous for a previously undescribed inversion on chromosome arm 3. One female and the progeny of a second were found to be polymorphic for a superoxide dismutase electromorph previously only found in A. bwambae and A. arabiensis. Thirty-four specimens were examined for plasmodia. Five had oocysts on their stomachs and 2 had sporozoites in the salivary glands. S AIr Med J 1989: 76: 362-364. The Anopheles gambiae Giles group of mosquitoes include major vectors of malaria and filariasis in most of Africa. The six species comprising the group are difficult to identify because of their morphological similarity.I-J The unreliability of morphological characteristics as markers of species in members of this group was demonstrated by Cambournac e£ al.,4 who showed that the morphologically defined subspecies A. quadriannulacus davidsoni Ribeiro et al. 5 from the Cape Verde islands is a geographically isolated population of A. arabiensis Patron. They based their argument for this synonomy on the fact that the Cape Verde population has Medical Entomology, Department of Tropical Pathology, School of Pathology, South African Institute for Medical Research and University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg RICHARD H. HUNT, M.Se., PH.D., F.R.E.S. MAUREEN COETZEE, M.Se., PH.D., F.RE.S polytene chromosomes that are homosequential with those of A. arabiensis. The species-specific inversion arrangements found in the polytene chromosomes are currently used as the basis for species identification of the groUp.6-9 These chromosomal arrangements have been shown to be consistently reliable indicators of species identity by all workers on the group. 10 Possible exceptions are studies in West Africa, which showed assortative mating with respect to polymorphic inversions in populations of A. gambiae. I1,12 An alternative method of identification is based on enzyme electromorph differences in the various species.J,IJ-Js Presence or absence of particular alleles and their relative frequencies can vary geographically in a single species. For this reason, diagnostic electromorphs should be checked in chromosomally identified samples. This must be done before electrophoresis is used for specific identification in any locality for which electromorph frequency data are unavailable. Material and methods A sample of 41 wild female mosquitoes were received in May 1985 from Yaka Yaka, a village about 30 km west of Brazzaville, People's Republic of Congo (04°22'S, 15°09'E). The females were captured while resting inside houses. On arrival in the laboratory, they were placed in tubes lined with moist filter paper for egg-laying. Females that laid eggs were offered a blood meal and ovaries obtained 33 hours later for chromosomal studies. Stomachs and salivary glands of all the specimens were dissected and examined for oocysts and sporozoites. The dissected bodies were stored in liquid nitrogen for electrophoretic examination. Progeny obtained from individual females were used for identification purposes where necessarl and morphological specimens preserved for the collection. I -I8 The cytogenetic methods follow those described by Hune 9,20 and Green and Hunt 21 and the electrophoretic methods of SAMJ VOL 76 7 aCT 1989 363 Mahon et al. 13 and Miles. I '. 15 At least 2 controls, A. merus Donitz and A. gambiae, were used on each electrophoretic gel; in some cases 4 controls were used. Controls came from colony material of A. gambiae from The Gambia, West Africa, A. arabiensis from Zimbabwe, A. merus from Natal, South Africa, and A. quadn'annulacus Theobald from Transvaal, South Africa. Hind-leg banding patterns of identified females were examined using the method of Coetzee et al. 22 Results Thiny-seven of the specimens were identified as A. gambiae using the X chromosome arrangement6 and inversion 20p on chromosome arm 2 16 (Fig. 1). Twenty-two of them were identified both chromosomally and electrophoretically, while 15 were only identified electrophoretically. Four specimens died in the laboratory before producing eggs or being identified. Fig. 2. Acrylamide gel showing superoxide dismutase electromorphs in a sample of A. gambiae from Yaka Yaka, Republic of Congo. Specimen Y40 exhibits the three bands at the 100/105 locus to be expected in an animal heterozygous for a dimeric enzyme. '6 (Hb = human blood marker; KGB = A. arabiensis control; GAG = A. gambiae control; QUAD = A. quadriannulatus control; Y = Yaka Yaka). TABLE I. COMPARISON OF THE FREQUENCIES OF SIX GENE LOCI IN A SAMPLE OF A. GAMBIAE GROUP MOSQUITOES FROM THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO WITH THREE MEMBERS OF THE COMPLEX FROM WEST AFRICA Enzyme. Yaka Yaka locus A. gambiae* sample A. arabiensis* A. me/as* Fig. 1. Full polytene chromosome karyotype of A. gambiae heterozygous for inversion 3i from Yaka Yaka, Republic of Congo. The electromorphs of