Registration: (Includes breaks and lunch) ____ ARMA Members...………..……... $ 40.00 ____ Full time student w/valid ID…. $ 25.00 Information Confusion Where is All of Our Data? ____ Non ARMA Members…….….….. $ 60.00 __________________________________________ (Name) ___________________________________________ (Title/Organization) ___________________________________________ (Address) _____________________________________________________ (City) (ST) (ZIP) March 17, 2015 8:30 a.m.— 4:30 p.m. _____________________________________________________ (Phone) (Fax) (Registration starts at 8:00 a.m.) ______________________________________________________________________________________ (Email) - Please provide your E-Mail address LCCC Campus Health Science Bldg. RMS. 111/113 1400 College Drive Cheyenne, WY Or JoAnn Edwards, 307-777-3931 (Email: ———————————————————————— Make checks payable to Wyoming Chapter of ARMA and send with registration to: Wyoming Chapter of ARMA International P. O. Box 474 Cheyenne, WY 82003 Sorry—Credit card payment is not accepted. (State of Wyoming Vendor #: VC 0000008886) ________________________________________________ Lodging in the Cheyenne area may be accessed at this website: "On The Journey of Creation & Guarding 307-777-5751 (Email: The Integrity Of Our Electronic Records” For information contact: Donna Crock, Wyoming Chapter of ARMA International P. O. Box 474 Cheyenne, WY 82003 Submit a separate registration for each attendee. No Refunds after March 6, 2015 (Please feel free to send a substitute). Our Seminar Speakers: Mark Diamond Mark Diamond is founder, President & CEO of Contoural, Inc. and is one of the industry thought leaders in proactive litigation readiness, compliance, and records information management strategies. His company, Contoural, has helped 25% of the Fortune 500 plus many mid-sized and smaller organizations as well as Federal Agencies and public sector entities. As a trusted advisor he and his company help bridge legal, compliance and business needs and policies with effective legal and IT strategies and processes. Mark is a frequent industry speaker, presenting at numerous Legal and IT industry conferences as well as online venues. Additionally, Mark addresses more than one hundred internal corporate audiences each year. Sheri Nystedt Seminar Agenda 8:00 - 8:30 Registration 8:30 - 8:45 Opening Remarks 8:45-10:15 “Overcoming Barriers for Launching an Information Governance Program” (Mark Diamond) 10:15-10:30 Break 10:30-11:45 “Inventories & Data Maps: Mission Impossible or Mission Accomplished? (Sheri Nystedt and Lindy Naj) 11:45—1:00 1:00—2:30 Sheri Nystedt, CRM, CIP, IGP, has 23 years of experience in records and information management with expertise in strategic program and policy development, information governance, data privacy, and regulatory compliance across a variety of industries. Ms. Nystedt has served in various leadership roles and committees at the local, regional and national levels of ARMA International. She has also presented at various ARMA chapters and ARMA and other industry related annual conferences. Lindy Naj Lunch & Silent Auction “Getting Employees to Stop Hoarding Electronic Documents” (Mark Diamond) 2:30 - 2:45 Break, Silent Auction Announcements 2:45– 4:00 "“Panel Discussion” (Mark Diamond, Sheri Nystedt, Lindy Naj) 4:00—4:30 Questions-Answers Pick Up Silent Auction items and Seminar Certificates of Completion Lindy Naj, IGP, CRM, CIP, MLIS has 20 plus years of IT and information management experience across industries: higher education, finance, manufacturing, and energy. Lindy is experienced in RIM strategy and roadmap development, messaging management, taxonomy development, as well as the records related aspects of eDiscovery and the legal hold process. In 2011 she was part of the volunteer work group that developed the exam for the AIIM Certified Information Professional (CIP) designation. Wyoming Chapter of ARMA Silent Auction All proceeds go to our Wyoming Chapter of ARMA Scholarship Fund. What is ARMA? ARMA International is a not-for-profit Association and the leading authority on managing records and information - paper and electronic. ARMA was established in 1956. Its 10,000-plus membership includes records managers, archivists, corporate librarians, imaging specialists, legal professionals, IT managers, consultants, and educators. All of whom work in a wide variety of industries, including government, legal, healthcare, financial services, and energy industries in the United State, Canada, and 30-plus other international countries. Wyoming Chapter of ARMA is your local link for education and support, for your Information and Records Management resources and legal governance. (Submit your respective paperwork for Credits) 6 C.R.M. credits & 1 CMC/MMC point Overcoming Barriers for Launching an Information Governance Program Effective Infor mation Governance programs can be a tremendous boon for organizations, but getting one started is fraught full of hurdles and pitfalls. Anticipating, addressing and making it over, around or through these barriers can determine the success or failure of your initiative. The session will discuss how to launch and drive a successful and ongoing Information Governance program, including building stakeholder and senior management support, building a business case, communication strategies, and preparing yourself for the journey. Inventories & Data Maps: Mission Impossible or Mission Accomplished? Recor ds inventor ies and data maps are essentially catalogs. While they're enormously useful to records managers, we haven’t always presented them in ways that make sense to the business at large. In this session, we’ll compare and contrast records inventories and data maps and discuss ways to show the benefits of building and maintaining them. Getting Employees to Stop Hoarding Electronic Documents Employee hoar ding of email and documents can significantly undermine and frustrate RIM, Privacy, eDiscovery and other information governance initiatives. Yet traditional approaches to reign in email are often ineffective or can make the problem worse. This presentation will discuss real-world strategies for identifying, classifying, managing and disposing of email and unstructured data, changing from a “save everything culture,” where and how technology should and can be applied, and benchmarks on what effective programs can achieve. Thank you to our sponsors ! Wyoming Dept. of Transportation, Wyoming Dept. of Environmental Quality, Wyoming Public Service Commission, Wyoming State Archives, WY Chapter of ARMA International & SHRAB—State Historical Records Advisory Board
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