I Agarcy Name N CI D E NT/I NVESTIGATION Pasco Sheriffs Office I ORI I E N Crime #1 A lncident(s) (Com ) Crime Weapon lTcnls 1iJg7 ( Exit ( Incident Security It) Exit Entry Crime t6 1- Fri Weapon,iTools T #3 04/17/2015 I7qLICABLE Entry Incident 04/17/7n15 l6'?7 Fvi Kloul Secure nt,.t7.,?nt \ 16.?7 t;ri At Found N7 Other Residence- sinsl e Information For Deputy 99127 #2 ZnnelTmct Premise Type 12945 Bellamy Bros Blvd, San Antonio FL 33523- T D Date r Time Reported l-ast location of Incident D t 5-01401 3 REPORT FLq5 I 0000 N C Case# ) Security vrLy Weapon,'Tools Security Ex'it Entry MO I I C T I \r of vt Victims 0 H Make Crime # Si' (Denote V2, V3 t O= \ane r[-ast, First, Middle) GLOGER, CAKI-A IO H-.m. -{dJr}s S ))91-< Bellantl Brothers !:::.;,1 er \ane -{ddrcs R: lz t:Mobile I Phone Iniury: Crime # Blv Dade Ci Phone Reporting Person (if other than victim Victim of ., DOB '42/30/1960 '+'ege 54 Resident Status Race Sex Relationshio To Offendei W Militarv Branch/Stitus F Home Phone -i_i <_'-r 3 Business Affordable -1L; s1 Tile, Code Milimn Branch Surus VIN Lic/Lis C- 1e Orr< rl ,.:-.- '--,:: i::::r rlpe: I\DIVIDUAL/ NOT LAW E\TORCE\1E\l Code Resident Status To Offendei Busuress Model R o Race Sex Relationshio Home Phone E \ DOB Employer Name/Address i COOfS: V- Victim T Domestic: N Victim of Home Address \YR o Injury: I Type: Victim./Business Name (l-ast, First. \{iddle) Injury: Victim of Name (Last. Fint. \{iddle) DO B I Race Sex Relationship I Resident To 52-588-0305 I Mobile Phone 3-s24-046s Crime # L Phone Offend* I Suruj \liliran B:e:h Srirus Age I;---E,L-,-. ome Address E-plLi\ Busins> er Name .{ddrers L:Lcst S=Stolen R=Recovered ( 1.1:c:- P R o P E R T \- Officer/ID# Supen'isor Printed By: HCl580, ADMWSOOS0l P!':ne t l'{ake Complainant Signature U:l'e Z= Seizoi 3 = Bumed D=Damaged "OJ" = Recovered for Ph:r: \:u" : : L- '- .) C leared Case Disposition: Sys#: 936266 >=::l \umber l l REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE Pasco Sheriffs Office Victim t5-014013 Offense INFORMATION FOR DEPUTY Date / Time Reported Fri 04/17/2015 l6:37 SUPPORT DOCUMENTS : None On Friday, 0411712015, at approximately 1642 hours, I responded to t2945 Bellamy Brothers Road, San Antonio, Florida in reference to a residential alarm complaint. This event is documented under Pasco Sheriff Office event number 2015163787. The notes of the call read as follows: {1N3} X4 [04ll7ll5 77:23:05 LSANABRIA] HOMEOWNER CALLED 91 1 - REQ SUPV ON SCENE . l04ll7ll5 77:20:03 GHARRISI {1N3} HOME OWNERREQ SUPV. 10411711517:19:00 LSANABRIAI {1N3} ADV x33 DOG [04/1711517:16:27 LSANABRIA] UDTS: {1N3} CLEAR 103 TRAFFIC l04l17ll517:14:53 LSANABRIAI UDTS: {1N3} CALL 103 TRAFFIC [0411711517:14:42 LSANABRIA] { 1N3 } ON FOOT CHECKING RESIDENCE l04 l 17 l r s 1 7 : 1 0 :06 LSANABRIAI IPROQA] Questions: 4. The activation area is: BACK DOOR 5. The phone number of the business/resident/owner is: 813-545-1209 6. A keyholder/owner will not be contacted. 104117115 16:38:59 LROGERSI IPROQA] Dispatch Code: 104D01 (Burglary/Intrusion) Response: NOT USED Questions: call is from an alarm monitoring company. 2. This is a burglary/intrusion alarm. 3. The name of the business/resident/owner is: CARL GLOGER l04ll7ll516:38:42 LROGERSI IPROQA] Caller Statement: RESIDENTIAL Chief Complaint: Alarm s 104 I 17 I | 5 1 6:3 8 : 1 3 LROGERSI 1. This Upon arrival, I was met with a gate that appeared to be locked. The entrance to the property was approximately ll4 mile from the actual residence. Due to the alarm saying that it was a back door intrusion alarm, I jumped over the fence and approached the residence on foot. I advised dispatch that I would be checking the residence on foot. While walking towards the residence, I observed signs saying that the property contains rottweilers. As I got close to the residence, I observed 1 rottweiler locked in a secured cage. I then observed a second rottweiler locked in a secured cage. As I approached closer to begin canvassing for any suspicious activity, I observed two large rottweilers charge towards me in an aggressive manner from the residence, The two rottweilers then circled around me. I unholstered my agency issued weapon and started tracking one of the rottweilers while trying to maintain vision of the second rottweiler. One of the rottweilers then charged towards me in an aggressive manner. I then fired 1 round into the rottweiler. The second rottweiler ran off. At this time the homeowner then appeared from the residence. I made contact with her and explained the situation to her. I told the homeowner that I made an attempt to contact her via cellphone but was unable to reach her. I advised the homeowner that the incident was captured on my body worn czlmera. The homeowner, who was later identified as Carla Golger, advised me to shoot the rottweiler again and put it down. I then fired a second round to put the rottweiler down. Carla said the rottweiler I shot weighed approximately 88 pounds while the second rottweiler weighed"approximately 70 pounds. Carla advised she wanted a supervisor on scene. I contacted dispatch to have a Reporting Officer: KEMPINK, KERRY Page 3 {\.REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE I5-014013 Oflense INFORMATION FOR DEPUTY Date / Time Reported Fri 04/17/2015 16:i7 photographs to the Forensics section of this Agency. I provided Carla with an Agency issued business card which contained this case number. This incident was captured via my BWC and later uploaded to evidence.com. I have nothing further to report. Reporting Offrcer: KEMPINK, Printed By: HC1580, ADMWSOOS0I KERRY MD2D0|515:47 Page 4 \ lncident Report Related Property List ocL: Pasco Sheriffs Office I Property Description Make ,ll 15-014013 Model Caliber DOG Color Serial No. Value Date Status Destroved/damase NIC # 04/1 7/201 Jurisdiction Locallv 1.000 l-ocal# State # OAN s Name ([ast, First, Middle) * No name Unit aty 81.00 DOB Age Race Sex * Notes 88 R CSOIBR pound rottweiler Printed By: HC1580, ADMWSOOS0I 04/2212015 15:32 tttrt
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