2015 Grants for Artist Projects (GAP) GUIDELINES DEADLINE: MAY 18, 2015 Online applications must be submitted by 10:59pm. Grants for Artist Projects: Artist Trust (AT) awarded the first Grants for Artist Projects (GAP) in 1988. The GAP was and is one of the few project grants available to individual artists in Washington State. In 2015, 61 artists working in Literary, Media, Performing and Visual Arts will each receive $1,500. Examples of artist projects include but are not limited to: the development, completion or presentation of new work; publication; travel for artistic research; documentation of work; and workshops for professional development. In lieu of the $1,500 award, one artist will be awarded for a residency at Centrum and a $500 stipend. Centrum is located on the Olympic Peninsula in the beautiful setting of Fort Worden State Park in Port Townsend, WA. Who is Eligible: Applicants May Not Be: The grant is open to practicing artists residing in Washington State working in any artistic discipline. • A recipient of an AT GAP or Fellowship from 2010–2014; or recipient of three AT GAPs total in a lifetime; Applicants Must Be: • A previous recipient of the James W. Ray Distinguished Artist or Arts Innovator Award; • A recipient of more than one AT grant per calendar year; • A graduate, undergraduate, or matriculated student enrolled in any degree program at the deadline date of May 18, 2015; • Current AT staff, Board of Trustees, honorary committee members, consultants, contractors, current AT Fellowship panelists or their immediate family. • 18 years of age or older; • A Washington State resident at the time of application and payment (payment may be made up to one year after the application date); • A practicing artist (defined as one who is dedicated to producing artwork on a regular basis). • Apply at www.callforentry.org. DEADLINE: May 18, 2015, 10:59pm. 1 Artist Team: Applications made in the name of collectives, companies, bands, groups and ensembles will not be accepted. Artists applying as a “team” must contact AT to verify eligibility. A team is defined as two or more artists having a documented history of creating and presenting work as a team. If eligible, there will be one lead person will submit a listing of team members. Past applicants who have applied as a team must still confirm eligibility for every grant cycle. Project Requirements: • Projects must occur after GAP funds are awarded (approximately November, 2015) AND within a year of the award (November 2016). • Projects with dates outside the above timeframe will not be considered. • Only one project application per artist will be accepted. AT will make the final determination in regard to eligibility. Centrum at Fort Worden State Park, Port Townsend, WA. Centrum Residency: AT has partnered with Centrum to provide one artist with a one-month residency and a $500 stipend. Applicants in all disciplines are encouraged to apply by indicating their interest when applying for the GAP. Recipients can only receive one Centrum residency. Centrum’s Artists in Residence Program was established in 1980 as a resource for artists and creative thinkers of all genres. It is located on Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula in the beautiful and inspiring setting of Fort Worden State Park, nestled in the Victorian seaport and arts community of Port Townsend. Centrum will provide the residency recipient with a private living space that is modest yet comfortable. Two or three bedroom cabins and apartments are supplied with linens, as well as a kitchen equipped with a stove, refrigerator, microwave, eating and cooking utensils, dishes, pots, and pans. There is also a coin-operated laundromat near the office building that may be used in the afternoons. An on-site café is open daily in the Fort Worden Commons. The facility does not provide meals or transportation. Submit Your Application Early! Submit the GAP application by Sunday, May 10th and AT will review it to ensure its completeness! If something is missing, incorrect or incomplete, AT will contact you with the opportunity to re-submit before the deadline. In addition, those who submit early will be entered to win a free AT membership in a raffle. Apply at www.callforentry.org. DEADLINE: May 18, 2015, 10:59pm. 2 How to Apply and Required Materials How to Apply: All materials are submitted via www.callforentry.org. Applications are due by 10:59 pm on May 18, 2015. Using CaFÉ: 1. Format work samples (images, audio or video) to specifications as outlined on page six. 2. Login or create a new profile on the CaFÉ system. DO NOT use a spouse, partner or friend’s account. 