The CVX User’s Guide Michael C. Grant and Stephen P. Boyd CVX Research, Inc. 1 Contents Introduction Installation A Quick Start – Demo The Basics The DCP Ruleset Semidefinite Programming Mode Geometric Programming Mode Examples 2 Introduction What is CVX ? CVX is a modeling system for constructing and solving disciplined convex programs (DCPs). CVX supports a number of standard problem types, including linear and quadratic programs (LPs/QPs), second-order cone programs (SOCPs), and semidefinite programs (SDPs). CVX is implemented in Matlab, effectively turning Matlab into an optimization modeling language. Website: 3 Introduction What is disciplined convex programming ? Disciplined convex programming is a methodology for constructing convex optimization problems proposed by Michael Grant, Stephen Boyd, and Yinyu Ye. It is meant to support the formulation and construction of optimization problems that the user intends from the outset to be convex. Disciplined convex programming imposes a set of conventions or rules, which we call the DCP ruleset. Problems that violate the ruleset are rejected : even when the problem is convex. That is not to say that such problems cannot be solved using DCP; they just need to be rewritten in a way that conforms to the DCP ruleset. 4 Installation Supported platforms CVX is supported on 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows. 32-bit platforms: MATLAB version 7.5 (R2007b) or later is required. 64-bit platforms: MATLAB version 7.8 (R2009a) or later is required. Setup: Download the latest version of CVX. Unpack the file anywhere you like. Ex) C:\personal\cvx Change directories to the top of the CVX distribution and run the cvx_setup command. 5 Installation Example: % example_CVX.m: close all; clear all; clc addpath('cvx'); cvx_setup 6 A Quick Start – Demo To delineate CVX specifications from surrounding Matlab code, they are preceded with the statement cvx_begin and followed with the statement cvx_end. A specification can include any ordinary Matlab statements, as well as special CVX-specific commands for declaring primal and dual optimization variables and specifying constraints and objective functions. Example script: quickstart ~\cvx\examples\quickstart 7 A Quick Start – Demo Least-squares problem: where ( and and is a skinny full rank matrix ). The least-squares solution: Using Matlab Using CVX, the problem can be solved as follows: cvx_begin variable x(n) minimize( norm(A*x-b) ) cvx_end declares x to be an optimization variable of dimension n. specifies the objective function to be minimized. 8 A Quick Start – Demo Least-squares problem – example code % m A b Input data = 4; n = 3; = randn(m,n); = randn(m,1); % Matlab version x_ls = A \ b; % cvx version cvx_begin variable x(n) minimize( norm(A*x-b) ) cvx_end Randomly generate a 4x3 matrix A, a 4x1 vector b Matlab code for the least-squares solution CVX code % Compare disp( ‘Results:'); disp( sprintf( ‘\nnorm(A*x_ls-b): %6.4f\n', norm(A*x_ls-b))); disp( sprintf( 'norm(A*x-b): %6.4f\n', norm(A*x-b))); disp( sprintf( 'cvx_optval: %6.4f\n', cvx_optval)); disp( sprintf( 'cvx_status: %s\n', cvx_status)); disp( 'Verify that x_ls == x:' ); disp( [ ' x_ls = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', x_ls ), ']' ] ); disp( [ ' x = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', x ), ']' ] ); 9 A Quick Start – Demo Least-squares problem – results Results: norm(A*x_ls-b): 0.5165 Solved by the least-squares, norm(A*x-b): 0.5165 Solved by CVX, is the same as the above least-squares solution ! cvx_optval: 0.5165 cvx_optval contains the value of the objective function cvx_status: Solved cvx_status contains a string describing the status of the calculation Verify that x_ls == x: x_ls = [ -0.4209 -0.5287 0.0459 ] x = [ -0.4209 -0.5287 0.0459 ] 10 A Quick Start – Demo Least-squares problem – error message If the objective function is replaced with % cvx version cvx_begin variable x(n) maximize( norm(A*x-b) ) cvx_end You will get an error message stating that a convex function cannot be maximized (at least in disciplined convex programming): ??? Error using ==> maximize Disciplined convex programming error: Objective function in a maximization must be concave. 