Volume. 3 Issue. 15 Friday 8th May 2015 Courageous Hound Dear Parents/Carers, As the country votes for it's Prime Minister the pupils at Bolingbroke Academy have been casting their votes to decide the lunchtimes and reading group times in our school day from September. Votes are still being counted and will be announced after the half term holidays. As we grow to four cohorts in September 2015 we have continue to recruit talented and passionate teachers and support staff: Mr Jones (Head of PE) graduated from Bristol University with a BSc Sports Science in 2011. He lives locally to the Academy and is invested in building on the hard work of Mr Kerby and the team to achieve sporting excellence. He is committed to pupils representing the Academy at a regional, National and international level. We will be introducing Mr Jones to our pupils and parents at our annual Sport day located at Trinity Fields on Wednesday 16th July. Mr Dyer (PE Coach) has a wide range of experience working in schools and academies across London and USA. He will be with us for the rest of this academic year to coach and teach pupils in all aspects of the PE curriculum, Sports enrichments and fixtures. Ms Aly (Maths Teacher) graduated from Queen Mary University in 2012 with a BEng Computer Engineering and went on to complete her PGCE at London Brunel University in 2013. Since 2013 she has taught in an International School before commencing her post at Bolingbroke Academy in April 2015. Mrs O’Loughlin (Maths Teacher) graduated from University of Limerick, Ireland in 2010. She has worked in two South London schools and her pupils have an excellent track record of achievement. She has previously taught GCSE and A‘level and will be an asset to the Maths team. Mr Murphy (Science Teacher) graduated from Dublin University with a Bachelor of Science degree and a Chemistry PGCE in 2009 in London. Miss Austin (Philosophy & Ethics Teacher) graduated in Theology and Religious Studies at University of Leeds in 2009. She completed her PGCE at Leeds Trinity University College in 2011. She has taught in high performing selective and non-selective schools. Miss Austin's pupils have an impressive track record of GCSE and A’level results and we look forward to her joining the Humanities team in September 2015. Mrs Brett (Alternative Provision Co-ordinator) joins our team this term to support our pupils and families who may be experiencing challenge in their lives. Mrs Brett has extensive experience working with families across London and ensuring every child can access educational provision in a smaller setting. Mrs Brett teaches pupils across all our core subjects; English, Maths & Science. END OF YEAR EXAMS Pupils have end of KS3 exams for Geography and History and assessments for all other subjects in lessons next week (11 - 15th May). They will have end of KS3 exams for core and remaining subjects during exams week July 3rd-10th. Pupils will be given support to make a revision programme but it is their responsibility to manage their timetable. I wish all of the pupils lots of luck in their exams next week. I look forward to seeing your results. Ms Edis Thank you to Alliyah for performing in this morning's assembly. It was a wonderful way to start our Friday. 1 Courageous Hound ASPIRATIONAL CAREERS ADVICE FOR ALL YEAR 9 PUPILS By Ms Robinson This week all our year 9 pupils have had a 20 minute one-to-one careers interview with a professional careers advisor. The advisors all volunteer their time with the charity My Big Career www.mybigcareer.org and they come from a range of different schools and colleges. We would like to say an enormous thank you to: Deborah Streatfield (Director of My Big Career and Careers consultant) Caroline Robinson (completed Careers Guidance qualification at London South Bank University) Nicolette Wykeman (Career Coach and Associate Career Consultant at Imperial College Business School) Vince Pizzoni (MBC Trustee and former Careers Advisor at Cheltenham Ladies' College) Sarah Newbery (Head of Careers and Work Experience at St Mary's School, Cambridge) Nancy Van den Broeck (Careers Manager at Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College) Pamela Rider (Careers Advisor at Claremont Fan Court School) Independent careers advice for young people is a key factor in boosting social mobility and My Big Career recruit advisors who are motivated by their shared passion for making career and educational opportunities available to all – regardless of background, affluence or connections Each pupil will be given an individual report detailing the discussion along with guidance for follow up activities which Miss Robinson and Civitas tutors will support. Some pupils will be offered a mentor provided by My Big Career which will start in the autumn term. All of the pupils have left their interviews discussing future options with a renewed enthusiasm, asking about work experience and people they want to meet. We have been extremely proud of the way the pupils have welcomed our visitors and with the seriousness they have taken the interviews. Some comments from the pupils: “She really knows what she’s talking about!” “We talked about jobs I’d never thought of before” “I definitely want to be in a caring job.” “We talked about university and what I could study” “I didn’t realise you don’t need a finance degree to work in the City” YEAR 9 BATTLEFIELDS TRIP For those pupils going on the Year 9 Battlefields Trip there is a special meeting for parents on Thursday 14th May at 6pm In the Commons 2 Courageous Hound DUKE OF EDINBURGH - PRACTICE EXPEDITION 1 By Ms Blacklock 27th - 28th April 2015 On this expedition in Epping Forest pupils took part in two days of Outdoor and Adventurous training covering map work, first aid, navigation, outdoor survival skills, self-contained outdoor living, and camp craft. They really impressed us with their independence , maturity and resilience. They worked so well together as teams and stayed positive even when their map reading had led them in the wrong direction, they quickly redirected themselves and all pupils successfully reached the set destinations. The main message from pupils was tiring but FUN! And a really exciting challenge. They now feel ready and prepared for the qualifying expedition in September in Ashdown Forest. Pupil articles will follow once the 2nd and final practice expedition is completed on the 18th & 19th May. Pupils putting their map reading skills to the test. After a good nights rest they are raring to again! 3 Courageous Hound If you are interested in competing in The Great Bolingbroke Bake Off you need to bring in a bake of your choice on Monday 11th May. You can bake whatever you want – a cake, scones, bread – the first round is all about showing us what you can bake. Two pupils from each house will then be selected to bake in our own food technology room in the second round. So get set and BAKE!!! SPORTS DAY CHARITY EVENT By Destiny Nicholas-Brown At the end of Sports Day the pupils of Bolingbroke Academy are organising a very special sale of refreshments. The money will go towards "Save the Children" a charity we hold close to our hearts. We hope that you will enjoy the ice cream, cakes, sweets etc. (see more about Sports Day on Page 6) 4 Courageous Hound EAL COFFEE MORNING ON . WEDNESDAY 13TH MAY Waalidka iyo xanaaneyasha qaaliga ahoow, Waxan idin sheegaynaa in aan sameyneyno maalinta Arbacada ah taariikhduna tahay 13th May 2015. EAL (morning coffee) kulan qaxwo oo aan kaga hadli doono: Ardayda eedabtooda iyo inqaabta la siiyo Heerka waxbarasho iyo guulaha laga gaaro Iyo waxyaabo kale oo muhiim u ah ardayda Waxaan rajeyneynaa in aad ka soo qeyblidoontaan kulankaas. We would like to invite all our parents/carers who do not have English as their first language to a coffee Morning at Bolingbroke Academy on Wednesday 13th May It will be an opportunity to meet other parents and also talk to the school about how we can support you and your family as well as discussing any improvements we can make to our communication service. We look forward to seeing many of you there! Mahadsanidiina SCHOOL NEWS MEET OUR NEW ADDITIONS! THE STICK INSECTS!! WELL DONE ZAYD! LUNCH PAYMENTS SUMMER TERM Parents are reminded that Summer Term lunch payments must be received by 22 May. The cost of lunches for this half term is £70.00. Please also ensure that you are up to date with all payments for lunch for the previous term. All details can be found on WisePay. If you are having difficulty making payments please contact Mrs Thunhurst in the Finance Office on 020 7924 8205 or by email at n.thunhurst@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org Congratulations to Zayd Addicott from Erskine for his amazing achievement last weekend in the London Youth Marathon. Zayd came third in London and we are all very proud of the hard work you are doing in this sport. 