3. Click “Apply to Calls” and search for “Artist Trust Grants for Artist Projects 2015.” Then click “Apply to this Call.” 4. Once the application is complete, follow the steps to checkout. 5. Preview the application paying special attention to: • The contact information in the CaFÉ profile. Is the address, email, telephone number current? • Work samples. Are the most current samples included? PLEASE NOTE: WORK SAMPLES FROM YOUR PROFILE ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY INCLUDED IN THE APPLICATION, YOU MUST UPLOAD THEM SEPARATELY. 6. Important: Complete the process by clicking on “Click to Finalize Entry!” 7. After successfully finalizing the entry, a confirmation will be emailed. Required Materials: Dakota Gearhart, Pathway of Stranger Living, mixed media installation, 2014. Thomas Pruiksma, Give, Eat, and Live: Poems of Avvaiyar, Red Hen Press, 2009. Support materials are required as part of the application and serve to introduce the applicant and their work to the panel. Only materials requested will be reviewed. Work samples from the past three years are to be submitted via the CaFÉ website. Recipients are selected on artistic excellence from the work samples. All samples are to be clear, legible and/or audible. Do not send magazine articles, letters of recommendation, reviews, catalogs, etc. Materials Checklist: Artist résumé. Biography with website address if available. Project description. Work samples. Budget. Reference: See a past video on how to apply at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLVWen7Turk. Please note guidelines change slightly annually. Viewing the video is meant to potentially help new applicants learn about AT’s application process. Images on page one, clockwise from top left: Casey Curran, Pod (detail), mixed media, 12”x20”x8”, 2014. Eva Isaksen, Still Remember You, Collage on Canvas, 48”x60”, 2014. Photographer: Art and Soul. Alice Gosti, I will follow you - deep sea baby, 2013. Performance still: Ethan Folk. Apply at www.callforentry.org. DEADLINE: May 18, 2015, 10:59pm. 3 Esther de Monteflores, See/Saw Wise Fool New Mexico, 2013. Performance still: Rebecca Tarin. Step-by-Step Application Process 1. Read the guidelines and instructions thoroughly and carefully. 2. Choose a category and sub-category: Applicants need to indicate the category and sub-category that BEST describes their work. Here are the primary categories (in bold) and sub-categories: LITERARY ARTS: Sub-Category: Creative Non-Fiction, Experimental Works, Fiction, Poetry, Graphic Novels, Cross-Disciplinary, Experimental/ Emerging Fields. MEDIA ARTS: Sub-Category: Film, Video, Animation, Screenplays, Teleplays, Immersive Audio & Video Works, Cross-Disciplinary, Experimental/ Emerging Fields. PERFORMING ARTS: Sub-Category: Music, Music Composition, Sound Art, Costume Design, Set Design, Theatre Performance, Dance, Musical Theatre, Performance Art, Playwriting, Spoken Word or Storytelling, Traditional/Folk Art, Cross-Disciplinary, Experimental/Emerging Fields. VISUAL ARTS: Sub-Category: Artist Books, Craft, Drawing Illustration, Installation, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Interactive Installation & Sculpture, Environmental Design, Digital Arts, Traditional/Folk Art, Cross-Disciplinary, Experimental/Emerging Fields. 3. Prepare a biography: A biography may be a short paragraph or as long as a page. It includes biographical information such as where the applicant was born, educated, cultural background, facts about the work, how the applicant’s career developed, etc. A biography is written in the third person (using “she” not “I”). It must be a .pdf or .doc file (.docx files are not accepted). Do not use punctuation, symbols or spaces in the document file name. Use letters and numbers only. Example: GarciaBio. 4. Prepare a résumé: An applicant’s résumé includes dates and locations of exhibitions or presentations of work, dates and titles of publications, recognition and/or awards, education, bibliography, etc. Limit résumé to a maximum of five pages. Do not assume Apply at www.callforentry.org. DEADLINE: May 18, 2015, 10:59pm. 4 panelists are aware of past successes. The résumé must be a .pdf or .doc file (.docx files are not accepted). Do not use punctuation, symbols or spaces in the document file name. Use letters and numbers only. Example: GarciaResume. 