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"å`«~ÀQÆO`Àáê@∞ "≥∂HÍà◊§<˘Ñ¨CÅ∞, H©à◊§<˘Ñ¨CÅ∞, =™êÎ~Ú. g∞ J=¸Åº"≥∞ÿ# ã¨ÅǨÅ∞ ã¨∂K«#Å∞ =∞iÜ«Ú =∞ixfl q=~åÅÔH· D –"≥∞~ÚÖò ^•fi~å ã¨O„ѨkOK«O_ç. e-mail : arogyadhanhyd @ gmail .com Available Rock Salt at : / Ãã·O^äŒ= Å=}O WK«Û@ ÅaèOK«∞#∞. Processed & Packed by : Gowmatha Enterprises, Hyderabad. Contact : Cell: 9505940328 / 9348888875 The Nature’s Best Gift for our Health 100% Vegetarian For Daily use Rock Salt Purest Cooking Salt on the Earth ÃıáÁ å™N˛ Ãã·O^èŒ= Å=}O (LѨÙÊ) ufitÁz åÁ∆N˛ „u^À+¨<åâ◊Hõ=Ú Rock Salt The commercial salt available is iodized where as the rock salt is pure from nature, is more granular, has less salty taste as you would have already noticed and is not chemically processed. It is rich in lot of minerals and if used in regular cooking as a substitute of common salt, it can control all the health problems posed by common salt like high blood pressure, puffiness in the body or the eyes, is cooling for the body, helpful in digestion, relieves gas and soothes heartburn and helps in weight loss. There is a salt range of Himalayas, called the ‘Himalayan Salt Range’, which has the purest form of rock salt in the whole world. It is sold as ‘Himalayan salt’ but it actually is just a rock salt too. The only specialty of this salt is that it is pure and does not need any kind of filtering. So, those who have easy access to Himalayan Rock salt, make sure you use it regularly in your food and beauty routines. Drop a table spoon of rock salt in your bath every time and enjoy a relaxing bath. It also detoxifies your body externally as well as internally. Eases stress and body pains. Can be used as a teeth whitener or a mouth freshener. Also clears a sour throat if used for gargling. Can be used as a foot soak, foot scrub or a hand scrub too. It is not drying on the skin. Himalayan Pink Salt is pure, hand-mined salt found naturally deep inside the pristine Himalayan Mountains. The high mineral crystals range in color from sheer white to varying shades of pink to deep reds which indicates a beneficial amount of 84 trace elements & iron. Those beneficial minerals make this salt with a fine, mellow and subtle flavour to suit any cuisine. At same time it is simply delicious. Salt is essential for life, you can’t live without it. However, most people don’t realize that there are enormous differences between the standard, refined table and cooking salt. Himalayan natural salt is the highest grade of natural salt on the earth and does not contain environmental pollutants. There is no limited shelf life. It contains amazing array of important trace minerals and elements including potassium, calcium and magnesium that help your body achieve balance by restoring fluid and replenishing your supply of electrolytes whenever you sweat heavily. Many people believe sea salt is a healthy alternative to table salt, but this is no longer the case. The oceans are being used as dumping grounds for harmful toxic poisons like mercury, PCBs and dioxin. Reports of oil spills polluting the sea are becoming more frequent. Today’s sea salt is not as healthy as it used to be. How to cure blood pressure using rock salt? In everyday life we use salt for cooking food and in many other things. The salt used by most of us is basically sea salt (Iodized) salt. This kind of salt is made from sea water and then this sea salt is iodized. Most of us are unaware of the side effects of the sea salt. This present article is to explore the facts about salt. Here are some side effects of the iodized salt. These are as under: 1. Thyroid problem 2. Paralysis 3. Blood pressure problem 4. Impotency problem There are two chemicals in the iodized salt which are the cause of all the above said diseases. One is potassium iodate (KIO3) and other is aluminum silicate (Al2SiO3). These chemicals are very harmful to our body and cause the problem of impotency. There are only three nutrients in iodized salt. That’s why iodized salt is banned in most of the countries. There are lot of advantages fo these two salts for our health. If we start them using just in