Arnold Anchor Arnold Middle School April 2015 Volume II, Issue 1 Note from our Principal Dear Arnold Parents/Guardians, What an amazing second semester we have had so far. I am so proud of all of Arnold’s accomplishments. The fine arts programs are racking up ones and trophies, the Destination Imagination team finished first and went to state in April. Student Council organized the Superintendent’s Fun Run and Arnold won first place in participation for the second year in a row. The Horizon’ Showcase featured many fabulous projects. Science teacher Adam Schmidentdorff was chosen a JASON Project Argonaut and will attend a training in the Bahama’s this summer. Arnold students and teachers make such great things happen! Ms. Carrie McKnight, eighth grade English/Language Arts teacher was announced as the 2015 Arnold Spotlight teacher. Ms. McKnight is an energetic and caring teacher. Her students adore her and cannot wait to get to her room each day to see what she has in store for them. Congratulations Ms. McKnight. Spring is the time of high stake testing in the state of Texas. Our students and teachers worked hard to prepare for the STAAR tests. The testing days all went great. Thank you parents for making sure your student(s) attended school every day and ate a healthy breakfast so they were ready to learn. The STAAR tests are a vital key to accessing the student’s academic progress over the course of a school year. If a student does not make adequate progress for the year he/she may have to forfeit an elective the following year to allow room for an intervention class. I am excited about the eighth graders first round of reading, they improved over the score from last year. I am confident all the STAAR test scores will show growth for our students in every grade. Besides the STAAR tests we have many other spring events to look forward to. Arnold Awards Night will be held on May 21 at the Cy-Fair High School Auditorium. The eighth grade dance will be on Friday, May 29 in the Arnold cafeteria. As I recapped the many accomplishments of the 2014-15 school year, it is such an honor to be part of the Arnold Community. We have the best students, parents, VIPS, PIE partners, HEB, teachers, and school staff in the district. There truly is no place like Arnold. Inside this issue: Art 2-4 Band 5 Choir 6 Orchestra 7 Language Arts 8, 9 Math 10, 11 History 12 Science 13 PE/Athletics 1416 Counselors 1719 School & District Info 2023 Yearbook 24 VIPS 25 Parents/Guardians 26 Clinic 27 Upcoming Events 28 Best regards, Vicki Snokhous Principal 1 Art Department AMT: Art Rotation started the six weeks off learning about the Art Elements. We also learned about different art movements such as Pointillism and Impressionism. We just finished working with clay and making pinch pot animals. The students really used their creativity to create different animals and monsters. We will start focusing on different drawing techniques in the next few weeks. ART 6: Art 6 has had a wonderful year so far. I am so very proud of the growth that these students have made. The last few months we worked on Linear Perspective and making one of a kind treehouses. We are finishing up Mandalas this week and will begin studying India and Hindu art to end the year. ART: Students in Art spent the last 6 weeks learning about linear perspective and how to render realistic forms in space. Students created imaginary cityscapes or room interiors in surrealistic or realistic styles. A variety of media was used for this project. Some used pencil, while others chose to work in charcoal, or pen and ink with watercolor. The project turned out beautifully, with some really nice work. Art students are currently glazing their ceramics. This 6 weeks students will be creating sculptures, and studying printmaking. 2 Art Department, continued ART DESIGN: Students in Art Design have been learning about graphic design, principles of design, and painting. They used their skills to create their own brand and a life sized personal skateboard, using tempera paint and poster board. The class did an outstanding job, creating some truly unique designs. Students are presently working on creating sculptural mugs out of clay. ADVANCED ART: Advanced Art students have been working very hard to develop their skills in ceramic sculpture. Students learned about different kinds of sculpture, before selecting one of their shoes to create a life sized model of. There were a variety of different kinds of shoes created, from tennis shoes, to crocs, to boots, and even high heels! Students had to create a template for their shoe before beginning their slab sculpture. They did an outstanding job, on a very difficult sculpture. Students are presently reviewing linear perspective and color pencil techniques. Later on students will be using their skills in linear perspective to draw and paint pictures of the front of the school. 