11 A Quick Start – Demo Bound-constrained least squares: where l and u are given data vectors with the same dimension as x. If you have the Matlab Optimization Toolbox, you can use quadprog to solve the problem as follows: x_qp = quadprog( 2*A’*A, -2*A’*b, [], [], [], [], l, u ); Using CVX, the problem can be solved as follows: cvx_begin variable x(n) minimize( norm(A*x-b) ) subject to l <= x <= u cvx_end 12 A Quick Start – Demo Bound-constrained least squares – example code % input data m=4; n=3; A = randn(m,n); b = randn(m,1); Input data: 4x3 matrix A 4x1 vector b 3x1 vectors l and u bnds = randn(n,2); l = min( bnds, [] ,2 ); u = max( bnds, [], 2 ); % Quadprog version x_qp = quadprog( 2*A'*A, -2*A'*b, [], [], [], [], l, u ); % cvx version cvx_begin variable x(n) minimize( norm(A*x-b) ) subject to l <= x <= u cvx_end % Compare disp( 'Verify that l <= x_qp == x disp( [ ' l = [ ', sprintf( disp( [ ' x_qp = [ ', sprintf( disp( [ ' x = [ ', sprintf( disp( [ ' u = [ ', sprintf( Matlab Toolbox CVX code <= u:' '%7.4f '%7.4f '%7.4f '%7.4f ); ', ', ', ', l ), x_qp x ), u ), ']' ] ); ), ']' ] ); ']' ] ); ']' ] ); 13 A Quick Start – Demo Bound-constrained least squares – results Verify that l <= x_qp == x <= u: l = [ -1.0078 -0.7420 0.0880 ] The lower bound of x x_qp = [ -0.1315 -0.0459 0.6207 ] Solved by Matlab Toolbox x = [ -0.1315 -0.0459 0.6207 ] Solved by CVX u = [ -0.1315 0.3899 1.0823 ] The upper bound of x 14 A Quick Start – Demo Other norms and functions- Chebyshev norm Using Matlab Optimization Toolbox, you can use linprog to solve the problem as follows: f = [ zeros(n,1); 1 ]; Ane = [ +A, -ones(m,1); ... -A, -ones(m,1) ]; bne = [ +b; -b ]; xt = linprog(f,Ane,bne); x_cheb = xt(1:n,:); Using CVX, the problem can be solved as follows: cvx_begin variable x(n) minimize( norm(A*x-b,Inf) ) cvx_end 15 A Quick Start – Demo Other norms and functions- Chebyshev norm % input data m=4; n=3; A = randn(m,n); b = randn(m,1); % linprog version f = [ zeros(n,1); 1 Ane = [ +A, -ones(m,1) -A, -ones(m,1) bne = [ +b; -b xt = linprog(f,Ane,bne); x_lp = xt(1:n,:); % cvx version cvx_begin variable x(n) minimize( norm(A*x-b,Inf) ) cvx_end Input data: 4x3 matrix A 4x1 vector b ]; ; ... ]; ]; Matlab Toolbox CVX code % Compare disp( 'Verify that x_lp == x:' ); disp( [ ' x_lp = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', x_lp ), ']' ] ); disp( [ ' x = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', x ), ']' ] ); 16 A Quick Start – Demo Other norms and functions- norm Using Matlab Optimization Toolbox, you can use linprog to solve the problem as follows: f = [ zeros(n,1); ones(m,1); ones(m,1) ]; Aeq = [ A, -eye(m), +eye(m) ]; lb = [ -Inf(n,1); zeros(m,1); zeros(m,1) ]; xzz = linprog(f,[],[],Aeq,b,lb,[]); x_l1 = xzz(1:n,:) - xzz(n+1:end,:); Using CVX, the problem can be solved as follows: cvx_begin variable x(n) minimize( norm(A*x-b,1) ) cvx_end 17 A Quick Start – Demo Other norms and functions% input data m=4; n=3; A = randn(m,n); b = randn(m,1); norm Input data: 4x3 matrix A 4x1 vector b % Matlab version f = [ zeros(n,1); ones(m,1); ones(m,1) ]; Aeq = [ A, -eye(m), +eye(m) ]; lb = [ -Inf*ones(n,1); zeros(m,1); zeros(m,1) ]; xzz = linprog(f,[],[], Aeq,b,lb,[]); x_lp = xzz(1:n,:) - xzz(n+1:2*n,:); % cvx version cvx_begin variable x(n) minimize( norm(A*x-b,1) ) cvx_end Matlab Toolbox CVX code % Compare disp( 'Verify that x_lp == x:' ); disp( [ ' x_lp = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', x_lp ), ']' ] ); disp( [ ' x = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', x ), ']' ] ); 18 A Quick Start – Demo Other norms and functions – largest k-norm where denotes the i-th largest element of the absolute values of the entries of . k=1 norm, k=m norm. Consider the problem Using CVX, the problem can be solved as follows: k = 5; cvx_begin variable x(n); minimize( norm_largest(A*x-b,k) ); cvx_end 19 A Quick Start – Demo Other norms and functions – largest k-norm % input data m=16; n=8; A = randn(m,n); b = randn(m,1); % cvx specification k = 5; cvx_begin variable x(n) minimize( norm_largest(A*x-b,k) ) cvx_end Input data: 16x8 matrix A 16x1 vector b CVX code % Compare temp = sort(abs(A*x-b)); disp( sprintf( '\nResults:\n--------\nnorm_largest(A*xb,k): %6.4f\ncvx_optval: %6.4f\ncvx_status: %s\n', norm_largest(A*x-b,k), cvx_optval, cvx_status ) ); disp( 'Optimal vector:' ); disp( [ ' x = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', x ), ']' ] ); disp( sprintf( 'Residual vector; verify a tie for %d-th place (%7.4f):', k, temp(end-k+1) ) ); disp( [ ' A*x-b = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', A*x-b ), ']' ] ); disp( ' ' ); 20 A Quick Start – Demo Other norms and functions – Huber penalty minimization problem Huber penalty function: The Huber penalty function is convex, and has been provided in the CVX function library. cvx_begin variable x(n); minimize( sum(huber(A*x-b)) ); cvx_end 21 A Quick Start – Demo Other norms and functions – Huber penalty minimization problem % input data m=16; n=8; A = randn(m,n); b = randn(m,1); % cvx specification cvx_begin variable x(n) minimize( sum(huber(A*x-b)) ) cvx_end Input data: 16x8 matrix A 16x1 vector b CVX code % Compare disp( sprintf( '\nResults:\n--------\nsum(huber(A*xb)): %6.4f\ncvx_optval: %6.4f\ncvx_status: %s\n', sum(huber(A*x-b)), cvx_optval, cvx_status ) ); disp( 'Optimal vector:' ); disp( [ ' x = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', x ), ']' ] ); disp( 'Residual vector:' ); disp( [ ' A*x-b = [ ', sprintf( '%7.4f ', A*x-b ), ']' ] ); disp( ' ' ); 22 A Quick Start – Demo Other constraints min ||𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀 − 𝐛𝐛||2 𝐱𝐱 subject to 𝐂𝐂𝐂𝐂 = 𝐝𝐝 ||𝐱𝐱||∞ ≤ 1 Both of the added constraints conform to the DCP rules, and so are accepted by CVX. After the cvx_end command, CVX converts this problem to an SOCP, and solves it. cvx_begin variable x(n); minimize( norm(A*x-b) ); subject to C*x == d; norm(x,Inf) <= 1; cvx_end 23 A Quick Start – Demo Other constraints – example code % input data m=16; n=8; A = randn(m,n); b = randn(m,1); % p C d More input data = 4; = randn(p,n); = randn(p,1); % cvx specification cvx_begin variable x(n); minimize( norm(A*x-b) ) subject to C*x == d norm(x,Inf) <= 1 cvx_end % Compare disp( 'Optimal vector:' ); disp( [ ' x = [ ', sprintf( disp( 'Residual vector:' ); disp( [ ' A*x-b = [ ', sprintf( disp( 'Equality constraints:' ); disp( [ ' C*x = [ ', sprintf( disp( [ ' d = [ ', sprintf( Input data CVX code '%7.4f ', x ), ']' ] ); '%7.4f ', A*x-b ), ']' ] ); '%7.4f ', C*x ), ']' ] ); '%7.4f ', d ), ']' ] ); 24 A Quick Start – Demo An optimal trade-off curve The following code solves the problem of minimizing for a logarithmically spaced vector of (positive) values of Traditional Matlab code and CVX specifications can be mixed to form and solve the multiple optimization problems. This gives us points on the optimal trade-off curve between and . 25 A Quick Start – Demo An optimal trade-off curve – example code % input data m=16; n=8; A = randn(m,n); b = randn(m,1); % disp( ' ' ); disp( 'Generating tradeoff curve...' ); cvx_pause(false); gamma = logspace( -2, 2, 20 ); l2norm = zeros(size(gamma)); l1norm = zeros(size(gamma)); fprintf( 1, ' gamma norm(x,1) norm(A*x-b)\n' ); fprintf( 1, '---------------------------------------\n' ); for k = 1:length(gamma), fprintf( 1, '%8.4e', gamma(k) ); cvx_begin quiet variable x(n) minimize( norm(A*x-b)+gamma(k)*norm(x,1) ) cvx_end l1norm(k) = norm(x,1); l2norm(k) = norm(A*x-b); fprintf( 1, ' %8.4e %8.4e\n', l1norm(k), l2norm(k) ); end figure; plot( l1norm, l2norm ); xlabel( 'norm(x,1)' ); ylabel( 'norm(A*x-b)' ); grid on; CVX code 26 A Quick Start – Demo An optimal trade-off curve – example code 4 3.8 norm(A*x-b) 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 2.6 0 High 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1 norm(x,1) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Low 27 The Basics The command: cvx_begin and cvx_end All CVX models must be preceded by the command cvx_begin and terminated with the command cvx_end. All variable declarations, objective functions, and constraints should fall in between. The cvx_begin command may include one more more modifiers: cvx_begin quiet • Prevents the model from producing any screen output while it is being solved. cvx_begin sdp • Semidefinite programming mode. cvx_begin gp • Geometric programming mode. These modifiers may be combined when appropriate Ex) cvx_begin sdp quiet • SDP mode and silences the solver output. 