May 2015 - Revolutionary Sights

Equipment Focus
By Patrick Meitin
unting sights are going places
bowhunters never thought possible before.
I laugh now when I recall what we
once accepted as hunting sights. Most
were nothing more than stamped 1/8
inch aluminum with a couple slots cut
to hold pins and some holes drilled to
accept mounting bolts. The universally
solid brass pins were nothing more than
1/16 to 1/8 inch threaded stock with a
small taper and ball ground into one The all-new Shocker Bow Sight from .30-06 Outdoors includes two shock-absorbing,
end. Each held a washer, lock star and silencing features, one in the pin head and another surrounding the aperture, making this
knurled nut on each side of the bracket sight one of the quietest around. It is also affordable.
slot to anchor it in place and would constantly vibrate loose so that you had to mark the pin position causing most of us to simply remove it and toss it in the grass
after sighting with a permanent marker to assure you could at some point. In that case, you regularly dealt with bent
quickly put the pins back where they belonged should this pins and I can easily recall a couple instances when I came
to full draw on game, found a pin or pins bent at crazy angles
occur in the field.
If this sight held a pin guard at all, it was nothing more and was forced to let down, push the pins into a semblance
than a small U-bolt attached to the frame, much like the of straightness and try again if the animal hadn’t wandered
pins’ crude system. It, too, would constantly rattle loose, away by that time. Smart bowhunters always carried spare
pins in their hunting packs. Sometimes pins bent
from falls on the trail or, more often, from simply
snagging on clothing while hiking; other times,
it was a complete mystery what had occurred.
The pins were delicate and a constant source of
frustration. No wonder so many of us remained
dedicated instinctive shooters for so long.
This was from the early to mid-80s.
More interestingly, from a backwards perspective, is how long it
Copper John’s TST, short took to advance from
for “Torque Synchronizing
Technology,” helps pro- that to the very first
duce a more forgiving dovetail rails and steel
shooting system by allevi- pins. I can tell you I
ating the effects of cable- owned my first such
model in 1988 only
torque. The result is better accuracy, especially because it shows clearly
in a picture of my first
under field conditions.
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Coues whitetail buck, which hangs above my desk. It took
until sometime in the mid 1990s for me to see my first
square-edged, recessed-rail holding square-based pins with
a single screw and miraculous innovations such as clear
acrylic pin guards, gang-adjustable pins and milled aluminum extension bars. Fiber optics; accented, round pin
guards; 2nd and 3rd axis adjustments and micro-adjustable
pins, all milestone innovations found on most of today’s
sights, lay well into the future.
I only point out this slow progression because by comparison, major innovations in hunting sight design seem to
occur on an annual basis today. Buy a $200 sight today and
you’ll be forced to replace it next year if you want the latest technology: not a bad thing from a retailer’s standpoint
and not so hot when you’re the consumer but that’s where
we’re at.
I’m not referring to innovations for the sake of innovation but design features and aspects that serve a real purpose, help us shoot better, deal with common problems: in
short, help boost bowhunting success. Such advances can
be obvious and game-changing, like fiber optics that make
fiber aiming points much brighter and compact and geardriven mover sights or more subtle but no less important
aspects, such as one piece milled aperture/sight heads that
eliminate excess parts and potential vibrations, recessed
peep-alignment rings that better reveal torque and better
ways to protect fiber optics from damage without sacrificing
brightness, as off-the-cuff examples. As we delve deeper into
the latest and most innovative sight designs for 2015, you
shall see there are many, many more innovations than first
meet the eye.
Fixed-Pin Models
.30-06 Outdoors (614-409-9377;
At first glance, .30-06 Outdoors’ new Shocker Bow Sight
doesn’t look all that unusual and certainly not revolutionary but when you delve more deeply into the details, the
sight begins to shine. Its outline has become pretty standard in the industry; the accented, round pin guard makes
peep alignment more automatic and the attached bubble
The new Rogue from Archer Xtreme is now 25
percent brighter than past ATX sights; each .019
inch Center Core Technology pin is backed by
15 inches of wrapped fiber. The 2 inch aperture
includes a red HD peep alignment ring.
level and fiber-optic-backed pins are routed through the
extension bar for added protection. The details reveal more
ingenious features, like the three position stepped mounting
bracket: three sets of step-down mounting holes to give the
sight more vertical versatility. What I see as a bigger selling
feature is that the sight also includes an easy-change rubber
dampener inside the head and the composite pin guard is
also rubber dampened (with eight color options available)
because in bowhunting, silence is everything. The Truss
Blade pin design allows you to easily change fibers and
provides added reliability. The Shocker is available in three,
four, five and seven pin variations with or without microadjustable movements. Most revolutionary, perhaps, is the
Shocker’s price, a $40 to $90 MSRP: a bargain for a sight of
this quality.