3 Art Department, continued ART 1: Students in Art 1 finished working on their acrylic paintings and had some truly beautiful results. Students picked their own subject matter, and had to show their abilities to use layers of paint to create a realistic effect. Students worked from their own pictures, reference pictures, or from direct observation. Students just completed their sculptural ceramic vessel project. The vessel could be functional, somewhat functional, or not functional at all. Students came up with all sorts of interesting vessels; they are looking forward to glazing them in a few weeks. They are presently working on figure drawing, and portraiture. ART CLUB: Art Club Members have been preparing a hallway installation for “No Place for Hate.” Students created all different kinds of life sized shoes, banners, signs, and a road that will go down the hallway by the cafeteria and Aps’ offices. The installation will be up next week. The artwork should inspire creativity and help people “imagine” what it would be like to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. JR V.A.S.E. NEWS: Nora Abusalah, Corina Sacalxot and, and Isabel Brooks competed at JR. Visual Arts Scholastic event received level 4s, and received silver medals. Corina Sacalxot placed in the top 10 percent of her division. Way to go BUCS! 4 Band Department We are very excited about the remainder of this year in band. This is the time of year where we participate in our UIL contests and festivals. The bands are really working hard, and we are very proud of the efforts they are making every day. Here are some dates to mark on your calendar for the 7th and 8th graders: Wonder at the Woods Festival- Friday, May 1st (during school day) Spring Trip to Schlitterbahn Galveston- Saturday, May 2nd 7:30 AM-6:00 PM Spring Concert- Tuesday, May 12th at 7:00 PM The beginning band students are continuing to improve each and every day. We are so proud of the hard work they are doing, and we can’t wait for you to hear their Spring Concert! Here are some dates to mark on your calendar for 6th grade band students: Rehearsal for the Spring Concert- Monday, May 11th 3:30-4:30 PM Spring Concert- Tuesday, May 12th at 6:00 PM Spring Performance at ITZ- Thursday, May 14th at 10:00 AM (during school day) Beginner Solo Contest- Tuesday, May 9th 3:30-7:00 PM Please, make sure your child is taking their instrument home and practicing every day. We want to make sure every band and beginner class is able to reach their full potential by the end of the year! Thank you so much for all of your support! 5 Choir Department The Arnold Choir Team is proud to congratulate their students on a very successful spring semester! At UIL Contest and Sight-Reading the Varsity Women earned Superior ratings on stage and in the sight-reading room. The Varsity Men also earned Superior ratings on stage and in the sight-reading room. The 6th period Chanticleer choir earned Superior ratings on stage and the 5th period Concert Women also earned Excellent ratings on stage. This spring Arnold Choir also had thirteen students selected into the All-Region Choir. 7th grade girls: Kassandra Elizondo, Kati Sandel and Carlee Yearwood. 8th grade girls: Haley Boatcallie and Hannah Rios. 7th and 8th grade boys: Jacob Brewer, Tyler Celauro, Franklin Escobar, Chad Goss, Kellen Long, Minh Tran Darius Wilson and Kurt Zuniga. At the Director’s Choice Alamo Festival, the Varsity Men, Varsity Women, and Combined Treble Choir each came home with Superior rating trophies as well as Outstanding Performance Trophies. The Varsity Men also earned Best Overall Performance. Don’t forget to support your friends at the annual Arnold Choir Dinner Theatre and Pop Show! Dinner Theatre tickets are being sold by Arnold Choir Students and Pop Show tickets will be sold at the door. The event will be Thursday, May 7th (Dinner Theatre at 6:15PM and Pop Show at 7:15PM). Way to go Buccaneer Choir!! 6 Orchestra Department On March 27 & 28th, our Philharmonic and Symphony Orchestras competed at the Texas UIL contest. We did an amazing job. Both orchestras were awarded EXCELLENT division ratings for our stage performances. The Philharmonic Orchestra earned an EXCELLENT rating for sight-reading as well. The Symphony was awarded a trophy for SUPERIOR ratings in sight-reading from the Texas UIL judges. Congratulations to both Philharmonic and Symphony for a job well done at UIL Contest. On April 18th our Chamber Orchestra competed at the Texas UIL contest. We did phenomenal! Our Chamber Orchestra received a “SUPERIOR” division rating from every judge—6 ONES!! Comments the UIL judges had to say about the Chamber Orchestra included “Your performance reflected a very, very high degree of technical skill” “Your musicianship was outstanding!” “Exquisite right arm development” “Pristine left hand technique” “Artistic interpretation of style, dynamic shading, and nuance; very musical playing” “Extremely well balanced orchestra with a beautiful mature string sound” “This orchestra is an exceptional group that pays attention to details” “This is an alert orchestra with good manners” Our Chamber Orchestra will enter the Texas Music Educators Association Honor Orchestra Contest, and will audition for the nationally acclaimed “Mark of Excellence” Award. We will perform our UIL