ARRIOLA BIBLE CHURCH VISITORS: THANK YOU TODAY: NURSERY: Shamie Busing & Rebecca Newby TODDLERS: Lindy Tate & Jared Hageman CHIIDREN’S CHURCH: Doris Acott & Rachel Knox FOR LETTING US GET TO KNOW YOU PLEASE RETURN TAB IN OFFERING: Mr. Mrs. Miss ____________________________________ Children_____________________________ ____________________________________ Address______________________________ City_______________State_____Zip______ Telephone____________________________ Cell Phone____________________________ Email________________________________ PRAYING FOR ONE ANOTHER - 9:15 AM LIGHT MINISTRIES - 5:45-8:00 PM HOME BIBLE STUDIES – 6:00 PM Pastor Kent at the Block home, 25875 Rd. P, Dolores Sam & Willie at the Jarrett home, 19670 Rd. 19, Lewis MONDAY: W.O.W. Precept Study “Zechariah”– 9:30 AM COLLEGE GROUP at ABC - 6:00-8:00 PM LADIES “BURDEN BREAK” BIBLE STUDY – 7:00 PM ❑ First time visitor ❑ Repeat visitor I am a guest of_________________________ Please check if appropriate: ❑ New in community ❑ New address 0 New phone number ❑ Desire to become a Christian ❑ Desire pastoral visit ❑ Desire church membership ❑ Visiting the area Message to Pastor— Bible Questions Prayer Requests _____________________________________ TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: Sunday School 10AM Worship Service 11AM April 19, 2015 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of - 6:30 PM the strength of His might which He brought about in Christ, THURSDAY: LADIES BIBLE STUDY – “Deuteronomy” – 6:30 PM FRIDAY: Love Fellowship – 11:30 AM Theme: Intimacy with God at ABC / bring your lunch / beverage & dessert provided AWANA All Nighter – 7 PM-8 AM at ABC. Bring: Sleeping Bag, Snacks to Share, Games to play SUNDAY: “Sharing Life from God’s Word” SENIOR MEN’S STUDY – 10:00 AM TRANSITIONS BIBLE STUDY – 6:30 PM _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ❑ Put these requests on the church prayer list. ❑ Keep these prayer requests confidential All requests are listed for two weeks. Update to keep them on the list. 75 MINUTES PURSUING GOD – 7:00 PM TEENS: RZIM “ASK” – Apologetics for Youth WOMEN: “Attitudes of a Transformed Heart” MEN: Forgiveness Arriola Bible Church 5TH & 6TH Grade NURSERY: Julie Hite & Teegan Hite TODDLERS: Renee Newby & Sara Hageman CHIIDREN’S CHURCH: Randall & Adeline Liska when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:18-20 Kent Slyter, Pastor Cell: 560-1599 Joel Jarrett, Associate Pastor Cell: 560-2241 15998 Rd. 22 Phone: 970-882-4047 Dolores, CO 81323 Welcome lcome to Arriola Bible Church VISITORS: We are so very glad that you choose to worship with us today. Please fill out the attached registration and drop it in the offering plate. Please come again! Nursery provided for children three years old & under. CALL to WORSHIP HE HAS MADE ME GLAD TO GOD BE THE GLORY # 214 # 56 April 19, 2015 Upcoming Ladies Celebrations Baby Shower for Tricia & Hannah Thompson April 26th after Worship Service Bridal Shower for Sara Hageman May 3rd after Worship Service VBS 2015 / July 20-24 WORSHIP through GIVING SCRIPTURE READING: READING: (dates adjusted to accommodate the fair) 1 TIMOTHY 2 PRAYER Summer Friendship Dinners Join us for a ministry of fellowship and encouragement for adults around a meal. Get to know each other better. HALLELUJAH FOR THE CROSS THE LION AND THE LAMB Children may be dismissed to Children’s Church4 years old through 1st grade I EXALT THEE SPECIAL MUSIC: DONNA COLE, CASSANDRA JARRETT BECCA NEWBY & KENZIE NEWBY words to song on back of the Prayer Bulletin CHALLENGE from GOD’S WORD PASTOR KENT SLYTER “DEAD, YET ALIVE” O HOW I LOVE JESUS We need your help for this most wonderful, outstanding, worthwhile Children’s Ministry