PARSHAS ACHAREI‐MOS/KEDOSHIM Mrs. Turoff's Kitah Aleph wearing beautiful crowns in honor of learning their very first Posuk in Chumash!! 12 Iyar 5775 May 1, 2015 Luach Friday, May 1 Candle Lighting Time: 7:29 pm Shabbos, May 2 Parshas Acharei-Mos/Kedoshim Sof Z’man Kriyas Shema: 9:17 a.m. Upcoming Events Monday, May 4 Pesach Sheini 7th Grade L.A. students compare and contrast Cinderella stories from around the world after reading the Chinese Cinderella memoir Tuesday, May 5 7B Springfield Trip 7G Trip to Bigdei Yisrael 5B Trip to The Grove Thursday, May 7 Lag B’Omer Picnic Tuesday, May 19 7G Springfield Trip Fri, May 22-Sun., May 24 No School—Shavuos/Memorial Day Friday, May 29 Tuesday, June 2 3G Birchas Yaakov Presentation-9:15 Morah Eleanor's Kindergarden Hebrew Resource Hot Lunches: Mon., May 4 Mac ‘n Cheese Lunch Tues., May 5 Hamburger Lunch Wed., May 6 Pizza Lunch Fri., May 8 8th Grade Pizza Make-up Lunch Arie Crown Hebrew Day School is affiliated with the Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago, a partner in serving our Jewish Community supported by the JUF/Jewish Federation of Chicago. PARSHAS ACHAREI‐MOS/KEDOSHIM 12 Iyar 5775 May 1, 2015 2nd Grade Hachnosas Orchim! PTA Event We’re having a ball! were so pleased that Mrs. Kirsche was able to come and share her stories. Thank you to Michal Rosen for This past Wednesday night the PTA hosted a wonderful event This week in Rabbi featuring Mrs. Lynn Kirsche Goldwag's 2nd grade, Shapiro, who shared with us the boys were learning samples how Avraham Aveinu of exemplified the delicious recipes mitzvah of Hachnosas and Orchim. The boys stories acted this out churning from her their own butter. They also got to taste delicious tongue that was served award winning cookbook, “Food Family and Tradition”. Thank after they were done with the milk and butter. you Mrs. Shapiro for a wonderful and delicious night. We By Mrs. Jedd We are having a great time during our volleyball unit in GYM class! Grades 58 are practicing the individual skills of bumping/digging, setting/volleying, and serving the ball. As a class we are working on teamwork to get the ball over the net with three people hitting the ball on each side, as well as learning proper rotation and basic rules of the game. Grades 3-4 are also practicing volleyball hitting skills with a lighter ball. They play a lead-up game called Newcomb which involves throwing and catching the ball over the net, three contacts on a side. They also learn to rotate so each gets a turn to serve just like the real game. Grades 1-2 are working in stations on basic skills ranging from jumping rope, balance boards, scoops, beanbags, etc. One station is throwing/hitting beachballs over the volleyball net trying to keep the ball from hitting the floor. It is wonderful to see the skill progression from week to week! Mrs. Jedd opening your beautiful home to us. And thank you to the committee of Tamar Mishkin, Rochie Porush, Avigail Schechter, and Rafi Stern for coordinating such a lovely evening. The cookbook makes a wonderful gift and is available for purchase in the office through this week for $35.00 with a percentage of the profit being generously donated to the school. 4th Grade News By Dena Simon-Hakalir and Yael Kolsky This week in Mrs. Dubovick’s 4th grade class, we skipped all the way from Ivrit cards #16 to #21 because the poem that goes with it is about Lag B’omer. We are so excited about Lag B’omer coming up! We began learning Az Yashir in Chumash. We are also enjoying learning Az Yashir songs with the other class. We are also going to learn Az Yashir and add it to davening. We are making special machberot for our Az Yashir songs and note packet. We are moving along nicely in Dikduk. We are getting ready for our Navi Test. We hope everyone will do spectaculary on it next week! Have a good Shabbos! By Meital Gutnicki and Kira Strick Last week in Mrs. Whisler's