28 The Basics Variables All variables must be declared using the variable command (or variables command) before they can be used in constraints or an objective function. A variable command includes the name of the variable, an optional dimension list, and one or more keywords that provide additional information about the content or structure of the variable. Variables can be real or complex scalars, vectors, matrices, or n dimensional arrays. variable X variable Y(20,10) variable Z(5,5,5) These declares a total of 326 (scalar) variables: a scalar X, a 20x10 matrix Y (containing 200 scalar variables), and a 5x5x5 array Z (containing 125 scalar variables). 29 The Basics Variables Variable declarations can also include one or more keywords to denote various structures or conditions on the variable. variable w(50) complex: a complex variable variable p(10) integer: integer variables variable q binary: a binary variable A variety of keywords are available to help construct variables with matrix structure such as symmetry or bandedness. variable Y(50,50) symmetric: a real 50 × 50 symmetric matrix variable variable Z(100,100) hermitian toeplitz: a 100 × 100 Hermitian Toeplitz matrix variable 30 The Basics Variables The currently supported structure keywords are: banded(lb,ub) skew_symmetric lower_bidiagonal upper_bidiagonal diagonal symmetric lower_hessenberg upper_hankel hankel toeplitz lower_triangular upper_hessenberg hermitian tridiagonal upper_triangular The variables statement is provided which allows you to declare multiple variables. variables x1 x2 x3 y1(10) y2(10,10,10) ; 31 The Basics Objective functions Declaring an objective function requires the use of the minimize or maximize function, as appropriate. The objective function in a call to minimize must be convex; the objective function in a call to maximize must be concave. minimize( norm( x, 1 ) ) maximize( geo_mean( x ) ) At most one objective function may be declared in a CVX specification, and it must have a scalar value. If no objective function is specified, the problem is interpreted as a feasibility problem, which is the same as performing a minimization with the objective function set to zero. In this case, cvx_optval is either 0, if a feasible point is found, or +Inf, if the constraints are not feasible. 32 The Basics Constraints The following constraint types are supported in CVX: Equality == constraints, where both the left- and right-hand sides are affine expressions. Less-than <= inequality constraints, where the left-hand expression is convex, and the right-hand expression is concave. Greater-than >= constraints, where the left-hand expression is concave, and the right-hand expression is convex. The non-equality operator ~= may never be used in a constraint; in any case, such constraints are rarely convex. 33 The Basics Functions The base CVX function library includes a variety of convex, concave, and affine functions which accept CVX variables or expressions as arguments. Many are common Matlab functions such as sum, trace, diag, sqrt, max, and min, re-implemented as needed to support CVX Others are new functions not found in Matlab. A complete list of the functions in the base library can be found in Reference guide. It is also possible to add your own new functions; see Adding new functions to the atom library. 34 The Basics Set membership CVX supports the definition and use of convex sets. The base library includes the cone of positive semidefinite n × n matrices, the second-order or Lorentz cone, and various norm balls. A complete list of sets supplied in the base library is given in Reference guide. To require that the matrix expression X be symmetric positive semidefinite ( ), we use the syntax X == semidefinite(n) 35 The Basics Set membership If this use of equality constraints to represent set membership remains confusing or simply aesthetically displeasing, we have created a “pseudo-operator” <In> that you can use in its place. The semidefinite constraint above can be replaced by X <In> semidefinite(n); This is exactly equivalent to using the equality constraint operator, but if you find it more pleasing, feel free to use it. Implementing this operator required some Matlab trickery, so don’t expect to be able to use it outside of CVX models. 36 The Basics Set membership Sets can be combined in affine expressions, and we can constrain an affine expression to be in a convex set. A*X*A’-X <In> B*semidefinite(n)*B’; where X is an n × n symmetric variable matrix, and A and B are n × n constant matrices. This constraint requires that , for some . 