5 Courageous Hound SPORTS UPDATE FIXTURES Date 26 March Year 7 th Year 8 Year 8 & 9 Boys Football (h) Boys B Team v TCC 6th May 13th May 20th May Year 9 Year 8 & 9 Boys Football (h) Boys B Team v TCC Wandsworth Year 9 Athletics Wandsworth Year 7 Athletics Wandsworth Year 8 Athletics Emanuel Athletics Event Emanuel School 4pm Emanuel Athletics Event Emanuel School 4pm Emanuel Athletics Event Emanuel School 4pm ARK Schools Athletics Championship ARK Schools Athletics Championship ARK Schools Athletics Championship Crystal Palace National Sports Centre (10am3.30pm) Crystal Palace National Sports Centre (10am3.30pm) Crystal Palace National Sports Centre (10am3.30pm) 23rd June 14th July 15th July Bolingbroke Academy Sports Day Trinity Fields Parents are very welcome. Why not bring a picnic and compete in the annual Parent v Staff tug of war. Parents 1 - Staff 0 Bolingbroke are gearing up for a summer of fantastic sports! 6 Courageous Hound PARENT/CARER COMMUNICATION If you would like to contact the school regarding child. Here is a reminder of the procedure. COMMUNICATION AT your BOLINGBROKE ACADEMY Please see the staff contact details here: http://arkbolingbrokeacademy.org/about-us/staff Do you have a question or would like to give feedback? PASTORAL SUBJECT Extra curricular, behaviour, emotional support, sickness etc. Homework, revision etc. Email or call your child's Civitas Tutor. Did you get the response you were hoping for? Email or call your child's Subject Teacher. Did you get the response you were hoping for? STAFF RESPONSE YES YES You are happy with the result. You are happy with the result. Email: 24 hour response NO Email or call your child's Head of House Did you get the response you were hoping for? NO Email or call the Subject Lead Teacher or Head of Department Did you get the response you were hoping for? YES YES You are happy with the result. You are happy with the result. NO NO Email or call Ms Bessa, Assistant Principal for Behaviour & Ethos Email or call Mr Speight, Vice Principal r.speight@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org Did you get the response you were hoping for? c.bessa@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org Did you get the response you were hoping for? YES You are happy with the result. NO Email or call Ms Edis via her PA s.harris@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org 020 7924 8202 YES You are happy with the result. You have now followed all the steps. If you feel unhappy or the issue is still unresolved you can make a formal complaint. Our complaints procedure can be found on our website www.arkbolingbrokeacademy.org. 7 Competition Brought forward Erskine Klein Smyth Verbiest 363 271 151 279 10 25 Dyslexia Awareness Competition Dyslexia Awareness Grid 2 6 Dyslexia Awareness Entry Points 8 5 27 20 Pupil's wearing Poppies 34 34 64 41 SSF Participation 20 20 10 25 Sonnet Competition 30 15 5 Oh Bolingbroke 5 20 10 Spring Menu 25 10 Spring Menu Entries 23 45 Staff Secret Santa 20 Mr Crumbleholme beard shave What would you like to see implemented in your Academy this year? 8 7 89 10 Achievement Points 50 50 5 50 Bolingbroke has talent auditions 15 35 5 25 Spelling Bee 112 107 70 54 Aut1 & Aut 2 Be Bold Totals 1950 1362 2697 1719 Spelling Bee Participation 10 5 10 5 WW1 House Competition 23 16 61 38 Short Story 18 1 27 0 Jam Jar Competition 0 25 30 40 Book Character Competition 292 215 286 548 MFL House Competition 25 0 0 0 Sp1 & Sp2 Be Bold Totals 1728 1751 1441 1788 Science Challenge 15 0 20 0 Spring Fair Poster 0 0 35 0 Pi Maths Challenge 0 20 5 10 NBA Tournament 0 5 10 5 Generation Game 50 30 30 40 Bolingbroke Challenge 20 10 0 0 Music Performances in Assembly 25 0 5 5 Music Performances in Assembly 10 5 0 0 Spring 1 Effort Scores 45 35 20 35 4856 4066 5191 4823 TOTAL 20 1st Courageous Hound HOUSE COMPETITIONS SCORES ON THE DOORS! 