class, we started to learn about the states. We had so much fun on Yom Ha'Atzmaut! We started to collect seeds to use in an experiment for our unit in science. We hung up our North, South, East and West signs that we had colored, putting them in the correct directions in our classroom. In Mrs. Whisler's and Mrs. Camras's classes, we are reading books about China. In Mrs. Reiss's class, we are watching a video, "From Outside the Camp." PARSHAS ACHAREI‐MOS/KEDOSHIM Save the Date‐ Sunday, June 21, 2015: ACHDS invites you to an Evening of Hakaras Hatov at our 68th Anniversary Banquet. Join us at the Wes n O'Hare as we recognize Rabbi and Mrs. Reuven and Miriam Levinson and Mr. and Mrs. Joey and Becky Zim‐ merman for their selfless commitment to molding gen‐ era ons of our children. Share in this special evening as we thank them for their years of devo on and pay tribute to Rabbi Levinson as he leaves the ACHDS class‐ room. If you have memorabilia/pictures from over the years with Rabbi Levinson or Mrs. Zimmerman, we would love to incorporate these into this evening. Please contact us at 847‐982‐9191 ext. 613 Or 12 Iyar 5775 May 1, 2015 Sponsor-a-Day Thank you to Shaya and Tamara Avner, Rachel and Ari Polsky, Julie and Josh Nankin, and Leah and David Sweet for sponsoring Sunday’s learning in loving memory of Ellen Avner, Elka Bryna bas Ovadiah HaLevi, z”l, on the occasion of her 17th yahrtzeit on Zayin Iyar. Thank you to Mrs. Margit Kirsche and Tova, Michael, Julie, Ariella, Zachary, Alex and Shira Perl for sponsoring Tuesday’s learning in commemoration of the yahrtzeit of their beloved grandfather and great-grandfather, Mr. Sandor Kirsche, z”l. Thank you to Schuyler, Sarah, Chana, Tzvi, Eliana and Yehuda Abrams for sponsoring Thursday’s learning in loving memory of their Baubie and Baubie-Baubie, Golda Leah bas Shlomo Zalman, Mrs. Goldie Abrams, z”l. To sponsor a day of learning, please contact Sam Medow in the business office. Thank you. Educator of the Year Help our school while you shop. Link your Amazon account to Amazon Smile and select Arie Crown Hebrew Day School as your charity or go directly to our school's special link : http:// With every purchase, a percentage goes back to our school. Thank you in advance for your participation! EXTENDED DEADLINE! Only two weeks left to nominate the ATT day school teacher who has made a lasting impact on your child! The ATT is pleased to announce that the deadline for nominations for the Hartman Family Foundation Educator of the Year Awards has been extended two weeks to Friday, May 22nd. One award of $18,000 & 2 awards of $6,000 will be presented to outstanding classroom teachers. Nomination packets are available at the ATT office or online at Info: call ATT 773-973-2828. Lost and Found Special Event: 2nd Midwest Holocaust Symposium Please check the lost and found located in the bench near the east entrance. Labeled items are located in the front office. Mr. Rudolph Tessler/The Hartman Family Foundation/The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center/Associated Talmud Torahs present the 2nd Midwest Holocaust Symposium on Sunday, May 3, 2015, at the Illinois Holocaust Museum. Includes pre-event activities starting at 5:30 pm – guided tours of the Permanent Exhibit and a pre-event conversation, How Shall We Teach Our Children by Rabbi Avrohom S. Moller. Keynote Speaker, Rabbi Yisroel Meir Lau, former Chief Rabbi of Israel, child survivor of Buchenwald, will follow at 7 pm. This program commemorates the 70th anniversary since the 1945 liberation of Jewish prisoners by Allied troops. General admission $18. No reservations required. For program details/ questions: Visit or call 773-973-2828. Amazon Smile Akiva Lafer (hoodie) Albom (glove), Cohen (ACHDS Hoodie), Ezra Schreiber (ACHDS hoodie) Kahnrose (zip up fleece) Nechama Carlson (hoodie), Spector (ACHDS hoodie), Vadnai (shorts) ein Goldst e e t