5/3/2015 HURRICANE MIMI PLAYERS GUIDE AND FORMS An exercise for the Marion County Florida Amateur Radio Operators and supported agencies Final Edition HURRICANE MIMI MAY 3, 2015 0900 - 1230L MARION CO. FL. FORMS SHOULD BE PRINTED OFF BY EVERYONE. RECOMMEND 3 EACH: ICS 213, 1 EACH: ICS 214, 1 EACH: ICS 309, 2 EACH: ICS RADIOGRAM, 1 EACH: ARL, 2 EACH: SkyWarn Report. DOES NOT INCLUDE HOSPITAL REPORTS. ARES NET CONTROL 3 PAGES 1. Incident Name: HURRICANE MIMI 2. Operational Period: Date From: 5/3/2015 Date To: 5/3/2015 Time From: 0900L Time To: 1230L 3. Objective(s): 1. To evaluate the effectiveness of the ham radio operators in Marion County, regardless of organizational affiliation, and to provide them with the needed training with the various forms and possible scenarios that could happen during an emergency. 2. To promote interoperability between all hams in the county and the supported agencies. 3. To evaluate the preparedness of the Marion County ham radio operators that would respond during an actual event. 4. Operational Period Command Emphasis: Players: MARION COUNTY ARES®, MERT, CERT, HOSPITAL, SKYWARN AND SHELTER HAM RADIO OPERATORS. Contingencies for hams that do not normally participate will be included in the plan. The Marion County ARES® Plan, Revision 6, will be utilized for the framework of how the hams are to report. A copy of the plan will be posted on the http://ARESmcfl.org website. Scenario: Hurricane “MIMI”, a category 3 storm has devastated Marion, Levy, Citrus and Sumter County. In preparation for this storm, over 4,700 people were evacuated to various shelters that fall under both the sheriff’s office and the American Red Cross’s area of responsibility, and as a result, six shelters and seven pods (Portable Distribution Stations) have been setup around the county and need radio operators. See attached list. Also, as a result of communications loss, and the volume of anticipated casualties, the hospital has activated the hams according to their protocols. All the chaos that goes along with hurricanes and the aftermath has happened here. Loss of power, gas leaks, roof damage, tree damage, roads closed due to flooding, barn animals loose, loss of internet and phone service, etc. Your mission is to physically get out of your house, off your property and setup your station; HT, PORTABLES, HF, WINLINK, GENERATORS, MERT GO KITS (with battery), whatever you have, and to pass a properly formatted message to the net control operator, both to the EC and MERT at the EOC. You will be tasked to setup preferably in a public place but not at home, and pass the traffic by utilizing ICS FORM 213 & the ARRL Radiogram. First and foremost, IN THE EVENT OF AN ACTUAL SITUATION, WHERE LIFE OR PROPERTY IS AT RISK, CALL 911 FIRST, THEN ADVISE NET CONTROL OF THE SITUATION. NO WIGGLE ROOM ON THIS. ALL HAMS OTHER THAN HOSPITAL ARE TASKED AS SKYWARN SPOTTERS. Do not deploy to the shelters if that is where you would normally go to. Instead go to a parking lot near the shelter but not on school grounds. Hospital operators will deploy according to their established plans. All messages will be prefaced with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE MESSAGE” OR “THIS IS A DRILL MESSAGE”. Use your imagination on the messages! We just had a major hurricane blow through the area!!! Remember ABCs of messages, Accuracy, Brevity and Clarity! Message time should be indicated on a 24 hour clock, example, “0937 local.” ARES: ARES members need to pass a piece of routine traffic as