music program once more for a concert recording. The Concert Recording for Honor Orchestra and Mark of Excellence auditions will take place at the Cy Fair High School Auditorium, on Wednesday May 6, at 4 pm sharp. Please attend to witness the mature sound and performance capabilities of Arnold’s Varsity Chamber Orchestra 2014-15. May 6th Chamber Concert/Recording of UIL Program @ Cy Fair HS Auditorium, 4 p.m. sharp May 14th Spring Concert for all orchestra members @ Arnold MS 7:00 p.m. ♪ More details will be sent home in a letter to parents closer to the concert date ♪ All students, especially Beginning Orchestra members, will have morning rehearsals leading up to the spring concert ♪ A calendar of morning rehearsals will be posted on student practice sheets May 21-29 Final Orchestra Exam – Performance Exam during class ♪ Every student currently enrolled in orchestra will be taking this performance exam as their final exam. ♪ The final exam also doubles as the audition into next year’s performing groups. ♪ The Final Exam will determine student placement in to 2015-2016 Orchestras. ♪ Student rosters for the 2015-2016 Orchestras will be posted in the orchestra room during the last week of school on JUNE 2nd 7 Language Arts Department 6th Grade The last six weeks, sixth grade ELAR students are embarking on social issue article clubs. They will read six different articles and decide on social issues that come across in their reading. The students will then write an essay about what they believe to be true about the social issue of their choice. We will also be learning the history of Pompeii and King Tut and connecting them with two historical fiction stories. 7th Grade Having just finished the Writing STAAR, students in 7th grade language arts will be reviewing reading skills to help students not only improve their understanding of reading TEKS, but to review for the upcoming Reading STAAR on April 22nd. After the Reading STAAR Test, we will finish the year with a Literature Circle Unit and a Folk Literature Unit. The Literature circle Unit is one of the favorite units of the year because students will get the opportunity to choose the book they want to read. During class, the students will be responsible for reading a certain amount each day, completing activities, and will be given Half Book and End Book Tests over the novel of their choice. It is really great to see students develop a love for reading. Be sure to ask your child what they are reading during Sixth Grading Period (4/23-5/14). In addition to the Novel Unit, students will learn about fables, proverbs, legends, fairy tales, animal tales, and the similarities and differences among these types of genres. Students will read and compare several different examples of Folk Literature and discuss commonalities to each type. These are typically interesting units that students enjoy, and we look forward to finishing the year in a fun way! 8 Language Arts Department, continued 8th Grade Leading to the Reading STAAR on March 31, the students were involved in skill review rotations in class. These rotations are designed to tutor, teach, and enrich various skills and strategies. The students were working together in various skill level groups to complete numerous content-related activities. After the STAAR test, we will begin reading The Cay that will extend to the end of the school year. We will incorporate themes of guilt, regret, doing the right thing, friendships, and generosity. Leading into this unit based around integrity, we completed a Civil Rights Movement unit. This unit's curriculum shared similarities with the beginning of the semester as we discussed and explored themes of tolerance, justice, and equality for all. Students studied civil and human rights while engaging in a research unit to discover various influential people and the impact they had on civil rights and equality. In preparation for high school, they worked on finding credible sources and creating work cited pages, organizing research information with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics and using various technology applications to effectively present our research. We loved seeing our students' amazing projects! At the end of the semester, the students will receive the 9th grade summer reading list. They are required to choose one of those novels to read over the summer. All students will be assessed on their novel at the beginning of next school year. Time has flown, and your 8th grader is almost a 9th grader. We would like to remind each student to finish strong and keep their focus until they hit the finish line on June 4th! 9 Math Department 6th Grade With our completion of STAAR testing on Tuesday, April 21, we have begun our next unit on Financial Literacy. During this unit we will be learning about Debit and Credit cards, checking accounts, and balancing check registers. We will delve into the contents and information found on credit reports and the meaning of their scores. We will explore jobs that are the fastest growing in Texas for our potential future occupations and conclude with