Archer Xtreme/ATX (406-924-6113;
True to its name, Archer Xtreme not only goes to
extremes to make its gear different but makes it tough
enough to withstand the most extreme treatment by incorporating space-age materials. The new Rogue (MSRP $220) is
now 25 percent brighter than past sights from the company.
Archer Xtreme accomplishes this by backing each of its five
.019 inch diameter Center Core Technology pins (fiber optic
inside stainless steel tubing) with 15 inches of fiber optic,
all stored via a new radical loop fiber wrap protected inside
clear acrylic. The Rogue is machined from 6061-T6 aircraftgrade aluminum to be super tough but engineered to be as
light as possible. The Rogue includes full 2nd and 3rd axis
adjustment capabilities for extreme accuracy from treestands or when standing on uneven ground and includes a
Micro LED light for increased low-light visibility on demand.
The 2 inch red HD Sight Ring provides instant, torquefree peep alignment while the elongated mounting bracket
offers the option of a short, compact extension for blind or
stand hunting or a longer extension for long-range accuracy
enhancement. The black sight is convertible for left or right
handed use.
Copper John (315-258-9269;
The first time I saw a Copper John
TST at the ATA Show, I did a double take.
Something wasn’t quite right, namely
how the sight seemed to have been
assembled backwards; the pin and aperture head were designed to sit behind
the bow riser instead of in front as is
standard. There’s a good reason for this
“backwards” configuration. “TST” stands
for “Torque Synchronizing Technology,”
which offers shooting-form forgiveness
by eliminating torque-induced error for
more consistent field shooting.
Copper John Owner Doug Springer
explained, “Most compound bows
include fixed cable guards, which introduce side torque during every shot. This
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torque causes standard front-mounted sight pins to move
sideways in one direction while the arrow tip is forced in
the opposite direction to magnify torque: something easy
enough to mitigate through solid shooting form while calmly
target shooting in the backyard. But hunting conditions are
rarely so ideal, especially when shooting in a twisted position
or with adrenaline flowing. TST helps compensate for those
variables and makes you a better shot when it counts most.”
The all-metal 6 ounce TST (MSRP $114 to $140) is
offered in three and five pin configurations with .019 inch
MicroDOT aiming points backed by tough IronClad Fibers.
The 1.8 or 2.29 inch round pin guard includes a super bright
recessed peep-alignment ring. A sight light, a bright bubble
level and 2nd and 3rd axis adjustments are included.
Truglo (888-887-8456;
Leave it to Truglo to think of a different way to build a
bow sight. The new Carbon Hybrid Micro Sight takes advantage of the inherent strength of aluminum and the feathery
weight of carbon, combining the two to make a strong
but lightweight sight design chock full of Truglo innovations. Tru-Fusion Hybrid Technology includes an aluminum
skeleton with overmolded carbon, covered with Truglo’s
TruTouch silencing coat. Combined, these features provide
an ultra-quiet, super-rigid and lightweight frame 30 percent
stronger and 30 percent lighter than on standard hunting
sights. Pro-Brite Pin Technology incorporates unique aluminum pins that are more durable and transfer more light for
low-light shooting conditions. The sight includes a 3rd axis
adjustment on the level to ensure accuracy when shooting
on uneven ground or during long shots while the extra-long
Custom Bow Equipment/CBE (606-663-2734;
Custom Bow Equipment, long
known for high-tech mover sights, introduced the technologically-advanced
Sniper Pro XD (MSRP $219), a fixed-pin
design that’s ultra-light and compact and
includes an accuracy-enhancing, rocksolid 3rd axis adjustment block, for 2015.