8 Courageous Hound FAMILY DINING Week Beginning 27th April MONDAY Mains Pesto Pasta Meat Free As Above Sides TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Cottage Pie with a Roast Gammon Herby Mash Top Roast Halal Turkey THURSDAY FRIDAY Mac 'n' Cheese Fish Fingers Veggie Pie with a Herby Mash Top Roast Quorn As Above Veggie Fingers Cheese Chef's Salad Mixed Vegetables Yorkshires Roast Potato Mixed Vegetables Gravy Broccoli Salad Potato Wedges Peas Tartar Sauce Fruit Strawberry Eton Mess Marble Cake Peach Yoghurt Melon Puddings Week Beginning 4th May MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Mains BBQ Chicken Leg Mixed Bean Enchiladas Chilli con Carne Chicken & VegeChinese Chicken table Pie with a Leg Pastry Lid Meat Free BBQ Quorn As Above Quorn Chilli Vegetable Pie Chinese Marinated with a Pastry Lid Quorn Couscous Salad Chef's Salad Jacket Potato Cheese Mixed Salad Mixed Vegetables Pasta Salad Raspberry Yoghurt Strawberry Jelly Fruit Chocolate Cookie Mixed Fruit Salad Sides Puddings BREAKFAST CLUB Breakfast Club is available in the dining hall to all pupils, Monday-Thursday from 7.30am-8.10am. Toast 30p for 2 slices, including toppings NEW Bacon Sandwich £1.00 Cereal 28p - 70p per bowl Apple juice/Orange Juice 17p/14p per glass Yoghurt 49p Selection of fruit 23p-41p per item 9 BOLINGBROKE KEY CALENDAR 2014-2015 SUMMER 1 MAY Wednesday 6th Year 9 Civitas Evening 5:30 - 6:30pm You will be contacted by your Civitas Tutor to arrange an appointment. Friday 8th Year 8 Trip to Shakespeare's Globe Monday 11th Assessment Week Wednesday 13th EAL Coffee Morning 10:30 - 11:30 Monday 18th DoE Bronze Practice expedition 2 Tuesday 19th DoE Bronze Practice expedition 2 Wednesday 20th Instrument Lesson Performances Music Concert 6:00pm - 7:00pm Friday 22nd Summer 1 Ends JUNE Monday 1 School Closed (INSET DAY) Tuesday 2 Enrichments Commence Tuesday 9 Whole School Photo ( Rescheduled due to weather) Monday 22 Year 7 Concert at St Michael's Church 6pm - 7pm Thursday 25 School Closed (INSET DAY) Friday 26 School Closed (INSET DAY) Monday 29 Class of 2021 ( Year 7) Parents Meeting Tuesday 30 Ark Music Gala 10 Courageous Hound UNIFORM UNIFORM SUPPLIERS Khalsa Schoolwear 388 Bethnal Green Road London, E2 0AH 020 7729 3286 info@khalsaschoolwear.co.uk http://www.khalsaschoolwear.co.uk/ Academy Uniform Item Essential/Optional Price Academy Blazer Essential £38.00 - £42.00 Academy Tie Essential £6.75 Academy Jumper Essential £14.50 - £16.50 Academy Tank Top Essential £14.50 - £16.50 White Shirt/Blouse Essential £12.00 Academy Boys Trousers Or Academy Girls Trousers Or Academy Girls Skirt Academy Rain Coat Or Academy Winter Coat £15.00 - £20.00 Essential £16.00 – £20.00 £16.50 - £18.50 £13.00 - £16.00 Essential £30.00 - £40.00 Academy Sports Uniform Item Essential/Optional Price Academy Polo Shirt Essential £14.00 - £16.00 Academy Shorts Or Academy Skort Academy Football Socks £12.00 - £14.00 Essential Essential £14.00 - £16.00 £6.50 - £7.50 Tracksuit Top Optional £20.00 - £24.00 Tracksuit Bottoms Optional £15.00 - £18.00 Academy Accessories Item Essential/Optional Price Academy Portfolio/Satchel Essential £18:00 Academy PE String Bag Essential £5.00 Academy Back Pack Optional £18.00 Academy Water Bottle Optional £3.50 SHOES Please note that pupils are not allowed to wear Kickers whilst in school. 