covered later in this plan. They may be directed to assemble at a simulated POD (Portable Distribution Station) to relay traffic via ICS 213 back to either ARES FIELD MEMBER COPY Page~ 1 ~ HURRICANE MIMI MAY 3, 2015 0900 - 1230L MARION CO. FL. FORMS SHOULD BE PRINTED OFF BY EVERYONE. RECOMMEND 3 EACH: ICS 213, 1 EACH: ICS 214, 1 EACH: ICS 309, 2 EACH: ICS RADIOGRAM, 1 EACH: ARL, 2 EACH: SkyWarn Report. DOES NOT INCLUDE HOSPITAL REPORTS. ARES NET CONTROL 3 PAGES 1. Incident Name: HURRICANE MIMI 2. Operational Period: Date From: 5/3/2015 Date To: 5/3/2015 Time From: 0900L Time To: 1230L or MERT net control. They will also double as SKYWARN operators if not tasked elsewhere MERT: MERT operators will be expected to pass traffic from the shelters (simulated) utilizing the ICS 213 format. For MERT: The “FROM” on the 213 should include the MERT operators name and the “POSITION” should be which shelter utilizing the tactical callsign. Example: From: “Joe Snuffy, KA1BCD, Position: VHS or Vanguard High School. Subject: Request for generator mechanic” or “Shelter activated with 145 evacuees, 27 of which are special needs. There are presently 31 pets being sheltered.” Etc. CERT: CERT operators will be expected to pass damage assessment, trees, houses, roads, etc. Utilizing ICS 213. CERT hams need to get with their team leaders prior to the event and come up with a properly formatted message. They may be directed to an alternate frequency to pass traffic, depending on the net conditions at the time. The “FROM” on the 213 should include the CERT Team Leaders name and the “POSITION” should be which team. “Example: From: Marya Latson; Position: Belleview CERT, Belleview City Hall” or “Beverly Case, OTOW CERT, Club House”. Subject: “Damage assessment” or whatever. The message should include the property address and damage observed, if that is what the leader and ham has agreed upon. It can also be about search and rescue or whatever. SKYWARN: There will be at least one simulated severe weather event during the drill. At that time, the net will go into “Emergency Mode”. No traffic, except weather related, or life & death should be passed (simulated). It may be a thunderstorm warning with possible rotation or something else. At that time, all traffic will be suspended for the duration of the event. It should last for about five (5) minutes. Be ready for it! HOSPITALS: Hospitals are requested to pass message traffic between themselves and MERT. Hospitals will use HICS formatted forms and may need to be modified by the person receiving the message to fit on the standard ICS 213, with minimal changes permitted. Due to prior scheduled events, the hospital will have already met their requirements, however, at the request of ARES and MERT, have agreed to participate from 0900-1030. Winlink traffic should be addressed to KC5CMX. At the conclusion of the event (1330-1230 hrs.), Carl will send all the collected messages to the EOC. Phone traffic should be with MERT as indicated on the ICS 205A. NOTE: IN THE EVENT OF AN ACTUAL WEATHER EVENT, IT WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON THE 146.610 REPEATER AND THE 147.210 REPEATER. HOSPITAL AND EOC WILL ANNOUNCE ON THEIR NETS. ALL OTHER ACTIVITY WILL BE SUSPENDED. ALL OPERATORS ARE DIRECTED TO 146.610 AT THAT TIME. ARES NET CONTROL WILL ASSUME PRIMARY SKYWARN DUTIES FOR THE DURATION OF THE EVENT. IF THE EVENT LOOKS LIKE IT WILL BE OF SUSTAINED DURATION, THE REMAINDER OF HURRICANE MIMI WILL BE DISCONTINUED, OTHERWISE, IT WILL RESUME AFTER