An Armed Guard Fiber Management
System provides even brighter pins than
on past CBE models via a full 12 inches
of fiber for each pin and unprecedented
The newest model by CBE, a major mover-sight player,
protection against mishaps in the field.
is an all-metal fixed-pin sight made for the toughest
Head-to-toe milled aluminum and all
conditions. The five Rhino Pins are backed by 12 inches
stainless steel bolts also make it imperof fiber apiece and protected by an Armed Guard Fiber
Management System.
vious to brutal treatment on the roughest bowhunts. The dovetail gang elevation adjustment bar includes visual laser
engraved markings; the dovetail extension bar provides a full 3.5 inches of adjustment for perfect mounting bracket increases the sight radius. A single sight
peep-to-aperture sizing. The round pin guard includes stag- can be set up for either right or left handed shooters. The
gered white peep highlights to help instantly detect torque round aperture includes Truglo’s glow-in-the-dark peepor improper alignment and a red-hued bubble level. The alignment ring and the sight accepts a push-button LED
enclosed rheostat light is adjustable for brightness, with no pin light. Look for it in three models: black and red with no
distracting, blinding bleed-over. The Sniper Pro XD includes micro-adjustment, black and red with micro-adjustment or
five .010 or .019 inch Rhino Pins (fibers routed through camouflage (Lost or Realtree Xtra) with micro-adjustment,
stainless-steel tubing).
each with five pins and MSRPs from $99 to $110.
Single-Pin Movable Sights
Apex Gear (972-774-0300;
The all-new Covert Pro Sight (MSRP
$233) by Apex Gear includes several
revolutionary technologies that promise
to make any bowhunter shoot better,
especially older hunters with failing eyesight. Its only drawback, especially from
Truglo’s new Carbon Hybrid Bow Sight is
made lighter and stronger by combining an
aluminum inner skeleton with over-molded
carbon material. This gives the Carbon
Hybrid extreme rigidity combined with
feathery mass.
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my perspective living in Idaho where
battery-powered sights are verboten,
is that it may not be legal everywhere.
Harnessed in the sight housing is the
all-new PWR-Dot Illuminated CenterDot Technology scope. This technology
features an adjustable green LED center
dot with 11 different brightness settings
controlled through an overhead clickstop rheostat. This provides a super fine,
easily seen aiming point excellent for
low-light scenarios or precise long-range
shooting. The 1.8 inch diameter aperture
also allows simple vertical and horizonThe biggest selling point of the AccuTouch from Axcel is the revolutionary Accu-Click
tal fine adjustments and the windage system, in which each range is represented by a perceivable click, which allows you to
and elevation are micro-adjustable. The set the range without taking your eyes off the target, even in poor light or without eyeGravity-Line rotation adjustment aligns glasses. It offers two mounting options: the standard hard mount (shown below) with an
aiming point movements through grav- incorporated Mathews Harmonic Damper or the Pro Mount (shown above) with a lengthity, assuring treestand or difficult angled adjustable dovetail carbon-material extension bar.
shots won’t give your customers fits, in
addition to holding an illuminated 2nd
and 3rd axis adjustable bubble level. The sight includes more
than 60 pre-marked rear-facing yardage tapes and an adjustable yardage pointer for precise range dialing according to
bow speed. Right and left handed versions are offered.
Axcel Sights (434-929-2800;
Axcel Sights’ AccuTouch Single Pin Slider ($290 starting for aluminum; $350 starting for carbon) solves a couple
of the problems I’ve always perceived with mover sights.
Setting the range on most movers requires taking your eyes
off the target and they can also be difficult to set precisely
in bad light or for those who need reading glasses but can
otherwise see perfectly at ranges past the fingertips. AccuClick allows customers to set up for specific ranges (20, 30,
40 yards, etc.) so afterwards, the slider stop-clicks where
needed. You can pick a distance, click into place and shoot
by feel while concentrating on shot timing, picking a spot
and making the shot. A 45 degree rear-facing sight scale
provides visual confirmation when needed. This is a feature
I’ve suggested to mover-sight designers for years. Axcel
made it reality.
