Google Sites Tutorial Creating a Site: Step 1. Log into your Google Account Step 2. Select the gray grid button in the top right Step 3. Select “Sites” Step 4. Click on the “CREATE” button (red) Step 5. Under the select a template to use, choose “Browse the gallery for more” Step 6. In the “Search Templates” search for “WCS Classroom Template” then click the blue select button. Step 7. Give your site a name, this will become the URL for your site, use the following format: “Name-GradeLevel-Building” ( i.e. MrsBrown-Grade3-Loveland) Step 8. Leave the Theme Selection as is we will cover this later. Step 9. Click Create (top of screen) Customizing your Site: To begin Editing your page click the Pen in the top right corner Edit Home Page Instructions: To Insert a Photo, you must first have a photo of yourself saved to your computer. Click on the image placeholder and select 'Remove' (the X). Then click underneath this line to get the cursor in the correct location. Select 'Insert' from the toolbar above, then select 'Image'. Click on the gray button labeled "Choose File" and locate your saved photo on your computer. Select the file and open it to upload. When the image has completed uploading, click on the image you would like to insert and click OK. You can re-size your image and align it to the center using the toolbar that appears when you click on your image. Once complete hit the Blue Save button in the top right corner of page. Edit Introduction: To edit any text on the site simply click the existing text and begin typing or you may select the existing text and hit Delete. Take a few moments to write a brief introduction about yourself. Share about your experience as a teacher, what you love about teaching and your philosophy. This is a great way for them to get to know you as a person and professional, and not just as a name. Hit Save Email: Highlight the existing email and replace with your own.Type your email address , then highlight it and click on the 'Link' button to make a clickable button to email you (looks like chain links). Hit Save Add, Change or Remove Navigation Menu items: You can add any page on your site to your horizontal navigation bar as a menu topic or menu item. 1. To start editing your site's layout click the Gear near the top-right corner of your browser window. 2. Select “Edit Site layout” Once you are in the “Edit site layout” mode, click on the region that says “Click to edit horizontal navigation.” This will bring up a dialog to add, change, and remove the items in the navigation bar. Adding menu items To add a page from your site as a menu item in your horizontal navigation bar, click on the Navigation menu. Select “Add page”, lower left corner of box. then locate your page in the pop-up window and click “OK." Deleting menu items To delete a page as a menu item in your horizontal navigation bar, select the page in the Select pages to show box, then click on the remove icon Organizing your menu items To change the order in which your menu items appear, select the page in the Select pages to show box, then click the up arrow icon up arrow or down arrow icon down arrow. The top items in the Select pages to show box will be your left-most horizontal menu items. This organizational structure applies to dropdown menus too. Changing the Site Theme: 1. Select Manage site from the Gear menu. 2. Select Themes, Colors, and Fonts from the left sidebar. 3. Select the theme you would like to use for your site. (Note: some themes are not as visually appealing as others, make sure to choose a nice, clean theme that is easy to view for students and parents. Changes you make will be reflected in the Preview area within moments. Click "Save changes.” Adding Content to Pages: 1. Click on the page you wish to add content to. 2. Click the button to Add a file (make sure documents are in pdf format)
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