THE WEATHER HAS PASSED. ALL STATIONS ARE REQUIRED TO SIGN OUT WITH NET CONTROL REGARDLESS, WHEN SECURING FROM THE DRILL. All radio operators will utilize the ICS 205A designated for Hurricane Mimi for the duration of this drill. You may get a reply back to your message, depending on what the message contains. FIELD MEMBER COPY Page~ 2 ~ HURRICANE MIMI MAY 3, 2015 0900 - 1230L MARION CO. FL. FORMS SHOULD BE PRINTED OFF BY EVERYONE. RECOMMEND 3 EACH: ICS 213, 1 EACH: ICS 214, 1 EACH: ICS 309, 2 EACH: ICS RADIOGRAM, 1 EACH: ARL, 2 EACH: SkyWarn Report. DOES NOT INCLUDE HOSPITAL REPORTS. ARES NET CONTROL 3 PAGES 1. Incident Name: HURRICANE MIMI 2. Operational Period: Date From: 5/3/2015 Date To: 5/3/2015 Time From: 0900L Time To: 1230L The ICS 213 messages from MERT and CERT members will be addressed to: ERIN MILLER, MCSO LOGISTICS. A blank 213 is included in this package. All written messages will be collected at the next MERT meeting on May 16, just prior to the statewide hurricane drill. CERT teams are requested to forward the messages to Beverly Case by May 5th. The ICS 213 format must be adhered to and properly filled out so traffic can be passed to the appropriate person on the receiving end. For the ARRL Radiogram, address it to RON VIOLA, KS4SW, MARION COUNTY EC. From: You, your call sign and your physical location. The radiogram format must be adhered to and properly filled out so traffic can be passed to the appropriate person. Remember, use the numbered radiograms when possible. Generate a radiogram to be sent to a relative or friend outside of Marion County. If this is actual traffic, please indicate so it may be sent through the NTS. Method and mode of delivery: Net control will be listening on the frequencies listed on the accompanying ICS 205A. Modes will include VHF, UHF, winlink & dstar. Dstar will be utilized for the shelter operators. Those participating for MERT will need to pick up their GO KITS and batteries before May 1 st. The only way we will know if things work is if YOU test them. You will be testing the complete kit; radio, battery, antenna, coax, etc. Select a good position to hang the antenna from. Remember, you cannot hang it near anything metal so look for a tree. You may want to bring a table, chair and a snack. Date and time for exercise: Sunday, May 3, 2015 from 0900 to 1230 local Net control station will be the ARES Trailer set up at Walmart on highway 200, Ocala. Call signs used will be K4GSO for net control, KC5CMX for Winlink, and KG4NXO for MERT/CERT operators. Winlink operators, you can use either the HF or local gateways to send your messages. No Winlink messages will be sent to the EOC/MERT ARES operators will be expected to pass Health & Welfare traffic. BE CREATIVE, BUT LIMIT THE MESSAGE TO 25 WORDS OR LESS. Utilize the numbered radio grams with the ARL message numbers for maximum effectiveness. 5PR “Proper prior planning prevents poor results.” Hospital ERT will deploy according to their guidelines and will interface with net control to pass traffic to MERT and ARES. For the hams that just show up to “help”, they can be given the pods to work from. Locations will be designated if there are enough participants. Again, the idea is to prepare for the hurricane drill on May 20, or whenever a disaster strikes. It would be better to work out the problems BEFORE the main event, know what are strengths and weaknesses are, identify them, and find solutions to the problems before hand, and put on the best show possible for the county and