Other revolutionary technologies include the adjustable
Red Elevation Tension Lever, which allows customers to
preset movement tension along the elevation bar. The sight
can also be adjusted on every axis, including 2nd and 3rd,
without shims; a Windage Lock Button locks the windage
adjustment knob so sighting isn’t lost during rough treatment and a Windage Dovetail Guide System ensures zero
backlash during the shot. Customers can choose models
with or without a Mathews Harmonic Damper, with a directmount or 6 inch dovetail extension made of carbon (Pro)
and with a choice of a 1-3/8 or 1-3/4 inch aperture with
.010 or .019 inch diameter green fiber optic pins. Creative
machining and intricate cutouts and chamfers minimize
wind buffeting,
HHA Sports (800-548-7812;
HHA Sports’ award-winning Optimizer single pin movable sight has been around for 11 years and is still selling
strong, a testament that it was well ahead of its time. Now in
its third generation, the company’s number one selling sight
has been redesigned to hold more revolutionary features.
The Optimizer Lite King Pin (MSRP $349) has a wheel-forHHA Sports’ Optimizer Lite King Pin added even more features to
design, making it more compatible with a wider array
its top-selling single pin mover design. The King Pin is lighter, with
quivers. The yardage wheel allows 2.1 inches of vertia wheel-forward design that gives better clearance to quivers and
20 to 100 yard range capabilities along 2.1 inches of vertical travel. cal travel along a silky-smooth, all-brass rack-and-pinion
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Black Gold’s Pure Gold 75 is constructed
from 7075 grade aluminum, a material
much stronger than standard 6065 alloy
and even some titanium grades. The five
pins can be used static and the entire head
moves to address farther ranges.
system and the sight comes with some
of the industry’s most accurate tape
systems. The King Pin can be dialed to
any range between 20 and 100 yards
in 1 yard increments. Interchangeable
yardage wheels can be swapped out
in seconds for shooters who want to
change arrows between hunts: light
arrows for pronghorns or heavy arrows
for elk, for instance. The yardage scale
also includes a crystal-clear magnifier
positioned to allow adjustment in fractions of yards if needed. The Blind 20
feature allows you to bottom the sight
to the 20 yard mark without taking your
eyes off the target. Illuminated sight
tapes and a rheostat-controlled Blue
Burst light allow precise settings in low
light or inside pop-up blinds.
The King Pin comes with a 1-5/8
or 2 inch aperture and .010 or .019 inch
diameter fiber pins and can be fitted
with optional Feather Vision magnification lenses in 2x, 4x or 6x for competition or for bowhunters with fading eyesight. Fully integrated 2nd and
3rd axis adjustments are included for
extreme accuracy in the most demanding conditions.
Hybrid Sights
Black Gold (406-388-9060;
Black Gold’s Pure Gold 75 (MSRP
$414) is made by hardcore bowhunters
from 7075 billet aluminum that’s 84
percent stronger than the 6061 aluminum alloy normally used in standard
hunting sights: a material even stronger than grade 2 titanium. The sight
holds five fixed pins, allowing it to be
used as a static sight. These can also
be adjusted via eight-click-per-inch
micro-adjustment with completely
redesigned bombproof Microgroove
Pins. The 30 percent larger dovetail
clamping area offers rock-solid lockdown; the all-metal Inch Wheel vertical drive mechanism is given an
exclusive, low-friction dry lube coating, eliminating the need for oil or
grease that attracts and holds dust and
grime to cause drag and wear on the
ALL-NEW 2015
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ultra-precise mechanism. The splined drive gear also
increases durability by 80 percent, is quieter and provides a more solid feel. Range adjustments are manipulated through a large side wheel.
The Pure Gold 75 also comes with complete 1st, 2nd
and 3rd axis adjustment; its angled sight tape area holds
a stainless steel range pointer needle painted red to contrast over one of the 54 pre-printed sight tapes included
with the sight and easily seen from the rear or the side. A
zero-stop feature allows you to instantly move the sight
to a default distance without looking.
From a standpoint of bowhunting brightness, the
Pure Gold 75 includes Black Gold’s revolutionary Skycoil
PhotoChromatic Technology. This top-mounted system
holds the long fiber optic backing each of its five pins in
complete safety; a special-formula material turns clear
in low light and dark purple in bright sunshine, assuring
perfect brightness under any condition. The round pin
guard includes an interchangeable fluorescent peepalignment ring (Nitrous Green as standard but also
available in Neon Pink, Atomic Yellow, Radical Red, Wicked
White, Optic Orange and Powerful Purple).
G5 Outdoors’ magnesium-alloy XR2 was a design well
ahead of its time. A top static pin allows you to address
sudden shot opportunities at close range; a side-knob
controlled mover pin adjusts to ranges
from 30 to more than 80 yards.