how to save for college. This real world math is quite informative and hopefully will continue to maintain an enthusiasm along with great class discussions. We will have 2 unit tests this last 6 weeks, as usual, so please continue to encourage your child to finish strong as we will be presenting information all the way to the last days of this school year in June. We know this year’s curriculum has stepped up the rigor and cognitive thinking skills expected from your student. We appreciate all your support you have given not only to your child but to his/her teacher! We made it! 7th Grade 7th grade parents the Math STAAR will be coming up Tuesday, April 21, 2015. We have started to review in class; below are the 4 categories that the 7 th graders will be tested over. Thanks for your continuous support in helping prepare for success all year long. 10 Math Department, continued 8th Grade This year the curriculum for math has been updated to include many new required learning objectives. Probably one of the most exciting for eighth graders will be our Personal Financial Literacy Unit. Students will explore methods of payment (such as credit and debit cards), saving and investing, loans, and saving for college. Students will be using technology to learn about making decisions that will impact their lives and careers. The last six weeks also includes STAAR testing and will be a busy, fast-paced adventure. Eighth graders will end the year excited about their futures and we wish them all the best of luck in high school and all future endeavors. 8th Grade Algebra Algebra classes finished exponential functions and are now preparing for the Algebra End-of-Course Assessment on May 5th. This test is a high school level test which will assess the students understanding of the following concepts: Functional Relationships, Properties and Attributes of Functions, Linear Functions, Linear Equations and Inequalities, and Quadratic and Other Nonlinear Functions. It is important for students to spend time at home reviewing their interactive notebooks from the first and second semester and utilizing the online tools available below. Released EOC questions can be found by following the link: te_of_Texas_Assessments_of_Academic_Readiness_(STAAR)/STA AR_Released_Test_Questions/ An online moodle course is available by following the link: (Directions for the moodle course can be found on the teachers’ websites.) The final unit in Algebra is called Algebra Methods and will consist of radicals, exponents, arithmetic and geometric sequences, and literal equations. This is an important unit and students need to continue to complete homework on time and monitor their grades daily on the Home Access Center website. Missing assignments can be found on the teacher websites. 11 History Department 6th Grade World Cultures During the last grading period, the six graders will complete their unit on Asia and then travel to Australia. The students will focus on geography, economics, government and their way of life. The students will convert yens to dollars and experience how creativity and hard work can help economies. We have had a very successful year and the 6th grade history teachers want to wish each student the best of luck in seventh grade. Have a great summer! 7th Grade Texas History The last grading period will be a busy time for Texas History students. We will spend the last few weeks of school studying events and issues that shaped Texas during the 20th century. Some of the events that we will cover are: The Great Storm of 1900, Spindletop, WWI, The Great Depression, WWII, Civil Rights Movements, and much more. Have a wonderful summer! 8th Grade US History The 8th grade United States History team would like to thank all of our students for a great year and we are excited to finish our study of the nation’s history. During the last grading period, we will be preparing for the Social Studies STAAR test that will take place on Tuesday, April 21st. After the test will be looking into the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the impact of Reconstruction and the 20th century Civil Rights Movement. We will also cover lessons that will help prepare them for high school. The students will be completing a major research project and presenting it in class. The US History teachers want to wish to all of our students the best as they begin high school. 