the state during the main drill. FIELD MEMBER COPY Page~ 3 ~ HURRICANE MIMI MAY 3, 2015 0900 - 1230L MARION CO. FL. FORMS SHOULD BE PRINTED OFF BY EVERYONE. RECOMMEND 3 EACH: ICS 213, 1 EACH: ICS 214, 1 EACH: ICS 309, 2 EACH: ICS RADIOGRAM, 1 EACH: ARL, 2 EACH: SkyWarn Report. DOES NOT INCLUDE HOSPITAL REPORTS. ARES NET CONTROL 3 PAGES 1. Incident Name: HURRICANE MIMI 2. Operational Period: Date From: 5/3/2015 Date To: 5/3/2015 Time From: 0900L Time To: 1230L General Situational Awareness Be aware of your personal safety, the safety of others and equipment/property. Remember, this simulated hurricane was devastating to the listed counties. There may be severe weather (simulated) coming up in the statewide hurricane drill as well, so you may need to deploy again. IN ALL INSTANCES OF HURRICANE MIMI MESSAGE TRAFFIC, MESSAGES WILL START “THIS IS AN EXERCISE MESSAGE” OR “THIS IS A DRILL” 5. Site Safety Plan Required? Yes ☐ No ☒ Approved Site Safety Plan(s) Located at: ________________________________________ 6. Incident Action Plan (the items checked below are included in this Incident Action Plan): ☐ ICS 203 ☐ ICS 204 ☐ ☐ ICS 207 ICS 208 X ICS 205 ☒ ICS 205A ☒ ☐ Map/Chart Weather Forecast/Tides/Currents ☐ ICS 206 Other Attachments: ☒ ICS 213 (SINGLE SHEET) ☒ ARRL NUMBERED RADIO GRAM ☐ ___________________ ☐ ___________________ ☐ 7. Prepared by: Name: CARL BERRY, KC5CMX 8. Approved by Incident Commander: ICS 202 IAP Page Position/Title: AEC MARION COUNTY Name: RON VIOLA, KS4SW, MARION COUNTY FL. EMERGENCY COORDINATOR, ARES® Date/Time: Date FIELD MEMBER COPY Page~ 4 ~ _________ Signature: ________________ Signature: ______________________ HURRICANE MIMI MAY 3, 2015 0900 - 1230L MARION CO. FL. FORMS SHOULD BE PRINTED OFF BY EVERYONE. RECOMMEND 3 EACH: ICS 213, 1 EACH: ICS 214, 1 EACH: ICS 309, 2 EACH: ICS RADIOGRAM, 1 EACH: ARL, 2 EACH: SkyWarn Report. DOES NOT INCLUDE HOSPITAL REPORTS. ARES NET CONTROL 3 PAGES COMMUNICATIONS LIST (ICS 205A) 1. Incident Name: HURRICANE MIMI 2. Operational Period: Date From: 5/3/2015 Date To: 5/3/2015 Time From: 0900 Time To: 1230 3. Basic Local Communications Information: Incident Assigned Position Name (Alphabetized) ARES PRIMARY EVENT NET CONTROL K4GSO Method(s) of Contact (phone, pager, cell, etc.) P 146.610 123S 147.210 123+ T 146.970 MERT DSTAR NET CONTROL KG4NXO P 145.170 S 147.210 123+ T 146.970 - HOSPITAL NET CONTROL W2SRP P 145.270 123S 146.970 - SKYWARN P 146.610 123WILL BECOME PRIMARY FREQUENCY FOR SKYWARN WHEN ACTIVATED S 147.210 123+ CERT ALL MARION COUNTY P 146.610 123- FOR CALLING NET CONTROL TO BE DIRECTED TO ALTERNATE REPEATER/FREQUENCY. DUNELLON CERT SIMPLEX FREQ : 146.430 MARION OAKS CERT SIMPLEX FREQ :146.400 BELLEVIEW CERT SIMPLEX FREQ : 145.150 SILVER SPRINGS SHORES CERT SIMPLEX FREQ : 146.430 FT. MCCOY CERT SIMPLEX FREQ : 146.445 OTOW SIMPLEX FREQ : 146.445 MRMC SIMPLEX FREQUENCIES 146.580 SHELTERS DSTAR 145.170 KG4NXO V (LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY) WINLINK STATIONS LOCATIONS KG4NXO-10 EOC 145.030 K4LSB-10 SILVER SPRINGS SE 145.630 KI4UYM-10 SILVER SPRINGS SE 145.630 W3HII-10 WIERSDALE SE 145.630 W2SRP-10 DUNELLON W 145.030 K4PWE-10 ALACHUA CO N 145.030 WINLINK NET CONTROL 4. Prepared by: ICS 205A ALL WL2K MSGS ADDRESSED TO KC5CMX Name: CARL BERRY KC5CMX IAP Page Position/Title: AEC MARION COUNTY PIO Date/Time: 4/22/15 1530 FIELD MEMBER COPY Page~ 5 ~ Signature: HURRICANE MIMI MAY 3, 2015 0900 - 1230L MARION CO. FL. FORMS SHOULD BE PRINTED OFF BY EVERYONE. RECOMMEND 3 EACH: ICS 213, 1 EACH: ICS 