ACID EXCHANGE RESINS DEACTIVATION IN THE ESTERIFICATION OF FREE FATTY ACIDS Riccardo Tesser(°), Martino Di Serio(°), Luca Casale(°), Lucio Sannino(+), Marianna Ledda(+), Elio Santacesaria(°) (°) University of Naples Federico II, Department of Chemistry, via Cintia 80126 Naples, Italy (+) ASER S.r.l. Co, via F.Icace n.1, 84131, Salerno, Italy Abstract: In this work the deactivation of an exchange resin, used as catalyst for promoting the esterification of fatty acids for producing biodiesel, has been studied. At this purpose, a dynamic mathematical model, suitable to describe the performances of a tubular reactor, containing the catalysts mixed with stainless steel springs as inert diluent, and its evolution with time due to the catalyst deactivation has been developed. The catalyst deactivation has been shown to depend mainly on the poisoning effect of iron that was present as impurity in the fatty acids used as feedstock. Keywords: Esterification; Ion-exchange resins; Deactivation, Free Fatty Acids, Biodiesel 1. INTRODUCTION The worldwide interest towards biofuels has recently significantly grown as a direct result of the renewed need of facing the global warming effect by reducing the greenhouse gases emissions that are related to the wide use of fossil fuels. With this respect, biodiesel represents a valuable alternative to petroleum-derived fuels due to both its renewable nature and its substantially null net carbon dioxide emission. This biofuel is conventionally produced through batch or continuous transesterification of refined vegetable oils with methanol by using homogeneous alkaline catalysts like sodium or potassium hydroxides or methoxides (Ma and Hanna, 1999; Fukuda et al., 2001). Glycerol is the by-product of this reaction in a ratio of 10% by weight of the oil. The mentioned technology, however, is only compatible with highly refined oils which content of free fatty acids (FFAs) don’t exceed the threshold value of about 0.1% by weight. As a matter of fact, FFAs in the presence of an alkaline catalyst, give place to soaps forming stable emulsions between biodiesel and glycerol characterized by a long settling time for a complete separation of the two liquid phases. The main limitation for a wider biodiesel market diffusion is, therefore, represented by the relatively high raw material cost: the steps of production, transportation, storage and refining of vegetal oils affect for more than 85% of the total biodiesel cost (Van Gerpen, 2007) making biodiesel by the conventional production technology significantly more expensive than diesel oil from petroleum. A possible solution to this drawback could consist in the development of new technologies able to employ waste raw materials like fried oils or waste oils from various sources that cannot be treated in the conventional process for their high content in free fatty acids. This perspective is very interesting and discloses the way toward the development of innovative biodiesel production processes like that, as example, based on supercritical methanol (Kusdiana and Saka, 2001), or the two-stage process (Lacaze-Dufaure and Mouloungui, 2000; Berrios et al., 2007) . In this last, the oil acidity is reduced below the acceptable limit by an esterification pre-treatment with methanol producing methylesters (biodiesel) and water while, in the subsequent step, the traditional transesterification can be performed producing biodiesel and glycerol being the FFAs almost totally converted in the first step. The esterification reaction of acid oils or animal fats can then be used both as biodiesel direct production and as pretreatment step in the framework of a conventional transesterification process. (*) To whom correspondence must be addressed ( The esterification processes for FFAs abatement are generally based on homogenous acid catalyzed reaction (Lacaze-Dufaure and Mouloungui, 2000; Berrios et al., 2007) or by ionic-exchange acid resins as heterogeneous catalysts. These resins are subjected to a remarkable swelling phenomena (Flory, 1953; Mazzotti et al., 1997; Lode et al., 2004) when are contacted with polar solvents like methanol or water. The high liquid volume retained and the selectivity towards the adsorption of polar