12 Science Department 6th Grade Students have been exploring the processes that have shaped our Earth and formed our mountains. They have also been exploring the planets within our solar system. Students had a blast creating the Adaptation Alien Project! We will be finishing up the school year with our Biology unit. Students typically love this unit since it covers the different Kingdoms and Domains within different ecosystems. Thank you so much for all the supplies that you have donated this past year, it has been helpful. Thanks for sharing your children with us!! 6 Grade Science Teachers 7th Grade Our students have been studying Natural Selection. This unit involves ecological succession, variation and changes in genetic traits that allow some organisms to be better adapted for survival in their environment and ecosystem sustainability. Students had fun using colored goldfish, forks and spoons to better understand natural selection. In our next unit we will be discovering Earth Processes. Students will uncover effects of weathering and erosion, catastrophic events and the impact on their ecosystems. Students will predict and analyze maps and other graphical displays to assess the likelihood and resulting damage of such things as floods, hurricanes, drought, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc. We will also look specifically at Texas ecoregions. Students will also be able to identify the effects of human activity on various movements of water - both groundwater and surface water. We will discuss watersheds, water tables, aquifers, runoff, wells, and geysers, along with pollution and conservation. In our last six weeks students will explore Force and Motion as it applies to work. They will determine how various factors affect the amount of work performed on a task. Students will contrast situations where work is done with different amounts of force to situations and where no work is done. 8th Grade Eighth grade science learners have mastered our plate tectonics and ecology units. Students took Science STAAR on April 22nd. We are confident that their hard work will pay off! We will follow STAAR with the Introduction to Biology Unit to give them a head start for the High School Biology EOC. Students will finish out the year doing the Human Sexuality Unit. Parents, please sign the HSU permission slip by May 1st. This has been a fantastic school year with tremendous growth and success! Thank you for all of your support. 13 PE / Athletic Department 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR ATHLETIC PHYSICALS Who: Current 6th and 7th graders wanting to participate in sports/be in athletics for the 2015-2016 school year When and Where: Saturday May 2nd @ Cy-Woods H.S., 11:00am to 12:00pm or Saturday May 16th @ Cy-Fair H.S., 9:00am – 12:00pm Cost: $20 CASH only ***** It is strongly suggested that your physical be turned in to your coach before June 1st ***** 14 PE / Athletic Department, continued CY FAIR HIGH SCHOOL 2015 VOLLEYBALL CAMP FRESHMAN CAMP JULY 27 – 30 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. JUNIOR HIGH CAMP JULY 27-29 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. Early registration fee $60.00 on or before May 26, 2015 Late registration on site: $10 late fee on July 27th CFISD Physical form must be on File during camp. Copies are preferred. You may register early without your Physical. However, a copy of the CFISD physical must be available on the first day of camp. All camp participants will receive a camp tee shirt. Early Registration will be guaranteed selected shirt size, must be postmarked by May 26, 2015. Checks made payable to: Cy Fair High School Please print name of camper on bottom of check or money order, cash is not accepted Questions or concerns contact: or Office #281-897-4652; Cell #903-316-5819 or See your coach for a camp flyer 15 PE / Athletic Department, continued BFND BASKETBALL CAMP “WHERE CHAMPIONS ARE MADE” JUNE 8th-10th, 2015 8:00 AM-11:00 AM CY-FAIR GYMNASIUM COST: $40 INCLUDES T-SHIRT Pre – Registration Guaranteed Shirt Size by May 8th *MUST HAVE PHYSICAL ON FILE* IF QUESTIONS EMAIL ANN.ROUBIQUE@CFISD.NET NAME: ________________________ PH. #_______________ MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTACT Please see Coach Kalinec for a form. 16 Counselor’s Corner 17 Counselor’s Corner, continued 18 Counselor’s Corner, continued 19 School and District Information 20 School and District Information, continued 21 School and District Information, continued WANTED! ARNOLD MENTORS! What is a mentor? A mentor is a suitable role model committed to serve as a guide and a friend, helping a student with his or her educational and social development. How much time would I need to devote to the mentoring program? Once a week for thirty to forty-five minutes. Whom should I call if I have more questions? Jenna Box at 281-897-4733. What do I need to do to sign up? Anyone interested in being an Arnold mentor will need to attend a district training session. Trainings are sponsored by the Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Community Engagement Department and are held at the Berry Center located at 8877 Barker Cypress Rd. To register, go to the Cy-Fair ISD website ( and click on Community Involvement/Mentor. Mentor trainings are posted on the Cy-Fair website under Community Involvement/Mentor. 