s E ns ard tulatio dos aw id M Congra e e ing th h grad iv t e 4 c 's e s r s i on Re d! in Mrs. k e e w so prou s e thi 'r e !W class!!!! Writers Workshop By Mrs. Zuckerman Well, we finally made it! After brainstorming and editing, proofreading and illustrating, the day has finally arrived! The boys have one more important step before the book goes to print. Can anyone guess what it is? It’s designing the cover to our class book, of course! Unlike the pages to our book where every student received their own writing and illustration page, for our cover, the whole class worked together to design a cover like no other! It was teamwork at its best in room 304! When David is 7, his mother is 4 times as old as he. Her father is, at the same time, twice as old as she. How old was David's grandfather when David was born? Please submit your solution to this week's Think Math! challenge to Mrs. Brandell in the office no later than Tuesday, May 5th. Answer to last week's Think Math!: There are a total of 83 cats. Kudos to Zoe Matanky and Molly Heifetz for submitting an answer to last week's challenge. PARSHAS ACHAREI‐MOS/KEDOSHIM Yom Ha’atzmaut at Arie Crown! 1st and 2nd Grade By Morah Margaret Matanky “My best day ever” was what one of the 1st graders said to her Morah after the special activity for 1st and 2nd graders on Yom Ha’atzmaut. Every child came with his own Teudat Zehut (Israeli identity card) which he had filled out earlier in the week. Then they traveled from place to place in “Israel” seeing the sights and gathering souvenirs. In Yerushalayim, they toured the Israel Museum, stopped in the “Gift Shop” for a Hatikva bookmark, and helped design a big Israeli flag. They made Israeli flags out of marshmallows at the Knesset and hung up their notes on the Kotel where they also received a Yerushalyim sticker. At Latrun (the Israel Tank Museum), they went through an obstacle course and added dog tags and a Tzahal badge magnet to their souvenirs. This year our tourists traveled to both Kever Rachel and to M’orat HaMachpeila where they answered questions about the Avot and Imahot and got special Kever Rachel red string bracelets and M’orat HaMachpeila tealights. The students traveled all the way down to Eilat to visit the Underground Aquarium and then each got to take home a special fish! Our thirsty travelers stopped at the Kiosk to get a drink of water and a Yisrael visor to protect them from the sun. Now was also a good time to stop at the Ta Tzilum (Photo booth) and get a picture taken! Continuing up from Eilat, they stopped at the popcorn factory on Kibbutz Saad where they played an Israel memory game and tasted samples of “Popli” popcorn right from the factory. At the Doar (post office), they played an Israeli map game and got their own map keychains. The “beach” in Tel Aviv was the next stop in their travels. They dug in the sand, translated Hebrew words into English, and added a seashell to their souvenirs. Going up the coast, they headed to Haifa—just in time for the boat races! They even got their own boat to bring back to America. The final stop was all the way up North in Tzefat where they stopped at an artist colony and designed their own Israeli flag picture with an artistic twist! Before traveling back to their classrooms, each of our travelers received an Israeli flag and a Happy Yom Ha’atzmaut bookmark. What a great Yom Ha’atzmaut! A special thank you to: Rabbi Cohen’s 8th grade boys and to the 1st and 2nd grade Moros and Rebbe for running all the sta ons. You are wonderful tour guides! Avery Amster, Shua Aronson, Doni Miretzky, Ezra Schreiber and Yaakov Stein for staying at school un l 6:30 to help set up. Yocheved Goldwag and Shoshie Neikrug for their computer help. Claudio and Jus nio for se ng up the tables. Mrs. Leibenstein, Mrs. Richtman and Mrs. Russell for their exper se in helping to clean up! Rabbi Kirshner and Rabbi Samber for allowing us to keep doing these wonderful programs. 