5. Prepare a project description: The statement is limited to 3,000 characters or less (including spaces and punctuation). Enter it directly into the CaFÉ website “Project Description” text box. Assume the person reading the application is unfamiliar with the work. Provide specific information about how the GAP funding will be used (i.e., paint and canvas, a videographer for documentation, creating 1,000 compact discs, etc.). Include information about how this award will be beneficial to the artist. Be clear and succinct. The panel has a lot to review, so the description should be concise and easy to read. Antonia Price, Duet, 2013. Performance still: Michelle Smith-Lewis. Suggestion: 1) Start with one to three sentences introducing yourself as an artist and/or the artwork. 2) Talk about the project. 3) Describe how the funding will achieve this goal. 6. Prepare the work samples: Artistic excellence is the foremost criterion that panelists use during the selection process. Approximately 75% of the decision is based on work samples. Work samples need to be the strongest representation of the applicant’s career. 7. Prepare your budget: The purpose of the budget is to determine the feasibility of completing the project. Project completion does not need to be solely dependent on the GAP funds. If project expenses exceed the $1,500 grant, then show the panel where the additional funding will come from. The budget form can be downloaded by typing this address into your browser: http://artisttrust.org/files/programs/2015_GAP_Budget.doc You must use this budget form. Do not create your own form! APPLICATIONS WITH INCOMPLETE OR UNBALANCED PROJECT BUDGETS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 8. Have a peer or colleague review the materials. 9. Submit your application at www.callforentry.com (see page 3). Karin Chickadel, Ballard Skyline, paper, bookboard, bookcloth, 1.75”x6”x1.25”, 2014. Apply at www.callforentry.org. DEADLINE: May 18, 2015, 10:59pm. 5 Work Sample Guidelines Work Sample Requirements: • Applicants must choose ONE file format (i.e., images OR video OR audio OR manuscript). • Applicants with a sub-category in Cross-Disciplinary, Experimental/Emerging Fields, Immersive Audio/Video, and Sound Art may choose TWO file formats. • Submit work samples that have been created within the past three years. • Work sample descriptions need to include: title, materials, dimensions, and/or time year the work was completed. Also, use the description to clarify your role (dancer, lighting designer, “I’m the second to the left,”etc.). • Music and Music Composition: No scores please. Ahamefule Oluo, In Performance, 2012. photo: Bob Peterson. File Format Details: count as one of the 12 pages. Include it as the first page of the manuscript (synopsis page + 12 pages). AUDIO • If excerpts from different manuscripts are submitted, they • Maximum of three files. should complement each other. Use the synopsis page to • Maximum of eight minutes combined work sample total. explain differences between them. Applicants submitting more than eight minutes risk being • File name: Do not use punctuation, symbols or spaces disqualified. in the document file name. Use letters and numbers only. • Begin each sample where the panel is to begin. Example: GarciaManuscript • Choose a selection that will make the panel want to see/hear • Manuscripts are uploaded in the application just before more. (Avoid long introductions, etc.) the Project Budget. • Make sure each sample is strong. • Do not submit samples designed for promotional purposes. • Submit three individual files and not one file with three work VIDEO samples. • Maximum of three files. • Format: AIFF, WAV, XMF, MP3. • Maximum of eight minutes combined work sample total. • Bit Rate: minimum 96 kpbs, maximum 320 kbps. Applicants submitting more than eight minutes risk being • Codec: aiff, wav, au. disqualified. • Size: 10 MB maximum. • Begin each sample where the panel is to begin. • Choose a selection that will make the panel want to see/ hear more. (Avoid long introductions, etc.) IMAGES • Make sure each sample is strong. • Maximum of 10 files. • Do not submit samples designed for promotional purposes. • .JPEG only. • Submit three individual files and not one file with three work • No smaller than 1920 pixels on which ever is the longest samples. side. • Format: 3GP, WMV, AVI, MOV, ASF, MPG, MP4, M2T, MKV, • 72 ppi/dpi (standard web resolution). M2TS. • 5 MB maximum. • Resolution: minimum 640 x 480, maximum 1920 x 1080. • Submit ONLY one image per file. For example, several • Aspect Ratio: 4:3 or 16:9. angles of one piece within one digital image is not allowed. • Bit Rate: recommended above 240 kbps. • Images of the art need to be cohesive through medium • Frame Rate: minimum 12 fps; recommended 30 fps. The or subject matter. The backdrop should be neutral (white, frame rate of the original video should be maintained black