22 School and District Information, continued Award’s Times Awards Criteria for Awards Ceremony Thursday, May 21, 2015 Cy-Fair High School Auditorium 6th Grade: 6:00 p.m. 7th Grade: 7:00 p.m. 8th Grade: 8:00 p.m. Daughters of the American Revolution The San Jacinto Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution awards a Good Citizenship Medal to an outstanding 8th grade student. This Student exemplifies the qualities of honor, service, courage, leadership and patriotism. Duke University Talent Award Seventh grade students are identified and invited to complete either the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT Assessment college entrance examination. These students received state level recognition and Duke TIP then provides the participants with resources for unique educational opportunities. Outstanding 8th Grade Student Student exceeds in leadership, academic performance, citizenship, responsibility, involvement in extracurricular activities and outstanding overall contribution to Arnold Buccaneer Spirit Award Student is recognized for showing school pride, exhibiting a positive attitude, encouraging others, displaying energetic enthusiasm and supporting school activities through their time and service. 3 Year Distinguished Honor Roll Eighth grade students, enrolled in the Cy-Fair school district, who have made all A’s for the three years of middle school. Distinguished Honor Roll Students have earned 7 A’s for each six weeks, while maintaining satisfactory conduct. Honor Roll Students have earned no less than 4 A’s and 3 B’s each six weeks, while maintaining satisfactory conduct. Perfect Attendance Students enrolled in the Cy-Fair school district, who attended every class, every day of the current school year. 23 Yearbook The books are almost here & we are very excited!! Thank you to our Buccaneer family members who have already purchased your yearbook. We truly appreciate your support. Pre-ordered books will be delivered to your student’s Advisory as soon as we receive & distribute them. If you have not bought your yearbook yet, there is still time. We will be taking pre-orders between May 6th & May 8th during all lunches. We will also be selling the actual books once they arrive on campus. If you are not sure whether or not you bought a yearbook, just email Liz Belinoski at & we can check for you. We are very proud of how the yearbook turned out. The first thing everyone will see is the cover which was designed by 8th grader Karly Sullivan. Once the design was developed in a digital format, Mrs. Quevedo, one of our amazing art teachers, used Photoshop to add the perfect touches to convey our theme, Accept the Challenge! Mrs. Quevedo & 8th grader Karli Sullivan proudly show the yearbook cover they helped design this year. 24 VIPS Arnold VIPS Info Thank you for always stepping up to volunteer wherever help is needed. Hospitality spectators. Only chaperones who are signed up ahead of time will be allowed into the dance. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Cheryl Doyle at The last teacher luncheon of the year was a huge success! The teachers were very grateful for all you did for them! Field Day Volunteers There is only one more hospitality event this year. We will be treating our awesome Arnold teachers and staff with a yummy Chocolate Bar to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. May 4th through May 8th is Teacher Appreciation week so on Thursday, May 7th we will be hosting this sweet treat to show our teachers how much we appreciate them! On the last day of school each year, the kids all get to participate in Field Day. They have ton of fun competing at fun games all day long. The school would like to have VIPS come in to help on this day. We will be handing out water and popsicles to each student as well as helping the attendance office run passes to students who are checking out early. If you are interested in helping with this, , please contact Library Help Needed Mrs. Zachos could use help in a few different ways in the Library. 1. Shelving Books- if anyone has any free time to help shelve books, the help would be greatly appreciated. Just stop by anytime to help. 2. Book Fair- There will be an end of the year Buy One Get One Free Book Fair on May 18th thru 22nd. We could use some volunteers to help with checking students out during that time. If you are available to help from either 8-11:30 or 11:30- 3:15, please let me know. 3. Inventory- All student library books are due on May 15th and then an inventory of all the books in the library will be taken. If you are available to help at any time after the 15th, please contact Mrs. Zachos Open VIPS Positions for 2015-2016 School Year: 8th Grade Dance The 8th Grade Dance will be held on May 29th. Invitations will be sent home with the 8th graders soon. We will be needing lots of help to make this event a blast for the kids. We will need volunteers to sell tickets to the students during lunches before the dance. We will need volunteers to sign up to bring snacks for the dance, and we will need lots of wonderful decorators and chaperones for the dance. Please remember that the dance is not for Next year we will be needing some awesome volunteers to step in to some of the positions that are being vacated at the end of this school year. If you are interested in any of the following, or if you have questions or would like further information, please contact me at 1. VIPS Coordinator- This person coordinates with the school about what volunteer opportunities are available/needed at Arnold and then communicates those needs to the parents/guardians/VIPS. I would be available to this person to help them with any questions that they have or possibly even be able to cocoordinate with someone if they wanted to work together. 