UPCOMING CONVENTION AND SPORTS EVENTS May 2015 OHIO VALLEY REGION KAEPA GIRLS’ VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS | May 23; May 9-10; May 16-17 For three weekends in May, the Greater Columbus Convention Center will be filled with outstanding youth volleyball. The top girls’ teams from Ohio, Western Pennsylvania, and West Virginia will compete for the regional championship. Schedule: May 2-3: 14 years and under, 17 years and under, 18 years and under May 9-10: 10 years and under, 12 years and under, 16 years and under May 16-17: 13 years and under, 15 years and under Attendance: 20,000 Meals: Attendees are on their own for meals Location: Greater Columbus Convention Center Website: www.ovr.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ovrbeach Group Contact: Ron Wyzynski, wyzynski@ovrg.org Sports Commission Contact: Ariana Tyler, atyler@columbussports.org OHIOHEALTH CAPITAL CITY HALF MARATHON | May 2 The 12th Annual OhioHealth Capital City Half Marathon will take runners and walkers on “the best tour of Columbus on two feet.” The race begins at the corner of Town Street and Front Street and takes participants north, mostly along Olentangy River Road, to The Ohio State University campus. Other races to be held that day are the Patron Quarter Marathon and the Commit To Be Fit 5K. Schedule: 8 a.m. – OhioHealth Capital City Half Marathon 8 a.m. – Patron Quarter Marathon 8:20 a.m. – Commit To Be Fit 5K 9 a.m.-1 p.m. – Byers Xtra Mile Finish Line Party 9 a.m.-1 p.m. – Michelob ULTRA Post Race Concert 8 a.m.-12 p.m. – Columbus Commons Family Fun Zone 9-11 a.m. – Capital Kids Fit & Fun Village 6 a.m.-1 p.m. – The Diamond Cellar VIP Tent Attendance: 20,000 Meals: Complimentary Papa John’s Pizza and Snowville Chocolate Milk Location: Downtown Columbus Website: www.capitalcityhalfmarathon.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/CapCityHalf Group Contact: David Babner, dbabner@m3sports.com Sports Commission Contact: Eric Archibald, earchibald@columbussports.org NCAA DIVISION I TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS | May 6-10 This regional championship will be held at The Ohio State University’s Varsity Outdoor Tennis Court from Wednesday, May 6 to Sunday, May 10. Attendance: 2,000 Meals: Attendees will be on their own for meals Location: The Ohio State University – Varsity Outdoor Tennis Court Website: www.ncaa.com/sports/tennis-men/d1 Facebook: www.facebook.com/ncaa Group Contact: Ericka Hoon, hoon.6@osu.edu Sports Commission Contact: Ariana Tyler, atyler@columbussports.org BIG TEN SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT | May 7-9 The 2015 Big Ten Softball Tournament, hosted by The Ohio State University, will be held at Buckeye Field from Thursday, May 7 to Saturday, May 9. Attendance: 10,000 Meals: Attendees are on their own for meals Location: The Ohio State University – Buckeye Field Website: www.bigten.org/sports/w-softbl/big10-w-softbl-body.html Facebook: www.facebook.com/bigtenconference Group Contact: John Bugner, bugner.4@osu.edu Sports Commission Contact: Ariana Tyler, atyler@columbussports.org OHIO HIGH SCHOOL STATE BASS FISHING CHAMPIONSHIPS | May 8-9 Columbus will host the Ohio High School Bass Fishing Championships for the first time at Alum Creek Reservoir. Competition will begin on Friday, May 8 and conclude on Saturday, May 9 as the best bass fishers in the state compete for the title of State Champion! Attendance: 1,000 Meals: Attendees are on their own for meals Location: Alum Creek Reservoir Website: http://bassfederation.com/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheBassFederation Group Contact: Mark Gintert, mark@bassfederation.com Sports Commission Contact: Ariana Tyler, atyler@columbussports.org MARCON | May 8-10 Multiple Alternate Realities Convention Marcon is the Midwest’s premier fantasy and science fiction convention. The event features something for everyone interested in the fantasy or science fiction genre from art, costuming, film and gaming to literary, media, science and video, plus children’s programs, an art show, and a dance and masquerade. A dealer’s room is set aside for those wishing to expand their science fiction, comic book, jewelry or costuming collections. Attendance: 1,900 Meals: Attendees are on their own for all meals Exhibits: Approximately 50 vendors. Open to the public with paid admission. Location: Arena District Hyatt Regency Website: www.marcon.org Twitter: @marconOH Group Contact: Kim Williams, kimwilliams9@gmail.com Experience Columbus Contact: Sharon Levine, slevine@experiencecolumbus.com PASTIME TOURNAMENTS ALL-AMERICAN MEMORIAL CLASSIC | May 23-25 The All-American Memorial Classic, run by Dublin’s the Memorial Tournament staff, has become one of the premier tournaments in the Midwest. The tournament regularly features teams from across the state of Ohio as well as Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Canada. There will be separate divisions for each age group. Attendance: 3,000 Meals: Attendees are on their own for meals Location: Dublin Jerome High School, Dublin Scioto High School, Olentangy Liberty High School, Olentangy Orange High School, and Dublin Coffman High School Website: www.pastimetournaments.