substances can results in a significant alteration of liquid composition and of the kinetics of the reaction occurring inside the resin particles. A paper published by Tesser et al. (2005) reported the esterification reaction kinetics of oleic acid with methanol in the presence of triglycerides, catalyzed by an acid exchange resin in a batch reactor. Furthermore, Santacesaria et al. (2007a; 2007b) have shown that the esterification reaction, performed in a continuous packed bed tubular reactor (PBR), is possible, but for obtaining high conversions long residence times and consequently low volumetric flow rates are required resulting in very low Reynolds numbers at which the external fluid-to-solid mass transfer resistance becomes significant in comparison with the intrinsic kinetics. In this work, the esterification with methanol of a mixture of free fatty acids has been studied in the presence of an acid exchange resin catalyst of the type Resindion Relite CFS in a fixed bed tubular reactor operated for long timeon-stream. The experimental runs have been shown a progressive deactivation of the resin mainly due to the presence of iron dissolved in the feeding oil. The experimental data have been interpreted with a mathematical model based on both a new more suitable kinetic approach and a reasonable deactivation mechanism. 2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1 Reagents. Reagents used in the experimental runs are: Relite CFS of Resindion, which properties are summarized in Tab. 1, methanol of high purity (99.8 %) and a mixture of free fatty acids containing the equivalent of 95% of oleic acid. The amount of iron and other metals dissolved in this mixture is reported in Tab. 2. Table 1. Characteristics of the resins RELITE CFS. matrix porous copolymer styrene-DVB functional groups Sulfonics acidity 3.6 meq/g particles mean diameter 0.7 mm particles size range 0.3-1.18 mm total exchange capacity 2.0 eq/L maximum operating temperature 140 °C 0.840 g/cm3 bulk density Table 2: Metals content in the fatty acids mixture (ppm) Na K Ca Cd Cr Fe Mg 133.5 3.0 26.7 0.1 0.4 455.2 1.3 2.2 Experimental apparatus. The experimental runs have been performed in a stainless steel (AISI 304) tubular reactor with length 50 cm and an internal diameter of 8.2 cm. The catalytic bed contained 1 kg of exchange resin and 1.8 Kg of stainless steel springs having the scope of compensating the swelling effect avoiding an excessive pressure drop along the catalytic bed (Siano et al., 2006) . Methanol and fatty acids mixture were mixed in a weight ratio 0.72:1 in a reservoir, gently mixed, preheated at 35°C. This solution was fed to the reactor with a constant flow rate. The reactor was kept at 100°C and 6 bars to maintain methanol in liquid phase. The reactor was operated continuously 12 hours per day and samples were withdrawn at different times and at different heights of the reactor (see Fig. 1) measuring, in each sample, the residual acidity by titration with KOH 0.1 N in ethanol. Fig. 1. 1. Feeding reservoir containing free fatty acids and methanol. 2.Feeding pump. 3. Packed bed tubular reactor. 4.Thermostatted heating system. 5-8. Valves for withdrawing samples of the reaction mixtures at different reactors heights (5=inlet; 6,7 = intermediate heights; 8= outlet) 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION From the values of acidity determined by titration, it is possible to evaluate the experimental conversion profile along the reactor by using the relation (1): xhexp Ac0 Ach Ac0 (1) where Ac0 is the acidity at the reactor inlet, while, Ach is the acidity determined at the height h. The activity loss of the catalyst can be expressed as in (2): Activityh where xhexp xhexp t 0 xhuc is the conversion of the uncatalysed reaction, while, xhexp xhuc xhuc t 0 (2) is the one of the catalysed reaction in the absence of deactivation (corresponding to 0 time), both related to the different heights of the catalytic bed. The activity data are reported in Fig.2. Mathematical model for interpreting the experimental runs. The catalyst deactivation profiles of Fig. 2 have interpreted by developing a mathematical model able to simulate the dynamic behaviour of the tubular reactor considered as a sequence of 50 different cells operating as dynamic CSTRs in series. 