12 Iyar 5775 May 1, 2015 Gan Yeladaim Dressed in the special t-shirts painted by the yeladim, with the Israeli Flag on the front and their Hebrew names and 67 on the back, Gan Yeladim 5775 began its journey to celebrate Yom Haatzmaut. The yeladim spent the morning with hands-on learning to promote an appreciation for our special homeland, Eretz Yisrael. The yeladim were each given a different part of the map of Israel to decorate with the appropriate landscape such as the Negev Desert, the waters of Eilat, the greenery of the Golan. Visors were made with the degel Yisrael, the flag of Israel. The yeladim “planted” pipe cleaner p’rachim, flowers, to keep Israel a healthy and flourishing land. Each child added blue and white pieces to create a giant degel Yisrael, Israeli flag, which proudly hangs in Arie Crown. They felt as if they were in a real gan as they played Alef Beis catch and ate aruchat eser, a snack of Bissli and meetz tapuzim, orange juice. The yeladim heard the story, The Waiting Wall, about the last remaining wall that stood around the Beis Hamikdash, the Kotel. We know that we are all waiting for Mashiach to come and we are all waiting for the 3rd and final Beis Hamikdash to be built. The yeladim had such beautiful ideas of tefillot that we might say when we go to the Kotel. The yeladim wrote and drew their special tefillot on bricks which were used to “build” a kotel in Arie Crown’s hallway. The yeladim learned an Israeli dance using blue and white streamers. They played the Israeli version of “Hot Potato” of course with Israeli music! Each class participated in a vigorous “army training” exercise with relay races and calisthenics. They received a sticker for completing their training. We all know that Yom Haatzmaut in Arie Crown means – camel rides! What a bumpy fun ride although it was not exactly desert – like weather! The yeladim also enjoyed a moon bounce which added to the fun celebration! A birthday party needs a birthday treat and so we thank Dr. and Mrs. Lipshitz for the yummy blue and white donuts! Yom Huledet Sameach Yisrael! Happy 67th birthday Israel! PARSHAS ACHAREI‐MOS/KEDOSHIM 12 Iyar 5775 May 1, 2015 8th Grade Yom Ha’atz m s! Camel Ride Gathering outside for HaTivkah Program aut Shmitta h Shir ts! Everyone enjoyed the yummy blue and white donuts! Even the camel! Thank you to Dr. Sam and Rita Lipshitz for sponsoring our yummy treat! Boys Israel Map Game Shemittah PARSHAS ACHAREI‐MOS/KEDOSHIM The Arie Crown Family would like to extend a Mazel Tov to: Births Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pinsky on the birth of their grandson Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Klein on the birth of their grandson Bar/Bas Mitzvahs Mr. and Mrs. Yanky Feiler on the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Sarala Mr. and Mrs. Yossi Schwimmer on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Yitzy Condolences The Arie Crown Family would like to extend condolences to Mr. Martin Vilchis on the loss of his brother, Marie Vilchis. May he and his family be comforted and know of no further bereavement Community Announcements NEW TO THE PUBLIC!!!!!!! Make your Bat Mitzvah that much more meaningful with lessons by Rivki Reiss. Explore the women who impacted our history, followed by a very real hands on interactive program. Please call 732-966-1112. Wishing hatzlacha to Kesher Stam on their Annual Pre-Shavuos Kabbalas HaTorah Sale! Starting Lag Ba’Omer through Shavuos, receive 10% off on Hebrew Seforim, as well as 30% off on Artscroll Sets! – The Schur family. It’s time to stock up on snacks at snacks2go! Herrs, Jays, Stella Doras, Wise, we have it all! Always with great prices! To place an order or for more information, please email or call 773-965-3204. Sign up is now open for Camp Sunshine backyard camp in WRP! A fun-filled camp for boys ages 4 and 