NEWSLETTER - Armateurs du Saint

MARCH 2015
After making it through the coldest February in 115 years, the Canadian Coast Guard recently initiated icebreaking operations. Once again, many marine-sector stakeholders expressed their significant
concern about the CCG icebreaker fleet’s capacity to respond, despite the CCG staff’s outstanding
Within the industry, many called for measures to end the Canadian Coast Guard fleet’s obsolescence,
which jeopardizes the St. Lawrence - Great Lakes system’s reputation and competitiveness. SLS
highlighted this issue in the brief it submitted to Transport Canada for the Canada Transportation Act
On another note, registration for the 2015 Shortsea Shipping conference is in full swing. To date, the
response is extremely positive and participation promises to be high, especially among shippers and
freight forwarders. Don’t miss this unique networking opportunity!
Happy reading,
Martin Fournier
Executive Director
Welcome to our new associate member
Aon offers insurance services for
all types of maritime undertakings
exposed to risks on
land and sea: ports, terminals, marinas, shipyards
and distributors. Aon also provides in-house marine claims advocacy, safety and loss control
consultation, and defends its clients’ rights in
cases involving damages. Worldwide, its Marine
Practice employs more than 500 brokers and
claims experts in over 60 countries. Aon is able
to meet the needs of its marine industry clients;
its marine insurance professionals can offer solutions regardless of where their customers or their
risks are located.
Visit Aon website for more details.
SLS Events
2015 Shortsea Shipping conference
Where supply and demand meet
To demystify shipping—especially short sea shipping (SSS)—
SLS and the Quebec SSS Council have created an event to
change curious, uninitiated participants into well-informed,
well-equipped players, ready to take the next step to incorporate a marine component into their organization.
Conférence 2015 Conference
TMCD, tourné vers l’avenir
Short sea Shipping, current and future
Expédier avec le maritime 
Aussi simple que
While marine-sector stakeholders are well
aware of the advantages of their chosen
mode and how it operates, this is unfortunately not true for most people… not
even those who would benefit from this
The conference theme and program reflect this. Featured
are an overview of shortsea shipping operations and services
offered by St. Lawrence - Great Lakes network ship owners,
ports and stevedores; a cruise to tour Montreal’s port facilities; a cocktail party spotlighting our exhibitors/partners;
case studies; new logistics tools; FAQs; basic shipping-related legal aspects; and, last, but not least, ‘live’ unloading of
a domestic ship. All this, supported by a team of experienced
speakers available to discuss the best possible solutions.
Follow us on Twitter #ABShortSea
May 13-14, 2015 | 13-14 mai 2015
Iberville Passenger Terminal,
Gare Maritime Iberville
Guided tour of port facilities aboard the AML Cavalier
Guided tour - Ship unloading
New logistics tools
Shipping 
Easy as AB Sea!
Sign up now! Places are going fast!
Crédit photo : CK Logisitics
Interested companies can rent a booth and benefit from all
the advantages linked to sponsoring the event. Contact us
for further details.
Dynamic presentations
A unique opportunity to
meet key domestic maritime
industry players...
... and more!
For only $ 225+taxes
An Initiative of | Une initiative de
Our members in action
Fednav celebrates 100th voyage of
Umiak I
In March, Fednav celebrated the 100th voyage
of its bulk-carrying icebreaker, the Umiak I in
Quebec City. The ship shuttles all year round
between Vale’s mine in Voisey’s Bay, Labrador, and the Port of Quebec, despite exceptionally difficult ice conditions during the winter
months. The Umiak I is the bulk most powerful
icebreaker in the world, Polar Class 4 and has
the largest engine of a Canadian-flagged vessel.
The Umiak I navigates in the ice covered waters
of the Canadian North twelve months a year, without the need for an escort, and can operate in
extreme conditions. It is capable of navigating
at a continuous speed (3 knots) in 1.5 m ice.
The only vessels that operate in the Canadian
Arctic all year round are owned and operated by
Fednav Limited (Nunavik, Umiak I, and Arctic).
Source : Fednav
Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Working group created in Ottawa
On March 10, SLS took part in a meeting involving the Canadian Shipowners Association (CSA), Department of Foreign Affairs, Transport Canada, industry representatives and CETA Chief Negotiator Steve
Verheul. The goals of the meeting were to inform and educate government officials on the role of
Canadian-flag shortsea carriers, clarify the Government’s position regarding SSS stakeholders in the
context of economic agreement negotiations, and ensure industry participation in the agreement
implementation process and in potential negotiations.