214, 1 EACH: ICS 309, 2 EACH: ICS RADIOGRAM, 1 EACH: ARL, 2 EACH: SkyWarn Report. DOES NOT INCLUDE HOSPITAL REPORTS. ARES NET CONTROL 3 PAGES GENERAL MESSAGE FORM (ICS 213) GENERAL MESSAGE TO: POSITION: FROM: POSITION: SUBJECT: DATE: MESSAGE: SIGNATURE: POSITION: REPLY: DATE: TIME: SIGNATURE/POSITION: FIELD MEMBER COPY Page~ 6 ~ TIME: HURRICANE MIMI MAY 3, 2015 0900 - 1230L MARION CO. FL. FORMS SHOULD BE PRINTED OFF BY EVERYONE. RECOMMEND 3 EACH: ICS 213, 1 EACH: ICS 214, 1 EACH: ICS 309, 2 EACH: ICS RADIOGRAM, 1 EACH: ARL, 2 EACH: SkyWarn Report. DOES NOT INCLUDE HOSPITAL REPORTS. ARES NET CONTROL 3 PAGES ICS 309 COMMUNICATIONS LOG MARION COUNTY FL 1. Incident Name and Activation Number (CONSTELLATION or TASK) From: 3. Radio Net Name (for ncos) or Position/Tactical Call 5. 2. Operational Period (Date/Time) To: 4. Radio Operator (Name, Call Sign) COMMUNICATIONS LOG Time (24:00) FROM Call Sign/ID Msg # 6. Prepared By (Name, Call Sign) TO Message Call Sign/ID Msg # 7. Date & Time Prepared 8. Page _______ of _______ FIELD MEMBER COPY Page~ 7 ~ HURRICANE MIMI MAY 3, 2015 0900 - 1230L MARION CO. FL. FORMS SHOULD BE PRINTED OFF BY EVERYONE. RECOMMEND 3 EACH: ICS 213, 1 EACH: ICS 214, 1 EACH: ICS 309, 2 EACH: ICS RADIOGRAM, 1 EACH: ARL, 2 EACH: SkyWarn Report. DOES NOT INCLUDE HOSPITAL REPORTS. ARES NET CONTROL 3 PAGES FIELD MEMBER COPY Page~ 8 ~ HURRICANE MIMI MAY 3, 2015 0900 - 1230L MARION CO. FL. FORMS SHOULD BE PRINTED OFF BY EVERYONE. RECOMMEND 3 EACH: ICS 213, 1 EACH: ICS 214, 1 EACH: ICS 309, 2 EACH: ICS RADIOGRAM, 1 EACH: ARL, 2 EACH: SkyWarn Report. DOES NOT INCLUDE HOSPITAL REPORTS. ARES NET CONTROL 3 PAGES ARRL RADIOGRAM PREDESIGNATED MESSAGES (ARL) URGENT/EMERGENCY MESSAGES: ONE Everyone safe here. Please don't worry. TWO Coming home as soon as possible. THREE Am in _____ hospital. Receiving excellent care and recovering fine. FOUR Only slight property damage here. Do not be concerned about disaster reports. FIVE Am moving to new location. Send no further mail or communication. Will inform you of new address when relocated. SIX Will contact you as soon as possible. SEVEN Please reply by Amateur Radio through the amateur delivering this message. This is a free public service. EIGHT Need additional _____ mobile or portable equipment for immediate emergency use. NINE Additional _____ radio operators needed to assist with emergency at this location. TEN Please contact _____. Advise to standby and provide further emergency information, instructions or assistance. ELEVEN Establish Amateur Radio emergency communications with _____ on _____ MHz. TWELVE Anxious to hear from you. No word in some time. Please contact me as soon as possible. THIRTEEN Medical emergency situation exits here. FOURTEEN Situation here becoming critical. Losses and damage from ____ increasing. FIFTEEN Please advise your condition and what help is needed. SIXTEEN Property damage very severe in this area. SEVENTEEN REACT communications services also available. Establish REACT communication with _____ on channel _____. EIGHTEEN Please contact me as soon as possible at _____. NINETEEN Request health and welfare report on _____ . (State name, address and telephone number.) TWENTY Temporarily stranded. Will need some assistance. Please contact me at _____. TWENTY ONE Search and Rescue assistance is needed by local authorities here. Advise availability. TWENTY TWO Need accurate information on the extent and type of conditions now existing at your location. Please furnish this information and reply without