5; full 8-week program from June 22-August 14. Hours are 9:30-2:00 PM. $75/week. Please call Chana Miriam Dubovick at 312-241-5138 or Nechama Segal at 929-242-1789. The YU Torah MItzion Kollel Presents: Irving Weiss A"H Youth Learning Division programming. "Parsha and Pizza" for 2nd-4th grade boys and girls, every Wednesday 5:45 - 6:45pm, at Congregation Or Torah (3800 Dempster, Skokie). "Mishna to the Max" for 5th-7th grade boys every Wednesday, 7:45pm-8:30pm at Cong. KINS, 2800 W. North Shore Ave. For more information please contact the Kollel office at 773-973-6557 or Shavuos Recipes with Chef Laura Frankel!Come join us on Wednesday, May 13th at 7:00pm at Young Israel Of Skokie, 8746 East Prairie Road, Skokie. The cost is $15 per person. Seats are limited. R.S.V.P by Wednesday May 6th. Men and women are welcome to attend Dasi Brown from Brooklyn, NY will be in town for 2 days only - selling Beautiful Costume Jewelry! THIS SUNDAY, May 3 from 11am-5pm & 710pm & MONDAY, May 4 from 12-4pm & 7-10pm at the GROSS's home -3014 West Chase Ave. everything is $2 - $40! Something for Everyone! Stock up on Gifts! Think Mothers Day, Shavuot, Graduation, Bat Mitzvah & more! TRENDY, CLASSIC & TRADITIONAL STYLES! loads of kids jewelry too! necklaces, earrings/clip-ons, pins, bracelets/ bangles, men's cufflinks for more info: 917-748-2768 or Don’t miss Chicago’s Jewish Women’s event of the year – the Ilene C. Leon Spa Day for Your Soul! On May 17th, join hundreds of Jewish women of all backgrounds at CTN for a unique day of learning, growth, and community, by women for women. Choose from workshops on Jewish thought & inspiration, Torah textual study, healthy living, a special music and dance performance. Preregistration discount ends May 10th. Schedule, info & registration at 773-761-0400x207. First time in Chicago! Midwest NCSY's 4G Girls Only program invites the women of the community to participate in a morning of inspiration with Mrs. Charlene Aminoff, founder of Gali's Couture Wigs. Come hear her speak about the miracle of her daughter Gali, and her life-changing experience which led her to becoming a proud Torah-observant Jew. All attendees will be entered in a raffle to win $500 off a new Gali wig! 10am on Sunday May 3 at Agudah of West Rogers Park. $10 entrance fee, proceeds to benefit the 4G scholarship fund. Email or call 773-398-8372 for more info. 12 Iyar 5775 May 1, 2015 We are making Aliyah this summer and are looking for a family to sublease our fully loaded 2013 Nissan Quest minivan starting on June 22. Includes Navigation, leather seats, sunroof, moonroof and DVD and only has 7,400 miles on it. There are 18 low monthly payments left of $386/month and have 31,000 miles left to put on it. Contact Orpaz Levy for more info- 847-571-3222/ Richard’s has 5 convenient locations! Locations on Touhy, Lawrence, Grand, North & Northwest Hwy. Free pick up and delivery. Our goal is to give you an affordable body and mechanical repair. We are certified and recommended by many car manufacturers. I guarantee to beat any competitor’s price! Call me directly at 773-569-6438 David. 24 hour towing. Have your child experience an awesome summer. Learn new skills & develop talents with sewing, drama, yoga, sports, art, science, rocketry, dance, cooking, magic, woodcraft, self-defense, computer programming & more. Make new friends. Visit new places. Go to, view the Nathan & Shirley Rothner ATT Summer Program brochure & register online. Questions, call Susan Feuer/Shelley Stopek at 773-973-2828. The GREAT JEWISH FAMILY FESTIVAL, Lag B’omer,Thursday, May 7, 4:00-9:00 pm at Westfield Old Orchard, Skokie. Fun and celebration for the entire family. Fair with rides, games, and hands-on activities. All you can eat food court. Shows and concerts. Evening Bonfire experience with Yoel Sharabi. Info and advance discounted admission 773-262-2770. Brought to you by Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois and your local Chabad center. Come and join the entire community as we bring Meron to Chicago! The Chicago Center for Torah & Chesed invites the community to participate in our annual Lag B’Omer Hadlaka. It will take place Wednesday, May 6th. Maariv at 8:25. Mesiba and hadlaka at 8:45 PM at 3135 West Devon. Don’t miss out on this annual event as the entire community enjoys music, dancing and refreshments in honor of R’ Shimon bar Yochai. For more info, please call 773-761-4005. CALLING ALL STUDENTS elementary through high school: Enter the Mizrachi-Religious Zionists of Chicago Yom Yerushalayim 5775 ART CONTEST sponsored in memory of Howard D. Geller, z”l, and Sheldon Robinson, z”l. Artwork theme: Simchu Et Yerushalayim V’gilu Vah Kol Ohaveha, Rejoice with Yerushalayim and be glad with her, all you that love her.” Three divisions: Grades 3-5; 6-7; 9-12. Entries must be original: developed and completed by the student in one of three categories: handmade art; computer-aided art; and sculpture. First place prizes range from $100-$500. Entries exhibited and awards presented at RZC Yom Yerushalayim celebration, May 17, at Cong. Or Torah. For full contest rules, deadlines and entry form, visit: You read the emails, you saw the articles. You understand the importance of your vote, of every vote, for the Religious Zionist Slate in the World Zionist Congress elections. If you have not done so already, do not put it off anymore. VOTE TORAH NOW. Please don't assume that everyone you know who is eligible has voted. Spread the word. The time for action is now. Voting closes on April 30. Questions, concerns: call 847-674-9733 email: Bnei Akiva this Shabbat for 2nd-6th graders, Skokie: 5:00-6:30 at the lishkah WRP: 4:00-5:30 at Yeshurun. Bnei Akiva Minyanim: 9:15‐ Or Torah Bnei Akiva minyan @ the lishka WRP: 9:15-K.I.N.S. Chevraya Alef: Sun, May 3rd: Sports & pizza event for boys Zumba, nails & pizza event for girls Sun., May 10th: End of the year event‐ scavenger hunt at navy pier! $9 mas, $12 non mas. For more info/ sign up mail Chevraya Zach (7/8th graders): May 10th: End of the year event. Chevraya Tam (9th graders): Leadership training, May 3rd, 2nd session, 6:30-8:00 at the Neuman family, 3826 Enfield Ave, Skokie. May 10th, 3rd session, 6:30-8:00. at the Trubnick family, 3905 four winds way, Skokie Chevraya Bet (10-12th graders): May 6th, Lag baomer bonfire at the lishka May 24th: Leil shavuot limud June 15th: End of the year BBQ at Tsadoks May 29th: IDP shabbaton for 9‐12th graders Looking for a new or gently used sheital? Look no further, MOPS is in Chicago for One day only. May 17th, 2015 from Noon – 10 pm. At the home of Brittney Worch, 2636 West Estes Ave. Email with any questions or special requests to or **Free wig grip with sheital purchase. Arie Crown Hebrew Day School Where Middos and Learning are Linked Together May 2015 12 Iyar 5775 - 13 Sivan 5775 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 12 IYAR 1 Acharei Mos Kedoshim Sof Z'man Kriyas Shema: 9:17 AM 7:29 8G Trip to Bigdei Yisrael 14 IYAR 3 Pesach Sheini 4 15 IYAR Macaroni and Cheese Lunch 21 IYAR 10 11 22 IYAR Bagel with CC/Tuna Lunch 28 IYAR 17 Yom Yerushalayim 6 SIVAN 24 Shavuos - Day 1 No School 31 13 SIVAN 18 29 IYAR French Toast Lunch 25 Shavuos - Day 2 Memorial Day No School 7 SIVAN 5 16 IYAR Hamburger Lunch 7B Springfield Trip 7G Trip to Bigdei Yisrael 5B Trip to The Grove 12 23 IYAR Schnitzel Lunch 19 17 IYAR Pizza Lunch 13 7 18 IYAR Lag B'Omer Lag B'Omer Picnic PN/N Trip to Emily Oaks K Trip to Jump Zone 24 IYAR 14 25 IYAR Pizza Lunch 1 SIVAN Rosh Chodesh Sivan Chicken Nuggets Lunch 7G Springfield Trip 26 6 8 SIVAN Turkey Sub Lunch 20 7:37 8th Grade Pizza Make-Up Day from Washington Trip 15 26 IYAR 2 SIVAN 21 3 SIVAN 22 4 SIVAN Pizza Lunch 1B Trip to Emily Oaks 5G Trip to The Grove 28 10 SIVAN 1G Trip to Emily Oaks 29 7:57 8th Academic Challenge