11 STAFF CONTACTS THE CORE TEAM Role Principal Vice Principal Assistant Principal, Behaviour & Ethos A reminder of staff contact details Name Ms Edis Mr Speight Ms Bessa Email address c.edis@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org r.speight@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org c.bessa@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org THE TEACHING STAFF Role Art & Design Technology Art & Design Teacher English Subject Leader English English English English Subject Leader Humanities and DoE Assessor Geography Lead History Teacher Maths Subject Leader Maths Teacher Maths Teacher Maths Teacher & Head of House Lead Modern Foreign Languages Teacher Modern Foreign Languages Teacher Music Lead Tutor Music: Guitar, Bass and Drum Music: Vocal Tutor Music: Brass PE Subject Leader & Head of House PE Teacher PE Coach PE Coach Science Subject Leader Science Science Science Name Ms Wheeler Ms Houghton Mrs Green Ms Khan Ms Nobes Ms Widdowson Ms Brown Ms Blacklock Mr Truman Ms Oliver Miss Donaldson Ms Banks Ms Aly Ms Tibbetts Ms Sherman Ms Konneradt Mrs Riley Mr Favre Ms Kirby-Ashmore Mr Vincent Mr Kerby Miss Luetchford Mr Brooks Mr Dyer Mr Conlon Mr Whitehead Ms Mayotte Dr Kennedy Email address j.wheeler@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org e.houghton@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org j.green@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org s.khan@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org p.nobes@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org l.widdowson@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org a.brown@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org j.blacklock@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org p.truman@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org e.oliver@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org r.donaldson@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org a.banks@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org n.el-assioutyaly@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org c.tibbetts@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org b.sherman@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org m.konneradt@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org f.riley@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org f.favre@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org e.kirbyashmore@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org j.vincent@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org j.kerby@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org a.luetchford@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org c.brooks@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org k.dyer@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org d.conlon@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org a.whitehead@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org c.mayotte@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org c.kennedy@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org THE SUPPORT STAFF Role Research and Development Leader Head of Klein House Head of Smyth House Learning Support Assistant (LSA) Learning Support Assistant (LSA) Learning Support Assistant (LSA)/Librarian Learning Support Assistant Cover Supervisor Name Ms Robinson Ms Lahai - Taylor Ms Kelly Mr Bismark Mr Sillah Miss Rose Mr Rogers Mr Effah Email address k.robinson@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org a.taylor@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org l.kelly@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org w.bismark@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org d.sillah@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org c.rose@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org t.rogers@sarkbolingbrokeacademy.org e.effah@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org THE OPERATIONAL STAFF Role PA to Principal Administrator Behaviour Administrator Finance Administrator Facilities Assistant Chef Manager Name Mrs Harris Mr McIntyre Ms Sarwar Ms Thunhurst Mr Clow Ms Crabtree Email address s.harris@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org a.mcintyre@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org c.sarwar@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org n.thunhurst@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org d.clow@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org j.crabtree@arkbolingbrokeacademy.org DESIGNATED MEMBER OF STAFF for Child Protection Ms Bessa 12
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