Arc Newsletter - Arc of Dunn County

The Arc of Dunn County Newsletter
May/June 2015
Disability Advocacy Day 2015
On March 17th seven self advocates, two volunteers and one Arc staff headed to
Madison for Disability Advocacy Day. Disability Advocacy Day is an event put on
by the Survival Coalition, their partner agencies and the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities. The event encourages people from all over
the state to get involved in advocating for themselves and the lives they want to
live by setting up and facilitating meetings with their local legislators.
The Arc of Dunn County is
Over 710 people participated in the day which involved time preparing to share
with our legislators with others from our districts, a rally in the Capitol rotunda, and
visits with our legislators. There was such a great turnout this year that every legislator received a visit from someone they represent. This year’s Disability Advocacy Day was very important as self-advocates, their family and friends had much
to share with the legislators in regards to the concerns over potential dramatic cuts
and/or changes proposed to IRIS and Family Care services. These proposed cuts
and/or changes would affect the quality of life for thousands of individuals with
disabilities and their families.
and developmental
dedicated to providing
advocacy and quality
services that enable
individuals with intellectual
disabilities to achieve their full
potential, enhance their
quality of life, promote
independence and be active
participants in their
The self-advocates that attended from Menomonie had a great time connecting
with and meeting new people as well as becoming more confident in their own
advocacy skills. They look forward to returning next year and to getting involved in
advocating locally.
Did You Know?
Self-Advocates , Arc Volunteers and Staff Headed to the Capitol
The Arc’s has a national
office that is located in
Washington, DC.
Become a
Sponsor or
Your support helps ensure that
individuals with intellectual and
developmental disabilities have the
opportunity to achieve their full
potential! To become a member
or sponsor visit The Arc of Dunn
County’s website: or
contact Executive Director,
The Arc’s Services
The Arc of Dunn County offers several services to individuals with disabilities,
their families and our community.
Rebecca Johnson, at
715-235-7373 ext. 18 or
If you would like to learn more
about volunteer opportunities
Residential and Respite Services
The Arc of Dunn County offers personalized housing options and care for
individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We also offer respite
services for families. For more information contact Andy Patscot, the Residential
and Respite Director, at 715-235-7373 ext. 13 or
Guardianship Services
The Arc of Dunn County provides guardianship services for the person or their
estate. For more information regarding guardianship services contact Ramona
Bartelt, Guardianship Director, at 715-235-7373 ext. 11 or
Community Programs
The Arc of Dunn County offers several programs to help meet the physical,
cognitive, emotional and social needs of individuals with intellectual and
developmental disabilities as well as services to support their family members.
For more information about The Arc of Dunn County’s community programs contact Tina Joiner, Community Outreach Coordinator, at 715-235-7373 ext. 20 or
contact Community Outreach
Coordinator, Tina Joiner at
715-235-7373 ext. 20 or
Members and
Sponsors 2015
Thank you to our 2015 members,
sponsors and donors!
Ardes Alexander
Darlene Booth
Marilyn & Lindsay Dehnert and Family
Vivian Hanestad
Lynn Harrison and Family
Janet Henning and Family
Jennifer Hughes
Tanya Husby and Family
Rebecca Johnson
Nick & Tina Joiner
Brian & Carla Keiffer and Family
Marlys Lausted and Family
Ruth Nyland and Family
Richard & Pam Rueckl and Family
Irene Seston
Ernest Severson and Family
Todd & Elene Stainer and Family
Opal Thibado and Family
Brian & Judy Wier and Family
Jackie Hunt Insurance AgencyState Farm Insurance
Mayo Clinic Health System
Brent Skinner
Tanya Young - Menomonie Food
We Danced the Night Away at The Arc’s Spring Fling Dance in April
Join Us for Guest Server Night
at the Barrel Room to
Benefit Art at The Arc
Wednesday, August 19th 6-9pm
Barrel Room 320 Main Street in Menomonie
Arc Board Members and Staff will be the guest servers at
the Barrel Room on Wednesday, August 19th. All tips made
that evening will benefit the Art at The Arc program.
Come enjoy a nice
glass of wine, great
Gus and Karen Falkenberg
Knights of Columbus
Mayo Foundation for Medical
Education and Research
Doug and Chris Stratton
atmosphere and
support a fantastic
Center of
Dunn County
is Moving In!
The Arc of Dunn County is
excited to have the Family
Resource Center of Dunn
County moving into our office
building located at 2602 Hils
Court in Menomonie.