foods only, we can take a lots of benefits of these two salts. These salts are much better than the sea salt. In cooking, peoples all over the world are using sea salt. We can use the rock salt (sendha namak) instead of sea salt (iodized salt) in cooking. There are lots of benefits of rock salt if add it in our daily food. Rock salt cures the blood pressure problem It cures arthritis problem Paralysis problem Impotency problem So, we must use this salt in cooking or in any other purpose. These salts have 84 types of nutrients as compared to 3 in iodized salt. So, always use ground rock salt (sendha namak) in the food. 1. It aids in digestion and is prescribed for laxative and digestive disorders. It improves appetite, removes gas and soothes heartburn. 2. It facilitates the cellular absorption of minerals. It plays an important role in replenishing the body’s electrolytes and maintaining the pH balance. By stimulating blood circulation and mineral balance it removes toxic minerals and refined salt deposits. 3. It stabilizes blood pressure by maintaining a balance of high and low blood pressures. 4. It aids in weight loss by equalizing minerals which inhibit cravings and eliminate fat dead cells. 5. Consumption of rock salt along with lemon juice can help in eliminating stomach worms and controlling vomiting. It also provides relief against influenza. 6. It is beneficial for people suffering from respiratory problems and sinus. Gargling with rock salt helps relieves throat pain, throat swelling, dry cough and tonsils. Rock salt is dissolved in water to prepare brine which is used in facial steams for patients suffering from asthma, bronchitis or other nose and ear discomforts. 7. Rock salt can be used as a teeth whitener or mouth freshener. Gargling with rock salt provides relief against sore throat. 8. It can be used as a bath or body salt. You can mix a table spoon of rock salt in your bath water to have a relaxing bath. Bathing in rock salt water combats water retention, soothes sore muscles, regulates sleep, detoxifies your body and lowers your blood pressure. It also eases stress and body pains. 9. One of the most amazing benefits of rock salt is that it overcomes muscle cramps. Those experiencing muscle cramps can mix a spoon of rock salt in water and sip it to get relief within a few minutes. 10. By providing all the essential trace elements, it greatly improves the immune system. It also improves the respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems to a significant extent. 11. It strengthens the bones and connective tissue. 12. Accumulation of dead skin cells is responsible for causing a rough, dull and aged appearance of your skin. Rock salt exfoliates the dead skin cells and protects the natural layer of your skin, thus resulting in a youthful and glowing skin. 13. It also strengthens the skin tissue to rejuvenate your skin, thus making it look younger and firm. Massaging your skin with a salt scrub exfoliates and refines your skin, leaving it clean and refreshed and eliminating dead skin cells that cause your skin to look dull. Flax Seeds Health Benefits: dietary fiber, manganese, vitamin B1, Flaxseed is very low in Cholesterol and Sodium, Protecting against cancer, Improving blood sugar, Protecting against radiation, flaxseed may have a protective effect against breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer. Flaxseeds (also called linseeds) are a rich source of micronutrients, dietary fiber, manganese, vitamin B1, and the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, also known as ALA or omega-3 Available Rock Salt at : / Ãã·O^äŒ= Å=}O WK«Û@ ÅaèOK«∞#∞. Processed & Packed by : Gowmatha Enterprises, Hyderabad. Contact : Cell: 9505940328 / 9348888875 The Nature’s Best Gift for our Health 100% Vegetarian For Daily use ÃıáÁ å™N˛ ufitÁz åÁ∆N˛ Ãã·O^èŒ=„uÅ=}O (LѨ Ù Ê ) ^À+¨<åâ◊Hõ=Ú Rock Salt Purest Cooking Salt on the Earth Available Rock Salt at : / ÃıáÁ å™N˛ Æ“ Gú¬§t “{ Processed & Packed by : Gowmatha Enterprises, Hyderabad. Contact : Cell: 9505940328 / 9348888875
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