1.0 0.9 0.8 Activityh (-) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Time/Time of reaction (h/h) Fig. 2. □ Experimental data at intermediate height (6) ∆ Experimental data at intermediate height (7) ○ Experimental data at reactor outlet (8). ── Simulation at intermediate height (6) ─ ─ Simulation at intermediate height (7) ─ ∙ ─ Simulation at reactor outlet (8). This model consider also the physical partition of the reagents and products between the internal and the external part of the catalytic particles, the chemical adsorption on the catalytic sites and the effect of the external mass transfer. The mass balance of the j-th cell is given by the following system of differential equations: VLC dCib, j dt Q Cib, j 1 Q Cib, j + i rncb , j VLC rncr , j VrigC C rcat , j Wcat 60 (3) b where Q is the volumetric flow rate of oil and methanol, Ci , j is the i-th component concentration in the liquid bulk (i = A – acid, M – methanol, E – ester, W – water, T – triglycerides) of the j-th cell, i is the stoichiometric coefficient of the reaction: “+1” for the products (W, E) , “-1” for the reagents (A, M), “0” for the inerts (T). The apex r, b, means respectively the resin and the bulk, while apex C means that the related value corresponds to a single cell. Therefore, C are respectively the bulk liquid volume, the swelling volume of the resin and VLC , VrigC , Wcat b r the mass the catalyst all referred to a single reaction cell. ruc , j ed ruc , j are the uncatalysed reaction rates respectively in the liquid bulk and in the resin of the j-th cell. These reaction rates are calculated with the relations (4) and (5): rucb , j kuc C Ab , j 2 rucr , j kuc C Ar , j 2 CMb , j (4) CMr , j (5) rcat , j is the catalysed reaction rate that can be calculated with relation (6): j kcat H A C Ar , j rcat , j 1 where j H E CEr , j CWr , j k cat CMr , j H A C Ar , j H E CEr , j HW CWr , j CMr , j CMr , j CMr , j (6) is the deactivation parameter variable from 0 and 1 according to the kinetics reported below. Kinetic constants kn are dependent on the temperature according to the Arrhenius equation (7): kn where, knrif exp E A, n R 1 T rif 1 T (7) knrif is the kinetic constant of the n-th reaction at the reference temperature Trif of 373.16K. The Hi parameters, the ionic exchange constants of the i-th component with methanol, have been considered independent of the temperature in the examined range. The values of all the parameters used in the simulations are reported in Tab. 3. Table 3: Kinetic and ion-exchange parameter Uncatalyzed reaction Catalyzed reaction k ref cat 12.11 mL g -1cat min -1 kucref = 65.78 mL2 mol-2 min -1 E A,cat 12.79 kcal mol -1 16.28 kcal mol-1 k refcat 5.77 mL g -1cat min -1 E A,uc E A, 8.02 kcal mol -1 cat HA 0.46 HW 2.40 HE 0.15 The mass transfer limitation has been evaluated by assuming a pseudo-steady state condition for the amount of fatty acid diffusing and reacting. According to this condition we can write: b i, j k S aS C s i, j C i r nc , j rcat , j Ccat + r VrigC V C (mol min-1 mL-1) (8) where, ks, the mass transfer coefficient, has been roughly assumed equal to the one of oleic acid for all the components and estimated by the Olive correlation (Seguin et al., 1996). For the estimation of the mass transfer properties the composition at the reactor inlet has been considered. as is the specific surface area calculated as the geometric surface area external to the resin particles referred to the reactor volume; CSi,j is the i-th component concentration on the surface of the resin in the j-th cell; CCat is the catalyst concentration defined as mass of catalyst per volume of the reactor; VC is the volume of a single cell. The concentrations of each component in the liquid bulk and on the surface of the resin are linked by the partition equilibrium and can be calculated by relations (9). K i Cis, j Mwi K z C zs, j z Cir, j where Ki (or Kz) are the partition constants, while i ie (9) Mwi are respectively the density and the molecular weight of the i-th component. An index of the affinity of the i-th component for the resin is given by the effective partition constant of relation (10): Ki i Mwi Kieff (10) All the