$200) from archery powerhouse PSE is a multi-pin mover
made for serious bowhunting. A Black Maxx soft-coat finish offers vibration dampening to make it quiet. The sight
includes four .019 inch diameter full-capture pins with
extended fibers routed through a clear plastic tube and a
mounting bracket for complete reliability. The 1-3/4 inch
aperture includes a skeletonized frame to let light in; an
extra-bright, recessed peep-alignment ring for instant
torque detection and an incorporated bubble level. All parts
are CNC machined and hand fit to exact tolerances, with a
silent bushing system to assure every shot is rattle free and
all adjustment milky smooth. The sight includes 2nd and
3rd axis adjustment for long-range accuracy; toolless micro
drive adjustments control windage. The X-Force speed dial
allows customers to quickly adjust the sight for short or long
ranges; the system is compatible with Archer’s Advantage
software. The red range-indicator pointer allows instant
range recognition and elevation can be instantly locked
when needed. The Purple Haze adjustable rheostat light
G5 Outdoors (810-392-8431;
G5 Outdoors’ Optix XR2 (MSRP $210) sight has been
around for a while, though improvements have been made
to the original but that doesn’t make it any less revolutionary, illustrating how far ahead of the curve this remarkable
sight actually was. The XR2, to my mind, is the ideal whitetail treestand sight. A horizontal fixed top pin takes care of
surprise shots that occur between 5 and 25 yards. A bottom
floating pin offers a precise aiming point for longer, more
challenging shots when instant reaction isn’t an issue. The
floater is operated by a side-mounted knob (now larger)
that’s smooth and easy to operate; ranges are indicated on
yardage tape with a brass pointer down to the single yard
and updates to the original give the floater additional travel.
Vinyl yardage tape increases visibility in the field. Both
aperture-centered Smart Pins are .019 of an inch in diameter
and fiber backed.
Overall, the sight is revolutionary
simply by being milled from magnesium alloy, a material 30 percent lighter
than aluminum and including a builtin aperture visor, rubber arrow bumper beneath the aperture and recessed,
white-accented/round peep-alignment
ring (before most manufacturers began
incorporating these features). The sight
itself includes 3x micro adjustments and
3rd axis tuning; the mounting bracket
has two mounting options and corrosion-resistant components. It is available
right or left handed and in black, Realtree
The X-Force Drive Max from PSE uses an
X-shaped speed dial to raise or lower the sight
AP, Xtra and Lost Camo patterns.
PSE Archery (520-884-9065;
The new X-Force Drive Max (MSRP
head so you can shoot accurately over a much
wider range than four pins would typically
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Fans of Spot-Hogg’s Tommy Hogg will
love the Fast Eddie even more. It’s lighter
than past mover models from Spot-Hogg
and includes a larger yardage wheel for
easier adjustments and more precise range
dialing. This sight comes with single or
double pin sighting and single or multiple
tier peep-alignment rings; the threaded
aperture head is compatible with all Hogg
Mobb mover sights currently available.
We’re showing the multiple tier peep alignment ring below.
screws into a contained light chamber
to eliminate bleed-over and distraction when shooting in low light or from
inside pop-up blinds. The aperture
accepts lenses available in kit form,
including 2x through 6x power magnifiers. Left and right handed models are
offered. Use its four fixed pins on shots
from 20 through 50 and the vertical
drive for shots well beyond.
Spot-Hogg (541-995-3702;
Spot-Hogg’s Fast Eddie (MSRP
$203 for single pin; $245 for double)
includes everything fans of the Tommy
Hogg love but in an all-new 20 percent lighter design. For 2015, a fixed
360 FPS
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double pin option is also available,
allowing instant response to common treestand shots and backed
by movable abilities for added versatility for those willing to shoot
farther. Silent, click-free adjustments are bowhunting inspired;
the pins are backed by Bulletproof
Pin Technology (extended fibers
routed through clear tubing and
aperture wrapped) for utmost reliability during the toughest forays.
