SIMULATION OF BOVINE PERICARDIUM FREEZE-DRYING USING MATHEMATICAL MODELING Camila Figueiredo Borgognoni1*, Joyce da Silva Bevilacqua2, Ronaldo N. M. Pitombo1 1 School of Pharmaceutical Sciences– University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; 2Institute of Mathematics and Statistics – University of Sao Paulo Abstract: Freeze-drying is a drying method used for heat-sensitive products where the water is removed from the frozen material by sublimation. Mathematical modeling applied to freeze-drying has been used to simulate the process and predict the behavior of the product during its drying. Moreover, it is useful for predicting variables that cannot be measured by experiment. Bovine pericardium was freeze-dried to obtain temperature profiles. Microscopic observations of the bovine pericardium dried layer were employed to determine sublimation rates. The effects of the chamber temperature on sublimation rates were verified. A one-dimensional differential-equation model based on heat and mass transfer was fitted to experimental data. It was shown that theoretical data are in agreement with those obtained by experiment. Key words: Freeze-drying, simulation, mathematical modeling, sublimation rate, bovine pericardium. 1. INTRODUCTION Freeze-drying is a gentle method for the dehydration of sensitive products such as pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs and biological materials (Liapis et al., 1996; Aimoli, 2007). It is the process where freezable water is removed from frozen material first by sublimation then by desorption of unfrozen water under reduced pressure. Hence, freeze-drying comprises three stages: freezing, primary drying and secondary drying. Freeze-drying is a lengthy process because of the slow drying rate and the slow pressures applied. As such, a nonoptimized cycle can use up much time, energy and, consequently, money. Mathematical modeling could help improve understanding of the freeze-drying process. It is used to analyze drying rates and to predict the surface-temperature profile (Liapis and Litchfield, 1979; Millman, 1985). A series of works using heat- and mass-transfer modeling of the freeze-drying process are presented in the literature (Liapis and Litchfield, 1979; Pikal, 1985; Millman, 1985; George, 2002). Determinations of sublimation rates in primary drying can be achieved by various techniques. Some authors determined the primary drying rates by stopping the freeze-drying process at a fixed point and measuring the weight lost during this partial drying (Overcashier et al., 1999; Searles et al., 2001; Chakraborty et al., 2006). Pikal (1983) described a microbalance technique to determine sublimation rates by evaluating the resistance of different dried materials. Zhai (2003) demonstrated a method to determine rates of sublimation by freeze-drying microscopy – a technique that permits visual observation of the product during freeze-drying. They determined values of effective diffusion coefficients (Deff) by observing drying rates and comparing to their theoretical data. The aim of this work was to determine the drying rates during the primary drying of bovine pericardium freeze drying from the speed of the moving interface between the dried and the frozen layer. In addition, the effect of chamber temperature on the drying rate was taken into account and, finally, data predicted by mathematical modeling and experimental data were compared. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Freeze-drying Freeze-drying runs were performed in an FTS Systems model TDS-00209-A microprocessor-controlled tray dryer (Dura-Stop, Dura-Dry MP). Samples 3 cm in diameter were placed on Petri dishes and frozen to –50°C (a thermocouple was inserted into each sample to determine its final temperature). Thermal annealing was applied by heating the frozen samples to –20°C and holding this temperature for one hour. Finally, the samples were cooled to –50°C and the samples freeze dried. Primary drying was conducted at a shelf temperature of –5°C (heating rate 1.5°C.min–1 /min) and pressures of 160, 320 and 480mTorr. Temperature was measured by thermocouples inserted into the samples. 2.2.2 Freeze-drying microscopy The freeze-drying microscope (Biopharma Technology Ltd, UK) consisted of a small freeze-drying chamber containing a temperature-controlled stage, a vacuum pump and a microscope (Olympus BX-51) equipped with a condenser extension lens (Linkam) and a monochrome video camera (Imasys, Suresnes, France). A heating rate of 1.5°C.min–1 and pressures of 160, 320 and 480mTorr were used to evaluate the effect of theses parameters on sublimation rates. A 3-mm-diameter sample of bovine pericardium was placed on the temperature-controlled stage between two glass cover slides. Thermal annealing was achieved by heating the frozen samples to –20°C and holding this temperature for one hour. Finally, samples were cooled to –50°C and freeze dried. Sublimation occurred from the outer margins to the centers of samples. The sublimation rate (Nt) was determined by measurement of the dried layer every minute. 