AAT (aspartate aminotransferase EC, ODH (octanol dehydrogenase EC and EST (nonspecific esterase EC 1,2 and 3 were as expected for A. gambiae in West Africa in all specimens examined. The gene frequencies are shown in Table I. There was, however, an unusual heterozygous SOD (superoxide dismutase EC electromorph in I of the wild-caught females and in I of the families from a second female. These 2 specimens were heterozygous for the 100/105 alleles, resulting in a. typical dimeric electromorph (Fig. 2). One of the specimens with the polymorphic SOD was identified chromosomally and had the normal A. gambiae karyotype. Both these specimens had the other diagnostic electromorphs expected in A. gambiae. Chromosomally, all specimens had the typical A. gambiae X chromosome and arm 2 inversion arrangements. The population was polymorphic for the 3a inversion. One specimen was heterozygous for a previously undescribed inversion on arm 3 (Fig. 1), which is designated as 3i.. Because only the one hete'rozygote was seen, the precise breakpoints of the inversion could not be determined. All the identified specimens had the leg banding patterns expected in A. gambiae. Details of these data have been published elsewhere. 23 Thirty-four of the wild-caught specimens were dissected and examined for plasmodia and filaria. No filariallarvae were seen. Five stomachs were found to have oocysts on their surface and 2 specimens had sporozoites in the salivary glands. AAT 105 100 95 ODH 105 100 95 90 SOD 105 100 95 EST 1 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 EST 2 110 105 100 95 90 EST 3 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 N=96 0 1,00 0 N=332 0,03 0,94 0,03 0 N=332 0 1,00 0 N=338 0 0,004 0,11 0,66 0,22 0,005 0 0 0 N=338 0,02 0,44 0,51 0,03 0 N=338 0,02 0,17 0,26 0,31 0,13 0,08 0,03 0 *Data from Miles.'" N=92 0 0,94 0,06 N=85 0 0,99 0,01 0 N= 89 0,01 0,99 0 N=60 0,017 0,025 0,208 0,55 0,192 0,008 0 0 0 N=57 0 0,35 0,491 0,132 0,026 N=85 0 0,018 0,076 0,10 0,423 0,329 0,053 0 N= 54 0 1,00 0 N= 192 0 0,20 0,76 0,04 N= 192 0 1,00 0 N= 194 0 0,008 0,55 0,43 0,01 0 0 0 0 N= 194 N=84 0 1,00 0 N= 114 0,01 0,04 0,94 0,01 N=98 0 0,90 0,10 N= 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,06 0,88 0,06 N= 110 Overlaps with EST 3 Overlaps with EST 3 N= 194 0 0,16 0,66 0,16 0,02 0 0 0 N= 110 0 0,06 0,80 0,08 0,06 0 0 0 I I ...... 364 SAMT VOL 76 7 OKT 1989 One sporozoite-poslOve specimen had died before dissection so no firm conclusion could be made as to the presence or absence of oocysts on the abdomen. The other was positive for both sporozoites and oocysts. Discussion Although only A. gambiae has been identified from Yaka Yaka, it is possible that A. arabiensis and A. melas Theobald may also occur there. However, A. melas is a saltwater coastal species and has never been recorded so far inland. The sporozoite rate of 5,9% found in this study is very similar to that found by Carnevale er al. 24 in their study on A. gambiae in a village south-west of Brazzaville. In May of 1977 and 1978 they recorded sporozoite rates of 6,1 % and 3, I % respectively. The 100/105 SOD heterozygote is particularly interesting since, until recently, the 105 SOD electromorph l5 was considered monomorphic and diagnostic for A. bwambae White. The distribution of this member of the A. gambiae group is limited to the Semliki forest in Uganda. The electromorph has since been reported as a polymorphism in A. arabiensis in East Africa25 and now in the Yaka Yaka population of A. gambiae. These findings highlight the need for correlated chromosomal and electrophoretic studies on any population of the A. gambiae group before electrophoresis is considered as a routine method of identification. The inclusion of electromorphs as characters in identification keys, as used by White,26 is brought into question. We thank Mr I. Davidson for collecting the material and Mr A. von Maltitz for help in transporting the specimens. Professor H. E. Paterson and Mr A. Comel are thanked for comments on the manuscript. This study formed part of a Ph.D. thesis (R.H.H.) submitted through the Department of Zoology, University of the Wirwatersrand. One of us (M.C.) was suppotted in part by a short-term research grant from the South African Medical Research Council. REFERENCES I. Coluzzi M. Sibling species in Anopheles and their imponance in malariology. Mise Publ Entomol Soc Am 1970; 7: 63-77. 2. Green CA. Malaria epidemiology and anopheline cytogenetics. In: Pal R, Kitzmiller JB, Kanda T, eds. Cycogene,;,;s and Gene,;,;s of VeuOTS. Amsterdam: E1sevier, 1981: 21-29. 3. Miles SJ. Inversions, e1ectromorphs and the identification of individual mosquitoes. In: Pal R, Kitzmiller .lB, Kanda T, eds. Cycogene,ics and Gene';,;s of VeccOTS. Amsterdam: E1seVler, 1981: 61-64. 4. Carnbournac FJC, Petrarca V, Coluzzi M. 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