Affidavit of Kristopher Personius STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF HILLSBOROUGH I Kristopher Personius says: ! 1. Melissa Personius is my former spouse. l . 2. Melissa Personius told me she went to Malio's on the evening of Janu~ry 2~, I' 2013. I 'I . 3. Melissa Personius told me she talked to Phil Campbell and got him to ~tay longer at Malio's and drink with her. · . tl 4. Melissa Personius told me Stephen Diaco, Adam Filthaut, and Robert! Adams were textingher while she was at the bar with Mr. Campbell. 1 5. Melissa Personius told me they asked her what was going on and toldlher a cop was waiting outside the parking lot. . l I 6. Melissa told me when she and Mr. Campbell were leaving Malio's, Ivfr. Campbell told her she was too drunk to drive. lI 7. Meliss.a P:rsonius told me she made Mr. Campbell get her car from · and dnve 1t. . . t~e vale.t ! ·. ~ ,; l •· 8. Melissa Personius told me. that a block and a half away from Malio'J, MrJ Campbell made a tum and the cop was ready and pulled them over. ;) 9. •Melissa Personius told me that during the traffic stop she got Stephe Diaso and Robert Adams on the phone and they told her to wait for Brian · otroi)i to pick her up. I ! TFB EXHIBIT 4 I ---··· --------·-··----····· I I I 10. Melissa Personius told me Mr. Campbell's arrest was going to help t~eir client's case and she was going to get a big bonus. i i Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing affiravit and the facts stated i it are rue. Date: I I .. -'fi----J-"~~~~J~ Il I i I II I-~ I ! I II I ! ' ll 18 1 that's fine. And so we had a stipulation not to 2 conduct any testimony that day. 01:55:09 And I'm not sure whether it was that day 3 01:55:07 we -- I think it was the next day 01:55:12 4 or the next day, 5 is when I brought up the issue of talking to the 01:55:20 6 jurors. 01:55:23 01:55:14 7 Q Okay. 01:55:24 8 A And with that agreement, we decided that 01:55:29 9 I think we decided that we were going to take 01:55:31 10 care of some jury instructions and work on jury 01:55:36 11 instructions that morning. 01:55:38 12 excused the jury until the next day. 13 14 Q And I went back and 01:55:42 Did the -- so did the arrest of Mr. Campbell disrupt the trial proceedings? 15 A Yes. 16 Q That afternoon of January 24th, 17 18 01:55:48 01:55:54 did you receive any pleadings or motions in the case? A I think a pleading was filed, 19 disqualify, 20 trial. 01:55:50 a motion to and I think maybe a motion for new I'm not sure. 01:56:01 01:56:05 01:56:10 01:56:19 01:56:22 21 Q And that was a motion to disqualify who? 01:56:25 22 A I believe the Diaco firm off of 01:56:27 23 Q Okay. 01:56:35 24 A And I don't know if it addressed 01:56:36 25 Mr. Hearing at all. 01:56:36 Clark Reporting Service, Inc. 813.229.3332 Registered Professional Reporters/Serving Central Florida TFB EXHIBIT 5 48 1 2 transcript. 02:40:37 Now, Fine. Q just going to the actual 3 you were asked questions about disruption. 4 remember those questions by counsel for the Bar? 5 A Uh-huh. 6 Q Now, 7 Do you 02:40:39 02:40:45 02:40:48 02:40:50 in fact, you did voir dire the jury; did you not? 02:40:51 02:40:55 8 A Yes, sir. 9 Q And you asked those jurors on the -- I 02:40:57 10 believe this was on the 24th -- excuse me -- the 02:41:00 11 morning of the 25th. 02:41:02 12 No. 2, 02:40:57 And I believe it's in Exhibit if you want to refer to it. 02:41:05 13 In the morning of the 25th, you went in 02:41:07 14 and asked the jurors whether or not they had seen 02:41:09 15 anything; and if they had, whether they were 02:41:12 16 impacted by it. 17 18 A Is that right? 02:41:16 I believe we interviewed them one of the mornings or one of the days individually 02:41:18 · 02:41:20 19 Q I think that that -- 02:41:23 20 A -- with the attorneys here. 02:41:23 21 Q With all due respect, 22 to be fair, and just 02:41:23 because I know this has been a while. 02:41:23 Judge 23 A I know. 24 Q That would be in Exhibit 2. 25 02:41:28 That would be in the hearing from 8:55 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. 02:41:28 02:41:30 Clark Reporting Service, Inc. 813.229.3332 Registered Professional Reporters/Serving Central Florida 49 1 A Okay. 02:41:34 2 Q So you went through juror by juror? 02:"41:34 3 A Yes. 02:41:36 Other than that, other than going 4 in and saying if anybody was, 5 reminded them on a daily basis that they are not to 02:41:41 6 watch any news reports about the case, 02:41:45 7 think 8 front of the parties unless the parties let me go 02:41:51 9 back and ask that question, 02:41:53 10 I you know -- I but 02:41:38 I don't asked them any questions other than in 02:41:47 if anybody knew anything but 02:41:56 11 Q But one of the jurors did? 02:41:56 12 A Yes. 02:41:57 13 Q All right. And the juror said he 02:41:57 14 wouldn't be influenced by what he saw either on -- 15 I 16 other sources; is that right? 17 think it was Bay News 9 or what he had heard from 02:42:02 · 02:42:05 and 02:42:07 18 that's correct, that the arrest of Mr. Campbell had 02:42:11 19 no effect. 02:42:15 20 Q 21 A I was thinking it was a female juror, 02:41:59 Did any of those jurors indicate that they had seen Stephen Diaco's comments? 02:42:16 02:42:20 22 A No. 02:42:23 23 Q And you can refer to the transcript if 02:42":23 24 you want. 25 A 02:42:26 No, they did not. 02:42:26 Clark Reporting Service, Inc. 813.229.3332 Registered Professional Reporters/Serving Central Florida 50 1 Q They didn't, 2 A No, sir. 3 Q So, in fact, did they? 02:42:27 02:42:28 none of the-- none of those 02:42:29 4 jurors saw Stephen Diaco's comments to the media, 02:42:31 5 did they? 02:42:35 6 .A No . 02:42:35 7 Q Now, with regard to the one juror that 02:42:36 8 said he had seen something, he said he could be 02:42:39 9 fair and impartial, 02:42:41 right? 10 A Yes. 02:42:43 11 Q And you asked Mr. Ellis whether or not 02:42:43 12 there was a motion to strike this juror or whether 02:42:46 13 or not -- what Mr. Schnitt wanted to do. And 02:42:52 14 Mr. Ellis said, I want to go ask Mr. Schnitt, 02:42:54 15 didn't he? 02:42:57 16 A I believe that's correct. 02:42:58 17 Q And Mr. Ellis came back and said, 02:42:59 18 everything is fine. We'll keep the jury as-is. 02: 4 3: .Q 1 19 A That's correct. 02:43:04 20 Q So you concluded -- you concluded that 02:43:04 21 with the jury what happened on the evening of the 02:43:07 22 23rd had absolutely no impact on your trial, 02:43:11 23 right? 02:43:18 24 25 A It had no impact on their ability to follow through with the trial. 02:43:18 02:43:20 Clark Reporting Service, Inc. 813.229.3332 Registered Professional Reporters/Serving Central Florida
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