37 The Basics Set membership CVX also supports sets whose elements are ordered lists of quantities. Consider the secondorder or Lorentz cone, where epi denotes the epigraph of a function. An element of is an ordered list, with two elements: • The first is an m-vector, and the second is a scalar. We can use this cone to express the simple least-squares problem from the section Least squares (in a fairly complicated way) as follows: 38 The Basics Set membership CVX uses Matlab’s cell array facility to mimic this notation: cvx_begin variables x(n) y; minimize( y ); subject to { A*x-b, y } <In> lorentz(m); cvx_end The function call lorentz(m) returns an unnamed variable (i.e., a pair consisting of a vector and a scalar variable), constrained to lie in the Lorentz cone of length m. So the constraint in this specification requires that the pair { A*x-b, y } lies in the appropriately-sized Lorentz cone. 39 The Basics Dual variables When a disciplined convex program is solved, the associated dual problem is also solved. The optimal dual variables, each of which is associated with a constraint in the original problem, give valuable information about the original problem, such as the sensitivities with respect to perturbing the constraints. To get access to the optimal dual variables in CVX, you simply declare them, and associate them with the constraints. 40 The Basics Dual variables Consider, for example, the LP with variable , and m inequality constraints. To associate the dual variable y with the inequality constraint this LP, we use the following syntax: n = size(A,2); cvx_begin variable x(n); dual variable y; minimize( c’ * x ); subject to y : A * x <= b; cvx_end in After the cvx_end statement is processed, and assuming the optimization was successful, CVX assigns numerical values to x and y - the optimal primal and dual variable values, respectively. 41 The Basics Assignment and expression holders Anyone with experience with C or Matlab understands the difference between the single-equal assignment operator = and the doubleequal equality operator ==. This distinction is vitally important in CVX as well, and CVX takes steps to ensure that assignments are not used improperly. 42 The DCP Ruleset The DCP Ruleset CVX enforces the conventions dictated by the disciplined convex programming ruleset, or DCP ruleset for short. CVX will issue an error message whenever it encounters a violation of any of the rules, so it is important to understand them before beginning to build models. The rules are drawn from basic principles of convex analysis, and are easy to learn, once you’ve had an exposure to convex analysis and convex optimization. The DCP ruleset is a set of sufficient, but not necessary, conditions for convexity. So it is possible to construct expressions that violate the ruleset but are in fact convex. If a convex (or concave) function is not recognized as convex or concave by CVX, it can be added as a new atom; see Adding new functions to the atom library. 43 The DCP Ruleset The DCP Ruleset Ex) The entropy function - sum( x .* log( x ) ) X sum( entr( x ) ) O The function CVX will reject it, because its concavity does not follow from any of the composition rules. which is in the base CVX library, and thus recognized as concave by CVX. norm( [ x 1 ] ) O sqrt( x^2 + 1 ) X 44 The DCP Ruleset A taxonomy of curvature In disciplined convex programming, a scalar expression is classified by its curvature. There are four categories of curvature: constant, affine, convex, and concave. For a function f : Rn R defined on all Rn, the categories have the following meanings: Of course, there is significant overlap in these categories. For example, constant expressions are also affine, and (real) affine expressions are both convex and concave. 45 The DCP Ruleset Top-level rules CVX supports three different types of disciplined convex programs: A minimization problem, consisting of a convex objective function and zero or more constraints. A maximization problem, consisting of a concave objective function and zero or more constraints. A feasibility problem, consisting of one or more constraints and no objective. Constraints Three types of constraints may be specified in disciplined convex programs: An equality constraint, constructed using ==, where both sides are affine. A less-than inequality constraint, using <=, where the left side is convex and the right side is concave. A greater-than inequality constraint, using >=, where the left side is concave and the right side is convex. 