2. Honor Roll Coordinator- This person communicates with volunteers to come in to the school once every 6 weeks to prepare Honor Roll certificates and then to pass out ice cream to all of the students who earned the reward. 3. Hospitality Coordinator- This position can be a shared position. The responsibilities of this position include decorating for the teacher luncheon once every 6 weeks, preparing the Bring-it sheets, and then setting up, serving and cleaning up the luncheon. Other VIPS are always willing to help with this! 4. 7th Grade Celebration CoordinatorThis person organizes the 7th grade celebration. _________________________________________________________________________ Our next VIPS Meeting will be held on May 14th at 9:30 a.m. in the Arnold Cafeteria. Find us on Facebook at Arnold Middle School VIPS for up to date information and volunteer opportunities. 25 Parents/Guardians Delivering Items to Students at School and Transportation Changes In the front office, we have a cart for parents to place items that your child has forgotten at home. This is a courtesy to help students and parents with occasional deliveries. If you leave an item for your child, please notify your child in the morning that you will be delivering an item and to stop by the front office to check the cart on their way to lunch. We don’t always have the opportunity to send notice to your student about items on the cart or transportation messages by the end of the school day. Parents, When you are looking at the grades in Home Access Center, you may notice letters in addition to numbers. Teachers use numbers for grades, but they may also use a Z, 0 or X. Z– The assignment is missing, but can still be completed and turned to the teacher by the student. Z averages in as a zero. 0 (Zero) – Student has earned this grade on the assignment because the assignment was not turned in within the required number of days. X– The teacher is not going to issue a grade for the assignment. T The student doesn’t need to complete the assignment. X averages in as if the assignment doesn’t exist for that student. If you have any questions about any grades or letters that you see in the HAC, please contact your child’s teacher. 26 Clinic News News from the Nurse In April, the clinic conducted spinal screenings on all 8th graders. Letters were sent home if your student requires further evaluation by a doctor. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. This is a reminder that all medications are to be brought to the clinic by a parent or guardian. Please do not allow your student to bring medications to school. This includes cough drops. This is CFISD policy. To all present 6th grade parents: The state of Texas requires that all incoming 7th graders have 3 additional vaccines. They are Tdap, Meningococcal and Varicella #2. Several letters have already been mailed home letting you know what, if any, vaccinations your student may need. Thank you to all those that have already turned in updated vaccine records! When you take your student for his/her annual well check, please consider getting these immunizations then forward a copy to the clinic. Although these immunizations are required before the school year begins, we are requesting them before Buc Express. If the vaccines are not received before Buc Express, your student will not be given his/her schedule that night and will be excluded from school until the immunization record is received. Doctor offices and clinics usually run out of these vaccines as the school year comes to a close and summer winds down, so it is best to go before the crowds. If your student gets immunized over the summer, you can have the immunization record faxed to me and I will get it once I return. If you have already forwarded a copy of your student’s immunization records to the clinic, thank you! Remember, this is a state of Texas law, not a CFISD policy. All entering 7th graders must be in compliance with that state law. If your student has medications in the clinic, please come by the clinic on or before June 4th, 2015 to pick up the medications. Any medications that are left in the clinic at the end of the school year will be discarded. Have a restful summer! Lisa McDonald, RN 281-897-4724 281-517-6857-fax 27 Visit our website / schools & facilities / middle schools / Arnold Follow Arnold on Twitter Arnold Middle School @ ArnoldBucs Arnold Middle School 11111 Telge Road Cypress, TX 77429 Upcoming Events May 18-22,2015 May 29, 2015 8 Grade Dance Cafeteria 7-10 p.m. May 21, 2015 Award’s Night 6th – 6:00 p.m. 7th – 7:00 p.m. 8th – 8:00 p.m. th May 19th Native Speakers Test BUC Express 2015-2016 Wednesday, August 19, 2015 8th Grade: 4:00-5:30 p.m. 7th Grade: 5:00-6:30 p.m. June 4 Last Day of School Thursday, August 20, 2015 6th Grade: 4:00-5:30 p.m. (A-L) 5:00-6:30 p.m. (M-Z) 28
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