2.2.3 Mathematical model The model, based on the work of Liapis and Litchfield, 1979, consists of an unsteady state energy balance in the dried and frozen region. TI t TII x 2 (1) TII , X≤x≤L x2 (2) N t c pv (TI ) x I c pI 2 I I TI , 0≤x≤X x2 The one-dimensional system is shown in Figure 1. The sample was placed on one glass slide and covered by a second, exposing only the edge of sample to drying. In the freeze-drying process, a drying layer grows creating a sublimation interface – a region that separates dried and frozen regions of the material – that moves toward the center of the sample (x=L). The heating shelf provides energy for sublimation and determines the rate of heat transmission (q) to the product; the heat flux passes through the frozen layer and pressure is kept constant during drying. Water vapor diffused through the porous dried layer to be collected in the condenser. The primary drying finishes when there is no drying layer remaining in the matrix. The mathematical model uses the following assumptions: 1) One-dimensional heat and mass flows, normal to the interface and the surface, are considered. 2) Sublimation occurs at an interface parallel to, and at a distance X from the surface of the sample. 3) The thickness of the interface is taken to be infinitesimal. 4) The frozen region is considered to remain at a temperature equal to the interface temperature, of uniform thermal conductivity, density and specific heat. 5) In the porous region, the solid matrix and the enclosed water vapor are in thermal equilibrium. 6) Only the borders of the sample are not insulated to heat and mass transfer. x=L I I I x=0 q Nt Fig. 1. Schematic of the system under consideration. In the dried layer effective parameters have been considered to be independent of space. The initial and boundary conditions are: TI TII T0 at t=0, 0≤x≤L (3) q kI TI x at x=0, t>0 (4) TI TII at x=X, t>0 (5) Tx The heat transfer from the shelf to the edge of the sample is due to thermal radiation only, since the pressure applied is very low. For radiation only, q F (TS4 TI4 ) at x=0, t>0 (6) The sublimation rate is modeled by the expression: Nt n II X t (7) The sublimation rate (Nt) was calculated from the thickness of the dried layer by freeze-drying microscopy. The densities ( ) were measured using a pycnometer and a digital balance. The porosity (n) was determined using a Hydrosorb 1000 (Quantachrome Instruments). The bovine pericardium thermal properties were measured using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC–50; Shimadzu). 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The thickness of the dried layer was determined as a function of time for different chamber pressures by visual observations of bovine pericardium freeze-drying (Figure 2). The interface velocity could be calculated from derivation of thickness data. Figure 3 shows interface velocities as a function of time for different chamber pressures. As the pressure was raised, the interface velocity decreased. Sublimation rates were obtained by equation 6 for different chamber pressures (Figure 4). It was observed that the sublimation rates are similar for the three chamber pressures. The sublimation rate is a variable mainly influenced by the porosity and the density of the material. Small variations in interface velocity had little effect on sublimation rate. These data were used in the partial differential equation that was solved using MATLAB software. Thickness of the dried layer x 103 (m) 1,60 160 mTorr 320 mTorr 480 mTorr 1,40 1,20 1,00 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time (s) Fig. 2. Thickness of the dried layer versus time. 0,07 160 mTorr 320 mTorr 480 mTorr Interface velocity x 105 (m/s) 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,01 0,00 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Fig. 3. Interface velocity versus time. 0,000035 160 mTorr 320 mTorr 480 mTorr Sublimation rate x 105 (kg/(m2 s)) 0,00003 0,000025 0,00002 0,000015 0,00001 0,000005 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Fig. 4. Sublimation rate versus time The freeze-drying of bovine pericardium was simulated. Figure 5 shows the bovine pericardium temperatures during freeze-drying at 160mTorr obtained by mathematical modeling. These data have been verified by comparing with the experimental result. The comparison between the temperature profiles predicted by the model and those obtained experimentally is shown in figure 6. The data correlated well. Table 1 gives the parameters used in the simulations. Fig. 5. Bovine pericardium temperature versus time during freeze-drying by mathematical modeling. Fig. 6. Comparison between experimental and simulated temperature profiles for bovine pericardium. Table 1. Parameters values. Parameters cpv cpI cpII ρI ρII αI (=kI/ (ρI cpI)) n kI kII 1 Values 1.883 kJ/(kg K) 1 0.02186 kJ/(kg K) 0.01025 kJ/(kg K) 0.38 103 kg/m3 1.30 103 kg/m3 0.000065 m2/s 0.16 0.00054 kJ/(m s K) 0.00131 kJ/(m s K) Results published by Bhattacharya et al., 2003 and Chakraborry et al., 2006. 4. CONCLUSIONS It has been observed that the sublimation rate is a little influenced by the chamber pressure of bovine pericardium freeze-drying. The mathematical model used to predict the temperature profile during the primary drying of the bovine pericardium freeze-drying fitted well with the experimental data. 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The financial support of the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Sao Paulo (FAPESP) is gratefully acknowledged. 6. 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