Introductory meeting following Worship April 26th # 92 Check the flap if you would like to participate. MILITARY BIBLE STICKS Arriola Bible Church will again this year join Faith Comes By Hearing in providing BibleSticks (audio New Testaments) for military personnel. A $25.00 gift will provide a soldier with a BibleStick. Designate your offering or put your gift in the box on the Welcome Counter. May is National Military Appreciation Month; see the insert for details. Friendship Dinners □ Yes, I / We would like be a part of Friendship Dinners. Name(s):______________________ April 19, 2015 ABC PRAYER BULLETIN Far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by ceasing to pray for you 1 Sam. 12:23 FAMILIES of the WEEK: Bob & Rosie Johnson Mark & Cathy Knox, Aaron, Rachel & Isaiah MINISTRY PARTNER of the MONTH: Sue Watt Sue works with international college students at the University of Arizona teaching English as a second language. She also teaches Bible studies. Her goal is to establish friendships and introduce ladies to Jesus Christ. Joe & Gaye Lynn Clayton: Sue Patterson: will undergo knee Continued prayers for improved quality of life for Gaye Lynn. surgery on April 23rd. Bill & Mickie Baker: pray for grace, John Lansa: (Adeline Liska’s Brother) comfort and wisdom as Bill deals with ongoing pain. Mickie will travel to Arkansas April 14-23. Troy Schmitt: (Bill & Mickie Baker’s Grandson) has been diagnosed with widespread cancer Dee & Robert Hilton: (Nancy Martin’s Sister & Brother In Law) Robert is recovering from surgery to remove a tumor on his liver; chemo to follow. Lucas Mahaffey: Recovering from auto accident & surgeries that followed. Priscilla Turner: (friend of Bob & Rosie Johnson) is undergoing chemo treatments from now through May is recovering from broken bones and a head injury he sustained in a motorcycle accident. He is hospitalized in Albuquerque. . MILITARY Maurice Battle: Marines Brett Brunner: Air Force - Eielson Air Force Base Fairbanks, AK Grandson of Bob & Julie Claycomb Son of Joe & Melissa Brunner Kevin Buehrer: Air Force- Nellis AFB Son of Richard & Debra Buehrer Owen Canterbury: Navy – San Diego wife Kaylee Nephew of Scott & Judy Aeschlimann Andre Esquibel: Naval Academy Friend of Burch Family Troy Fisher: Army, Ft. Hood, TX Friend of Sue Patterson Bobby Martin: Coast Guard, Galveston, TX Travis Martin: Marines, Afghanistan Bobby McCartney: Army, Ft. Campbell, KY Daniel Mendoza: Navy Daniel Puls: Army School of Music, Little Creek, VA Jaime Sainz: Air Force, Tucson, AZ Wife Brianna Son of Bob & Nancy Martin Son-In-Law of Brad & Heather Pierce Brother of DeDe Conrad Friend of Steve & Tammy Burch Wife Kristie Son of Don & Margi Puls Wife Jenna Son of Patsy Sainz Taylor Smith: Air Force; Special Operation Joe & Cindy Brunner’s Grandson Nathan Waring: Army; Germany (w/ family) Nephew of Jay & Shannon Cole Arriola Bible Church Drawing Near to God April 19, 2015 Text: Various Title: “DEAD, YET ALIVE” ___________________________________________________________ Daily Reflection & Meditation: Bible Reading Mon – Wed: Psalm 143-145 Bible Reading Thurs – Sat: Acts 5-7 Pray: Regularly & Without Ceasing Bible Memorization: 4 "And you know the way where I am going." 5 Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?” John 14:1-6 (NASB) See reverse for entire scripture 1 "Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me 2 "In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 3 "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. 4 "And you know the way where I am going." 5 Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?" 6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
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