Emor Sof Z'man Kriyas Shema: 9:12 AM 27 IYAR 16 5 SIVAN 23 Bamidbar Sof Z'man Kriyas Shema: 9:06 AM 7:51 9 SIVAN 20 IYAR 9 Behar - Bechukosai Shabbos Mevorchim Sof Z'man Kriyas Shema: 9:09 AM 7:44 Pizza Lunch 27 19 IYAR 8 13 IYAR 2 11 SIVAN 30 12 SIVAN Nasso Sof Z'man Kriyas Shema: 9:04 AM The Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago is proud to announce the 6th Annual Hartman Family Foundation Educator of the Year Awards recognizing excellence in teaching, dedication, commitment to lifelong learning, and creativity and to honor and thank all of our community’s educators One award of $18,000 will be presented to a single outstanding educator and Two awards of $6,000 each will be presented to two outstanding educators Eligibility Nominee is a current full-time day school classroom teacher in a school operating under the auspices of the Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago. Nominee has completed 4 full years of teaching in the above capacity by September 2014. Nominations can be made by a fellow educator, administrator, parent, or student. No family or self-nominations. Selection Criteria for Educator Award Exceptional instructional skills in a nurturing environment Commitment to his/her students’ success Positive role model Superior communication skills with parents, students, and peers Commitment to continued professional development Contributes to the school’s learning community Nomination forms will be available at or in the ATT office beginning February 2, 2015. Submission deadline is Friday, May 8, 2015, by 1:00 p.m. MAIL APPLICATION TO: Selection Committee 2015 EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR AWARDS Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago 2828 W. Pratt Blvd. Chicago, IL 60645 An impartial panel consisting of educational consultants and community members will make the evaluations. No Foundation members will participate. Site visits will occur in the Fall of 2015. The formal presentation of award winners will be made at the 2015 ATT Banquet. The Hartman Family Foundation Educator of the Year Awards of the Associated Talmud Torahs 2015 NOMINATION FORM Step I: Complete the information below: Nominee Information, the Teacher Nominee’s Name: ___________________________________ Title (Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Rabbi): _________ School where nominee teaches: ________________________ Grade and/or Subject: __________________ Teacher’s home address: ______________________________ City, State, Zip:_________________________ Telephone: (Day) ____________________________________ Email, if available: ______________________ Type of service: Secular Educator Judaic Educator *Remember: Nominee must be a current classroom teacher and have taught a minimum of 4 full school years in an ATT school. Principals, guidance counselors, etc. may not be nominated. Information about Person Nominating, the Nominator Nominator’s Name: __________________________________ Your relationship to Nominee: ___________ Telephone: (Day) ____________________________________ Email, if available: ______________________ Step II: On a separate page, please write why you think your nominee should receive the Educator of the Year Award. Maximum length: one type-written page. Step III: Submit ALL information to the ATT office by Friday, May 8, 2015, 1:00 pm in ONE envelope to: Selection Committee Educator of the Year Awards Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago 2828 W. Pratt Blvd. Chicago, IL 60645 Hartman Family Foundation 2015 Educator of the Year Submission Checklist Step I: Completed Nomination Form (above) Step II: Nominator’s page explaining choice of nominee Step III: Submit all the above in one envelope to the ATT office by Friday, May 8, 2015, 1:00 pm. Thank you for helping us honor exceptional educators in our community.
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