Susie H. Receiving the Artist of the Month Award from Her Friend Jenna S.
and Julia Woodford the Art Class Facilitator
The Arc’s Community Programs
Arc Action
Arc Action will be holding a walk and roll club this summer. The club will meet on
Mondays from 3-4pm starting Monday, June 1st. We will gather at the Red Cedar Trail
parking lot at 3pm to hit the trail. No Arc Action walk and roll club the last Monday of each
month due to Art at The Arc.
Art at The Arc
Art at The Arc is a monthly art class that meets at The Arc of Dunn County office the last
Monday of each month from 6:30-8pm. The class is open to anyone who would like to learn
more about art and get creative! Upcoming classes on Monday, May 18th(note date
change due to Memorial Day) and Monday, June 29th. Classes cost $6 each. Purchase a 5
class punch card for $25 or $20 with an Arc membership and save $1-$2 per class!
Arc Adventures
Arc Adventures offers opportunities for individuals with cognitive disabilities to participate in
events and activities inside and outside of their community. Upcoming Adventures:
Volunteering at Comforts of Home Wednesday, May 13th 3:15-4:30pm
Como Zoo Trip and Ice Cream Stop Sunday, May 31st Cost: $15 RSVP by May 22nd
Day in Stillwater and Afton/Hudson Cruise Lines Boat Cruise Coming in July
*Please note that individual supervision is not provided during events. Participants are invited to bring someone along who is capable of assisting them if needed. Most events are no
cost to care providers. Also, many Arc Adventure trips are non-refundable due to purchasing tickets at group pricing.
Arc Awareness
Arc Awareness strives to promote the work of The Arc of Dunn County and to increase
community understanding and support for individuals with disabilities and their families. Arc
Awareness programs include Sibshops, Arc FAMS and other advocacy activities.
For more specific information about any of the community programs or to register for
a class or event contact Tina Joiner at 715-235-7373 ext. 20 or
The Family Resource Center
has offered services in Dunn
County in the past—parenting
classes at the Dunn County jail
and limited home visiting. In
2015, their presence has become more significant.
Through funding from the Otto
Bremer Foundation they will
have a 32 hour Parent Educator in Dunn County—Marie
The Family Resource Center
will move into it’s office located
in The Arc of Dunn County’s
building on May 1st.
Events and
Thursday, May 14, 2015
5:30-6:30pm in
Room 304 at Alliance
Church in Menomonie
Thursday, June 11, 2015
5:30-6:30pm at Elmwood
Park Shelter in Menomonie
(Youth in Partnership with
Parents for Empowerment)
An opportunity for youth with
disabilities and their parents
to learn about the transition
process in a unique way!
5 weekend sessions offered
this fall in Eau Claire.
For more information
contact: Sara Zwiefelhofer
or visit
The Arc of Dunn County-Supporting Families
Families, Advocates and Mentors are
Invited to Join Us for Arc FAMS
Arc FAMS is a support group for families, advocates and mentors support-
Chippewa Valley
Sibs mark your calendars for
Super Sibshop Sunday! We
will have a full day of fun
surprises just for you on
Sunday, August 9th. Look
for more details to come!
ing individuals with a disability in Dunn County and the surrounding areas.
Arc FAMS will provide an opportunity to talk with others about the joys and
challenges of raising and supporting an exceptional child or young adult;
learn information about resources and advocacy; and network with other
FAMs (families, advocates and mentors).
Thursday, May 14th 5:30-6:30pm at
Alliance Church in Menomonie
United Way Free
Spring Carnival
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
4:30-7pm at the Dunn
County Fairgrounds
FAMs Meeting in Room 304 and Childcare in Room 306
RSVP for childcare by Tuesday, May 12th at the following link
Thursday, June 11th 5:30-6:30pm at
Elmwood Park Shelter in Menomonie
Join us for family fun in the park! Please note no childcare provided.
The Arc of Dunn County
2602 Hils Court
Menomonie, WI 54751
Contact Us
Board of Directors
Tanya Husby, President
Carla Kiefer, Vice President
Caren Husby, Treasurer
Janet Henning, Secretary
Daniel Baldus
Whitney Krystowiak
Ruth Nyland
Juel Smith
Wendy Slaback
Heidi Wilson
The Arc of Dunn County Staff
Rebecca Johnson, Executive Director
Ramona Bartelt, Guardianship Director
Kathy Lausted and Deb Drinkman, Guardianship Assistants
Andy Patscot, Residential and Respite Director
Tina Joiner, Training and Community Outreach Coordinator
...Enabling People with Disabilities to Achieve their Full Potential
Give us a call for more
information about our
services and programs.
The Arc of Dunn County
2602 Hils Court
Menomonie, WI 54751
(715) 235-7373
Visit us on the web at