46 The DCP Ruleset Constraints One or both sides of an equality constraint may be complex; inequality constraints, on the other hand, must be real. A complex equality constraint is equivalent to two real equality constraints, one for the real part and one for the imaginary part. An equality constraint with a real side and a complex side has the effect of constraining the imaginary part of the complex side to be zero. Strict inequalities <, > are interpreted in an identical fashion to nonstrict inequalities >=, <=. 47 Semidefinite Programming Mode Semidefinite programming mode Those who are familiar with semidefinite programming (SDP) know that the constraints that utilize the set semidefinite(n) typically expressed using linear matrix inequality (LMI) notation. For example, given X = XT Rn×n, the constraint X X Sn+; that is, that X is positive semidefinite. 0 denotes that CVX provides a special SDP mode that allows this LMI notation to be employed inside CVX models using Matlab’s standard inequality operators >=, <=. In order to use it, one simply begins a model with the statement cvx_begin sdp or cvx_begin SDP instead of simply cvx_begin. 48 Semidefinite Programming Mode Semidefinite programming mode When SDP mode is engaged, CVX interprets certain inequality constraints in a different manner. To be specific: Inequality constraints involving real, square matrices are interpreted as follows: If either side is complex, then the inequalities are interpreted as follows: 49 Semidefinite Programming Mode Semidefinite programming mode Ex) the CVX model cvx_begin variable Z(n,n) hermitian toeplitz dual variable Q minimize( norm( Z - P, ’fro’ ) ) Z == hermitian_semidefinite( n ) : Q; cvx_end can also be written as follows: cvx_begin sdp variable Z(n,n) hermitian toeplitz dual variable Q minimize( norm( Z - P, ’fro’ ) ) Z >= 0 : Q; cvx_end 50 Geometric Programming Mode Geometric programming mode Geometric programs (GPs) are special mathematical programs that can be converted to convex form using a change of variables. The convex form of GPs can be expressed as DCPs, but CVX also provides a special mode that allows a GP to be specified in its native form. CVX will automatically perform the necessary conversion, compute a numerical solution, and translate the results back to the original problem. To utilize GP mode, you must begin your CVX specification with the command cvx_begin gp or cvx_begin GP instead of simply cvx_begin. 51 Geometric Programming Mode Geometric programming mode For example, the following code, found in the example library at gp/max_volume_box.m, determines the maximum volume box subject to various area and ratio constraints: cvx_begin gp variables w h d maximize( w * h * d ) subject to 2*(h*w+h*d) <= Awall; w*d <= Afloor; alpha <= h/w >= beta; gamma <= d/w <= delta; cvx_end 52 Geometric Programming Mode Top-level rules CVX supports three types of geometric programs: A minimization problem, consisting of a generalized posynomial objective and zero or more constraints. A maximization problem, consisting of a monomial objective and zero or more constraints. A feasibility problem, consisting of one or more constraints. Contraints Three types of constraints may be specified in geometric programs: An equality constraint, constructed using ==, where both sides are monomials. A less-than inequality constraint <= where the left side is a generalized posynomial and the right side is a monomial. A greater-than inequality constraint >= where the left side is a monomial and the right side is a generalized posynomial. 53 Examples – Spectrum Sharing Problem Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks Consider a single channel transmission Narrow-band transmission with deterministic channels The secondary transmission can be represented by = y (n) Hx(n) + z (n) H ∈ Nr × Nt denotes the secondary users’s channel where N t and N r are the number of antennas at the secondary transmitter and receiver, repectively. y (n) and x(n) are the received and transmitted signal vector, repectively, and n is the symbol index (or time index). z (n) is the additive noise vector at the secondary receiver, z (n) ~ CN (0, I ) . Let the transmit covariance matrix (spatial spectrum) of the secondary H user be denoted by S , S = Ε[ x( n) x ( n)] . 