India Report Summary And NCD Testing is Remarkably Insufficient • Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) represent the • world’s leading cause of death and collectively kill 18 million women each year. As part of the “Insights from 10,000 Women on the Impact of NCDs” survey • conducted by Arogya World, 1,000 women in India were surveyed on mobile phones from March 5-30, 2014. • NCDs Burden Majority of Households • NCDs Affect Everyday Lives Of the women surveyed in India, 86% say someone in their household suffers from an NCD – heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or chronic lung disease. This is notably higher than the global norm of 62%.1 Over 3 in 5 women have had to provide care for a household member suffering from NCDs. Even though a quarter of Indian women do not work for pay, 37% of the women surveyed had to quit their jobs in order to care for a household member suffering from NCDs. • • • Have you ever had any of the following medical tests? 63 70% 60% 36 40% 29 30% 20% 50 44 50% 16 27 20 17 13 10% 0% Have you ever had to quit your job to care for someone in your household with NCDs? A fifth of all Indian women surveyed have never received any basic NCD testing, including Cervical Cancer screening tests, breast exams, blood pressure tests, or blood sugar tests. The percentage of Indian women who have received an NCD test ranges from 10-19% lower than the global average in our survey. Only 16% of women report having received a Cervical Cancer screening test. Just 17% of women have received a breast exam by a medical professional. The highest reported NCD test by Indian women was a blood pressure test, yet not even half of women surveyed have ever received that test. Cervical Cancer Breast exam Blood pressure Blood sugar Screening Test test test None of the above 80% India 61 60% Waiting Times and Cost are the Biggest Limiting Factors to Healthcare Access 38 37 40% 25 21 18 • 20% 0% Yes No India • I do not work for pay Global NCD Testing is Severely Lacking Women Do Not Receive Regular Health Exams • • Only 41% of Indian women have been examined by a medical professional in the past year. This percentage lags behind the global norm (62%). Almost a third of Indian women have not seen a doctor in over 2 years. • • 62 60% 50% 40% 30% • 41 29 19 20% • 16 8 10% 7 4 4 4 4 4 0% Less than 1 1-‐2 years year ago ago 2-‐5 years 5+ years ago ago Never I do not know India Global 1 The global norm is representative of the 10-country aggregate from Arogya’s “Insights from 10,000 Women on the Impact of NCDs” survey. Long waiting time is the biggest deterrent to women (29%) visiting a medical professional in India. The health facilities being too far away (26%), not having enough money (24%), and not having transportation (20%) were other major factors preventing healthcare access. Financial Burden High Because Women Pay for Healthcare Out of Pocket When were you last examined by a medical professional? 70% Global 3 in 5 Indian women report that treating NCDs has resulted in a financial burden for the household, with 19% mentioning it creates a major financial burden. 3 in 10 women spend more than a quarter of the household income on NCD treatment. Only 20% of women are able to cover healthcare payment via government healthcare or free clinics. Almost half of Indian women surveyed pay the doctor out of pocket and 14% must borrow money from friends or family to cover healthcare expenses. 1 in 4 women stated that not having enough money was the biggest obstacle to receiving medical treatment. How do you pay for your healthcare most of the time? 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 45 Time and Lack of Motivation Are the Biggest Barriers to Regular Exercise 1 in 5 Indian women report not getting enough exercise is the healthcare issue they are most concerned about. And, only a quarter of Indian women report exercising regularly. More Indian women ride bicycles for 10 minutes 2 days a week (27%) than the global norm (15%). However, rates of exercising and playing sports (32%), walking (52%), and conducting strenuous household chores (25%) are lower than average. Not having sufficient time for exercise (28%) is by far the biggest obstacle Indian women encounter. Other significant deterring factors include a lack of motivation (13%), no place to exercise (13%), and physical difficulties (11%). • 39 31 20 19 21 • 14 7 2 1 Government Private or Pay doctor healthcare or free employer health directly (out of clinics insurance pocket) India Borrow money from friends or family • Other • Global What percentage of your household income is spent treating NCDs? 50% In a typical week, do you engage in the following activities at least 2 days a week for at least 10 minutes each day? 44 36 40% 66 70% 31 30% 23 21 20% 59 60% 50% 15 6 10% 52 7 7 40% 10 32 36 27 30% 0% 0% 1 to 25% 5 10% 26 to 50% More than 50% I do not know India Global Exercise or play sports Walk • • Only half of Indian women report eating healthy foods, compared to the global average of 72%. Having an unhealthy diet (21%) and being overweight (21%) are the household healthcare issues Indian women are most concerned about. More Indian women report eating from restaurants, street food, or take out food (77%) than the global norm (70%). Almost 1 in 5 women eat out at least three times per week. Cost was the biggest barrier to healthy eating (24%). Thinking about healthy foods, which do you agree with? 72 80% Smoking Levels Are Higher than Average Almost 4 in 10 Indian women (37%) surveyed report smoking tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, bidis, or hookah at least occasionally. Globally, the average is 26%. 1 in 10 women ranked smoking as their biggest household concern and 80% demonstrated concern about children seeing smoking advertisements. • • Do you smoke any tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, bidis, or hookah daily or even occasionally? 100% 54 60% 60% 50% 39 40% 20% Global 80% 70% 30% Ride a bicycle Do strenuous None of the household above chores India Women Are Not Eating Healthy Food • 5 0% Health Concerns of Indian Women • 25 15 20% 18 16 74 40% 30 24 63 14 20% 37 26 0% 10% India 0% Healthy foods are Healthy foods spoil Healthy foods are I eat healthy foods too expensive quickly too hard to prepare/cook India Global Global Yes No For additional information about the “Insights from 10,000 Women on the Impact of NCDs” survey, go to
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