or gray). Make sure the image is in focus and properly without re-sampling. In particular, pulldown and other frame lit. rate re-sampling techniques are strongly discouraged. • Codec: h.264, h.263, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, mpeg-4, Windows MANUSCRIPT Media Video, and motion jpeg mpeg-1 muxed, Apple • One manuscript. Lossless. • Format: .pdf or .doc file (.docx files are not accepted). • Container: 3gp, asf, avi, mov, mpeg, mpeg-2, mp4, ogg. • A maximum of 12 pages. All manuscripts must be typed with • Size: 100 MB maximum. a 12-point font size or larger and cannot be single-spaced. • Please note: videos will be converted to a Flash file to • One synopsis page is allowed to provide detailed enable system playback. information of the manuscript selection(s). It does not Apply at www.callforentry.org. DEADLINE: May 18, 2015, 10:59pm. 6 Selection Process, The Panel and Award Announcement Questions? Selection Process and Criteria: Panelists review all eligible applications via CaFÉ and make recommendations based on: • Their subjective judgment of artistic excellence as presented in the application and work samples. • Their subjective response to the applicant’s project in comparison to other projects submitted. • The reasonable likelihood that the project can be realized with the GAP funding based on the applicant’s budget and other sources of support. The greatest weight will be given to the artistic strength presented in the work samples. Proposed projects are to occur after GAP funds are awarded AND within a year of the award. Projects with dates outside of this timeframe will not be considered. Panelists will conduct and initial online review, then gather for a live panel at the AT office discussing and recommending recipients. The recommendations are presented to the AT Board of Trustees for final approval. Panelists: AT’s Grants Program seeks to distribute support statewide to a diverse spectrum of disciplines and artists who are shaping the cultural landscape of communities. To accomplish this, AT seeks panelists who, as much as possible, mirror the artists, communities and artistic practices present in Washington State. Panelists are selected from a variety of ages, genders, ethnicities, geographies (within and outside Washington State), emerging/established artists and art disciplines. Panelist relatives, family members, spouse, significant other, etc. cannot apply for the grant. Panelists can serve only once every seven years. Panelists also sign a Confidentiality Agreement and a Conflict of Interest form. Announcement and Payment: The announcement will be distributed via email in approximately November, 2015. Grant payments will occur during the same time. Ownership: Works created with the GAP funding belong to the recipient. AT retains the recipient application and work samples. At times it is used for promotional and archival purposes, as well as for the AT Sample Application binders. Liability AT is not responsible for loss or damage of the submitted application and materials due to technology failure or unforeseen circumstances. Sena Clara Creston, Machinescape, mixed media, 10’x10’x8’, 2012. Contact the CaFÉ team with: • questions about how to checkout; • website access issues; • questions about uploading or formatting images; • error messages or bugs; • CaFÉ website navigation issues; • other technical support needs; • suggestions for system enhancements or improvements. CaFÉ is an online management system that organizations/agencies use to administer applications and jury processes. Each organization/agency has its own policies and procedures. CaFÉ: cafe@westaf.org 303/629-1166 Monday–Friday: 8:30am–5:00pm MST Contact Artist Trust with: • edits for an application already submitted (if it is prior to the deadline); • questions about application requirements. ARTIST TRUST: 206/467-8734 x11 barbara@artisttrust.org 1/866/218-7878 (toll free) Monday–Friday: 9:30am–5:00pm PST Artist Trust is a not-for-profit organization whose sole mission is to support and encourage individual artists working in all disciplines in order to enrich community life throughout Washington State. It has invested over $10 million in Washington State artists since its founding in 1986 through grant programs and direct support. Artist Trust also provides a comprehensive suite of career training, professional development resources and counseling to help artists achieve their career goals. AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT: NOVEMBER 2015 Apply at www.callforentry.org. DEADLINE: May 18, 2015, 10:59pm. 7
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