54 Examples – Spectrum Sharing Problem Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks Consider a single channel transmission It is assumed that the ideal Gaussian code-book with infinitely large number of codeword symbols is used, x( n) ~ CN (0, S) . The transmit covariance matrix S can be further represented by its eigenvalue decomposition expressed as N ×d S = VPV H V H V = I , contains the eigenvectors of S , and is where V ∈ t , also termed as the precoding matrix. • Each column of V is the precoding vector for one transmitted data stream. • d is usually reffered to as the degree of spatial multiplexing. is a d × d diagonal matrix, and its diagonal elements are the positive eigenvalues of S , and also represent the assigned transmit powers for their corresponding data streams. If d = 1, the corresponding transmission strategy is termed as beamforming while in the case of d > 1, it is termed as spatial multiplexing. P 55 Examples – Spectrum Sharing Problem Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks System model M 1 antennas … … … Tr (G k SG kH ) GK N t antennas N r antennas … … Secondary Transmitter Interference power to the k-th primary user Primary Receiver K Primary Receiver 1 G1 M K antennas H Transmit rate of the secondary user log 2 | I + HSH H | Secondary Receiver * | X | denotes the determinant. 56 Examples – Spectrum Sharing Problem Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks The optimization problem for the optimal S max log 2 | I + HSH | H subject to Tr (S) ≤ Pt Transmit power constraint Tr (G k SG kH ) ≤ Γ k , S 0 k =1,..., K Interference power constraint The spatial spectrum S must be positive semi-definite The above problem maximizes the secondary user’s channel capacity assuming that the secondary user’s channel is known perfectly at the secondary receiver. This problem is a convex optimization problem. The objective function is a concave function of S. All of the constraints specify a convex set of S. It can be solved by CVX. 57 Examples – Spectrum Sharing Problem Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks CVX Code: [Nr Nt]=size(H); ID=eye(Nr,Nr); cvx_begin sdp quiet variable S(Nt,Nt) hermitian semidefinite maximize( log_det(ID + H*S*H') ) subject to real(trace(S)) <= Pt real(trace(G*S*G')) <= gamma cvx_end 58 Examples – Spectrum Sharing Problem Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks Results: K=1, Γ=0.5, M=1, Nt=4, Nr=4 Achievable Sum-rate Interference to Primary user 20 5 18 4.5 4 16 3.5 Interference Sum Rate 14 12 10 8 3 2.5 2 1.5 6 1 4 2 -5 Γ 0.5 0 5 SNR-dB 10 15 0 -5 0 5 SNR-dB 10 15 59 Examples – Power Allocation Problem Two-way relay system Enhance spectral efficiency Reduce time slots for information exchange between S1 and S2 via R Transmission based on analogue network coding 1st time slot: S1 and S2 transmit signal to R simultaneously 2nd time slot: R transmits the imposed signal to S1 and S2 • S1 and S2 know their own transmitted signal • Self-interference can be removed in the receiver 60 Examples – Power Allocation Problem MIMO two-way relay system Transmit filter of Sk : Tk = Tk Pk • Power matrix : p k = diag (Pk ) Transmit filter of R : F = b −1 F Receive filter of Sk : U kH = bPk−1 Wk U kH Amplify-and-forward relaying in half-duplex mode MIMO system with data steams, d k ∈ Lk ×1 where E {d k d kH } = I Lk N ×N Rayleigh flat fading channels: H k ∈ N R × Nkand G k ∈ k R Complex additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN): n k and n R ~ CN ( 0, σ 2 I ) No direct path between S1 and S2 because of obstacles H The estimated data in the source = Sk: dˆ k U k ( G k FH k Tk d k + G k Fn R + n k ) Power constraints Source power constraint: p1 1 + p 2 1 ≤ PS 61 Examples – Power Allocation Problem Sum rate maximization in MIMO two-way relay system 1 Sum rate using relation between SINR and MMSE : SINRi + 1 = MMSEi L1 + L2 1 L1 + L2 1 L1 + L2 1 log (1 + SINRi ) = R= − ∑ log ( MMSEi ) = − log ∏ MMSEi ∑ 