estimated partition parameters are reported in Tab. 4. Table 4. Partition constants. Component K i (mL mol-1) Kieff (-) Water 1 0.0542 Methanol 0.503 0.0109 Acid 1 0.00293 Ester 0.503 0.00135 Kinetics of catalyst deactivation. The catalyst deactivation parameter j depend on the mechanism of catalyst poisoning and related kinetics. By analysing the poisoned catalyst it is possible to observe that poisoned resin retain large amounts of the iron that is present in the fatty acids mixture fed to the reactor. For this reason we have attributed to iron the main effect of catalyst deactivation. The effect of poisoning can be interpreted as the result of a reaction of the type: Feq+ kd Sitefree Siteoccupied (11) a power law kinetics of the type reported in relation (12) can be assumed as a first approximation: rd (mmol min-1 gcat-1) kd CFe CS (12) where, rd is the rate of poisoning, kd is the deactivation constant, CFe is the iron concentration in the flowing reagent (mmol mL-1), Cs is the concentration of active sites per gram of resin (meq H+ gcat-1) and is the number of active sites poisoned per mole of adsorbed iron. The best value for resulted equal 2. Deactivation kinetics is taken into account in the dynamic model of the tubular reactor by considering the mass balance related to the poison in each j-th cell, as reported in the following differential equation: VLC dCFe, j dt Q CFe, j 1 where the rate of poison disappearing from the liquid bulk, Q CFe, j rd , j WcatC 60 rd , j , is given by: (13) kd CFe, j CS0 rd , j where j (mmol min-1 gcat-1) (14) CS0 is the initial concentration of the acid sites of the resin. The deactivation factor j corresponds to the ratio between the un-poisoned residual and the initial acid sites for each cell. In order to evaluate j , the mass balance on the un-poisoned acid sites must be solved, see equation (15); d rd , j j dt C 0 S 60 (h-1) (15) The initial conditions for solving the deactivation model are: CFe, j (t j (t 0) 0.00394 mmol mL-1 (16) 0) 1 The described dynamic model of the tubular reactor with deactivation can be solved by a numerical approach, using the Rosenbrock algorithm for the solution of the differential equation. In the meantime kd has been determined by mathematical regression analysis. The acidity profiles for different reactor heights, reported in Fig. 2, have been determined by equation (17) and reported in the plot as a function of time reported as dimensionless value, that is as a ratio between the effective time and the total time-on-stream. Ac j % C Ab , j PM A C Ab , j PM A CEb , j PM E CTb, j PM T 100 (17) In fig. 2, are reported both experimental data and the reaults of simulations by assuming a deactivation constant kd equal to 0.844 gcat mL min-1 meqH+ -2. By observing Fig. 2 it is possible to observe a good agreement for the profiles related to the intermediate heights (6) and (7). The profile at reactor outlet (8) is not adequately simulated. This is probably due to the release of chromium from the springs used as catalyst diluent. Chromium acts as additional poison in the last part of the reactor. This phenomenon has been experimentally observed but not simulated because dependent on the particular device employed. 4. CONCLUSION This study has shown that the deactivation of exchange resins used as catalysts in the esterification of fatty acids is mainly due to the ionic exchange of the proton with iron or other metals that can be present in the feedstock probably as a consequence of the corrosive action of free fatty acids during the storage. A dynamic model has been developed for describing the performances of tubular reactors containing exchange resins more or less diluted with an inert material. The model can foresee the life of the catalyst if the amount of iron dissolved in the feedstock is known. 5. AKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are due to ASER srl Co. for the financial support REFERENCES Berrios M., Siles J., Martìn M.A., Martìn A; (2007) A kinetic study of the esterification of free fatty acids (FFA) in sunflower oil Fuel 86 2383–2388 Ma F.R., Hanna M.A.; (1999) Biodiesel production: a review; Bioresource technology 70, 1-15. Flory, P. 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