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/pastimebaseball Group Contact: Amanda Shepherd, shepherd@pastimetournaments.com Sports Commission Contact: Ariana Tyler, atyler@columbussports.org INTERNATIONAL TRUMPET GUILD | May 26-30 The 40th International Trumpet Guild Conference will feature world-class artists and ensembles. Attendance: 1,000 Meals: Attendees on their own for meals, except for a Saturday evening banquet Exhibits: Closed to the public Location: Hyatt Regency Website: www.trumpetguild.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/InternationalTrumpetGuild Twitter: @ITGupdates Group Contact: Andrea Rush, confcoordinator@trumpetguild.org Experience Columbus Contact: Diane Share, dshare@experiencecolumbus.com OHSAA BOYS STATE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS | May 29-30 The OHSAA 2015 Boys State Tennis Championships will be held Friday, May 29 and Saturday, May 30. The two-day event will be hosted by The Ohio State University and take place at the OSU Outdoor Varsity Tennis Courts. Play for each day begins at 9 a.m., with the First Round and Quarterfinals on Friday and the Semifinals and Finals on Saturday. Schedule: Friday, May 29 – 9 a.m. Division I Singles, followed by Division II Singles, followed by Doubles Teams Saturday, May 30 – 9 a.m. Division I Singles, followed by Division II Singles, followed by Doubles Teams Attendance: 1,500 Meals: Attendees are on their own for meals Location: The Ohio State University – Varsity Tennis Courts Website: www.ohsaa.org/Sports/te/boys/default.asp Facebook: www.facebook.com/ohsaa Group Contact: Roxanne Price, rprice@ohsaa.org Sports Commission Contact: Ariana Tyler, atyler@columbussports.org MIDWEST HAUNTERS CONVENTION | May 29- 31 2015 Annual Convention The Midwest Haunters Convention is the largest Halloween show of its kind in the United States serving a primary audience of haunted attraction producers, actors, artists and home haunters. It features a 60,000 square foot vendor trade show with more than 75 vendor booths and provides regional businesses and residents the opportunity to shop for professional quality Halloween related products. Attendance: 3,000 Meals: Attendees are on their own for all meals Exhibits: The trade show is open to the public for a fee Location: Greater Columbus Convention Center, downtown hotels Website: www.midwesthauntersconvention.com Twitter: @MidwestHaunters Group Contact: Jennifer Braverman, jen@haashow.com Experience Columbus Contact: Sharon Levine, slevine@experiencecolumbus.com OHIO HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS | May 30-31 The Ohio High School Boys Volleyball State Championships will be held on Saturday, May 30 and Sunday, May 31 at Capital University’s Capital Center. Come watch the best boys high school volleyball teams battle for the title of State Champion! Attendance: 1,000 Meals: Attendees are on their own for meals Location: Capital University - Capital Center Website: http://www.ohioboysvolleyball.com/index.php/state-tournament1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ohio.High.School.Boys.Volleyball Group Contact: Gary Hajek, garymhajek@gmail.com Sports Commission Contact: Ariana Tyler, atyler@columbussports.org THE NATIONAL NEEDLEARTS ASSOCIATION | May 30-June 1 The NeedleArts Trade Show attracts upscale, independent needle art buyers from across the United States and abroad. Wholesale suppliers display their hottest new products. Attendance: 2,500 Meals: Attendees and exhibitors are on their own for all meals. Exhibits: Nearly 300 exhibiting companies. Wholesale/trade only; not open to the public. HQ: Greater Columbus Convention Center and downtown hotels Website: www.tnna.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/The-National-NeedleArts-Association Twitter: #TNNAShow Group Contact: Dixie Russell, drussell@tnna.org Experience Columbus Contact: Diane Share, dshare@experiencecolumbus.com The Experience Columbus Visitor Center in the Arena District is open seven days a week to help your customers find their way around the city: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Saturday-Sunday, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. The Visitor Center is located on the corner of Nationwide Blvd. and Neil Ave. at 277 W. Nationwide Blvd., 43215. Phone: 614-221-6623. The Convention and Sports Alert is published monthly to assist area restaurants, hotels and other facilities in anticipating their staffing and supply needs. To add, change or delete an email recipient, please contact Bill Behrens at BBehrens@ExperienceColumbus.com.
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