2 i 1= 2 i1 2 = i =1 Optimization problem : sum-rate maximization under the power constraints Sum-rate maximization problem is reformulated as a problem that minimizes the product of the minimum mean square errors L1 + L2 min p1 ,p 2 ∏ MMSE i =1 i s.t. 0 ≤ p1 1 + p 2 1 ≤ PS , pi > 0, ∀i MSE of the i-th estimated data ( )( ) H where [ Λ k ]ii = MSEk ,i =E d k , i − dˆk , i d k , i − dˆk , i =pk−1, i ( Λ k + Wk2 Ψ k ) p= + Wk2 N k 1Lk k [ ψ k ]ij i { 1 − 2 Re wk , i u kH, i G k FH k t k , i } + wk2, i u kH, i G k FH k t k , i t kH, i ( G k FH k ) u k , i H u kH, i G k FH k t k , j t kH, j ( G k FH k ) u k , i (1 − δ ij ) H = [ N k ]ii σ 2u kH, i ( G k F )( G k F ) u k , i + σ 2b H 62 Examples – Power Allocation Problem Power allocation in MIMO two-way relay system Power allocation problem L1 + L2 min p ∏ p ( Λ + W Ψ ) p + W N1 i =1 −1 i 2 s.t. 0 ≤ p 1 ≤ PS , pi > 0, ∀i p = p1T , pT2 2 i T Λ = blkdiag [ Λ 2 , Λ1 ] ψ = blkdiag [ ψ 2 , ψ1 ] W = blkdiag [ W2 , W1 ] N = blkdiag [ N 2 , N1 ] Objective function and power constraints are the posynomials. This optimization problem is a geometric program. The GP (geometric programming) obtains the global optimum with polynomial-time complexity through logarithmic transformations of the non-convex problems to convex problems. It can be solved by cvx tools. 63 Examples – Power Allocation Problem Power allocation in MIMO two-way relay system CVX Code: L1 + L2 min p ∏ p ( Λ + W Ψ ) p + W N1 i =1 −1 i 2 2 i 64 Examples – Power Allocation Problem Power allocation in MIMO two-way relay system Simulation results The number of antennas at nodes : 4 Power allocation in two-way relay system 3 Equal power allocation Power allocation with GP 2.5 Average sumrate 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 SNR [dB] 20 25 30 65 Examples – Support Vector Machine Support vector machine (SVM) in machine learning Consider a classification problem Given a set of data points (called feature vectors) Each point is labelled +1 / -1. Suppose we are given a new point • Where should this point belong to? 4.5 class 1 class 2 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 66 Examples – Support Vector Machine Support vector machine (SVM) in machine learning We would like to find a separating hyperplane for points x given by wT x = b For a new point x’, we classify by the sign w T x '− b < 0 or w T x '− b > 0 Then, what is the best hyperplane ? 67 Examples – Support Vector Machine Support vector machine (SVM) in machine learning Find hyperplane that gives the maximum margin between data sets yi (w T xi − b) maximize[min ] i w,b || w || T T yi = 1 if w xi − b > 0 // yi = −1 if w xi − b < 0 Rewrite the above problem: maximize t w ,b, t maximize w ,b, z z || w || T yi (w T xi − b) subject to ≥ t z = t || w || subject to yi (w xi − b) ≥ t || w || || w || minimize || w || w,b w z b b' = z w'= subject to yi (wT xi − b) ≥ 1 This can be solved by CVX ! 68 Examples – Support Vector Machine Support vector machine (SVM) in machine learning Linear SVM code % cvx cvx_begin quiet variables w(N_dim) b minimize( norm(w) ) subject to yi.*(w'*xi-b) >= 1; cvx_end 4.5 SVM result class 1 SVM result class 2 source class 1 source class 2 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 Computed hyperplane wT x = b 69 Examples – Support Vector Machine Support vector machine (SVM) in machine learning Classification problem for Non-separable classes Exact separation may not be possible. We want to minimize the number of misclassified points. • Add slack variables minimize || w ||2 + C ∑ si w ,b, s 4.5 class 1 class 2 4 i subject to yi (w T xi − b) ≥ 1 − si si ≥ 0 3.5 3 The slack variables quantifies 2.5 the violated classification. C is regularization constant (tunable parameter). 2 4 It can be solved by CVX. 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 Misclassified points 70 Examples – Support Vector Machine Support vector machine (SVM) in machine learning SVM code 4.5 % cvx cvx_begin quiet variables w(N_dim) b si(N_tr) minimize( w'*w + C*sum(si) ) 4 subject to yi.*(w'*xi-b) +si' >= 1; si >= 0; 3.5 cvx_end SVM result class 1 SVM result class 2 source class 1 source class 2 3 2.5 2 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 Computed hyperplane wT x = b 71
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