The Chief Negotiator of CETA, Steve Verheul, clarified the CETA articles that open the Canadian
market to Europeans and the process that led to these exceptions to the Coasting Trade Act. He also
explained that until the final text is approved and translated, the Government still has some leeway
in the agreement’s implementation.
A working group has been created to determine possible mitigation measures enabling Canada’s
marine industry to remain competitive despite the arrival of new players in Canadian waters. Chaired by CSA and supported by SLS, this group will also review the procedures for consultation in the
context of such negotiations, for this agreement and those to come, to ensure that the industry is
represented in accordance with its importance for the country.
Marine Personnel Regulations
Hours of work and hours of rest:
concerns raised
On February 18, the Human Resources Sectorial Committee of the Maritime Industry (CSMOIM) held a regulatory workshop in conjunction with Transport Canada
to inform and consult the industry on matters affecting
marine personnel. Participants were able to express
their concerns about the application of MLC 2006 /
STCW 2010 regulations governing hours of work and
hours of rest for travel over short distances, which is
usually the case for the domestic fleet.
Feedback indicated that requirements in terms of
rest inevitably have an impact on businesses, which,
in some cases, will have to hire additional staff and/
or slow down operations. These new constraints may
lead to problems with meal time allocation, loading
or unloading related to tides or environmental conditions, and docking maneuvers. In addition, in certain
specific navigation areas—such as the Seaway or the
Arctic—operations management is already extremely
complex making it almost impossible to reconcile with
hours of rest.
For the time being, it is difficult to determine how to
keep a functional register of hours of work and rest in
situations where some crew members move from one
ship to another. Certain collective agreements that
conflict with the proposed changes will also require
more in-depth analysis.
Discussions on the subject will take place at the next
CMAC meeting in Ottawa in April.
Les Affaires
GreenTech 2015
Objectif Nord
The 8th edition of Green Marine’s GreenTech environmental conference will run
May 27-29 on the US West Coast, in the
port city of Seattle, Washington. Organizers have devised a highly varied program
covering environmental issues of the day,
for ship owners, and port and terminal
operators and administrators. Energy efficiency, underwater noise, air emissions,
regulatory compliance and social acceptance will all be addressed by experts
from various backgrounds. The event will
end with a cruise offering a unique view
of the Port of Seattle facilities. Register
and consult the preliminary program on
the Green Marine website.
On April 28, the Quebec
City Hilton will host
the 7th Objectif Nord
Conference, organized
by Événements Les Affaires. In addition to
addressing issues related to business opportunities,
financing and investment in the Nord-du-Québec
mining sector, conferences will address the implementation and evolution of current mining projects
and innovation in the Arctic. SLS members will no
doubt be especially interested in the discussion panel comprising Martin Fournier (SLS Executive Director), Russel Tremblay (Economic Development SeptÎles) and Carl Laberge (CEO, Port of Saguenay), who
will talk about the how the Maritime Strategy can
constitute a lever for Northern development. SLS
members get a 35% discount on registration fee.
Many Presentations for Professionals of the Marine Sector
The 50th Transportation Convention and Trade Show:
Around 1 000 delegates
Over a 120 highly technical conferences
Many technical tours
A business accelerator
The focal point of the transportation community
Bulk news
Termont Montréal Inc. the future operator of Viau terminal
Termont Montréal Inc. will be the future operator of the Viau container terminal at the Port of Montreal. Longstanding partners, the Port of Montreal and Termont Terminal Inc. signed a long-term lease
on March 19, under which the private company Termont Montréal Inc. will invest $42 million in the
initial phase of the terminal project. If container growth continues, Termont Montréal Inc. will invest
an additional $30 M towards the project’s second phase.
Source : Port de Montréal
Voluntary speed reduction measures
Cargo Logistics Canada 2016
February 2015
St. Lawrence Shipoperators is proud to
partner with Cargo Logistics Canada to
promote its 2016 conference, which will
be held in May 2016 in Montreal. For speaking opportunities, please visit CLC’s website.
352 ships
journeys (all areas combined)
4 ships
exceeded the suggested speed limit
exceeded the speed limit in at least
one of the target areas
No ship
exceeded the speed limit in all four
Follow us on Twitter!
Contact us
To broadcast news in our monthly newsletter or to request information, please contact
us by phone or email.
Phone : (418) 648-4378
Martin Fournier, Executive director
Anne-Marie Desmeules, Project officer