The rugged but lightweight hard
mount includes micro-adjustable
2nd and 3rd axis capabilities and
toolless windage and elevation
settings. A silent quick-release
lock is included on the yardage
knob; HRD Technology eliminates
The React-Trio from Trophy Ridge includes revolutionary React Technology that makes sighting
bushings and provides zero slop a snap. Set two pins and all ranges from 0 to 100 yards will automatically fall into place. The Trio
or sight buzzes on release. A larger includes three fixed pins for close shots; the entire head moves vertically for longer shots.
knurled yardage knob spreads out
sight marks for more precise range
dialing of the vertical gear-driven system and guarantees a pin for 20 yards, then the pin immediately beneath that for
sure grip even when you are wearing gloves. Solid 6061 alu- 30 yards and the remainder will come into play automatiminum construction assures years of trouble-free use in the cally. This works well because most of us can shoot pretty
roughest environments.
well up to 30 yards. When ranges begin to stretch past that,
The sight is ordered to be equipped with either a single you’re left wondering, during an off day or while having
vertical Bulletproof Pin or dual fixed fiber optic aiming trouble getting a pin set during sighting, whether it’s you
points in .010, .019 or .029 inch fiber diameters. A single or the sight that’s sending arrows off the mark. With React
tier peep-alignment ring option includes a 1-5/8 inch out- Technology, you will understand instantly that it’s you and
side diameter, the triple alignment ring measures 2-3/8 can work to remedy the situation.
inches and both apertures hold precision bubble levels.
What’s extra cool about the new React-Trio (MSRP $249)
Magnifying lenses are sold separately. Both heads include is how it gives you three .010 or .019 inch diameter static
10-32 threaded rods that are 100 percent compatible with all aiming points: 20 to 40 yards for instant shot reaction should
Hogg Mobb series adjustable sights.
game appear unexpectedly but also the versatility to make
much longer shots (out to 120 yards) when given more time
Trophy Ridge (812-467-1200;
by dialing the bottom pin according to range. Sighting the
Trophy Ridge React Technology is pretty cool stuff. With Trio requires a bit more shooting skill, meaning the ability to
the React Pro (MSRP $249), the customer sights in the top zero 50 and 60 yard settings using the gold drive shaft knob.
The Option from Trophy Taker is indeed about options. A hinged front aperture holds five fixed pins backed by extended fiber for brightness in low light. For longer shots, the fixed-pin aperture is swung out of the way, as at left, revealing a single-pin mover.
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The round glow-ring aperture/pin guard allows natural peep
alignment and includes a precision bubble level.
The sight includes toolless, zero-slop windage and elevation adjustments; multiple mounting options and 2nd
and 3rd axis adjustments wrapped around 100 percent aluminum construction. A positive stop is located at 40 yards,
allowing you to address targets faster while hunting. A contained rheostat light is included.
Trophy Taker (406-826-0600;
I first saw the new Option bow sight in prototype form
and even then only in photographs sent by Trophy Ridge
Owner Dan Evans. He wanted to know what I thought about
his new baby. A combination of five fixed pins on a hinged,
flip-out aperture backed by a single-pin
mover seemed sound but I wondered
how Evans was going to pull it off without
adding undue weight, noise and confusion or sacrificing reliability. I needn’t
have worried. Evans is a clever fellow
who has brought archery some of the first
highly refined drop-away arrow rests.
The Option 6 Sight (MSRP $350)
gives customers the ability to address
quickly developing shot opportunities
with five fixed pins set at 20 to 60 yards
or, when there’s more time, to flip the
fixed pins out of the way and dial an exact
range between 20 and 70 to 100 yards
(depending on bow speed) with a singlepin mover. Evans accomplished all this
without excess weight or vibrations but
included intuitive operation and complete reliability.
This is a hybrid sight in the strictest sense of the term. The movable and
fixed pins can all be viewed at the same
time. The fixed pins can be rotated out
of view on stainless pivot pins for maximum single pin mover visibility. Powerful
magnets hold the fixed-pin guard in the
open or closed position; rubber dampeners ensure whisper-quiet operation
in the field no matter how the sight is
used. The entire sight is machined to
tight tolerances, including a 4 inch extension bar. Windage and elevation are clickstop micro-adjustable to within .002 of an
inch, reference marks are laser-etched for
quick sighting, 2nd and 3rd axis adjustments are included and the backlash-free
helix drive moveable pin system is butter smooth and controlled with a topmounted knob that creates 1/2 of an inch
of vertical movement per revolution for a
total of 1.2 inches of vertical travel, allowing sighting in to 70 to 100 yards with most
bow setups. Each pin is encased in tubular stainless steel and backed by extended
fiber optics spooled around the back edge of the aperture
inside clear, protective acrylic for maximum light gathering.