delay. TWENTY THREE Report at once the accessibility and best way to reach your location. TWENTY FOUR Evacuation of residents from this area urgently needed. Advise plans for help. TWENTY FIVE Furnish as soon as possible the weather conditions at your location. TWENTY SIX Help and care for evacuation of sick and injured from this location needed at once. Emergency/priority messages originating from official sources must carry the signature of the originating official. ROUTINE MESSAGES: FORTY SIX Greetings on your birthday and best wishes for many more to come. FORTY SEVEN Reference your message number _____ to _____ delivered on _____ at _____ UTC. FIFTY Greetings by Amateur Radio. FIFTY ONE Greetings by Amateur Radio. This message is sent as a free public service by ham radio operators at _____. Am having a wonderful time. FIFTY TWO Really enjoyed being with you. Looking forward to getting together again. FIFTY THREE Received your _____. It's appreciated; many thanks. FIFTY FOUR Many thanks for your good wishes. FIFTY FIVE Good news is always welcome. Very delighted to hear about yours. FIFTY SIX Congratulations on your _____, a most worthy and deserved achievement. FIFTY SEVEN Wish we could be together. FIELD MEMBER COPY Page~ 9 ~ HURRICANE MIMI MAY 3, 2015 0900 - 1230L MARION CO. FL. FORMS SHOULD BE PRINTED OFF BY EVERYONE. RECOMMEND 3 EACH: ICS 213, 1 EACH: ICS 214, 1 EACH: ICS 309, 2 EACH: ICS RADIOGRAM, 1 EACH: ARL, 2 EACH: SkyWarn Report. DOES NOT INCLUDE HOSPITAL REPORTS. ARES NET CONTROL 3 PAGES MARION COUNTY SKYWARN SEVERE WEATHER REPORT Reporting Station Call Sign: _____________________Time of Occurrence: ______________ Report Source (circle one: Personal Observation, Media, Scanner, Other ________________ Location of Reported Event: (Be specific as possible. Address, GPS, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________ Tornado Funnel Cloud Wall Cloud Direction of Travel: Flooding Hail Dime/Penny Nickel Quarter Half Dollar Wind Damage Trees Down Large Limbs 4” – 6” Power Lines Structure Damage Golf ball Baseball Size in Inches:_____ Other Damage Describe SIGNATURE_______________________________________ CALL SIGN:__________________________ Net Control Assistant: Phone it in to The National Weather Service at 1-800-499-1594 option 1 and to the MCSO COMM CENTER, 911 OR 352-732-9111. DURING NORMAL HOURS, CONTACT EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AT 352-369-8100 Turn the form into the SKYWARN coordinator or the EC for Marion County at the earliest possible time. FIELD MEMBER COPY Page~ 10 ~ FORMS SHOULD BE PRINTED OFF BY EVERYONE. RECOMMEND 3 EACH: ICS 213, 1 EACH: ICS 214, 1 EACH: ICS 309, 2 EACH: ICS RADIOGRAM, 1 EACH: ARL, 2 EACH: SkyWarn Report. DOES NOT INCLUDE HOSPITAL REPORTS. ARES NET CONTROL 3 PAGES ICS 214 1. Incident Name: HURRICANE MIMI 2. Operational Period: 3. Name: 4. ICS Position: 6. Resources Assigned: Name Date From: 5/3/2015 Date To: 5/4/2015 Time From: 0900 Time To: 1230 ICS Position 5. Home Agency (and Unit): Home Agency (and Unit) 7. Activity Log: Date/Time 8. Prepared by: ICS 214, Page 1 Notable Activities Name: Position/Title: Date/Time: Date FIELD MEMBER COPY Page~ 11 ~ Signature: FORMS SHOULD BE PRINTED OFF BY EVERYONE. RECOMMEND 3 EACH: ICS 213, 1 EACH: ICS 214, 1 EACH: ICS 309, 2 EACH: ICS RADIOGRAM, 1 EACH: ARL, 2 EACH: SkyWarn Report. DOES NOT INCLUDE HOSPITAL REPORTS. ARES NET CONTROL 3 PAGES NET CONTROL STATION LOG (MC ARES) FIELD MEMBER COPY Page~ 12 ~
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