The 2 inch aperture includes a bright-white peep-alignment
ring and holds a bubble level.
Revisiting Pendulums
ABC Pivotal (813-997-2152;
Like many whitetail hunters, I’ve tried pendulum sights
in the past, never really getting stuck on them for long. They
were handy under specific conditions but proved lacking
in others, normally good to only 30 to 35 yards, sometimes
noisy and delicate. The ABC-2000 Pivotal Bow Sight solves
the problems inherent in standard pendulums. It can easily
be calibrated for young or women shooters with slower arrow
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speeds and is also available in faster men’s outfits. The
only difference is that the faster the bow is, the further
your maximum one pin impact will prove. This means
a youth or woman shooter with short draw length
and limited draw weight might enjoy a maximum one
pin impact of 30 to 40 yards; a bow propelling arrows
at more than 300 fps gains a 70 yard maximum one
pin impact. The ABC-2000 Pivotal Bow
Sight allows you to tailor the pivoting
pin’s stainless steel ball-bearing movement to match an exact bow speed,
matching arrow drop via the system’s
Speed Adjustment Plate. This allows
customers to shoot 3 inch groups with
a single pin throughout their effective
shooting range at unknown distances.
In other words, the system is capable
of providing good accuracy (within the
shooter’s capabilities) from directly
The ABC Pivotal Bow Sight is more rugged and precise than earlier brands of pendulum
beneath a treestand out to 40 or 70 yards sights. At above right, you can see the indicator pin on its weighted pendulum movewith only one pin without knowing the ment. Screws projecting from the top are used to set the sight to your bow speed. The pin
cartridge (above left) is easy to remove for unobstructed viewing from the treestand; the
range and with an average bow setup.
The ABC Pivotal Bow Sight (Pivotal knob that holds it in place is what projects from the pin guard. At left, this scale at the bottom of the sight mounting bracket is used to keep the sight accurate when you hunt from
Bowhunting Sight System) includes a different heights. Each long indicator mark represents 2 feet of height difference from the
patented Pivotally Cammed Pin, a sec- height you originally sighted in for.
ond pivoting point that causes the sight
pin to move and significantly increases
effective shooting range with only one pin. The Pivotal Bow the system. This allows the shooter to change stand height
Sight Bracket provides a third pivoting point to complete +/-12 feet (24 feet total) and maintain one pin impact from
0 to at least 40 yards. It can also be used
on sloping ground. The ABC-2000 allows
the use of standard sight lights mounted
on the top or side. The system also comes
with a removable Fixed Pin Plate and
three fixed pins for ground-level shooting, a special design that allows you to
remove or reattach this plate in seconds.
The sight is all metal and includes lightgathering pins.
BCY-X - The latest and best compound bowstring - tough, fast, no creep.
452X - Still preferred by many top compound archers and bow companies for complete
8125G - For higher arrow speed. The preferred bowstring for recurves.
8190 - Low creep, 100% toughest Dyneema. Compound or recurve.
Dynaflight 97 - The original Dyneema bowstring - very durable and safe. Use on mid
quality compounds and modern recurves. Also crossbows.
B55 polyester is offered for traditional bows.
Whatever you’re looking for in a bowstring material, serving thread, or
bowstring accessories, BCY CAN HELP YOU.
1-piece_475x4875_widel.indd 1
PHONE (USA): 860.632.7115
8/17/2014 10:31:04 AM
Layout: Stephen Libby | | 617.899.5611
Client: BCY | | 860.632.7115
May15AT030-041T-R-V.indd 40
It’s difficult to imagine where bow
sights could possibly go from here. Yet
every time I pronounce a technology
plateau has been reached, I’m quickly
proven wrong with a new wave of sight
designs that solve yet more of our persistent shooting and bowhunting problems. Archery is filled with bright minds
that will no doubt continue moving sight
technology forward. It is now possible
to shoot with more precision than ever
before, even in the dimmest settings.
New sight designs add substantial yardage to our maximum effective range
each year, allowing bowhunters to keep
pace with ever more wary game. It is
this, ultimately, that keeps customers
coming back for more.
3/31/15 10:46 AM
May15AT030-041T-R-V.indd 41
3/31/15 10:47 AM